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  • File: 1333938277.jpg-(73 KB, 540x720, loli.jpg)
    73 KB Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:24 No.5691304  
    So I heard she got kicked out of PAX. Who has all the juicy details on that?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:30 No.5691327

    Jealous people being jealous. Not much to tell.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:32 No.5691343

    You really think people complained to security out of jealousy? Really? It couldn't have been parents who didn't want their kids exposed to that or something? It has to be jealousy.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:35 No.5691351
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 04/08/12(Sun)22:36 No.5691357
    Like there wasn't any other cosplays there which showed more.. yeah..
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 04/08/12(Sun)22:38 No.5691372

    She was wearing revealing costume and she was 'booth-babe', both of which are against PAX regulations.

    Now, it's possible that she didn't know about these regulations (Warner Bros Games was supposed to let her know about these rules, IF she was their designated booth babe).

    OR she knew everything and counted on getting kicked out, just so she could get more fucking attention out of it.

    Either way, dickless fanboys and lesbo fangirls are just mad because their 'goddess' got kicked out of PAX due to policy violation.

    TLDR: she violated convention policy, got kicked out, the end.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:39 No.5691378
    BREAKING: J.Nig and Suda 51 has been banned from PAX for next year according to staff.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:40 No.5691381
    It isn't about her cosplay. It's about the fact that she was a booth babe. Read the article. PAX has been Nazis about this for years, especially PAX East.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:41 No.5691386
    Link or it didn't happen
    >> Static !faggotPtko 04/08/12(Sun)22:42 No.5691390
    Wow, Jess was right in Boston and I fucking missed out? Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:42 No.5691396
    Long story short, PAX isn't fun anymore.
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 04/08/12(Sun)22:44 No.5691409
    I know, was saying it wasn't because of a revealing outfit.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:47 No.5691419
    What problem does PAX have with booth babes? You'd think her company would be more on top of that.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:48 No.5691423
    Is her presence there officially called "booth babe"? I thought she's the official whatever for some game.

    This is a double standard because a lot of game companies hire "attractive" women to be at their tables for PAX and E3. Or they specifically ensure their attractive female employees are whored out at at functions like these.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:49 No.5691429

    Why is it because I'm a male and I think she's insanely attractive are you labeling me as "dickless"

    It's actually quite the opposite. Girls like her prove to me I certainly have something "down there" considering it has a very positive reaction to her and girls like her.
    >> Daisuke !6SCB7YnUZs 04/08/12(Sun)22:51 No.5691436
    they like the idea of people being drawn in by those who are actually knowledgeable about the game, not these girls who stand there to look pretty and don't even know what they're advertising for.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:51 No.5691443
    Just as planned. Company "executive" invites jnig to pax on company's dime, gets her in slutty costume, gets her kicked out and forced to return to cheap hotel room, exec returns to her room to "console" her.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:54 No.5691459
    Which is bullshit, because a lot of hired girls and men in some cases know jack shit about the games they're demoing at these events. Most are hired through outside PR agenies and have nothing to do with the game publisher.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:57 No.5691480
    I guess I just figured marketing is marketing. PAX isn't just a showcase of big companies.

    I feel badly that Jessica got kicked out. I have to put the blame on whoever didn't read PAX's policy, though, not PAX itself. The conholders should be able to set the rules that they like.
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 04/08/12(Sun)23:00 No.5691496
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    if you need girl like that to prove that you have 'something down there', then son, you are beyond pathetic.

    If you're a real man, then YOU KNOW WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT you carry a fucking cannon down there. You don't need no goddamn jnig to see if you have the cojones. YOU KNOW you have the balls of steel to take on the world.
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 04/08/12(Sun)23:01 No.5691503
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    According to her facebook, she was not kicked out. Only asked to change.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:03 No.5691518

    Your post makes absolutely no sense. The first one said that any male who likes her is "dickless"

    I stated that liking her and girls like her proves beyond shadow of a doubt otherwise.

    You post a bunch of nonsensical bullshit.

    Are you autistic?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:04 No.5691525

    you're a retard.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:05 No.5691533
    For anyone else who's this confused,
    >Is her presence there officially called "booth babe"?
    >I thought she's the official whatever for some game.

    A booth babe IS the official representative, hired by the company that owns the game, to help promote the game.

    PAX has taken a hardline stance against the industry tendency to hire vapid models who know nothing about the product they're selling.

    PAX allows booth babes, provided they aren't dressed skimpily, unless they are in a costume that is relevant to the product they're selling (i.e., cosplaying booth babes).

    JNig's costume allegedly (aka, we'll never know the truth for sure) garnered enough "complaints" from "concerned citizens" who take their "children" to expensive game-industry tradeshows that they had to ask her to cover up.

    Double standard? Probably. Better publicity than the makers of Lollipop Chainsaw could possibly have planned on their own? Definitely. JNig still hot? Yooou betcha.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:06 No.5691544
    Er, that should be
    >PAX allows booth babes, provided they are actually gamers or game developers, and educated about the product they sell, and provided they aren't dressed skimpily... etc
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:10 No.5691579
    I'm just imagining how they check that, lol. 100-question test about the details of a game? How hardcore must this booth babe be? Should they have tried for 100% completion? Do they get points deducted for losing to the first boss?

    I don't think it's a bad policy for PAX to have, esp. if they want to distance themselves from the normal expo-type crowd, but it's still kind of funny.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:16 No.5691628
    No, you're right, it's ridiculous. It's more about how the PAX showrunners want to appear to their audience than about any test.

