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  • File: 1335081380.jpg-(30 KB, 284x425, Evilclowns.jpg)
    30 KB Gropey the Clown 04/22/12(Sun)03:56 No.5749108  
    Been a while sense i've done this, but Im a professional clown, and willing to talk about makeup tips for cosplayers doing opaque makeup and the like. Need a smooth red face for Scanty and Kneesocks? Looking for layered flat colors?

    Lets chat. Im drunk and bored.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)04:01 No.5749115
    My dad was a circus clown in the 60's
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/22/12(Sun)04:04 No.5749118
    who was he with? Do you know what face he played?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)04:06 No.5749124
    how badly does heavy makeup damage your skin? any tips for mitigation?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)04:07 No.5749125
    Clowns have always given me the heebieejieebies, but here's a question. How did you end up being a clown, and what kind of clown are you?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/22/12(Sun)04:16 No.5749141
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    Two words: BARRIER SPRAY (see pic)
    I use Mehron barrier spray/fixer because its two uses in one. You spray it on your face to create a layer that covers (not fills) your pores to act as an antiprespirant and "primer" of sorts.

    You then apply a QUALITY makeup, like Ben Nye, Mehron or Clownex (if it comes in a plastic tray or in a tube, its crap) and then spray again to seal and set the makeup. Remove with makeup remover and wash with an animal product based soap like Ivory to keep your skin soft and healthy.

    My maternal grandfather is circus, as is his family before him. Im actually a sideshow performer first and foremost (like my gramps, great gramps, grand/great uncles etc), but went to RB&BB clown school out of love for the art.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)04:19 No.5749148
    Gropey, can you post a picture of yourself in your clown get-up
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/22/12(Sun)04:21 No.5749149
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    Oh, and im a tramp, and sometimes Auguste for the face I perform as.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)04:22 No.5749152
    I won't ask if you've ever molested a child, but are there any of your fellow performers who are sex offenders?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/22/12(Sun)04:22 No.5749153
    Rather not, because I care to keep my identity private. I probably gave out too much info as is :P

    Note that the name Gropey is NOT my main face.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/22/12(Sun)04:27 No.5749166
    Nope. Not a one. The clown union is very strict. I am a sexual deviant in my private life, but I would never hurt a kid.

    I don't perform for children except for the occasional chairty gig anymore. I performed with a couple small circuses, and even did parties to pay bills, but now I stick to adult cabaret and vauldeville shows.
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)04:29 No.5749168

    Why did you stop performing for children?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/22/12(Sun)04:33 No.5749178
    Just don't like working with kids anymore. People stopped raising kids worth performing for, and they are almost all rude, socially stunted, self entitled abominations. Fuck the little shits.

    Not saying i don't enjoy doing stuff for kids that are worth it; I do the children's hospital all the time, and have done crowd work for several charities that i personally support.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/22/12(Sun)04:46 No.5749201
    Any makeup questions?
    >> Anonymous 04/22/12(Sun)04:48 No.5749206
    Nnno idea... just a tiny little local circus somewhere in America. His professional name is JMB/John Milton B. though.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/22/12(Sun)04:58 No.5749229
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    Used to be more of those, sadly real circus is slowly trickling to a handful these days :(
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/22/12(Sun)22:13 No.5752629
    Im back. More makeup questions?
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)03:18 No.5753473

    Is there any kind of clown makeup that looks like normal skin? I've tried every green-based foundation I can find but my redness still shines through.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/23/12(Mon)03:42 No.5753534
    What do you mean "green based"?

    And it sound more like you need an opaque concealer, unless you're going for the uncanny valley look. I can suggest the lighter shades of Ben Nye's auguste/natural petrolium bases.

    Normal makeup is not quite my forte.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/23/12(Mon)03:50 No.5753557
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    Thinking on it, I would probably suggest using a Mehron cream blend stick (pic related).

    Rub it over your face like a big crayon, and smooth with a sponge and fingers.

    PROTIP: "greasepaint" dosn't mean pore-clogging any more. It refers to the style and consistency. This, along with barrier spray >>5749141 will help get you an even, skin friendly coat.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)03:54 No.5753563
    there are different types of clowns?
    wow I didn't even think actual clowns still existed beyond the weirdos who do kids birthday parties..
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)03:56 No.5753570
    If you ever lurked /cgl/ you have probably seen posts about homestuck cosplays with shitty gray makeup
    do you have any tips for someone who's new to this type of makeup and would like a smooth near natural looking gray?
    Also if i wanted colored highlights for my cheeks or something would eyeshadow/colored powder work or should i find a cream in the color i want?
    do you know anything about water activated paint?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/23/12(Mon)04:09 No.5753593
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    Different types of clowns are different characters, much like in its ancestry of comedia del arte. The idea was that you should be able to identify the kind of character, and thus his relationship with the other clowns without needing to be in the front row.

    *Yeah I lurk

    * As I said before: use real facepaint (if its in a tray or a tube, its crap), use a sealant/barrier spray >>5749141 and to even out the coat, use a fine makeup sponge and dab in little circles to even out the area. Buy some Ben Nye or Clownex gray greasepaint

    *When using cream, it dosn't matter as long as the last layer was fixed and sealed. Obviously, colors on gray will wash out and be dull, so a cream crayon would probably "pop" more.

    *My suggestion for water bases is avoid it. Even with a barrier spray, sweat, humidity etc will affect it.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)04:19 No.5753611
    heres a makeup question: have you ever messed around with corpse paint? i guess it would be a little simpler due to the black/white/grayscale, it can get rather intricate sometimes though.

    just curious. i like metal. dont judge
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/23/12(Mon)04:27 No.5753626
    Dude, im a rockabilly boy at heart. I know my way around corpse paint.

    The trick is just proper blending, but i'll be honest, for corpsepaint, i prefer using a white compact and just applying it in layers, to make it look more like pallid skin than clown face.

    If you're using greaspaint, you'd jut block it out, and blend the edges, after a barrier spray and followed by a sealant. simple as that
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)11:26 No.5754108
    I know there are the type of clown who only have a "pale" look to their skin (not full on white). What's the best way to achieve that look? Ben Nye (or other) just applied very thinly?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/23/12(Mon)15:59 No.5754916
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    Several, but mostly in classic european tradition.
    Cake and greasepaint dosn't go on "thinly". I would suggest going to a actually alt fashion boutique or online (Im talking the upperclass shit, not hottopic) and getting some white foundation powder instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)21:09 No.5756255
    Thanks! And bumping cause this thread is interesting and more cosplay related than most other crap on this board right now.
    >> TL;DR 04/23/12(Mon)22:53 No.5756701
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    If you're still around, Gropey...

    Here's what I'm out to accomplish. Haven't had much success with what I've tried (upon the recommendation of a gal at the local costume supply store I bought some Ben Nye cake foundation, but when I tested it I couldn't get enough opacity). Based on the thread it sounds like greasepaint is what I need.

    Any thoughts on the best way to apply the purple over the eye? I'm considering making a latex prosthetic for it, as it's supposed to be a spot where his gray skin has flaked off or something like that, but haven't decided.
    >> Anonymous 04/23/12(Mon)23:06 No.5756762
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    Ghaleon?? Holy shit, people remember Lunar? Brofist man.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)02:44 No.5757540
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    I'm here.

    Don't trust folks at costume stores. 99% they just want to sell you shit, even if they have no idea how to use it.

    As for what you wanna do, I would say the prosthetic would be the way to go. You could use a black makeup pencil and draw the lines, but take a strip of grey latex, and having that hang like partialy torn skin, and then having the purple painted sounds cooler.

    I never feel nearly as appreciated outside of /cgl/ and dumping clown porn. Thanks folks :3
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)07:57 No.5757922
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    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)08:00 No.5757926
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    what are your thoughts on this ? I think this was latex. Can some face paint can achieve this look as well ?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)12:24 No.5758400
    I am actually really enjoying this thread.
    You should totally tell us epic clown stories Gropey.
    >> TL;DR 04/24/12(Tue)12:31 No.5758425
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    Ghaleon has been my dream cosplay since I learned that cosplay was a thing. I just keep putting it off because I don't have the skills to make much of it and haven't taken the time to learn. The dream's alive though!
    And brofist back at ya.

    Hey, we appreciate you too! It's always nice to have genuinely helpful, on-topic threads.

    I hadn't thought of doing it like that (I just had it in mind to make the purple part a prosthetic but that would cover my eyebrow). Dunno why it never occurred to me to make the gray part the latex instead, it seems so obvious now.

