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    File: 1335750947.jpg-(226 KB, 708x1064, hoshi miki.jpg)
    226 KB Seagull idol IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 04/29/12(Sun)21:55 No.5779574  
    Round two voting will take place later this week.

    For now post here for opinions and advice.

    I'll post the questions for this round on the tumblr in the next few days.

    Old thread:
    >> alleechan !!3mp1pL9e988 04/29/12(Sun)22:18 No.5779695
         File: 1335752322.jpg-(117 KB, 546x800, IMG_734666.jpg)
    117 KB
    I've only done a few "shoots" and haven't really gotten anything satisfactory. I'll just post this picture since no one else is ^^' I find it really lacking but it's still the best I've gotten haha. I need photo suggestions!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:21 No.5779706
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 04/29/12(Sun)22:37 No.5779756

    Very beautiful.

    Most of what I've seen from you so far has been costume style. Have you considered doing a more traditional (nice regular clothing) sort of set like what Hitsuzen and Shaynii have done so far?
    >> alleechan !!3mp1pL9e988 04/29/12(Sun)23:11 No.5779851
    haha, this is what I wear! I'm not sure what kind of regular clothing I own, most things I wear are hime gyaru, mori girl, seifuku-style or vintage-y type clothing. Maybe just something less frilly next time?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:15 No.5779868
    All of the people participating in this bullshit are stupid slutty cunts who need to go die.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:21 No.5779873
         File: 1335756072.png-(538 KB, 500x733, kotified.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:33 No.5779905
         File: 1335756816.png-(410 KB, 541x584, Picture 70.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:38 No.5779919
    Oh my god, you are so pretty
    I'm going to be angry if you don't win
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/29/12(Sun)23:42 No.5779927
         File: 1335757345.jpg-(102 KB, 686x800, shaysitting.jpg)
    102 KB
    Such a lovely photo.

    The weather hasn't been good enough for a real shoot, but I managed to do a really casual one. I'm addicted to styling my wig in buns now, haha.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:49 No.5779952
    Your hair, how???
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/29/12(Sun)23:51 No.5779958
    It is a pigtail GLW wig!
    I just attach the pigtails then roll them into buns and pin them, haha.
    >> alleechan !!3mp1pL9e988 04/30/12(Mon)00:31 No.5780090
    hahaha, lovely!
    that looks beautiful, thank you!
    >> alleechan !!3mp1pL9e988 04/30/12(Mon)00:33 No.5780102
    d'aww, thank you (*´∀`*)
    shayniiii y u so adorable
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:10 No.5780524
    Both cute.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:13 No.5780533
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:13 No.5780534
    >Very beautiful.
    Do you know what the term 'objective observer' means?
    >> alleechan !!3mp1pL9e988 04/30/12(Mon)02:19 No.5780553
    He treats all of us basically the same way and he doesn't have a say in who ultimately wins, anyway, so there's no need to worry.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:28 No.5780585
    This. All of them except shaynii since she's an actual cosplayer.

    The rest are whores who don't belong here.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:06 No.5780700
         File: 1335769612.jpg-(54 KB, 426x640, 3160307.jpg)
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    So is hitsuzen
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:19 No.5780736
    And at least also kafuka and maybe alleechan? But I know at the very least hitsuzen posted progress shots of whatever the hell that is in the progress threads before she started tripping
    >> Kendrinsane !oeqH/T1ZJI 04/30/12(Mon)03:20 No.5780738
         File: 1335770434.gif-(985 KB, 500x237, tumblr_m2a07xwcon1qcssfyo1_500.gif)
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    you're so pretty, any skincare tips? yours always looks so flawless, I'm jealous.
    very cute as usual, though i would like to see more of the outfit as well, since you have such adorable clothes.
    >> Uguudoll !3gJlaqFfe2 04/30/12(Mon)06:09 No.5781008
    how is your skin so mothereffing perfect? lol share your secrets with us ;.;. very beautiful btw <3

    your eyeliner or falsies (maybe both?) always look so striking in your photos ^^

    sorry I've been afk from the threads for a bit. was playing guildwars2 beta weekend ><

    so when is voting starting? like thurs or fri? or should I just wait for the details on the tumblr? <:
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 04/30/12(Mon)08:55 No.5781154

    Well you can go with whatever you think works best, I just was thinking it'd be nice to have a bit of variety.


    Very cute, shaynii. You're doing a great job on facial position and expression in that one (even if you're not smiling) and I like the costume choice and lighting.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)15:52 No.5782036

    >> Epicdemic 04/30/12(Mon)15:56 No.5782059
         File: 1335815798.png-(1.16 MB, 960x643, fuck you all thugdoka.png)
    1.16 MB
    Enormous amounts of foundation
    >> alleechan !!3mp1pL9e988 04/30/12(Mon)17:17 No.5782419
    Thank yooouu (*≧▽≦) Yes, I think good makeup is the main key,
    not only for covering flaws but also because it will protect and moisturize your skin
    instead of damaging it. I also use proactiv, exfoliate with a cocoa butter scrub
    a couple times a week, and use a rich moisturizer in the mornings!
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 04/30/12(Mon)21:13 No.5783378
    Okay, with a few suggestions from kindanons and some thinking on my own here is a list of the questions I've thus far thought would work for this round.

