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  • File: 1335129973.jpg-(62 KB, 750x600, Fuck%20You.jpg)
    62 KB Fuck you /cgl/ Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)17:26 No.5751540  
    I'm sick and tired of your bullshit, honestly i don't know why i come here i feel like a drug addict. I hate it but i'm always fucking here.

    I have been coming on /cgl/ 5 to 7 days a week.

    I HATE how you always have SO much drama, on the frist page is always at least 2-3 threads on something drama related.
    "She's too perfect so she most photoshop everything!"
    Honestly, stop complaining just for a day?

    I don't come here to gossip and complain and talk about other cosplayers.I DONT COME HERE TO TALK ABOUT YELLOW FEVER OR KPOP,I see asian boys as normal guys because they are and maybe thats why i can get asian boyfriends cause i'm not like "OMGZ ASIAN SEXY COOL AMZING"
    STOP TREATING THEM LIKE ALIENS and maybe you'll get SOME kind of boyfriend.
    I come here for a real interest in cosplay not attention whoring and because it's fun and i enjoy it.
    Sick of things on /cgl/ that are not /cgl/ related.
    Stop being a little bitch.

    Ps this is the frist time i made a thread on here in like a year, normaly i just post.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)17:28 No.5751548
    Sounds like you need some dick, lets hook up.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)17:28 No.5751550
    Go find a cosplay community without drama. I fucking dare you. Drama is a part of cosplay at this point.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)17:28 No.5751552
         File: 1335130137.jpg-(14 KB, 300x348, 1333954759280hh.jpg)
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    u mad
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)17:30 No.5751555
    I have had a boyfriend for 7 years,i know it's jokin around but i don't hook up anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)17:30 No.5751556
    I do hope this is a troll post. If not there's a very simple solution: don't post here anymore. There are forums and websites dedicated to cosplay where you'll find little to no dramu. Go find them.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)17:31 No.5751559
    You didn't even have to reply, clearly you're looking for some fun on the side, WHERE YA AT GURL.
    >> « 04/22/12(Sun)17:34 No.5751568
    Be honest don't want /cgl/ to change. You come here because of all the bullshit. If I'm wrong, find another cosplay related site/forum/board/toilet. Run. Run away and never return.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)17:35 No.5751573
    dude, back in the days when the drama was about miyu, me and a few others used to create dramu threads just for the laugh.
    AND nothing has changed since then. This is 4chan deal with it.
    It's just like Alfred said “Some men just want to watch the world burn”.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)17:37 No.5751584
    hmm, I feel like I've been trolled by op. He's just fuelling the fire with that post.
    >> Fayte !!a5AQsW3DLT4 04/22/12(Sun)19:05 No.5751864
         File: 1335135916.jpg-(26 KB, 344x341, 1335122088016.jpg)
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    Just keep fucking scrolling. It's not that difficult.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)20:23 No.5752196
    Kinda is when sometimes the whole page is shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)20:25 No.5752202
    Why the fuck would I want to hook up with a Ko-rean?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)20:25 No.5752204
    I'm not saying it never had drama, but lately it's all drama and shit, used to be kinda easy to find a GOOD thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)20:27 No.5752210
    /cgl/ is pure shit, this isn't anything new.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)20:28 No.5752217
    Why the fuck would you want to hook up with a cauc-asian?
    I don't know cause love isn't based on race?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)20:29 No.5752222
    it's a good thing there's more than one page on /cgl/
    it's not like it's a fast board jesus christ
    minimize the threads and keep going
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)20:33 No.5752238
    >stop being a little bitch

    You first. If you don't like it why not go to someplace else? Or just hide threads you don't like. It isn't as hard as you make it sound.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)20:34 No.5752242
    People need to realize /cgl/ is just female/b/ at this point. If you want to discuss cosplay, you best prepare to be on page 14 like quick.

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