    So, it would be a strip of latex that runs around the purple area, and then blend the opposite edge (away from the purple) to be flush with the rest of my skin? I have a little bit of experience blending out latex for the stage but it'll take some practice before it would look good enough to photograph.

    And a question about greasepaint, how well does it cover stubble/five o'clock shadow? I have a pretty thick, dark beard that grows rather quickly.

    On an unrelated note, the episode of the X-files where they encountered a Fiji Mermaid gave me mad nightmares when I was little.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)12:31 No.5758426
    What was the craziest shit you've ever seen on the job?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)15:02 No.5758909
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    Yes please tell us of the debauchery you have seen as a clown, it must be amazing.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)15:23 No.5759008
    If you attended RB&BB clown college, does that mean you work for RB&BB? If so, that's really amazing and can you elaborate on the experience. If not, tell us about clown college.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)15:28 No.5759031
    How does one enter into the circus industry?
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)15:34 No.5759058
    you're going to want a redness reducing primer. i personally recommend using makeup forever's green HD primer - the pigment in it is actually very strong, much more so than the other tinted primers in that range and more than any other redness-concealing primer i've seen. after that primer, you apply a normal foundation. you can't color correct your skin without applying a normal coverup over top of it, it doesn't work like that. i find layering concealers to just give a very cakey, fake look so i suggest you go with the primer + foundation route. if you have any residual redness in specific areas, buff a creamy concealer into it (brushes are nice for this. you can use a normal eyeshadow buffing brush (e.g. the mac 217) or a concealer-specific brush (sephora makes one which i can attest is wonderful, and i know realtechniques do one if you're in the market for something cheaper)).

    for long-term results and treatment of your redness, i really recommend looking into some creams or serums to treat it. i've heard absolutely wonderful things about this anti-redness cream that la roche posay do. i think the full name is 'la roche posay rosaliac anti-redness moisturizer' - something like that. you use it as a daily moisturizer and it helps treat any redness in your skin over time.

    i hope you see this and it helps. <3 sorry for hijacking your post, OP. saw that comment and thought i'd just jump in and help.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)18:19 No.5760006
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    That is grease paint. Well done too. Just use a brush (pic related)

    You got the exact idea for the latex. Thin sheet latex and spiritgum is cheap enough where you can practice, so you better have progress pics!

    As for stubble, im as Italian as they come, so I know your problem. Without knowing you're habbits though, my knee jerk reaction is that you're not shaving properly. While I prefer a straight razor, stacked safety razor can work, but the real key is to follow these steps:

    1: HOT TOWEL, opens pores and softens hair
    2: CREAM. Not Gel. Massage into face, don't just rub. It helps if you warm the can in hot water too.
    3: SHAVE WITH THE GRAIN. Follow the direction of the hair growth and be slow and methodical, rinsing the blade after each stroke.
    5: SHAVE AGAINST THE GRAIN. as per step 3
    6: GENTLE FACE WASH SCRUB. I like neutrogena power clear scrub
    7: ASTRENGENT to close pores.

    That will make your face baby-ass smooth.

    CONT: field too long
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)18:21 No.5760019
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    Hell no, and they crap they are doing sense Mattel bought them out is shitty anyways. I was back when they still did real clowning a few years ago. 400+ Applicants, only 150 got past auditions into the college. Half of those 150 washed out without graduating. Less than a dozen went to work with RB&BB.

    I graduated, but didn't make the draft. Im glad i didn't now.

    Most of it is being born into it. Otherwise, practice an art! Find variety show performers and get together! The groups I play in now mostly do smaller venues with burlesque troupes and vaudeville shows, and i've never been happier.

    Fuck no, I don't care! you're filling in the gaps that I don't know! I know heavy layer makeup, not light layer like most people use.

    I got alot of request for story time, eh? Well... Lets see what we can do... Do you want stories from the adult shows of the family shows? Either can be fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:28 No.5760065
    im not very good at english, but its nice to see another person that has a job that several in his family had before him. for me its like that too, and i enjoy reading this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:33 No.5760096
    Is there any opaque make-up for face/body that wont irritate my skin? Also, tips for removing the make-up around my eyes. i was temporarily blinded at a convention while removing my make-up.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:39 No.5760128
    I know your forte isn't normal make up, nut this is a bit relevant. I'm dark skinned and trying to go for a much lighter skin tone that still manages to look normal for a cosplay. Any advice on dramatically lightening skin with make up?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)18:43 No.5760154
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    Thank you! My family is very proud of its traditions. In my mother's family, on my grandmother's side is a family of morticians, and on my grandfather's side is the circus folks.

    My Father came from a military tradition, being sailors in the navy like his father, and his father before him.

    You're English is perfect compared to the butchered tongue of most kids today. I know alot of native English speakers who you would be qualified to teach!

    The same Ben Nye i use on my face, I also have used on my arms, neck and chest. Don't use cheap makeup, and always use a barrier. I know I sound like broken record, but its true.

    As for the eyes, READ THE PACKAGE. Most makeup is not meant to be used around the eyes and lips! Also, use a proper makeup remover to clean your face.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)18:47 No.5760179
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    I got nothing, except using a light skin tone greasepaint, I don't know. The stuff i suggest is Mehron cream blend stick. 100% opaque like in >>5753557.

    Pic unrelated. Im just dumping random crap I've gathered.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:51 No.5760200
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    What story really stands out to you for sheer what the fuckery? Tell us that one please.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)18:54 No.5760216

    Include two while you're at it.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)19:09 No.5760300
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    Sheer WTF? Thats hard to pick. So here is a sideshow story. I mentioned I am primarily a sideshow performer first, and a clown second.

    Me and a friend (a female clown) were working the crowd at this art gallery dong our various tricks. This is a real ritzy shindig. Old money, black tux/dress and champagne kinda deal. We eventually get tired of being artsy, and start slowly devolving to our more crude, base and (for me doing sideshow) shocking tricks.

    One of the things she can do is deepthroat most of a sculptural balloon (like what you make balloon animals from), and she was going around and letting people pull it out, to show it was no gaff. She can get down roughly two out of the three foot long balloon.

    Before anyone could do anything, the regal older lady (I would say late 50's, and looked damn good for her age), comes up to her and deep throats the other half of the balloon, till she was kissing my friend, and in one fluid motion, pulls out the balloon , so that only the last few inches stuck out of her mouth....

    ...She deep sucked the balloon out of my friends throat, and down hers!

    That REALLY loosened the crowd up. Ended up being a fun night once the rich old farts got drunk and debaucherous! Made over $600 in tips that night!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)19:42 No.5760455
    this thread is awesome, thank you gropey. my grandma was a clown back when! no training though. i don't really know details.

    i have a question: is baby powder all right to set face/body paint -- i use ben nye -- or should i stick with the type of powder/sealant spray they sell?
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/24/12(Tue)19:45 No.5760464
    that is awesome
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)20:07 No.5760542
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    Baby powder is not a good thing to have around your eyes, and will fuck up your mucus membranes in your nose too. use an actual face setting powder (white or neutral) or the barrier spray.

    I like the barrier spray because it is both a face barrier and a sealant, in one easy bottle. It sets quicker, don't leave powder everywhere, and I don't need a mirror or powder puff to use it.

    I got more, but you'd probably never believe me. Im thinking about taking a pic of a time stamp on my bed of nails.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)20:11 No.5760555
    I doubt your stories are any less believable than some of the weaboo horror stories we have already.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/24/12(Tue)20:13 No.5760565
    a bed of nails isn't all that unusual, but I do love me some fantastical stories!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)20:13 No.5760566
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)20:16 No.5760573
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    Bump for epic thread
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)20:35 No.5760644
    are there any weird old clown traditions people don't know about? like how theater jerks never say macbeth or whatnot?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)20:52 No.5760708
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    Skipping the timestamp. Im typing up more stories in notepad, so you wont wait as long

    I love me some sexy clown girls! And batman girls!

    *Never let anyone else wear your nose
    *If a clown keeps a face egg, it gets smashed when the clown is dead
    *If shit goes bad, never let the crowd know something is wrong. If you can make it part of the act, then it wont be as bad.
    * Its good luck to give money to a clown (especially on the internet :P)
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)21:19 No.5760806
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    This one is called: "Gropey gets into a barfight, evades police"

    On tour with my alt-circus troupe, we wind up somewhere in bumfuck North Carolina. After a successful gig, we retire to hit up some skeezy bar to enjoy the fruits of a hard nights work. I am in my face, and well drunk even before getting their, because I am a drunken, lecherous clown.