    Why would you be the perfect idol of the seagulls?
    Have you ever cosplayed?
    If you have, what do you consider to be your greatest costume effort?
    What would you most like to cosplay?
    Was there anyone or anyone's costume that inspired you to start?
    Do you regularly attend any anime conventions? If so which ones?
    How did you first discover /cgl/?
    Do you regularly peruse any other 4chan boards?
    What ones are your favorites?
    Do you watch any anime or read any manga?
    What anime/manga series/movie is your favorite of the last year and also of all time?
    Do you speak any Japanese?
    Have you ever been to Japan?
    Do you have any knowledge of Japanese idols and/or girl groups?
    How do you feel about wota? (idol otaku)
    If you win will you append your trip to show your status? (/cgl/princessu, seagull idol, etc)

    What do /cgl/ and our princessu candidates think of them?
    >> Alice Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)21:35 No.5783453
    I think that's a good, well-rounded list. This is /cgl/ idol after all, so I agree with it being cosplay-centric and such.
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/30/12(Mon)21:48 No.5783511
    Those questions seem great! Where will we be answering them?
    >> smoker !Umad72YCVU 04/30/12(Mon)21:52 No.5783527
    This picture just makes me want to part with him.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 04/30/12(Mon)21:53 No.5783533

    Good, I'll post them on the tumblr later if we don't hear any significant objections.

    I'd like you guys to submit your answers to the tumblr when you submit your picture choices and I'll post them there together.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:19 No.5784145

    Those are great! I'd also like what they plan to do as an idol if they win to be added too- that's something I'm interested in hearing, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:37 No.5784207
    I think everyone should put a photo of smiling with teeth so we have no Magibon moments...
    >> Kendrinsane !oeqH/T1ZJI 05/01/12(Tue)00:39 No.5784216
    What brand of moisturizer would you recommend? I have trouble finding products that don't irritate my skin
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)00:41 No.5784218
    I vote for Broodmother.
    >> bandage-tan !TmNv4e2Q8s 05/01/12(Tue)01:10 No.5784330
         File: 1335849007.jpg-(65 KB, 550x422, Arpakasoo-2.jpg)
    65 KB
    I'm going to practice my smile now!
    >> alleechan !!3mp1pL9e988 05/01/12(Tue)01:10 No.5784337
    my skin is sooo sensitive, but for some reason the skin on my face will take anything.
    up until recently i used an all natural moisturizer from a local bath shop. you can probably find
    something at a health food store, or even make your own. ingredients like cocoa butter, jojoba oil,
    mango butter, shea butter, coconut oil, vit e, and green tea extract are all really awesome. if they
    have something like tea tree oil that's good too because it will help with acne. i stopped for the
    summertime because it's a little heavy. i'm using Hydra+ Rich right now and i quite like it, here's a review:
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)09:34 No.5785704

    What kind of answers would you expect to a question like that? Should there be an official seagull scepter they take with them to cons?
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/01/12(Tue)11:07 No.5785876

    I feel like that question is encompassed by the rest of the questions, but the idea of a Seagull princessu / cgl idol scepter is a humorously good idea.

    Anyway, questions posted on the tumblr. It'd be good if we could have all of the answers and some pictures submitted by Thursday so we can have this next round of voting done by Friday.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)15:59 No.5786684
    I MET KAFUKACHAN AT ACEN HNGGG. my princessu~ ♥
    >> Kafukachan hates bullies !3Z7vqi3PBI 05/01/12(Tue)16:21 No.5786779
    Aw, thanks anon! I'm sure it was nice to meet you too!
    >> Kendrinsane !oeqH/T1ZJI 05/01/12(Tue)16:31 No.5786825
    Thank you! Yeah unfortunately all of my skin is picky, but usually things with light and natural ingrediants aren't too bad, I just have a hard time knowing what to look for without being referred.
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)16:33 No.5786836
    too old looking
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)18:56 No.5787344

    Giant Kyubey head -hint hint-
    >> PrincessAmai !!HIr6Gs9h47i 05/01/12(Tue)19:43 No.5787516
         File: 1335915831.jpg-(49 KB, 350x262, Station6.jpg)
    49 KB
    I did two shoots over the weekend; one with a friend who did the photography (though sadly it was windy and rainy) and I did one to take advantage of the momentary sun. I also bought some F1 car shaped sweets haha.♥

    Those are interesting questions, I can't wait to get answering them! c:
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)19:46 No.5787524
    Your dandruff is WAY outta control.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/01/12(Tue)20:51 No.5787829

    Is that rain on the camera lens?
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)21:11 No.5787912
         File: 1335921062.jpg-(31 KB, 516x557, 01.jpg)
    31 KB
    whoa! amazing!
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)21:13 No.5787923
    Hideous buckteeth, 0/10, would not hover hand
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)21:14 No.5787926
    so does she give as good head as they all say she does?
    man girl you must really love cock
    >> Anonymous 05/01/12(Tue)22:46 No.5788281
    >> Hitsuzen !!bpM+BJ5XW8T 05/02/12(Wed)13:44 No.5789958
         File: 1335980677.jpg-(411 KB, 800x600, tree2hipster.jpg)
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    Hey guys. Bumping this from page 6 or 7 or something awful for help. I'm not sure which pictures, and which level of shoop to submit. I'm also not sure whether I like more natural lighting or the more artistic filters like in this pic.
    here's the links to my pictures (inb4 not as pretty as Eastern Europeans)
    >No shoop:
    >Some shoop
    >Dakota level shoop:
    >> alleechan !!3mp1pL9e988 05/02/12(Wed)14:29 No.5790078
    I like the Dakota-level shoops, but I think you're underestimating just how much she shoops, haha!
    >> Hitsuzen !!bpM+BJ5XW8T 05/02/12(Wed)14:36 No.5790109
    Maybe I am, haha. I just feel weird changing myself that much. It just feels...wrong.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/02/12(Wed)14:37 No.5790111