    Although companies that DO hire models are permanently barred from returning to the show, so that pretty much polices itself. If it were ever found out (and good lord there's no sanctimonious self-satisfied misogynist like a PAX attendee), the company would lose a lot of advertising potential, as well as "respect" from the gamer crowd (or at least, from a very vocal minority dohoho).
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:21 No.5691661
    I just think this is HILARIOUS.

    And shows true nerds don't give a shit about this slore.
    >> Da0 !pv64UU0pH. 04/08/12(Sun)23:24 No.5691686
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    and I'm still better than you. Your point being?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:27 No.5691714
    What you should think is hilarious is how much free publicity Grasshopper is getting out of this. I guarantee you, they're laughing all the way to the bank.
    >> jellybear !74eCRJk6F2 04/09/12(Mon)01:03 No.5692368
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    wat evr

    jnig is fab
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:09 No.5692412
    I think it had more to do with her and her body rather then the costume. There were other with more relieving outfits but they didn't have the tatas Jnig did. If she was an B-cup I doubt anyone would have had a problem with it
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:21 No.5692492
    Nigger licking good. This is the shit Ive been looking for. Keep fighting.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:28 No.5692525
    So do they enforce a dress code on all people in costume? Do they forbid girls from wearing low-cut tops and men from wearing tight jeans?

    Conventions are NOT for children. It is NOT Disney Land. I'm not even trying to defend the girl, but I'm sick of parents constantly whining about their kids being offended, when the kids shouldn't even be there in the first place.

    This isn't the first instance of something like this happening, and I guess it won't be the last until all conventions are torn down to be 100% family friendly for 3 year olds.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:32 No.5692542
    Look at all this butthurt this board is such a pathetic pile of trash, just because she's extremely hot you autists can't stand her. I tought cosplay was all about cute girls in revealing outfits.
    Welp back to a heterosexual board.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/09/12(Mon)01:34 No.5692558
    We've all been kicked out of a con or two for showing our tits. Come on.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:36 No.5692573
    Like you have the body to show it people probably start puking when a hambeast like yourself shows a piece of meat
    jelly status:
    not jelly[ ]
    jelly [x]
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:36 No.5692575
    While you feel conventions are not for children the general public sees them as a silly nerd thing/ kiddy magnet. Video games are seen as for younger kids, and more and more kids play video games. Also the average age of convention goers seems to be going down.

    So yeah it's going to be that eventually "all conventions are torn down to be 100% family friendly for 3 year olds."
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:38 No.5692584
    jealous fatties can't stand it that all the guys would rather look at her instead of them

    newsflash: guys only care about cosplay so they can see hot chicks in costumes. we don't give a shit about your costume being accurate. we don't want to see your fat ass.

    we want to see tits popping out and dat asses
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/09/12(Mon)01:39 No.5692585
    Yeah man, I'm over 220 now.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:43 No.5692600
    PAX has a no boothbabes policy.

    She violated it.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:43 No.5692601
    I guess I go to some really raunchy cons then. Girls in bikinis (gasp), guys in spandex shorts (the horror!)??

    It's not like she was naked. Yeah it was a revealing costume, but it's really not anything that crazy or wild.

    The public is mistaken then. Conventions might feature some children's panels and activities, but it's like saying, "I took my baby to the amusement park for the kiddy rides, ban the roller coasters because they're too dangerous for a toddler!!"

    I would never think about bringing a young kid to a convention. It's not appropriate. But I guess the world has to bow to the sensitivities of a child at all times, because being a responsible adult means absolutely nothing when kids could potentially be present.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:44 No.5692607
    So this board isn't even used to post hot cosplay just a circlejerk of tripfags?
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 04/09/12(Mon)01:45 No.5692613
    Most people don't have that kind of understanding, and they shouldn't be expected to. A con should cater to the underage crowd (in terms of accessibility) unless otherwise stated (like D*Con).
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:47 No.5692624
    >>expensive game-industry tradeshows

    You have earned a hearty lol from me, good anon. PAX is not E3, $700+ ticket, 18+ only.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:52 No.5692652
    Except you choose not to ride the rollercoaster and therefore avoid the danger. You can't avoid some chick with a wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen, and showing everything but her nipples in the meantime. Also the rules said don't wear that shit. So there the fact that she flat out disregarded the rules.

    Pretty much. Enjoy your stay.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:54 No.5692660
    That's life. Are you going to raise your future children in a cement-block room, protected from the utter horrors of society? Oh no Junior, don't look at that woman! She's not fully clothed! Sexuality is baaad!!!

    Conventions are not for children. The types of guests are 99% of the time NOT representatives of childrens shows/games/comics [I realize there are exceptions, but Children's activities are labeled as "for kids", just like the Adult activities are labeled as "for adults"]. So if your kid is into the fandoms that are represented at the conventions - video games, anime, cartoons, comic books - they've probably already been exposed to violence, sexuality, boobs, asses, skin-tight costumes, etc.

    Not to mention, some girl flirting and in a revealing costume is PROBABLY not the worst thing you'd see in an exhibition hall, unless PAX is more conservative than the average convention.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:55 No.5692666
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:55 No.5692668
    You're dumb. That's all there is to it.

    PAX can make whatever rules they want, and if they felt Jnigger was breaking those rules (not just her outfit, but the fact she was a booth babe) then they have the authority to ask her to leave and come back with more appropriate clothing. When you go to a Con you are expected to follow the rules, end of. It's not even like this is the first time someone has been asked to leave a Con before because of clothing. Get over it, good lord. She went back the next day and she seems fine with it. I'm sure she is loving the attention.