    The night continues, and sometime in the wee hours of the morning, some good ol'boy comes up and shoves me off my stool, and starts hollering that he dosn't want no faggot ass carnies in "his" bar.

    I come from a proud family of circus folks. I won't take this sitting down. Mostly because he pushed me off my stool, and i had about two bottles of Early Time and a few beers in my by then.

    Now, I am not trying to impress you guys, but I am not a small man. I get up, stare at the guy, and headbutt him straight in the nose. As he goes down like a sack of potatos, I honk my squeeky nose, and all hell breaks loose.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)21:21 No.5760813
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    Soon enough the cops came, and have me and the other guy in cuffs. they try to run my info, but I didn't have my wallet on me, and they cant get my makeup off, so they put me in the back of a car, while they go process the other guy.

    My crew is in the bus, and ready to follow me to bail my ass out, when drunk logic kicks in. They don't know me! We're close to state lines! They left the window open to keep me from dying in the NC august heat!

    Without a second thought, I hopped my cuffs, kicked out the window, and ran like a Mexican for the bus. The two cops are on the other side of the buildingto keep me and the guy apart, and don't hear me, so we book it.

    Either they were too shocked by what happened, thought it was hilarious, or just didn't want o fill the paperwork, but nothing ever came of this incident. Just to be safe, I havn't been to NC in almost four years.

    The End.

    Yes ladies, im single...
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)21:25 No.5760831
    I'm freaking out right now because I swear you're my friend's dream man. She always wanted a rebellious clown boy. I laughed, thinking that one would never be found but you are. Tell more stories!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)21:31 No.5760864
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    Gropey, you are my drunken hero.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)21:33 No.5760880
    Clowns are creepy and scary. I will never understand why they exist.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)21:33 No.5760883
    Have you ever met someone with a clown fetish?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)21:39 No.5760907
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    Rebellious? No. Very bad decision maker and functioning alcoholic? Yes.

    Just doing my job!

    One last story. Ya'll get to pick:
    1: Gropey sustains himself on people's tears
    2: Gropey and the clown mafia.
    >> Claudie !!5M+s+ZHeFhU 04/24/12(Tue)21:42 No.5760919
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    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)21:43 No.5760921
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    I did my thesis on Clown Theory. All true clowning has its base in religion. I can go into detail if you wish.

    Yes. All the time. I still get fanmail, and I don't think im especially good looking!

    I got a kink for clown girls myself, so I can't say anything negative XP
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)21:47 No.5760939
    Clown theory? This is fascinating, I'd love to hear about this! I knew nothing about anything clown related until this thread hah, interesting stuff!
    >> Claudie !!5M+s+ZHeFhU 04/24/12(Tue)21:49 No.5760944
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    Clown theory! Clown theory!
    >> TL;DR 04/24/12(Tue)21:53 No.5760955
    Straight razors require more maintenance than I care to put in so I use a DE safety razor. And I prefer shave soap+brush to cream. Otherwise I concur! Truth be told I know the steps I just can't be arsed to follow them all on a regular basis; for cosplay purposes though, I'll have to just allow myself extra time.

    Thanks again! And when I get to working on Ghaleon's makeup I'll be sure to post some progress.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)21:53 No.5760956
    Agreed! Clown Theory please!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)22:00 No.5760984
    Clown mafia. This sounds like something that should have become an anime ages ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)22:03 No.5760992
    A clown mafia is disturbing. They would preform their "hits" with prop gags. Like dropping pianos on people and stuff. This should be an anime/cartoon/live action movie.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)22:06 No.5761005
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    Meh, I feel like my skin deserves the five minutes of care that it takes to maintain a razor. To each their own.

    CLOWN THEORY TIME (abridged!) PART 1

    The earliest true "clown" figures are found in shamantic religious traditions, and can still be found today among the natives of the forests of South America, and the Hopi Clown-doctors of North America.

    The functioning idea was that sickness was caused by evil spirits possessing the person. You cannot destroy or get rid of the evil spirit, but you could transfer it to another person. The medicine man would create a character using masks and paint who would basically be so colorful and extreme in its actions and personality, that the spirit couldn't help but think the clown would be more interesting to live in.

    When the medicine man took off his clown face, the sickness spirit would go with the clown, not the doctor, acting as a storage unit, that could constantly take in more bad spirits.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)22:17 No.5761051
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    PART TWO: fast forward to Europe during the age of the Holy Roman empire.

    Clowns existed in traveling shows who would put on passion de comidia: plays that taught biblical lessons in a humors and crude manner. This is where we see what will be known as the modern clown.

    Clowns are characters of extremes: the reason the are funny to some and creepy to others is that they take one aspect of the human condition and blow it up to an exagerated characature. TOO happy. TOO sad. TOO manic. etc.

    During the hight of Christiandom these characters where focused on the seven deadly sins. The drunken, gluttonous clown. The sad, slothful clown. The lecherous, lustful clown. The exuberant prideful clown.

    This is playing off of our natural instincts: Even monkeys laugh at other monkeys doing absurd things, because its a survival mechanism: we laugh and deride it or we fear it, because extremes in any one thing will not allow an animal to survive.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)22:23 No.5761077
    This is actually really interesting. Would love to see more.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)22:27 No.5761086
    I remember doing clowning in acting and drama. It was absurdly fun but very difficult to live up to the expectation of a character so blown out of proportion.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)22:30 No.5761095
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    If you have questions ask! I hope people are actually enjoying it! Last part, and i'll make it short.

    PART THREE: The renaissance or: How the clown got his nose

    Fast forward some more, and focus on Comedia Del Arte!

    In the Italian tradition, the huge crowds and simple shows made some require modification to the clowning tradition. Makeup and masks have always been a part of clowning, but in Comedia, stock characters where made, with exaggerated personalities and facial features, so anyone who can see the stage, know who's who and who's doing what.

    Il Doctore: The doctor. A long beak like nose and glasses to replicate to look of a plauge doctor's mask. He's smart, greedy and sometimes a Jew (this was the 16th century, I have nothing against anyone)

    Il Captino: The Captain. a long nose, fancy hat and huge mustache are how this supposed war hero acts all dashing and trys to swoon the ladies, but he's a huge coward and frankly, a pussy.

    Etc etc. This really cemented the overblown facial features of clowns.

    Thats all on Clown theory for now. I know I havn't touched court jesters, town fools, Greek Comedies and tragedies etc etc. But I wrote a 30 page thesis on it. There is alot to cover.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)22:36 No.5761112
    Would you mind briefly talking about jesters? I think that would be super interesting. Enjoying this all way to much btw, thank you!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)22:39 No.5761123
    Have you ever been propositioned for sex while you're dressed up?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)22:49 No.5761166
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    Ok, but not too much.
    Court Jesters filled a very important roll: They were the only ones allowed to insult, taunt and generally make fun of the royals to their face, aside from being a general comedian to him and his guests.

    This was a VERY important job. It helped keep royalty from loosing themselves in power (well, helped for the most part) and reenstated that they two are people, and have their faults. Its easier to take bad news and critical suggestions from a clown. Jesters were not idiots either. Many were paid by their liege to attend college and study, to help give them a worldlier view to make topical quips, or suggestions to their employer.

    In England, until 1674 it was a capital offense to harm or assault the courts jester. Execution was done via pulling: the offender was hanged enough to choke, but not have his neck broken. From here, a horse was harnessed to their waist with rope, and the horse would pull, causing the noose to squeeze through their neck.

    All the time. You'll never frown while fucking a clown!
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)22:55 No.5761199
    Do you have more pictures like this? Sorry it's not really a clown question, I just really like this aesthetic.

    Also I'd love to hear more stories!
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)22:56 No.5761200
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    I've always wondered why there was never a performing arts board on 4chan.

    Then I remember its 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)22:56 No.5761203
    clown share me the history of your people!

    also are there brand name clown items? make up? props?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)22:58 No.5761211
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    I am delightfully supprised with how interested folks got in this thread.

    I've always wondered why there was never a performing arts board on 4chan.

    Then I remember its 4chan. It would be filled with pictures of people putting tiny hats on their penis in mere hours.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)22:58 No.5761214
    I'd like to hear the Gropey and People's Tears one, please.
    Unless you're counting the Clown Theory as the last story you'd tell.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)23:08 No.5761280
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    Well, my mum is Italian on my grandma's side, and Scot/german etc on my grandpas side. My Grandpa is from a circus family in Iowa, and my grandma was from a family of Italian Gypsies from Naples, who lived in Chelsea MA.
    My Dad is Scot/Irish, and was adopted by an Irish catholic couple from Wouburn MA. ... Oh, wrong history?

