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  • File: 1334099297.png-(156 KB, 314x500, randomsakpicture.png)
    156 KB Sakuracon Picture Thread 2 o-slap 04/10/12(Tue)19:08 No.5700557  
    Let's do this! Feel free to post pictures, all the pictures you've got

    Old thread: >>5694838
    >> @CasualStreamer 04/10/12(Tue)19:19 No.5700616
    Do moving pictures count?

    NicoNico livestream torrent:

    Prepare 10.2 gigabytes and wait for my 50kB/sec upload speed.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)19:26 No.5700645
         File: 1334100409.jpg-(24 KB, 182x296, master roshi.jpg)
    24 KB
    Nice, thanks.

    Are you the pastebin guy?
    >> @CasualStreamer 04/10/12(Tue)19:31 No.5700659
    Yes. I'll update that pastebin later. Also, give me 10 more minutes to fix something blocking my upload.

    Stereopony concert is a little different from the old DDL so don't use that to seed. Day 3 is exactly the same. All filenames are different.

    Uploading to bayfiles kept failing, and it's annoying to wait 5 minutes to download, so I'm going back to torrents even if that's initially slower.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)19:54 No.5700750
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)20:35 No.5700920
    Did anyone see the Princess Tutu cosplayer who was walking on pointe a lot? Maybe it was just my luck, but everytime I saw her she was on pointe walking around, watched her to it for 10 min. Is that healthy even for experienced dancers? I hope she didn't walk around like that all day, unless of course it doesn't matter, then good on her for being able to properly do so.
    >> smoker !Umad72YCVU 04/10/12(Tue)20:40 No.5700950
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/10/12(Tue)20:48 No.5701001
         File: 1334105312.gif-(1.85 MB, 300x230, bitelipnervous.gif)
    1.85 MB
    I was so surprised that I acted like that, ugh.
    At the /CGL/ meet I was being myself but for some reason I got all scared for this Nico Nico thing.
    Maybe because as soon as I got on people kept typing "SHAYNII" and so I felt pressured or something but it's strange since I never act like that.

    Now everyone thinks I'm an awkward turtle, weep.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)20:50 No.5701017
    Well you did have /a/ and /cgl/ watching you
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)20:50 No.5701021
    That can seriously damage your feet. To be honest walking around in pointe shoes all day is probably bad for your feet. I'm an en-pointe ballerina so, to me, when cosplayers wear pointe shoes who aren't experienced dancers just look dumb
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)20:53 No.5701033
    Let us know when you have the torrents up.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)20:54 No.5701037
    nice crotch
    >> @CasualStreamer 04/10/12(Tue)20:57 No.5701058
    Oh. It's ready.

    Also searching through the archives for youtube links and putting them in the pastebin.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)21:00 No.5701072
    She seemed to be doing it with ease, wasn't wincing and her legs weren't trembling. It was just odd to watch her walk around the dealers room on her toes everytime I saw her. Not just when she was posing for pics.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)21:22 No.5701182
    >Oh. It's ready.
    >> @CasualStreamer 04/10/12(Tue)21:26 No.5701194
    >> Zapp Brannigan 04/10/12(Tue)21:51 No.5701294
    To Ka-San:

    Sure, talking here counts. Don't see why it wouldn't. You're more than welcome to add me to skype or something though :O
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 04/10/12(Tue)22:03 No.5701326
    You're on, dude. Can you post your skype name again?
    I haven't logged on in forever but mine is cottoncandydays
    >> Zapp Brannigan 04/10/12(Tue)22:04 No.5701330
    Unless you want AIM, which is taikotun
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)22:10 No.5701354
    So who are you anyway? Why are you special?
    >> Patient Zero !!QcaWSA84mqz 04/10/12(Tue)22:12 No.5701365

    That's Zapp. He's become a legend at Sakuracon. His panel is funny as all hell. They finally moved him to a bigger room, too.

    Last year there must have been over 500 people waiting in line for his panel - which is a lot for Sakuracon~
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 04/10/12(Tue)22:13 No.5701367
    He has been running hilarious Zapp Brannigan panels the past few Sakuracons and cosplays Zapp excellently as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)22:13 No.5701369
    Does anyone have pics of me? I was the Poison Ivy on Saturday with the green wrap around my waist and the flowery heels. A big thank you to any and all responses! :)
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)22:15 No.5701376
    That doesn't explain what he does.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)22:16 No.5701379
    So Zapp is some kind of character then?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)22:18 No.5701390
    ...Wait I remember who that is now.

