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    File: 1336000149.jpg-(175 KB, 617x600, North.jpg)
    175 KB Anime North Thread #J Pi 05/02/12(Wed)19:09 No.5790914  
    I think the old one vanished, 15 pages and I didn't see it.

    Are some of us still meeting up on thursday night?

    Board-tan group list taken from the fb page!
    >/fit/-Kyo62045’s friend
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)19:11 No.5790926
    >Anime North 2011

    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 05/02/12(Wed)19:12 No.5790929
         File: 1336000347.png-(46 KB, 269x231, tumblr_lxcoz9m9S81r6waswo1_400.png)
    46 KB
    I will try my darndest to meetup with peeps on thursday. When exactly do the passes get released that night, anyway?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)19:13 No.5790937
    > How are you getting to AN?
    > What guest will you give the fewest fucks about?
    > Panel you're attending as a joke
    > Favourite ABBA track
    > That pizza place by the gas station, cheap lunch? or horrifying mess?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)19:17 No.5790949
    >The check-in at the Doubletree Hotel will be held in the Plaza Foyer, up the stairs from the South Lobby. It will run from 5PM - 9PM.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 05/02/12(Wed)19:18 No.5790958
         File: 1336000725.png-(201 KB, 316x388, tumblr_lwvjggyVls1qbbwtc.png)
    201 KB
    > How are you getting to AN?
    via an internal combustion automobile
    > What guest will you give the fewest fucks about?
    ANY AND ALL GUESTS. I haven't been following who has been announced
    > Panel you're attending as a joke
    lol I'unno
    > Favourite ABBA track
    Waterloo, with Mamma Mia in close second
    > That pizza place by the gas station, cheap lunch? or horrifying mess?
    dude, just go to Harvey's
    >> Pi 05/02/12(Wed)19:20 No.5790967
    > How are you getting to AN?
    Driving down with a friend from Barrie
    > What guest will you give the fewest fucks about?
    Most of them. I won't have time to go see guests this year.
    > Panel you're attending as a joke
    4chan :)
    > Favourite ABBA track
    Mamma Mia
    > That pizza place by the gas station, cheap lunch? or horrifying mess?
    Don't think I've ever been. I usually live off of Tim Hortons sandwiches all weekend.
    >> Voldemort !7sNaginIQo 05/02/12(Wed)19:22 No.5790973
         File: 1336000932.png-(261 KB, 600x600, 1335060600476.png)
    261 KB
    > How are you getting to AN?
    > What guest will you give the fewest fucks about?
    All of them
    > Panel you're attending as a joke
    The dating panel or whatever
    > Favourite ABBA track
    Dancing Queen
    > That pizza place by the gas station, cheap lunch? or horrifying mess?
    I wouldn't know, I always eat subway at cons
    >> bleeds !WOKSXBTrMs 05/02/12(Wed)19:22 No.5790977
         File: 1336000954.jpg-(23 KB, 248x297, 1331856526995.jpg)
    23 KB

    i'm shocked anyone would actually try /d/. it's a fun design, but still...
    i'm interested in seeing the final result, that's for sure. good luck, ya'll!
    >> O•K• !Gold.RcEXw 05/02/12(Wed)19:24 No.5790986
         File: 1336001066.png-(347 KB, 1440x900, dads.png)
    347 KB

    and then someone just posts my supah unique desu questions~ hahaha pi i'll get you for this!...
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)19:29 No.5791007
         File: 1336001392.png-(39 KB, 352x296, linkception.png)
    39 KB
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 05/02/12(Wed)19:32 No.5791017
         File: 1336001521.jpg-(42 KB, 620x350, 1329018553090.jpg)
    42 KB
    >See old thread gone
    >Have to post again

    >How are you getting to AN?
    Transatlantic flight then tripfag roadtriiiip!
    >What guest will you give the fewest fucks about?
    >Panel you're attending as a joke
    Probably How To Get A Girlfriend
    >Favourite ABBA track
    >That pizza place by the gas station, cheap lunch? or horrifying mess?
    Neither, go to Subway instead, fuck the police

    Dunno how she's doing the tentacles so that'll be interesting to see.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 05/02/12(Wed)19:32 No.5791019
    >Favorite ABBA song
    >Not Dancing Queen