    A few brands. Mostly noses, shoes and makeup. The rest is pretty nebulous. Most costumes tend to be custom, or home made, or at least assembled from found clothes.

    Ima save more stories for later. my latest check dosn't clear till next week, and its hard to think on an empty stomach XD

    I'll answer questions and chat though.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)23:14 No.5761304

    I live in Iowa! The only circus around here is the Adventureland one. And actually I did mean your family. Sorry posted earlier in my haste without refreshing so you actually addressed most of my questions.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)23:17 No.5761309
    I came into this thread with a phobia of clowns.

    I'm leaving this thread with a phobia and a weird fetish.

    Gropey, you're a pretty cool guy, even though I'm terrified of you.

    Sage for not contributing anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)23:17 No.5761312
    Or captcha'll eat my sage and I'll look like an asshat. Honk.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)23:26 No.5761334
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    Whats that? I should start a clown porn thread on /s/?

    And being afraid of clowns is natural. As I mentioned before, its part of how we evolved. We could either laugh, or fear the absurd. Though, yeah, you should be afraid of me. I'm fucked in the head.

    Just remember ladies, once you go kinda rethink your life
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)23:35 No.5761359
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    more pics for you.

    BTW, >>5756701 I DEMAND to see pics when its done. Im a huge Lunar fan.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)23:38 No.5761365
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    And one more
    >> Anonymous 04/24/12(Tue)23:39 No.5761367
    This would have been easier and cooler to do with a full mask
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 04/24/12(Tue)23:39 No.5761368
    >mfw this Joker wanted to fight me on Green Lantern day
    Then claimed he left his Joker Cane in his car.

    >> Gropey the Clown 04/24/12(Tue)23:42 No.5761375
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    Don't know him, I got this pic of /co/ a while back.

    He kinda looks like the second new doctor....

    Im running out of clown related pics that don't have me or my troupe in them.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)00:03 No.5761471
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    This is the most fascinating thread ever and I'm enjoying every bit Gropey!

    This reminds me how puzzled I feel after getting turned on by some clowns. I partially blame that one episode from CSI (maybe Miami, I forgot which).
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)00:06 No.5761486
    >Whats that? I should start a clown porn thread on /s/?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)00:15 No.5761522
    My only goal was to entertain you fine folks, spread my knowledge and give a little back to one of the boards I lurk in, but never contribute to.

    ...and possibly find some hot ladies...

    As you wish.... >>13141835
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)00:19 No.5761531
    i just started a request for archival in
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)00:20 No.5761535
    Random questions, if you are ok with answering them?

    What is the most common stereotype (or the worst) that you encounter with what you do for a living? Are you able to carry on relationships outside of your profession, as in, dating without dealing with women that are into a kink/fetish and specifically looking to date you for that reason? Or do you find it easier or more enjoyable to date within your profession? Did you ever consider any other job or have you always been solely into this one? Sorry, this is a rare opportunity!!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)00:24 No.5761543
    screwed up crosslink

    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)00:26 No.5761551
    Seconding all these questions. I didn't think real clowns still existed. This is quite fascinating.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)00:32 No.5761582
    whu? Really? Its not that good a shucks...

    No one really stereotypes me, especially where I choose to live. Im a 5'11" burly Italian guy who hammers a nail through my sinus cavity, lays face first on broken glass, and eats fire. The clown thing never gets a second glance

    As for long term relationships? Its easier to keep it among other performers, but outside the troupe. They know about the hours, and the travel, and the hardships.

    I've had many other jobs, from working at a living museum to becoming a licensed piercer. I just live for the center ring though.


    We don't. We exist only inside your dreams, and in your closet.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)00:32 No.5761586
    whu? Really? Its not that good a shucks...

    No one really stereotypes me, especially where I choose to live. Im a 5'11" burly Italian guy who hammers a nail through my sinus cavity, lays face first on broken glass, and eats fire. The clown thing never gets a second glance

    As for long term relationships? Its easier to keep it among other performers, but outside the troupe. They know about the hours, and the travel, and the hardships. Have dated non performers though, with success.

    I've had many other jobs, from working at a living museum to becoming a licensed piercer. I just live for the center ring though.


    We don't. We exist only inside your dreams, and in your closet.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)00:52 No.5761639
    I wanted to be a clown ever since I was little, but my parents where simply less than supportive. I eternally envy you and anyone else born into the profession... I've been trying to teach myself sideshow tricks on my own, I can juggle, unicycle and the nail in the sinus cavity trick. I want to learn sword swallowing and fire eating, and was thinking about running away to Corney Island or something... but I really have no idea what to even do.

    do you have any tips for a pathetic caged birdy like myself? Like, where do I go? How do I learn these things?
    >> Dr. Scientist !!JtQ+aYJUUCb 04/25/12(Wed)00:53 No.5761642
    This thread is hilarious and fascinating. So Mr. Gropey, have you ever cosplayed? What brings you to cgl?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)00:54 No.5761653
    Drop me an email. we'll talk using an IM or something

    Folks should feel free to send me pics of your clown lust too XP
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/25/12(Wed)00:55 No.5761655
    Gropey you must come back and tell us more stories sometime, once you have eaten of course.

    I want to read "Gropey sustains himself on people's tears" and "Gropey and the clown mafia" so bad I can taste it.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)00:59 No.5761661
    My neighbor is cooking some red beans and rice, so if ya'll want, I can tell ya'll now!

    Im just worried about overstaying my welcome as a namefag.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)01:02 No.5761666
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    Please do
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)01:02 No.5761669
    Costume ideas, prop fabrication... very much a hands-on board.

    And the delicious con horror stories. I havn't been to a con in years, but I love the drama.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/25/12(Wed)01:03 No.5761672

    and this board is filled with tripfags, most people don't care about your named status.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)01:05 No.5761677
    I spend alot of time on /tg/

    Namefags are disliked at the best of times.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/25/12(Wed)01:06 No.5761683
    yup. but this is /cgl/, we hate everyone equally.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)01:12 No.5761692
    I have food! Story shall begin shortly! Pick a story!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)01:15 No.5761702
    Tell me gropey, how do you sustain yourself on people's tears?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)01:18 No.5761713
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/25/12(Wed)01:18 No.5761714
    oooh that one!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)01:28 No.5761748
    So how many female clowns have you actually met? Do you have any idea on the male to female ratio?

    Oh yeah, and what are your opinions on mimes?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)01:31 No.5761758
    >I spend alot of time on /tg/

    Hey so do I-
    wait a minute...

    >We exist only inside your dreams, and in your closet.

    >Warhammer models are in my closet
    >Dark Eldar army with squad of Eldar Harlequins
    >Eldar Harlequins

    You mother fucker...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)01:31 No.5761760
    Any advice on how to paint latex prosthetics?
    Also on applying ben nye cream to arms and legs so that it doesn't rub off on everything, and tips for removing it quickly?
    And, as an added bonus, how do you keep a wig on with something really heavy attached? I'm making a wig with a hand sticking out the top of the head and it'll probably be a little bit heavy for the already unstable wig.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)01:32 No.5761763
    I'm drawing Gropey a pretty clown lady as thankyou for this tread. What is your taste in ladies like Gropey? Busty, elegant, bouncy, deep-fried?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)01:36 No.5761777
    Because you asked so politely (and I already started typing it) I most certainly will!

    Many. Women out number men in clowns 1.5/1 f/m. They also tend to be extreme in that they are either asexual as a bananna slug, or kinky nymphos.

    I studied mime in clown school. Mime is important to any physical actor, and I respect a good mime as another clown. Shitty mimes are worse than shitty clowns though.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)01:41 No.5761796
    I told you you should be afraid.

    In order:
    *Latex paint. Sound stupid simple, eh?
    * As mentioned countless times: Barrier/Fixing spray, and makeup remover.
    *Wear a properly fitted wig over a latex or rubber wig cap, that will grip the wig.You could also try attaching the hand through the wig to a headband, for extra support.

    Im hetroflexable leaning to women. I dig androgeny though :P
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)01:44 No.5761802
    In order again:

    *Latex body paint is the only kind I've been able to find, is that what you were talking about, and if so does it come out shiny? If not, where would you suggest finding some?
    *no questions here
    *Is it possible to stick it through a skin top pigtails wig without ruining it?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)01:45 No.5761805
    any tips on cosplaying a wh40k harlequin? given their propensity towards masks, makeup shouldn't be as huge a problem then huh?

    after storytime, though.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)01:50 No.5761812
    Gropey sustains himself on people's tears

    My last gig in Richmond VA before moving back where I belonged, I did a sideshow act and a clown act for a new local burlesque group's first show.