    I thought this was some famous guy. Now I'm just disgusted. You should never let some character take over who you are. Be your fucking self.
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 04/10/12(Tue)22:19 No.5701396
         File: 1334110755.png-(158 KB, 318x322, 1308970020005.png)
    158 KB
    >> Zapp Brannigan 04/10/12(Tue)22:22 No.5701408
    Haha, I don't think I'd consider myself a legend or anything. I'm just someone who puts on panels. I just have a lot of fun doing what I do there, and I enjoy putting on a show for people. I just want to talk to people who attended, get feedback, and make friends.
    >> Zapp Brannigan 04/10/12(Tue)22:26 No.5701435
    Woah, calm down there. Nothing to get mad about. Who said anything about letting a character take over who I am? I'm an actor, a theatre student. I'm just using the name here so people know who I am.

    Even when I'm in character at cons, there's still a part of me that shines through. I'm not like one of those people who thinks OMG I AM THE CHARACTER ARHG, so take it easy!
    >> TK-421 04/10/12(Tue)22:27 No.5701440
         File: 1334111256.jpg-(18 KB, 400x300, 1324266593535.jpg)
    18 KB
    Zapp Brannigan is a character from Futurama. The brave bold 25 star admiral of the Navy. He is also thinks of himself as the sexiest thing in the universe but he is really a complete buffoon.

    Zapp's panel is like a cross between a Comedy Central Roast and "Who's line is it Anyway". Alot of improvisation, alot of insult slinging, alot of singing and alot of dancing.

    Trust me on this, GO NEXT YEAR! You will not be disappointed.
    >> Patient Zero !!QcaWSA84mqz 04/10/12(Tue)22:28 No.5701447

    You're a legend, man. Even the year I went, people were planning their schedules around your panel. With a turn out of this year, wouldn't you figure that you're super popular? xD
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)22:38 No.5701491

    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)22:46 No.5701539
    Does anyone have pictures of the Ruka cosplay? I just want to figure out what pictures of me are out there, as I already know that there was a prolonged bulge shot in the NicoNico rips.
    >> Zapp Brannigan 04/10/12(Tue)22:48 No.5701548
         File: 1334112492.jpg-(50 KB, 640x480, HNI_0079.jpg)
    50 KB
    Well, popular sure, but I won't consider myself a legend 'till I've got main stage! :P

    lolol 3ds picture :(
    >> Patient Zero !!QcaWSA84mqz 04/10/12(Tue)22:54 No.5701583

    I'm betting in five years, that's where you'll have to be. And then I'll be able to see you on the camera via screens so I won't have to worry about tall people anymore!
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 04/11/12(Wed)00:15 No.5701954
    I'm so sad cause I didn't get to see your Thumbelina! Could you please post photos? I was so looking forward to seeing it!

    I'm finally home! I'll try to get photos tomorrow! Also I have said this a lot but it was so nice meeting everyone! I'd love to stay in contact! I'm going to make a Skype so if anyone wants to chat you should post yours if you want (or I can post mine if you are uncomfortable posting yours!)
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 04/11/12(Wed)00:18 No.5701964
    Oh Zapp I just wanted to say I had such a great time at your panell! It was my first year at sak-con and I read about it on here and it was more then I expected! Thanks for putting on a great panel I can't wait till next year! Definetly will be coming in cosplay/lining up early.
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 04/11/12(Wed)00:26 No.5701996
         File: 1334118400.png-(2.6 MB, 1675x860, Screen shot 2012-04-09 at 10.3(...).png)
    2.6 MB
    Well this is awkward. That was actually me that talked to you about being Thumbelina. haha. Anyways, I was looking for you! I didn't want to change because I hadn't seen you yet, but here's a few pictures.

    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 04/11/12(Wed)00:29 No.5702013
    That's a good Thumbelina costume, Shaynii.
    >> Angie 04/11/12(Wed)00:31 No.5702019

    Shay, when did you change your trip? You look great as Asuka, you should do more redheaded cosplays, like Kim Possible!
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 04/11/12(Wed)00:33 No.5702028
         File: 1334118813.png-(159 KB, 400x442, korra.png)
    159 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)00:33 No.5702029

    Okay for reals though you look fucking adorable as Thumbelina. HNNNGH
    >> Patient Zero !!QcaWSA84mqz 04/11/12(Wed)00:34 No.5702032

    C-Can I. . . be your wings? ;-;

