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    Your pal, —mootykins

    File: 1333657175.jpg-(182 KB, 960x720, 547106_359690037406321_100000959837937_1(...).jpg)
    182 KB Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:19 No.5677005  
    What happened to the Irish Lolitas? Pretty sure they used to dress better than this :/
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:25 No.5677032
    That girl on the far left...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:27 No.5677046
    Far left AND far right.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:29 No.5677056

    Ahh! Where did they come from?!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:33 No.5677069
    Sweet jesus! What happened? Where's that pretty girl who wears classic?
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)16:40 No.5677108
         File: 1333658423.png-(191 KB, 310x329, 54767667766.png)
    191 KB
    What the hell. OP you have really rustled my jimmies.
    Most of them are just kids. Back off.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:44 No.5677127
    Well they look like they're having fun, isn't that the most important thing?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:50 No.5677151
    Right, I'm stepping the fuck in here before a fire starts.

    There are two Lolita groups in Ireland. This is one. They're just a lot more relaxed than the other group. As far as I know, they're younger, on average, than the other group as well, so seriously, give them a break for that if for nothing else.

    -Disgruntled as fuck other group member.

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:51 No.5677160
    No, they're the "Irish Lolitas" group, they've always been like that... (._.")
    The group you're thinking of is "IREGL"
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:52 No.5677164
    What kind of event was this? It could be a weeb-tastic extravaganza that the well dressed girl would skip and all the itas come out for.
    >> Pringles !qxeCkXDFj6 04/05/12(Thu)16:53 No.5677165
         File: 1333659194.jpg-(86 KB, 500x387, ross..jpg)
    86 KB
    I wonder what vendetta chan this was, srsly they're just there to wear loli and have fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)16:57 No.5677177
    It was a Japanese cultural even, it was discussed on here a few days ago, it went quite well.
    I'm in the other group, and we were there, it's a great chance to just meet up, eat a picnic and chill.
    Which is what we did while this group got busy posing for photos. Most of my group are what you'd call camera-shy.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:09 No.5677232
    This, this, a thousand times this.
    There's no mixing of groups because one is older girls who are mad serious about the style, and the other is youngsters or beginners or people who just play with it.
    And there's no "rivalry" because I dunno about you guys, but in this country there's no Loli Cup to win, so we just get on with enjoying ourselves however best we can.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:35 No.5677401
    I'm another member of the other group, and I've gotta say this is incredibly poor show.
    Somebody's trying to start drama where there is none, I think your vendetta might be showing.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:39 No.5677415
    Here, here.
    I'm probably the most "elitist" member of the other group, and all I think of this group is.... well, nothing. They don't bother me.
    In fact, I could probably throw a stone from my garden to two of their members'ses (because fuck plurals), and they give me no hassle, so why should I shit on them?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:44 No.5677439
    Another member of the other loli group here. Honestly, like everyone said, most of them are just very young and new, and posting them on /cgl/ seems overly harsh. They'll probably improve as time goes on. Having said that, I'm still glad I'm part of the other group. You guys are all awesome. <3
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:47 No.5677462
    Okay, now I'm wondering who everyone here is.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:49 No.5677471
    Here, would somebody who's friends with any of the other girls on Facebook ever tell them to set their comm and PERSONAL PROFILES to PRIVATE, pretty please? I'm guessing these photos are up on the Cultural Event Organizer's page too, but still.
    Let's make common sense *actually* common.

    And Risette, since you're always so Mammy Bear and you're not technically in either comm, I nominate you for the job.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:49 No.5677473
         File: 1333662561.jpg-(396 KB, 1600x1200, Sage2.jpg)
    396 KB
    I'm another nother nother other lolita group member, and this shit blows.

