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    Your pal, —mootykins

    File: 1333254977.jpg-(180 KB, 495x700, bloody miku.jpg)
    180 KB Con Horror Stories Thread Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)00:36 No.5658815  
    You know da drill.
    Post dat 'ish.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)00:56 No.5658868
    >A-kon 2009, cosplaying Light
    >With 3 of my friends, cosplaying Death Note
    >Talking to one my friends, cosplaying Misa, panicky because of the weather outside
    >Starts getting VERY out of hand, you can hear drills begin to go off, then the rain keeps getting louder and louder
    >Huddle off to the corner with my 2 friends, scared shitless
    >Notice a fat brigade of weeaboo's begin to follow us
    >Try to get away from them
    >Suddenly power switches out
    >Misa screams, suddenly smell a horrible...horrible stench
    >Can barely see, whole building is black out
    >Stench is still...there...
    >Huge flash of lightning, the whole building lights up for a moment, first thing I see is smelly fat weeaboos mouth towards mine
    >Scream like hell, first thing she does is dive her tongue in my mouth
    >Punch her in the face, run away, end up falling over shitloads of people's cosplays, can't see a single thing
    >Hear fat girl screaming at the top of her lungs, yelling numerous animu phrases
    >Fall over someones stand at artist alley, crushing their stuff
    >Got back up, since lights were still off, no one noticed
    >Notice a wet feeling, look down, lights start to flash on and off
    >See blotch of blood on leg, with sticky cheap cosplay fur
    >Silently screaming, run to where I thought the men's bathroom was,
    >Ends up in womans bathroom
    >Lights FINALLY come on
    >Have shitloads of ugly females screaming at the top of their lungs, yelling even more animu phrases
    >Run outside to find my 2 friends, see the fat weebs talking to a staff member,
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)01:00 No.5658874
    >Grab to my 2 friends, run into the elevator
    >In the elevator,
    >Notice its taking awfully long
    >Hear thunder, begin shitting my pants
    >Elevator is stuck
    >We try getting help for an hour
    >Finally door opens and we try running into our hotel room, but are bombared by a group of furries,
    >End up falling, losing the overpriced Evangelion earrings for Misa
    >Run into bathroom stripping down off all clothes
    >During shower hear a knock
    >Look through doorhole, staff member,
    >Change into Misa's second cosplay, Misty
    >Cake faces so I look like a woman
    >Open door, " Yes? " in british accent
    > Spot fat weeb next to him, looks at me for a second, cries, "That's not him"
    > Door closes,
    >I take a nice warm shit, and ask Misa comes back as I am
    >Spots me in Misty
    >Yells at me for taking a shit while in Misty cosplay
    >Make foreign noises, she closes the door
    >Cry for 2 hours
    This year is gonna be the first year I go since that fuck up.
    Wish me luck +__+
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)01:05 No.5658883
    you poor...poor..human being.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)01:07 No.5658886
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    Why the fuck is no one posting.
    Bumpin' this shit.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 04/01/12(Sun)01:11 No.5658895
    Not really a horror story, but sometimes it's important to tell creepers to fuck off if you have to.

    >MTAC 2012
    >resting at a table with friend (female)
    >sees awkward dude chats up two girls
    >the girls look extremely uncomfortable
    >kinda want to intervene but it's none of my business, really
    >the girls ignore him, he walks away
    >he comes over to our table
    >He smiles awkwardly, looks at me "hehe, hey, have you heard of..." Me: "No."
    >He walks away
    >My friend thanks me for telling him off

