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    File: 1335730240.jpg-(30 KB, 480x480, 485749_217000275082008_199510220164347_3(...).jpg)
    30 KB Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:10 No.5778508  
    I wasn't done talking about Venus's crazy mom.
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 04/29/12(Sun)16:11 No.5778513
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    I wasn't done with my popcorn.

    I like how serious and crazy she looks at the same time.
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/29/12(Sun)16:12 No.5778514
    Watch out she will sue you OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:12 No.5778516
    She is always watching /cgl/ so threads are gone very fast with her report-spam.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:12 No.5778517
    I wasn't done with my fanfic. :(
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 04/29/12(Sun)16:13 No.5778521
         File: 1335730396.png-(154 KB, 402x422, bawwut.png)
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    Threads never disappear when I report them...
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:13 No.5778523
    I doubt she is capable of using proxies for several reports.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:15 No.5778534
    What the hell did she even hope to accomplish with this? All she did was pretty much tattle on herself for cyberbullying if the police do decide to investigate.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:16 No.5778539
         File: 1335730601.gif-(407 KB, 500x220, 4srs.gif)
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    Wait. We have mods?
    And drama relating to lesser shit isn't deleted bu drama technically within the /cgl/ comm is?

    The fuck is this shit, mods?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:16 No.5778540
    I liked that fanfic, MOAR~
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:17 No.5778545
    lol dat serious face
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:17 No.5778547
    I actually figured that the OP deleted.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:19 No.5778557
    I went to open that thread and it was gone before it loaded. What is the deal? Is that Venus Angelic's mom?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:21 No.5778568
    I see where Venus gets her weird, pinched-up facial expressions from...
    >> kinkreet !o99hlnnLL. 04/29/12(Sun)16:21 No.5778570
    If there's mods it's just so unfair that they delete this kind of stupid threads and not the Dakota ones, just saying.
    At least Venus' mom is funny, Dakota isn't.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:23 No.5778578
    O.o this is new... what did I miss.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:25 No.5778589
    someone repost the facebook link so newcomers are clued in!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:26 No.5778592
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:28 No.5778601
    "Explanation? Ok, here we go: if someone is harassing you anonymus, go to the court against anonymus. Twitter will give the IPs and names of the persons and you'll be right. But if you exactly know, who is making a video against you, go to te court against exactly this person."

    yeah, you go win big, Margaret!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:28 No.5778602
    They delete Dakota threads too, nigger.
    >> kinkreet !o99hlnnLL. 04/29/12(Sun)16:31 No.5778605
    No, they don't. Most of them hit the 300 post limit and just auto sage until they disappear. Or maybe they delete them after it gets to a few hundred posts which is not really useful. You're not here often are you?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:31 No.5778608
    See, I always thought that if you put yourself into the public eye and the person posted a video with multiple bits of evidence, screencapped, with another person having a blog with the same claims, it would be a dumb idea, because the person filing the claim is just proving that they probably lied to the police.

    Also: Posting that screencaps on your facebook page of the person your reporting's page? not the best idea, either.
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 04/29/12(Sun)16:32 No.5778611
         File: 1335731541.png-(85 KB, 314x248, haaaaaaaaa.png)
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    She's really in for it now... ahaha.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:34 No.5778617
    NO WIRE HANGERS EVER!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:35 No.5778620
    Venus threads usually go on and on too. The last one was probably just deleted cause Margaret reported it.

    Furthermore, being on /cgl/ often is really not something to get on your high horse about.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:37 No.5778628
    Someone sum up what this is all about for me, please.

    I've tried google already and just know this lady's daughter is a known lolita and the media is pretty much calling her a creep because lolita can look like dolls
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:38 No.5778632
         File: 1335731931.jpg-(47 KB, 300x300, 1277014668184.jpg)
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    >they really think one report from a person will get a thread removed
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:39 No.5778633
    Is xiao and venus from the same country? If not, it's a fucking joke to sue her..
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:40 No.5778637
    They both live in London.
    >> kinkreet !o99hlnnLL. 04/29/12(Sun)16:41 No.5778640
    Yes, they go on and on too, but this one didn't. People keep reporting these threads and they don't get deleted (I really hope it was op who deleted it).
    And, well, it's not like I take pride on lurking cgl all day, it's just that those threads are really, really annoying after a while and someone who just browse cgl occasionally might not be upset, like you maybe? It's not a judgment of value, just , well, a fact.
    That being said, anon, this isn't worth a fight, really.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:42 No.5778648
    She's not a lolita, she calls herself "a living doll"

    so they're not confusing that part.

    The current drama is that Venus's mother has been harassing other girls for daring to try and be popular like Venus or some shit
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:44 No.5778656

    Harassing them while claiming they're harassing her. And has apparently reported the one girl Xiao to the police.

    Stupid idea since it's pretty much going to come out that she's the bully. She essentially just reported herself to the police.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:44 No.5778657
    Lol. That's silly.

