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  • File: 1334457758.jpg-(583 KB, 1000x1700, 1333225819179.jpg)
    583 KB Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:42 No.5717883  
    >> cgl trip list(with pictures) Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:44 No.5717890
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:46 No.5717897
    that needs to be updated
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 04/14/12(Sat)22:49 No.5717915
    >mfw I'm not on the other two sheets
    Stayed under the radar on that at least.
    >> Iris(phone) 04/14/12(Sat)22:52 No.5717932
    I have no rating, location and no vendetta
    I think im ok with this <3
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:56 No.5717954
    you are on the ugly list
    >> Static !u/KkqQFcB2 04/14/12(Sat)22:58 No.5717959
         File: 1334458714.gif-(243 KB, 160x160, I'd like respect garth.gif)
    243 KB
    Update with my new trip and a photo of my baby, please and thank you.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:01 No.5717973
    #5 is in cosplay right? He doesn't normally walk around like that right?

    ... Right?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:05 No.5717987
    Diavolo's cosplaying as Diavolo you fucking newfag
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:12 No.5718007
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:17 No.5718026
    ...I think I just fell in love.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/14/12(Sat)23:19 No.5718033

    o_o its like you want to be on the list
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:20 No.5718041
    he does
    >> Smoker !HOZlQYR1MY 04/14/12(Sat)23:22 No.5718048
    He would probably suck more dick than normal to get on the list a second time.
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/14/12(Sat)23:23 No.5718053
    >Not on the list regardless of my take no prisoners attitude and hilarious jokes
    And I thought you had class, /cgl/
    >> Smoker !HOZlQYR1MY 04/14/12(Sat)23:27 No.5718075
    Oh look, the new trips think they matter.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 04/14/12(Sat)23:28 No.5718079
    What the other lists?
    I didn't even know about the other spreadsheets until recently.
    I keep as much as I can completely off the grid so you guys have as little vendetta on me as possible.
    >> Powergirl !hKSTArr3g2 04/14/12(Sat)23:28 No.5718083
    >New trips
    But it's barely even Spring..
    >> Smoker !HOZlQYR1MY 04/14/12(Sat)23:29 No.5718088
    Summers come early.
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/14/12(Sat)23:30 No.5718091
         File: 1334460617.jpg-(2 KB, 126x75, 1327548738241s.jpg)
    2 KB
    Oh look, the old trips think they ever mattered
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:32 No.5718103
    >making fun of new trips
    lololol now thats cute
    >> Smoker !HOZlQYR1MY 04/14/12(Sat)23:32 No.5718104
    Little buttfrustrated? It's gonna be ok.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 04/14/12(Sat)23:33 No.5718105
    Who even are you
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:35 No.5718112
    >hey guys i gotta make an irrelevant post so i can be included in the hot tripfag discussion
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:35 No.5718114
    I can be your cheerleader
    >> Static !faggotPtko 04/14/12(Sat)23:36 No.5718118
         File: 1334460970.jpg-(20 KB, 624x352, excuse me bitch sam.jpg)
    20 KB
    Never seen you before, reveal yourself.
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/14/12(Sat)23:36 No.5718121
    lol wot m8
    I'm here to vote in the /cgl/ next model contest
    European Chipmunk 2012
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/14/12(Sat)23:39 No.5718131
    I'm from /fit/. I came here yesterday, low on sleep, high on weed, and bored as fuck. I saw the /cgl/ next model contest and I decided I'd stick around for that to see if my favorite wins. I put on a trip because.. let's face it. I'm fucking awesome and will forever be better than you because I refuse to dress up like Yu-Gi-Oh and Sephiroth
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:40 No.5718138
    post your bod
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/14/12(Sat)23:41 No.5718142
    >Post my bod
    >On /cgl/
    >For a bunch of dudes
    lol nah
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:41 No.5718143
    faggots like you are the reason /fit/niggers raid us every day
    >> Powergirl !hKSTArr3g2 04/14/12(Sat)23:42 No.5718146
    Actually /cgl/ is mostly girls, I would say a good 80%.
    Hence all the drama threads lol.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:42 No.5718147
    do you even lift?
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 04/14/12(Sat)23:42 No.5718148
    You're from /fit/, you should be used to having a cock down your throat.
    >> Static !faggotPtko 04/14/12(Sat)23:43 No.5718149
    I see. Be sure to vote for me~
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/14/12(Sat)23:45 No.5718155
    Yeah, except every dude on this board right now is in this thread wondering why they weren't on the list and I would bet most chick don't give a fuck about this thread outside of posting suggestions for the list.

    Funny how all the trips who are asking who I am haven't got any chicks saying that they should be on the list. Lol uggo betas
    >> Smoker !HOZlQYR1MY 04/14/12(Sat)23:45 No.5718158
    Who are you?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:47 No.5718168
    all the dudes posting here are awesome
    masas a pirate
    gods one of the best looking men ever
    hell even valle got a top ten girl here
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/14/12(Sat)23:48 No.5718171
    A /fit/ gay joke. Good one. How's that sewing machine, bro?
    >> awkward 04/14/12(Sat)23:48 No.5718174
    too bad this is just for trips, id be a shoe in for No.1
    >> Static !faggotPtko 04/14/12(Sat)23:48 No.5718175
         File: 1334461723.gif-(574 KB, 160x160, aw come here hug sam.gif)
    574 KB
    Smoker, don't be silly, you know who I am.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:51 No.5718182
    Yeah the underweight faggot who claims to work out all the time.
    Shut the fuck up you twink.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 04/14/12(Sat)23:51 No.5718183
    Lol I don't sew.
    >> Smoker !HOZlQYR1MY 04/14/12(Sat)23:51 No.5718187
    Even in real life people describe me with just my name. I guess I'm just forced to play the hand I'm dealt.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:51 No.5718193