    Also, unless a Con is specifically advertised for having an age limit then kids are allowed to go. I love how you're so angry that people are policing what should be worn at a Con but you're doing the same thing saying little kids shouldn't be allowed to go to an age appropriate event.

    Get back to tumblr.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:57 No.5692679
    still jelly of her body
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:59 No.5692689
    She does have a nice body.

    Shame about her face tho
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:01 No.5692695
    PAX has always been like that in that regard.I remember in 09 there were a lot of complaints against ( I want to say Ridge Racer) booth girls who were wandering around the convention with DSes to promote the game but mosly generated intrest by walking around in short shorts and tight shirts. In the following years there were less women in skimpy clothes (I do remember the Nokia booth having "representatives" who were pretty much booth babes but that was a tiny booth far off in the corner so they probably got by since no one was over in that part.

    Personally I am agaisnt booth babes especially if they don't know their product. I think Nigiri's case is a case where she's actually well known and the spotlight is being put on her. Had she not been working for the booth, she would have only been asked to change, PAX would not ban her for that as long as she complied. I'm leaning towards the booth's operators being in the wrong. They should have foresaw that PAX might have a problem with such an outfit before using Nigiri. PAX has an older age set in general (early twenties to even forties) than other cons of 16-20's year olds so there is a surprising amount of children since everyone is popping out babies now and taking them to the conventions. I remember one lady bringing her baby, had to be less than a year in one of those stomach carries walking around in the crowded music blaring expo hall, which is a terrible idea lady! There are also a good number of youngsters under ten who go there to see their favorite video games with their equally nerdy parents. There is even an official "no strollers in the expo hall" rule. I can't think of any other convention that has that rule explicitly stated in their rule book. More parents= more complaints too skimply dressed women.

    tl;dr there are a lot more parents and couples at PAX than other conventions. The booth should have foresaw there could be complaints.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:01 No.5692697
    It's not even bad her body is pretty much perfect, her face is still above average.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:06 No.5692708
    It's just ordinary and plain and reminds me of that "beach babe" trend from the mid 2000s. It just ain't my thing mang.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:09 No.5692721
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    Pic related. Perfection.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:11 No.5692729
    I disagree.

    I went to PAX in 08, 09 and 10. I hardly saw any children at all in the expo hall. But..

    Exploding human heads = A Okay
    Some cleavage = BAN HER!!!!!

    I want only ugly women in parkas to sell my products!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:13 No.5692739
    Well at least with ugly women in parkas the pitch would have to be about the actual quality of the content being sold. Unfortunately marketers can't afford to do that since most of what they sell is crap in the first place.
    >> jellybear !74eCRJk6F2 04/09/12(Mon)02:20 No.5692759
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    >Exploding human heads = A Okay

    Yeah, but it's not real, they're just games.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:21 No.5692764
    At this show they have a game where you can shoot a man in the head, in slow motion, and his entire head splits apart and one of his eyes flies out.

    The only people that are against "booth babes" are fat chicks.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:22 No.5692765
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    >no tits
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:25 No.5692774
    >Porn is not ok but hentai is because it's fake xD
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:28 No.5692790
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:29 No.5692793
    I saw the costumes that people were 'complaining' about and I was like "what's the deal here?"
    There are a lot of costumes far skimpier than what she had on. And, from what I understand, she changed out of the pink jumpsuit into her Lollipop Chainsaw costume that she'd worn all day on Friday without anyone saying anything and they told her to change out of that.

    People are saying PAX has a no booth babe policy and SHE violated that.. but wouldn't it be the company who violated that policy? It's not like she just showed up and started promoting the game on her own at the booth. They asked her to be there..
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:34 No.5692808
    His arguement for the shooting a guy in the head was because it wasn't real
    I gave an example of the exact same thing
    real vs not real
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:35 No.5692811
    They are very inconsistent with their no "booth babe" policy.

    What happened was that a fat girl complained. That's pretty much it.

    Only ugly women get upset or offended by things like this. Nobody else cares.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:40 No.5692828
    shut up fat bitch
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:43 No.5692835
    >jNig detected
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 04/09/12(Mon)02:43 No.5692838
    lol, You're soundin' pretty salty there, anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:44 No.5692841
    What the fuck does this even mean?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:46 No.5692844
    you really need to learn how to samefag better
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:46 No.5692849
    JNig, the truth is you have a discrimination law suit here. There were other women with their "attributes" exposed. You just had better attributes. Aflat woman in your costume would not have bee asked to leave. That is discrimination, simply on the fact you are attractive. I hope you see this and take action. This should not be tolerated.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:52 No.5692858
    lol I tricked you!!!

    What? It was a question.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:52 No.5692859

    There is a no booth babe policy.

    She was hired as a booth babe.

    There is no case there.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:52 No.5692860
    It IS discrimination. The fact that there were others at PAX in equal or the same revealing clothing and were not asked to leave proves this. It is because she is more attractive and sexier. Simply because she is. GET OVER IT. It is discrimination against attactive women!
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:57 No.5692877
    But I can play GTA all day and kill people
    but that doesn't make me actually want to do that shit.

    Hentai/pron will actually arouse people and will more than likely want to have sex/have sexual thoughts.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:58 No.5692881
    I think Jnig has an amazing body, and yeah. I do believe she was kicked out for it. As proven by the hambeast cheering when it happened.

    inb4 whiteknight, jnig, underage fag, etc.
    >> jellybear !74eCRJk6F2 04/09/12(Mon)02:59 No.5692884
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    Sex =/= violence
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)03:00 No.5692891
    There were more than likely other women with
    amazing bodies, jnig got kicked out because too slutty.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)03:01 No.5692894
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    This has happened to many people I know. Nobody ever does anything about the inequality. It's only a big deal this time because she's well known.