    Any examples?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:46 No.5778667
    Some more of the story:
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:51 No.5778687
    I like Xiao. o:
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:54 No.5778693
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:54 No.5778694

    To bad I can't find the drama about her mom harrasing a cirl to get free circle lens anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:55 No.5778695
    I really wish I could find that post too
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:56 No.5778701
    She is so disgusting. Can you imagine your mom acting like that online and being a laughingstock on 4chan when you were a teenager? She is the worst mom, how can she put her daughter all over the tabloids and expect not to receive any backlash?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:56 No.5778702
    What did she even report them for?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:57 No.5778706
         File: 1335733027.gif-(1020 KB, 259x247, 1329909944725.gif)
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    :51 AND I PAUSED BECAUSE I CAN'T WATCH MORE. What the FUCK was that face!?

    Her voice was fake and annoying enough.. but holy fuck that was creepy as hell.
    No more for me. I'm done. I need to stick to my "ignore this drama" resolve..
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:57 No.5778707
    Wow, you're a gem. The last post wasn't even the person you were trying to start a fight with (me). I suggest you go elsewhere, tripfag. Your kind isn't well-liked here, and with that attitude nobody would like you anyway.

    By the way, saying that "Dakota threads don't get deleted until they hit 100+ posts" is not what I said. I said they get deleted, which they do, regardless of post count. Not a very bright one, are you.
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 04/29/12(Sun)16:57 No.5778708
         File: 1335733058.jpg-(10 KB, 160x160, 740040_1307484899189_160.jpg)
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    >half chink/half gook

    why would you do that
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)16:59 No.5778710
    That's her real voice.
    It's also likely shaped her personality based on how people probably treat her because the voice is so cutesy.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:00 No.5778714
         File: 1335733230.png-(46 KB, 400x300, 1325201666117.png)
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    Now I bet you're going to try to explain her face to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:02 No.5778721
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:02 No.5778722
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:05 No.5778728
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:08 No.5778732
    You naver have seen a very short aisan person in your live or asian children, don't you?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:08 No.5778734
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:10 No.5778737
    >kinkreet and tripfags in general
    >not welcome
    >on /cgl/
    You must be new here.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:11 No.5778738
    no one likes tripfags, lbr.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:12 No.5778740
    As someone already mentioned, you must not have been around many Asians.

    I've met Vietnamese that will look similar, although Xiao isn't Viet.

    I've met many Asians with receding chins and round faces. Last fall semester, there was a kid in my class named Wi Nguyen. He had a really high pitched cartoony voice.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:12 No.5778741
         File: 1335733956.jpg-(26 KB, 200x245, 1295233648135.jpg)
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    >You naver
    >your live
    >don't you?

    And yes, I have. I'll also seen tall chunky Caucasians with high-pitched voices.

    Her voice sounds very exaggerated.

    I don't even know why I responded to you, that sentence didn't even make sense. I can tell it's not your first language, but even so..
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/29/12(Sun)17:13 No.5778743
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:14 No.5778744
    Not who you were talking to, but her voice most likely is fake, sorry to say. In videos involving her family, she doesn't say a word most likely because it'd look weird for her to be talking in a squeaky voice all of a sudden.
    Most Asian girls I've personally met have normal-to-low voices, now that I think about it. The children, like all children, do have higher voices, but Xiao isn't a child. Sooo...
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:14 No.5778747
         File: 1335734077.png-(346 KB, 853x480, Suiseiseki.png)
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    I subscribed to xiao, her voice is friggin addictive!
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:15 No.5778751
    Everyone loves tripfags on /cgl/ as long as they're Asian males or pretty blond white females.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:16 No.5778753
    There are also videos where she does talk with family and friends. I've looked because I was at first skeptical
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:16 No.5778754

    Please, just look at that Izaya's face the entire time.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:16 No.5778755
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:18 No.5778758
    does anyone have margareths underwear photos?
    >> kinkreet !o99hlnnLL. 04/29/12(Sun)17:20 No.5778762
    Oh, well, okay. I'm not going to start this debate again so I'm out of here. Believe what you want, cutie, it's not like I can stop you.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:23 No.5778770
    why are all the parts in this drama so fuckings ugly?
    >> Cunt-Master 04/29/12(Sun)17:29 No.5778795

    This video, I rage every time.
    And she's supposedly 15? Where are her manners? I would never do something that disgusting, and in the event that I did it would almost most likely be a mistake and I'd be sure to apologize profusely for it.

    I guess this is the result of her supposed homeschooling, she doesn't seem to know how to socialize.
    My sister had a dog that was exactly the same way. She never walked it or took it out to meet other dogs, so whenever it came round to our house it would constantly shove itself onto our dog, jumping all over it and trying to hump it continuously.

    I am never going to unsee this now.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:31 No.5778803
    kinkreet comfirmed for #1 most dumbshit tripfag of all time. flan can come collect her consolation prize, at least she's entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:32 No.5778806

    I want to punch her in the face.
    >> Cunt-Master 04/29/12(Sun)17:34 No.5778811

    You think that's bad?