    Maguma looks like Mos Def in that picture. Maybe it's the hat.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:52 No.5718195
    where is the female version?
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/14/12(Sat)23:53 No.5718201
    Or take the hint and change your shitty personality/look.
    I think you're thinking of Common if he had AIDS
    >> Smoker !HOZlQYR1MY 04/14/12(Sat)23:56 No.5718217
    Nah. I think I'm good. Always make em guess. Look left doge right.
    >> awkward 04/14/12(Sat)23:57 No.5718220
         File: 1334462248.gif-(301 KB, 550x400, 1334036385213.gif)
    301 KB

    i am not underweight...
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/14/12(Sat)23:58 No.5718223
    I knew this thread would be no good. Trolling guys isn't as easy as trolling girls. We're just so much fucking smarter than them.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:58 No.5718224
    Yes you are faggot. It's painfully obvious too.
    Protip: curling 5lb weights isn't working out.
    >> awkward 04/15/12(Sun)00:03 No.5718244
         File: 1334462590.gif-(1.78 MB, 214x177, 1334032817830.gif)
    1.78 MB

    i'll have you know i can curl 25's
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/15/12(Sun)00:03 No.5718246
    So who are you guys voting for in the /cgl/ next top model thing?

    inb4 everyone is voting for Ophelia
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/15/12(Sun)00:04 No.5718255
         File: 1334462680.gif-(499 KB, 220x283, 1327963995643.gif)
    499 KB
    This is my favorite awkward gif
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:04 No.5718257

    prove it, beta.
    >> Smoker !HOZlQYR1MY 04/15/12(Sun)00:05 No.5718260
    >trying to bro out with the men
    >trying to change the subject

    Backpedal harder bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:06 No.5718262
    I was curling that when I was in middle school.
    >> awkward 04/15/12(Sun)00:09 No.5718275

    how can i prove it?
    I am not beta...

    all about form bro
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/15/12(Sun)00:09 No.5718278
    Just trying to figure out what kind of taste the guys on this board had. I did the same thing on /sci/ the other day. Jesus, breh, settle down. I'm not trying to smoke you out or anything, just a question.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:10 No.5718280
    Western Fella should be number 1 imo

    Also >>5717890

    Why don't we have an unshooped or naked picture of Logseux for her alternative?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:11 No.5718284
    >trying to throw in /fit/ logic
    Don't even try bitch.
    If you can't curl more than 25 you don't know shit about form.
    After a month you'd be up higher than that, provided you work out "all the time" like you claim.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:12 No.5718289

    You are posting here, I don't care if you are "trawling eecks dee XD", something is wrong with you if you are posting here and you are male.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 04/15/12(Sun)00:13 No.5718290
    Because the glorious maker would change it if she asked.
    Which she would.
    I asked him to change the pic for me to one I'm actually doing cosplay in as opposed to acting a fool and voila.

    It's why the LSD joke doesn't really make sense anymore...
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/15/12(Sun)00:13 No.5718293
    Yeah, I would usually say it doesn't matter where you start, but how you progress. But if you claim to workout all the time and you're still curling 25 lb DB's there is something wrong there.
    >> awkward 04/15/12(Sun)00:16 No.5718310

    >implying that's fit logic, and not just logic logic.

    that's a pretty big generalization, as to whats wrong with me im just a little awkward, but that should be obvious
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:18 No.5718317
    Just get the fuck out faggot.
    You're as liked as Logseux, MaryJane and DerpQueen.

    At least two of them had the sense to quit coming here for the most part.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:22 No.5718335
    Surely they would prefer an embarrassing or humiliating photo of her
    >> awkward 04/15/12(Sun)00:23 No.5718336
         File: 1334463781.gif-(1.33 MB, 264x176, 1333850934234.gif)
    1.33 MB

    >comparing me to Logseux, MaryJane or DerpQueen.

    i was under the impression only like 7 people even knew i posted.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:24 No.5718345
    Kill yourself.
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/15/12(Sun)00:29 No.5718371
    >Mfw Logseux and Derpqueen are sexy as fuck you're probably just jelly as helly

    Goddamn, fat girls. You're so predictable.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:30 No.5718376
    >implying i'm a girl
    >newfag is superfuckingnew
    Someone show him her real pics.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:31 No.5718379
    I like him.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:32 No.5718386
    Here you /fit/bitch
    This is what your "sexy" girl looks like when she hasn't shooped her pics.
    And there's a lot more like this.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:33 No.5718389
         File: 1334464398.jpg-(35 KB, 604x405, 180tcm.jpg)
    35 KB
    >forgot pic
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:33 No.5718390
         File: 1334464417.jpg-(49 KB, 604x405, INYOURFACEK.jpg)
    49 KB
    Yeah you have some bad taste mate, that and she's spiteful. You should read her ED, when those supposed good looks fade you'll be left with a withered bitch
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:35 No.5718397
         File: 1334464525.jpg-(14 KB, 300x358, Grrdonthitonmeyousillyboys.jpg)
    14 KB
    Also what sort of girl gets engaged in 2011 and then gets naked on /soc/ for the rest of the Internet. Her poor boyfriend
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/15/12(Sun)00:35 No.5718400
    1. Probably just one bad pic. Good job, bro.
    2. I'd still fuck her and she's still hotter than most of the pics I've seen on here of seagulls
    3. I didn't say I'd marry her, breh. Settle down.
    4. Didn't someone mention naked pictures of her?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:37 No.5718411
         File: 1334464658.png-(118 KB, 253x398, Chubbychunkster.png)
    118 KB
    There's more than one bad picture... Good job you aren't going to marry her, she'd probably parade herself around naked on the internet still and trample all over her respect for you
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:38 No.5718414

    You sound like you have aspergers.
    >> awkward 04/15/12(Sun)00:38 No.5718418
         File: 1334464739.gif-(1.66 MB, 320x180, illuminati_handshake.gif)
    1.66 MB

    i imagine ill die out of sheer awkwardness and embarrassment any day now.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:40 No.5718423
    In fact, just help yourself