    Yeah, that was actually pretty rude of me... Now I feel bad. Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)01:13 No.5658899
    Holy shit, I feel like just because these people are at an anime convention, they feel self-righteous and that their body odor is masked by their friendship. No.nononononono.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 04/01/12(Sun)01:16 No.5658909
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)01:19 No.5658920
    Anyone have a basic con horror story? I'd like to try and make one of those humorous con-horror manga shorts.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)01:22 No.5658930
    same, I'll totally make short manga out of con horror story too.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)01:23 No.5658935
    Funny how everything seems to happening at A--Kon...
    >A-kon 2010
    >Walk in their, my 2 friends are in their cosplays, I decided to not cosplay day 1
    >Was 5"6, had naturally bieber-like hair, made the horrible decision to wear a purple v-neck, probably the most anime thing on me was my code geass ring.
    >Decided to check the Artist Alley first
    >Walking around with them, suddenly hear some fat guy with his 2 fat hoochies yelling "JUSTANO BIEBA"
    >Exactly like that.
    >First thought he was mocking me, suddenly notice this bitch actually thinks I'm Justin Bieber.
    >Ignore him, put my hand out to signal my friends I'll be over in the Dealers room.
    >Second con, wasn't expecting any weird shit
    >On the escalators, mushed with shitloads of other people.
    >Notice fat man ditched his 2 sluts for me, and he's stomping and pushing people out of the way.
    > This bitch did not just ask me that.
    >Turn around at him calmy saying I'm not him.
    > Fatass yells "BRO, YOUR COOLER, TAKE A PIC WITH ME."
    >I had a shittons of stuff that I was going to bring to a swap meet for later.
    >Fatass pulls on me, I literally drop everything out of my bag,
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)01:30 No.5658962
    >Had 15 mega-man collectibles, video games, fullmetal-alchemist scrolls, jewelry
    >All of it falls on this one fat bitch dressed as Madoko's head
    >First thing she yells out is "KYUBEI MY WISH CAME TRUE"
    >Yell at the top of my lungs "DAS MY SHEET."
    >Fat guy looks at me for 5 seconds, begins to run for it,
    >Grab his fat ass
    >Fall over on him
    >Group of yaoi paddle bitches begin to yell and sing.
    >FUCK IT, run downstairs to get my shit back,
    >Fat weeaboo is running with my bags and muthafuckin jewelry
    >More shitheads begin yelling Justin Bieber
    >Finally grab bag from her
    >Bitch starts crying
    >Throw some random manga at her
    >Hide in the bathroom for a while till the coast gets cleared
    That was possibly the most fun I have ever had at A-kon.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)01:36 No.5658980
    Not really a Horror story, but eh...
    >Anime Fest 2011
    >Walking around in a rather quiet spot at the Con, spot like 15 hard gays and furries in the same area, all waiting for the elevator
    >Decided to check up on my friend, so I went to the elevator as well
    >Elevator rings for going down, I needed to go up so I stayed
    >Look down at my phone for 5 seconds,
    >Furrie Hard Gay grabs me and throws me into the elevator
    >All I feel is shitloads of cheap fur rubbing against me
    >Like 30 people stuck in the elevator
    >They decide to be kawaii and jump all at the same time,
    >Elevator screeches, I yell for a moment
    >Creepy bitch tells me it's going to be fun
    >Was clueless, and said oh..ok!
    >Expected something "fun"
    >Elevator rings, we all get off
    >Guy grabs my arm...
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)01:39 No.5658989
    gonna finish in a sec...
    Toonami is on :'D
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)01:52 No.5659027
    >We all run, stomping down the halls,
    >Finally get to the room
    >Excited as fuck, expecting godly weeaboo-adventures
    >Door opens
    >See group of fucky Naruto foxes having sex with each other
    >Look to the left, group of hard gays is in full-orgy mode
    >Scream at the top of my lungs
    >No one pays attention
    >Creepy guy grabs me, throws me into furry pile,
    >Can barely breath, laughing my ass off for some reason
    >Back to screaming
    >10 people jumping on the bed
    >Getting thrown up and down, and up...and down
    >Dont give a shit there are 30 people having sex in fox suits
    >Guy tries grabbing my ass
    >Cant reach because I keep getting thrown around
    >This continues for like 30 minutes till I "accidentally" kick him in the face
    >They get into stage 2 of sex mode and begin grabbing towards me
    >Screaming, run for the door, get to elevator
    >WTF, cops are by the elevators
    >"Do you know who took the elevator lights...?"
    >Wait..what? ""
    >Run into next elevator,
    >Awkward ride with 10 loafs of bread those even help the stench? anyways...
    >Get into friends room, boxes of ramune and sushi errywhere
    >Feel like Weeaboo Disney Girl
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)01:59 No.5659060
    I don't believe this actually happened but it made me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)02:01 No.5659070
    Texas cons
    I feel like my con lacks the bullshitsu-desu
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)02:04 No.5659082
    Okay...the jumping lasted for like 5 minutes.
    me and my virgin animu eyes swear.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)02:13 No.5659112
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 04/01/12(Sun)02:13 No.5659114
    I'm calling bullshit on ALL these stories.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)02:13 No.5659115
    >mtac 2012