    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 05/02/12(Wed)19:35 No.5791027
         File: 1336001719.png-(155 KB, 641x485, wemustgodeeper.png)
    155 KB
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 05/02/12(Wed)19:39 No.5791046
         File: 1336001981.jpg-(30 KB, 326x222, send-link.jpg)
    30 KB
    Ganon is attacking guys!
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 05/02/12(Wed)19:42 No.5791061
         File: 1336002123.png-(123 KB, 544x367, stealthmodeactivated.png)
    123 KB
    initiate stealth mode
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 05/02/12(Wed)19:44 No.5791076
         File: 1336002296.png-(289 KB, 840x500, 1333049019518.png)
    289 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)19:52 No.5791110
    Hey Poolboy, did you ever end up emptying that 3L bottle of shit wine?
    >> Poolboy !!FxpWWedJUtg 05/02/12(Wed)19:56 No.5791128
         File: 1336002970.png-(95 KB, 497x408, 1333490246912.png)
    95 KB
    yup, this afternoon.
    my father wouldnt even use it to cook with, so i had to drink the rest

    but soon... soon i will have fat man - the atomic bong
    >> O•K• !Gold.RcEXw 05/02/12(Wed)19:56 No.5791133
         File: 1336003004.jpg-(84 KB, 449x642, 1335959818404.jpg)
    84 KB
    > How are you getting to AN?
    > What guest will you give the fewest fucks about?
    the circus actor
    > Panel you're attending as a joke
    retro video games
    > Favourite ABBA track
    > That pizza place by the gas station, cheap lunch? or horrifying mess?
    i'm intrigued to try it again this year

    > implying dancing queen isn't mainstream oldies station bullshit

    try harder DQ fag

    sorry about that! and I really hope she does do the tentacles, but wouldn't blame her if she did some other form of /d/ considering how (un)elaborate everyone else's costumes will be
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)20:05 No.5791190
    >How are you getting to AN?
    my noble steed, an inherited '92 Civic
    >What guest will you give the fewest fucks about?
    "Shelley TSivia Rabinovitch" and all of the other people on the "featured guests" page.
    > Panel you're attending as a joke
    How to Get a Con Girlfriend has potential, but I've noticed there's always a huge line for it. (kind of depressing)
    >Favourite ABBA track
    Lay All Your Love on Me
    >That pizza place by the gas station, cheap lunch? or horrifying mess?
    Never been there. I avoid fast food and end up going to a lot of proper sit-down restaurants.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)20:11 No.5791222
    >How to Get a Con Girlfriend has potential, but I've noticed there's always a huge line for it. (kind of depressing)

    They are all going as a joke. Don't worry.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 05/02/12(Wed)20:24 No.5791314
    Yay! New thread!

    > How are you getting to AN?
    Roadtrippan 12-14 hours or something like that

    > What guest will you give the fewest fucks about?
    All of them.

    > Panel you're attending as a joke
    Any I actually go to.

    > Favourite ABBA track
    Must I decide?!

    > That pizza place by the gas station, cheap lunch? or horrifying mess?
    Uh, I don't know...

    I should be studying for finals, but instead I'm focusing on AN.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)20:59 No.5791520
    Would everyone hate me if I did my board-tan (/jp/) without a wig? (´・ω・`)
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)20:59 No.5791524
         File: 1336006787.png-(109 KB, 281x237, dogrin.png)
    109 KB
    > How are you getting to AN?
    Either driving or taking the GO Train.
    > What guest will you give the fewest fucks about?
    That professor chick.
    > Panel you're attending as a joke
    On KS panel, gonna do something fun with the cosplayers
    > Favourite ABBA track
    Take A Chance on Me
    > That pizza place by the gas station, cheap lunch? or horrifying mess?
    Don't know, I don't really eat during the con,
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)21:09 No.5791566
    I wouldn't. But then I would just spam your pic on here and stir up drama.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)21:16 No.5791589
    I went to the girlfriend panel once, it was boring. They mostly went over things that were common sense.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)21:17 No.5791595
    You live in Barrie? So does my fiancee, small world.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)21:20 No.5791608
    were there a lot of neckbeards?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)21:33 No.5791661
         File: 1336008827.jpg-(113 KB, 620x685, 4-4757-13839-1238461313300jpg-(...).jpg)
    113 KB
    <- The only guest I'll bother with.