    I've spent a lot of time looking at those pictures trying to figure how to advise you, Hitsuzen. I suppose you might as well go with the full out shoop ones. Photoshopping always seems so weird to me in a way- taking photos of very beautiful women and deeming them not good enough. I can see the changes by comparing the photos and I don't see any reason not to go with the heavily chopped ones. I'd say you'd want to at least go with the middle ones for the color adjustments. I'm interested in whether any other anons will share their opinions.
    >> Napoleon 05/02/12(Wed)14:39 No.5790123
         File: 1335983996.jpg-(20 KB, 221x186, napolean-dynamite-buster-posey(...).jpg)
    20 KB
    Gosh. Why is this thread still going?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)14:39 No.5790124
    damn your pretty
    >> Hitsuzen !!bpM+BJ5XW8T 05/02/12(Wed)14:45 No.5790140
    I've always been pretty anti-photoshop, past getting rid of blemishes/undereye bags. I feel like changing parts of your face and body just makes it fake. It's just a weird idea to me. But...I feel like I prefer the overly shopped ones, which just makes me feel weird. It's just odd.
    Thank you~
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/02/12(Wed)15:26 No.5790248

    Have you picked out your shots and seen the question list, Alleechan?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)17:41 No.5790627
    This is just, so, so incredibly embarrassing. Maybe if any of you girls had actual talents it wouldn't be so bad, honestly the Oishii thing is even growing on me.

    But seriously? You're all just trying to become an ~idol~ with no skills and no effort. It's lazy as fuck and makes me cringe just watching you girls do it.

    This is just going to fizzle out or end up with people making shitstorms over shopped pictures vs. mediocre faces in reality. And since all you have are your faces, you're going to be (less successful) versions of Dakooter. That's not even counting the fact that you're all internet obsessive seagulls who'll stir up drama whenever you can.

    Have fun.
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 05/02/12(Wed)19:03 No.5790891
    Would you like us to send our photos and answers tonight or tomorrow?
    Also, is there any specific format you want the photos sent in, and how many should we choose?
    Thanks! ♥
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/02/12(Wed)19:10 No.5790924

    Submit them whenever you feel like you're ready. I'd think at least three are needed, but if you have five or six you want to use feel free to submit them all.
    >> alleechan !!3mp1pL9e988 05/02/12(Wed)20:38 No.5791394
    I've seen the question yes, still trying to decide on pictures but that won't take very long. I'll submit tomorrow ^^ How many of us go through to the next round?
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)20:41 No.5791413
    The only people who give a crap about this any more are the contestants themselves.
    >> Alice Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)20:44 No.5791427
    I'd like to know this, too! I really hope I can make it through this round - I honestly think that the video round will be really beneficial to me.

    Also, Hitsuzen! I love all your pictures, but I like the ones with filters on them the best! Probably because I'm biased and I always put a million filters on my own, but you know.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/02/12(Wed)21:05 No.5791548

    I was thinking three or four depending on how the votes split.


    We'll see how many people are still interested when the next vote takes place, but thanks for that very helpful and constructive post.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/02/12(Wed)21:16 No.5791592
    Alice's round 2 submission is up on the tumblr, and great job being thorough on it, Alice!
    >> Alice Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)21:20 No.5791610
    Thanks! I'm busy tomorrow so I decided to just submit early. Hopefully I'll make it through to the next round, hshdhdsh. Haha.
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)21:38 No.5791681
    I look forward to seeing everyone's entries and voting!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)21:54 No.5791743
    You should all include one cosplay photo in your entries.
    >> bandage-tan !TmNv4e2Q8s 05/02/12(Wed)21:55 No.5791748
    I'd love it if the next round required either cosplay or lolita.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/02/12(Wed)22:00 No.5791762

    I suggested at least one cosplay photo in the guidelines I put up a while ago.

    As for requiring cosplay or lolita, that's up to /cgl/'s voting, really.

    With Ophelia gone who is left that does neither?
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/02/12(Wed)22:15 No.5791829
    Hm, maybe I only suggested the cosplay pictures here in the threads and not on the blog. In any case I've been recommending it on here here a while, but it'll be the seagulls who decide if it matters if anyone doesn't include any.
    >> Hitsuzen !!bpM+BJ5XW8T 05/02/12(Wed)23:02 No.5792042
         File: 1336014155.png-(1.14 MB, 900x546, beautyortalent.png)
    1.14 MB
    Thanks! I think I like them too. More artsy-fartsy I guess, haha.
    I really like the cosplay/lolita thing. But I'm not sure which I should go for. Should I show off my skills as a costumer, or go more for the beauty aspect?
    Either way, I'm thinking about submitting one of these two. Or if anyone would care to look at my coscom, I have others there as well.
    You guys have already been super helpful. Thank you so much.
    >> Alice Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)23:10 No.5792077
    The one on the left is just.. astounding. I wanted to say that before, but... jeez. I just can't imagine how much work went into that!
    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)23:44 No.5792193

    I've been following this pretty religiously and I'm not a contestant, haha.