    Its my final act, and I made sure to be good and hammered before i stumble my ass on stage and start doing my thing.

    I love audience interaction. I love getting people onstage. This night will be no different as I make people feel disgusted with themselves for laughing at my jokes and tricks.

    Im up to the last trick, which I usually do as just me, for my sideshow act. I call this my magic card trick.

    Grunting drunkenly into the mike, I survey the crowd for a lovely young lady to be my assistant, when I spy a girl who recoils slightly in her seat as my gaze swept over her.

    Ladies and gents, I found my assistant.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/25/12(Wed)01:58 No.5761828
    A large, drunken clown that homes in on girls who are uncomfortable and makes them go on stage?

    My god Gropey, you are my nightmares born to flesh... Tell me more!
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)02:07 No.5761847
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    here you go. You're welcome. I still have my original harlequins somewhere with my arbites. Im thinking of starting a Deldar force, but i havn't played in almost two editions.


    I call her out. The spotlight hits her. I do my best to make sure she knows she's not getting out of this, so she best just go along with the ride.

    After much conjolling of the crowd, she gets on stage to thunderous applause. We go through the basics of "whats your name? take a bow" etc except I spend the whole time swaying and smelling like a bar mat and smoking cheap menthols.

    I hand her an unopened deck of playing cards. I make a big deal about how she needs to check that they have never been opened, andhave her open it and shuffle the cards. I tell her to pick a card and show the audience, and I will magically find her card.

    She's calming down a bit at this point. She dosn't know better.

    I have her shuffle it back in, and hold the deck out to me....

    ... and in one quick motion, tear open the front of my shirt, and staple the top card to my chest with a stapplegun.


    She's sobbing and the audience is going wild as I ask her if thats her card. She hasn't moved and inch, and as she sobs no, I grab another card and repeat the act. I ask again, and again she says no. I act like it hurts alot, and as I've been drinking, I am dribbling a little blood down the front of my white shirt.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)02:08 No.5761851

    Panic-mode activates, and she's sobbing and LAUGHING while she flips the deck over and hurridly starts tearing through the cards to find hers. The whole time, the crowd is laughing its asses off, and I slowly and heavily breath into the mike and standing right over her shoulder.

    She starts shaking more and more, and I decide to defuse the situation with a joke.

    I use the classic line "Have you ever helped a clown before? "
    She sobs out "no" and screams a little as I honk my squeeky nose.
    The crowd bursts out again as I reply "funny, cause your not helping one now"

    Finally, she finds the card. She's on her knees at this point, and i snatch the card away... and staple it to my tongue.

    "Ith tish ur cahd?"
    "YES!" She screams, and DIVES off the stage to thunderous applause.

    The crowd loves it. I end my act, and the night draws to a close.

    In retrospect, I may have overdone it.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)02:10 No.5761854
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    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)02:10 No.5761856
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)02:11 No.5761861
    oh my god...

    Gropey I have a question.

    What do legit clowns think about juggalos/juggalettes?

    Have you seen that Homestuck stoner alien clown character/the cosplays of him? How does it make you feel if you have?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)02:12 No.5761862
    email me, and i'll send you the website. We havn't updated in over a year, because were we are living now, we do A TON of local shows.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)02:13 No.5761868
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    All of my mixed feels of shock and giggles.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)02:14 No.5761871
    Okay Gropey, this one made you sound about one step away from an axe murderer.

    Do you routinely harm yourself during acts?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)02:15 No.5761872
    We despise ICP and all it entails. Think of it like this: The way clowns beat up mimes in pop-culture? Replace mimes with juggafucks.

    And I don't real homestuck, or care to, so I have no idea what you speak of.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 04/25/12(Wed)02:18 No.5761877
    he said earlier one of his big things was the nail into his nose trick, needles and nails and spikes and whatnot going into people's skin is a pretty common sideshow act.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)02:18 No.5761878
    Dosn't harm me at all, if i wasn't drinking, I wouldn't have even bled. The staples are so shallow, they get stuck in the top layer. Its the sound of the staplegun that freaks folks out.

    I never get hurt, or hurt myself.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)02:29 No.5761895
    Painproof acts require alot of practice, personal discipline and study, but eventually you can do things suck as sticking skewers through your chest without blood or touching organs. Lots of sideshow originated from Indian Fakirs, or holy men.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)02:40 No.5761909
    I want a clown friend, god damn
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)02:43 No.5761912
    Well, I rent by the hour!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)02:51 No.5761925
    Tell me about the clown mafia!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)02:52 No.5761930
    Can I pay you in peanuts
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)02:58 No.5761944
    Im done with stories for today. Maybe later. Still taking questions and chit-chat though, if people don't think im a psychopath yet!

    Im allergic, sorry
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)03:01 No.5761947
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    Baaaaaaaa... this picture is not turning out anything like how I want.. sorry Gropey, any if possibly all of what I can call artistic talent is completely void of my being tonight..
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)03:07 No.5761962
    Gropey should host a thread where seagulls turn themselves into clowns

    >I want an excuse to make a clown persona
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)03:21 No.5762000
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)03:22 No.5762003
    Thats freaking awesome!

    Sign it, and it will go one my fridge
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)03:30 No.5762016
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    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)03:36 No.5762019
    awww, why you fuck up the eyes?
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 04/25/12(Wed)04:15 No.5762098
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    Hey Gropey. How long have you been a clown?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)04:20 No.5762114
    Went to clown college in 2006, graduated in 2007.

    I've been doing sideshow and circus performance sense I was 12. Learned from my Grandpa when I was younger.

    Wow, and I thought I was the only one who dosn't sleep.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 04/25/12(Wed)04:23 No.5762117
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    That's pretty awesome. Do you think your kids will be clowns too if you have kids?

    I live in Korea. It's only 5:21 pm. ^ ^;
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)04:25 No.5762122
    No shit? I was born in Seoul! My dad was stationed there for a while.

    I have no plans on kid for personal reasons.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 04/25/12(Wed)04:29 No.5762131
    Yup yup! That's where I'm stationed now! ^ ^ But I PCS to Maryland in a few weeks.

    Ah. Don't blame you. Do you have siblings? Are they clowns too? Or do they follow the military side perhaps? It's so cool that clowning has been something passed down through generations for your family... I wish my family had something like that. lol
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)04:33 No.5762136
    No. My parents are kinda the "Odd ones out" being that they did not stay in MA, and only had two kids.

    I have one brother, but he's a huge disapointment to the family. We don't mesh well, and I don't talk to him, nor really care. He's a grognard.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 04/25/12(Wed)04:38 No.5762142
         File: 1335343130.jpg-(22 KB, 262x400, kiiiiiiiiii.jpg)
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    Aw. I'm sorry ; A; Have a happy looking clown <3
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)04:42 No.5762146
    Don't be. I really could care less.
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 04/25/12(Wed)04:47 No.5762158
    That's good then. ^ ^
    So.... Two things...

    Why are you awake so late?
    Do you have any more stories? :3
    >> Keo 04/25/12(Wed)04:53 No.5762167
    Hey there. Hoping you're still around, since I need a bit of make-up help. Last reply was a while ago, so I guess I just get to keep my fingers crossed for a respond.

    I got brought on short notice to help a friend with his costume. While I'm happy to help, the lack of time remaining is making it difficult to scrounge together materials before the event. The most challenging item for the costume is achieving prominent blue eyebrows and eyelashes. I have no idea for the former and would love any suggestions at all. For the latter, I was planning on following a tutorial which recommends a combination of mascara and Kryolan Aquacolor. There are two half-decent theatre stores in town, but they're mostly stalked with Ben Nye/Mehron, and neither carries any Kryolan. I'm supposing there must be some better way to achieve this effect, but I lack the experience to know what might work. I would absolutely adore any suggestions.

    I only recently settled on cosplaying Sander Cohen and could use some recommendations on that front too. The distinguishing characteristics are as follows, and I'd love any tips you might have:
    Pale face (theatrical in nature. greasepaint/creme liner seem to be the correct choice?)
    Red lips (simple lipstick?)
    Dali-esque waxed mustache (no idea. biggest concern.)
    Prominent eyelashes (unsure. fake lashes a la Clockwork Orange?)
    Dark eyebrows (drawn in? again, unsure)

    Thank you for any help you might be able to offer. I'm still quite new to all of this, and the extent of my experience largely consists of devoutly following tutorials. Thank you again for your time.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)05:02 No.5762178
         File: 1335344533.jpg-(76 KB, 757x800, mustache4064brown.jpg)
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    I don't sleep much.