    A girl at my local cons can wear undies under the big-holed fence nets and it's okay, but my friend has on short shorts? GOTTA CHANGE.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)03:07 No.5692917
    Jessica is a public figure, wearing a costume for a major company. She was publicly humiliated. She has a law suit, if not with PAX, then with the company that had her wear that.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)03:15 No.5692950
    >implying she isn't furiously masturbating to all the attention she's getting because she got kicked out

    SURE, YUP,
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)03:16 No.5692954
    Being asked to change?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)03:17 No.5692958
    > mild humiliation
    > grounds for lawsuit
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)03:18 No.5692962

    >implying she didn't love dressing up in that
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)04:17 No.5693114
    Jesus, this is actually news? Okay, fine, CGL getting hard and salivating over a well known cosplayer and drama surrounding said cosplayer... but this is ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)04:40 No.5693186
    That's the definition of a "booth babe." An attractive woman hired to wear a skimpy outfit to try to get neckbeards to buy a game because boobies.
    She was hired to cosplay a character with a skimpy outfit and hang around the booth promoting the game. So, yeah, booth babe.

    Am I the only non-prude who finds cosplayers like this annoying as fuck? I like women, I like tits, I just don't like cosplayers who mainly choose their cosplays based on how much of their body they can show off at the con rather than how much they like the character. I probably would have kicked this girl (never heard of her.) when she came back in another slutty costume because it confirms that she's there to look "hawt" not there to have fun cosplaying. Both look like stripper outfits. And I like strippers, they just have no place at a con where I'm trying to check out new games.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)04:44 No.5693204
    >promote games that objectify/degrade women more than any religion has
    >a person lives up/ dresses up to the ways of promoted game
    >gets kicked out

    I love this biggotry. Stay classy society.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)04:48 No.5693220
    No, you aren't alone,
    i LOVE seeing TnA, i'm a horny bastard.. but there is a limit,
    i like this hobby, and it really disappoints me to see people shit all over something that many of us consider a passion, and carefully choose characters we enjoy,
    with the concept of "well if i wear a few scraps of clothing i can get put on a pedestal by nerds and worshiped, because i'm hot and i'm going to show my hot bod as often as possible"
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)04:51 No.5693237
    I shall say don't hate the player hate the game, literally. Where is the difference in developers making character models like this for attention and horny dudes and then somebody dressing up like this to get the same attention ?!

    It is a bit double standardous to hate the ones dressing up like it. There were some pathetic fucks providing the template in the first place. If games can develop stuff like this people ought to be allowed to dress up like it.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)04:57 No.5693260
    don't get me wrong, i actually quite like jnig, but her boobs look horrendous in that jumpsuit. yikes! no wonder she got some complaints, they look freaky.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)05:01 No.5693270
    i think i can hate the system, and those who decide to ride it to fame.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)05:03 No.5693281
    I don't buy many of those games, either. And when I'm at a regular con that hasn't specifically banned costumes like that on their game reps, I either avoid people like that or shut up unless asked.

    But if a con specifically wants to ban attention whores from being attention whores for hire in their con, and makes it massively publicly known that those are the rules, it's their con and people need to respect the rules.

    A con I go to regularly recently made some rules I don't like about room parties. So I can either accept that I can't have one, try to get the rule changed, or go to a different con. I'm not going to smuggle a ton of booze and a giant speaker system into my room and throw a huge bash, then bitch about getting thrown out.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)05:07 No.5693294
    Well she wasn't bitching. From her twitter I take it that she apparently knew she bend the rules too far.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)12:00 No.5694199
    >Lardasses believe nigri comes to this board
    how delusional are you?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)12:31 No.5694319
    I don't know how many of you went to PAX, but I was working the expo hall. And the part of the story that isn't being told is that she had a bit of a nip slip on Saturday. I was nearby, heard a little bit of a commotion, and then saw a distraught looking child and her angry mother. The mother started complaining about some girl in pink slipping out of her suit. So yeah. I'd call that a legitimate complaint. PAX can't let that happen twice, it could make parents stop coming, and if you were at the GeekDad and GeekMom panel, you'd know that a significant part of PAX is having babies.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)12:34 No.5694326
    haveing helped run some cons I will say its a dam tight rope you have to walk. keeping everyone happy.
    the faimly friendly issue is just one of many problems.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)12:36 No.5694332
    The same women who cry about the objectification of women are also the ones who base their wardrobe around "how much skin can I show before being arrested for public indecency".

    Why are women such hypocrites?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)12:37 No.5694335
    Dunno. Why don't you ask /r9k/. They know women.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)12:39 No.5694337
    Or maybe it's different women? I dunno man
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)12:40 No.5694339
    It's not.
    >> OK !Gold.RcEXw 04/09/12(Mon)12:46 No.5694359
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    Just got back from PAX, 10 hour drive back to CANADALAND

    She was wearing the cheerleader outfit for pretty much all of fri & sat. without any problems, so I'm having a little trouble understanding what happened. Did she change into the pink outfit and that was considered being too revealing? I saw another girl Sunday afternoon in the exact same costume (not JNIG, a bit shorter).