    Although you'll probably just skip to the nudes and not pay attention to the text or fugly pictures
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/15/12(Sun)00:40 No.5718425
    Thanks, doctor.
    Yeah you're probably right. Thanks for the link, though.
    >> Logseux !kH8nHhehMY 04/15/12(Sun)00:42 No.5718433
         File: 1334464929.jpg-(52 KB, 350x477, bacon.jpg)
    52 KB
    Fuck off beta bitch, I wouldn't touch you with a 20 foot pole.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:45 No.5718444
    How's that bulimia coming along?
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/15/12(Sun)00:46 No.5718448
    >Implying you wouldn't
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:48 No.5718457
    She totally would given the chance, she gets bored of relationships easy. Unless you aren't all sparkles and sunshine 24-7 then you're relationship will be doomed
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/15/12(Sun)00:49 No.5718470
    >With a seagull
    get the fuck out.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/15/12(Sun)00:50 No.5718476
    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:51 No.5718477
    Even worse, a relationship with a fucked in the head seagull that tripfags
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/15/12(Sun)00:53 No.5718485
    >ATIWAB is on /cgl/ tripfag thing
    >Laugh and then read he has a crush on Red Dickies
    >Look for that name on the sheet
    >It's a dude
    >Awh, c'mon man..
    >Click on his picture
    Yeah, I see it
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:58 No.5718510

    who the fuck are you and why are you despretely trying fit in?
    >> The Dude !!vx9pb6eVrKx 04/15/12(Sun)00:59 No.5718519
    Slow your roll, Joe. I'm just trying to pass some time.
    >> Dead !Mau55LLxj. 04/15/12(Sun)02:44 No.5718883
    >Not on list
    >No longer remembered under old trip
    I don't know how to feel.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)02:53 No.5718913
    Actually, it looks like they do.

    I mean, why the fuck did they add ATIWAB, he hasn't posted here more than for a few days. Or the shitty trolls. Or Dizzy.

    At least the underage b&s and Asians are understandable, as they were added just for the merit of being underage and Asian, respectively (for the local pedos and yellow fevers, respectively).

    But Dizzy? What the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)02:57 No.5718927
    nonono, don't worry, I've forgotten about you but you're a priority to be added
    >> Smoker !HOZlQYR1MY 04/15/12(Sun)03:06 No.5718946
    Well this is awkward.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:08 No.5718956
    Change Logsucks picture to something more appropriate from her ED article please
    >> Davos who would love to suck Stannis' cock 04/15/12(Sun)03:10 No.5718965
         File: 1334473826.jpg-(40 KB, 352x529, davos promo.jpg)
    40 KB
    Nigger pls. He is the rightful ruler of Westeros.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:19 No.5718998
    Some fat guy is number 2? What the fuck?
    >> awkward 04/15/12(Sun)03:21 No.5719005
    in on that reverse psychology.
    i wouldn't mind my handsome face, out for everyone to see
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:24 No.5719010

    according to his facebook, WF is pretty hot outside of western clothes too.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:28 No.5719026
    post self nigger
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:28 No.5719028

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:33 No.5719037

    mmm, Got a link?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:42 No.5719059
         File: 1334475749.jpg-(19 KB, 391x332, 549313_10151507710530417_50293(...).jpg)
    19 KB
    bro isn't Miyu or J-Nigger. i'm not giving out his facebook. here's his profile picture though.

    someone needs to seriously rework OPs list. no reddickies or god? fuck this.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/15/12(Sun)03:44 No.5719063
    This would be the worst thing ever. Don't.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:48 No.5719070
    >no reddickies or god? fuck this.

    I mean I hate God as much as the next guy, but him not being #1 is injustice.

    Also, Roko pretty much lost the game, he only got there out of 'nice guy' pity, and now we've all seen what a 'nice guy' he is.

    And there's a lot of new more attractive trips (females and males) that aren't even rated.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:57 No.5719090

    Yes he is.


    And good hot god damn. I think I'm in love.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:07 No.5719108
    >he only got there out of 'nice guy' pity,

    Isn't that how Johnny Bravo got there too?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:09 No.5719111
    And Charizard.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:10 No.5719114
    Kind of. But I think he got the top place as a joke or something. /cgl/'s never seen his fattie face, so no one can tell how (un)attractive he is.

    However, seeing as it took just one strong independent black woman (Sage-san) to call him out on his bullshit, I'm guessing he's Roko level 'Beta nice guy' who used to come here to pretend he's a likable person, and that he has a chance to procreate.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:14 No.5719127
    That too, but Charizard didn't slip up yet, and keeps his Beta nice guy act tight. Unless you're a male and say anything negative about him (or just do the latter and he'll project a male on you). Watch him lash out in rage, frothing at the mouth, being all Internet tough guy and shit. But just like good battered housewives to be, his fan girls are willing to ignore that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:17 No.5719132

    Wouldn't battered housewives to be be more attracted to alphas?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:18 No.5719133
    Protip: Johnny and Charizard never start shit nor react to people trying to start shit it's always the drama coming their way and not them starting drama.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:20 No.5719138

    There's a difference between being a beta-faux nice guy and being good at defusing drama.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:20 No.5719139
    >Charizard never start shit nor react to people trying to start shit
    Nope. Charizard did, on multiple occasions.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:22 No.5719142
    >unless youre anon youre the worst scum imaginable
    stay classy /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:26 No.5719149

    Some of the descriptions are overwhelmingly positive. Like G. Or... uh... that ugly cunt, Micnax. Like whoa, it almost looks like he's the creator's buddy or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:27 No.5719151
    It's pretty sad that this is the best you can do.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:29 No.5719156
    What about ATIWAB and Bornedead? They're in the list. Surely /cgl/ will vote for them top places at least.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:32 No.5719160
    >going off the newfag spreadsheet
    doing it wrong
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 04/15/12(Sun)04:33 No.5719162
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:33 No.5719163
    Freeman, Dio, Westernfella and Oishi all have very positive descriptions...look harder
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:34 No.5719165
    which one of you is Anonymous User 280?

    they looked at all the underage posters (and Smoker), skipping everything else
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:35 No.5719170
    >and now we've all seen what a 'nice guy' he is
    did he do something else other than, say he knew something about lobi? because as funny as it was to see lawnmower girl blow a gasket it really seems like we're blowing things out of proportion if that's the ONLY thing he did
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:37 No.5719176
    The older ones have bland robotic descriptions for everyone. As well as fucking races listed, like what the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:38 No.5719177

