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    File: 1335752625.png-(1.13 MB, 1500x1000, whathaveyou.png)
    1.13 MB Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:23 No.5779717  
    How mad should you be if a family member or friend decides to completely disrespect your belongings and throws away tags/boxes/bags to your designer clothes and lolita outfits?
    Does this completely ruin your chances of reselling them? Well I guess not.. Or should I say, significantly decrease the resell value of what they could have been if you had the tags and proof of purchase?

    Speak comforting words to me seagulls.
    I came home from college over the weekend to find the shoe boxes to my Vivienne Westwoods have been thrown away and half of the tags kept in a special spot in my room have disappeared.
    My mother is a cleanfreak OCD, and when I confronted her about the missing items she said she "didn't remember" and as I walked away mumbled "Well you should have said so..."

    Oh God, I'm five minutes away from cracking. I left my room spotless, and the tags and boxes were hardly "clutter" material. I just don't understand how someone could throw away something like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:24 No.5779721
    boxes and tags?

    get over it.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:25 No.5779723
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    >no u
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:27 No.5779729
    She invaded your privacy and messed with your possessions honestly tell her to fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:35 No.5779750
    awww OP must have interrupted the all too important Dakooter and VA threads and upset this poor babby.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:43 No.5779768

    When I was 15 and away on a school exchange trip, my mum "tidied" my room because it was, frankly, a bomb site. I wouldn't have minded if by tidied I literally meant just cleaned; she actually went through everything, even my organised and tidy boxes of bits of paper and letters that didn't need cleaning. She questioned me about everything she found. To this day I can't stand the thought of her going in my room, and even though I am 20 and moved out a year ago, she still threatens to go in there if I piss her off. It physically puts me on edge, makes me feel ill.

    Seriously, OP, stay calm, but tell her how much this upset you: compare it to how she'd feel if she'd just cleaned the kitchen and you spilled several bottles of ketchup over all the surfaces and the floor.

    Also, a tip for anyone who still lives at home: if you want to be alerted about anyone entering your room while you're elsewhere in the house, install a beaded curtain on your doorframe. Make sure it's noisy when someone passes through it, and every time you hear it jingle, you'll know to run the fuck upstairs and kick some ass for invading your privacy.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:47 No.5779774
    I kept all my figma boxes stacked in a corner in my closet in case I ever decided to resell, and i came home one day and my dad had tossed them all out. shitsux.
    I don't think it'll ruin the resale of your lolita outfits at all, but it might hurt the sale of designer clothes/shoes since the tags basically guarantee the authenticity of the item, and everyone likes to feel 'safe' when buying designer stuff.
    >> Cunt-Master 04/29/12(Sun)22:48 No.5779776
    I don't know OP...

    I know it sucks that somebody went into your room and messed around with you shit, but at the end of the day they ARE just boxes and tags and things.
    The thing you've got to keep in mind when living with your parents is that it's their roof, their rules, unless their rules are totally unreasonable.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:49 No.5779778
    >she still threatens to go in there if I piss her off. It physically puts me on edge, makes me feel ill.
    Why the hell haven't you cleaned it out, if you've moved? She probably looked at whatever you have there still the moment you left.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:51 No.5779784
    OP, that is seriously shitty. Tell her how upset you are.

    My mother did something similar, but it kind of made me laugh more than anything.

    We'd had an argument about something trivial on morning. A few weeks later, I noticed that I only had one pair of knickers left in my drawer. I went into my mother's wardrobe to see if she had any more going spare, and found a massive bag full of my underwear: she'd been stealing and stockpiling my knickers every time I put them in the wash, to spite me for arguing with her.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:51 No.5779786
    You're fine. Brand items have the brand tag, while the replica's don't. Tags and bags are only cute little goodies that you may have been able to make a few dollars on by selling them on their own.

    Oh and your mom's a cunt.

    Here's my story:
    >Be 22.
    >Moved out when I was 19.
    >Get call from my mom, "I just found these notebooks with angry sexual things written in them!!!"
    >"Well mom, I was 15."
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:52 No.5779792
    >I just don't understand how someone could throw away something like that
    Because they're fucking shoeboxes and tags.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:52 No.5779793
    Probably selling them for brand.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:53 No.5779796
    I've taken almost everything; all that's left there is my old furniture and a few old textbooks. Even if the room was totally empty, I'd freak the fuck out if she said she was going in there.

    And yes, she has been in there since I've been away, because every time I've been back for the night, things have moved around drastically.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:55 No.5779808
    You are so fucking wrong.

    I'm probably the worst person to talk about this because I am a self confessed hoarder and I can barely bring myself to throw out empty cans of coke, but if an item or object is important to the owner, even if it's another man's trash, it is out of order to get rid of it against their will, and highly distressing.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:55 No.5779809
    > had any more going spare
    WTF why do you share underwear with your mother?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:57 No.5779811
    If they were so important to OP, don't you think her mother would have known? And if OP wanted the boxes so bad, why didn't she keep the shoes in them?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:57 No.5779812
    Look, I can understand where OP is coming from.

    >durr just boxes and tags
    Yeah, this might be the case if these were just tags and boxes from Wal-Mart or JCPennys.
    But face it, when you're buying $200-$400 items with a resale value you always keep the boxes and tags if you can.
    That's like telling a figma collector that the boxes don't matter when they do.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:57 No.5779814
    Oh wow, no, I don't. It does sound like that though, ew.

    She keeps unopened packs of tights and pants in her wardrobe just in case, so I figured I'd get some new and, may I emphasise, UNWORN ones out.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:00 No.5779816
    No, her mother would not have known. I don't tell my mother about how important every single item in my room is, and I have a pretty good relationship with mine. Besides, OP probably assumed her mother wouldn't go in her room and throw stuff out so saw no need to point out what not to take.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:01 No.5779819
    >don't you think her mother would have known
    Probably not.
    Not everyone's parents buys them brand/designer and hence they don't understand the price and the value of items.
    My mother threw away the tags to my Chess Chocolate OP and when I told her how upset she was she had the same snarky comebacks as some anons in here because she didn't understand that a tag can mean the difference between a $20-$50 resell value because it's proof of authenticity and how much you originally bought it for.
    Mind you some mothers aren't like mine at all, and would understand the importance of holding designer boxes and tags.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:04 No.5779825
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    >mfw my mother poured your sea monkeys down the sink because she thought it was just a container with dirty water in it
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:05 No.5779826
    *my, not your

    started to write a tfw post and converted to mfw at the last minute, hurrrr.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:07 No.5779835
    Price tags don't have effect on resale value, unless it's something unworn and it's still attached to the dress.
    People can easily look up the original retail price, especially with lolita as there are resources like hello lace/lolibrary.
    If they were VW Melissa shoes, tbh the box really doesn't matter. If they were rhs or pirate boots, it would boost the retail price to have the box.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:07 No.5779840
    My dad once tried to clean my room when I was 13, but he just ended up finding a bunch of my first period pamphlets. Never had that problem again.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:09 No.5779849
    Holy shit, are you me?

    I remember writing a bunch of frustrated things in a diary I kept when I was 10. It had The Backstreet Boys on it and everything.
    A few years later I got into a heated argument with my mom, she pulled out the diary and then proceeded to read out loud everything I had written while she held me back.

    I hated fucking much. Never in my entire life had I hated someone so much within that instant.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:18 No.5779870
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    My mum comes into my room sometimes and throws out boxes and scraps. Mind you, I'm an artist to the core, so I keep them just in case-- and wouldn't you know it, when I wanted to make jewelry hangers and stuff a month ago, I barely had anything to make them out of.