    That being said, she should definitely go back to gingery/copper hair.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:35 No.5778813
    Does anyone have dox on the delightful Palermos?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:36 No.5778820
    I never thought I'd agree with you on anything.
    I am not against home-schooling, I have friends that have been home-schooled, but their parents were responsible, taught them properly, and made sure that they had plenty of other opportunities to socialize (most of them did a lot of sports with other people and also some volunteering). Venus is basically spending her days with her mom, no dad, no other friends, god knows if she has any other relatives in the UK, and she spends her time online on stuff like make-up, clothes, weeaboo japanese and dance routines. Where would she learn manners? I don't think she knows she is rude, she just doesn't know how to behave around others.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:37 No.5778822
    I find it funny that Margaret criticizes Xiao for having ads on her videos, but Venus has done ads for contact lenses. I guess it's okay to advertise stuff as long as they are the ones getting something out of it.
    >> Cunt-Master 04/29/12(Sun)17:38 No.5778825

    I take it back.
    Try to sit throughout this.!


    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:41 No.5778835
    OMG, BEST ASUKA EVER!!! Nooo~ What the Bloody heck? Go away VA, I want to see that Asuka. S-Stop talking..NO!! NO!! ASUKA COME BACK...COME BACK!!!
    Now my jimmies are unrustled.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:42 No.5778836
    She was criticizing xiao for having ads on her "cyberbullying" video
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:44 No.5778843
    Ugh, that's so awful for Venus to butt in like that. Fame hungry people will really do anything.
    >> chico 04/29/12(Sun)17:47 No.5778847

    Venus was rude, but I hate that entitled Asuka in the background looking all animatedly pissy about it. She just went ahead of you, it's gonna be alright, sweetie, calm down and be happy you're not an ass like venus.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:48 No.5778849
    What could this woman possibly use against Xiao? What has Xiao done? She literally never said this piece of crap's name once in the video.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:48 No.5778850
    Well, you can't deactive ads just for a single video.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:49 No.5778851
    Considering that she'd been waiting for her turn to go on and then had to go back after being called up, I think she has the right to be pissed.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:49 No.5778854
    Oh I know. I don't think Margaret knows that even though she pretends to be the most knowledgeable youtube partner!!!11
    >> chico 04/29/12(Sun)17:53 No.5778864

    She could choose to feel that way, but I think she should have handled it more gracefully on the surface.
    >> Cunt-Master 04/29/12(Sun)17:54 No.5778867

    Yeah same. It looks like she's wearing an amazing costume, and whether or not she made it herself, she obviously put a lot of time into it, even her hair looks great.

    If I'd been my waiting my turn to get interviewed, my stomach would be filled with butterflies, so much energy and excitement I could probably launch off the ground and fly to the moon, when suddenly..

    ><insert every recycled anime phrase ever here>

    I'd be seething honestly.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:54 No.5778869
    She didn't look pissed to me.
    She seemed to just be talking to her friend and occasionally looking to see if Penis was done. Dat singing..ugh.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:55 No.5778871
    She doesn't look that pissed... what about her behaviour makes you think she's being ungraceful and pissed off?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:56 No.5778878
    I thought the same as you. It looked like she turned round to explain to her friend what was going on, and then was just talking to her friend every now and again. I would be doing the same thing if I was waiting for my turn to go on, especially since Venus goes on for a few minutes.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:57 No.5778879
    Agreed, the Asuka had every right to be pissed.

    Don't start this bullshit about "CHOSE" to be pissed, was nothing and the Asuka is just being a bitch. If you were waiting your turn like everyone else and someone cut in front of you it's a normal response to be annoyed.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)17:59 No.5778887
    She did handle it gracefully. She very politely stepped back and let Venus have her time being interviewed. Your version of "grace" seems to be showing no displeasure on your face ever, even when something very unfair happens, which doesn't seem reasonable.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:01 No.5778892
    So let's look at this from her perspective. Can someone please list what Margaret could use as evidence? like completely serious. I am genuinely curious because I see absolutely nothing.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:02 No.5778896
    If anyone has the screencaps of Margaret's blog, would they mess up Maggie's 'victim' case?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:04 No.5778900
    Possibly? I don't know how this shit works. All I know is, too many people have seen what a bitch Margaret is. How is she gonna make this work? Maybe she will try to bribe the cops too.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:04 No.5778903
    >against the crime group and their leader.

    Does she think the yakuza are after her or something/
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:05 No.5778906
         File: 1335737124.png-(38 KB, 477x470, tumblr_m39ffjFnjO1rul2mio1_500.png)
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    She sees stuff like this as proof of people wanting to kill her, lol.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:08 No.5778915
         File: 1335737284.gif-(382 KB, 300x169, 39847593875937458934.gif)
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    Hahahahahaha. Does VA have any friends? Does she even hang out with anyone besides her mom?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:08 No.5778916
    I always did know Venus's voice is fake...
    No way she is 15.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:09 No.5778919
    >crime group
    A group of little weeaboo girls who like to do anime dances and dress and speak like babies. Harrassing a 30 year old mother. What.
    Also, apparently they're calling themselves "Team Spring Roll". Sounds bad-ass, right, guys? Margaret's off her rocker.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:09 No.5778921
    She thinks the whole world actually gives a shit about her. It's quite annoying I think. Even if she wins this little game she is going down in history as a pathetic 40 year old who sued a young girl for absolutely nothing. She is just a slimy, old, jealous hag living vicariously through her daughter and sticking her nose so far up in the air that she did a fucking somersault and stuck it up her ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:10 No.5778922
    Spring rolls are awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:11 No.5778924
    Nope, at last her mom said at the dailymail interview that she don't got any besides being at home 24h.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:14 No.5778926
         File: 1335737675.gif-(1.06 MB, 320x180, 379457398457398475.gif)
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    Poor chica.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:16 No.5778930
    This thread shows how crazy cosplay and EGL people are.