    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)23:48 No.5792212
    Alice, you're so lovely.

    >> Anonymous 05/02/12(Wed)23:50 No.5792221
    Who is Alice cosplaying in her cosplay photo?
    >> Hitsuzen !!bpM+BJ5XW8T 05/02/12(Wed)23:58 No.5792249
    Gah, thank you so much Alice. I'm not one to brag at all but I'm so proud of it. I didn't think I'd be able to pull it off at all, but I'm really happy with how it turned out. But, yes, blood and tears literally went in to making it, and I'm thinking about 50-100 hours worth of time. And as weird as it sounds, I'm just as proud of the top hat as I am of the mouth. But, again, thank you so much. I'm flattered.
    >> Alice Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)00:15 No.5792286
    Thank you! Actually, that's on the list of cosplays that I want to do! :'D Panty is my favorite.

    It's Ami from ToraDora!. The jacket buttons needed resewing so I just snapped a quick pic without. I'm not sure if I'll wear her to AX or not though, that's my tumblr-tan wig and I was just being silly.

    Seriously, it blows me away. I couldn't even begin to think of how to start all of that. What is the mouth made of, by the way? I'm terrible terrible terrible at sewing so I couldn't even imagine!

    The top hat is splendid as well. :) Is there anywhere I can see more pictures of it?
    >> Hitsuzen !!bpM+BJ5XW8T 05/03/12(Thu)00:31 No.5792354
    I have a few more on my coscom, which I listed in my original post. It's got some close up of the top hat
    It's made mostly out of cardboard, expanding foam and paper mache. I pretty much just altered Kamui's expanding foam tutorial. I was thinking of making a tutorial but I got caught up with school and things.
    >> Hitsuzen !!bpM+BJ5XW8T 05/03/12(Thu)00:41 No.5792390
    Oh, I have work until 3 pm tomorrow, I hope that's alright. I wasn't sure when exactly the voting is starting.
    If it matters, I'm on the east coast of the US, since I think a few of us are from different time zones.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)00:44 No.5792400
    Is it too late to join the competition?
    >> Cricket 05/03/12(Thu)01:00 No.5792458
    Wow. Seriously, you're gorgeous. No shooping necessary.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/03/12(Thu)07:59 No.5793236

    Just submit a picture of both costumes.

    Also, Shaynii's submission is up. Very nice and thorough job, Shaynii.
    >> Hitsuzen !!bpM+BJ5XW8T 05/03/12(Thu)08:58 No.5793362
    Or I could do that. I'm not sure why I didn't think about that
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/03/12(Thu)09:14 No.5793397
         File: 1336050865.jpg-(14 KB, 239x284, i like what I'm reading.jpg)
    14 KB

    When you've got lots of talents you have to have lots of pictures to show them all.

    Also, Synth, if you're lurking about, mind if I use that picture on for the contest? And your new hairstyle is growing on me.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)09:23 No.5793413
         File: 1336051416.jpg-(127 KB, 500x446, 1335100562851.jpg)
    127 KB
    Does anyone have the cute pose spreadsheets I saw around here once? I'd be interested in having a look at them.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)09:41 No.5793453
    Woah, who is this girl? Looks fking amazing.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/03/12(Thu)09:55 No.5793476

    Endou Sora
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)10:11 No.5793486
    Man, you're both so adorable! And goddamnit, Amai, please don't let people get to you about your teeth. Healthcare isn't free in Amerikurr (which I assume you are from) and a lot of us have imperfect teeth. My front two sorta cross over one another and it's kind of a point of embarassment when I smile in photos, but your teeth are actually really charming! And I wish I had the bravery that you had to totally just flaunt them, especially at such a young age. And to have some of these 20-30 year old men and women calling you ugly and making shitty comments about your teeth . . . that should really make them ashamed. <3 you girl, to the top!
    And Shaynii, you're a cutie, too!
    And of course, Hitsuzen is absolutely a beauty! You're my top 3!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)10:14 No.5793491
    I'm pretty sure if I see people with stupid ass teeth I will laugh.

    >hurr healthcurr ain't free in amurikka
    So? Doesn't stop other people from trying to fix their dental problems. Don't enable this bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)10:35 No.5793509
    Go troll elsewhere. Or cough up the cash for cosmetic surgeries for every motherfucker with some awkward teeth.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)10:37 No.5793511

    Don't mind the troll. She's been trying since this whole thing got started.

    We all know Amai is cute and so does she.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)10:37 No.5793512
    This is an idol contest, someone with fucked up teeth should not be even participating. If you can't fix it, stop pretending you're a kawaii beauty.

    This next round I'm going to vote for everyone except her. I don't even care about this bullshit, but her damn teeth annoy me.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)10:42 No.5793520
    I really hope she does! I think she's too cute! I sorta want to smuggle her home and keep her as a pet!
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)10:43 No.5793523
    Are you an idiot? We're looking for an idoru "for Japan", and Japan loves moe. A moe person doesn't have to be a beauty.
    >> Nova★ !!9FsKRAuNsdD 05/03/12(Thu)10:47 No.5793536
         File: 1336056455.jpg-(138 KB, 503x752, ki.jpg)
    138 KB
    some people are really bothered by imperfect teeth and some people see these imperfections as "unique" or "interesting".

