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04/23/12(Mon)03:28 No.5753494 File: 1335166092.png-(61 KB, 500x500, 1320128256921.png)
since you started the thread (the trend is too obvious, change it up if
you really want to samefag here all the time) I might as well address
you directly: nobody is jelly. But lets pretend for a moment everyone
is, because I know that's what you love to think.
We're not mad
you're hot. We're not "fatjellying about JNig slutting up Pokemon".
We're upset that you made a terrible cosplay choice when it came to
pokemon. You decided to take a canon, 10-year-old male character and
genderbend him into something that you can slut around in when there's a
VERY revealing character in the newer games that'd probably get you
even more popular. It's just a bad decision.And lastly, you didn't 'slut
up pokemon'. I know you wish that it was all your brilliant idea, but
that fem Ash shit has been done hundreds of times. Stop trying to
pretend you're a pioneer or something.
So everyone here telling
you your cosplay is bad isn't "jelly" because you're "so hot". We're
upset that you're shitting all over something most of us held dear. But
in the end, nobody really cares, because the only one who has to suffer
through the embarassment of your fem Ash is you. |