    There are a few normal ones but 99% are crazy whores.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:17 No.5778936
         File: 1335737877.gif-(469 KB, 380x287, 4569487569487.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:18 No.5778939
    okay, will someone please explain to me what's up with VA's voice?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:19 No.5778943
    How are we crazy, anon?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:20 No.5778945
    no it's more the other way around. You are dipping into a biased pool right now.

    I mean, why would we talk about normal, well adjusted cosplayers on cgl? That's not fun at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:21 No.5778949

    Her mom pumps the house full of helium.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:27 No.5778976

    English is not her first language. I think that being young combined without having any friends at her age makes her somewhat socially awkward.

    All she really has is her mom.. :/
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:29 No.5778984
    Yeah, and the reason she has no friends who speak her native language is also probably because of her mom.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:29 No.5778986
    That's the sad part. Her mother is molding her into a little margaret. She is most likely going to sleep with the first guy that befriends her and she's gonna get preggerz. It's an endless cycle of little margarets.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:32 No.5778994
    Oh god, what if they become some sort of creepy, googly-eyed dynasty?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:35 No.5779000
    I wasn't going to say this at first because I'm pretty sure someone already mentioned it. But, whatever, a recap can't hurt. Back when Margaret had a website, sometime in 2010 (when Venus was still fairly unknown and Margaret's "KAWAII MAKEUP TUTORIAL" video was still kind of new), she had a "biography" page that told some of her life story.
    If I remember correctly, she married (though not voluntarily or willingly) the owner of a farm she was made to work on at a very young age (15-17, I don't really know) and didn't get to finish her education because of that, which accounts for her shitty English skills. Venus was born, and apparently something happened and Margaret decided to leave. Before that, she grew up in either Hungary or Switzerland during communism and people often had to fight over things like fruit.

    So...yeah. Make of that what you will, seagulls.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:35 No.5779001
    nah I think there are some bad genes in that family. They will probably cyclops eventually.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:36 No.5779005
    The only friends VenusAngelic has is her online friends and fans who she meets up with once in a full moon, but only at events, not on a normal day to day socializing basis. The only person in her real life is her mother who we can clearly see controls her every part of life in order to be a hit in Japan some day, which is worse as she even wants to be as big as her daughter. It's incredibly sad. I blame how VA is on her upbringing, hell her mother is even behind her website, Youtube channel, fanclub etc, she watches her every move.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:37 No.5779006

    >communisim in switzerland

    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:39 No.5779011
    Either Hungary or Switzerland, man. If she said Switzerland, she's a big fat liarpants, if she said Hungary, she might be telling the truth. Don't shoot the messenger.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:39 No.5779012
    In a way her mom IS holding her down. I dunno - being homeschooled is ok. But in her case - I feel a normal highschool would be better suited for her. So she could make a friend or two etc - go out in normal social settings with friends. And also improve her English/social skills.

    And most importantly free herself some from the iron grasp of her mother.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:40 No.5779016
         File: 1335739244.jpg-(30 KB, 296x288, 1332643506519.jpg)
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    at first i laughed really hard, but then...



    this poor kid, jesus christ
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:43 No.5779023
    Her mom claimed she doesn't have a place in a normal school. tsk tsk. She would probably be a normal girl if she had outside opinions and influences. She doesn't realize how fake and rude she is because her mother encourages it.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:47 No.5779031
         File: 1335739623.png-(604 KB, 500x713, venuskoti.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:47 No.5779034
    Made her /cgl/ relevant.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:48 No.5779038

    wow, the poor kid.

    I'm a little surprised /cgl/ hasn't called CPS on her mom.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:49 No.5779040
    You forgot to include the elmer fudd wrinkles on her nose to her chin.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:54 No.5779050
    Good god. What an actual psycho. Icant believe the media are overlooking what is really "creepy" about this whole situation.
    And it's not the fact Venus wants to dress cute.. IRS the overbearing pageant mom. There's something distinctly off about their relationship? She's 15 and claims to not be interested in boys. Either this is part if the "kawaii innocent doll" act or she is severely repressed under her moms care. Poor kid should be attending school and making friends rather than being a toy for Margaret to live out her own dreams through.. This is so messed up. I don't even..
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:54 No.5779051
    According to The Sun:

    Margaret, 37, says: “She wanted to stay at home, school wasn’t right for Venus so I supported that choice.

    “I worry about her being lonely but she has me and all her fans who love her. I am protective but liberal — she is an intelligent girl.”