    [spoiler]G only got a good description because he's Johnny Bravo[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:39 No.5719179
    God = Anonymous User 4229.
    >> awkward 04/15/12(Sun)04:40 No.5719181

    no pics on this comp
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:40 No.5719182
    I thought it has been established repeatedly that G is not funny enough to be Johnny
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:41 No.5719184
    Can we get a fake nice guy list?
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/15/12(Sun)04:42 No.5719188
    I'm going to jump in and say Charizard is a decent guy. Partied with him and had a couple of conversations. I would def let him feel my pecs, or wash my quads. No homo.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:42 No.5719189
    Roko and shaynii, tied for the #1 spot
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:43 No.5719190
    Why her?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:47 No.5719196

    Blue (But he probably is actually a nice beta)
    >> Matt !o504RVa/WI 04/15/12(Sun)04:47 No.5719199
         File: 1334479674.jpg-(19 KB, 360x231, Hahaha.jpg)
    19 KB
    >This Thread
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:48 No.5719201
         File: 1334479715.jpg-(62 KB, 500x765, awkward.jpg)
    62 KB
    Don't worry, I got you cowered brosky:

    Location: TX or WI, not sure
    >One of the newest claimants for Lobitah's Iron Throne (read: vagina). Being a pedo creeper all around, has the least in terms of followers, but being pedophiles themselves, they're the most fanatical and outspoken.
    >picture related
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:49 No.5719203
    Am I the only one who feels like she puts on the nice-girl facade?
    Every single thing she posts is "anon you're beautiful, let's be friends"

    I don't think she's secretly the devil or anything, but it all seems carefully constructed to give her a moe, overly sweet persona
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:50 No.5719206
    that pic lacks his uglier version of roko face
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:51 No.5719207
    fuck me, just fuck me...


    also if you want, we can stitch it together with your other trip, so then you get a full tripname+tripcode, as well as a face
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 04/15/12(Sun)04:52 No.5719209
         File: 1334479941.jpg-(1.28 MB, 1952x3264, IMAG1849.jpg)
    1.28 MB
    nah, I'm at the gym.
    >> awkward 04/15/12(Sun)04:52 No.5719211
         File: 1334479958.png-(43 KB, 1432x444, nope.png)
    43 KB

    that's not even me.

    >mfw pedo

    and it's WI. get your facts straight
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:55 No.5719218
    This warrants the Iron Throne repost. Anyone has that post saved? I couldn't take it because it was too big for my computer screen :<
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:57 No.5719223
    >uploads a smartphone photo
    >as evidence that he couldn't possibly read it with his smartphone
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 04/15/12(Sun)05:03 No.5719231
    too much work.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:24 No.5719258
         File: 1334481895.jpg-(228 KB, 1476x509, you guys make me hate game of (...).jpg)
    228 KB
    You mean this?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:36 No.5719279
    Funny, you saying that right after your request to be there was fulfilled.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:48 No.5719299
    what the hell, I'm not on the internet for 8 months and everybody who to used to tripfag doesn't anymore? who are all these new people? where did everybody go?
    >> itaqueen !!60RF7p3/Emf 04/15/12(Sun)05:51 No.5719301
    I find it funny that I'm listed as dating Duralath, but he's not on that spreadsheet.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:58 No.5719306

    ..Is he taken yet?
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/15/12(Sun)06:10 No.5719321
    I'm not going for moe or sweet at all, I just like making friends, and I see no point to being rude to people over the internet.
    If I'm going to be rude to someone I will send them a memo to meet me in the alley at 4pm, and this rest will be history.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/15/12(Sun)06:13 No.5719322
    go to bed
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/15/12(Sun)06:15 No.5719324
    There's broccoli cooking right now, so if I go to bed my house could set on fire.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/15/12(Sun)06:18 No.5719327
    You are ridiculous for cooking broccoli at 6am.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:18 No.5719328
    i do not understand whats going on here...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:21 No.5719330

    Yes. Some bitch that looks and acts like an exact clone of Zooey Deschanel. Sorry anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:22 No.5719333
    All of you, give me...AIM, YIM, MSN, Skype and the sort.. I want to make friends!
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/15/12(Sun)06:22 No.5719334
    >implying we're in the same time zone
    It's 3:20am
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/15/12(Sun)06:24 No.5719336
    I feel like that doesn't make an enormous difference.
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/15/12(Sun)06:25 No.5719339
    Sometimes when it gets late I crave steamed vegetables.
    Why're you awake at 6am?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:26 No.5719343
    Nice try bitch. Half the people there were still there 8 months ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:30 No.5719346

    Fuck. Zooey is my girlcrush though. I can't blame him.
    >> B-O-Y !cEfDy1GDww 04/15/12(Sun)06:32 No.5719348
    go to bed
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:33 No.5719352

    nice, pics?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:36 No.5719359
    I still have a crush on u B-O-Y :<

    pls don't go away no more
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:36 No.5719361
    Can I be trippfag too? :3c
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/15/12(Sun)06:39 No.5719367
         File: 1334486375.gif-(492 KB, 500x371, bitelipsnodyes.gif)
    492 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:41 No.5719370
         File: 1334486483.png-(273 KB, 391x512, 312268_2572726160102_131272730(...).png)
    273 KB

    delivering. she tripped here once. i hate her.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/15/12(Sun)06:41 No.5719371
    I lift at midnight, and get my macros in late at night.

    >tfw you don't even call it "eating" anymore
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:42 No.5719372
    Sure why not. But you won't get in the list unless you're

    a) Asian
    b) an underage b&, if female you can be ugly too, pedos make due with whatever they can get, if male then you had better be good looking.
    c) an oldfag cosplayer with a fanbase (being a cosplayer alone rarely doest the trick).
    d) have enough DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA around you.
    e) be a successful troll.
    f) fuck some of the tripfags on the list.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:44 No.5719377
    I don't think I'd want to be on the list. I just want to be tripfag. :3
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/15/12(Sun)06:44 No.5719379
    That explains it. I'm always really impressed by people who go to the gym so late. Bravo to you.

    You first.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:46 No.5719383
    'k, whatever.

    To be a tripfag, you put in the name field "Jim #real". Then you become a tripfag. For real.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:47 No.5719386

    Fuck me. You weren't kidding.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:55 No.5719391
    >is actually a nice beta
    Are you fucking kidding me?

    Does no one remember how obnoxious that fatty fuck was? Until he finally got laid with Miss Manjaw and dropped half his weight, he'd circlejerk everything that moved,
    >please responds
    everywhere, and pathetic trying to get laids 90% of time.