    You're such a pretty Thumbelina. And don't let those beetles call you ugly. You're quite lovely! ♥
    >> o-slap 04/11/12(Wed)00:35 No.5702036
    Typical Shay, cosplaying shit she hasn't even watched first
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)00:35 No.5702038
    Did anyone get pictures of my silly Hanar hats, by the way? Thanks!
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 04/11/12(Wed)00:36 No.5702039
         File: 1334118962.jpg-(88 KB, 675x500, 1332903883025.jpg)
    88 KB
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/11/12(Wed)00:40 No.5702064
         File: 1334119255.gif-(876 KB, 499x384, brushhairbacksmile.gif)
    876 KB
    I was a good Thumble-eeena, huh?
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 04/11/12(Wed)00:41 No.5702065
         File: 1334119268.jpg-(80 KB, 720x425, IMG_1044.jpg)
    80 KB
    daww thank-you!

    Thank-you so much! And don't worry, I don't care what those beetles think anyways. All that matters is that Cornelius loves me!
    >> Shannon !nBqftpCXcY 04/11/12(Wed)00:42 No.5702069
    The best in the world
    >> Lobitah !!2pRNZWS4hFK 04/11/12(Wed)00:49 No.5702101
         File: 1334119793.jpg-(26 KB, 279x242, 1316440644336.jpg)
    26 KB
    Oh, god, Shaynii.
    Y-you are too cute, I can't handle it ;____;
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)00:51 No.5702107
         File: 1334119881.jpg-(40 KB, 500x373, last081.jpg)
    40 KB
    I thought they were pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)00:59 No.5702138
         File: 1334120342.jpg-(436 KB, 690x1228, DSC00478.jpg)
    436 KB
    I made a short video of some of the sights.
    If anything, it's giving me more enthusiasm to get more footage for AX.

    Pictured was one of my personal favorites, won't be too many more years until there are a lot of older cosplayers out there.
    >> shaynii !j79tVmQJnU 04/11/12(Wed)01:03 No.5702157
         File: 1334120632.gif-(985 KB, 245x245, bitelip.gif)
    985 KB
    No you are, ilu ;__;
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)01:08 No.5702172
    Thanks so much! ( ゚ ヮ゚)
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)01:20 No.5702211

    I need to get to your panel next year, I only made it to the Late Night Cosplay Chess and I lost it when you ran off the chess board to hit on that girl in the back.

    And I lost it harder when you went at it with Mom.

    I'm kou.yaten :D It was great meeting you at the meetup, by the way!
    >> Zapp Brannigan 04/11/12(Wed)01:39 No.5702263
    That poor girl I hit on, she had NO idea I was going to do that. I was just kinda looking around for a costume that jumped out at me, and I recognized hers as a touhou character I liked, so I figured "what the hell?" She was cracking up the whole time I was beside her, I was just kinda hitting on her infront of her friends (who were all laughing at it). It was nice 'cause it gave me a break to be out of character for a bit, too. >_>

    I'm glad you enjoyed! I try to put on a better show every year! SO MAKE SURE TO COME EVERY YEAR >:O

    As soon as I start talking to the panel people, I'm going to ask if there's a way to do that. It seems to be a big request.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)02:03 No.5702328
    Anyone get any pictures of the Androids from DBZ?
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 04/11/12(Wed)02:05 No.5702337
    OHMIGOSH IM SO SORRY. Gah your names are so alike I thought they called you shaynii not Shannon. I'm so so so sorry!! Your costume turned out so amazing thank you for sharing! I'm sad I couldn't catch you in it and take a photo.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)02:24 No.5702398
    So is it true you're fucking Sheldon?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)03:09 No.5702472
    there's a lot here:
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)06:31 No.5702868
    Any other galleries anyone knows about? I'm trying to track down pictures of a friend for her, she was dressed as a WH40K commissar. Sorry if this isn't proper protocol, normally a fa/tg/uy.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)09:28 No.5703309
         File: 1334150932.jpg-(20 KB, 230x294, komeiji_02.jpg)
    20 KB

