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  • File: 1334008623.jpg-(28 KB, 600x378, Pax-East-2012-Logo-TQ-600x378.jpg)
    28 KB Pax East 2012 Cosplay Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)17:57 No.5695596  
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)18:27 No.5695743
         File: 1334010458.jpg-(42 KB, 478x720, 545940_3686916370531_120381126(...).jpg)
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    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)18:46 No.5695821
         File: 1334011611.jpg-(104 KB, 600x401, cosplay-pictures-from-pax-east(...).jpg)
    104 KB
    oh there is a thread already? bamp
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)18:49 No.5695829
         File: 1334011756.jpg-(38 KB, 606x909, pax-east-2012-cosplay-photos.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)18:49 No.5695834
         File: 1334011792.jpg-(39 KB, 606x909, pax-east-2012-cosplay-photos1.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)18:51 No.5695842
         File: 1334011864.jpg-(55 KB, 606x909, pax-east-2012-cosplay-photos.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)18:51 No.5695843
    I heard Jnig got kicked out for being a slut and feminazis didnt want their kids to see her exposed skin.
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)18:52 No.5695849
         File: 1334011945.jpg-(57 KB, 606x909, sadfas.jpg)
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    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)18:55 No.5695866
         File: 1334012111.jpg-(67 KB, 606x909, asdfasdf.jpg)
    67 KB
    there are a few threads for this already, go to one of those if you really care enough to discuss it.
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)19:01 No.5695902
         File: 1334012486.jpg-(57 KB, 606x909, 1.jpg)
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    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)19:02 No.5695908
         File: 1334012529.jpg-(52 KB, 606x909, 2.jpg)
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    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)19:02 No.5695914
         File: 1334012560.jpg-(58 KB, 606x909, 3.jpg)
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    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)19:03 No.5695919
         File: 1334012611.jpg-(80 KB, 606x909, 4.jpg)
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    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)19:04 No.5695926
         File: 1334012697.jpg-(52 KB, 606x909, 5.jpg)
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    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)19:08 No.5695938
         File: 1334012919.jpg-(63 KB, 606x909, 6.jpg)
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    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)19:09 No.5695941
         File: 1334012951.jpg-(69 KB, 606x909, 7.jpg)
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    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)19:13 No.5695971
         File: 1334013203.jpg-(49 KB, 606x909, 8.jpg)
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    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)19:13 No.5695974
         File: 1334013237.jpg-(63 KB, 606x909, 10.jpg)
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    >> utakaW 04/09/12(Mon)19:18 No.5696012
         File: 1334013532.jpg-(1.42 MB, 2112x2816, IMG_0237.jpg)
    1.42 MB
    I'll post some that I saw instead of making another thread.
    >> utakaW 04/09/12(Mon)19:20 No.5696025
         File: 1334013614.jpg-(1.43 MB, 2816x2112, IMG_0240.jpg)
    1.43 MB
    >> utakaW 04/09/12(Mon)19:20 No.5696028
         File: 1334013655.jpg-(1.62 MB, 2816x2112, IMG_0241.jpg)
    1.62 MB
    >> utakaW 04/09/12(Mon)19:21 No.5696037
         File: 1334013717.jpg-(1.52 MB, 2816x2112, IMG_0245.jpg)
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    >> utakaW 04/09/12(Mon)19:23 No.5696042
         File: 1334013789.jpg-(1.35 MB, 2112x2816, IMG_0248.jpg)
    1.35 MB
    >> utakaW 04/09/12(Mon)19:24 No.5696049
         File: 1334013841.jpg-(1.34 MB, 2816x2112, IMG_0249.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)19:46 No.5696173
    >>5696028 Dear god the one on the right...