    Other than that, your list is quite correct.

    Also, the Alpha list:

    Normal Beta list:
    +the rest of the Asians, except for dildoz and coffee

    Omega list:
    Red Dickies
    Masa D. Luffy
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 04/15/12(Sun)07:03 No.5719398
         File: 1334487833.png-(170 KB, 592x587, 1315347735370.png)
    170 KB
    >Grorious Emperor Dildestroyer
    >not alpha

    Son, we are gonna have words.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:06 No.5719400
         File: 1334487981.png-(14 KB, 400x320, tumblr_m00nnsfkmx1r208ff.png)
    14 KB

    >implying Mell, WF, and Reddickies are beta.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:08 No.5719403
    I think is the only boards that take this alpha beta shit seriously are /cgl/ /fit/ and /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:19 No.5719419
    First of all, Beta != loser. It's a personality type.

    Mell is a nice guy as fuck (as in, really nice, not Roko nice). Alphas are supposed to be selfish cunts, not nice (or 'nice'). WF is kind of on the boundary between Alpha and Beta, but more inclining to the latter. And Red Dickies is between Beta and Omega, but he isn't content with his position enough to be Beta, so Omega it is.

    Except they all got it wrong. It is frustrating how everyone gets butthurt over not being called Alpha, when it's the same as, let's say, not being called a choleric (not saying those two are the same thing tho).
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:22 No.5719424
    Oh yeah, he's Omega as fuck
    >reeking buttfrustration
    >lack of fulfillment in life
    >tough guy shit on the Internet
    and ponyfagging by default disables all your chances of being Alpha. If you value counter-culture and hipster selling out more than your dignity, you're doing it wrong.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:23 No.5719426
    The problem with this whole thing is that it's too simplistic.
    Many things determine the personality of a guy, it can be his mood, the environment where he's at, the people surrounding him.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:26 No.5719432
    he's just a shitposter numbnuts
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:26 No.5719433

    That makes a little more sense I guess. I still disagree with reddickies being omega or beta. He seems pretty confident and smart in social situations. WF also once physically picked up and moved a table some fatties sat at once after telling them to sit somewhere else at some A-kon a while ago. I never met him personally but all the stories say he's really socially adjusted too.

    Also, Charizard really is a cool guy. Just saiyan.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 04/15/12(Sun)07:28 No.5719439
         File: 1334489324.jpg-(26 KB, 497x511, shblafhlsfn.jpg)
    26 KB
    ...picked up the table AND the fatties?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:32 No.5719442
    >First of all, Beta != loser. It's a personality type.
    Alphas get all the bitches, which piss off betas.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:35 No.5719444

    The legend goes that he moved it somewhere else with all of their things on it and left them awkwardly sitting around an empty space. They were bitching about it on /cgl/. One of them had eye liner halfway down her face.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:40 No.5719459
    >I think is the only boards that take this alpha beta shit seriously are /cgl/ /fit/ and /r9k/
    /fit/ alpha
    /r9k/ beta
    /cgl/ the woman who pickes the alpha
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:41 No.5719460
    Actually, no, Beta's tend to prefer monogamous relationships. They were the main cogs of the patriarchal society, the leading economic force. Yes, it is true that the current popular fads have made some of them bitter and unproductive, creating the "shadow Beta" fake, frustrated 'nice guys' (aka the Rokos). They just want their small piece of the cake, and then they'd be perfectly content with their position in society (something that Alphas and especially Omegas almost never are) and willing to give back much more.

    That's pretty cool, but Omegas are confident too. It's pretty hard to discern them from Alphas, in today's law suit filled society where equality is (in theory) a given.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:42 No.5719463
    >Actually, no, Beta's tend to prefer monogamous relationships.
    That wasn't the point of my post, I just said betas get pissed off because girls don't want them.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:46 No.5719467
    But that's not actually true. The vast majority of women still prefer a personal slave, rather than someone who will ditch them once they stop being pretty. They're not retarded. Sure, while they're "young and independent" (read: leeching off their parents / government / whatever), they will try to get as much Alpha semen in their vagina as possible (which is pretty hypocritical, I know), but once they get older, they know they're fucked.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 04/15/12(Sun)07:47 No.5719470
    I love /cgl/ urban legends.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:48 No.5719472
    /fit9k/ is a sad, sad man. It's like being frustrated with the black man for getting all the poon.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:48 No.5719474
    No you're right, that's exactly what I was saying.
    The betas get pissed off because they don't get women when they're young.
    >> Mitsuki 04/15/12(Sun)07:49 No.5719477
    Please tell me people don't take this Alpha/Beta/omega thing seriously and that it's just some 4chan bs.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:50 No.5719481

    Ask the dude yourself. I'm pretty sure he acknowledged it once. There's actually a lot of tales of him and anon of dallas swaggering around cons and causing havoc. Unfortunately thats the only one I remember.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:51 No.5719483

    some people just don't fit into one of these categories.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:56 No.5719492
    Is that being alpha? Sounds childish to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:57 No.5719493
    It used to be, but people have started to genuinely take It serious. It's pretty sad.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:01 No.5719498

    *shrug* I wasn't there. People recalled it like it was a "fun" or positive thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:04 No.5719503
         File: 1334491460.jpg-(368 KB, 1207x859, adam my hips are moving on my (...).jpg)
    368 KB
    This is what normalfag Betas actually believe.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:07 No.5719505


    Nigga please. Mell's Alpha. Coffee is Alpha. WF is a lowkey Alpha. Matt is a douche bag but definitely alpha.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:14 No.5719516
    The alpha/beta theory is flawed. It works for animals, but humans are too complicated. Just because someone isn't a domineering asshole or nice it doesn't make the subordinate.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:20 No.5719524
    >Mell's Alpha. Coffee is Alpha.
    Lol no.

    >effeminate Asians
    pick one

    The rest doesn't even warrant a comment.

    It's not Alphas = people I like, for Christ's sake.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:22 No.5719525

    Mell's a genuinely nice guy from what I read here. I played cards with WF at all-con a year ago and he was quiet, but confident. "Steely" is a good word. Reddickies used to have an "alpha" personality, but he seems to have calmed down a lot since breaking up with Miyu.