    Did I ever tell you how much I love sage?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:49 No.5677475
    Sage! SAGE!!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:51 No.5677483
    I'm sorry, I dropped it! D:
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)17:53 No.5677492
         File: 1333662787.gif-(26 KB, 345x358, 453435335534.gif)
    26 KB
    >Mammy bear
    Aww that's cute, I like that.
    Sure thing, I'll let everyone know know and try do some more crowd control.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:53 No.5677494
    You're forgiven, but only this once. Final warnings and all that.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:54 No.5677499
         File: 1333662895.gif-(452 KB, 500x294, yzma.gif)
    452 KB
    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)17:57 No.5677509
    Don't use the "F-Chan" word, Jesus Christ if they find this thread I will track you down (more specifically than I already have) and throttle you in the politest way possible!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:00 No.5677520
    Yeah, Christ, I was just thinking about if they found the actual thread. Baaad, bad times.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:03 No.5677536
         File: 1333663412.jpg-(9 KB, 200x211, go here.jpg)
    9 KB
    I know.
    And I know what would happen. ACTUAL Mammy-Bear would be all up in our inboxes, and it's be YOUR, MY, and one other person's ass in the fire.
    You didn't know about this til I told you, I didn't know this was even a photo, and our friend, well...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:08 No.5677566
    You dropped your saaaage! Also, I am mildly confused by this post, because nobody told me about this, I just found it through my terrible habit of lurking.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:10 No.5677578
    Getting a little worried now because you haven't actually said anything... you didn't TELL them about the thread, did you? Please say no.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:10 No.5677579
    I bet this thread was started by they are normally the source for all drama
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:11 No.5677584
         File: 1333663907.jpg-(48 KB, 254x341, osaka.jpg)
    48 KB
    In coming shit storm.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:12 No.5677587
    K deep breaths, I noticed and bumped a few other threads to try sink us back down. Sorry.
    But wait, how many of us are actually on here? How many of you have, say, PPG accounts?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:13 No.5677592
    While UGC is a prick of MONUMENTAL proportions, I doubt it was actually their doing. For one, they can HARDLY be criticising lolis, for two, I don't think UGC was even at Experience Japan this year, and for three, UGC would be bawwwing about how meeeean the other comm is by now.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)18:13 No.5677596
    I'm not going to mention 4chan to them. I don't want them to see this and get upset. Most of them don't even know what 4chan is anyway, so It wouldn't matter. Even saying '/cgl/' would confuse them.
    The ones who do know about It and lurk have already seen It, but that was only 1 person.
    My only issue is trying to figure out how to tell them to put their profile's on private without stirring suspicion. Plus, chances are the person that posted this is already on their friend's list.
    I think I know what you're talking about. I am trying to avoid this. It's not looking too good.
    That is, If I DO know what you're talking about.
    Don't bring this crap up again please.
    Derpy sage time
    Catfish likes the people in this comm. There's no way It was them
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:14 No.5677601

    Well I'm working on the evidence of previous drama regarding Irish dramalols normaly are all traced back to UGC
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:14 No.5677603
    No, this person knows some of these girls, and while they hate some of the other group, they weren't present at this day out, and are actually not the type to start shit unless they feel victimized in some way which hasn't happened in this-
    Oh okay. I see what you're attempting there. Really putting the "b" in "subtle".
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:14 No.5677604
    I don't know, because there seems to be a load of us, and I didn't know that many of us even lurked /cgl/. I do indeed have a PPG account. What if I were to tell you that my name began with, say... R?
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:14 No.5677608
         File: 1333664096.jpg-(143 KB, 500x306, tumblr_m1j1s18eLa1qmhowio1_500.jpg)
    143 KB
    Op is a chicken shit cunt.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:15 No.5677613
    SHIT, dropped my feckin' sage after me giving out to you, sorry!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:15 No.5677615
    I like this thread. Also, those girls look fine.
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:16 No.5677618
         File: 1333664172.jpg-(101 KB, 1280x800, 881123.jpg)
    101 KB
    OP has to fist herself in order to feel pleasure.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:16 No.5677623

