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    File: 1335750576.jpg-(61 KB, 532x550, 1335748676035-1.jpg)
    61 KB Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:49 No.5779538  
    why do you evan come here anymore?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:51 No.5779545
    I ask myself that question every day.
    >> smoker !HOZlQYR1MY 04/29/12(Sun)21:52 No.5779556
    I... Don't know.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:52 No.5779557
    I don't even cosplay
    I come here because it's entertaining and it's one of the few boards that still has a real community
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:53 No.5779560
    >The people here are extraordinary. Also, I am just an anon, but with all the hostility and crap people give to the trips, I wonder too why they are still staying.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:58 No.5779595
    this. you can't beat the sommunity of a baord like /cgl/. None of the bigger boards even have communities.
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/29/12(Sun)22:00 No.5779599
    Because the hate machine on this board is so easily fueled.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:02 No.5779611
    Arthur, why are you such a beta loser?
    >> denver max !!vP6YmxK7xcL 04/29/12(Sun)22:02 No.5779614
    i'm a masochist
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 04/29/12(Sun)22:03 No.5779617
    My name's not evan
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:03 No.5779619
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    To ask the odd question and see if Adella is doing anything funny.

    I've pretty much moved to /toy/ at this point. I hope the drama becomes more board related once the con season starts.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:03 No.5779623
    Dude, Arthur is better than you in every possible fucking way and don't you forget about that.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:05 No.5779632
    At first I came here to figure out how to make props and sew better, but I find myself sitting on the progress and help threads completely fascinated with just watching people create.
    It's become pretty slow so I pop into a luvmonkeys thread or two to offer her some helpful tips.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:05 No.5779634
    when is con season, anyways? it seems elusive and fleeting.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:06 No.5779639
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:07 No.5779642
    Usually like late may to august
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 04/29/12(Sun)22:07 No.5779644
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    I can't get away from it and that's fine by me.
    To be honest, this board is too damn amusing to ignore.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:09 No.5779650
    The period of time when all of the major Cons are going on. SDCC, Anime Expo, what have you. The 15,000+ venues.

    It starts with Fanime and ends with Otakon.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:10 No.5779656
    I've been reading /cgl/ for around a year or so, despite not liking anime or ever attending any sort of a convention meaning I have no idea what half of you are talking about. I almost never post, I'm just a perpetual lurker. This may be my second post here in the last six months or so.

    Despite this, I read it so often that I have it bookmarked on my toolbar next to the boards I actually contribute to (/k/ and /tg/). Mostly I just like seeing some of the crazy shit people can build in terms of costumes and props - I like doing similar things myself and some of what I see here is downright inspiring. The horrible con story greentext threads are also usually hysterical, and I can relate to those given their similarity to /tg/-related gaming cons.

    The other major draw for me is the hilarious level of catty in-fighting bullshit drama, half of which is over literally nothing. On any given day, if I'm feeling somewhat bored, I can come to /cgl/, look for one of the five or six threads about Dakota or Jnig (there were FOUR about Dakota on the first page alone a couple of days ago, seriously), and entertain the hell out of myself through the critical levels of butthurt and flaming. If mankind could find a way to harness the power of indignant whining, /cgl/ alone could power Seattle.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:10 No.5779658
    Ah, damn...the summerfags will be coming soon.

    It's the worst time of year, but also the fastest the board moves all year, too.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:11 No.5779666
    are you me?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:12 No.5779667
    I only come on here when tumblr is dead and they'res nothing to do.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:12 No.5779670
    master troll
    >> Eva Expret !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 04/29/12(Sun)22:14 No.5779675
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    For sustenance.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:14 No.5779680
    im in a similar situation, i have been lurking cgl for a while, I think i love the drama, and there are many cool people here. I never watch anime or go to any conventions, etc. i still love cgl, so many cool cosplays
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:15 No.5779682

    Possibly. I'd often wondered how many other people just like me did the same thing.