    are you a time traveller
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)02:15 No.5659119
    Someone post Bloody Miku for this non-believer.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)02:18 No.5659123
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 04/01/12(Sun)02:20 No.5659133
    >Kumoricon 2007
    >Very first con ever, EVER
    >Walking around in an anime-induced daze, not too sure where I'm going
    >All of a sudden I hear people screaming "YUFFIE NEXT YUFFIE NEXT"
    >I was cosplaying Yuffie Kisaragi
    >Someone grabs me by the arm
    >I'm pulled into a large circle of people
    >The SnJ Sasuke in charge is waving a boat oar, I don't understand what's going on
    >"YAOI OR YURI?" she screams
    >"YAOI!" the crowd, as though a single mass of consciousness, screams in response
    >"SEME OR UKE?" the call goes out
    >"UKE!" the crowd demands
    >In my confused daze, I had made the mistake of turning my back on the woman with the oar
    >Bitch hit me so fucking hard on the ass with that thing that there was a wallet-shaped bruise on my ass for a week

    And that is why I hate Yaoi paddles.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 04/01/12(Sun)02:21 No.5659135
    >implying I haven't read Bloody Miku a million fucking times

    That one was believable. These all seem like try-hards.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)02:22 No.5659138
    I'm suprised there was no gang-banging.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 04/01/12(Sun)02:22 No.5659140
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)02:25 No.5659148
    You heard me, Doc Brown.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 04/01/12(Sun)02:26 No.5659154
    fine, you caught me. I'm from the future, and I'm just trying to warn everyone about that awkward dude.
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 04/01/12(Sun)02:28 No.5659156
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    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)02:30 No.5659167
    I knew it.

    See you in 6 days, Doc.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)02:30 No.5659169
    >implying vivid imagery of any Con Horror Story is believable.
    Everyone knows Con Stories are emphasized.
    I didn't write either two, but I recall there being some kind of blackout in 2009 A-kon.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)02:34 No.5659178
    Holy shit.
    Sorry I was watching too much Toonami.
    What the fuck...
    Ok first, A-kon 2011
    Second, I'm not sure what a "Madoko's head" is.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)02:46 No.5659218
    oh my god.
    I don't give a shit if this is made up.
    That shit cray.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)02:56 No.5659234
    dude, why did you take the abuse, goddamn
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)02:57 No.5659237
    when cornered by the "Yaoi/Yuri" kind.
    One does not simply run away.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:05 No.5659255
    >Back to screaming
    >10 people jumping on the bed
    >Getting thrown up and down, and up...and down
    >Dont give a shit there are 30 people having sex in fox suits
    >Guy tries grabbing my ass
    >Cant reach because I keep getting thrown around
    >This continues for like 30 minutes till I "accidentally" kick him in the face
    >They get into stage 2 of sex mode and begin grabbing towards me
    >Screaming, run for the door, get to elevator
    >WTF, cops are by the elevators
    >"Do you know who took the elevator lights...?"
    >Wait..what? ""
    >Run into next elevator,
    >Awkward ride with 10 loafs of bread

    I peed.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:21 No.5659295
    >Anime Conji 2012
    >Cosplaying as Kasumi
    >Walking with a friend and some guy wants to take a picture of me, agree.
    >He takes maybe 3 shots of me before my friend says he is going to use the restroom
    >The guy wants more pics on the stairs so I agree until my friend comes back
    >Normal poses at first but then they start getting a little uncomfortable but I am waiting it out until my friend comes back
    >Guy starts sweating and was wearing a sweater but I don't think of it as much even if I was a bit cold
    >10 min pass and my friend finally comes back so we leave
    >Couple hours later my friend is packing to leave and I tell him I was going to relax in the mean time
    >Go to a section of the con where there was almost no one and sit on the couch and start doodling on my sketch book
    >5 min later the same guy from earlier appears and starts up a conversation with me
    >Tell him I am resting but I was free to chat
    >Some time goes by and he asks to sit on the other side of the room and we chat a little more
    >Proceeds to ask me for some more pics and I agree
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:22 No.5659297
    AWWYEAAAAHHH~ Been so long since one of these!