    I think the whole category thing is dumb really. None of these guys [or most people for that matter] fit very well.
    >> Dizzy !!Y4jFbn0aGBf 04/15/12(Sun)08:26 No.5719534
         File: 1334492793.jpg-(36 KB, 450x370, applekid.jpg)
    36 KB

    >everything about me is untrue

    Why am I on there anyways? I'm not important or anything, and I don't even belong here.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:28 No.5719538

    I agree with you. But there really isn't a popular opinion that's consistent on the subject. Tons of different people interpret the ethology theory way differently when it applies to people. Popular 4chan definition is Alpha=Positive, Strong male image Beta= Weak, subordinate, faggot Omega= Mega Faggot.

    I'm not saying that's anywhere near accurate but its what 4chan thinks.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:29 No.5719539
    Why don't we use JUNG typology instead?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:30 No.5719541
    You should be grateful that yours is barely negative. Almost all the descriptions are intentionally hyperbolic.

    >Shitty music taste.
    Trying to rustle some jimmies huh?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:32 No.5719547
    Agreed that it is dumb and /cgl/ should be beyond this. The whole idea of alpha beta relates to animal species level survival instincts. Humans have evolved to the point where we can use reasoning and go against our instincts and do things other than trying to reproduce as much as possible. We are able to have a larger impact on the world with our ideas and actions than with our reproductive organs. Claiming to be alpha is claiming to be bound to instinct and less developed than the average person.
    >> Dizzy !!Y4jFbn0aGBf 04/15/12(Sun)08:35 No.5719552

    I'm not really bothered, I'm actually kinda amused since it's very clearly a joke.

    I just wish people would stop saying my taste is shit ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:36 No.5719556

    This. Stop this shit /cgl/.
    >> sage 04/15/12(Sun)08:38 No.5719566
    Saging in a sage thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:39 No.5719568
    You're just frustrated because Betas hate difference. They want all people to be the same, same intellect, same talent, that no one dares to be more than that, or else!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:39 No.5719570
    Oh wow
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:40 No.5719572

    Is this an elaborate EFG reference?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:42 No.5719578

    Uhh...I don't think he means that all people are the same. Just that they don't fall into one of these instinctual categories. Human beings are far too complicated. Just because someone isn't an over aggressive "must mate" asshole, it doesn't mean they're some sort of subordinate follower pack member. Both of those types of people exist, but you can't shove every human being into one of those categories.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:43 No.5719584
    >an over aggressive "must mate" asshole, it doesn't mean they're some sort of subordinate follower pack member.
    Yes, that's where the Omega comes in between.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:45 No.5719591

    But that's not the textbook definition of omega at all. Plus, the way you've been talking is that omegas, by your definition, are false-alphas. Yet you've been discussing alpha and beta as if they're next to each other on the hierarchy.

    The whole thing is rubbish if we're not discussing wolves or primates.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:46 No.5719592
    >not primates
    oh u
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:49 No.5719596

    Ok. So you could classify our order as that of primates. Sure. But are you suggesting we haven't evolved just a bit further as far as social interaction goes? You haven't addressed my other points, and I'm afraid your argument isn't proving to be all that convincing.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:51 No.5719601
    The opposite actually. Being able to go against instinct allows for a larger spectrum of differences. It is what actually gives us freedom to be who we want to be rather than simply existing to exist. If you want to be alpha or beta than you will be, as you say, no more than that. The advantages in intellectual capacity that humans has is what allows the potential to go beyond that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:07 No.5719620
    So. Where would i fit in?

    I'm generally friendly, i can talk to girls, but i don't like hitting on someone unless i know they might actually like me.

    I have to admit, i kind of suck at approaching people and just talking to them, i generally like to have a buddy with me in this sort of situation.

    Omega as fuck, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:10 No.5719622
    Nope, Beta.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 04/15/12(Sun)09:11 No.5719624
    May I introduce you to the concept of a wingman?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:12 No.5719627
    You're a well adjusted male, no need to fall into this label mess
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:14 No.5719630

    Read this >>5719627
    >> Cloaked Figure !SNIGGErLOU 04/15/12(Sun)09:14 No.5719632
         File: 1334495698.jpg-(21 KB, 640x480, me swag.jpg)
    21 KB
    no CF in list


    CF alpha motherfucker

    thumb up your ass
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:15 No.5719633
    Most of these guys must be alright....because none of them seem to give two shits about this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:18 No.5719639
    So, Red Dickies, Matt, God, ValleLator and Masa aren't alright then?

    I'm okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:21 No.5719644
    Sadly my wingman is usually a goose who ejects and explodes mid way through the night.
    >> awkward 04/15/12(Sun)09:31 No.5719653
         File: 1334496692.jpg-(50 KB, 500x375, 1334404246727.jpg)
    50 KB

    >top gun reference
    ill be your wingman bro
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:45 No.5719661
         File: 1334497513.png-(683 KB, 426x712, awkward again.png)
    683 KB
    That's pretty gay bro.

    And how exactly are these not your pictures?
    >> awkward 04/15/12(Sun)09:50 No.5719669

    i put them on here, but that doesn't mean it's me.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:56 No.5719682
         File: 1334498217.png-(13 KB, 528x404, spurdo spadre.png)
    13 KB
    right I kno:D:DD
    you just post picture of pretty boy to get :D:D:D:DDD Dpussy underage:DDpenis goes into vagina:D:D:D:D:DDDD:D
    blood everywhere:DD:D
    ripped flower
    u like little girl cry?:D
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:59 No.5719685
    Congratulation, you are the kind of guy who ruins vaguely funny memes.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:00 No.5719687
    I dunno I why but it always cracks me up

    and I don't even know what the meme is.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:02 No.5719692


    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:05 No.5719697
    Has he taken Helen's virginity yet?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:08 No.5719702

    Helen disappeared cause the google employee who posts here called her out on changing trips for the third time this month and then deleting the post he called out on. or something like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:11 No.5719707
    >google employee
    lol whot the fuck

    I noticed she isn't posting anymore, I thought she was still in shock from all the blood after awkward ripped her vulva
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:14 No.5719713
    Finnish pedobear
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:15 No.5719715

    yes, there's a google employee here who has the caches of cgl for his viewing pleasure, no deleted post goes unnoticed by gman. He also has a lot of personal information about ever trip who posts here.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:18 No.5719721
    Spurdo? I thought it was just a badly drawn comic by some Finnish 10-year-old where another of those... bear... things tried to buy a packet of condoms and the Spurdo was the cashier and called him out on having sex, loudly, making the other guy sweat.
    >> awkward 04/15/12(Sun)10:29 No.5719746
    how is that backpedaling

    i don't even live in Italy
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:31 No.5719753
         File: 1334500309.png-(113 KB, 219x281, impressed.png)
    113 KB
    Holy shit, so you just flew over there to stick it in and came back home (after you came inside--ZING)?

