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  • File: 1334114275.jpg-(64 KB, 650x800, commission__weeaboostories_by_shadowtrin(...).jpg)
    64 KB Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)23:17 No.5701700  
    Can we have a flashback thread? Old drama/topics: Weeaboo stories [pic related], talia_speaks, sleepingapple, PT, mabet, crystal_moon, does anyone remember anousenka? etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)23:32 No.5701756
    Oh shit, I remember anousenka! Whatever happened to her?
    >> smoker !Umad72YCVU 04/10/12(Tue)23:35 No.5701770
    I fucking hate swiper.

    That dumb cunt is a whore slut.

    I'm glad she delivers pizza and does nothing with her life.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)23:39 No.5701790
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    I'm trying to draw a loli outfit and I'm stuck.
    Instead I'd like to learn more about this past drama, I'm not familiar with most of these people.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)23:47 No.5701818
    Does anyone know what happened to mu_empire/Gabby? Last time I checked her coscom profile all of her photos were deleted.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)23:48 No.5701824
    She quit college, went home, and deleted everything
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)23:50 No.5701833
    ...sniper? She's a programmer.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)23:52 No.5701839
    Well to be fair she is a compsci grad with what seems to be a tech support job.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)23:57 No.5701860
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)23:58 No.5701863
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)00:00 No.5701871
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)00:02 No.5701881
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)00:03 No.5701887
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)00:05 No.5701897
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    >> Smoker !HOZlQYR1MY 04/11/12(Wed)00:06 No.5701906
    Swiper. Old Texas tripfaggot who rustled my jimmies by convincing an entire row of redheads to not highfive me.
    She's a stupid cunt.
    You asked for old. That was the first thing I posted about.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)00:08 No.5701921

    I don't think you understand what this thread is for

    The OP didn't want weeaboo stories, there was drama with the girl who ran the weeaboo stories tumblr.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)00:26 No.5701998
    >Can we have a flashback thread? Old drama/topics: Weeaboo stories
    >Old drama/topics: Weeaboo stories
    > Weeaboo stories
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)00:31 No.5702021
    OP here, I meant the weeaboo stories blog and blog owner. Sorry if that was unclear.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)00:33 No.5702026
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)00:38 No.5702052
    Also she's posting her face now.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)01:38 No.5702261
    What's this story about?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)07:58 No.5703067
    There was a blog that opened up about a year ago on Tumblr called Weeaboo Stories. It started out pretty well, with a nice variety of weeaboo stories, but then the mod started posting a lot of irrelevant content. First it was lolita stuff, then it was personal stuff from her life, then it was fan art people had drawn from her, then she started giving advice, then she went joined the social justice brigade and every other post was her ranting about race and not even really in an educated way either. There was a few other things and then the blog got deleted but in general she was a social justice asshole who allowed a quality weeb story database to go to shit because she lost sight of what her blog was for and couldn't control herself with her own keyboard.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:21 No.5704647
    Hm, thanks. So did it go from 'haha otakus are so funny' to 'omg how dare you make fun of people like this!' type of deal?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:24 No.5704656
         File: 1334179466.jpg-(238 KB, 800x800, 1290381200568.jpg)
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    crystal mooooooooon

    she was my favorite
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:30 No.5704674
    Blog got deleted because of the shit with NeoClassicNeko/GinsengTeaCat. Her mother found out Weeaboo Stories was posting about her and contacted Tumblr and got it shut down. To repay her mother, NCN ended up running away and shacking up with some guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:37 No.5704701
    Oh, she was part of that? I didn't know that. I thought Tumblr itself just decided to troll her via the Hetalia/Homestuck fandoms there.

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