MLP Cosplay thread?
>>5659711I should not be so turned on by that picture but...god...
>>5659722I know right? Jesus Christ.Gonna see if I can find more of them..
>>5659727He is way too handsome for his own good. <3 If you find more, I'd love to see them!
>>5659732I could only find one more, the rest are non-mlp
>>5659737Aww darn. Well thank you!>>5659739Hehehe...ginger beard. :3
>>5659743no problem!
>>5659746d'awwww <3Now that is a cute pair.
>>5659746Awww, that's adorable!
>>5663106Oh god, I thought Pinkie's arm was Twilight's.
>>5666990This is posted in quite a few threads right now. Considering the lazy and sloppy quality and the desperation of "oh my god look at my boobs" to try and get more attention than true-to-character Applejacks, I'm going to call self-post. And I know self-posts are usually welcome, but...seriously, butterface applejack. Just don't.
>>5667029two posts. one is a self post. and i love you too. it's honestly. my first cosplay. so even though i do have boobs in it, im pretty proud of myself.
>>5667036It being your first cosplay is an excuse for it being bad. It's not an excuse for it being out-of-character and excessively attention-whoreish.
>>5667039*shrug* opinions. im sorry you dont like it.
>>5667036Meh it isn't all that bad. Could've been a lot worse tbh. I agree that the 'cleavage' + strap is kind of overkill (and I'm male) though. Please post more mlp cosplays as I am interested in doing one in the near future. What character should I try? I don't really mind making a male version of a female character as this greatly increases my options.
>>5667062>watch the show>cosplay your favorite character
>>5667036Oh It's fine, but It would be better If your top was buttoned up more. The combo of open top and strap between your boobs really does not do you or your costume justice. Adding the apple earrings to your cosplay is a nice touch though, It's really cute.>>5667062This >>5667068Cosplay what you love.
I'm doing Applejack for an upcoming con, but I'm a bit stuck on how to make the cutiemarks. I don't really want to embroider them on my actual jeans, as it is a pair of trousers that I like. Any ideas? Perhaps making small brosches and put them on the t-shirt stomach/hip? Or on the hat? Or the leg? I JUST DON'T KNOW. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>5667090Maybe on a pin and pin them to the Jeans? Or you could Put them on a belt buckle?This girl has them on the bottom of her top
>>5667095I guess I could pin them to the hip of my jeans. Just don't want them on MY ASS (like a lot of Applejack cosplayers..)
>>5667068>>5667087My favorite pony is AJ but I don't feel like I'd do her justice. The other ponies + Spike are kind of at equal level. I'd do Spike but I don't want to be confined to a hoody and feel like spiking up a green wig is overkill, as is having hair. It would be a joke if I wore a purple swimming cap.Ah well, I still have time to figure it out. Gratitude for the advice. I should indeed cosplay whatever character I like. >>5667090Maybe you can implement some sort of hip bag with her cutie mark? It would also be a great way to store things you can't carry.
>>5667102Yeah, I've been considering that, but I just have no idea where to find something like that, and I just don't have the time to make it. Le sigh.
>>5667104I wouldn't know either. I'm not sure where you're from and how much time you have but online might always be an option. As for local stores, can't say I've payed much attention to hip bags.
>>5667120Hmm, looking into it, it doesn't actually look all that hard to make...
>>5667090Apologies for the 2589273569th selfpost, but what I did for my Applejack is buy apple appliques from Jo-Ann and stick 'em on with fashion tape. Easy peasy, and a non-permanent way to attach them.I originally ironed them on but they didn't stick well enough, so it was easier to just use fashion tape to keep them on...with the added benefit that I can switch my apples to pants for when I want to cosplay AJ and it's cold out.
I have yet to find what I consider an outstanding Fluttershy. Out of all the ponies I think her character is the hardest to portray. Also having the proper hair style would help. It's on par with Rarity's hair style, people have a hard time getting that front curl.Any one got new pics from cons of ponies?
>>5667090I bought a plain white tank top ($4) and drew on with fabric markers her cutie mark. I also made a belt that has an apple on it and says Sweet Apple Acres. >>5668211That is really smart! That was my biggest thing I didn't want to ruin a pair of of jeans and add apples to a pair I already owned. >>5668263That is tough. All the Fluttershy's I've seen have pin straight wigs.
>>5659711That pic is simply horrifying! Its like the definition of terrible Beta! Was kinda interested in ponies but now just vomiting in my mouth
>>5668307>I'm a douche bag.
>>5668326At least I get laid
>>5668328Yes the classic 13 year old argument.
>>5668333All I hear are the cries of a sad little beta
>>5668294Oh my goodness, you look darling! I love your belt buckle, what a great idea.Also, we're hat twins. Neat!
>>5668294Love your AJ. Best design and it works well for her character.
>>5668632What an unfortunate face.
>>5668702oh yay a spike!
it's funny because she can't fucking fly
>>5667102The cutie mark on the hipbag would be a cute idea. When I did Applejack, I did it on the back pocket(I paid like $2 for the jeans anyway.) but I also had on a green handkerchief around my neck.You could also put the cutie mark on the handkerchief.