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    File: 1335757280.jpg-(23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)
    23 KB Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:41 No.5779923  
    You can delete the threads, but it just makes you look worse. If that's even possible at this point.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:42 No.5779929
    Fucking hell, how does this keep happening?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:43 No.5779930
    >Can I has pedo penis? Woof. Woof.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:44 No.5779933
    Margaret's way more on the ball than Dakota's mother, that's for sure. But no matter how much shit she gets taken down, the fact her and her daughter are air-headed, racist, insensitive morons isn't going to magically disappear overnight.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:47 No.5779939
    How would she have the power to delete the thread? Wouldnt a mod decide?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:47 No.5779942
    I've been gone this weekend, what dramu has happened?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:47 No.5779943
    Wow Marge..just wow. In the interview you should have stated that you are the fucking internet police.
    >> ®öri♪♫ !/Kyunn6n1o 04/29/12(Sun)23:48 No.5779945
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    >>picture from the video I posted is OP's picture.
    So anyways as I was saying.
    Is there anyone I can make a video about Venus exposing her without her mother taking it down?
    Could I simply just not mention Venus's name at all, and just say "her" the whole time?
    Any laws that can protect me? One anon said the name "VenusAngelic" is copyrighted, so could I simply use her real name instead of a "company" that is copyrighted?
    >>severely interested in how her mother can simply threaten to sue
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:48 No.5779946
    she got the police involved remember?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:50 No.5779954
    The Sun: "Venus’s face looks amazingly child-like and Margaret says: “That is why she is so beautiful and special. She has the face of a baby and the body of a woman."

    Her mother makes her sound like she is the perfect piece of kawaii jailbait. The face of a Loli and has tits of a woman!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:50 No.5779955
    You could just try what xiao did and call her VA and drop tons of subtle hints. Or do something like Ms. Palmero.

    I would love love love to see a video like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:53 No.5779961
    Venus' mom is still a crazy bitch, decided to report cyberbullies to the police, took a picture of herself with a victim report card. Team Xiao spammed the hell out of her mom and Venu's FB.

    Some anon remembered something about Venus' mom's past from her old youtube bio. Something about her being in an unwilling/unhappy marriage with Venus dad, forced to work at a young age, never finishing school before leaving.
    >> ®öri♪♫ !/Kyunn6n1o 04/29/12(Sun)23:53 No.5779962
    I was thinking that also.
    I don't really want to expose her, because it's not like she is like dakota photoshopping and having a shitty past.
    But it's more or less I just want to talk about her, and how what she does isn't right and how her mother is.
    I have no real problem with Venus, it's just her mother.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:54 No.5779964
    same here. I'm not for bullying, but I would like to see actual facts being exposed about her mother. She is making the youtube community an uncomfortable place.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:54 No.5779966
    technically speaking, she can't take it down as long as you're not doing hate speech and stuff. just leave out the curse words, her name and you should be fine. make an alias up for her.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:55 No.5779969
    Mayonnaise palermon and Saturn demonic.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:58 No.5779976

    >maggie decided to harass a bunch of people
    >people got mad
    >people revolted
    >MP went to the cyberpolice because everyone was bullying her and her ~*daughter*~
    >screenshots proved she's an ass
    >maggie is trying to cover up that she's an ass
    >sent fake emails to people who've exposed her
    >now getting threads baleeted on cgl

    can someone make Venus a ED page now
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:00 No.5779984

    Yea but still, would something like that mean they have the power to just take down these threads? How could they be able to get 4chan to remove the threads? Maybe a mod removed it?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:02 No.5779986
    Sorry if this is a stupid question, but just where is the ED page? I was under the impression it got taken down and replaced with some new site that has nothing.
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/30/12(Mon)00:03 No.5779987
    Someone script the drama/dialogue and I'll make a video of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:03 No.5779989
    Over the last couple of days the mod/janitors have been more active on /cgl/ someone is probably a big Venus fan or something to delete just this type of thread on a constant basis and not the other meta/off topic threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:03 No.5779990

    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:04 No.5779991
    Well the "rules" for the board has this...

    >Don't bring community drama into this board. Singling out particular cosplayers and trolling them will not be tolerated.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:05 No.5779999

    i don't think exposing bullshit = trolling.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:05 No.5780001
    So... Pixyteri, Ashley, Dakota, J Nig etc. are all okay, but VA is a special snowflake. Got it.
    >> ®öri♪♫ !/Kyunn6n1o 04/30/12(Mon)00:06 No.5780002
    If anyone could link me to some sites or screenshots so I can gather this up for a video, it would be greatly appreciated!
    Seeing as the prev thread got deleted, I didn't grab any.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:06 No.5780004
    Come on guys. Who's gonna be a hero? We need a Venus ED bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:07 No.5780008
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    >>mfw that is easily the most disturbing thing I have read all week
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:07 No.5780009
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    Hey guys I made the last thread and this is what happened. I'll probably be banned again but I want to get the word out before I am. Mods are steppin' up their game.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:09 No.5780016
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:09 No.5780019
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:10 No.5780020

    i'd be that hero but i'm not clever enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:10 No.5780022

    that is absolute bullshit. how is her mother even doing this.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:11 No.5780026
    Koti threads have been starting to go too, I've noticed.

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