    Respect bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:54 No.5719787
    >how is that backpedaling
    You post your pictures. When someone else posts them, you claim they're not yours, in case you weren't attractive enough.

    Backpeddaling as fuck. Of course, whenever someone compliments you in the 'what shit did you put on yourself today derpherp' thread, it's you. But otherwise -- better play it safe right?

    Then again, why even bother with a pedo faggot who started lifting because God made fun of him.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:58 No.5719788
    How much more does that poor girl have to suffer? First she gets publicly humiliated by some faggot, than she keeps getting creeped on by a pedophile, changes trip, all's well for some time, first pedo seemed to have got the hint, but then awkward starts lusting after underage meat too, she gets thrown into drama again and now she's Melisandre, awkward's fucktoy or something, even though she doesn't care about that shitty TV series.

    I guess she changed trip now because of him?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:00 No.5719790
    'sup Helen
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 04/15/12(Sun)11:01 No.5719794
    I'm so behind on all this drama. Which trips has she used other than Helen Keller?
    >> awkward 04/15/12(Sun)11:04 No.5719799

    i figured by this point is was more of a running joke that ive posted multiple people as myself and hidden my face.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:10 No.5719806
    Coffee's a really loathesome piece of shit. The rest are fairly decent people.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:10 No.5719809

    >running joke

    dat unwarrented self-importance
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:21 No.5719822
    I've only been here for a few months, so you might want to ask the Google guy for older stuff. From the dramus I remember, her first trip was
    >Chuna !3pyFO/TUNA
    that's where she accidentally promised her hymen to the then-anon Jaesun (creepy faggot, professional shitposter/troll, respond to with care), who somehow managed to pull off a heterosexual man and pretended she was his waifu, then two days later he accidentally slipped up and called her "-kun", she got all butthurt over it, and some dude told her he was actually a homosexual and just trolling her. Then, in the same thread, some creepy pedo told her how she was the first crush of his life or something, later started tripping with that "LONELY" in his tripcode. Then I don't remember what happed, I guess she was sick of all the white knighting, so she changed her trip to
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:23 No.5719829
    >Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/.
    probably to get rid off said pedophile, and it seemed to work for a while, but being a good stalker he noticed it was her again, BUT it seemed like he got the hint, as stopped whiteknighitng her so much (but he still talked to her every now and again). Then she was again accidentally pulled into the drama whirpool, when awkward, who was being accused of wanting underage pussy (that is Lobitah) mentioned that people think he creeps on her, for no reason at all other than his subconsciousness projecting, I guess? Anyway, people started making fun of awkward being a pedo, then being Stannis Baratheon, and Helen Keller was turned into his Melisandre, who tries to turn him to the power of pedophilia and helps awkward assassinate the other 'claimants' for the 'Iron Throne' (read Lobitah's vagina) with shadow lolis. Yeah. Pretty cool. So I guess that's why she changed trip now. Maybe the fact that there was also some hateful bunch (?) of fujoshi/hambeasts around her who wanted to scratch her eyes out, because Raddishu (the Swedish kawaii underage shemale) once, in a throwaway sentence, said that he likes girls like her (read: girls who like anime), helped too. So, now she's changed her trip, ONCE AGAIN to
    >> awkward 04/15/12(Sun)11:23 No.5719830

    i never said it was for anyone but me, and i certainly never have thought i was important. if i seriously thought that then i would be more careful posting myself.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:24 No.5719831
    >Chouli !!NnLc60z/x7t
    and so far tries to maintain a dramu free record. And by dramu free, I mean it lasted about ... 8 hours? Until Google guy noticed she changed it again and called her out on it, and instead of trying to play it subtle, she deleted the post, which promptly caused him to show of his leet haxxor skillz by reposting it from the graveyard of 404 (somehow?). And that's about it. Yeah.

    >in b4 my life must be really sad to know all those things
    I used to watch soap operas. Then I found /cgl/.

    Don't hate the playa, hate the game.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:25 No.5719833
    So you're saying awkward ruined her life then? What a huge cunt he is.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 04/15/12(Sun)11:26 No.5719834
    Oh, never knew Chuna was Helen Keller. I suddenly realise how confusing this trip-changing shit is. Cheers.
    >> Dizzy !!Y4jFbn0aGBf 04/15/12(Sun)11:28 No.5719838
         File: 1334503738.jpg-(4 KB, 189x230, kermit5.jpg)
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    >this board's drama

    You guys can't be serious.
    >> Chouli !!NnLc60z/x7t 04/15/12(Sun)11:29 No.5719839
    1st - Chuna
    2nd - Helen Keller
    3d - this one
    I used to have another trip before Chuna that I used in August - December(until I switched to Chuna), I didn't have any silly dramu going on with that one but I really disliked the name so I changed it.

    honestly I hate seeing that everytime I post, people keep mentioning awkward or LONELY, and I still don't understand why people say that awkward is creeping on me, I think it started when some anon said that he was creeping on me (obviously was a typo, I hardly even knew that he posted, no, wait, it was probably just someone throwing shit at the /cgl/ dramu fan), after that people kept on saying that until it became some sort of myth.
    I can see that no matter how many times I change trip, people will still continue to bring up old news, say that awkward took my virginity or other BS
    I know that /cgl/ constantly feeds on drama, but what have I done to deserve all of this hate?
    >inb4 using a trip
    I know that I was very attention-whorey with my first trip (and I probably still am)
    but I'm actually trying to change.
    I'm sorry if I rustled your jimmies in any way /cgl/