    He wouldn't go for 3d
    >> TK-421 04/11/12(Wed)11:07 No.5703473
         File: 1334156823.jpg-(66 KB, 300x450, IMG5061-M.jpg)
    66 KB
    This is the Famous Gary Mother*bleepin* Oak as Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)11:08 No.5703480
    Are you insane? If the two ever met in person, he'd kill her straight away.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:23 No.5704407
    I don't know anything about their relationship, but like six different people have told me that they are in fact together and that they have in fact fucked at least once.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:25 No.5704417
    And actually yes he would. He may be so messed up in the head that he thinks that Azusa is real, but that only contributes to how hard he would fuck a slut dressed as her. He wouldn't think twice if he knew a girl had her clothes and hair. He's insane.
    >> Lobitah !!2pRNZWS4hFK 04/11/12(Wed)16:25 No.5704419
         File: 1334175950.png-(100 KB, 796x682, confused_rainbow_dash_by_racco(...).png)
    100 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:27 No.5704425
    There was also a whole thread on /a/ about you two and your relationship
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:29 No.5704439
    /a/ isn't even aware you exist.
    >> Lobitah !!2pRNZWS4hFK 04/11/12(Wed)16:30 No.5704440
         File: 1334176259.png-(1.05 MB, 1280x720, Rainbow_Dash_can't_worry_S2E21.png)
    1.05 MB
    Oh god.
    There is no "relationship" or anything, I've never talked to him in my life, and quite honestly he makes me a little nervous.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:32 No.5704450

    More threads containing "Lobitah" in here
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:33 No.5704456
    Don't worry, Roko will protect you and break his arms and make you his boyfriend.

    Wait what.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:35 No.5704466

    You're really pretty. Why must you be so annoying?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:35 No.5704468
    Because ponies
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:36 No.5704472
         File: 1334176595.jpg-(380 KB, 600x800, friday02.jpg)
    380 KB
    Here, have a small photo dump from Friday to get this shit back on track.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:37 No.5704477
    But drama is ALWAYS on track.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:37 No.5704478
         File: 1334176640.jpg-(530 KB, 800x600, friday04.jpg)
    530 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:38 No.5704483
         File: 1334176681.jpg-(433 KB, 600x800, friday05.jpg)
    433 KB

    Shhh, anon. I want to see more S-con photos and stories here.
    >> Lobitah !!2pRNZWS4hFK 04/11/12(Wed)16:38 No.5704485
         File: 1334176700.jpg-(84 KB, 594x630, 1315098208943.jpg)
    84 KB

    Okay, I'm confused, haha.

    Oh, but thank you, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:39 No.5704490
         File: 1334176744.jpg-(428 KB, 600x800, friday07.jpg)
    428 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:39 No.5704494
    All you'll see is a fuckload of ponies, homosuck, and other not-anime garbage.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:40 No.5704495
         File: 1334176804.jpg-(394 KB, 800x600, friday10.jpg)
    394 KB

    Its probably best for you to stop replying to folks here, lovely.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:40 No.5704496

    You didn't answer my question.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:40 No.5704500
         File: 1334176848.jpg-(461 KB, 800x600, friday11.jpg)
    461 KB

    I apologize for the next few photos anon, I ran into a LOT of ponies.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:41 No.5704502
    Because she's a typical seagull attention whore. Didn't you read the sign on the way in?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:41 No.5704504
    Jim can afford a handgun and can knock himself out with the recoil.

    Yeah, that's a pretty good idea yes,
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:41 No.5704506
         File: 1334176904.jpg-(419 KB, 600x800, friday12.jpg)
    419 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:42 No.5704510
         File: 1334176945.jpg-(352 KB, 600x800, friday17.jpg)
    352 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:42 No.5704514
    So did I. And I ignored them. Or glared at them.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:42 No.5704516
         File: 1334176975.jpg-(431 KB, 800x600, friday22.jpg)
    431 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:43 No.5704519
    awkward can give him spaghetti.

    Komeiji likes spaghetti.

    They can eat spaghetti together.
    >> Lobitah !!2pRNZWS4hFK 04/11/12(Wed)16:44 No.5704523
         File: 1334177047.png-(409 KB, 844x676, 131543041639.png)
    409 KB
    Y-yeah, you are right.
    Oh god, that is a great Celestia! Any more pictures of that group? <3

    My heart is melting ;___; such an adorable pair, great outfits too!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:44 No.5704524
         File: 1334177062.jpg-(605 KB, 800x600, friday29.jpg)
    605 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:45 No.5704526
         File: 1334177110.jpg-(416 KB, 800x600, friday09.jpg)
    416 KB

    I have one more of just the Celestia.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:45 No.5704527
    Haven't you seen se7en? Spaghetti is a dangerous murder weapon

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:45 No.5704531
    Forgot to mention Adventure Shit too. Why does anyone like that show? It's obnoxious and pointless and just fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:45 No.5704532
         File: 1334177143.jpg-(448 KB, 600x800, friday30.jpg)
    448 KB
    >> Gilda the Gryphon !1woYK2DXL2 04/11/12(Wed)16:46 No.5704534

    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:47 No.5704540
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:47 No.5704542
         File: 1334177263.jpg-(414 KB, 600x800, friday32.jpg)
    414 KB

    I say the same thing about a lot of anime.