    She speaks decent English, hopefully she won't have to do everything through an interpreter. At Japanese guest Q&A's I feel sorry for the non-Jap speakers. It usually goes: seiyuu says something, 1/4 of the room laughs, translation follows... dead silence. The jokes get lost most of the time, and answers tend to be summarized.
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 05/02/12(Wed)21:49 No.5791722
         File: 1336009744.png-(29 KB, 174x104, wwwwweeeewwww.png)
    29 KB
    > How are you getting to AN?
    following todd everywhere
    > What guest will you give the fewest fucks about?
    none of them
    > Panel you're attending as a joke
    all of them
    > Favourite ABBA track
    I do not enjoy abba
    > That pizza place by the gas station, cheap lunch? or horrifying mess?
    I do not enjoy pizza

    i'm all spent on eva guro.
    >> Hyuj !0bAAek8KZ2 05/02/12(Wed)21:52 No.5791734
    See, the analogy fits.

    Shepard guides his sheep.

    >yes, yes I know, "ew, lesbian pedophile.. blah blah."
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 05/02/12(Wed)22:03 No.5791769
         File: 1336010599.jpg-(59 KB, 612x480, main.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 05/02/12(Wed)22:06 No.5791786
    > How are you getting to AN?
    flying like a boss
    > What guest will you give the fewest fucks about?
    we have guests?
    > Panel you're attending as a joke
    no idea
    > Favourite ABBA track
    take a chance on me
    > That pizza place by the gas station, cheap lunch? or horrifying mess?
    >> Hyuj !0bAAek8KZ2 05/02/12(Wed)22:15 No.5791830
    What happened to penguins?
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 05/02/12(Wed)22:19 No.5791841
         File: 1336011573.jpg-(30 KB, 682x384, PenPen.jpg)
    30 KB
    I ain't gotta explain shit.
    >> Hyuj !0bAAek8KZ2 05/02/12(Wed)22:22 No.5791858
         File: 1336011729.jpg-(182 KB, 450x600, wva.jpg)
    182 KB
    thada girl
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)22:26 No.5791875
    > How are you getting to AN?
    By Plane unfourtanetly
    > What guest will you give the fewest fucks about?
    That writer chick
    > Panel you're attending as a joke
    How to get a con girlfriend
    > Favourite ABBA track
    Its a draw between sos and gimme gimme gimme
    > That pizza place by the gas station, cheap lunch? or horrifying mess?
    Tony Romas
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 05/02/12(Wed)22:33 No.5791903
         File: 1336012383.png-(332 KB, 840x500, anime north.png)
    332 KB
    Plans are starting to be iffy. Not sure if i'll get Underworld Vulcans gun done in time, but we'll see. Considering swapping her out for someone else but we'll see, depends on time etc.

    Also hotel is no longer 100% but I live close enough that i'm not freaking out about it.
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 05/02/12(Wed)22:37 No.5791926
         File: 1336012665.jpg-(150 KB, 844x570, this is stupid now.jpg)
    150 KB
    next stop: limbo
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 05/02/12(Wed)22:40 No.5791942
         File: 1336012806.png-(54 KB, 234x416, tumblr_lwwgd9pL5M1qjjziv.png)
    54 KB
    fuck I'm an idiot. I highlighted save image as instead of save link as
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 05/02/12(Wed)22:40 No.5791946
    > How are you getting to AN?
    I live close enough to walk if I really wanted.
    > What guest will you give the fewest fucks about?
    All of them. Not a huge guest person.
    > Panel you're attending as a joke
    Hentai, dating, etc.
    > Favourite ABBA track
    > That pizza place by the gas station, cheap lunch? or horrifying mess?
    Uhh anywhere that you can see from the con will be a horrifying mess. It's worth the effort to walk/drive somewhere else thats not within.. visible sight of the con.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)22:43 No.5791962
    Hey, which character is that with the blue hair?
    >> Local Moose Friend !hsxYtdXvO2 05/02/12(Wed)22:44 No.5791965
    > How are you getting to AN?
    By plane. First time flying, I'm prolly gonna have a panic attack.

    That's all I can really answer.

    I should... probably actually go work on my costume now.. yeah...
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 05/02/12(Wed)23:32 No.5792145
         File: 1336015934.png-(34 KB, 738x740, 1247243126731.png)
    34 KB
    Too bad we don't have a /v/ anymore.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 05/02/12(Wed)23:37 No.5792169
         File: 1336016269.jpg-(60 KB, 550x812, 1332880013767.jpg)
    60 KB
    That guy in the FB group said he might do it, but still...

    I'm gonna be a sad baka if I don't have a /v/-tan

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