    Just trying to make the evening a little more intresting
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:17 No.5677628
         File: 1333664248.jpg-(6 KB, 244x207, images (11).jpg)
    6 KB
    OP vagina is used as a shelter from tornado's in Texas.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:18 No.5677634
    DerpQueen, aren't you Canadian or something?
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:18 No.5677635
         File: 1333664313.jpg-(64 KB, 460x548, ScreenHunter_35-Apr.-11-10.261.jpg)
    64 KB
    OP is so poor she waves a Popsicle around as air conditioning.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)18:18 No.5677637
    There was a Catfish thread last week too. I remember It. I'm guessing the same person posted the link just there.
    I choked on my drink
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:20 No.5677646
         File: 1333664419.jpg-(103 KB, 500x666, tumblr_lz3zza69bA1qkpphbo1_500.jpg)
    103 KB
    OP got poon poon cheese with nacho chip.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:20 No.5677651
    It's getting really annoying. UGC is irritating as it is, no need to be inciting the raaaage any further.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)18:20 No.5677652
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:21 No.5677653
         File: 1333664463.jpg-(50 KB, 450x571, butthurt2.jpg)
    50 KB
    This thread needs more catfish
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:21 No.5677654
    Good, please don't, and when you're telling them say either -You casually noticed they were public and think it's safer to lock up, or -There's some creepy guy trying to add publicly visible girls, 'nuff said.
    Also, while I'm 100% sure UGC has better things to be doing with their time, bear in mind talking crap about one comm automatically looks bad on the other, if you get me. Whoever posted this sure does.
    Also the person I don't even want to start talking to regarding this was wearing blue on Sunday.
    She should know this wasn't IREGL's doing anyway, but I can never assume.
    And my two names begin with two letters, but I'm signed into S right now.
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:22 No.5677657
         File: 1333664530.jpg-(42 KB, 483x331, tumblr_lvgqypxeEo1r4q0eho3_500.jpg)
    42 KB
    OP hobbies are, dressing lolita, being jelly fatty, and dragon dildos.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:23 No.5677670
    Oh, I meant my real name, my PPG name also begins with S. Hello! I really do need to stop lurking here.
    Nope, RC.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:25 No.5677677
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:25 No.5677684
         File: 1333664755.jpg-(350 KB, 850x1209, sample_cd23f29330f0f4eaab9790a(...).jpg)
    350 KB
    OP secretly wishes she was 32 waist chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:26 No.5677687
    Okay, I lol'd.
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:28 No.5677691
         File: 1333664922.jpg-(92 KB, 500x336, tumblr_lt8dkv0GeG1r4jjuko1_500.jpg)
    92 KB
    OP fave animu is boku no pico. She imagines a man making her dress dirty for a change and not her blow up doll named Pico.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)18:29 No.5677696
         File: 1333664968.jpg-(11 KB, 316x310, 88656599.jpg)
    11 KB
    Oh that's a good idea, the creepy guy one, I'll go with that.
    That's a fair point.
    Yeah I'm right then. They're gonna find out. I tried to stop It but the person said they're gonna tell them. I'm pretty pissed about It actually because It's only gonna make things worse.
    No, no It really doesn't
    I agree
    Ohhhhhh! I was admiring your outfit at the meet. Where was your wig from If you don't mind me asking?
    I not so secretly wish you didn't have that image. Being my ass kisser wont get you anywhere. That's shoop. ALL SHOOP I tell you.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:31 No.5677706
    okay so there's clearly nothing to see her except the usual >Derpaderp >No, hupadurp! >Yeah, hurpadurp! >OMG another Irish person, who are you? >No, who are YOU? >Never ending spiral of pointless chat
    Such is the way in every thread about Ireland.
    Now can we please skip to the end wherein we all acknowledge there are two people in this entire thing stirring shit, and one of them is only DerpQueen? Proceed to put kettle on, sit in circle holding hands, sing Father Ted theme song, and be in bed by midnight?
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:32 No.5677707
         File: 1333665125.gif-(38 KB, 200x250, whatisahoverhand.gif)
    38 KB
    OP writes fanfics for twilight.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:32 No.5677709
    Haha, thank you! It was Lockshop's Short Curly Bob in black. I spilled hot chocolate on my skirt on the train home. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:33 No.5677712
    Since everyone is already talking about me

    This time it was just disgraceful, there was a "good" friend of mine who's on one of the committees, I'd been nice to and even bought her the last 2 humble bundles as she couldn't online. When I posted a link on her wall about something she'd posted previously, she accused me of attacking her, I deleted the post, her friend comes on her wall calling me a "Crazy bitch", and she says "Oh well as long as it's you it's okay to flame ♥". I call her out on her blatant fucking hypocrisy and she's all "WAH IF YOU HATE ME THAT MUCH WHY DON'T YOU DEFRIEND ME", not giving a crazy about why what she was doing might make someone hate you. After she blocks me, another asshole friend who I don't even know tears into me on her wall(though not directly by name, he had me blocked on this account so it was even more obvious). I emailed that guy to correct him, and because of that, another guy who wasn't involved decided "I've had enough" because I dared stand up to a bully, and defriended/blocked me too.

    And of course it's okay because "her friends"(many of whom are from Eirtakon are the likes) wonder why she's "crazy" enough to bother with me. it was one of the most vicious things I've had happen to me and once again nobody was answerable. This kind of stuff only really started happening this regularly after I was gone from the con forums.

    I want to talk to the cons about how the way they do things encourages this kind of behaviour since it's very often their own fucking committees doing this. Even if it's not at the cons themselves, it looks bad and it puts me in a position where I have to leave.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:34 No.5677724
    This, this, and some more of this.