    All of my rage, OP. Make a huge fuss so she'd never want to go into your room again.
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/29/12(Sun)23:21 No.5779875
    Can you please tell me the name of the anime your reaction image is from?
    Thank you much.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/29/12(Sun)23:23 No.5779883
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    My dad had a habit of throwing things away that he thought were "junk"

    Some highlights include:
    A set of fire king dishes worth over $500 (this was during a time where fire king antiques were crazy popular in japan, so crazy)

    Basically my entire wardrobe that I had just taken home from the laundromat (he didn't even look in the bags to see what it was!)

    Several of my mother's antique snuff boxes that she was actively selling, one of those was worth $200 on its own

    And the coup de grâce, Three, $500 mother boards and circuits belonging to my older brother.

    In my father's defense, he has no idea what anything is worth, and felt pretty bad every time he threw something out. He is just every bit the absentminded scientist and thought he was helping by cleaning the house. He is still the best dad in the world, it's just he is much better left to his engineering rather than sorting out the house. Now if only we could convince him of that...
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:25 No.5779885
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    Holy shit. I'm keeping my post I just wrote to myself. ... I just found out what a "trigger" is. Because I raged about some shit that's happened to me.
    And may happen again because my parents said they were going to go through my room while I'm on a trip (BLOODBOILING AGAIN), right when I thought things were getting better.

    Fuck you economy, I needed out of this house 3-4 fucking years ago. Counselors said "you need to gtfo" and I couldn't find a job to gtfo.

    OP, I wish I had solid advice for you. I really do. I -really- do. Besides letting her know how messed up that was for her to do, you're either going to have to keep your things locked up.. or don't keep your things there at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:25 No.5779886
    Hanasaku Iroha
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:26 No.5779888
    It's Hanasaku Iroha.
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/29/12(Sun)23:26 No.5779889
    You are the best.
    >> Soup !53NZMMnZYE 04/29/12(Sun)23:26 No.5779890

    boku no pico!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:26 No.5779892
    How about you just stop and think about the situation, OP. Your mother doesn't know that they're important to you. Whose fault is that? Yours, of course. It's a failure of communication on your part, stop being such a bitch.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/29/12(Sun)23:27 No.5779895
    Drama: the anime
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:28 No.5779896
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:29 No.5779898
    >implying it also wasn't the mother's failure of communication to ask if what they were sorting through their child's room was of any importance to them
    So how many things have you thrown away that might have meant something to someone else anon?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:33 No.5779906

    lol childish response. Go cry about empty cardboxes somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:36 No.5779915
    Punch mother, post results.

    Actually, somebody translate this into Latin, 4chan needs a motto.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:38 No.5779918
    Look on the bright side, OP. On the flipside of the same bitchy coin is my mother. She has filled first floor bathroom with so much garbage it's now inaccessible, and some time soon, my dad and I are waiting for her to be out of the house so we can haul it all away without her throwing fits and dragging it back in. The whole damn bathroom filled.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:39 No.5779920
    Suddenly I am glad I'm not the only one with a crazy mother.

    I could share a story too. I don't know the general age of people here but back in 99' the Columbine shooting took place. The media revealed the personal interests including music, authors etc. of the shooters when police went and investigated their rooms. My mom took it upon herself to make a blacklist based off these things and I happened to like some of the same things the shooters did like Rammstein, Korn, Metallica, Megaherz etc.'s music, Nietzsche's writing etc.

    Anyway, my mom went into my room one time when I was out and confiscated all my CDs, band shirts, and posters. She cut up some of my shirts and used them as dust rags, shredded my posters (some of which were signed), and listened to ALL my CDs and wrote down lyrics she found offensive. When I got back we had the most painfully awkward conversation about why I was OK listening to music with the lyrics she listed off. She also knew I was fluent in German that a good portion of Rammstein's lyrics were... uh... unsavory, so she quizzed me on them because she found someone's half-assed translations online. I was instructed to "unlearn" German because it was the language of the people whom my grandfather fought against and because Rammstein was the devil's music.

    I was furious. I bought all that stuff with my own money that I earned from working. She also confiscated my angry "teen" diary and apparently read it to my father too because they both took me aside for another awkward chat later and referred to specific shit I wrote in there.

    After that, I couldn't trust her and locked things up in a small safe I bought. I was never a bad kid who was suspicious either. I got low 90's on a bad day and was in many clubs at school.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:41 No.5779924
    I'm not saying that the mother is innocent, I'm just saying that OP can't just expect that her mother is going to magically know how important they are to her. Yes, the mother should have asked before throwing stuff away, but OP also can't expect that she can be away for college and for her mother to not even have dusted, especially as she says her mother is a cleanfreak. Actually, if her mother is a cleanfreak and she knew that she would have gone in to clean, that's even more of a reason that she should have explained how important they are to her.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:48 No.5779944
    Well, my mom has taken over my entire room with her stuff.
    She commandeered my closet and dresser, as well as my desk and half of my bookshelf.

    I literally have nowhere to put my clothes, so they stay in the hamper even when they're clean or they get draped over my bed or chair if I don't want them to get wrinkled.

    I can't really complain because it's her house, but damn I hate when she bursts into my room randomly so she can access her stuff. The kicker is that she has a guest room, three other walk-in closets and an office to put all her things in, but instead of moving things into those rooms, she's just slowly filling them up in addition to my room.

    I think she's one traumatic experience away from being a hoarder. She has some pretty cool stuff though, a lot of fabric and vintage things.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:49 No.5779947
    That's when you just hire someone to rape and kill her.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:49 No.5779948
    >throwing out the box of $300 designer shoes
    How do you make these jumps anon?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:51 No.5779957
    That reminds me of the time when I kept finding my bb cream (which I kept in the bathroom) opened and smears on the cap. After the third time, I confronted my mother about it, telling her to cut that shit out. Turns out my brother was using it-- The same brother that never washes his hands unless he ate. I keep it in my room now.

    (Polite sage for unrelatedness.)
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:55 No.5779968
    I said not "not even have dusted", meaning she, being a cleanfreak as OP says, would have dusted at the very least. It's possible that she would have cleaned up clutter too. And she didn't even throw out the shoes, just the boxes.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:57 No.5779974
    My mom's pretty good about not throwing shit out without asking me. I think it's because a few years after she moved out of her family home, her mother cleared out the attic and threw away her entire record collection. And there was some valuable shit it there. This was in the 80s and she's still pissed off about it. So she always asks me before she throws something of mine away, even if it's just boxes or old magazines or whatever.
    My uncle is terrible for throwing out my cousin's shit, though. He dumped his entire collection of XBOX games because my cousin is 16 and this is apparently too old for video games. The fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:59 No.5779978
    How about we just not touch other people's things without asking first? I thought this was an elementary rule.
    I could see if OP was 12 or 14 and didn't keep up their room. But I'm assuming since OP goes to college that they're at least over 18 and they mentioned they kept their room spotless.
    It was just uncalled for anon, face it.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:00 No.5779982
    oh god. I bet you unwittingly ended up with fecal matter all over your face, I am so, so sorry for you, man.

    I used to buy most of my own food when I lived at home with family, usually simple ready meals to cook when I got home from work around 1 or 2 in the morning after a long shift. I'd often come home to find that someone had already cooked and eaten my food. I wouldn't have minded so much if I hadn't paid for it myself, or if it had stopped after I started clearly labelling food as mine.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:05 No.5779997
    I understand your anger and frustration anon, but I think you'll be okay when it comes to reselling the lolita products. Not sure about the designer ones though.
    Funny store though, after lost my virginity, me and my boyfriend were overly cautious even though I was on BC and we used a condom so I went out and bought a pregnancy test a few weeks later. Of course it was negative but I wanted to get rid of it discreetly so my parents wouldn't freak out if they saw it. So I put it in the back of a drawer filled with drawing paper and pencils. The next day my mom needed some needle and thread so she searched my room and found it. Called my Dad, and both of them freaked out. My Mom had a 'talk' with me later about it. I was mortified because it was hidden for only a day. It's ironic too because a friend in highschool gave me a huge bottle of rum, which I hid (not so discreetly) in a drawer for nearly a year and she never found it.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:11 No.5780027
    Oh I feel you OP.