    Don't get me wrong, I'd be mad if it ever changed. The angsty drama is as much a part of /cgl/ as the costumes and con stories.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:15 No.5779683
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:16 No.5779687
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    >why do you evan come here anymore?
    I don't know OP, why do you even come here anymore~?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:17 No.5779691
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    I'm here for the W.I.P. threads, and the occasional Weeaboo story, and lurking until I find another Kansas thread.
    Also waiting for Summer again, I felt like the community was ALIVE and there wasn't as many PT/Dakota/J Nig circle jerk threads. Con threads everywhere.

    the /soc/ threads were pretty good too
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:21 No.5779707
    gotta love the weeb threads
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:22 No.5779712
    I come here because I hate myself.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:33 No.5779744
    I know right? They felt fresh during the summer(Even though they're all the same pretty much)
    whatever happened to Pantsu?
    >> TK-421 04/30/12(Mon)00:35 No.5780117
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    I came here on the promises of Punch and Pie.

    I was lied too...
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:41 No.5780156
    I come here so I can release my bitchiness. I am quite shy and quiet IRL, and can sometimes bottle up my hatred, This leads to me being a total cunt to people. So, instead of lashing out randomly, I come here, read some drama and make fun of people who I know are prettier than me, because it feels good and won't damage my reputation. I can be the biggest jerk on earth, but it won't follow me past a thread or two. Then, I feel better and can be polite to people I know IRL.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:48 No.5780202
    progress threads, convention photos, event information. one of the rare people who actually makes costumes on cgl.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:54 No.5780231
    So... You're a beta, two-faced cunt?

    I'm actually sort of done with cgl. I've been to meetups, I've meet people via G+ and somehow I feel like everyone I've met is just a whiny, whiny bitch.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:54 No.5780233
    Pirate Toaster
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)00:55 No.5780238
    Convention and progress threads

    And responding to stupid meta threads like this obviously
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)01:10 No.5780318
    This only minus the progress threads part. The event information, pictures, and reviews here are great! I get to see what conventions are worth going to based on the word of mouth (or lack there of) posted here.

    >Constant bad reivews of the con posted here?
    Don't waste my time and money going.

    >Con heads and staff acting like children and playing "all bad reviews are trolls/ other conventions staff trolling" on here?
    I KNOW that con is shit.

    >Nobody says anything about the convention/ All the threads die within 1-3 posts?
    Probably too small to consider going to. Don't bother.

    >Constant "Not a bad convention/ Great convention" posted on here?
    I know this con is worth attending.

    So many potential disappointments avoided, so much money saved. Pity the rest of /cgl/ is so shitty and unhelpful for the most part.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)01:16 No.5780350
    Yeah. I am. And I admit to it. Don't see anything wrong with that. To be honest, being two-faced is better than being a perpetual bitch.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)01:38 No.5780435
    why are acting like there's no alternative lol

    there are plenty of people who can handle an uncomfortable situation without being a bitch

    you're just afraid of the consequences and afraid of hurting your ego irl
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)01:51 No.5780470
    I keep waiting for PT to come back

    god I miss her

    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/30/12(Mon)01:55 No.5780478
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    I like seeing cute people in cosplay threads and Lolitas and getting up-to-date with all of the happenings of the internet.
    >> bandage-tan !TmNv4e2Q8s 04/30/12(Mon)01:57 No.5780483
    Because I just can't quit you /cgl/. I've tried.
    captcha killegl 187
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 04/30/12(Mon)02:01 No.5780496
    tumblr reddit and facebook update too slowly
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/30/12(Mon)02:06 No.5780512
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    Solution to Tumblr updating slowly:
    Follow more people
    >> Denmark !Z0k5e0SqSI 04/30/12(Mon)02:12 No.5780532
    I came here 5 years ago, for the cosplay threads. The progress threads. The convention threads (so long as I am going to said convention.).

    All of those things are rare now, so whenever I wait for them to show up, I just kind of lurk in the drama threads, if they're interesting enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:14 No.5780538
    >tumblr reddit and facebook

    not only are you ugly, but you also seem to have no redeeming qualities.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:21 No.5780563
    Shut the fuck up. You still post in pretty much every off topic and /soc/ thread there is. It don't matter if you sage.

    Hell, sage don't do shit.
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 04/30/12(Mon)02:27 No.5780584
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    aw. you remember me. I'm glad I made an impression.
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/30/12(Mon)02:33 No.5780601
    You know, I've never seen a vendetta-fag with a trip.
    Always anon, never balls.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:37 No.5780618
    Nigger, shit was just as rare 5 years ago. Instead of JNig threads, we had FranDan threads. Instead of Kotakoti, we had Miyu. Instead of Pixyteri--well, we had Pixyteri. Tripfags were tripping, dramu was dramatic, and lolis were just getting into OTT sweet.