    Now, goodnight everybody. Don't have psychedelic Lovely Horse dreams.
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:36 No.5677732
         File: 1333665363.png-(248 KB, 500x368, tumblr_lt1fc7OEF11qko1rio1_500.png)
    248 KB
    OP why so butt hurt? Your getting the attention you wanted. Learn to douche, let it all out.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:36 No.5677735
         File: 1333665388.gif-(62 KB, 362x332, 1330386481590.gif)
    62 KB
    I, uh... what?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:36 No.5677737
         File: 1333665399.gif-(169 KB, 380x280, clap.gif)
    169 KB
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:37 No.5677739
         File: 1333665425.jpg-(49 KB, 640x480, pokemon-lover-9640649962..jpg)
    49 KB
    OP has not seen her vagina since 2001.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:37 No.5677740
    Damn, I was referring to >>5677712
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)18:37 No.5677741
         File: 1333665458.png-(24 KB, 147x198, 767006067.png)
    24 KB
    DQ is just saging this into oblivion.
    But yeah, It's pretty much the same as ever.
    Thanks for letting me know! I was considering getting a Lockshop wig and after seeing yours I'm pretty set on getting one at some stage!
    Aw no :< I hope you got It out somehow? Maybe take It to a dry cleaner?
    Jesus Christ why did you post. Stop right now. Just stop. Don't post another message.
    It would have died If you didn't post but you did now and you've dug your own grave.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:38 No.5677745
    is that a... bunny muttation?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:38 No.5677746
    Look, this con scene bullshit keeps getting worse because nobody stands up to anyone and I am constantly the target of people who think they have a right to criticise how I cope with it. Unless someone actually helps me out with this, I am having a purge of con-related individuals on my facebook, to avoid future drama. If I had real friends who'd actually talk to someone after something went wrong, it wouldn't be a problem.
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:39 No.5677754
         File: 1333665567.jpg-(32 KB, 400x536, uwhore.jpg)
    32 KB
    OP milk shakes dont bring shit to the yard.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:40 No.5677757
    Mine was also a Lockshop one. I love it, I love it so hard I would buy more of them and make a suit out of them and dance around in front of a mirror in that suit.
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:41 No.5677762
         File: 1333665674.png-(216 KB, 480x360, 2867.png)
    216 KB
    5 hobo dicks,one OP.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)18:42 No.5677767
    There's virtually no drama. You are the only one who ever has any drama.
    Wipe the slate and start again. Ignore all past things and don't bring them up again.
    I'm serious. Just stop because you are only making things worse.
    I will talk to you at the next con you attend If I see you and help you with your situation. But /cgl/ is no place for you to be.
    Aaaaah you guys tempt me so!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:42 No.5677768
    One DerpQueen, no life.
    I know you're saging, but seriously, just let this die.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:42 No.5677769
    You should, they're so pretty! I'm thinking of getting another one, actually.
    And yeah, I attacked the skirt with a baby wipe and it got most of it out. I must have another run at it soon. And if all else fails, to the drycleaners!
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:42 No.5677771
         File: 1333665775.jpg-(110 KB, 573x638, mishafood.jpg)
    110 KB
    OP I heard u liekz dragon dildos.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:43 No.5677772
    Am I the only one who thinks this isn't actually UGC posting? It just doesn't really read like her.

    Maybe it's just wishful thinking.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:43 No.5677775
    Risette IS the one on the far right. Hence; rustled jimmies.

    Brace for shitstorm from an attention seeker.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:44 No.5677779
    >this thread is not, was not, and will not BE about Irish Cons or anyone's trouble therein.
    We're sorry about ye if you wanted drama, but hey. IRELAND.
    Nor is it about one Lolita group's opinion of the other.
    Because no matter which one you ask about the other, the answer is and should alway be an ambiguous shrug.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:44 No.5677780
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:44 No.5677781
    I dunno, the extremely hard-to-follow teal deer seems pretty spot-on to me.
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:44 No.5677782
         File: 1333665869.jpg-(48 KB, 500x374, NP.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)18:45 No.5677789
    I didn't even go to that meet
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:45 No.5677791
         File: 1333665940.jpg-(39 KB, 465x382, 1317091674682.jpg)
    39 KB
    OP please clean yo poon poon.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:46 No.5677794
         File: 1333665961.png-(723 KB, 898x336, ORU59[1].png)
    723 KB
    OP lists derpqueen as her cosplay inspiration
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:46 No.5677798
         File: 1333666005.jpg-(21 KB, 465x355, tumblr_ls2111gtfz1qkceojo1_500.jpg)
    21 KB
    Ignore OP she is just a dirty bitch.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:47 No.5677801
    What? Noooo! That sucks... have you tried woolite? It's great for spot-cleaning, just make sure you're using the dark colours formula- otherwise it'll leave a pale patch.
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:48 No.5677808
         File: 1333666101.png-(258 KB, 300x168, tumblr_lurkngwv6U1qmgbc4o1_400.png)
    258 KB
    She can do it once she cleans out her poon poon.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:48 No.5677812
    Nope, Risette is tall and skinnier than Hat-Chan. I was looking for her, just out of curiosity. Did not see.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:49 No.5677816
    Of course most of the people that signed this will be exempt -