    Back when Sugary Carnival first release happened like 6 months ago, my mother goes and GIVES AWAY a Sugary Carnival JSK I laid out on the bed to take photos for a sales post.

    Some brat had gone past my room and started bawwing to her mother (both were visitors in the house) about how she wanted it, and my mother hates screaming kids so she just gave away that JSK to shut the brat up. I actually had to back out of a sales post because of it and to this day I feel guilt and shame to the buyer I had to back out from. D:

    I was literally down at the corner store because we ran out of milk. Obviously the mother and the brat scarpered before I returned because they knew shit would get ugly.

    Earlier in the month, the same brat had come over and took the black btssb miruku-chan totebag (black is the rare sought after one because it has blue eyes) in a similar fashion.

    In the end I was still a massive pussy faggot and I didn't do anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:13 No.5780032

    you should have gotten your mom to get that shit back, jesus fucking christ
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:14 No.5780033
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    >mfw bratty kids
    Sorry about that, anon. What did your mother do when she found out?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:14 No.5780034
    Holy shit, Anon. That is the most fucking horrible thing to hear ever. Your mom is beta as shit for giving in to that brat. You should seriously lock your door whenever those moochers come back. That's just so horrible.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:14 No.5780036
    Ugh! It's always parents and the BC I swear.

    I'll never forget I was cleaning out my car once.
    I had gone to a free clinic to get BC and emergency contraception and of course they make you file paperwork to get the stuff.
    So I had stuffed the papers into my backseat for the time being.
    Well I had laid the papers out in the garage while I was vacuuming my car.
    After I'm done I notice my papers had mysteriously went missing.
    I go inside and my dad is sitting there looking very pissed off at me, and he has the papers in his hand.
    He proceeds to give me a lecture of how "irresponsible" I am, and how I shouldn't be having sex at 19 years. When I told him he was childish for going through my personal papers, and that it was actually very responsible to be on BC, he copped an attitude and threw the papers in my face and told me that I shouldn't have "left them out."

    So I burn everything BC related.
    Yeah, it sucks that I have to keep my sexuality away from my parents but that's too bad for them. They've intruded on my trust so many times.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:19 No.5780053
    OP, get that shit back right the fuck now. Grow a pair and march on over to that house and get your shit back from that stupid kid. You're doing it a favour by teaching it not to be such an entitled cunt.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:22 No.5780070
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    (Or later, since it's like, 12AM over here in the east coast. BUT SOON.)
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:23 No.5780072

    So much rage and I'm not even a lolita
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:24 No.5780074
    I should have, but at the time I was more concerned about the buyer and the moment has passed.
    My mother gave it away to the brat/brat's mother to shut the brat up herself, so I don't know what there is to find out about this - unless you mean the damn dress's price. If I told her, I think she would just insult me about how I have money to burn on horrible looking clothing and so on.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:25 No.5780077
    Oh God, even as a dude that was physically painful to read...
    I think that's justified grounds for going full Dexter on the kid.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:27 No.5780080

    No please seriously get your stuff back
    If not, you should harass them for payment back.

    Oh my god the things I would have done like banging so hard on their doors/windows/trashing their cars every night until they gave that shit back to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:27 No.5780081
    If the brat was screaming about wanting your Jaguar, and your mum caved in and gave away YOUR property, would she be abuse you for wasting so much money on something with such a rubbish electrical system?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:32 No.5780094
    Jesus fuck I can't even understand WHY someone would do something like this. Screeching kid or not. Fuck!!
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:36 No.5780124
    I know it sounds weird because how can someone who goes around looking like a candy store has vomited all over their body could be so betafag, but I literally cannot do this. And the more time passes, the more the thought of trying to recover it scares me.

    And at that time, my betafag was so deep I don't even go around looking like that. I just wore lolita in my bedroom and sat on my bed staring at myself in the mirror after coming home from work.
    Yes, yes she would.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:37 No.5780128
    I had a little girl (I say "little", but she was thirteen) whine and cry about how she wanted my deco iPhone case, my DS (which I also spent a lot of time decoing), some of my clothes, games and manga. She kept saying "I want your ______" and I just kept going "Well when you go to work full time, you can have one like it."

    Her grandmother (who was visiting my mom--I moved back in with my folks so they could keep their house, but I pay rent), kept trying to convince me to give her something because she cries like a child half her age when she doesn't get her way, but I said no. I was the bitch of the day, but I'm glad I didn't give in. You should do the same and stand up for yourself. Tell them that the items were bought with your money and were not your mother's to give away. You'd be happy to let her keep them, but you must be repaid what you spent. That ought to set them straight.

    I'm lucky as shit my mom understands I'm an adult and won't fuck with my things unless she has permission. (Though I still can't leave the kid anywhere near my room since she has light fingers.) I'd sit down and have a long, serious talk with my mother if she ever did something like that, regardless to whether the item was worth 1 dollar or 1 million. It's the principle of the matter.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:40 No.5780149
    >just wore lolita in my bedroom and sat on my bed staring at myself
    That is so sad and adorable...

    And you need to teach her a lesson if you think it'll happen again. Either have her pay for the loss, or educate her in the principle of "eye for an eye" by doing the same to her stuff. Rationalise it by saying that some shitty kid was screeming for it so you had no choice but to give in, followed by flicking your cigar in her face and saying "blow it out your arse" as Duke Nukem.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:41 No.5780154
    Send your mother to recover it. By god, it's still her fault!
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/30/12(Mon)00:43 No.5780164
    This thread has thrown me into blind anger.
    I can't even imagine having a mother that awful. If you can't do something about it on your own get a friend to help you out. THIS is why every group of friends need the somewhat crazy bitch to have around. The kind that doesn't take shit from anyone or anything.

    ...... Or just take several hundred dollars worth of your mothers stuff and give it to the kid. That would be fun to watch.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:44 No.5780176
    I agree with this anon. It doesn't matter what the item is worth, someone else has no business giving away something that does not belong to them.

    (Also what the heck. I feel like a guest coming to where you live begging you to appease their spoilt kid is worse than a parent and the girl is a thief on top of that?)
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:45 No.5780181

    >...... Or just take several hundred dollars worth of your mothers stuff and give it to the kid. That would be fun to watch.

    This comment makes me unbearably giddy to think about it and pretend that it will happen.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:47 No.5780195

    Or since your mom hates whining why don't you just fucking whine and scream at her intil you get a new one.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:48 No.5780200