    I got some video of her first costume for some youtube vidyas, including one of me asking her to say hi to my friend 'Seagulls'. She said 'hi seagul!', mission failed.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)12:49 No.5694367
    I'll take it
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)12:50 No.5694373
    Recap for everyone not paying attention:

    She wasn't COSPLAYING. She was hired by Grasshopper as a booth babe. PAX is run by dickless neckbeards who fear women and thus hate booth babes, and only permits ugly ones who know about the games they're promoting. JNig knows the game, but she's not ugly. Therefore, after the con staff got too many "complaints" from "concerned citizens" who bring their "children" to this adult-oriented video game convention, they had to ask her to change.
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)12:52 No.5694382
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    this x50000. I don't know why people are acting like there weren't any kids at the con. There were legitimately a LOT of parents who brought their (thank GOD well-behaved) young kids to the con. The 'family-friendly' label is there for a reason.

    Regardless, all ya'll and everyone is making a WAY bigger deal out of this than they should be. The costume was crossing the line, PAX made a call to have her change, she changed, zero harm done.

    And just because nobody else has yet, here's a picture of the costume in question.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)12:53 No.5694383

    "Sexual objectification refers to the practice of regarding or treating another person merely as an instrument (object) towards one's sexual pleasure, and a sex object is a person who is regarded simply as an object of sexual gratification or who is sexually attractive"

    Maybe just because a chick is naked, doesn't mean she wants to be a blow up doll.

    Fucking idiot, doesn't even understand the words he uses.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)12:57 No.5694398
    Do you have more?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:01 No.5694416
         File: 1333990919.jpg-(66 KB, 575x960, 562935_3769355795879_133624989(...).jpg)
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    If JNig doesn't care, why should we? I'm just gonna post a funny face with her attractive form to calm all you whiteknights down.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/09/12(Mon)13:06 No.5694439

    It is physically impossible to be at the right angle in front of cameras all the time. Anyone who thinks you have to constantly appear photogenic is fucking delusional.

    That being said, I am the fucking master at derping up a photo bigtime. I'm not photogenic without massive amounts of photoshop and a fucking lot of takes.
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)13:07 No.5694440
         File: 1333991223.jpg-(50 KB, 620x411, dUzQr.jpg)
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    that was just a picture from google. There aren't many cause she was only wearing the pink outfit for a very short time. If she really is just B-cup then her tits must my squished inward to their limit, wouldn't be surprised if there actually was a bit of nipslippage, doubt anyone has those photos though.

    As much as I love to hate JNigs, she did make a good Juliet for the most part. The pink outfit wasn't anywhere near as good as her cosplay of the main costume, should have stuck with that one either way.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:09 No.5694446
    I didn't post it because I'm trying to hate on her. To be honest, she's not the problem here, her fanboys are the ones complaining. I just posted it because I find derpy pictures funny.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/09/12(Mon)13:11 No.5694450

    Ah. Carry on. :v My bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:15 No.5694459
    how can a heterosexual man hate that?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:16 No.5694461
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    I think here is some nipslip? I just woke up and can barely see.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:19 No.5694470
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    maybe cus' she looks like someone's Mother who hasn't let go of the "I look good for my age" dream.
    All she has going for her is her great body and love of video games(?)
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:24 No.5694487
    Her boobs don't look right here... Usually it's not too bad since you can only see the top but it just looks like a bad hard boob job here. It must be painful to squish them so hard inward
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:26 No.5694492
    The character in the game actually has a zipper as part of her outfit. And it's fairly interesting Jnigger decided to leave that part of the costume out. (LOL LIKE SHE ACTUALLY MAKES HER OWN COSPLAYS.) If she had left that bit in, all she would have had to do was zip the costume up, show some cleavage, and be done.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:26 No.5694494
    true that. and when the time comes for her to be serious to her fans no one is going to listen to her because all she is to them is an object to fap to
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:32 No.5694520
    Honestly I don't think she'll ever need to be "serious" because her whole deal is that she's an object and she seems aware of that considering how much she plays into it.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:42 No.5694540
    She does have a zipper, it isn't obvious. If she zipped up then it wouldn't look like the costume.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:46 No.5694556
    but isn't Precious a booth babe?
    >> Alpha !W1/Jat/S2U 04/09/12(Mon)13:47 No.5694563
    "There is to be "no messaging that specifically calls out body parts," and while "cosplayed characters are allowed to wear revealing outfits, assuming it is true to the source game," there is a ban on anything considered "partial nudity.""

    never going to that con
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:49 No.5694567
    Hey guys whats going on here I havent been on this board for ages.


    Ok cya plebs I forgot how sad people are and care about this shit. Ciao commoners
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:50 No.5694570
    Was she bawwing?

    the way that costume is designed it's obviously not even possible to zip it (and I mean both the artwork and the actual physical costume).
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:50 No.5694573
    She is not bawwing about it she is la, and she wasn't kicked out, she was asked to change so she did.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:52 No.5694579
    clicked enter before I could finish.
    What I meant is she is laughing it off.
    >> OK !Gold.RcEXw 04/09/12(Mon)13:52 No.5694584
    here's the video

    somehow I feel like posting this is more embarrassment than it's worth
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:53 No.5694589
         File: 1333993997.jpg-(62 KB, 467x700, 420565_2630217889675_885595701(...).jpg)
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    Yeah I was thinking about that too? How come derpy duck faced Precious didn't get kicked out?

    If J.Nig got kicked, they should have kicked Precious too.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)13:58 No.5694613
         File: 1333994311.jpg-(1.51 MB, 1458x1629, 1318596933446.jpg)
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    precious has fake tits (not implants, she stuffs)

    she also shows her asscheeks as much as J-nig shows her tits
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:01 No.5694620
    Is she wearing tights?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:01 No.5694622
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:01 No.5694624
    Never expect con security to enforce rules in any fashion other than scattershot
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:09 No.5694642
    Even her fake body is no better than Jnig's. Facial wise they are about the same rating.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:14 No.5694656
    >hurr we're a family-oriented con hosted by people who created a certainly not kid-friendly comic where violent and bloody video games will be on display

    I'm more worried that people stupid enough to bring their kids to something like this actually reproduce. Or that these same parents are apparently outraged at their children seeing something they'll probably end up seeing at some point in their lives, but not that they'll see people being shot to death or decapitated.