    But seriously I need to distance myself from con people if this keeps happening. If I end up defriending you, it's probably nothing personal, I won't expect a re-add but I won't reject one either.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:49 No.5677817
    I haven't tried Woolite, thanks for the suggestion! I'm not very good at Life Skills and such.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:51 No.5677825
    Mother of divine - just stop. Stop posting. Please. I swear, it will help you in the long run.
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:51 No.5677827
         File: 1333666274.jpg-(19 KB, 400x300, 131213.jpg)
    19 KB
    OP why you so jelly you need to take pictures off facebook? U mirin dem girls.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:51 No.5677829
    Neither am I, but this stuff's ~magic~
    Happy to help!
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)18:51 No.5677832
    Baby wipes are magical for getting marks out of things. You can try a whole bunch of cleaning products, nothing will work, but take a baby wipe to that bad boy and stain-b-gone.
    Glad you managed to get most of It out though.
    Did not see because did not go! I apologised to everyone and I'm gonna apologise again. I ended up sick the night before so even though I travelled up for It, I ended up not being able to go.
    I'm sorry again!
    Right well this is gonna be sorted very quickly as to whether this is Catfish or not.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:51 No.5677833
         File: 1333666316.png-(18 KB, 695x622, WELL.png)
    18 KB
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:53 No.5677840
         File: 1333666394.jpg-(18 KB, 225x225, tumblr_lrhndgM3I61qgrpnho1_250.jpg)
    18 KB
    No but OP should teach me how to make butt wide enough to fit pine cone in.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:53 No.5677842
    There's no weepy/ragey facebook status (yet), so right now my money's on no.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:53 No.5677843
    >Right well this is gonna be sorted very quickly as to whether this is Catfish or not.
    how are you gonna figure that one out, miss benedict cucumberpatch?
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)18:55 No.5677851
         File: 1333666545.png-(213 KB, 500x368, tumblr_lt8mjcnqKc1r0su9so1_500.png)
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    OP y so mad.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:56 No.5677852
         File: 1333666562.jpg-(55 KB, 551x462, laughing bird 3.jpg)
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    >dat pun
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)18:56 No.5677855
    It's not Catfish
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)18:57 No.5677861
    Well, damn. How'd ya figure that one out?
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)18:57 No.5677864
    Like I do with most things, I asked
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:00 No.5677881
    did you actually go and ask catfish
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:00 No.5677883

    I had a violent panic attack, a lesser one of which you have been personally witness to, and not a single person here gives a shit. Some people here who were meant to be my friends said some horrid things. Almost none of the friends that came to me about what happened were con people. If you're all struggling to "pity" someone after that, I'm deadly serious - what kind of pricks are you? Telling someone who got so bad someone had to call the gards to pick them up not to take things so seriously? What next "grow a thicker skin"?

    Something happened to me that could have caused me serious physical harm, that I'm still recovering from, and not one person gave a shit. Yet there are plenty of smaller things people will show sympathy for, or bigger if that's the first time they've complained. Not everyone is able to deal with their issues on their own and I'm fed up of people who stay quiet being held up as positive examples because not everyone can control that.

    The con scene is not friendly here. It's rotten and unwelcoming and full of forced positivity. Given the fact that I have met a lot of people here and been here for some time, I thought at least someone would give a shit especially when it's con scene shit that largely triggered it.

    I told you exactly what happened and you still act like I'm just some big moaner. It is fucking disgraceful.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:02 No.5677891

