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    File: 1333401884.jpg-(152 KB, 641x960, 556274_188122514638992_100003237337211_2(...).jpg)
    152 KB Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:24 No.5664930  
    The rightful queen has returned
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:25 No.5664934
         File: 1333401952.jpg-(52 KB, 513x720, 531834_188125364638707_1000032(...).jpg)
    52 KB
    You know where you want her to stick it ;)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:27 No.5664937
         File: 1333402021.jpg-(87 KB, 641x960, 538381_188117864639457_1000032(...).jpg)
    87 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:30 No.5664947
         File: 1333402235.jpg-(46 KB, 498x720, 306200_188123444638899_1000032(...).jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:32 No.5664949
         File: 1333402320.jpg-(62 KB, 640x960, 524410_188117777972799_1000032(...).jpg)
    62 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:33 No.5664954
         File: 1333402423.jpg-(99 KB, 479x720, 560871_188125307972046_1000032(...).jpg)
    99 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:34 No.5664958
    these are about a month or so old
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:35 No.5664963
         File: 1333402552.jpg-(102 KB, 480x720, 546209_188125471305363_1000032(...).jpg)
    102 KB
    >> Dildoes, yo momma nigga@weg23g23 04/02/12(Mon)17:40 No.5664978
         File: 1333402819.png-(63 KB, 400x317, laughing horse2 (get it).png)
    63 KB
    L O L
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:40 No.5664980
    She uploaded them a little while ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:41 No.5664984
    Isn't this backpack from target? any idea what to search for it, I did backpacks but got a lot of results, I do like that bag.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:42 No.5664989
    Where? Her photobucket or did she make a new twitter/tumblr/DA?
    >> hi rachel 04/02/12(Mon)17:42 No.5664990
    do you please stop make fun of PT she is beautiful not like me
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:44 No.5665002
    She looks okay in some of these. Her make-up has gotten better and shes wearing blue/purple lens instead of brown. the brown was harsh but lighter eyes soften her face.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:47 No.5665009
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:48 No.5665011
         File: 1333403308.jpg-(35 KB, 640x400, itsamutherfuckingbird.jpg)
    35 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:50 No.5665017
    She looks better in this one than many of her old ones. If she had cropped it somewhere above her legs, it would be MUCH better than her old stuff.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:53 No.5665032
    I just realized she has a Japanese flag patch on her arm.
    And why is her hair so greasy in her photos?

    >captcha: standards fieller
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)17:56 No.5665040
    She probably thinks it looks 'shiny'. Plus it's thin, limp white girl hair which makes it look worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)18:01 No.5665061
    Oh what? Now you wanna stalk her too? Even she would get annoyed with you.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)18:01 No.5665064
         File: 1333404110.jpg-(110 KB, 306x394, halfassedit.jpg)
    110 KB
    Like this. And smile a little, girl! (I tried to give her a bit of a smile, but I couldn't do much with her mouth at such a low resolution.)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:14 No.5665259
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:19 No.5665270
         File: 1333408787.png-(87 KB, 800x600, 1332124124732.png)
    87 KB

    she looks pretty
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 04/02/12(Mon)19:36 No.5665319
         File: 1333409779.png-(361 KB, 568x530, cutestcouple.png)
    361 KB
    Tom Savage X Pixy Teri plz
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:43 No.5665344
    Is it mean that upon opening this thread up and looking at her I immediately went 'oh shit, I've got to get some loan stuff out of the way so I can transfer to my uni.'?
    I really don't want to end up like her......
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 04/02/12(Mon)19:52 No.5665380
         File: 1333410735.gif-(466 KB, 400x178, tumblr_ls8wo2zQrH1qi6zcb.gif)
    466 KB
    I think you're on to something.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:54 No.5665382
    lol. yo spoony. you might want to check miyu's da.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:55 No.5665386
         File: 1333410912.jpg-(42 KB, 800x602, 1287454927181.jpg)
    42 KB
    Holy shit that face...She looks like a psycho who's about to sneak into a school to eat some children.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:57 No.5665391
    Oh wow, she got even fatter.