    You're on the right track with everything, and you just need to get prosthetic facial hair (eyebrows etc). Get them from a costume store.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)05:45 No.5762217
    Gropey, thanks for the advice and the storytime, hope you tell some more stories.

    Btw, you mentioned you also visit /tg/.
    While the mere revelation that clowns are infiltrating our board disguised as harmless anons is pretty horrifying in itself, I can't help but ask:
    What are your /tg/ preferences? 40k? RPGs? Card games?
    Are they in any way related to your profession?

    P.S.: If you have some /tg/-related storytime or OC, you're more than welcome to tripfag on /tg/.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)05:59 No.5762225
    Warhammer fantasy (Brets and DoW), OWoD, NWoD, WHFRPG, CoC, Unknown armies, Warmahords (cygnar), Cyberpunk 2020, Paladium...

    Used to play 40k years ago (Black templar, Death Guard and Harlequins)
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)06:00 No.5762226
    Im a little leery on story time now. Apparently im crazy :P
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 04/25/12(Wed)06:07 No.5762232
    You're on /cgl/. Everyone is crazy... lol
    >> Keo 04/25/12(Wed)06:07 No.5762233
    Any suggestions for making lashes/brows blue?
    And to double check: greasepaint, lipstick, prosthetic hair, and false lashes?
    Thanks for the help Gropey. Read the thread thoroughly in-between posts, and it was hella amusing. Hope I can be around for whenever you do story time next. All around props to you.
    Since you mentioned WoD: If you've got any interest in Changeling, old or new, I'm getting together people to run a session online.
    And thanks for the thread in /s/. Much as I love clowns, I've not got a kink for 'em myself. However, if I ever decide to reconcile with her, I know a girl who will love that lovely new folder of images I've got...
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)06:12 No.5762235
    Correct. False mustache, eyebrows, lipstick and grease paint.
    I worked a halloween at Party city. they carry blue false eyelashes. If not, get some white plastic ones and use RIT clothes dye to tint to your desired shade.

    Maybe on the game. I love me some Ochangeling, but have no exp with the new one. what are you thinking?
    >> Keo 04/25/12(Wed)06:22 No.5762242
    Thanks man, I appreciate the suggestions.

    I'm pretty new to running games in general, but I've got more experience with OChangeling than NChangeling. Still, there are some cool mechanics and ideas in N, but I might go with O for sake of ease.
    I've not done much yet but vaguely gather a group of interested folks, and I want to have a few chats with everyone before I go through the usual rigmarole of spawning and culling campaign ideas. Problem is, it's been kind of a rough year for us all - when it's not illness for one, another has a death in the family. Group chats haven't been our top priority, so I just kinda threw everything on the back burner. Still, it's an idea I'd like to set in motion soon.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)06:40 No.5762257
    im game. drop me an email sometime.
    >> Foocha !psychHzEs2 04/25/12(Wed)07:13 No.5762284
         File: 1335352397.jpg-(90 KB, 550x677, shpongle_video_music-733058.jpg)
    90 KB
    This is the most interesting thread I've seen on /cgl/ in like ever.

    OP, You're a pretty cool guy. Thank you for sharing.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)08:20 No.5762368
    While I thank you for the compliment, I am very much perplexed by your picture.

    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)08:49 No.5762400
    two more random questions, if it's ok!

    Where does something like Cirque du Soleil fit in in with your realm of performance art? I think they have clowns, right? Is this an entirely different genre, or how is it the same/similar to what you do?

    Does RB&BB keep track of the history of circus performance/clowns? As in, do they sort of act as an archive of this particular area?
    >> Foocha !psychHzEs2 04/25/12(Wed)09:20 No.5762441
         File: 1335360037.jpg-(54 KB, 786x551, 101503528.jpg)
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    It's the music project 'Shpongle' consisting of Simon Posford and Raja Ram (not his original name but that's what the 71-year old DJ/musician calls himself).
    They do some pretty unique psychedelic music and on that picture they're wearing masks, with the left one being their "logo".

    I don't have much 4chan imagery but thought the whole mad/surreal/psycho idea would fit this thread. Here's another picture of them.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)09:25 No.5762449
    That man looks like he sweats LSD.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)11:27 No.5762642
    Bumping so I can read all this awesome when I get home from work.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)13:33 No.5762998
         File: 1335375227.jpg-(24 KB, 449x333, 1135.jpg)
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    bumpin bumpin
    dancefloor's bumpin
    wit sum john wayne gacy

    because lets be real this is the only good thread in /cgl/ that there has ever been anyway

    can someone post
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)14:24 No.5763125
    this is the most entertaining thread i have read on here in MONTHS. BUMPPP
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)18:44 No.5764200
    God damn, its still here?

    Well, sup folks? I got a question for /cgl/.

    Who else here is a performer? Dancers, actors, etc etc. I feel like this board would draw a big theater crowd.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:12 No.5764341
    I'm sure it's not considered an art, and I'm dubious as to whether you could actually consider it "performing," but I'm something of a freerunner, and I occasionally get asked to go somewhere and jump off a building or run up a wall.

    I've always wanted to get into aerial contortion or fire dancing though, but I have absolutely no idea where I'd even start with that kind of thing. And honestly, my family would probably shit chickens if they knew I was even thinking about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:42 No.5764465
    Dear Gropey,

    You sound like a righteous dude. I would love to drink whiskey with you one day.

    Your Pal,

    Chris from NYC
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)19:49 No.5764494
    fuck your parents. I never understood that. My parents were very keen that if you can make a living doing it, and it makes you happy, go for it.
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)19:53 No.5764511
    I'd be happy to, but if you wanna drink whiskey, you gotta drink cheap ass Early Times whiskey with me. You will regret it.

    Nope, not Chris. My name starts with a K.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:54 No.5764514
    I swear to god one of you is my friend Chris.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:56 No.5764521
    did you always want to be a clown? what are some perks of the job?
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)19:57 No.5764528
    >what are some perks of the job?

    fucking bitches
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)20:02 No.5764550
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)20:07 No.5764580
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)20:09 No.5764592
    >> Gropey the Clown 04/25/12(Wed)20:29 No.5764673
    Maybe. Who's asking?
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/25/12(Wed)20:37 No.5764689
    looks like we got a wise guy. notice his lack of email.

    Im gonna trip for now.
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/25/12(Wed)20:39 No.5764692
    When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to be Godzilla, so no, not always :P

    As for perks, you can get away with damn near anything, and people will always buy you a drink.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)20:47 No.5764732
    Will you please tell more stories
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)20:51 No.5764760
    Fellow fa/tg/uy here.

    Gropey if you're ever in Northern California, you can hit me up for a bottle of Early Times (or Scotch, my preferred drink), on the sole condition that we get the clown mafia story. Hell, if you wan't I'll indulge in a game of shothammer despite a 75lb disadvantage on my part.
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/25/12(Wed)20:55 No.5764784
    Sure! Why not. I got two I'll start typing up. One is kinda short.
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/25/12(Wed)20:56 No.5764789
    I refuse to step foot in California. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)20:59 No.5764806
    that sounds like another story....
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)20:59 No.5764808

    Any particular reason?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)21:02 No.5764821
    bumpin' with a photo of a clown-esque comme des garcons model as a thanks-in-advance
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)21:04 No.5764830
         File: 1335402263.jpg-(61 KB, 500x682, tumblr_m1z571zlbA1r18c83o1_500.jpg)
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    except then i forgot to attach said photo and i looked like a derp
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/25/12(Wed)21:11 No.5764873

    This was the same night as the card trick story.

    Show wraps up, and we start working the crowd; pictures, autographs, etc etc. Im going around being me, with a joy buzzer in hand, making balloon animals and generally being a clown, when two men come up to me.

    One guy was pushing the other in a wheelchair, and they come up to chitchat. They introduce themselves and thank me for the show etc etc, and of course, I do my bit and shake the mans hand... With my joy buzzer.

    The man grabs my hand, and instead of the little shock and jerk back "hehe, thats funny" the guy totaly blanks out. He's holding my hand and the buzzer keep going the whole time, while he freezes like a statue and gets the blank, 1000 yard stare.

    By now people notice, and everyone directly around us realize something is wrong. The man's buddy starts freaking out and trying to get wheel chair guy's attention, and he's drawing an even bigger crowd. Im getting nervous.