    Also, thanks Risette (._.)
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)19:03 No.5677893
    Yes I actually did.
    You're funny. I've never even spoken to Catfish in person. The jig is up doll <3
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)19:05 No.5677902
         File: 1333667106.png-(197 KB, 770x496, 1331509974628.png)
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    Ohhhh we found OP. OP is a chicken shit cunt.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:06 No.5677907
         File: 1333667191.png-(34 KB, 265x301, poe.png)
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    So you let Catfish know there's not only a thread in which they've been mentioned, but an IMPOSTER doing reductive impressions of them, too?
    Am I the only one who thinks that "Thanks Risette" might be a bit unwarranted because they MAY just decide to hop on in here and regale us with all their feels?!
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)19:07 No.5677914
    No I didn't.
    I'm not that stupid.
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)19:08 No.5677918
         File: 1333667324.jpg-(151 KB, 498x374, tumblr_lr7rcqal3u1r0uf7to1_500.jpg)
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    Rise been watching lots of case closed episodes OP. Your screwed.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:08 No.5677919
         File: 1333667333.gif-(492 KB, 500x300, 1331247934996.gif)
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    ... Shit.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)19:09 No.5677921
    I didn't mention 4chan or /cgl/ or threads of any sort to them.
    There's no need to worry, I got this
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:10 No.5677926
         File: 1333667429.jpg-(37 KB, 500x447, pelican.jpg)
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    Oh. I see.
    You: Yeah I asked.
    Imposter: And I reacted like Catfish!
    You: Lol JK
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:11 No.5677933
    Wait, how did you determine whether or not he was on /cgl/ without asking him if he was on /cgl/?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:13 No.5677947
    *she >:|
    If she DOES end up seeing this thread, the least we can do is give her as little rageworthy ammo as possible... right?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:13 No.5677948
    Wondering this too.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:15 No.5677956
    Oh, Jesus, sorry, I forgot. I feel bad now.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:15 No.5677961
    The depressed and mentally ill are really treated badly in this country. A couple of years ago I attended a center for people like me with difficulties getting back into the working world and socialising, etc. and some of the stories I heard were pretty bad. And it's this sort of attitude that is the root of it - I had someone, after hearing all this, tell me to "grow a thicker skin". How can you miss the point so utterly?

    What's worse are the accusations of "emotional blackmail" I occasionally get from people that are supposed to be my friends are equally bemusing - do you not understand I'm not stable enough to do that? I'm just saying how I feel, because I was too desperate and anxious to do otherwise. Who the hell would have a violent panic attack just to make you care? I mean really?

    And the fact is, nobody does ever stick their neck out for me. Yet when someone on facebook even makes a whiff of me in a negative context on their wall, I get several defriends. Why don't I have friends like that, when as a mentally ill person, I need them the most? Is it because I'm ill that people don't trust my judgement?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:17 No.5677971
    Really? Even after >>5677151 said, not even ten comments into the thread, that this is a different group than the ones you may have seen?
    Nothing happened to us, these are different people.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:17 No.5677978
    I've been so dreadfully itchy lately. The doctors didn't understand why I was so upset.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)19:19 No.5677986
    No but that would be funny
    Dis is my secret
    That's nice, you're not Catfish, we've established this.
    Girl that's nasty
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)19:20 No.5677991
         File: 1333668002.jpg-(127 KB, 720x480, azu_kimura0049.jpg)
    127 KB
    If you had such bad mental conditions you wouldn't be talking about it on a drama thread on 4chan. Take your guilt trip else where you faggot OP. If you had anxiety problems you wouldn't be posting drama threads and being a jelly fatty. You are shit tier. Enjoy being shit tier. Please douche.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:21 No.5677999
    >Is it because I'm ill that people don't trust my judgement?

    Give up, imposter. Catfish doesn't *ask* people if this is what they do, they *tell* people it IS what they're doing.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:22 No.5678006

    Morals should always be based in the idea of what actually hurts or helps someone. There are far too many "dos" and "don'ts" socially and these are almost always stacked against the mentally ill and autists such as myself. I may react angrily to people - but I do so in the knowledge that it's not likely to hurt them, people don't care what I say at the best of times, and in the off chance I do hurt someone- I apologise.

    Whereas people continually act in the knowledge that something they do or say will trigger me, and do not defend that course of action in of itself - no. That is wrong. This is a real problem and it's the big reason why I have so much trouble with people, especially online. I do not take this protocol at face value.

    Whenever I Break down - it's never about me. It's never about how I feel, it's about how other people feel about me saying this. This is where morals break down. It's tough consoling someone - but do not do this. The less you make it about them - the worse you make it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:24 No.5678016
    And this took less than ten minutes to read. Just give up, if I were Catfish, I'd be insulted by your lack of attention to detail more than anything else.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:26 No.5678026