    Haha, I'm that crazy bitch in my group of friends. I've made the most beta of the group march right up to the manager of a place and give them what for, on threat of doing it my own goddamn self and making a WAY bigger scene than they would.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:51 No.5780213
    Just shit I have to vent about.
    Back in 2010 I went to my first con with my aunt, her friend and her friend's daughter who was my friend. They were planning on moving back to LA a few months later so this con was like the big "Last chance to have a blast!" for us. Anyway, a week before they have to move back to LA the mother and my friend visit and pull out this little box that has a small collection of cheap anime figurines. They move away and these figurines are all I have left of them.
    >Skip forward to last week
    >Come home with dad from grocery shopping and see my mom's car in the drive way.
    >They got divorced when I was nine/ten-ish
    >She had a child with her boyfriend last year
    >Never keeps an eye on him
    >Walk inside. My bedroom door is wide FUCKING open. I always close it.
    >Run inside my room, nothing looks damagAJSWASDJS
    >All my figurines are knocked over/taken apart/missing.
    >Including the ones that my friend got me two years ago.
    >Find my mom, ask her where my figurines are.
    >"What are you talking about???"
    >Show her my knocked over and broken figurines, at the same time my brother tries coming in the room.
    >Tell him "No." because that's all he understands and put my hand up to keep him back.
    >Mom flips the fuck out as I try to stop my brother from entering my room.
    >Tell her I don't want him in my room ANYMORE, even though I've told her this thousands of times.
    >Try to explain why these figurines are important to me.
    >"YOU'RE SO SELFISH ANON!!!" She gets even more pissed and leaves.
    In the end I managed to find the missing pieces and put them together, but fuck, why can't people just listen when you don't want them in your room? Why can't people understand because something isn't important to them, it is for someone else...
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/30/12(Mon)00:51 No.5780214
    you may be full of the crazy, but you perform a valuable service. Good for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:52 No.5780224
    god dam the same thing happened to me the other day
    I had LITERALLY 2 whole boxes filled with old weeaboo stuff like figurines, dvd box sets, manga and other misc merchandise that I put in our garage untill I was able to sell them and I was looking for them the other day and my mom told me she donated them
    fucking donated them
    I'm broke and I needed what little money I could get from selling them and she fucking donated them
    inb4 stop being a selfish bitch you made some orphan happy
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:54 No.5780235
    I'm sorry /cgl/ it seems I just unintentionally derailed a perfectly good thread with my betafaggotry. I'll take your advice in stride and raise the issue today/tomorrow with my mother since there are a few other outstanding items.
    lol when I was a kid my mother used to beat me up harder if I cried or whined.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:56 No.5780242
    Whoa man that is seriously not cool.
    Moar like she made some reselling scalper neckbeard happy.
    Pffft as if orphans shop at secondhand stores.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/30/12(Mon)00:57 No.5780254
    Sounds to me like you mom needs a good ol' fashioned cunt punt.

    Heck, if you lived anywhere near me I would do it for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)01:00 No.5780264
    Seconding this. Where do you live?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)01:01 No.5780267
    And this is why I'm glad my mom respects my shit.
    I relayed sugary carnival anons story to her.
    her response?
    'her mom is a cunt'
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)01:01 No.5780270
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    I hope one day you snap and ruthlessly murder your mother as well as that child and their mother.
    Don't worry, the world will be a better place.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)01:03 No.5780281
    Other things have happened like, she'll take my beloved shark plush I've had for years off my bed and give it to him even though I told her she could give him any of my other plushies I have. But no, she insists I am selfish for keeping this ONE special one all to myself.
    Since the incident though, I made a makeshift "lock" by tying a string around the door a few good times. I can untie it, but my little brother can't. My mom also hasn't come into my room since.
    >tfw your room is actually supposed to be for an office, so the doors have no lock.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)01:12 No.5780329
    My mom is alright, but my dad still fucking treats me like a child. He snoops in my shit all the time and got pissed off when I password locked my laptop. He used to browse my internet history and I've caught him trying to read my texts and eavesdrop on my phone calls. He also reads my fucking mail and will scrutinize how much money I spend on certain items.

    Keep in mind that I am 25, working (and for rent/my own expenses like that other anon) and moved back in to help my mother keep the house up since my father is too drunk half the time to do shit even if he's retired.He literally just lays around and drinks Jack and Coke all day while watching O'Riley factor.

    Last week, he some how jimmied open the lock to my room, bagged up my manga and was poised to throw them out with the trash. He and I had a throw down to end all throw downs.

    It's cheaper for me to live at home, I'll probably own the house myself someday (so I think to myself "why shouldn't I live in it?") and I don't want to leave my mom alone with this dick. If not for that, I would have moved out again a long time ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:32 No.5780596
    sugary carnival anon, please tell me you are going to do something about that brat that took your shit

    i'm in full rage mode right now and it's killing me that i can't take any action FOR YOU

    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:35 No.5780607
    Is that even legal, if you pay for your room...?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:37 No.5780620
    She said she'll talk to her mum about it.

    Also, Sugary Carnival anon, please report back. It's killing me to know what will happen!
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:40 No.5780630
    Did this happen a long time ago? Please go get it back. Go explain to the girl's mother that you were going to sell the dress, name the price, and ask her to pay it. I'm pretty sure she'd give it back, I mean...

    Seriously though, what kind of mother just allows for her kid to take random shit from other peoples' houses? Is that even reasonable?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:29 No.5780756
    Mine isn't about my mother, but my older brother who tends to always think he's right. Despite being a fucking idiot about pretty much everything. He used to have a slim-version PS2 that was dusty as fuck because he never cleaned it. He said it stopped reading discs and even after telling him he should try cleaning it, he just decided to get rid of the thing. He'd paid for it so that wasn't the issue. The issue was when he was getting rid of the games. I specifically bagged up my games separately because I wanted to keep them and eventually get my own system to play them on. I also explicitly told him to not sell mine. But no, he fucking took mine with his and sold them for pennies at gamestop. In my collection was the original .hack game series that I hadn't even finished playing yet. When I bitched about it, our mom defended his bullshit by saying "Well he didn't get much for them anyway." I never got any offer to pay me back for them or even a fucking apology. To this day, I'm still really angry about it and will make him re-buy my games for me when I buy another PS2.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)04:04 No.5780847

    Dude, I know it's easier said than done (I'm incredibly non-confrontational as well) But you need to tell your mom she's either going to get them back, pay you for the loss, or the next time she's out of the house you're going to throw some of her prized possessions up on eBay to make up the difference. FUCK that.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)04:12 No.5780868

    I don't mean to be rude, maybe I'm misunderstanding, but... you moved out, right? And you took your stuff out? And you don't pay for the room?

    In that case, it's her room now, isn't it? I mean, she could start sleeping there instead if she wanted to, turn it into a private lounge, whatever she wants. And that would be completely okay. The fact that your bothered even by her going in there, when you have nothing private left there, is really strange. What she did before wasn't cool, but now it's HER room, not yours. (at least, that's what it sounds like)
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)04:12 No.5780869
    Not that anon, but considering Sugary Carnival first release was in summer 2009 and she says around 6 months so end of 2009, let's say early 2010 when this happened ... I mean, it's 2012 now. There is literally NO WAY that dress is in wearable condition if it went to a kid. The first run was from particularly lightweight and fragile cotton too (second run was sturdier).
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)04:20 No.5780892
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    I'd be pretty upset if a family member came into my room and messed with my things, much less actually removed items. My mother used to come into my room while I was away for the weekend and rummage through things and just randomly take things without my knowledge.

    The last time she actually threw out anything though was when I was in middle school and she told me if she saw anything on my floor, she was throwing it out. I had cleaned up my room but I had a big round cushion on the floor I sat on to watch TV and I left my Clow Book and Digivice out on it thinking it would be fine since my room was cleaned. I came back to find she had thrown them out just for being down there despite not seeing anything else to throw out. Ended up having to buy a replacement Clow Book but by then Digivices had completely sold out and I never got another one.

    After that though she stopped cleaning my room for me but she still kept stealing things from me without warning, especially my money. At this point I'm 23 with no bank account, no great-grandparent will money, my graduation money (nearly $500) was used without my permission, and things I inherited like pearl necklaces are in a safety deposit box I can't access. She also has my birth certificate and I can't get it out of said safety deposit box since it's in her name. Welcome to my life.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 04/30/12(Mon)04:35 No.5780912
    My mum constantly goes through my stuff, I didn't even own a vibrator until I went to uni where she couldn't find it. Probably the time I hated my mother most was when she found my diary, which told her that I fancied girls, READ IT TO MY DAD AND MY NAN, then told me I made her feel sick and told me I should just go live with my dad.

    I was twelve.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)04:41 No.5780916
    >My mom threw away my stuff while cleaning up.
    >I'm going to charge her money to make up the difference.