    Finally, after what seemed like years, the buzzer's spring runs out.

    The guy's eyes comes back into focus, and he starts breathing again. He blinks a few times, looks me dead in the eyes...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)21:16 No.5764889
    O _ O
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/25/12(Wed)21:17 No.5764898
    ....And starts laughing his ass off!

    Everyone relaxes, seeing as the situation was "defused" because the guy starts telling me that he was a bomb technician only a few months ago. He was in a wheelchair because he was still getting used to his prosthetic legs!

    The guy was still having flashback (little wonder why) and what turned out to be his brother (the guy pushing him) only just got him to leave the house and see the show. He still had problems with doors being slammed around him, and I just snuck up on him with a joy buzzer!

    The night ends, and we exchange info, with me feeling like a pile of shit. Weeks later, I get an email from the guy and his wife telling me how I actually HELPED him, because it was reinforcing that not all scares need to be flight or fight.

    Thats my feel good story. I don't have many of them. :P
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)21:22 No.5764923
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)21:23 No.5764926
         File: 1335403427.png-(57 KB, 317x240, 1303752022321.png)
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    Aww, so many feels for that man...
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/25/12(Wed)21:25 No.5764933
    Yeah, enough of that shit! Back to me being a horrible person!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)21:36 No.5764971
         File: 1335404185.jpg-(280 KB, 800x930, tumblr_luh8z5unTd1qzlgkno1_128(...).jpg)
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    I just read through this entire thread in one sitting right now and loving that it's still alive. I always wanted to try body paint for cosplay (picture related) but I've been putting the idea off due to concerns like making rubbing/sweating off, how comfortable it would be (idk I think my skin isn't crazy sensitive but I'm worried about how parts like armpits and around the eyes will fare), and I guess if I could pull it off... but now I'm inspired again. Thanks, Gropey. I'll follow some of the suggestions you gave to others and see if I could find some of the supplies you recommended in my local area.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)21:38 No.5764983
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    Gropey, my boyfriend cosplays as a clown these days. Since we have to keep his gray/white make up on his arms and face all day, it has a tendency to fade from sweat at cons and such. Is there any way to keep it on more efficiently? Such as, using a second/third layer of sealer spray or something? I don't want the chemicals to damage him, but he'd adamant about staying as flawless as possible.
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/25/12(Wed)21:50 No.5765032
    What ya'll are asking for WILL eventually rub off, no matter what. your best bet is to airbrush a temp skin dye
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)23:47 No.5765446
         File: 1335412035.jpg-(42 KB, 375x500, 1313900760393.jpg)
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    Gropey, you are fucking awesome. Thanks for making the best thread /cgl/ has had for months.
    >> TK-421 04/26/12(Thu)00:08 No.5765570
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    >Who else here is a performer? Dancers, actors, etc etc. I feel like this board would draw a big theater crowd

    I did drama in high school, and in college I was apart of an improv club. However ever since my career in the Army I have lost my touch and sharpness when it comes to being Johnny on the spot.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)00:14 No.5765597
    Say, Gropey, what's the average age in your troupe? the majority of the clowns I've seen are within the 40-50 age range..

    And is it typical for a clown to start his or her career straight after they finish their education at high school/college? Or does it not make much of a difference.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)00:16 No.5765607

    I did a lot of acting/make up work with Six Flags and Haunted House work.

    Hell I even filmed a few commercials for Dragon*con TV and the like. Fun gig.
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/26/12(Thu)00:38 No.5765707

    HA! MORAL?

    25-30. Youngest was 18, I'll be 23 in a few days, and the oldest performer we had with us was in his 50's

    sounds awesome, but I cant think of Con commercials without GIRUGAMESH popping in my head
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)00:42 No.5765729
    Gropemeister, your birthday is coming up?
    How does a clown celebrate his birthday
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)00:44 No.5765737
    >I'll be 23 in a few days

    You've already had so many adventures, makes me feel like I've just been wasting time. You truly are amazing Gropey.
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/26/12(Thu)00:48 No.5765760
    Whiskey. Lots of whiskey.

    Always more to have good sir or madam! I'm still young yet!
    >> TK-421 04/26/12(Thu)01:19 No.5765886

    If you have a better term? By all means. But you seemed to have lifted this forum's moral.
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 04/26/12(Thu)01:21 No.5765897
    I think you meant morale, brah
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/26/12(Thu)01:53 No.5766034
    OH! Thats a relief!

    Though I didn't know that there was a morale problem here.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)03:04 No.5766174
    Please tell us about the clown mafia, Gropey. I'd really like to hear this story.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)03:20 No.5766208
         File: 1335424816.png-(438 KB, 567x762, gropey.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)03:27 No.5766221
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)03:44 No.5766251
    Meh. Just a nobody.
    Are you unkillable because you put nails in your face and staple cards to your chest, or is there a story behind it?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)04:14 No.5766295
    Aw this thread makes me sad/nostalgic. I do very small time kids stuff as favors for family members and friends, wish I could do actual shows like you Gropey. Can neither afford the schooling nor stand the traveling though. Kudos to you for being awesome from this small town clown girl.
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/26/12(Thu)04:28 No.5766315
    I'm back! had some shit to take care of.

    I earned that little moniker from being both unlucky, and lucky as shit.

    Among other things:
    *Gone through a car windshield, and through the open rear hatch of the pickup truck in front of us (earned me a plate in my skull)
    *Fell off of a second story balcony and into an open dumpster full of ripped up carpets
    *Ran my tiny little two door UNDERNEATH the back of a truck.
    *Ate Turkish street vendor food (a feat in itself)

    The second term, "the patchwork man" came from all the stitches. The "dashing" part is a lie though. Im pretty sure I am not dashing, but it sounds good.
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/26/12(Thu)04:35 No.5766325
         File: 1335429341.jpg-(147 KB, 354x508, circus%20poster1.jpg)
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    Obviously, you've done your research, or you know of me. Im sorry to hear, either way :P

    Aww, thanks! All the emails I have gotten from people who are or want to be clowns or do circus performance makes me happy that I got drunk and made this thread. I knew I lurked the board for a reason!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)05:12 No.5766352
    Kill yourself
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/26/12(Thu)05:30 No.5766369
         File: 1335432658.jpg-(182 KB, 500x500, CIRCUS.jpg)
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    Unrustle your jimmies kiddo. I'm most likely going to die at 25 in an alligator wrestling accident anyways.

    Did a clown touch you in a bad way as a child?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)05:42 No.5766373
    Damn son
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/26/12(Thu)05:45 No.5766375
    Obviously a little artistic license was taken, but I appreciate the picture :3
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)08:35 No.5766546
    Does the artist of this have a DA or somewhere I can follow their art?
    It's fuckinbg delicious and I must have more.
    >> TL;DR 04/26/12(Thu)15:20 No.5767542
         File: 1335468030.jpg-(30 KB, 320x224, ghal5.jpg)
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    I can't promise that it will be soon, but I do promise that there will be pics posted. Thanks again for your advice and the great thread.

    I'd like to hear a bit about town fools, if you don't mind. I've heard them referenced countless times but don't really know where the tradition came from or what they actually did. As far as I can gather they'd sit by the well and shout nonsense at passers-by?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)15:33 No.5767592
    No, I just hate alcoholics.
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/26/12(Thu)15:55 No.5767680
         File: 1335470131.jpg-(287 KB, 750x1133, MIMI_128C8_021R_MIN_LINKS_BOVE(...).jpg)
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    Its actually quite interesting, and I'll go into detail later. There were laws, and rules and requirements for the job.

    And I hate people who hate people they don't know. I will continue to slowly destroy my body with vast quantities of tobacco and alcohol. I will continue to enjoy life as I see fit.

    Now if you excuse me, there is a bottle of Kraken black rum calling for me!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)17:31 No.5767988
    Gropey, do you know much about the Venetian Carnevale tradition?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)17:40 No.5768013
    Oh, so your dad touched you in a bad way as a child.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)17:44 No.5768034
    I want to know this too, I've seen them post before.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)17:54 No.5768056
         File: 1335477245.jpg-(86 KB, 281x500, 7108341559_9398bdf310.jpg)
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    posting some of the mexican clown troupe girl.
    I found their old website and let's just say if I can get to it it's got some funny as pictures.