    This place has a character limit thats most likely why he has not posted his longer rants.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:28 No.5678036
    Catfish has said all these things..
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)19:28 No.5678038
    I am mad that such shitty people can exist.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:29 No.5678041
    What did it say?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:30 No.5678043
    catfish is a big freak!!! a big man!!! they are a DRAMA KING DRAMA KING DRAMA KING DRAMA KING DRAMA KING!!!!
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)19:31 No.5678051
         File: 1333668704.png-(19 KB, 153x181, 06006060.png)
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    Are you 5?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:32 No.5678053
    Ah, shup, you.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:32 No.5678054
    *she, *her
    Remember, we're going for LESS antagonism should the real CF find this.
    Still. That was a reaction that Catfish would normally have exploded against. Also note the occasional typing errors which are just not present in their real rants, say what you will but the kid can type. And even if they were feeling brief, they would have at least thrown in a few swearwords for emphasis. They argue on a proportionally increasing scale of Time Spent: Emotion: Cussing
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)19:32 No.5678055
    Asked if I was mad about OP.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:33 No.5678062
    That is an odd thing to delete.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:33 No.5678064
    they said i wanted to fuck my dead dad!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:33 No.5678066
    Irish girls really do all look the same.
    Short, ugly and fat faced.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:34 No.5678069
    People instead base their idea of morals on the clique/group they belong to. There are studies that prove this. Unfortunately this results in people defending their friends and anyone opposing them is treated them as an abomination - even when their friend is clearly in the wrong. Standing up for your friends sounds noble - but the result on a larger scale is one big circle jerk. This is why I have a stream of disasters on forums - I do not accept cliques and protocol at face value, common for autists, uncommon for most.

    People also have a habit of telling you you can't be "Negative", as if you're some peasant ruining on a rich man's parade bothering them about things like homelessness and sanitation. I have my lot, and you're going to be happy about it. Again - mentally ill people will often focus on the negative. They can't help it.

    While I appreciate those that came through for me, I was truly appalled at the attitudes and continued attitudes of those who insist on "sorting me out" or "Teaching me a lesson", and the sheer volume of people that defriended me during a time of need. It's especially disgusting as I am actually a person who cares very deeply about others and will go to lengths to try and help people resolve their problems, and actually do have a moral code I keep to.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:35 No.5678073
    That's not nice, Anon. :(
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/05/12(Thu)19:35 No.5678077
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    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:38 No.5678089

    Cool story MrTummus
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:41 No.5678094
         File: 1333669260.jpg-(50 KB, 500x640, alpha as fuck.jpg)
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    I don't care
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:41 No.5678095
         File: 1333669274.jpg-(54 KB, 450x553, celebrity-pictures-hilton-atte(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:43 No.5678105
    Ah, they be trollin'.
    You can't get a good idea of how "all Irish girls" look based on a photo of ten adolescents, three of whom are not Irish at all really, unless Irish people have recently developed startling similarities to Asians?
    I think we're all either pointy-faced (me, and a lot of the older generation) or kinda spacey-lookin' (think Mrs Doyle, Luna Lovegood, etc)
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:46 No.5678117
    Aw shucks, I know that. I actually am short, ugly, and fat-faced, though. Also beady-eyed and big-nosed. And... I guess I'm kinda spacey-lookin'?
    You're pretty, though, if you are who I think you are. <3
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:47 No.5678121
    I really do still think it's sad that I can have a violent panic attack, which I'm still recovering from, and people I know still won't give a shit and act like it's me acting up as usual. Do people not realise how serious that is? I couldn't talk for nearly an hour had to be picked up by the gards to be taken to someone.

    Everything is so messed up. Far too much victim blaming. I still can't get over how cruel someone can be and try to make the person who's barely coping into the bad guy, acting as if someone who's an emotional wreck is stable enough to manipulate people and is not just acting out of frustration. Everyone copes differently, some people can't manage their problems or overcome their chemistry/neurology as well as others. It's not their fault.

    What a shitty last few days. Akumakon will probably be my last con for a while. Most of this crap is coming from cons in the first place. It's bad enough feeling like a retard who can't control their outburts, without getting judged more harshly than those who say much worse things when they're fully in control. I have a lot going on and am coping as best I can.

    Our culture of mé féinism and forced positivity sucks for the mentally ill.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:49 No.5678126

    I'm just curious but what was it that triggered your attack? :(
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 04/05/12(Thu)19:50 No.5678131
    That's a fake, ignore them
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:50 No.5678132
    Shh, don't feed the troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:51 No.5678136

    I just want to know what actually happened :|
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:53 No.5678142

    I was at the doctors today. It took 2 doctors but they confirmed it was Pustular Psoriasis, but that it wasn't necessarily serious, 2% of the population have Psoriasis(to be fair, 1% of the population are intersex in some way, doesn't mean the more notable cases don't have it hard). They also told me mine had become infected though, which was not too good. They seemed to think it might start to clear up in a few days though, which is nice. I was panicking a lot and they didn't seem to understand why and kept trying to get me to calm down. I was in a lot of pain this morning. It really has been a hellish experience.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:54 No.5678146
    Well, this is like that scene in the Muppets Movie where Kermit is asked if he's a Ninja Turtle then, isn't it.
    If you think who you think I am is pretty, I'm happy to let you think I am who you think I am.

