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04/19/12(Thu)16:37 No.5737149 File: 1334867834.jpg-(34 KB, 500x368, ohbb.jpg)
 Bumpin' with my very recent horror story.
met my horrors through a rather horrible housemate, up until last week I
was still living there. I'm an illustration student and as part of
going to uni, moving out came with it. I started the year living with
one other person, a friendly french student who was in my class, but
half way through the year quit and moved home. In all of the two weeks
notice she gave me, I had to replace her quickly with anybody to cover
her rent, or I would be fucked. Through my group of friends, mostly
vidya nerds and other art students, all cosplaying anime loving friends,
and on the side of this group, we roughly knew B. B was a tall,
overweight guy with long hair, your casual anime fan. Always wore wolf
shirts or comicbook print shirts, baggy goth pants, black backpack,
black everything. He was very nice at first, but when he said he needed a
place and would move in right away, I felt nervous.
Some of this
feeling was my feer for being a smallish girl living alone with another
guy, and not having a boyfriend or anybody else around, it could get
awkward, and I didn't feel too safe, I didn't know him, had spoken with
him a few times prior. But I was desperate, so that weekend he moved in,
taking about six boxes of things into my friends old room. By Monday,
he was settled in. Continued... |