    I personally find Amai super cute but that's just my opinion.

    sage for getting me to reply when none of this actually matters
    >> synth !kVdm0ialw6 05/03/12(Thu)10:48 No.5793537
    Sure, I don't mind. I'm glad you liked it~

    I am probably going to keep it this way for a while. Until I can afford a professional hair salon job thing to lighten it, since I've confirmed for myself that I am terribad at DIY styling. Letting the bangs grow out, though, since /cgl/'s response was negative. c:
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)10:49 No.5793542
    What are we voting on? The outfits?
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/03/12(Thu)10:52 No.5793550
         File: 1336056772.gif-(815 KB, 500x220, stay pure ayase.gif)
    815 KB

    Well you look beautiful either way, Synth. Thank you for the contest focused artwork.

    Also, this was my post^^^
    To trip every thread or not to trip every thread, that is the question.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/03/12(Thu)10:55 No.5793556

    The ladies. When the poll is posted (probably later tonight or tomorrow morning) everyone will be voting on which lady (or ladies) they'd want to the girl who represents /cgl/ as its idol.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/03/12(Thu)10:56 No.5793562

    >voting on which lady (or ladies) they'd want to [BE] the girl

    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)11:15 No.5793595
    Damn those answers she gave makes it seem like she is honestly invested in this. My vote is for her and Amai since they are both nice cuties.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:47 No.5794428

    Can we vote more than once this time again, or will I have to pick between my darling princessus?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)15:53 No.5794443

    Right now I'm thinking multiple voting again.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)16:35 No.5794586
         File: 1336077322.jpg-(53 KB, 500x281, krieger and waifu.jpg)
    53 KB
    Okay, after some difficulties making all the photos show up (no idea what tumblr's deal is) Princess Amai's round two submission is up.

    Great job with it, Amai. Been keeping up with your calisthenics?
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/03/12(Thu)16:36 No.5794590

    Ugh, both of those were me.
    >> PrincessAmai !!HIr6Gs9h47i 05/03/12(Thu)16:51 No.5794641
    Oh, it's up, there are butterflies in my tummy haha.♥

    Thankfully it isn't rain. c: There was rain in the background though (it was a truly awful day), but it looked a bit off so I used a Meitu filter. c:
    Thank you so so much for your kind words and support anon! What you said really means a lot, and I hope that you'll become more comfortable with your teeth.♥ It's fun to have my teeth called "charming" eheh. I'm actually from England and we have free healthcare here. However I've talked to my dentist about my teeth before and really they don't impose on my health or wellbeing in any way at all so any "fixing" would be purely aesthetic. I'd feel bad to use the health service's time and money to fix something purely aesthetic when there are people who need that time and money more. c: Plus I quite like them, I don't think I would be me without my funny teeth!
    Aww thank you so much, that sounds fun haha! Can we watch footie?
    Thank you C: I love the Misa-Misa in your picture.
    Thank you for your support kind anons, Shaynii is more talented than me though, I admire her and the other girls a lot!
    Yay, thank you. C: I've been trying to do a little more with each session, and each morning I've done some running since I've been late for the train a lot.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)16:54 No.5794648
    >PrincessAmai will never be your waifu and watch F1 with you

    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/03/12(Thu)17:02 No.5794676

    >I've been trying to do a little more with each session, and each morning I've done some running since I've been late for the train a lot.

    Good job, Amai. I loved the outfits you chose for your shots, and I like the pose you're using on the shot of you sitting on the bed. Pointing your toes like that makes your legs appear longer. Did someone suggest it or did you just come up with it at random? I'm almost ashamed that I forgot to mention such tactics in my posing post on the tumblr.
    >> Claudie !!5M+s+ZHeFhU 05/03/12(Thu)17:06 No.5794684
         File: 1336079203.jpg-(19 KB, 432x599, 1333834015085.jpg)
    19 KB
    I just gotta say, all you aidoru are freakin' stunning. ♡
    >> Kafukachan hates bullies !3Z7vqi3PBI 05/03/12(Thu)18:53 No.5795064
         File: 1336085584.jpg-(306 KB, 600x903, omfg.jpg)
    306 KB
    ok well i did a small photoshoot with my friend today! Finally, I had someone to help with photos, haha! If anyone wants to edit them feel free because I really don't know how to ;_ ;
    >> Hitsuzen !!bpM+BJ5XW8T 05/03/12(Thu)18:57 No.5795080
    Love the railroad background. Nice pose, too.

    I'm curious, what is everyone resizing their pictures to? I'm sort of new to tumblr and I guess I just sorta fail at the internet. I don't want to post something and have it end up looking like the last time I posted, all smooshed and everything
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)18:58 No.5795085
    Guuuurl, lrn2angle. The way your photographer has shot looking down at you makes your legs look super stumpy. If they crouch and shoot at mid thigh height, it'll make your legs look even longer than they actually are.
    >> Kafukachan hates bullies !3Z7vqi3PBI 05/03/12(Thu)19:04 No.5795112
    Thanks! I know it's kinda sterotypical LOL but my area is so boring so I thought this might be ok
    I put my photos into paint and make them 30 percent of what they'd originally be, if that makse sense!