    But I guess the latter is just an American thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:20 No.5694683
    Was Precious working for a company displaying at the convention?


    Ok then shut up.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:23 No.5694694
    I'm sure part of the costume helps them look that way, are you stupid?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:25 No.5694697
    It'd take nigri over that chick any day of the week
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:27 No.5694703
         File: 1333996065.jpg-(1.35 MB, 700x4599, anything-but-that.jpg)
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    Pic related.
    >> falcone !!rEkSWzi2+mz 04/09/12(Mon)14:27 No.5694705

    You are fucking retarded. The thing people are talking about is the wearing of too skimpy of clothes. People are complaining about too much sexualization for kids. But apparently sexualization is OK if you aren't JNig.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:29 No.5694710
    Most of the parents don't want to give up their hobbies just because they grew up. All the extra bloody stuff was put behind ID checks. And I didn't see that many kids hanging around that stuff as I saw cute kids playing in the tabletop sections. This is a family friendly con because Penny Arcade is made by adults. Adults have children. Some adults bring their kids to Salem to learn about our nations violent history, other bring their kids to PAX to learn strategy and have fun. That doesn't make them bad parents, that makes them engaged with their children.

    But, you probably prefer anime cons where the median age is 14 and there's no concern about parenthood.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:32 No.5694722
    Dude. Jessica's nose is fucking huge.
    >> OK !Gold.RcEXw 04/09/12(Mon)14:34 No.5694730
    this is a bad comic, and you should feel bad for posting it
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:35 No.5694732
    I think she gets sexually excited by doing that
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:35 No.5694733
    >Most of the parents don't want to give up their hobbies just because they grew up.

    So everyone has to suffer because some idiots felt like their children had to come along with them?

    >Adults have children.

    I wish these particular adults didn't reproduce. The only people who should have children are the ones who won't drag their children around with and piss everyone else off because now they have to think of 8 year brats' tender ears and eyes not their own personal enjoyment.

    >But, you probably prefer anime cons where the median age is 14 and there's no concern about parenthood.

    You're right, because there I only have to deal with people who act like children and not actual children and their angry, indignant parents who will demand everyone censor themselves for their darling.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:35 No.5694736
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    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:36 No.5694739
    You don't get it. She wasn't asked to cover up because she was COSPLAYING. She was asked to cover up because she was a booth babe, and PAX dislikes booth babes, especially hot ones that know the games.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:37 No.5694744
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    Is not dolllike perfect, but it's cute.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:40 No.5694755
    PAX did a poll on their forums a while ago. Attendees voted against booth babes. So, they banned them. If you really want booth babes, go to E3. It's bigger anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:41 No.5694758
    It's not cute. It's lumpy and bulbous.

    Dat butterface...
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:42 No.5694760
    Maybe but it could be the tit tape not laying flat under the fabric.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:44 No.5694765
    Can I just ask you a question? Did you attend PAX this year? Or ever? Because if the parents stop coming, PAX loses a lot of money. PAX loses money after a million dollar deal with Boston, PAX East never happens again. You can whine about how this one con tries to support geek parents, but business wise, your opinion is moot. They have the majority over you.

    Personally, I'd ban teenagers from cons. They are 90% of the trouble. Does that make sense business wise? No. It doesn't. So my opinion there is useless.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:48 No.5694782
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    Are you people serious? I would like to see your nose, I bet is kawaii ugu.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)14:51 No.5694798
    >Because if the parents stop coming, PAX loses a lot of money.

    oh no now they can't pay publishers to peddle their wares there

    >You can whine about how this one con tries to support geek parents, but business wise, your opinion is moot. They have the majority over you.

    Hence why I don't go to PAX. My money already goes towards giving them tax breaks and sending their spawn to public daycare, I'm not giving away more of my money so they can kill more of my fun by forcing everyone to suffer due to life decisions they made.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)15:04 No.5694840

    It looks like its cosplay friendly, it's just not Booth Babe friendly. I saw pictures of other girls dressed as Lollipop in my friends albums, they weren't asked to change.

    JNig was because she was a booth babe. Booth Babes are banned from PAX. Militant antichild anon is just ranting off on speculation.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)15:12 No.5694873
    >JNig was because she was a booth babe. Booth Babes are banned from PAX

    No, she was kicked out because her costume didn't meet standards, as someone already pointed out in the thread. They told her to change, they didn't stay stop promoting a game with your outfit.

    Affiliation was irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)15:13 No.5694877
    >people rationally and calmly discuss the reasons she was kicked out, and PAX policy
    >but are called jelly hambeasts anyways
    >"guys wait Jessica can do no wrong, see look I think she's hot that proves it!"
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)15:17 No.5694896

    Which was why she was the only one asked to change despite others wearing skimpier costumes.

    Sorry, anon. The alternate Lolipop outfit was the excuse, the reason was being a booth babe. It's been stated quite frequently PAX is strict on that shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)15:20 No.5694911
    >The alternate Lolipop outfit was the excuse, the reason was being a booth babe.