    I saw another GLaDoS cosplay that was her with like half of her face as GLaDoS, and there was a chell girl, although I think she was only 16.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)20:04 No.5696278
         File: 1334016285.jpg-(143 KB, 900x538, pax_east_2012_photoshoot_by_re(...).jpg)
    143 KB
    40k, apparently there was a Chaos cultist around somewhere and a Sister of Battle
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)20:08 No.5696293
         File: 1334016483.jpg-(100 KB, 720x960, 548582_827656951939_26803763_3(...).jpg)
    100 KB
    Well made outfits are so nice to see at cons...
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)21:55 No.5696910
         File: 1334022950.jpg-(51 KB, 606x909, 11.jpg)
    51 KB
    Sorry, I got dstracted earlier. Il'l keep dumping stuff I have from offline.
    >>5696025 that pink tao on the right is me! Glad some people got pictures since we were only in it for a few hours.
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)21:57 No.5696919
         File: 1334023040.jpg-(44 KB, 606x909, 13.jpg)
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    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)21:58 No.5696923
         File: 1334023094.jpg-(61 KB, 606x909, 14.jpg)
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    >> utakaW 04/09/12(Mon)22:02 No.5696948

    Neat, I remember passing by and the crowd was almost getting done with photo so I had to try and get a last shot before you guys get annoyed.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)22:18 No.5697013
    bump for moar pics
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)22:45 No.5697107
         File: 1334025912.jpg-(42 KB, 606x909, redead2.jpg)
    42 KB
    eh, didn't save any more internet pictures. Selfpost while I go to look for more.
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)23:27 No.5697270
         File: 1334028422.jpg-(54 KB, 606x909, 18.jpg)
    54 KB
    I don't know what a lot of these costumes are. That bald guy's outfit looks like student Lelouch, but that'd be a weird cosplay for PAX.
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)23:28 No.5697276
         File: 1334028515.jpg-(50 KB, 606x909, 19.jpg)
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    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 04/09/12(Mon)23:30 No.5697289
    The chick's Leona from League of Legends.
    >> Kanji Tatsumi !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 04/09/12(Mon)23:32 No.5697294
    The male cosplay looks like it could be an officer uniform from the Systems Alliance in Mass Effect. Though I'll freely admit it's not that great of a costume in terms of construction, from what I see...
    >> BAWHSTONScousa !nqxuR4YNWA 04/09/12(Mon)23:33 No.5697295
         File: 1334028805.jpg-(984 KB, 2798x3814, 7059548165_8f7226b11a_o.jpg)
    984 KB
    I was dressed up as Ghost for Friday and Saturday. Pretty tiring to go back and forth between both AB and PAX. Even more so, not getting enough pics as you wanted to get. But at least me and my friends got a split second appearance on today's episode of X-Play.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:56 No.5697376
    Bump for moar pictures
    >> BAWHSTONScousa !nqxuR4YNWA 04/09/12(Mon)23:58 No.5697380
         File: 1334030285.jpg-(371 KB, 1024x682, 7062312979_1d102a2ece_b.jpg)
    371 KB
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 04/10/12(Tue)00:07 No.5697408
         File: 1334030830.jpg-(199 KB, 800x1240, 50.jpg)
    199 KB
    What the hell, I'll selfpost.
    >> BAWHSTONScousa !nqxuR4YNWA 04/10/12(Tue)00:08 No.5697411
         File: 1334030908.jpg-(33 KB, 606x404, jpg.jpg)
    33 KB
    The only thing I can do is self-post. :(
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/10/12(Tue)09:49 No.5698527
         File: 1334065754.jpg-(38 KB, 606x909, 17.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/10/12(Tue)09:50 No.5698528
         File: 1334065841.jpg-(48 KB, 606x909, 16.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/10/12(Tue)09:51 No.5698531
         File: 1334065905.jpg-(113 KB, 637x960, zelda.jpg)
    113 KB
    aaaand another self-post that's not even good
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/10/12(Tue)10:30 No.5698572
         File: 1334068200.jpg-(45 KB, 606x909, 15.jpg)
    45 KB
    >> Patient Zero !!QcaWSA84mqz 04/10/12(Tue)10:37 No.5698585