    But really, I really don't care who cosplays what at a convention. It doesn't impact me in any way, shape or form.

    Now, if a bunch of unrelated panels start showing up, then it kind of irks me. I fucking love ponies, but why on earth where there pony panels at all at Sakura-con? That one really stumped me.
    >> Laika !pesOKbrLRA 04/11/12(Wed)16:47 No.5704544
    A well done con video!
    I recognize shaynii and maybe some other seagulls are in it.

    I'm the Vanille.
    Sakuracon was so fun and it was great meeting everyone.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:49 No.5704553
         File: 1334177383.jpg-(65 KB, 425x450, 1528356-flash6412_no_fun_allow(...).jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:50 No.5704557
    That's all of the photos I've resized and edited for now. I'll post more as I finish them.
    >> o-slap 04/11/12(Wed)16:52 No.5704564
         File: 1334177555.png-(68 KB, 556x556, lsp.png)
    68 KB
    Adventure Time makes me laugh, if you don't get a little bit of lolsorandum humor in your life then you're just laaame.

    MLP is something that I've always felt people only pretend to be obsessed with so that they have something to talk about with everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:53 No.5704565
    I hate the art and the voice acting. I'll never be able to get into Adventure Time.
    MLP is okay if you're six.
    >> Gilda the Gryphon !1woYK2DXL2 04/11/12(Wed)16:55 No.5704575

    Opinions II: Electric Boogaloo
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:55 No.5704577
    You mean pure truth?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:56 No.5704579
    what is wrong with his eyes
    >> o-slap 04/11/12(Wed)16:58 No.5704590
         File: 1334177912.jpg-(77 KB, 500x375, lsp2.jpg)
    77 KB
    >implying that's not a super hot, REAL woman
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:00 No.5704601
    That show really does suck at character designs...
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:14 No.5704626
    We get it, you're too cool for Adventure Time. Let us enjoy it though, you sound like the one kid pouting in the corner of a birthday party.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:16 No.5704629
         File: 1334178988.jpg-(448 KB, 800x600, friday34.jpg)
    448 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:17 No.5704631
         File: 1334179026.jpg-(386 KB, 600x800, friday36.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:17 No.5704634
         File: 1334179062.jpg-(341 KB, 800x600, friday37.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:19 No.5704637
         File: 1334179154.jpg-(522 KB, 600x800, friday40.jpg)
    522 KB
    Sorry for the quality of a lot of these. My camera was out of my hands all weekend and no one knew how to work it.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:31 No.5704678
         File: 1334179870.jpg-(513 KB, 800x600, friday42.jpg)
    513 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:32 No.5704683
         File: 1334179926.jpg-(469 KB, 600x800, friday43.jpg)
    469 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:32 No.5704687
         File: 1334179959.jpg-(574 KB, 600x800, friday48.jpg)
    574 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:40 No.5704712
         File: 1334180416.jpg-(446 KB, 600x800, friday50.jpg)
    446 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:40 No.5704713
         File: 1334180447.jpg-(636 KB, 800x600, friday51.jpg)
    636 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:41 No.5704716
         File: 1334180490.jpg-(658 KB, 600x800, friday52.jpg)
    658 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:42 No.5704718
         File: 1334180533.jpg-(577 KB, 800x600, friday53.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:42 No.5704722
         File: 1334180566.jpg-(593 KB, 600x800, friday54.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:43 No.5704726
         File: 1334180601.jpg-(561 KB, 600x800, friday55.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)17:52 No.5704759
         File: 1334181179.jpg-(568 KB, 800x600, friday57.jpg)
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    Hey guys... I thought this glomp circle business was banned?