    If they didn't allow booth babes they wouldn't have needed an "excuse" in the first place. They could have just said "it clearly says in our regulation no booth babes"
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)15:28 No.5694951
    They probably let it fly because they weren't getting complaints until the second costume. Believe it or not, not all policy is executed indiscriminately, sometimes people will avoid confrontation if there are no complaints.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)15:32 No.5694966
    >implying you are old enough to pay taxes

    Aw. Aren't you cute.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)15:35 No.5694976
    The fuck you talkin bout? You do realize that everyone of every age pays taxes, right? Fucking tarded up in here mang.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)15:39 No.5694988
    I'm implying that you are underage, because your opinions echo those of a high schooler. Sorry if that went over your head.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)15:40 No.5694999
    You only pay taxes if you work. An unemployed 25 year old doesn't pay taxes, but a 16 year old could if they're employed. Depends on hiring laws and if you actually work. Which I doubt you do since you don't know basic tax laws.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)15:40 No.5695001
    She's a decent looking person although too barbie like for me. I do not see anything special about the cosplays she does. Just has a nice body?

    My personal preference is for a little more modesty. ;D
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)15:46 No.5695028
    She's pretty. But, I think PAX made the right call. Had kotaku not published this news, it probably wouldn't have blipped on my radar. Don't know why people are freaking out about it so much... I mean, who does it hurt for her to wear something else for one day?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/09/12(Mon)15:48 No.5695035

    Likely story is that they pay taxes on the things they buy because they aren't self sufficient but they do buy vidya games/eat snacks/fastfood whatever :0

    What you're referring to is owing money when you file. You can file as soon as you pay income taxes, and often times you get money back if you barely make anything. Which can be as young as 16.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)15:51 No.5695046
    Another thing I heard is that the suit was her own costume and not sponsored by the booth like the cheerleader outfit is. So she kind of brought that onto herself.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)15:53 No.5695056

    The company who HIRED HER to dress like that. She was PAID by Grasshopper to be there, promoting Lollipop Chainsaw. That's why when they asked her to change out of the pink jumpsuit, she changed back into the cheerleader uniform, which I might add they had no problems with on the Friday.

    JNig is hired by Grasshopper.
    JNig wears cheerleader outfit on Friday with no problems.
    JNig wears pink jumpsuit on Saturday, is asked to change.
    JNig changes BACK into the cheerleader costume.
    JNig is asked to change AGAIN, out of a costume they had previously had no issue with.
    She can't change again, she is being paid to wear one of these two costumes.
    PAX kicks her out.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)16:03 No.5695089
    refer to >>5695035

    Understand the difference between filing and paying taxes? Hopefully you had a good enough ego boost whilst I was checking on my bonds. Rely more on your knowledge accumulated from hearsay, media, community college, and nerdshit anime next time.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)16:04 No.5695097
    I think by the time she had changed into the cheerleader outfit they had done their research on her and knew she and the company were violating the no-booth babes policy. People seem to be forgetting that rule.
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)16:04 No.5695098
    That is not what happened. I was in line for the Lollipop Chainsaw demo only a few hours before PAX closed on Sunday, and JNigs was there in her cheerleader cosplay. "kicked out" my ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)16:16 No.5695168
    If you aren't making your own money, you aren't paying for shit. Your mommy and daddy are. You are still too young to pay taxes.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)16:18 No.5695179
    Well, in their defense, raging about unfairness is a lot more entertaining than realizing that PAX is a private gig and has the right to make rules.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/09/12(Mon)16:23 No.5695208

    >durr hurr

    I think the dead giveaway was when you used mommy and daddy in a sentence like you were fresh off the sandbox
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)16:34 No.5695256
    Nah, I used it to mock them. Now, if you'd like to tell me what right a dependent has to complain about other independent and working adults having children, I would love to hear your reasoning. Because I'm pretty sure he was grasping at straws.

    Saying someone who doesn't work pays taxes is like saying that someone who steals $20 from your back pocket and buys something with it paid for that.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)16:40 No.5695274
         File: 1334004026.jpg-(33 KB, 351x427, 155121213.jpg)
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    Welcome to the real world.
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 04/09/12(Mon)16:45 No.5695289

    But people do that already and get away with it. o_o
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)16:46 No.5695299
    Hmm. Batman is a solid example. No parents, yet he works for free and certainly pays taxes on his huge-ass home. I concede defeat.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)16:47 No.5695303

    Actually, you're a bit wrong. I'm currnently unemployed but I have to file taxes and occasionally pay taxes come tax time. Because I have stocks left to me by my grandmother. I've been signing tax forms since I was about 8.

    So yes, someone who doesn't work can have to pay taxes if they have things like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)17:01 No.5695364
    So she got kicked out because she was dressed like a slut? Because parents said "OH NO. MY CHILD MIGHT SEE THIS WOMANS CLEAVAGE AND STOMACH" You know, something children see at a public swimming pool.

    Parents need to stop being so oversensitive when it comes to their children. I have friends who have children, and only one of them actually brings her kid to conventions. And she understands that pretty much anything her kid is gonna see at a convention in the hall, they've already seen at the pool. In fact, I'm pretty sure you see more skin at the pool because of swimsuits that are smaller than a pair of booty shorts. So why is it okay for a girl to slag it up at the local pool, but then if she wears the same thing with a wig at a convention, it's "too exposed"? Seeing a girl in a bikini at a pool is no different from seeing a girl in a bikini at a convention. Yet at a convention, people say it's indecent, and destroying childrens innocent childhood dreams and whatnot.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)17:05 No.5695376

    Read the thread anon, then comment.
    >> o-slap 04/09/12(Mon)17:05 No.5695379
    friggin. this.