    Remember, she has her mother and her fans love her. FANS. People she barely even knows.


    “Venus works hard. A typical day is spent practising Japanese, singing, learning Japanese dance routines, researching for make-up styles, filming videos and keeping in touch with fans. Her fans are so important to her.”

    How is that hard work exactly? Is that supposed to be her education? Will she EVER get any qualifications? And once again, we see the FANS MEAN SO MUUUUUCH TO HER DESU.

    Seriously, it's all her life is about. Kawaii Japan desu, fans fans fans, must be cute, fans.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:54 No.5779052
    Spoony, do you just try to bring down everyone who is a threat to you?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:54 No.5779054
    Does this mean she will go against Dakota and it with be Cathy vs Margaret?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:55 No.5779056
    An ignore the typos. It's a bit tricky posting from an iPod
    >> Cunt-Master 04/29/12(Sun)18:55 No.5779058


    Since when did I become a kawaii, doki-doki dancing Youtube girl?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:56 No.5779060
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)18:57 No.5779067
    someone should make a encyclopedic dramatica on this bitch for serious.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:00 No.5779072
    haha who didnt want to go to school at some point? Skip it and be lazy? But yeah my parents were always concerned about my education. Im surprised that Venus's mom isnt.

    Spending the day learning about japanese things and wearing pretty clothes is not studying - more like wasting your days on hobbies.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:05 No.5779084
    Her typical day is...
    learning japanese, learning weeaboo dances, fucking around on youtube and fucking around with makeup...? seriously, is that all?
    margaret wat are you doing to ur child.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:05 No.5779088
         File: 1335740755.png-(33 KB, 500x229, tumblr_m38083RhJf1rul2mio1_500.png)
    33 KB
    Just like how she 'wanted' circle lens.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:06 No.5779089
    Yeah I tried to sit through that just to see the Asuka's reaction and she didn't look pissed to me?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:06 No.5779090
         File: 1335740763.jpg-(119 KB, 480x480, Untitled-1.jpg)
    119 KB
    So corruptible... but I couldn't find an image of a hand in a similar pose to paste over it :(
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:10 No.5779104
    Her daughters hard work isn't very intelligent, sure learning languages is a good study, but all I'm getting the impression of is she simply did not want to go to school and of course Mama Palermo gave her what she wanted and labelled her kawaii hobbies as home-schooling to cover up the fact she basically does nothing. A few of my friends are home schooled, they learn all the basic subjects everyday in the morning till mid afternoon. What Venus does is not hard work,it's being lazy everyday and obsess over Japan, makeup and being a doll 24/7, her mother is delusional. What. The. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:19 No.5779135
         File: 1335741574.png-(558 KB, 594x600, 185428.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:21 No.5779143

    According to the top post - someone asked her what job she would be doing when she gets older. And she replied she already has a job - and that she has a management? - Is she talking about making money off her youtube vids?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:22 No.5779145
    They should do an investigation on her homeschooling stuff.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:23 No.5779150
         File: 1335741802.jpg-(46 KB, 720x540, 314939_250458294989628_1302318(...).jpg)
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    instead of dyslexia treatment for Venus , she spends all her money on outfits , makeup and circle lenses
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:23 No.5779151
    " What are you famous for?

    For being my real self"
    HA that's a laugh.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:24 No.5779154
    legit? if the link doesn't work, she's "Venus Isabelle Palermo" on G+
    >> Cunt-Master 04/29/12(Sun)19:26 No.5779160

    Dyslexia treatment? I don't think you even need treatment for that to be honest, it's not exactly debilitating.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:28 No.5779162
         File: 1335742113.jpg-(31 KB, 492x464, Capture5.jpg)
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    She is managed by a model agency
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:29 No.5779170
    I believe she just got sighned to anm agency. She's severely deluded if she thinks that'll last. She's not pretty or talented enough to hold onto this for mucb longer. She's going to find herself aged 20 with no prospects in her life. And no idea how to live in the real world.

    or maybe she'll end up like her mom.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:29 No.5779171
         File: 1335742176.gif-(239 KB, 500x281, 1309677963176.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:32 No.5779178
    It can be, depends on how you have it. If it's accompanied by dyspraxia you're basically a person's with Parkinson's until you've finished puberty. Generally it's not very debilitating but please don't generalise like that, for some people it really is a big deal and stops them being able to function properly in every day life.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:32 No.5779179
    At this rate she will end up like her mother. Even if any investigating went into how Venus's education is going, no doubt her mother will somehow ease her way in to make it look like they've done absolutely nothing wrong. She's fucking annoying and manipulative. SHE JUST DOESN'T KNOW WHEN TO STOP. D:
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:32 No.5779180
    Something seems really off and unproffessional about that? or is it just me..
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:32 No.5779181
    so now margaret wants xiao to join her...?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:33 No.5779183
    >> Cunt-Master 04/29/12(Sun)19:33 No.5779186