    This area was so packed it was annoying.
    >> ka-san !UfIVkdvNro 04/11/12(Wed)18:04 No.5704815
    Hey Shannon and I are friends with these girls, we go to the same school!
    The Twilight Sparkle goes on here sometimes :D

    I have to go to class in like ten minutes but afterwards if this thread is still up then I'll post the few more I have!
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:18 No.5704883

    If not, start another thread. I have tonnes of photos to post if anyone is interested.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:18 No.5704891
         File: 1334182722.jpg-(757 KB, 600x800, friday58.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:19 No.5704893
         File: 1334182758.jpg-(506 KB, 600x800, friday59.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:21 No.5704902
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:23 No.5704911
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:24 No.5704917
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    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)18:55 No.5705033
    Fucking retarded how it's an ANIME CONVENTION, yet half the cosplayers have fucking nothing to do with anime. So stupid.
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 04/11/12(Wed)18:58 No.5705036
         File: 1334185088.jpg-(8 KB, 300x168, hmph.jpg)
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    Umm okay? There are no rules to cosplay and it's kinda prude to say that only anime cosplay is aloud at a convention.. I'm sorry if that was rude but cosplay is for fun be it anime/manga, games, shows, movies, books, ect ect. As big as a deal as /cgl/ makes cosplay, it's really not... it's all just for fun in the end.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:09 No.5705080

    Have you ever been to any other type of convention besides anime? I've been to several non-anime conventions that have always had anime cosplayers attend.

    I was once like you though, I will admit. Until I realized how what someone wears does not impact my enjoyment of a convention.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:11 No.5705096
         File: 1334185911.jpg-(18 KB, 457x320, 1312936294025.jpg)
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    God that Reimu.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:13 No.5705105

    Chill out.

    I can guess who you are in RL.

    Still waiting for photos from the swimsuit contest. Anyone have photos from the swimsuit contest?
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:34 No.5705171
    Thing is con culture has become a bit of a beast of its own in the last 5 or so years, with general Japanese and Internet (sub)culture superseding anime by a good margin. And it's probably going to stay that way given how hard it is to get other anime on TV.

    Atleast Sakuracon is big enough that you turn the weekend into a scavenger hunt to find that one person that is the only one cosplaying from a particular series.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:36 No.5705174
    Zapp, do you have "guests" picked out beforehand, or do you really pull people out of the audience?

    IDK, I went to the first one, and only one guy was gut-bustingly hilarious, so I never go to your panel because I'm afraid the inevitable hour-long wait will be wasted because you'll pull up a bunch of awkward autists.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:37 No.5705177
    oh lord
    that video is hilarious.
    >> Tim 04/11/12(Wed)19:46 No.5705203
    >Finally unglue ass from chair, walk around con with PiggyNukka
    >Go outside
    >People are kicking around cans
    >Suddenly glomps everywhere
    >Nope the fuck back in

    I didn't know you could get worse than glomps in terms of unwanted/semiviolent physical contact, but apparently you just roll it up into a festering orgy. No. Thank. You.

    ANYWAY SCon was pretty sweet. Financially somewhat disappointing compared to last year, but I got to meet some awfully adorable seagulls and hang out with my AA friends which, for some reason, never happens so it was good! Man, I fucking love this city though. I was depressed to come back home which also doesn't ever happen at cons... aw......
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:57 No.5705249
    I liked her. She was awesome during the Spaceship of Love panel.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)19:59 No.5705259
    who was the photographer during the raves?
    >> Zapp Brannigan 04/11/12(Wed)20:30 No.5705358
    Guy is awesome. Hung out with him for a while after the con, he's a pretty cool guy.

    The people picked from the audience are all completely random. It's kind of an excersize in improv for me as well, as I have to do what I can to keep the audience laughing even if the contestant isn't particularly hilarious. Besides, it's a panel for everyone to have fun in. Getting up on stage is a big, big thing for some people, and I love that I can be someone who helps them with that. Even so, there's enough zany stuff that goes on that I think it's pretty funny no matter who I pull up. Watch the videos, see what you think?

    Yeah, she was awesome. Somehow connected with beardy. I'd love to keep in contact with all of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)22:03 No.5705818

    I had a really good time as well, even though it was a completely different experience from the past few years I've gone.

    I was with 4 new people and 1 regular friend. We drove down from Van and stayed in a room altogether. I was worried at first, but we all got along and had a fantastic time. Would do again.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)22:04 No.5705821

    By 4 new people I meant 3 new people, because I was one of those people, but not new.
    >> TK-421 04/11/12(Wed)22:37 No.5705974
         File: 1334198270.jpg-(14 KB, 333x279, 1327075619288.jpg)
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    I'm making it a priority to go next year. Expect to see a Gene Wilder Willy Wonka at your panel.