    Who were you? :o
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)10:50 No.5698597

    >> C̼̪o͓̠̖̝͉̼f̴͙̯̰͎f͡e͙̲̲̖̣͕̻e̝̲͓̠ !DOPE2/u/.. 04/10/12(Tue)10:59 No.5698617
         File: 1334069945.gif-(902 KB, 200x150, 1329975109491.gif)
    902 KB
    >putting yourself down

    DURRR HURRR don't hit on me silly boyzzzzz my cosplay isnt even that gooodddd

    i'm a girl and i play video gaamees! xDDDDD ^__^^

    shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)11:05 No.5698633
    How does it feel to know that there are literally hundreds of 14 year old autists that masturbate to your youtube videos on a regular basis?
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/10/12(Tue)11:18 No.5698654
         File: 1334071103.jpg-(1.44 MB, 1000x1500, original.jpg)
    1.44 MB
    ...yup that's me. Lookin' for compliments on /cgl/ of all places. Trust me dude, the last thing I need is a self-esteem boost. I got dis
    >literally hundreds of 14 year old autists that masturbate to [my] youtube videos on a regular basis

    aw ye
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/10/12(Tue)11:20 No.5698657
         File: 1334071258.jpg-(392 KB, 1500x1000, original2.jpg)
    392 KB
    there was a lot of good mass effect cosplay.
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/10/12(Tue)11:24 No.5698668
         File: 1334071475.jpg-(342 KB, 667x1000, original3.jpg)
    342 KB
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/10/12(Tue)11:25 No.5698670
         File: 1334071547.jpg-(286 KB, 667x500, original4.jpg)
    286 KB
    I think this is a LoL thing? i don't play the game, but there were so many League cosplayers. I accidentally stumbled into the Riot area right as their cosplay thing was gathering. Some were really good.
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/10/12(Tue)11:27 No.5698672
         File: 1334071656.jpg-(62 KB, 599x399, kidicarus4621.jpg)
    62 KB
    I really thought PL's Pit cosplay was stunning in person.
    >> Youmu Konpaku !MyonHUTINA 04/10/12(Tue)11:32 No.5698682
         File: 1334071923.jpg-(182 KB, 1215x717, Oriana_Splash_0[1].jpg)
    182 KB
    Yeah, that's Orianna.
    >> G !!0KLJYlknxts 04/10/12(Tue)15:05 No.5699479
    >All that time building walls and killing gasmen gave the Kid a bit of a larger body and rugged beard. Using that handy War Machete as a makeshift razor was looking mighty tempting.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)16:42 No.5699934
    So... terrifying
    >> BAWHSTONScousa !nqxuR4YNWA 04/10/12(Tue)17:12 No.5700062
    Ghost and I have to say, I must start taping inside my balaclava or bring a mirror.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)17:38 No.5700181
    Does anyone have pictures from the League of Legends Cosplay Fashion Show on Saturday?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)17:41 No.5700192
    Haha, got a chuckle out of this.
    Torakaka, Taokaka and mecha-Tao.

    >I know what makes them tick
    >I know how to make the tick stop.

    Fuck this shit, I'm out.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)17:43 No.5700199
         File: 1334094210.gif-(453 KB, 160x120, go go go go go go gal o sengen.gif)
    453 KB
    >someone actually cosplayed this

    I'm amazed and terrified at the same time. Nice job.
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/10/12(Tue)19:53 No.5700740
    Thanks, yo. A LOT of people didn't recognize it actually, just thought I was some sort of a coconut-head zombie. Ah well.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 04/10/12(Tue)21:07 No.5701105
    I remember seeing you with the mask off playing Dance Central, wondering what the hell was up with the bodysuit, hahah. Fucking awesome that it was for a Redead, excellent job