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:30 No.5719841
    Kind of like that one movie where this little black kid who dreams of becoming a business man was once caught "snitching" in school, but the local drug lord thought he had been snitching to the police about a murderer so he lit his house on fire and his adoptive mom ended up with severe burns and he had to go to the orphanage, just because of one accidental lie.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:31 No.5719843

    >but I'm actually trying to change.
    >still using a trip
    >still being a tard

    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 04/15/12(Sun)11:31 No.5719844
         File: 1334503916.gif-(357 KB, 500x346, tumblr_lqerqvBXLs1qgwp09.gif)
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    Ssh, no bloo, only dreams now.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:32 No.5719846
    You should've just kept the second one and tell the dramu bitches to go fuck themselves.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:38 No.5719857
         File: 1334504304.jpg-(126 KB, 1551x241, -a-n hero to be.jpg)
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    >what have I done to deserve all of this hate?
    Welp, personally, I think it was all the jealous fat cunt(s) who wanted to molest that Swedish boy who hated you because he talked to you once or twice, making you a target to be put to death immediately.

    BUT! Worry not, seems like the boy took your grief very personally and stopped posting here so that they'd leave you alone. Picture related, his latest post on /cgl/ I could find.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:41 No.5719868
    >feeling sorry for tripfags

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:43 No.5719875
    >angry girls hating on the girl you like
    >leave /cgl/ so that they leave her alone
    Women logic. Oh wai--

    But I guess he's better off this way. /cgl/ has a pretty high lethality rate for /a/nons, if you know what I mean.
    >> Chouli !!NnLc60z/x7t 04/15/12(Sun)11:44 No.5719879
    I would have, but I don't think that the situation would have changed much after that, there are people who still mention what some cosplayers/lolis have done 3-4 years ago..

    haha yeah, that wasn't a very smart move, but I don't think that running away would have been very polite, I know that constantly changing trips isn't very nice either but I do prefer this option to the first one.

    this is just like my Telenovelas!

    also sage for useless drama
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:44 No.5719881

    At least I didn't call them fat, right.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:48 No.5719890
    What a shame. I thought they'd make a cute pair. Sweden and Italy are, like, right next to each other, right?
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 04/15/12(Sun)11:52 No.5719905
    >what this thread became
    Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:54 No.5719909
         File: 1334505243.jpg-(43 KB, 617x414, 0806201015.jpg)
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    Push the STRAT BUTTON to shutdown your Windows95 !!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:55 No.5719913
         File: 1334505341.jpg-(166 KB, 1594x1196, AMERICA FUCK YEAH..jpg)
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    >Sweden and Italy are, like, right next to each other, right

    Thank you for providing some stern American insight into this problem, anon.

    >they'd make a cute pair
    She'd dump him anyway.
    >> Chouli !!NnLc60z/x7t 04/15/12(Sun)11:57 No.5719919
    not quite right next to each other but still in Europe yes.
    also if it helps, I'm 3/4 english and 1/4 italian (I must have repeated this a good couple of times now, so I wouldn't want to repeat this again)
    I feel bad for pulling him into the dramu, he didn't deserve the hate, also I'm really embarassed as I misspelled his name, so if you're reading this, I'm sorry about what happened.
    >> Deripsni !KowIjtB8Og 04/15/12(Sun)12:03 No.5719936
         File: 1334505780.png-(120 KB, 627x726, 1334448448834.png)
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    Poolboy still looks like a massive bro. Would smoke with.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:03 No.5719939
    But no one really hated him, just his fangirls hated you. He should've made a better job at keeping them on a leash.

    Or hey, maybe it was that old gay guy all along. I'm sure he wanted to stick it in his butthole too. Then again, he's too busy writing love poems about God these days...
    >> Jaesun !62OmiPenis 04/15/12(Sun)12:12 No.5719976
    >Or hey, maybe it was that old gay guy all along. I'm sure he wanted to stick it in his butthole too.
    nigger pls~
    I may be gay~
    and she may be a bad housewife~
    but she's still mai~waifu~~
    (an~nd I didn't notice she changed her nickname and to~tally forgot about all that)
    >Then again, he's too busy writing love poems about God these days...
    wanna hear some of them~~?


    >(creepy faggot, professional shitposter/troll, respond to with care)
    now that's just rud~e
    >who somehow managed to pull off a heterosexual man
    if you want I can be your kawaii~ flat chested virgin girl anon-kun~
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:15 No.5719983
         File: 1334506513.gif-(1.77 MB, 160x130, no god please no.gif)
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    >wanna hear some of them~~?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:17 No.5719993
    Remember how I told you how you used to be a massive bro when you used to weigh 300lbs?

    Massive bros don't smoke pot with pothead normalfags.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:26 No.5720023
    Not gonna lie to you bro, I had a dramu orgasm from this thread.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 04/15/12(Sun)12:29 No.5720029
         File: 1334507379.jpg-(90 KB, 640x360, 1314956675245.jpg)
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    >wanna hear some of them~~?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:39 No.5720066
    >"Girls should not judge their worth by their appearance."
    ..holy shit. It's really true Sweden is a country beyond rescue. The feminist leftards are turning the younger generation into spineless whitewashed manginas. I'm not even going to mention the unisex bathrooms and 'breaking stereotypes' by forbidding teachers to refer to kids as 'he' or 'she' or forcing boys to play with barbie dolls and shit.

    I'm so fucking glad I moved out while there was still time. Finland is the only decent country in Northern Europe left, imo.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:40 No.5720072
    >The feminist leftards are turning the younger generation into spineless whitewashed manginas.

    The best way to ensure no one will oppose your government is to ensure the only people capable of opposition, don't.

    Revolutions aren't won by effete men in skinny jeans.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:45 No.5720087

    But so far the gender neutrality is only experimental and not forced on all schools.
    Luckily, the femturd party got only 0.6% in the last elections. So they're nothing more than the usual feminist - vocal whores that no one really cares about. Sure is gonna be amusing once they try to enforce all this shit on the muslim majority in 10 years time.
    I'm sure Allah is gonna bow down to the power of the ~*INNER FEMININE*~.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:47 No.5720091
    /r9k/ misogysts to the rescue.

    Here's something to make your anuses bleed some more

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