    I have not done acting since high school so I need to brush op on my improv.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)23:31 No.5706140
         File: 1334201482.jpg-(297 KB, 897x1000, DSC00438.jpg)
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    I heard the swimsuit contest this year really went downhill. Something about half of the contestants being men and the acts being very mediocre at best.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)23:44 No.5706189

    touhou photoshoot after the touhou panel
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)23:45 No.5706193
         File: 1334202307.jpg-(241 KB, 881x1000, DSC00412.jpg)
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    Tell me your secrets, QooB
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)00:33 No.5706394
    That song parody is horrible and disgusting
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)00:36 No.5706409
    Quality over quantity. There were more than a tolerable amount, and all of them sucked.
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 04/12/12(Thu)00:41 No.5706428
         File: 1334205711.jpg-(122 KB, 400x400, 1325323242150.jpg)
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    What exactly is the swimsuit contest? I was thinking about going to see it but forgot haha.

    I'm sorry but you really got to get over it... I mean you can't control how people will dress or who they will cosplay/how good of a job they will do. That is there decision and not yours, and if you don't like it then don't go or look at photos afterwards, that's really all there is to it.
    >> Jellyfishy !f815jWHams 04/12/12(Thu)00:53 No.5706457
         File: 1334206393.jpg-(854 KB, 1060x1600, sakuracon-1-johnchieber-284.jpg)
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    Derp, selfpost, hope it's ok. I just really liked this pic. If anyone has any more of me I'd be overjoyed, they are so hard to find!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)00:55 No.5706460
    It wasn't even good the first year. I went to it and left a quarter into it.
    >> Hypnocrotch !!6CacHYe/lH9 04/12/12(Thu)00:58 No.5706468
    Off topic, but you're hella cute.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 04/12/12(Thu)00:58 No.5706471
    Hoping that's make-up so this isn't awkward, but, how did you do that scar? I'm trying to do a subtle one in case a group cosplay happens but all the techniques I know are for more fresh/gore type stuff.
    >please be make up, please be make up, please be make up
    >> Jellyfishy !f815jWHams 04/12/12(Thu)01:05 No.5706491
    jk, it's Rigid Collidion, pulls your skin together to form a scar. It wasn't very expensive either and goes a long way. Layering makes the scarring deeper as well :)

    Daww, thank you! <3
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)01:06 No.5706494
         File: 1334207167.jpg-(71 KB, 520x599, 1328492255732.jpg)
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    Wow i never realized how many weeaboos are on cgl. if you dont like a cartoon or some other dumb shit that isn't anime just leave it alone. Seriously, all im reading is ' hurr durr i dont like it therefore it's pure shit. '
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 04/12/12(Thu)01:06 No.5706496

    Rigid Collidion...I must take note of that.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)01:38 No.5706620

    It really wasn't good at all, unfortunately. I got a lot of second-hand embarrassment from watching it.

    The Dugtrio won the moment they announced the contestants as far as I'm concerned. I enjoyed the Manapple Jack as well. The Nia was adorable, but the swimsuit contest really isn't going for adorable. The Dragon Age thing was well done, but I didn't understand it as far as the "talent" portion went. The Yoko on her own really had nothing going for her, she just got stuck on repeat with the whole "my swimsuit is tooo smaaaall" thing. The Barnaby one I didn't understand, but I've never watched the series. She had it going for a bit with the singing but clearly strained herself by running and jumping around like a wildwoman.

    There were some funny moments, but the talent portion... well... I'm sorry folks that were contestants, but it sucked. Singing should be banned, dear lawdy.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)01:41 No.5706635

    HNNGH dat pear shape
    >> Jellyfishy !f815jWHams 04/12/12(Thu)04:34 No.5706968
         File: 1334219673.jpg-(2.95 MB, 3000x4000, Sakuracon 005.jpg)
    2.95 MB
    Well it was a cosplay I did upon popular request D_D
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)06:42 No.5707170
         File: 1334227368.jpg-(79 KB, 600x800, umtntb.jpg)
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    Oh, thanks for taking pictures with me and my friends anyone who saw us by the escalators.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)07:01 No.5707186
         File: 1334228465.png-(140 KB, 327x289, 1333910112339.png)
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    More of her, please!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)09:00 No.5707304
    Who has got a pic of this Gary Oak I keep hearing about?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)09:14 No.5707316
    Funny that a white trash retard like Hanyaan is getting so many fanboys.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)09:18 No.5707323
    Do a good job on a costume.
    Get called white trash
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)09:38 No.5707357
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)10:06 No.5707399
    Someone posted this earlier.