    America is so retarded as far as our bodies go, it's 2012 but the puritanical mindsets are still very prevalent.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)17:06 No.5695385
         File: 1334005590.jpg-(44 KB, 500x375, 1307823690022.jpg)
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    Why the fuck do you even care, /cgl/?
    Is your life so shit that you have to track down people that are more beautiful than you are just to feel better?

    Laughing about her won't make you any prettier. You fucking disgusting pile of human trash.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)17:09 No.5695397
    >she purposely padded it for the sake of sexualizing herselfshe purposely padded it for the sake of sexualizing herself

    implying women don't over sexualize themselves for the sake of being sexy at the beach/pool/spa. Do you honestly think women don't wear those little string bikinis to look hot and get attention at the beach? So what you're saying is that she can't purposely sexualize herself for attention because of her venue?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)17:10 No.5695399
    >distraught looking child

    I can't imagine a child actually being distraught by boobs. Probably more distraught by the mother having a hissy fit.
    >> o-slap 04/09/12(Mon)17:10 No.5695401
    Why would anyone read 200 posts of anti JNig buttmad
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)17:12 No.5695408
    Hardly anyone's laughing at her. A bunch of whiteknights are whining about children ITT, and then some random tax discussion took place. Now we're going back to whining about rules. To be honest, I'm monitoring this thread because it's the only PAX one and I had a sweet weekend. Even saw JNig. She looked nice. Never her saw her in that pink thing, but the cheerleader thing looked cute.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)17:12 No.5695409
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)17:12 No.5695411
    >because it's fucking practical
    >thinking any cosplays ever can be practical


    So if it's a "practical" for the situation outfit, a woman can wear little denim shorts that barely cover her vagina, and a little bitty shirt that just covers her tits? Because that would be "practical" for a blistering hot texas day. Would she then be "decently covered" because it's "practical"? Or are you just a fucking prude who can't stand to see girls in skimpy outfits at conventions? Do Yoko cosplayers rustle your jimmies too?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)17:13 No.5695412
    That's kinda what I assumed. The mom was kinda dragging her through the crowd.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)17:15 No.5695421
    Yoko cosplayers usually aren't getting paid.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)17:16 No.5695424
    so if jnig wasn't paid to be there, you would be fine with her dressing like a slag for attention? yeah, great logic there. "It's only a problem because I don't like her"
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)17:16 No.5695425

    Because then you'd find out the real story and not go on about whiny prudes?

    >The complaints were about a nipslip, hello
    >She was asked to change because she was a booth babe.
    >She wasn't kicked out.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)17:52 No.5695562
    Came to look for Pax East pictures... Found this stupid drama. Gah.
    >> NFG !!LOHWpbkBRsi 04/09/12(Mon)18:43 No.5695806
    Oh good, I'm not the only one looking for it then. I'm gonna start a cosplay thread and put up the small collection I acquired via internet.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)20:30 No.5696405
    I tried to pad my tits to look like Jnigs and it didn't work. I'm a B cup as well. Maybe I need to squeeze them together even more?

    She needs to let us know how she does that sorcery.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)20:42 No.5696481
    She is probably a C, she never said she was B cup.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)21:08 No.5696646
    0/10 come on now. she said it on her fb many times. i think she said 32b or 34b
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)21:10 No.5696661
    Then prove it, take a screenshot. If she was a B her nipples would be showing here >>5694736
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)21:14 No.5696676

    I never fail to be astonished by there still being people who aren't good at boob ninja techniques.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)21:16 No.5696685
         File: 1334020568.jpg-(8 KB, 261x200, +_13d60e4b73a3874d71b6992471c0(...).jpg)
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    She did.
    But when was that?

    Like 3 fucking years ago
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)21:19 No.5696702
    sauce or troll?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)21:22 No.5696726
    >implying just because you dont have hard evidence on hand it isnt true
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)21:23 No.5696730
         File: 1334021004.jpg-(41 KB, 500x500, xxgetimage1cacce9ra6.jpg)
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    I have never seen her mention her breast size. She has admitted that she pads (obviously). But those tits are not B cups.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)21:28 No.5696756
    why did you ask >>5696661
    for proof then? lol.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)21:35 No.5696784
    that wasn't me.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)22:51 No.5697124
    SO fake is fake..
    Who cares if its padding or surgery?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)23:15 No.5697242

    Thats some different fag you dip shit
    We are all fucking anonymous, with your logic I could call you a same fag pretending to be that anon
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:22 No.5697629
         File: 1334035352.jpg-(60 KB, 300x235, cmt-medium1.jpg)
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    So why wasn't the Firepath booth babe kicked out as well?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:24 No.5697633
    >people rationally and calmly discuss the reasons she was kicked out, and PAX policy
    >but are called jelly hambeasts anyways
    >"guys wait Jessica can do no wrong, see look I think she's hot that proves it!"
    What this person said.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:26 No.5697640
    I'm so digging that wig. Shit I want that wig.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:30 No.5697650
    /cgl/, you are fucking pathetic because you " hate " on this girl so much. Lose some fucking weight and stop being so damn insecure. I have never seen more drama on 4chan, than in this section.

    I'm seriously tired of these threads popping up on the vidya.

    Sincerely, /v/
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:30 No.5697654

    She wasn't kicked out. I saw her there myself on Sunday, with a different outfit on. Similar to the Friday outfit but with black under-clothing so there wasn't really any skin.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:31 No.5697659
    >I have never seen more drama on 4chan
    You should read /cgl/'s rules then.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)01:35 No.5697674
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)10:19 No.5698557
    >> Anonymous 04/10/12(Tue)10:34 No.5698583
    hnnng!! so much ass envy.

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