    Aw, alright, thank you! ; ;
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)19:13 No.5795150
         File: 1336086780.jpg-(483 KB, 500x1004, mnjhbgvfgcd.jpg)
    483 KB
    you should fix your entry, all the pictures are too small. do something like this instead.
    >> alleechan !!3mp1pL9e988 05/03/12(Thu)19:24 No.5795203
    hi guys i'm just going out for supper so i'll submit in a couple hours ^^ the entries are fantastic so far! very intimidating haha.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/03/12(Thu)21:15 No.5795770
         File: 1336094150.png-(1.34 MB, 681x1024, adjusted.png)
    1.34 MB

    Looks like they could really use some brightening up. How was the weather out there today? Overcast?
    >> Hitsuzen !!bpM+BJ5XW8T 05/03/12(Thu)21:18 No.5795789
    Submitted mine!
    Tell me if that looks funny Idolin and I can try to fix it. I realized I could submit one big photo right as I was submitting a text entry. orz
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/03/12(Thu)21:24 No.5795827

    Tumblr must be really slow today because I'm not seeing any new submissions.
    >> Hitsuzen !!bpM+BJ5XW8T 05/03/12(Thu)21:38 No.5795911
    Hrm. Weird. Let me try submitting it the other way, too.
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 05/03/12(Thu)21:48 No.5796010
    So whatever happened to Ophelia and her Maori war paint fetish?
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)21:49 No.5796015
         File: 1336096168.jpg-(72 KB, 230x238, 1329407442185.jpg)
    72 KB
    >Maori war paint fetish
    >> alleechan !!3mp1pL9e988 05/03/12(Thu)21:53 No.5796041
    I can edit a few for you if you want ^^
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/03/12(Thu)22:10 No.5796165
         File: 1336097425.jpg-(30 KB, 704x396, suck it noefag.jpg)
    30 KB

    She died. How does that make you feel?


    Still not getting anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/03/12(Thu)22:11 No.5796169
    >She died. How does that make you feel?

    Fucking glorious.
    >> Hitsuzen !!bpM+BJ5XW8T 05/03/12(Thu)22:11 No.5796172
    Pooooh. Can I post it to my tumblr and have you reblog it?
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/03/12(Thu)22:13 No.5796180

    Sure, what's your tumblr address?
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 05/03/12(Thu)22:14 No.5796185
    Exactly how I felt 5 minutes ago.
    No but seriously, did she drop out or what?
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/03/12(Thu)22:17 No.5796202

    Haven't seen her post in an idol thread since she asked for opinions on that short tight serving wench/meido fetish dress thing. That was a couple of weeks ago.
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 05/03/12(Thu)22:22 No.5796221
    Oh nooo my waifu
    Nah jk she's a flatty
    Alleechan has got this shit. Maybe Shaynii. If Amai wins this shit I'm gonna shit a brick.
    >> Hitsuzen !!bpM+BJ5XW8T 05/03/12(Thu)22:35 No.5796262
    Here you go. I think I like the order of the pictures, but I might change it.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/03/12(Thu)22:39 No.5796271

    Thank you, you're posted. I hope everyone else gets theirs submitted tonight. Time for some rest
    >> Uguudoll !3gJlaqFfe2 05/03/12(Thu)23:39 No.5796494
    sorry I've been so quiet lately. I just had my last week of term so it was pretty crazy.
    I didn't really get a chance to take a lot of photos so I'll just have to submit what I have ^^ I'll put them up later today ~
    everyone looks fantastic! really set the bar high o.o;
    >> alleechan !!3mp1pL9e988 05/03/12(Thu)23:52 No.5796531
    i submitted ^^'
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)03:45 No.5797031
         File: 1336117505.png-(7 KB, 493x402, 1310263982861.png)
    7 KB
    >mfw The Dude is back

    Please don't go away no more.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)03:52 No.5797062
    >Maori war paint fetish

    wait what
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)09:36 No.5797594

    Okay, thanks for getting those in, Alleechan and Hitsuzen.

    Hitsuzen, I really appreciated your candid answers to the questions. I'm happy you're finding some happiness with yourself.

    Alleechan, your experience in photographing yourself really shows and you're very beautiful. I'm sure everyone's glad you decided to participate.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)09:43 No.5797601
         File: 1336138994.jpg-(44 KB, 469x352, good end.jpg)
    44 KB
    Now, it seems we've only had five out of eight submissions. (I've given up on Ophelia's continued participation)

    Kafuka, Bandage-tan, and Uguu haven't submitted anything and I really was hoping to have voting going by this morning.

    Are any of you three around? Any chance of having submissions within the next few hours?
    >> Uguudoll !3gJlaqFfe2 05/04/12(Fri)09:44 No.5797605
    yes! sorry, I never know what time it is over there...
    my submission is on my tumblr,

    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)09:56 No.5797636

    So just the pictures? Did you answer the questions?
    >> Uguudoll !3gJlaqFfe2 05/04/12(Fri)09:59 No.5797642
    oops yeah I did. I just think my layout doesn't show the writing. it should come up in the reblogging window?
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)10:01 No.5797645

    Okay, you're up. Thank you, Uguu.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)11:20 No.5797737
    Kafuka and Alpaca, are you two going to get your submissions in today?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)12:28 No.5797839
         File: 1336148885.png-(195 KB, 403x513, insulted.png)
    195 KB
    >Mfw at all the people saying they buy costumes and listing Girls Generation as their favorite Japanese girl group
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)12:36 No.5797855