    Go My Remilia
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)10:16 No.5707413
    I hate that bitch.
    >> Golem !!kUkmDv6gXoX 04/12/12(Thu)10:19 No.5707419
         File: 1334240370.jpg-(13 KB, 258x258, 1332626407814.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)10:29 No.5707437
         File: 1334240959.png-(173 KB, 584x600, 1334230667650.png)
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    >Hating Hanyaan
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)10:33 No.5707442
    Between her and Atashi, I've realized the jealous cunts on /cgl/ hate all of the women from Sakuracon who /a/ approved of.
    >> Risette !!eV1g2X8Oj55 04/12/12(Thu)10:52 No.5707462
         File: 1334242374.jpg-(128 KB, 538x487, 83249236482364.jpg)
    128 KB
    Atashi was racist towards those idolm@ster cosplayers though, wasn't she?
    Regardless, Hanyaan is one of the nicest and most helpful cosplayers I've ever come across. I find people saying things like they hate her mind boggling.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)11:06 No.5707473
         File: 1334243204.png-(400 KB, 632x344, 0.png)
    400 KB
    any 1 have pictures of her?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)11:10 No.5707476

    not my pic but here you go
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)11:12 No.5707482
         File: 1334243558.jpg-(52 KB, 720x960, 523158_10150772659616054_50911(...).jpg)
    52 KB

    sorry that was a fail
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)12:02 No.5707579
    Because they're obvious attention whoring sluts who just want some dick.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)12:03 No.5707582
         File: 1334246618.jpg-(1.4 MB, 1536x2048, DSCN6958.jpg)
    1.4 MB

    Here you go.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)12:04 No.5707583
    he doesn't even look like cosplay
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)12:15 No.5707619

    Really? I thought the slatted glasses and balla bling were spot on. I mean, this IS Gary Motherfuckin' Oak we're talking about here.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)12:32 No.5707679
    Honestly I sometimes think a large amount of the "I hate cosplayer X" shit is just 1-2 people samefagging

    Moot really needs to turn IDs on here

    Sage for off-topic
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)12:39 No.5707708
         File: 1334248791.jpg-(1.45 MB, 2048x1536, DSCN6952.jpg)
    1.45 MB

    I've got to agree with you on that. I've samefagged before on a girl I didn't like and realized I was a total putz for doing it. I realized I was more of a putz just for proclaiming my dislike of someone on the internet because of personal issues. No1curr.

    Here, have a picture of my favourite thing at S-con.
    >> TK-421 04/12/12(Thu)14:41 No.5708164
    If you hung around him for the weekend, it didn't matter that he doesn't look like him, he had Gary's mad swagger where even he went.

    Ask Zapp and his right hand man if you don't believe me.
    >> Jellyfishy !f815jWHams 04/12/12(Thu)14:49 No.5708187
    Just watching him go on stage during the Fantasy Fight tournament confirmed that. He seemed awesome!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:50 No.5708613
    What is that and where was that
    >> Tim 04/12/12(Thu)17:02 No.5708636
         File: 1334264529.png-(21 KB, 660x385, 1272477224285.png)
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    The Crepe place outside the convention hall. It's like across the street from Gameworks right on the side of the con center. SO FUCKING GOOD HOLY SHIT mfw all those lines all weekend
    >> Patient Zero !!QcaWSA84mqz 04/12/12(Thu)17:02 No.5708639

    No way. :/

    We waited in line for 2 hours for those, and they were mediocre at best. It gave me a sad, man, because I hadn't had crepes in such a long time, I was stoked for it. I got the strawberry, and my sister got the nutella. We both agreed they were "meh" and definitely not worth 2 hours' wait.
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 04/12/12(Thu)17:03 No.5708641
         File: 1334264612.gif-(123 KB, 500x245, tumblr_m1esyj6HJg1qj81ng.gif)
    123 KB

    All of my sad. Where was this if I may ask
    >> Tim 04/12/12(Thu)17:04 No.5708645
    >not getting a savory crepe
    Are you for real
    >> TL;DR 04/12/12(Thu)17:24 No.5708730
    It was great getting to see some new people at the meet-up, and put faces to a few names.

    What, no necklace?


    Unfortunately they can't ban the glomp game because it technically takes place outside of the convention center. S-con would love to ban it but they don't have the authority. Best you could hope for is a cop to come by and tell them to disperse for causing a public disruption or something like that.

    TK, a Willy Wonka cosplay would be glorious, I look forward to it. I'm sorry I didn't see you there this year bro! We have to hang out again some time, I still want to get as many local seagulls as I can find out to karaoke at the Rock Box. Maybe next time PiggyNukka comes to visit.

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