    We can't all have them asian facial hair genes, G.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)13:56 No.5703910
    Bump for more pics
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)14:08 No.5703955
    Because Adella is in some kind of pissing contest with PL over LoZ cosplays.
    >> Anonymous 04/11/12(Wed)16:39 No.5704489
         File: 1334176740.jpg-(207 KB, 576x384, asset.JPG?id=39B3E8B6-9CDE-468(...).jpg)
    207 KB
    Chell and a medic
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/11/12(Wed)21:06 No.5705517
         File: 1334192787.jpg-(96 KB, 960x640, 545637_10151477022340556_82061(...).jpg)
    96 KB
    I really like that medic. There was a very very good chell that I caught a glimpse of on Satuday, but I haven't seen ANY pictures of her yet. When I saw her originally she had an inflatable turret with her. I also was pretty far away and wasn't wearing glasses so it's possible that she was only great in my mind. But if anyone has pictures, do share.
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/12/12(Thu)02:07 No.5706716
         File: 1334210867.jpg-(57 KB, 610x458, IMG_1172_610x458.jpg)
    57 KB
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/12/12(Thu)02:09 No.5706719
         File: 1334210952.jpg-(51 KB, 610x458, IMG_1160_610x458.jpg)
    51 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)02:11 No.5706725
    I'm interested in cosplaying to PAX in the future, but I must admit that I don't really play any western games. Majority of the stuff I play are JRPGs. What are some 'easy' games to pick up that have good cosplay potentials?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)02:18 No.5706740
    If you like JRPGs then choose something from a jrpg.
    PAX isn't just western games cosplay as you can see by this thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)02:23 No.5706754

    Stop being a casual and play good games.

    Unless you're just a grrrlgamer that does it for the attention.
    >> Xenos 04/12/12(Thu)03:28 No.5706873
    >>5706716 Portal 2 Atlas and P Body
    YES! That's exactly how I was thinking you could do them! Was thinking for a Borderlands Claptrap too
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)20:52 No.5709470
    I like seeing obscure things done in cosplay. It'd be nice if everyone didn't just dress up as the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)21:01 No.5709510
    >implying WRPGs are any better at this point

    Have you played anything by Bioware lately?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)21:18 No.5709586
    Why so many attention whores :/
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)21:21 No.5709599

    You're fucking stupid. Everyone that cosplays does it mostly for attention.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)21:23 No.5709603
    Because PAX is where the guys were this year.

    PAX = Try hard csplayers trying to get laid.
    AB = Landwhale cosplayers trying to pretend that Homestuck, MLP and Adventure time are anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)21:27 No.5709621
         File: 1334280441.jpg-(125 KB, 500x699, tumblr_m28ej9izCA1qh91lco1_500.jpg)
    125 KB

    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)23:05 No.5710049
    Male gamers
    >Gives those "attention whores" attention.
    >Complains about them wanting attention
    >> Xenos 04/13/12(Fri)01:59 No.5710624
    >>5709470 I like seeing obscure things done in cosplay. It'd be nice if everyone didn't just dress up as the same thing.
    And then there's Home Stuck fans...

    Fuck. I cosplayed Blame! at Otakon years ago and only two people recognized me. One freaked out in joy and one was all meh. Plus one girl asked me for a hug, but I think she just had issues with touching everyone and I had vinyl pants.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)03:14 No.5710803
    Oh man this chick. She has issues. Whines on twitter that people like other peoples cosplays more then her more accurate ones. Then continues on tumblr about how she does not get attention because she does side characters or characters who have their t&a hanging out and people don't pay attention to her hard work at being accurate.

    Perfect example of a gamergurl bawing for attention.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)03:26 No.5710822
    haha link to her tumblr? that sounds entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)09:46 No.5711292
         File: 1334324778.jpg-(5 KB, 199x242, 1333667877890.jpg)
    5 KB
    This does not surprise me.

    Anybody who liked Dragon Age 2 enough to actually be willing to cosplay from Dragon Age 2 has to have something fundamentally wrong with them.

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