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  • File: 1333881518.jpg-(59 KB, 435x301, putty-patrollers2.jpg)
    59 KB Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)06:38 No.5687146  
    Anyone else at MTAC this year? I dont think im gonna be able to make it tomorrow, but I've had a fucking blast the last three days.

    I cosplayed as a Power Rangers/Sentai Putty, pic related. Got my picture taken with Jason David Frank. Shit was pretty cash.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)08:27 No.5687494
    OP, assuming youre in the MMPR group, you guys were amazing in the contest. I cosplayed the main protagonist from Xenoblade chronicles, partly to celebrate the game's north american release (April 6th), and I was in the Novice class. Would post pic of prop but I'd probably wake up all of the nine people in my hotel room right now.

    Also, it saddens me that only a few people out of the 10,000+ attendees this year browse /cgl/.

    Still haven't gotten a chance to freely explore the massive dealer room, hopefully I can get that done today.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)12:38 No.5688594
    Anyone else go? Pic dump?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)17:34 No.5689930
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    I'll try to get around to dumping later tonight. Here's a shitty picture of an adorable family cosplay for the time being.
    >> dill !PicKleqHjM 04/08/12(Sun)17:39 No.5689945
         File: 1333921199.png-(7 KB, 208x230, 1323641416008.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)17:51 No.5689973
    I went Friday & Saturday.


    Loved the new venue. A lot more spacious, the hotel was nice, and on-site Starbucks is always great. The guests were pretty good, considering that MTAC still isn't that big. Some great costumes, some shitty ones, like any convention. Jeopardy was pretty fun, along with the cosplay contest.


    Schedule was changed all the time. If you didn't have a phone that could handle the app, you would have no way of knowing what was going on without constantly checking the areas for signs, which weren't always posted anyway. A lot of events ran 30 minutes to an hour late, and a few had no sense of organization... especially autograph sessions, where there was no "cut off" point, meaning that autographs kept going and going and so the next event was late, and that next event was late, etc. And whoever decided that the only way to get into the center exhibit hall was to go through the dealer room was an idiot. Saturday was pretty good... except both concerts ran late, meaning a few of the rave-idiots showed up to the last concert and started moshing (I use the term loosely--if you've been to an MTAC 'rave,' you know what I mean) I saw at least 3 people get pretty badly hurt because of it. Oh, and the lines. The lines, lines, lines!

    All in all... it was okay. I don't know if I'm going to go next year or not.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)18:44 No.5690201
         File: 1333925095.jpg-(83 KB, 540x720, kaylee and PH.jpg)
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    Pyramid head here. I went Friday and Saturday and had a blast! I was psyched that my costume was received so well. Also meeting Norman Reedus in an elevator was a plus. Anyone got pictures of me?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)19:32 No.5690491
         File: 1333927949.jpg-(206 KB, 720x960, IMG_0087.jpg)
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    After attending both panels I now fully understand why people have a problem with homestuck, both of them were pretty painful to watch. That said, it was fun to see all the people dressed up and I had fun at the photoshoot even though my back went out trying to lift a nepeta cosplayer. Definitely not doing anything involving lots of makeup if I go next year.

    All in all I had a blast, but the horrible scheduling really sucked, and the line for the rave was absurdly long and there were a lot of obnoxious ravers there

    only picture I personally got of my costume was back at the hotel, all I managed to photograph at the con were the random corn cobs strewn about, so I hope someone can do a pic dump because there were some awesome costumes there
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)20:00 No.5690670
    Just got back. Great time overall, but really miss the big courtyard from the Sheraton. Nice big rave room (despite the 1.5 hour late start).
    Also shocked the simultaneous horror/tattoo con didn't cause any issues.
    Got an assload of vids, so work begins on that now...
    Anyone got pics?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)20:26 No.5690808
    Yeah, there really wasn't any big "space" to hang out. I did think the Ren's staff was a lot better, though, they were mostly polite & nice & helpful
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:11 No.5691237
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:42 No.5691394
    Bumpin for pics
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)22:54 No.5691463

    feedback forum is open, btw
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:25 No.5691702
    all that fucking corn, man. also, did anyone else see a jolly black man in a banana outfit?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:32 No.5691761
         File: 1333942378.jpg-(53 KB, 540x720, derp.jpg)
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    minor pic dump inbound

    holy shit this guys costume was awesome, in the background you can see a bit of Showgirl Rarity (fuck ponies but they put a ton of work into it, she had those weird hooveshoes)
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:33 No.5691767
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    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:33 No.5691772
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    Well here is myself. First time in a cos contest, it was pretty fun aside from waiting around so much.
    Still trying to get pics for a dump.

    If there's one Bad I can agree with, it's that inconvenient fluidity of the schedule. Also, anyone know why the hell Super H2 was shut down?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:34 No.5691779
         File: 1333942453.jpg-(51 KB, 720x540, more.jpg)
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    more of charizard/showgirl rarity
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:37 No.5691804
         File: 1333942622.jpg-(96 KB, 720x960, thatbastard.jpg)
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    it tooks us half an hour to kill this bastard, and then we spent the 10 grand he dropped in the dealer room.

    (his head was like a carpeted pinata? with spraypainted paper plates. it looked really good and was pretty sturdy!)
    >> Anonymous 04/08/12(Sun)23:58 No.5691970
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)00:02 No.5692000

    some photos
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:06 No.5692394
    They shut down the 18+ events because of stupid TN laws about a venue serving alcohol and having "porn" at the same time.
    Apparently they're working out the kinks for the future...
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:14 No.5692446
    but why didn't they hut down the adult dealer section, i wonder?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:40 No.5692593
    why was that place in the middle of the exhibition hall? I thought that was pretty random.

    Also, I think they need a different room for dealers and shows. You couldn't talk to some of the dealers because the noise pollution from the monster battles was so loud.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)01:58 No.5692683
    >Also, I think they need a different room for dealers and shows.

    They really did. I went to some band panel in the show side and could hardly hear what they were saying because of the noise from the dealers, the music from various vendors, etc. Not to mention that I had to wait in the dealer room line for 30 minutes just to get in.

    Also, what was up with the creepy old guy selling "Can I Tie You Up?" shirts and calling out to girls (underage, some of them) "Why don't you come in here and let me tie you up?" Gross.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:13 No.5692741

    >Also, what was up with the creepy old guy selling "Can I Tie You Up?" shirts and calling out to girls (underage, some of them) "Why don't you come in here and let me tie you up?" Gross.

    Happy to admit I don't know what guy you're talking about. I guess I didn't stray close enough to him to notice.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:25 No.5692773
         File: 1333952714.jpg-(97 KB, 960x720, 293094_3635741852804_125194421(...).jpg)
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    I saw these sweet Ninja rangers I think.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:27 No.5692784
         File: 1333952857.jpg-(81 KB, 960x720, 547921_10150714782744528_78803(...).jpg)
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    Golden Sun
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:28 No.5692788
    >Also, what was up with the creepy old guy selling "Can I Tie You Up?" shirts and calling out to girls (underage, some of them) "Why don't you come in here and let me tie you up?" Gross.

    It wouldn't be a con without some creepy old fetish dude hitting on underaged girls.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/12(Mon)02:33 No.5692806
         File: 1333953232.jpg-(151 KB, 920x1632, 463495_3080028121524_128841716(...).jpg)
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    This is all I have from my phone. Let em dump my camera to night.

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