    I think she should reject the offer.
    It's nice of her company to reach out to her, but Margaret and Venus should have been the ones contacting her in the first place with a direct apology.
    Doing it thought an agency likes that makes them look stuck-up and insincere.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:35 No.5779191
    A screenshot of the email would provide better proof, we know what Ms. Palermo is like. OH I'M THE VICTIM, ALL THESE CYBER BULLIES UPSETTING ME AND MY DAUGHTER BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW. She'll just create more sympathy drama and accusations that the message is false without a screencap, due to it does look like it was written by a non professional person.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:37 No.5779197
         File: 1335742659.jpg-(163 KB, 1548x758, as.jpg)
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    This is Aletha Shepherd.. Draw your own conclusions
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:37 No.5779198
    weird VA is no where on the lethal management website
    >> Cunt-Master 04/29/12(Sun)19:37 No.5779199

    I'm not generalizing, I have Dyscalculia myself and cannot into anything concerning numbers or math. I'm 20 years old and I still can't read an analog clock.
    I'm not basing this off of my own experiences though, I have made quite a lot of friends over the last few years who have Dyslexia and Dyspraxia and all of them are incredibly high functioning.

    The only not-so-functioning guy I know actually has Aspergers I've never met a single person who needed treatment for either Dyspraxia, Dyslexia or Dyscalculia. Obviously you've probably had your own experiences too, but I've just never met a single person who needed any kind of treatment for this kind of thing aside from being put into a separate room during exam times.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:37 No.5779200
    >You may not be aware of my company Lethal Management but we represent Venus and Margaret

    Why does Margaret need representation again?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:38 No.5779201
    Oh well that actually says a lot
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:38 No.5779202
    The agency is her mom and is just as much real as those internet modeling crap from facebook.
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/29/12(Sun)19:38 No.5779203
    Dakota vs Venus, Margaret vs Cathy - this has to be initiated pls.
    >> Soup 04/29/12(Sun)19:39 No.5779205

    Lol dat backpedaling
    >> Cunt-Master 04/29/12(Sun)19:40 No.5779208

    Flan, I don't get it.

    A couple of days ago you were defending Dakota to the death in a thread, then a few days later you started claiming that it was all a "big troll".

    Forgive me for not believing me but just be fucking honest, did you have a change of heart or something because none what you said in that one thread about Dakota looked like a "troll".
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:41 No.5779212
    Except the agency does actually have a professional looking website. I couldn't find Venus listed on it though? And Aletha Shepherd is listed as a model on their books, not one of the 'team'.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:43 No.5779215

    Well, it can be pretty severe. I know a few people with dyslexia, and one of them has it so badly he can't write at all, and has trouble reading as well. He's incredibly intelligent and well-spoken, but it's very hard to go through school with such severe dyslexia, and to function in the real-world when you can't take down notes or easily read instructions. His family is very wealthy and he was home schooled, so he's coped with it very well and has an exceptional memory for things. But without help in adapting to the difficulties, serious dyslexia I would imagine would make it very hard to get certain jobs or do well in school. :<
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:45 No.5779219
    I'd say it's still a possibility. It's not a very high end agency and I'm sure someone would take her on just for all the fuss around her at the moment. Give it time. It's possible she's just nor been put up yet.

    email is suspicious though
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:45 No.5779220
         File: 1335743130.jpg-(277 KB, 800x620, sexymarge.jpg)
    277 KB
    >> Cunt-Master 04/29/12(Sun)19:45 No.5779221

    Ah, I see what you mean.
    Sorry if I offended you then, I guess I was generalizing a little, I'd just genuinely never met anybody with a severe case and presumed that most people were high functioning like me and the people I'd met in the past.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:47 No.5779223
    good job. Needs more wrinkles though.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:47 No.5779224
    They don't have a email '', seems to be a fake adress.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:47 No.5779226
    brilliant. She really thinks she looked hot too.. that song has been in my head all day :c
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:49 No.5779229
    Did anyone ever find proof that the harassment was from her mom? Like IP proof or something like that?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:51 No.5779233
         File: 1335743467.png-(267 KB, 477x480, Picture 70.png)
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    I made margret kawaii
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:51 No.5779236
    Aletha's real mail is and the company uses for their management.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:51 No.5779237
    No girl is properly kawaii until her chin wiggles.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:52 No.5779238
    not from the anonymous posters but she has done it in the flesh several times.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:53 No.5779240
    I really hope Xiao isn't stupid enough to accept this. If she does want an end to this, which I understand, she needs to email her "agency" back and demand a direct apology from both VA and Margaret.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:53 No.5779243
         File: 1335743639.jpg-(65 KB, 720x405, 398348_213984715383564_1995102(...).jpg)
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    Apparently this is Aletha
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:54 No.5779244
    >>5779233 that you?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:54 No.5779246

    >British Guyanese model and actress Aletha Shepherd is quickly rising the ranks in becoming one of the most sought after and respected models of her generation.

    who? and I work in the industry myself.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:55 No.5779247

    Doesn't say she works for them though
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:57 No.5779251
    Is lethal managment being run from the Ministry of sound club