    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)04:44 No.5780920
    >Punch mother, post results.
    Ferrum mater, post consequitur.
    it literally means 'The iron of the mother, after the results.', but that was the best I could do
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)04:48 No.5780926
    If the stuff you inherited was in your great-grandparent's will to go to you, couldn't you sue her or get a court order to get that money from her? It doesn't sounds right that she has control of those things and you don't. Especially if it was stated in a legally binding document that it's yours. Also you could probably get a copy of your birth certificate from the city/country you were born in.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)04:51 No.5780929
    First world problems. Wow. You have Vivienne Westwood shoe's for christ's sake. You are lucky that's all you have to baww about.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)04:57 No.5780934
    >you were in a situation where you had access to, and could afford, nice things?
    >you then had those things unjustly stolen from you?
    >serves you right, if some people can't have those things than neither should you!

    Seriously, I'm poor as dirt and even I think that logic is fallacious
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:00 No.5780935
    Her shoes weren't taken, the box and tags that would have allowed her to maybe resell them at a higher price have been.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:04 No.5780943
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    Most of the money was used to pay various bills and such over the years so a lot (if not all) the money I got from wills was used up probably before I even hit middle school. As for the money my grandparents put into a savings account for me, my mother got me to make the account a joint one so technically she had rights to use it. Same with my graduation money by all legal rights. It was my money but since we shared the account, she claims she used it all to pay bills or fix her car and that she would repay me but she never did. I really would my inheritance items back but I really don't want to battle my mother in court for them since we're not on speaking terms and haven't been for years now after a messy divorce between her and my stepfather.

    I didn't know I could get a copy, I'll probably have to do that.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:22 No.5780961
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    >her shoes weren't taken, so so what if parts of it that would decrease the value of it were taken so long as she still has the shoes?

    Uh, because dipshit it sounds to me like if they bought those shoes with their own money (or hell, even if it was a gift) then they're entitled to the property rights to that item. Taking things that don't belong to you isn't just a first world problem either, it's a problem that pervades all society and you'll find that people become very pissed off about taken property no matter what it is. And you're nuts if you think this problem doesn't exist in "third world countries" just because you're convinced that every person in that situation is so damn grateful to only ever be limited to tattered hand-me-downs and disgusting MREs. Think they don't take things that don't belong to them? Think again. Just because you're in a better situation doesn't mean you deserve to have your things taken from you, and you should be "satisfied" as a result because "you don't have it as bad babby." What's the matter with you?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:29 No.5780963
    I'm not the "first world problems" poster, all I'm saying is her fucking mum threw something away she considered trash. If you mum can't respect your privacy and throws away your garbage then try to tell her it's worth something before or move the fuck out. And no, I do not think tags being thrown away is a third world problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:30 No.5780964
    /le reddit/
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:34 No.5780966
    >she thought it was trash
    So if someone randomly goes in your room and declares something "trash" and throws it out, then it's technically your fault for not making it immediately known that said stuff was not trash, and that you have a responsibility to catalogue every fucking item's value because someone can't understand the concept that if it's in your room then it might be important? Well gee, what sound logic you've got there!

    >hurr tags aren't a third world problem!
    Yes they are. Think people don't steal important pieces of paper with value in third world countries? Think people don't steal meal vouchers? Currency? Clothing items? Yeah, stay delusional.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:39 No.5780974
    I can understand OP's feelings. Her mother really shouldn't have gone in and thrown them away without at least asking if the boxes amnd such were being used for anything. I never had the issue with my parents since they made me clean up my own stuff(They're messy people anyway) My husband's mother is a tidy person, she slupped up once though. Back when we were dating and he lived with his parents, he bought tickets for an event. He had the tickets in the envelope they arrived in, tucked onto the mirror in his room. His mother threw it out thinking it was trash. Thankfully, she got it out of the trash when he told her what it was.

    I unfortunately have thieves in my family, back when one of my brothers was still living at home, he robbed us of several items to pawn off for drug money. The worse was my grandmother's wedding rings. She was married twice and both men had passed away. She kept them in a jewelry box tucked under her bed. She was never able to get them back. It broke her heart.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:40 No.5780977

    It's a first world problem. She can still sell the shoes, just not at the resell price she demands for them.

    Essentially mom made a mistake, seagull is overreacting. Be mad but just let it go, mom didn't go out of her way to make you mad.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:41 No.5780980
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    Sounds familiar...
    >"Eat your brussel sprouts, think of all the starving children in Africa that won't be affected by this decision whatsoever and how this sad metaphor will guilt you into eating my overcooked shit <3"

    Okay mom.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:44 No.5780984
    >she didn't try to make OP mad on purpose
    So that makes it okay?
    Your logic sucks. Go back to /le reddit/.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:44 No.5780986
    Oh stop it with the "hurr durr first world problem!!" already! It's a COSPLAY & LOLITA board, EVERYTHING here is a first world problem! You didn't finish your costume in time for a convention? Don't know how to make a piece of armour? Being annoyed by a weeaboo? Have a dispute with a seller on EGL? Venus's mom going all cray-cray on you? First fucking world problems. That's what this board is for.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:45 No.5780989

    Didn't say it made it ok strawman

    But OP is being a little bitch about it. So she loses a few dollars out of a resell, just enjoy the fucken shoes and dresses.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:46 No.5780991
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    >>implying your entire life isn't a first world problem
    If you live in a developed country other than Africa, India, or Mexico then you are a walking first world problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:47 No.5780993
    >pick out logical flaw
    Uh..okay. Lol.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)05:49 No.5780995
    Second incident was during my grandma's wake(the same one who had her rings stolen.)
    My mom went out of her way to make sure as many family members recieved something of my grandma's, jewelry, coins, etc... during the wake, she distributed the items out. The wake was being hed at my uncle's house. My aunt put the item she recieved(a star saphirre sapphire necklace) in her bedroom.
    During the wake, somebody went in and stole the necklace, and money out of another family members purse(she had put it in the room)
    We couldn't find out who took it, and it left a real sick feeling that not only that it had to be a family member, but to do it at a memorial.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/30/12(Mon)05:57 No.5781001
    yeah you can get a copy. My parents lost my birth certificate so I had to send for one from the state. The hospital where I was born wasn't able to get me a copy and the state of Idaho wasn't able to either. I forget what I did exactly but I wound up with a "just as good as a birth certificate"-certificate. It couldn't have been that hard, considering I don't remember it at all (this was only 4 years ago)

    Shit. fucking. sucks. But if someone as dumb as me can figure it out and get the document within a month, so can you!

    >Felony, unitsBE
    no no captcha, it is only a felony if her mother forced her to make a joint account or stole her identity to use it.

    ANYWAY. For your grandkids or kids or niece or whatever, put the money you give them in a TRUST. That way, even if their parents have access to the information they cannot actually get the money. I am lower middle class and we can afford to have someone look over my trust for me, it is not that hard and it is sooo worth it if you want to make sure your grandkids have a future with the money you gave them.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)06:54 No.5781034
    >be 13 or so
    >Obsessed with Zoids, especially the models
    >So I would ask for them for christmas, and money for my birthday to buy more
    >ended up with about 7, i loved them so much
    >I'm at school all day, 4 year old sister
    >I place my Zoids on the highest shelf in my room
    >mum is short but she used a chair to get them down
    >Come home, zoids are back on my shelf, bits fallen off them
    >Like i would believe the legs fell off them and they fell over by themselves...
    >To this day, shadowfox is missing an ear, many guns and pilots missing
    >My zoids make sad clicking sounds and fall to the ground when they try to walk

    Why mum, WHY my obviously delicate japanese toys? Couldn't you just buy a zoid just for her?!

    >That feel when little sister is now 13 and cried because dad bought her a RED 3DS, and not a BLUE one....
    >I told them.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)06:58 No.5781038
    >you are a walking first world problem
    It's funny because it's true
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)07:02 No.5781045
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    That feel when...
    >your mom threw out all your Zoids
    >your mom threw out all your Digimon
    >your mom sold all of your Pokemon
    I can't...I don't...
    What stings most is how much I could've sold that shit for on eBay nowadays. But then I realize the majority of the buyers are faggots like me trying to get some of their thrown out childhood back.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)07:11 No.5781048
    >that feel when some kid stole my backpack with all my pokemon cards at age 12.
    >That feel when I'm 21 and starting to collect them again
    >That feel when a bro of mine gives me a binder full of promo and holo cards.