    Did you not read Shaynii's and Hitsuzen's answers? If talented costume makers is your criteria they've surely got you covered.
    >> Hitsuzen !!bpM+BJ5XW8T 05/04/12(Fri)13:32 No.5797947
    I've been reading all the entries and you girls are all so cute! I'm so happy this competition's filled with such adorable, talented, well mannered girls. Best of luck to everyone! And thank you for allowing me to stay in this competition. It's been a blast and I've learned alot.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)14:42 No.5798136

    100%. I'm sure the winner will represent /cgl/ positively in any case at this point. I just wish Kafuka and Bandage-tan had already submitted so we could be having a voting thread right now.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)14:44 No.5798146
         File: 1336157076.gif-(1.86 MB, 330x278, optimistic cat.gif)
    1.86 MB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)14:47 No.5798155
    Automatically I am less inclined to vote for the people who haven't even submitted yet. Deadlines are important, and if you can't even follow simple ones, what's the point?
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)14:50 No.5798163

    I strongly considered just starting the voting, but I never said today was the deadline, so I think we should give them a bit longer. If they haven't submitted by tomorrow morning I'll just start the vote up anyway. However, I know that at least Kafuka has already put in some effort taking photos because she's been posting them. I just hope Bandage-tan's done the same.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)14:50 No.5798166
    Amai should probably fix her entry, you can only see one of the pictures properly...
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)14:55 No.5798176

    I had problems with her photos not showing up so I made the collage a single shot that linked to her post on her tumblr. If you follow the link you can view them all in their individual glory.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)14:59 No.5798184
    uguu doll has lifeless, soulless eyes. Like a creepy shark.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)15:02 No.5798196
    kafuka is a mediocre looking girl hiding behind a wig and not enough makeup to convince me she's pretty.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)15:10 No.5798233

    Nothing against her, personally, but I'm fairly certain that the rest of the hoes don't even see her as competition.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)15:16 No.5798256
    When are we voting??
    >> PrincessAmai !!HIr6Gs9h47i 05/04/12(Fri)15:18 No.5798263
    Don't think like that, anon, we can watch F1! And eat popcorn or doritos... or something!
    Thank you so much! To be completely honest I didn't even mean for the photo to end up that way, I just posed and thought "Hey, that actually turned out pretty well!". I'll have to remember this for future photos^^
    Ahh man no way. Does anyone have any tips for fixing the photoset, or would it be better just to insert the pictures above the text individually? And if I fixed it would it be possible to somehow resubmit? Thank you for making it a link to the pictures, Idolin. c:
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)15:25 No.5798284

    I really wouldn't worry about it, Amai. They're not much smaller the way they are now. Apparently I chose a really bad layout style for the tumblr, I didn't know it at the time, though. Thing seems to not get along with a lot of photos for some reason. Anyway, if you want to resubmit with a different style I can give it a try, but I don't know if it's worth the effort.


    We'll start tonight if Kafuka and Bandage-tan submit their stuff. If they don't submit anything we'll start tomorrow morning (in around 19 hours)
    >> Kafukachan hates bullies !3Z7vqi3PBI 05/04/12(Fri)15:59 No.5798371
         File: 1336161542.gif-(123 KB, 480x270, 1336029513309.gif)
    123 KB
    Ok well, I don't think my confidence is high enough to make it much further in the competition, but I can submit something quickly.. Just let me edit something with the minimal skills I have ;_ ; haha
    Sorry for the wait and everything.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)16:04 No.5798379

    Don't listen to trolls, Kafuka-chan. You have quite a few fans already, and you've made it this far for a reason.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:18 No.5798404
    You're a nice girl and I don't think you are less attractive than the competition.
    Don't let bitches bitching get to you.
    >> bandage-tan !TmNv4e2Q8s 05/04/12(Fri)16:38 No.5798477
    Idolin, I would to personally apologize for being so late with the entry, to you, to the girls, and to whoever runs across these threads. I think I may overestimated how photogenic I am. I am scrambling to see if I can get at least three good photos out the fiasco that my face has become.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:40 No.5798484
    You'd be the betaest male of /cgl/, if you were considered part of this board.

    Which of course, you're not, go back to /soc/ you tripfag circlejerking cancer.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:46 No.5798501
    I don't think we should be rushing the girls too much, I mean even I was surprised we were talking about voting already. Just the other day it sounded like it was going to be a lot longer, so I mean, it's not really their fault since this seemed to be a last minute "let's just vote now!" thing. It wasn't like the deadline was set from the very second round 2 started, haha.

    Can't wait to see Kafuka-chan's and bandagetan's entries!
    >> Kafukachan hates bullies !3Z7vqi3PBI 05/04/12(Fri)16:46 No.5798503
    Baw thanks. I'm trying to download photoshop right now though, so I'll have an entry in by tonight ;_; thanks!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:47 No.5798510
         File: 1336164471.png-(44 KB, 256x256, 1330831108667.png)
    44 KB
    >You'd be the betaest male of /cgl/
    >not me

    I Take offence to that.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)16:49 No.5798518
         File: 1336164571.jpg-(77 KB, 388x296, oh you anon.jpg)
    77 KB

    Why don't you just post some of your shots up and we can let you know which ones we think work best?