    Lethal Managment
    103 Gaunt Street
    SE1 6DP

    Ministry of Sound, 103 Gaunt Street, London, SE1 6DP
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)19:59 No.5779253
    Well, I had to go through years of Occupational Therapy, which is basically boring as fuck and involves things like putting beads onto bits of string, before I had enough coordination to do things like tie my own shoelaces. One of the good things is that they did encourage my parents to let me play videogames because of it improving my hand-eye coordination.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:00 No.5779256
         File: 1335744028.jpg-(103 KB, 450x299, asset.JPG?id=1000002538&ex(...).jpg)
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    Teach me your ways
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:00 No.5779257
    >"Thank you. She will do her make up and styling on a TV lady, so she will transform to a doll, let's see, haha."
    (From Palermo's fb page.) Anyone know anything about this? Sounds interesting. Also, apparently Venus is going to be in some documentary or something.
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/29/12(Sun)20:02 No.5779259
    I was defending her weight and stuff, yeah. And I did say cmon guys this is getting ridiculous because there was so many hate threads and most of it was unwarranted. I still feel really sorry for the girl, as well. But I loved giving silly suggestions as to how to annoy Dakota better, because if it's going to keep happening then let's at least do it a smarter way.

    The drama if Dakota and Venus had a war would be too juicy to miss out on.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:02 No.5779260
         File: 1335744154.png-(932 KB, 1681x953, EMAIL1.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:04 No.5779262
    You know, I think Venus' ita ebay/bodyline dresses actually look really nice on her. I think she must style them well. She looks better in her cheap psuedo-lolita offbrand than most fugly lolitas in their burando...

    (Not defending Venus or Margaret's attitude, just remarking that she does look really nice in the clothes she chooses.)
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:06 No.5779268
    (Assuming you're the recipient of this email) What happened to you that made you receive this?
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/29/12(Sun)20:06 No.5779269
    Venus owns so much of it, and most is stuff that will go with anything. Her winning factors are probably that she accessorizes properly and does her hair and makeup appropriately.

    The lolita scene down here consists of brandwhores, yet mismatched shoes, pulled back hair, $2 necklaces and pimples.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:07 No.5779271
    It'll probably just be shitty a BBC3 documentary.
    Who knows, though, maybe they'll actually focus more on Margaret's psycho pageant mothering than Venus' kawaii doll act?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:09 No.5779276

    Dem run-ons.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:10 No.5779277
    The 'documentary'is for the german channel SAT1 which basicly will mean that is 5-15 minutes between advertisment.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:11 No.5779279
    not even that
    it is a german satallite company called sat1
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:12 No.5779285
    Truer words were never spoken. So sick of seeing chicks accessorize their too-tight BTSSB with flat pettis, limp, damaged hair, greasy makeup, and formal sandals. Sage for bitterly OT.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:13 No.5779286

    i pulled that from tumblr but my only guess that the person who got it was someone else who talked against VA and her mom.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:16 No.5779298
    Is it me or does that agency seem kind of... shitty? The website design looks professional and all, but it seems like they just go around asking random people to join their agency. And they were spamming up ModelMayhem with advertisements.
    And anyway, I don't even see VA on their site?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:18 No.5779304
    maybe they're too lazy to update the site and add her. She's mentioned on their twitter.
    >> Cunt-Master 04/29/12(Sun)20:22 No.5779310

    You have to remember that even a company with the poorest of concepts can usually afford to purchase a decent HTML/CSS layout for their website.
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/29/12(Sun)20:24 No.5779314
    I'd suggest you disagree with me, even if what I say may be true. Otherwise, anonymous will totally start picking on you.

    It's kind of like how Dakota is on Bravo's website, especially under 'Asian' but not on the Facebook.
    Lazy or ashamed.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:26 No.5779316
    I think it'd be easier on the company/agency if the person is "fresh". Pictures don't project words; if tomorrow, say, Dakota does something or quits or even does something to intentionally ruin the agency's rep, they can just as easily say she wasn't a intimate model or was just a "intern" i guess?
    >> This is a work of fiction~ Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:29 No.5779321
    Margaret adjusted the straps on her reavealing one-piece swimsuit as she prepared for her performance. "I-I'm ready now," she said nevously as Cathy came out with a video camera. "I see those diet pills I gave you have been really working!" Cathy exclaimed. "D-don't get me wrong I'm not doing this because I like you or anything. You will never reach the level of kawaii that my sweet little Koti-chan is. I just feel sorry for you, that's all!" Cathy blushed slightly as she pressed record on her camera. Margaret began shuffling and jumping around like a jouyous puppy-dog as the Lotte FITS theme played in the background. "Yes, very good. That's right... good," Cathy commented encouragingly as she continued to record. She was an experienced cameraman, as she had years of practice filming and photographing Dakota and her older sister whose name she's since forgotten.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:32 No.5779327
    There seems to be a connection between the ministry of sound and Lethal Managment. they share the same address and the registrant for the letalmanagment wesite is Ministry of Sound Holdings Limited

    Ministry of Sound Holdings Limited (MINIS19998)
    103 Gaunt Street
    London, UK, SE1 6DP

    Domain name:

    Administrative contact:
    Department, IT (ID30558)
    Ministry of Sound Holdings Limited
    103 Gaunt Street

    London, UK, SE1 6DP

    +44.8700600010 Fax: +44.2074035348
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:35 No.5779331
         File: 1335746122.png-(1.87 MB, 1680x1050, crime gang leader.png)
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    >"I-I'm ready now,"
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:39 No.5779337
    I agree, I want to see this. Let them destroy each other and us sit back and enjoy the show
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:40 No.5779339
    Surely it would be more sense for Xiao to counter-report?
    >> This is a work of fiction~ Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:41 No.5779344
    Margaret continued to dance, her pigtails bobbing along with her. "Your moves are very good! How did you learn to dance like that?" Cathy asked curiously. "Oh, you know, it's something I picked up from my daugher Venus. She is extremely talented," Margaret replied, "by the way, does Dakota have any talents?" Cathy scoweled from behind the camera, as she knew Dakotas major talent was excelling in Photoshop CS3 and After Effects, but those things were to remain a secret. "Y-yes, actually my daughter is very good at being kawaii. And this one time she gave water to a homeless man."
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)20:49 No.5779351
         File: 1335746946.jpg-(33 KB, 531x300, dfugh..jpg)
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    God, I would pay money to see a Margaret vs. Cathy show down.

    So. Much. Money.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:03 No.5779387
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:12 No.5779413
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:30 No.5779471
    Still fucked off about Venus' Japanese tsunami video.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:36 No.5779489
         File: 1335749784.jpg-(15 KB, 500x307, tumblr_lrl0t4ibS61qb758xo1_500.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:52 No.5779551
    That's just a small preview of how inconsiderate and clueless Venus is.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:54 No.5779564
         File: 1335750841.jpg-(15 KB, 448x336, TomoyoFacepalm.jpg)
    15 KB
    the existence of this thread is literally the epitome of why /cgl/ is a shitty place full of shitty people

    you bitches are so fucking catty it's just ridiculous
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:54 No.5779565
    I must now watch this Tsunami video by her. I'm prepared to slap a bitch just even knowing it exists.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:55 No.5779573
    cry harder
    >> flan !!P04JfnDjBNz 04/29/12(Sun)21:57 No.5779584
    But really, you should have been able to infer that from the name of the place.

    Anonymous + a lot of pent up anger against self and others = awful(or golden) formula.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:57 No.5779585

    THIS, any links to said video?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)21:58 No.5779594
    Look at all the fucks I have to give.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:00 No.5779603
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:07 No.5779640
    I love how she continued to bullshit the audience while talking about a very serious incident.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:10 No.5779659
    why does she keep fucking blinking like that after she finishes a sentence lol how stupid
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:13 No.5779673
    because she cares more about being a "living doll" more than the fucking message of the video. Also, rage at the luggage comment.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:22 No.5779713
    God her voice is as bad as Venus's voice. I can't.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:26 No.5779726
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:28 No.5779734
    Her voice sound so normal sounding when she is talking what ever normal native language
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:28 No.5779735
    I live next to Sendai, so it really, really pissed me off.

    Basically, she just says shit like, 'I thought I'd like to help Japan, but I can't. Poor things.' then she goes on to talk about how worried she was about her heavy luggage when she went there. Thousands of people died, you whore. No-one gives a shit about your 30kg luggage.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:35 No.5779753
    yeah exactly. We all know who to blame for Venus's terrible upbringing.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:49 No.5779782
    Christ, WHY would anyone address the Japanese about such a serious issue in such a terrible terrible kawaii desu accent. Can't even drop the act while talking about something tragic, fuck the what.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:52 No.5779794
    Yeah, in a way, it's worse than those fuckers who came out straight and said they didn't give a shit about it. C'mon, using a natural disaster to famewhore?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)22:54 No.5779801

    Post that video to 2ch and I think her Japanese fans would be a little less impressed.
    >> ®öri♪♫ !/Kyunn6n1o 04/29/12(Sun)23:13 No.5779863
         File: 1335755595.jpg-(47 KB, 500x559, tumblr_luf48sKgyz1r0q6x8o1_500.jpg)
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    This is not healthy for a 15 year old girl.
    Having her spend her days insides, away from the world or school is bad.
    Her in her room, being a "model" and living under what her mother wants is terrible.
    She is making her living off this stuff. This act won't stay for much longer, the truth is going to come out and like all "celebrities", she will be exposed.
    From my understanding, or from what I've read..
    If you make a video or story about Venus (good or bad) her mother will instantly threaten to sue you?
    If someone made a video exposing Venus, she will have it copyrighted?
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:21 No.5779876
    Well, that, and the fact that a career based on aesthetic beauty (especially one that requires a young face such as loli) will fade quickly. When she gets her first wrinkle and she realises she's got no decent education, it'll be off to burger flipping for her.
    >> Anonymous 04/29/12(Sun)23:26 No.5779891
    >"The earthquake looks scary on the news."
    >"I want to help, but I can't. Sorry."
    >Blink, swallow, blink
    >"I am really worried about my luggage"

    Is dis gurl 4 rill?

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