    You are now aware that she was doing this at a school. Where kids go to.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:58 No.5665397
         File: 1333411137.jpg-(254 KB, 900x1349, 1318948777099.jpg)
    254 KB
    She does look nice in that photo, that shade of orange looks good with her skin.
    >not white-knighting, just keepin' it real.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:00 No.5665406
         File: 1333411249.jpg-(594 KB, 768x1024, not_just_anypony_by_elleraptor(...).jpg)
    594 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:03 No.5665411
    hory shet
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:04 No.5665417
    Guize, is it just me...or does she look...pregnant?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:04 No.5665418
         File: 1333411450.jpg-(16 KB, 164x152, Panic.jpg)
    16 KB
    She knows she's fat right?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:06 No.5665424
    I actually miss PT.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:10 No.5665437

    I'm not the OP, and I know for a fact the person controlling that PT account on Facebook isn't PT herself.

    But yeah, I'm lurking, but not my thread. Going to bed now actually, night.



    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:11 No.5665442

    Why does Miyu keep shopping PT to look like her? Talk about ego, we all know Sarah doesn't look like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:16 No.5665456
    Except it doesn't look anything like Miyu...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:16 No.5665458
    Is this recent???
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 04/02/12(Mon)20:19 No.5665471
         File: 1333412355.png-(157 KB, 416x480, gfhgfhjfjhgfhwhyyyyyyyyy.png)
    157 KB
    I think it kind of does? A little... in the eyes & eyebrows area.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:20 No.5665476
    Its new:
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:21 No.5665481
    Yup. It's definitely the eyebrows. It looks like she shaped them similiar to how she does her own.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:22 No.5665490
         File: 1333412577.jpg-(437 KB, 1239x436, Untitled-1.jpg)
    437 KB

    Except, she does.

    In every picture of PT that Miyu has taken, she's always gone away and shooped her to look just like herself. It's creepy and weird.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:23 No.5665493

    Oh god, I see it now..
    >> Miyu !Zp6x8eRcMc 04/02/12(Mon)20:25 No.5665498
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:25 No.5665500
    I actually thought that pic looks pretty, if only she was able to keep her legs closed and not tighten that belt into her rolls. :(

    Wait is that Miyu or PT??!?!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:26 No.5665502
    SPOILER: It's their daughter
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:32 No.5665524
         File: 1333413126.jpg-(452 KB, 1239x436, 1333412577079.jpg)
    452 KB
    I rotated them both to be in the normal upright position and they look pretty different when you remove the similar angle
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:33 No.5665528
         File: 1333413189.png-(224 KB, 620x344, 1330120862891.png)
    224 KB
    It's desu-desu-chan?!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:37 No.5665536
         File: 1333413445.gif-(2.56 MB, 300x400, 1323036829035.gif)
    2.56 MB
    I still see the resemblance...

    Oh man, Desu-chan. I wonder if we'll ever have an heiress to the /cgl/ throne...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:39 No.5665548
         File: 1333413561.jpg-(111 KB, 500x375, 1330559918206.jpg)
    111 KB
    But she has a college degree.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:43 No.5665571
    If you can't see how PT's hooked nose has been shooped to look like Miyu's penis nose, angle or not, then you must be blind.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:48 No.5665595
    The only difference is that Miyu is really hot.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:51 No.5665618
    JFC, Miyu, get a life and stop talking about yourself on /cgl/. You're almost 40. Go get a real job and stop worrying about what teenagers think of you.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:58 No.5665639
    Dat miyu shoop
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:03 No.5665655
    Oh come off it, she's 27.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:05 No.5665663
    She's 32 and still an immature slag.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:22 No.5665727
    Aw Spoony why are you so grumpy
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:24 No.5665739

    Wrong. I hate Spoony even more than I hate Miyu.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:25 No.5665745
    Whyfor are you so full of hate?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:29 No.5665759
    Too much time on /cgl/, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)00:35 No.5666369
    I need more pictures of our queen
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)08:12 No.5667238

    Aww, why do you hate me? :<
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)08:16 No.5667243
    She doesn't bath that often so her hair is greasy.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)08:21 No.5667252
         File: 1333455703.jpg-(283 KB, 1600x1200, JayJay.jpg)
    283 KB
    Is that her?


    >> Cunt-Master 04/03/12(Tue)08:26 No.5667255

    Haha, oh wow. He actually went through the cosplay?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)08:28 No.5667257
    Pretty sure that's just a fat chick cosplaying Kiyal Bachika. But it does look similar to PT. lol
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)08:33 No.5667261
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)09:19 No.5667339
    Awww love the coat, bag, wig, ears, make-up, everything!

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