    I'm really glad I started collecting again. I missed that feeling of opening a new booster pack. The only downside is they don't sell the plastic binder sleeves near me so I have to order them online.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)09:01 No.5781157
    when i was 14 my mum secretly copied out all of my contacts in my cell phone on to a piece of paper without my knowledge. when i saw the paper i freaked out, shredded it and threw it away. i lied to her that i put it back where i found it.

    until today i still save contacts with fake names in my cell phone.

    anyway OP if you're that worried about re-sale value, maybe you can take them down to a VW shop and ask them to provide...something? to show that VW certified that it is authentic. i know what sucks more is that somebody else threw your things away, but maybe you can try this out.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)09:25 No.5781182

    :'( I know that feel.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)10:13 No.5781252
    When I was about 13, my mother brought over these less fortunate girls from church to give them some of my old dresses that I had outgrown. I was with my dad at the time. The girls went in my closet and decided that they wanted my nicer new dresses and insisted until my mother caved. When I found out, I was upset, but my mom blamed me for not being there and leaving my dresses in the closet where those girls could find them.

    When I went to church the next week, I had to wear a dress that I had outgrown. The sleeves and length of the dress were too short for me. The girls showed up in my nice dresses and teased me for wearing something ugly until I cried. I never went to church again.

    tl;dr: Mom gives away dresses, I become an atheist.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)10:19 No.5781261
    Jesus christ, what's wrong with all you folks?

    Did they never learn to respect your property?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)10:25 No.5781272
    Shit, when I was a kid I couldn't even play with friends with the door shut much less tell my mother what she could and couldn't do in my room. My mother didn't even knock before coming in when I was a senior in high school. She'd barge in and grab my laptop without a word to start some ye olde torrents on it for herself and then leave again without saying anything. Same when she wanted to get the webcam and headset that became mine because she couldn't keep hiding it in her room from my stepfather.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 04/30/12(Mon)10:40 No.5781297
    Simple solution to all these problems:

    Leaving for more than a few days? Invest in a padlock. Put brackets on your door and doorframe on the inside, then padlock the door and leave/enter through a window.

    I honest to god had to do this multiple times in middle/high school just to keep my mother and sister out of my room. My sister was (and still is) a mild kleptomaniac so she would steal things from me and then I would get in trouble for taking them back and being righteously pissed about it. My mother would go through my shit and throw things away, and then complain about all the time it took her to 'clean' my room for me and how I should be grateful when I would usually end up with schoolwork and important documents missing.

    At least going in/out a second story window was enough of a deterrent for them.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)10:44 No.5781304
    Oh I got one! This one just keeps happening though. My niece and nephew. She has spent enough time with me to know how I like things. I wont stand for babytalk (she just turned 6, "can't" pronounce her Cs and Rs), and I definitely wont let her play with my stuff unless she's under my supervision. Not my nephew, he grabs everything, and my sister won't let me correct him. He grabs my mlp toys with his candy-covered hands and messes up their hair, he'll use the bratz car I bought with my own money when I was 14 or so and will slam it on the floor/wall/his own toys. So this is what happened this past friday.
    >Be with dad and a girl we're renting to, we're cooking dinner.
    >Suddenly, we hear a knock. It's my mum, my sister and her two little kids.
    >The girl we're renting to, her name's Elia, knows as much as me and my dad what a horrible wench my mum is and isn't as good as us at hiding it. She goes to her room.
    >My niece goes to my room with me so she can play with my mlp toys as I watch so she doesn't mess up the hair (Mind you, it takes about 40 minutes to style).
    >Nephew stays in living room, I trust that my dad is making sure that he doesn't mess up my crap.
    >Hear a thundering crash, and my dad's voice telling him to quiet down. okay, under control.
    >Suddenly, the little bugger drops some magnet alphabet things that Elia's son keeps on our fridge.
    >I tell him no, he can't touch those, they're not his.
    >Take the ones he brought to my room and go to put 'em back where they belong.
    >See his little bag, in which he's put ALL the letters, with the intention of taking them home.
    >I start to take them out and put them on the fridge as high as I can.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)10:45 No.5781307
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    >My sister's all "oh let him take them, I'll return them"
    >No, if he hadn't freaked out, you wouldn't have noticed that he took them and he would've kept them.
    >Sister tells me that I should trust her, she's his mother.
    >I tell her that she has got to teach her kid that NO means NO.
    >Kid is still freaking out, and he goes to my room.
    >I'm having an argument with my sister, and then I hear my niece cry out.
    >Annoyed, I go to my room to find him messing up my MyScene's hair.
    >At least I can brush it later and----
    >Nephew has his hands covered in candy, my beloved doll's hair is sticky and messy. Shirt missing.
    >Oh nuh uh nigga.
    >Put him on timeout.
    >He's never been on timeout because his mother never scolds him
    >Starts freaking out on the corner and turns around and is about to kick me.
    >I hold him down not much unlike your favorite rodeo champion and say "TIMEOUT" to him.
    >Begins to kick, scratch, scream, bite as much as he can.
    >You're not getting out of this.
    >Manage to hold him down for a full three minutes.

    The rest of the night, he was a little angel. My barbie's hair is now a biiit better, but pic related is what he did to her. The shirt thing she's wearing was her original (inside out though). But the one that was lost in the fire was this really cute one that I had hand-sewn for her out of a very special shirt of mine.

    End. He'll probably be the same when he comes back though...
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)10:51 No.5781319
    This is why I decided not to be a teacher. Too many kids end up like that nephew of yours and around here they don't allow spanking them even if you have parent's permission. I firmly believe that you should explain to kids why they can't do something, and if that doesn't work you give them a time out or punish them by taking away items, but if all else fails some of them just need a good smack to the backside.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)10:51 No.5781320
    I have a related story.
    My mom and I have had our rough issues, and while we were going through them, I lived at my dad's house for about two years. However, my dad was hardly ever home, thanks to his job, and my stepmother and I were not on good terms at all. For the most part, we left each other alone, and things were fine. But for some reason, she took it upon herself to essentially run me out of the house. She and my younger sister would go out to eat, and never buy food in the house. And then I would go buy food for myself, and they would eat it. I would practically starve, because at the time, I was working two jobs and going to school, trying to keep myself afloat. I never asked them for money or anything... ANYWAY, moving on, after several months of that, and other stuff they did that I won't go into, I finally told my mother I was moving back in with her. I left immediately, and didn't have the time to pack up all of my things. A week or so later and after very harassing phone calls and texts from my stepmother, I call tell her I was coming by on this day later in the week to pack up the rest of my things. I come in to find everything haphazardly thrown in garbage bags and boxes, and half of my shit either broken or missing (mostly my expensive electronics, and computer accessories were missing). I was LIVID. I'm still going through things and find more and more gone, or broken.

    I'm sorry that happened to you, OP. It wasn't right. I'm very big on "principle of the matter", and while it was just shoe boxes and tags, the fact your mom went in there without your knowledge and tossed them isn't fair. She should have at least asked why you were keeping them before tossing them.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)10:56 No.5781329
    Dude. Take that bitch to civil court. If you purchased the missing/broken items with your own money, you can have her pay you back for them.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)11:04 No.5781343
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    Aye, I've tried to "tell him" But since he never gets scolded, he... doesn't listen? He'll just keep doing his thing and smile. It's like he can't hear you? I don't know. But I know he understands both english and spanish.