    The guy of the group with this girl with shades a ballcap and a wad of cash with his arm around her.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)17:55 No.5768060
         File: 1335477329.jpg-(92 KB, 375x500, 7108621245_bf18719168.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)17:56 No.5768064
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    If gropey or anyone remembers the name of the troupe she is part of or her name I might be able to find more.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)17:59 No.5768075
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)17:59 No.5768080
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:02 No.5768086
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:03 No.5768088
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:03 No.5768090
    omq link plox?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:04 No.5768092
    >that feel when hardly any clown porn
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:06 No.5768096

    Wow, I haven't even gone halfway through the thread and already found great tips to help a fellow bro become a brolita. If I were going to ACen this weekend, I would have been pumped to do a Weeping Angel cosplay with your tips.

    We need this thread archived. It's so nice to see an on topic thread for once.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:06 No.5768098
    looks like lolita
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:07 No.5768101
         File: 1335478052.jpg-(31 KB, 500x375, 1328154416676.jpg)
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    These pics will suffice. Also once I run out if images of her I have something else to share.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:09 No.5768108
         File: 1335478143.jpg-(37 KB, 375x500, 1328155161120.jpg)
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    She's so cute. Also what tips can Gropey give on talking to carnival/clown women who perform?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:12 No.5768120
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:13 No.5768124
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    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:13 No.5768125
    Who is this? [Name/links] So presh!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:15 No.5768129
         File: 1335478543.jpg-(87 KB, 500x375, 1328155316875.jpg)
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    Like I said all I remember is that she is part of a mexican clown troupe Let me see if I can find it though ok.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:18 No.5768143
         File: 1335478719.jpg-(52 KB, 375x500, 92607_1290848751215_123_348lo.jpg)
    52 KB
    The original that started it all.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:20 No.5768149
         File: 1335478841.jpg-(25 KB, 375x500, 92651_1290860433066_123_250lo.jpg)
    25 KB
    She's the anti gothic lolita
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:22 No.5768155
         File: 1335478953.jpg-(67 KB, 375x500, 92766_1290987482531_123_413lo.jpg)
    67 KB
    blonde hair
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:24 No.5768158
         File: 1335479042.jpg-(24 KB, 375x500, 92755_1290980553766_123_365lo.jpg)
    24 KB
    This is the last one I have of her moving on to other ones.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:24 No.5768162
         File: 1335479097.jpg-(61 KB, 487x650, 92609_1290851713157_123_414lo.jpg)
    61 KB
    Derp I lie here's another
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:26 No.5768165
         File: 1335479162.jpg-(60 KB, 544x700, ClownGirl14.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:28 No.5768179
         File: 1335479334.jpg-(25 KB, 443x422, l.jpg)
    25 KB
    lolwut /WUTTTT
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:29 No.5768185
         File: 1335479379.jpg-(89 KB, 398x600, 92643_1290859843493_123_356lo.jpg)
    89 KB
    I think this might be a cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:31 No.5768190
         File: 1335479460.jpg-(132 KB, 399x600, 92646_1290859891020_123_195lo.jpg)
    132 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:31 No.5768194
         File: 1335479498.jpg-(136 KB, 398x600, 92649_1290859977732_123_438lo.jpg)
    136 KB
    Is any one fappi I mean happy.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:32 No.5768201
         File: 1335479542.jpg-(55 KB, 375x500, 1328154772831.jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:33 No.5768204
         File: 1335479606.jpg-(54 KB, 400x600, toxxxy_nude_goth_model_brunett(...).jpg)
    54 KB,0,0,0
    I found this by accident.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:35 No.5768213
         File: 1335479731.jpg-(64 KB, 375x500, 92721_1290928850919_123_4lo.jpg)
    64 KB
    Oh and did I mention she has friends. Were not out of luck guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:36 No.5768215
    thank you this was nice
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:37 No.5768220

    I used to be pretty big into theater and jazz choir, but not so much anymore. I'll be pursuing a minor in theater this fall, so hopefully the performing bug comes back. I really miss the stage.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:37 No.5768221
         File: 1335479843.jpg-(76 KB, 500x375, 1328154528117.jpg)
    76 KB
    If anyone has any more please share.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:38 No.5768224
         File: 1335479935.jpg-(40 KB, 500x375, 1328154273436.jpg)
    40 KB
    I am done I have no more images the only way we get more pics is if you guys can find out what the troupes site was.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:39 No.5768228
         File: 1335479987.jpg-(40 KB, 450x374, 02290740.jpg)
    40 KB
    Forgot this one.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:42 No.5768237
    The thing that kind of ruins these cute clown girls for me is the white spandex shirts they're wearing. I know it's far more practical than painting their bodies or whatever, but it doesn't match the white of their faces and they have all these really visible wrinkles. Hahah, I guess it's just my detail-oriented cosplay complex, but it's just... the rest of them is so well put together, I don't get why they do that.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)18:54 No.5768269
         File: 1335480846.jpg-(166 KB, 713x870, bunti.jpg)
    166 KB
    Gropey is awesome
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)19:00 No.5768284
         File: 1335481233.jpg-(43 KB, 600x400, bizarre_magazine_29440_5.jpg)
    43 KB
    I have a few more images I found umm they are a bit more riscae though
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)19:01 No.5768288
         File: 1335481276.jpg-(40 KB, 400x600, bizarre_magazine_29437_12.jpg)
    40 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)19:02 No.5768290
         File: 1335481351.jpg-(56 KB, 400x600, bizarre_magazine_29434_12.jpg)
    56 KB
    Play that accordion PLAY IT!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)19:03 No.5768291
         File: 1335481400.jpg-(44 KB, 400x600, bizarre_magazine_29425_12.jpg)
    44 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)19:04 No.5768296
         File: 1335481479.jpg-(63 KB, 400x600, bizarre_magazine_29422_12.jpg)
    63 KB
    She's got nice balloons
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)19:05 No.5768300
         File: 1335481551.jpg-(54 KB, 400x600, bizarre_magazine_29428_12.jpg)
    54 KB
    Are my puns PHUNY
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)19:07 No.5768310
         File: 1335481672.jpg-(50 KB, 400x600, bizarre_magazine_29431_12.jpg)
    50 KB
    Welp I am once again.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)19:10 No.5768319
         File: 1335481844.jpg-(30 KB, 350x268, Monster-Man-Syfy-350x268.jpg)
    30 KB
    How many people are actully here?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)20:00 No.5768513
    moar clahn stories, gropey
    weve posted so many niec pictures 4 uuuu
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)20:04 No.5768525

    Is that Cleve from Monster Man?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)20:13 No.5768544
    I seriously want you to die.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)20:24 No.5768578
    you are a bad person
    everyone would be happier if you would go away please and thank you
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)20:41 No.5768628
    Gropey I like you

    what can you tell me about Pierrot?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)20:48 No.5768653
         File: 1335487716.jpg-(77 KB, 406x594, Constance+Hall+Cleve+Hall+Spot(...).jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Gropey the Clown !!z3Lf/vIW4kd 04/26/12(Thu)22:00 No.5768975
         File: 1335492004.jpg-(46 KB, 450x330, BARNUM-AND-BAILEY-CIRCUS-POSTE(...).jpg)
    46 KB
    Hey hey folks!

    Just a quick pop in, because I am not gonna be on tonight. I got a gig :P

    Yup! We'll discuss it later!

    I have her info somewhere.

    I have a good bit, but I can't share half of it, because its people who i've dated/slept with, and i don't share :P

    yay! I'm helpful! Who has a cookie? :OB

    s Harle from Chrono Cross. No, I don't know that because im a clown, I know that because its one of the best RPGs ever.

    Well, thats because they are working clowns. In Mexico. Where its hot. They are being practical.

    I just got my latest issue in the mail!

    Dude(tte?), lets talk. I'm seriously wondering what your issue is. Yeah, I know I drink way too much, but I admit it and I affect no one else but myself. The whole point of this thread is fun and knowledge, and obviously your not having fun. Do you wanna talk about it? Is there something that you need to get off your chest? You know I'm your friend because you can always trust a clown!

    As much as any other character clown. Remind me later!
    >> TL;DR 04/26/12(Thu)23:19 No.5769311
    Gropey, I like you more all the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)23:38 No.5769347
    ok I just want to know your ok with all the girls I posted in this thread right. I ain't ruing your reputation am I?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/12(Thu)23:54 No.5769407
    Just gonna bump this also Gropey I may not be posting as much and I will not be able to post pictures after a while since I will be switching to a portable tablet to browse.
    This is the bro that posted all the clownchicks.
    >> Keo 04/27/12(Fri)06:13 No.5770148
    Bumping, cause this threat deserves it.
    Also, my captcha is a picture of a road sign? What the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)06:34 No.5770204
    Gropey, you're a true bro. A fistbump from Italy

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