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04/13/12(Fri)08:42 No.5711153 File: 1334320944.png-(388 KB, 374x500, 10e4ol2.png)
 >>5711130 Wow.. you really just wondered in here and had no idea what you came across did you? You must have be confused as hell.
> Bull fucking shit they were that outside and "even to work". I have NEVER seen anyone out in public like that. It's
not like it's COMMON to wear this. We never see other lolitas either. 1
year ago there was only one other lolita in my city. San Francisco has 2 lolita STORES in Little Tokyo/Japan/whatever it's called. And
yes, there is a substyle called "classic" that can be worn in the
office if done right. Not the sugary dresses, of course. Floral, tame
prints and solid colors, more likely.
>So does it, would it, or would it not, turn you on to know a guy is into see a chick wear that?
for us, it's clothing. Some people are aroused by the clothes, some
not. It's arousing when our bfs want to fuck us. Not that some random
does (unless that's what the girl is into). Whether in lolita or not.
Though sometimes having them get under our petticoats and work for it is
a little fun.
It seems like you're asking if lolita fashion is a fetish. It is not. It is not fetish clothing.
>but if you're wearing this out in public you've got to be trying to get dudes with that Wow.. you're serious. Half
of us look like a rainbow vomited on us and shit out some cake or like
Gotherella's modest little sister. You don't really think we'd expect
the average male to be ATTRACTED to that, right? If we were out to attract men.. we're surely going about it the wrong way.
some lolitas wonder if they SHOULD wear it because they don't want guys
to think they're too weird, or their bf doesn't like it.. etc etc. Many
We DEFLECT guys. You thought this was a costume to look like children. Why would you assume men would flock to that? |