    Oh, and Kipi. Kipi everywhere.

    Fuck you, newfag.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 04/30/12(Mon)02:37 No.5780619
    Because /toy/ gets slow at night and /m/ is only interesting when Super Hero Time is on because I don't watch a lot of /m/echa.

    Also because con threads and progress threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:39 No.5780624
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    >implying being a tripfag takes courage

    oh god my sides
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/30/12(Mon)02:40 No.5780628
    No, observing that there's no angsty tripfags, and pointing out that no-balls posts are always from anon.
    >> Denmark !Z0k5e0SqSI 04/30/12(Mon)02:40 No.5780629
    /cgl/ is pretty much /soc/ version 2, so I fail to see your point.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:42 No.5780634
    because tripfags usually drop their trips when they want to start shit.

    totally courageous bro
    >> Denmark !Z0k5e0SqSI 04/30/12(Mon)02:42 No.5780635
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    At least the dramu was fun back then.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:42 No.5780636
    >no angsty tripfags

    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:42 No.5780639
    You're saying tripfags don't come in here with vendettas?

    Oh lawdy, bitches don't know about spoony/static/god/voldemort/dildoes/ai-honey/everyfuckingtripfagever.

    Damn you are full on retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:44 No.5780642
    No it wasn't. No it was not fun back then either.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:44 No.5780643
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:46 No.5780649
    kabukimouse don't post no more

    might as well have on of the newfags take his post

    Voldeshit perhaps? she almost made a girl kill herself
    >> Denmark !Z0k5e0SqSI 04/30/12(Mon)02:46 No.5780650
    Sorry, but I liked it back then.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:47 No.5780653
    In that case you're a



    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/30/12(Mon)02:47 No.5780656

    Not ones they follow someone to every thread for, and call people 'retard' over in every post.

    Jesus Christ, do I really need to simplify every single thing I say on here? It's like reading comprehension is lower than the average in America.
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 04/30/12(Mon)02:48 No.5780658
    Been coming here a lot less. I suppose I want to hold on to what shred of respect I had here, even if it was brief.

    Won't deny I met a lot of friends at cons through here though.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:48 No.5780659
    actually he does.
    he's not a full-time troll anymore but he stops by to shit-post every so often

    and by he, i mean she
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:49 No.5780662
    >she thinks it's the same handful of people following her wherever she posts

    oh, you
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:50 No.5780665
    Spoony did that for years (she's eased up now). God did it. Voldemort still does it. So I honestly don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Tripfags are just as grudgey and "no-balls" as any anon, they just suck up to each other to get ahead in the "cosplay community" (or lolita, depending).

    I think it's your reading comprehension that should be questioned, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:51 No.5780666

    This backpeddaling is so pathetic, i'm just gonna ignore you.

    fyi, not everyone is from america here...
    >> chico 04/30/12(Mon)02:52 No.5780671

    Libra used to do that.

    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:53 No.5780673
    >Not ones they follow someone to every thread for, and call people 'retard' over in every post.
    >not ones they follow someone
    >to every thread for
    >call people "retard" over in every post
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/30/12(Mon)02:56 No.5780677
    I wasn't talking about myself.

    You're still replying, and I didn't say anyone is from America.

    They're not around now, or barely enough for anyone to pick up on. Reading comprehension has nothing to do with knowing who's around.

    >vendetta they call people 'retard' over
    Does that simplify it enough?

    Cmon guys, I feel second-hand embarrassment for you.
    >> chico !nIP2DlX816 04/30/12(Mon)02:58 No.5780684
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:59 No.5780685
    You keep typing, and none of it is making any sense. There are plenty of vendetta tripfags. Fuck, look at the Idolin thread for examples. And it's not the same anons over and over calling you a retard (or whoever the fuck you're talking about). I guarantee this is the first time I've ever called you a retard, and there are at least 3 other anons in this thread who think the same way. I'm not going to put on a faggoty-ass tripcode because you think anons have no balls.