    Sorry, I'm going to need another two pages of this before you can get a passing grade.
    On the off chance this IS UGC though... have you tried NOT repeating things that haven't worked out for you before? They say insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. :\
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)19:59 No.5678163
    It's been a build-up of so many things. I was being harassed at Nom-Con by a guy in a purple shirt who was taking my picture and who kept saying 'Mister' or 'Sir' every time they walked past me. Then I had a panic attack on the grounds of the convention and hardly anyone helped me.

    I've had numerous issues with Eirtakon in the past and TheChrisD posted a entry belittling my issues on his personal blog. They aren't happy just to torture me through their convention positions but feel the need to do it personally too.

    I was unjustly banned from the Nom-Con forums without even a reason and I've been fighting since then to have the ban lifted. I'm having paticular issues with one of the committee members who I find to be sociopathic.

    None of my 'so-called-friends' have stuck up for me when I've been harassed by people on their facebook walls. Nobody jumps to my defence and is quick to blame me for everything when it is others that cause my problems. I wish I was able to shrug things off like other people do but none of you can really understand what it is like to be me. You are priveleged.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:01 No.5678173
    I'm starting to feel really unstable talkign about all of this. hands are starting to sop working. shaking
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:07 No.5678197
    I haven't seen the Muppets Movie. D: I wanted to go see it for my birthday, but exams. Inconvenient birthdays, awwwright!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:07 No.5678198
         File: 1333670876.jpg-(145 KB, 954x1250, tiny-violin.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:15 No.5678228
    it's mr yan
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:16 No.5678231
    I think she kinda looks like Hannah Minx when she was all made up for that movie. Except, you know, without the boobs.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:18 No.5678241
    one day they will cut off my junk. one day.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:21 No.5678249
    So I was reading a paper today and I got really sad and I thought of that one time a few months ago someone said something mean to me and I still cry about it every day because I have nothing going on in my life so I go back to small instances and blow them up in my mind and I bring the three people that can stand me into it and then I pretend like those three people actually represent 40 people because that must be the amount of people that read my rambling posts.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:22 No.5678257
    It was heart warming. I have a newfound respect for Kermit since it came out. Especially how he handles talk shows. I saw him on Jonathon Ross and he was charming.
    Still not mad about Miss Piggy though...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:24 No.5678264
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:27 No.5678280
    My name is Catfish and I shave with Bic disposable razors and I buy Tesco brand make up to make myself look pretty. I enjoy putting foundation over my stubble.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:28 No.5678286
         File: 1333672104.gif-(90 KB, 146x93, 1330635410976.gif)
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    I've always respected Kermit. He's a classy fella. Gif related.
    What happened with Miss Piggy?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:29 No.5678291
    Do Tesco really do makeup?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:32 No.5678303
    He was sighted in Tesco buying his drag mascara.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:33 No.5678313
    Like... their own brand? Or just Maybelline or some crap like that?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:35 No.5678326
    Yes they do.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:37 No.5678336
    Do you mean in the movie or just in general? I dunno, I just find her cloying and abrasive. "Kermy" and all that. Her general diction pisses me off, but Kermit, now. Kernit is the best thing about the Muppets aside from Bunsen and Beaker.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:37 No.5678339
    Well, Jesus Christ. That seems ill-advised.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:39 No.5678351
    That is one of the many reasons why they look such a fucking state.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:41 No.5678362
    Oh, hold on, I'm dumb. I thought you meant "mad" as in "angry", and now I see you meant "mad" in the Irish sense of the word. Ignore me, I'm stupid. Yes, I agree with you, though I've never liked her. Also, Goldie Hawn has always reminded me of Miss Piggy for some reason.
    >> MrTummus 04/05/12(Thu)20:43 No.5678370

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:44 No.5678373

    Ah, English...Where mad can mean angry, enthusiastic or insane.
    >> MrTummus 04/05/12(Thu)20:44 No.5678376

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:45 No.5678380

    >> MrTummus 04/05/12(Thu)20:46 No.5678383

    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:46 No.5678384
         File: 1333673193.png-(123 KB, 500x438, 9houol.png)
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    OP is beyond help at this point

    Not even Autoglass could fix the crack in her head
    >> I AM MR FUCKING TUMMUS 04/05/12(Thu)20:47 No.5678389
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:48 No.5678395
    Autoglass Repair, Autoglass Replace.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:48 No.5678396
    Oh my god yes, the hair. Poor Goldie Hawn.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/12(Thu)20:49 No.5678399
         File: 1333673373.jpg-(8 KB, 228x251, 1294187865747.jpg)
    8 KB
    >184 replies
    >160 sages

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