    Another thing though, about the spanking. His dad has spanked him ever since he turned 1. For anything really. So the kid got used to it. Even though his mom now spanks him when he does something bad, he can't rationalize the connection between bad deed=spank. He probably thinks that the spank is something to be expected. The kid is going to either turn out to be an abusive fuck or a masochist.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)11:06 No.5781347
    so... OP is a hoarder and had delusions that she would eventually sell all of that stuff and needed tags and boxes.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)11:11 No.5781354
    Would if I could. There's a couple things preventing that. First off, money. I don't have the money to pay a lawyer. Second off, it'd technically be my dad paying me back, since she practically lives off him. And I don't want to get my father anymore in the middle than she's already dragged him. He's actually helped me out a lot in this situation. I managed to get my monitor, speakers, and a couple other things for my computer back. And my iPod stereo. There's a little more to the sensitivity of the situation that had been building for a while, but I didn't want to go too much into that. Either way, what she did was completely unwarrented. I never did anything to her. She's just always hated me.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)11:21 No.5781374
    >he... doesn't listen? He'll just keep doing his thing and smile. It's like he can't hear you?
    Maybe he have attention disorder?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)11:27 No.5781382
    Don't need a lawyer for small claims
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)11:33 No.5781392
    Really? Well at least that's good to know. I just never really looked into it because I assumed. Once I get all the damages looked at, I'll discuss it with my dad. Thanks for the info.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)11:57 No.5781421
    Idunno, he's focused when people are praising him about the fact that he can say his ABCs. He focuses well while watching something or building things. And he'll certainly focus when people are about to buy him something, persisting little bugger.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)12:55 No.5781535
    My mom did this ONCE. I come home from high school, room tidied, my figures in a pile on my bed. I didn't have a case to put them in so they were haphazardly set up on a dresser, 2 accessories missing, one leg broken on Ciel's chair, one missing, one stand broken. I was pissed. After that happened she never cleaned in there again. Btw my mother also gets in those cleaning fits, one year she threw away a few bags containing my sister's passport, credit cards, 300 bucks cash, and a few expensive wedding gifts.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)13:47 No.5781647
    My Mum threw out an original, vintage mink fur hat that I got from my great-grandmother's house. She doesn't like fur, it creeps her out, but I told her that wasn't grounds to chuck out anything I owned. I made such a fuss she now doesn't throw out anything at all. I've boxed up everything that I love, or taken it to my uni place, and I know she'd never throw out a box without asking me. So that's that.

    I'm still gutted though. It's not like I can go and buy another one.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)13:50 No.5781658
    >vintage mink fur hat that I got from my great-grandmother
    Does she also throw out money if it's dirty?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)14:04 No.5781694
    I gotta say, good thing those scum stole from you guys and not me. I would have literally murdered my parents/those screaming kids after destroying everything they loved and gone to jail for the rest of my life if this shit happened to me. But they'd be dead, so.

    >more people like me need to exist and make headlines, to stop cunts stealing from people like you
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)14:16 No.5781734
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    I went to SDCC last year and while I was out my mom started going through my shit. Which I, specifically, told her not.
    She gave away all of my pokemon plushies, cards (including all my fucking first additions, crystals and legendarys), playsets, and figurines to her friend's kids.
    So pretty much she gave away close to $4,000 worth of pokemon merch.

    I managed to get only half of my shit back, I now live with my dad, and I still refuse to talk to her.
    She is dead to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)15:10 No.5781892
    Pretty glad my mom leaves my stuff alone, for the most part. Only problem is we're both packrats now, and the house is usually cluttered.

    The first/only time she threw out something I treasured was when I got bad grades. She determined Pokemon was the cause, because I scribbled down some Pokemon-related reminder in my planner, and she threw out a bunch of my books and strategy guides. Worst day ever. I don't know how some of you deal with this shit.
    >> noko Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)18:56 No.5782736
    I've got a story. Well, several, but here's one.

    My mother is stupid religious & goes to a charastistic church ie they speak in tongues shit like that. I went to to church as well when I was younger.

    One day when I was 16 the church was having a special guest. A "Prophet of God". He took turns giving people in church prophicies. It was fucking ridiculous but I didn't have much choice about church back then. So anyways, it was finally my turn & right before he starts, my mom jumps up & starts ratting me out to this douchbag about everything she hates about me.
    She espically mentions how lately I've becoming possesed by demons and been acting strange. In reality, I had just been getting into manga which was really new to the US at the time. I had first edition copies of Sailor Moon. I even had the real comic book sized versions. So yeah. That whole series is worth like $1k now on amazon these days. Just the manga, haven't checked the comic book sizes. ANYWAYS I had been drawing pics of Sailor Moon & hanging it in my room & that's when my mom noticed.

    So this douchebag, my mom, and the pastor all stood there & told me I was going to hell if I didn't bring proof that I had "burned" this sin away. So the next day my mom took all my drawings and manga to this douchebag & he took them & I never saw them again.

    Oh, I'm pretty much aethiest now.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)18:59 No.5782744
    I am a Christian and
    >> noko Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)19:07 No.5782778
    The next year "The Prophet" came, he noticed I had a boyfriend. I wasn't planning on going up to him, but he made an annoucement in front of the whole church it was my turn. The pastor, the youth leader,youth leaders husband, and many other adults, all surrounded us while he pressured me for several minutes about whether or not I had had sex with my boyfriend. He finally pulled just me and the youth leader into a dark hallway and pushed and pushed me into confessing. It sucked. I cried and he told that whole group of people. He also made the youth leader tell my mom. It was completely mortifying.

    Afterwords, my mom tried to make me break up with my boyfriend but i absolutely refused because he was my only ticket out of my house. (hated my family) So she finally relented and went on dates with us for months until she finally just didn't give a shit and left us alone.

    At that point I gave religion the middle finger & told my mom to go fuck herself.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)19:31 No.5782889
    This is why I'm glad I was brought up Catholic. It's a pretty sweet ride if you manage to avoid being molested.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)19:38 No.5782926
    Wow thats absolutely terrible. What the fuck ..

    This is kind of besides the point but did you ever consider playing along? like "Oh no, of COURSE I didn't have sex with him!! That would be sinful, I'm waiting till marriage!" etc?
    >> TK-421 04/30/12(Mon)19:40 No.5782946
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    I had a problem with my dad on a few ocasions, but it was never money. He respect my right to keep what I earn.

    However my vehicles were another story. My first truck was a 1992 Dodge Dakota. Which I bough for $750. I was happy, it was reliable, not bad of fuel. and did everything I told it to do and then some.

    During this time I bought a project car, a 1969 Toyota Land Cruiser FJ40 for $500, and I owned the title and began restoring it, and had about $2500 invested so far to the point where it ran, and I was working on the body.

    Then I joined the Army. While away at basic training my parents traded in my truck so my older sister could get a nicer car. I was upset about it because they never talked to me first. I never got a new car or any compensation.

    I go to Advanced Individual Training after Basic. While there I go on leave. Only to discover my project off road truck is gone. When i ask my parents my dad said he sold it to a off road racer for $6000. It was a deal that he could not pass up and the guy was dead set on buying it. The first words out of my mouth were "So When am I going to get my six grand?"