    You're a fucking idiot and should kill yourself immediately.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)02:59 No.5780686
    look at you, been here for about a week and a half and you're already an expert.

    you still don't seem to know what vendetta means, by the way.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 04/30/12(Mon)03:00 No.5780687
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    I dunno', I wonder myself.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:01 No.5780688
    It must be exhausting being as stupid as flan.
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/30/12(Mon)03:03 No.5780694
    I browsed this site 5 years ago, and the only change is that the girls on this board are more bitter.

    >at least 3 anons
    If they're anons, how would you know?

    Ahh, you guys keep me young.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:05 No.5780697
    >cute people
    not much of that around here. including you.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:06 No.5780698
    >i'm not a newfag i've been here since forever

    also, it's pretty easy to guess how many anons are replying if you aren't an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:06 No.5780699
    timestaps, typing styles, etc

    it's really not that difficutl
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/30/12(Mon)03:07 No.5780703
    You're not one of those people that believes that different writing styles mean it's different people...are you?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:08 No.5780705
    Usually it does, you slack-jawed moron.
    >> Kendrinsane !oeqH/T1ZJI 04/30/12(Mon)03:09 No.5780709
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    progress threads, pretty cosplay pictures, drama...and I have no life
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/30/12(Mon)03:11 No.5780714
    So, you're calling me an idiot because I've pointed out that people can samefag with different typing/writing styles?

    Have you never heard of formspring? You can't be that gullible, surely.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:12 No.5780719
    Of course they can samefag using different styles, but USUALLY that's not the case. Multiple people hate you, deal with it.

    Also, formspring is for faggots. I suggest driving rusting nails directly into both eyeballs, repeatedly, until you are dead.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:13 No.5780720
    >I browsed this site 5 years ago, and the only change is that the girls on this board are more bitter.

    Ehhhh it seems about the same now as it was then. I think it's more because everyone has at least a facebook, tumblr, DA, etc that they can screencap and harrass non stop. Also, it seems like we get more and more bitter, drama laden, crazy girls vs non crazy, " I just want to discuss cosplay / lolita", cosplayisnotsrsbsn girls as the years go by.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:13 No.5780722
    >calling someone gullible
    >genuinely believes that only one or two people out of the entirety of /cgl/ has a beef with her, and they spend the entire day following her around wherever she posts to pick her apart and derail her otherwise totally on-topic replies

    you's fooling yerself there, dear
    >> cockburn !j1cnfd.1Yo 04/30/12(Mon)03:18 No.5780732
    I come here for Dakota, and of course to be a retarded lesbian nigger in every thread.
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/30/12(Mon)03:18 No.5780733
    More crazies is a good way to put it.
    I'm actually curious about the actual facts regarding the people here (age, occupation or lack thereof, how many live out of home, how many know how to clean, etc).
    I think that's why I'm here - studying the anger and insanity is fascinating.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:21 No.5780743
    >it's all just a ~soshul experiment~~~

    Goddamn, it's like you came from the internet of 10 years ago and haven't yet adapted to our strange future ways.
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/30/12(Mon)03:23 No.5780747
    Social experiment =/= pure fascination.

    It's like Dakota - you can't help but look. It's too interesting, and generally different to what is in one's normal life.

    >implying I'm meant to trust vendetta-non's words
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:27 No.5780753
    do you have a "special friend" who pushes your chair around and helps get you dressed in the morning?
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:28 No.5780754
    >implying you aren't just insecure and need attention 24/7
    >implying you didn't just realize last week that /cgl/ is the best board for this
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/30/12(Mon)03:36 No.5780769
    Okay anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:40 No.5780776
    I wonder that myself.
    My mental state is much healthier when I don't come here, and yet I keep coming back. Maybe I'm just a masochist.

    But really, the board has gotten a lot more negative in recent months. I don't mean that in an oldfag "BACK IN MY DAY..." sort of way, but just as an observation. /cgl/'s always been full of assholes, but lately even the on-topic cosplay threads (as rare as they are) are full of people complaining about stupid shit. Makes me miss the Kipi floods.
    >> Anonymous 04/30/12(Mon)03:42 No.5780784
    Remember /cgl/, the best way to get rid of attention whores is to ingore them. Shit works like magic.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 04/30/12(Mon)04:37 No.5780913
    Procrastination. I very rarely have a genuine interest in any of the threads on here these days.

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