    >pic related
    >> bandage-tan !TmNv4e2Q8s 05/04/12(Fri)16:54 No.5798534
    Because they are all crappy. I'm hoping with a little shoop I can make myself look less like a combination of PT and Luvmonkeys. I want to apologize to everyone for the terrible quality, in no way am I trying to belittle this contest. I think think the girls are absolutely beautiful, and wish the best for each of them. I've just gotten in a little bit over my head.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)17:07 No.5798580

    The photos may fail to capture you properly, but I don't think it's your not belonging that's the problem, Alpaca.
    >> PrincessAmai !!HIr6Gs9h47i 05/04/12(Fri)17:30 No.5798642
         File: 1336167054.png-(16 KB, 100x100, wakfu43.png)
    16 KB
    Tumblr can be so fussy and stubborn sometimes. :c I changed the layout of the pictures so I'll send the link over again. Though if it doesn't work this time I'll just leave it and hope people can still make a good judgement on the smaller pictures. ^^
    Have confidence and don't let meanies get to you!♥ You're very pretty and many people like you so don't give up C: Also I'd recommend XiuXiu Meitu if you don't have it already. It's in Chinese but I find it a lot easier to use than photoshop.
    But you're really pretty Bandage-tan! I hope you'll have a picture with an Arkapasso, they're so cute!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)17:32 No.5798650
    F1 princess for victory, it'll happen!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)17:36 No.5798663
    Hey, do you have a photobucket or deviant art or some other site where you upload your pictures?

    I like your cosplay and think you're very pretty, but it's hard to find your pictures.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)17:41 No.5798679

    Okay, I deleted your old submission and reblogged the new one, Amai, and it looks like it works fine.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)18:03 No.5798747
         File: 1336169013.jpg-(862 KB, 681x1024, mdrgch-1 copy.jpg)
    862 KB
    I made a quick shoop for some of your photos, feel free to use it if you like them
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)18:04 No.5798753
         File: 1336169064.jpg-(827 KB, 681x1024, o0sNPh copy.jpg)
    827 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)18:05 No.5798756
         File: 1336169107.jpg-(807 KB, 681x1024, he0Mph copy.jpg)
    807 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)18:06 No.5798764
    >translation: I want to fap to you
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)18:16 No.5798801
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)18:18 No.5798811
    Well, I can't say I don't find her sexually attractive, but I like to look at pictures for other purposes too.

    You sound like a very vulgar person, please stop being so lewd.
    >> Kafukachan hates bullies !3Z7vqi3PBI 05/04/12(Fri)18:18 No.5798812
         File: 1336169903.jpg-(46 KB, 250x250, 1335236778857.jpg)
    46 KB
    Wow, thanks for these, anon!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)18:20 No.5798824
    I wasn't trolling, I was being serious.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)18:22 No.5798831
    your really hot
    >> bandage-tan !TmNv4e2Q8s 05/04/12(Fri)18:41 No.5798909
         File: 1336171279.jpg-(68 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m1j1ujeSxp1r3gomwo1_500.jpg)
    68 KB

    It's been submitted.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)19:20 No.5799015

    So do you have dysmorphia or what? You're beautiful and your pictures are totally cute and sweet. Were these what you were ashamed of?

    Anyway, your submission is up.
    >> Kafukachan hates bullies !3Z7vqi3PBI 05/04/12(Fri)19:25 No.5799039
    ok submitted ;_;
    >> bandage-tan !TmNv4e2Q8s 05/04/12(Fri)19:30 No.5799053
         File: 1336174200.jpg-(166 KB, 1024x681, 6068256666_e196980f3a_b.jpg)
    166 KB
    T-thank you! I probably do have some kind of internal lens problem, time to bring that up with the therapist. Welp.
    I've been pretty stressed lately, and I think that spilled over into my self image.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)19:35 No.5799071

    How did you submit it? Tumblr seems to be really slow or cranky because Hitsuzen's submissions never came through either. Do you have it on a tumblr you can just link here?
    >> Kafukachan hates bullies !3Z7vqi3PBI 05/04/12(Fri)19:37 No.5799076
    I sent it as a submission. I don't really use that tumblr, but i can make a post for it if I need to ; ; would that be better?
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)19:42 No.5799086

    If you could try it I appreciate it.
    >> Kafukachan hates bullies !3Z7vqi3PBI 05/04/12(Fri)19:49 No.5799106
    >>5799086 ok!
    I hope it works ajkfb
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)19:57 No.5799128
    Now that everyone has submitted will you make a voting thread?
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)19:59 No.5799135

    Okay, thank you, Kafuka-chan.

    Voting will start in just a few minutes. I'll start a new post for it.
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)20:04 No.5799150

    Voting thread, go vote, seagulls!
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/04/12(Fri)20:10 No.5799176
    okay, making another thread since people got pissy about me using kafuka's picture.

    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)20:11 No.5799187
    Betta McBeth
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)20:16 No.5799207
    well anyone would get pissy seeing her fat cumstained face
    >> Cricket 05/05/12(Sat)13:27 No.5801679
    Are other people allowed to enter? Or are submissions closed?
    >> IDOLIN !GmASteRTto 05/05/12(Sat)15:48 No.5802157

    Sorry, the submissions were closed weeks ago. We already had a first round of voting to eliminate about twenty women.

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