    4 years later, not a dime. I'm still mad.
    >> 1/2 Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)20:39 No.5783239
    Gah I know that feel bro. Since I was little my mother always went through my room, inspected EVERYTHING, reading mail (Opened or otherwise), letters, notes, if I walked away from the computer she would read EVERYTHING that was on it, open every window...she would seriously go through every one of my purses and take out the receipts and question me about them, or anything she found that she did not like, OMG YOU HAD GUM RAPERS IN YOUR PURSE? YOU FUCKING SLOB.
    She would through out anything she did not grandmother once gave me this awesome full-set of barbies, like a full house, and everything in it, and tuns of dolls, even like exercise stuff and kitchen wear. I left it all set up in my room one day in a cute little seen and she thought my room was too messy and I was a spoiled little brat so she through it all out. all of it.
    She would never let me have any fantasy books as a kid because they were to "Dark" so I would barrow them from friends and hide them....if she found them she would through them out.
    Try explaining that to a friend, or the library...
    My parents never learned that there kids need privacy too, my door was never to be shut, they would just wander in when I was in the bathroom or shower without a word, none of the doors inside there house has locks.
    I now have some serious issues with hiding shit that I have been trying to work out most of my adult life. I will hide the stupidest shit, and hide it fucking well. You should see how well my porn folder is hidden and I moved out years ago...I even get defensive with my boyfriend if he asks me to share, like obsessively defensive.
    >> 2/2 Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)20:40 No.5783242
    To this day if GOD FORBID mail for me goes to there house she calls me up, acting like something is on fire, and informs me that OMG THERE IS THIS LETTER HEAR WHAT CAN IT BEE I"M GOING TO OPEN IT IM WORRIED ABOUT YOU. OMG HOW DID THEY GET THIS ADDRESS ITS BECAUSE YOUR ON THE INTERNET ISENT IT?!?! Oh god especially if its spam that looks hand written she fucking freaks out...
    Fucking god I hate her. I still have to have her watch my apartment sometimes when I am out of town and can't find a sitter for my cats. She takes it on herself to MOVE ALL OF MY SHIT AND FUCKING GO THROUGH EVERYTHING. IN MY FUCKING APARTMENT. Even though i ask her not to every fucking time. She says she is "cleaning" She is really just going through my shit because I leave my apartment fucking spotless. Last time she was hear she through out my pricey wooden block full of expensive knives, and then through them all in a now cluttered full of sharp objects drawer because "it was not safe to have them on the counter".....its so much safer to stick your hand in a drawer full of KNIVES. expensive sharp KNIVES.
    I leave the closet I keep my lolita in locked. And shove anything expensive or she would not like in there before she comes...
    Sorry, long rant, also, after all this she does not understand why I will not add her on facebook.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)21:01 No.5783327

    Omfg I would be pissed!
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)21:17 No.5783389
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    Reminds me of a friend I had in elementary school. Everyone was just getting into the Pokemon madness and her super religious mother went through her room and found her stash of Pokemon cards under her mattress and burned them all, claiming they were demonic.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)21:18 No.5783394

    Seriously guys, you all make me so thankful I never grew up with my mother. Because she was a stupid drunk piece of wetback loving shit when I was little, my dad divorced her and my grandma (her mother) raised me.
    My mom eventually got remarried and had another daughter, and holy shit the way she raised my little sister. Waves of shitty abusive Mexicans aside, the girl has no privacy or much say in her life.
    I love my little sister, so I stay in contact with our mother for her, but Jesus Christ. My sister wanted to sign up for audio engineering in high school and my mom just WOULD NOT let it happen. That it wasn't "a real job" and what not. Wanted her to sign up for criminal justice.
    Turns out my lazy sack of shit of a mother had wanted to go into the millitary before she got knocked up with my older brother at 14 (not by my dad, met him later) and was pretty much trying to Cathy/Margaret my sister.

    Anyway, sister is in her freshman year in college now, and is going to start next year as a freshman again because she's .5 credits short of being a sophmore. My mom called me crying about it when she found out, "WHY WOULD YOUR SISTER HIDE THIS FROM ME? ITS BECAUSE SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND IN COLLEGE ISN'T IT?!"

    Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that she never, ever let my little sister even group date growing up and would actually try to give me motherly advice when she found out I was dating/was sexually active (I let her borrow my car when I was TWENTY-TWO and she saw that I left the RX info papers in the passenger seat for my birth control)
    Its cool lady, I know what I need to know. Don't spread my legs for Mexicans, and don't define my self-worth by whether or not I have a man.

    Sorry for going way out of left field on that one guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)21:20 No.5783406
    oh my god. its throw. THROW.

    Through is an entirely different word.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)21:25 No.5783420
    Next time you leave tell your neighbors that "your ex boyfriend's mom has been trying to break into the apartment" or something. Leave a written note with them saying NO ONE is allowed in your apartment, even if they have a key (except so-and-so or whoever is supposed to be in there), and tell them to call the cops if they see her "breaking and entering".

    That'll teach her.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)21:28 No.5783429
    But, anon's mother cat-sits for anon?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)21:34 No.5783448
    Ahh, must've missed that.

    Goddamn, if you know she's going to wreck your shit, take your cats to the kennel, or tell her she will lose the privilege of seeing you/speaking to you if she can't treat you like the adult you are. Once you're out of the house, your parents shouldn't have any. ANY control over you similar to a type of parent/small child relationship. They are the ones needing YOU to consent to having their company. If you don't put your foot down hard she will keep fucking things up, and you will only grow to resent her and try to get away from her even more. She needs to learn that her behavior is bad and has real consequences, and holding your mutual relationship with her as the bargaining chip is the most effective way to accomplish this (albeit many people may think this is mean to do).
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)21:44 No.5783489
    Jesus Christ, anons and tripfags. I never even considered these kinda scenarios before, sounds like shit from some kinda Cinderellaesque story. I simply can't imagine having parents that would take/steal/trash/throw our your shit, ESPECIALLY brand and so on.

    MAYBE when my siblings and I were younger and we used to keep literal garbage around, like scraps of paper with doodles on them. My Mum used to complain a bit about that. But my God ..
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 04/30/12(Mon)21:48 No.5783512
    I know that feel Anon... My own mother is mostly horrified of ruining something expensive of mine, so she doesn't touch much of anything and is very detailed on asking what she should do with certain items that are in my hamper.
    I kind of want to give everyone dealing with overbearing parents a hug.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)22:26 No.5783682
    Sadly, it's that mindset that "Well I bought this, even if I gave it to you so technically it's still mine" or "You live under my roof so everything belongs to me." and sometimes branches out to "You bought this with your own money and you live outside my home but as your parent I have a right to know what you're up to."
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)22:29 No.5783696
    Story kind of related
    There was this annoying little kid whose mom was good friends with my mom, so they would come over every now and then and spend the weekend (only like once every year or so, we lived far)
    and the brat would always stay in my room. I kind of just sucked it up and said they'd be gone in a few days, but ohh i hated her so much.
    So they brought EXACTLY enough clothes for the weekend, and i was like ok w.e. and it got to the last day they were staying, and we planned to go to a luau and they brought dresses to wear
    and the turd wet herself in it (she was like, 8, wth) and my my mom told her she could wear one of mines because we're the same size. and she picked my faaavorite dress, and i was still like "meh, i'll get it back." but she left with my freaking dress and two others so she would have something to 'change into' on the planeride back home
    and they did this like every time they came over
    all of my rage
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:17 No.5783900
    WTF is with the arthropods in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:47 No.5783992
    That's Isopod! Everybody loves Isopod!
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)23:58 No.5784038
    The only thing that upset me was once my dad made me throw away all my manga and Shounen Jump, in sixth grade, because it was interfering with me schoolwork. After that, he never really threw anything too important away that I can remember, even if he did think I had too much stuff. He'd just periodically give me too large boxes, tell me to fill them up and throw it away, which actually turned out to be pretty helpful since I ended up throwing away shit I didn't need to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:00 No.5784044
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)07:20 No.5785547
    The fuck kind of heretics are this arseholes? I'm surprised there hasn't been a crusade called on the sect.

    >Gum rapers
    I know it's just a typo, but i found that far too amusing...
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)07:55 No.5785576
    Hmmm this thread... I think my mother and her tendency to go through all my stuff made me become a hoarder
    Now my room is so full of crap that you cannot enter it unless you know the specific dance moves to get through the piles of clothes, furniture and art/sewing supplies without seriously injuring yourself
    Does this make any sense? My psychologist and I never found out why I can't throw things away
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)08:03 No.5785579
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    They will be purged.

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