    >Be 8 or 9 years old, drive out with my mum to see her friend, meet one of her kids, a nice-ish little girl my age who has an older brother, but didn't meet him.
    >Get playing with her, mum's talking about her brother's behaviour issues, still not met him, get on with her and watch cartoons with her.
    >We end up getting told to go upstairs to be loud
    >Her house is literally a converted barn or some old house surrounded by fields, the electricity is a bit dodgy, spiders everywhere in bathroom etc, real country house
    >In her room we play with her huge ass dollhouse with DBZ figures, when her Brother bursts into the room yelling at her for using his DBZ figures
    >She's seeming frightened so I say it was my fault and I like DBZ too much
    >Suddenly he's cool with it and comes to play with us despite being like 14
    >While we're playing he keeps trying to play the 'panty peak game' by lifting up my skirt
    >His Sister is clearly uncomfortable, and I get to be too, telling him to not do that, but obv only an 8 year old
    >It gets to the point where he's making me sit on his lap in a way that he's sort of under my dress, and I can feel his boner
    >Begin to struggle and cry, he manages to hold me and get his fingers into my underwear, full on touching me up and laughing
    >Our mum's call us to come down as I had to leave, been there for a while now
    >He lets me go and we look at each other for a moment, his sister Bea almost crying, giving me a 'sorry' kind of look, him smirking and being perverse, and me almost crying, shocked.
    >I ran downstairs to my mum and never told her about this.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:24 No.5659308
    what the fuck. where does that even have anything to do with anime conventions?
    ;__; I am now scarred.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:26 No.5659319
    >Guy starts taking more pics of me sitting on a chair and it's fine at first
    >He asks me to put my feet up on the chair too and actually lifts up my apron to pretty much see my undies ( but hey it's part of the cosplay, right? ) but I say nothing
    >I see him shifting his eyes as if something is catching his attention constantly
    >He then tells me to put my feet back down
    >Friend from earlier appears and makes an excuse to leave with me
    >It had been about half an hour since I was alone and I told him about what happened
    >Am now told to have a friend with me at all times because I can't say 'no'.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:28 No.5659327
    >( but hey it's part of the cosplay, right? )
    Of course, silly,
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:30 No.5659335
    Had to tell you that first, because years later, I met this girl again. I had always refused to go round there again saying I didn't like it, though I was dragged once or twice over the years but I didn't leave my mum's side, though I never did tell her I got mollested.
    >Her brother apparently grew up to be a right psychopath, hurting animals, getting suspended from school all the time, being violent to the mum and to the sister, smoking weed all the time. I'd always hear my mum talking with her on the phone about it.
    >I still sometimes talked to the sister over MSN, and when I was about 16 I talked to her more and more as we had similar nerdy interests, and found out we were going to the same convention in the summer. We didn't really make plans to meet up, just 'if I see you it'll be awesome!' kind of plans.
    >I'm cosplaying Sumomo from chobits, mainly because I'm 5'5 and pretty tiny. Or I was, I suddenly grew at 17.
    >Conventions going well, we're only oing for the day, getting the last train home, I'm with a group of about 11, but stick with my close 4 friends.
    >Around lunch time I catch a glimpse of Bea, not in cosplay, just poking around the artist alley.
    >Seeing her in person for the first time in years, I smiled and made my way over, weaving through people.
    >I'd called her name maybe once but she didn't hear, and as I went to again, my heart stopped, her brother was with her, which she hadn't mentioned at all.
    >I lowered my arm which I'd been waving for her, and stopped in the middle of people, deciding not to go over and see him again. He'd grown to be tall and built, strong-looking and mean, wearing gothic/punk stuff, I felt frightened of him still.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:33 No.5659345
    Why am I envisioning this as an anime...
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:33 No.5659346
    this sounds like a lame love story about a girl meeting with the bad boy who seems so edgy and dangerous
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:38 No.5659360
    >I went back to where I had been with my friends only to find them moved on whilst I'd gone to say hello to her, and I phoned them but couldn't get through, so went around looking for them, semi aware to avoid Bea and her Brother.
    >After half an hour of tyring to find my friends I gave up for then, browsed on my own and decided to buy some stuff, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
    >I turned into getting hugged by Bea, and though I was nervous, I said hello and caught up, asking if her bro was here, she said he was but had gone off for lunch or something.
    >I ended up hanging out with her mainly out of her not wanting to leave me alone after finding me.
    >At some point her brother turned up and said hello to me too, pretending not to remember or know me at all, but it had that awkward tension between us, so I knew he did.
    >He actually behaved okay for the most part, despite sexually discussing every female cosplayer near by us, and kept talking about the fact I looked like a child being so short and flat chested. I actually looked quite mature, I had that 'grown up' sort of face, the type not to get ID'd on stuff despite being so short at the time.
    >We hung out for hours before I found my friends again, though Bea and Noah (her bro) stuck around even after that. We told them we were going to be going home late and by chance they were too, heading back to the same station (only a few stops away) to then go in the opposite direction to us.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:43 No.5659377
    >This meant they were hanging around with us for hours, the rest of the day. And throughout the evening, Noah kept getting me on my own, through me sitting while my friends messed around with everyone else, or me staying with bags while they went to get food.
    >It was just as they went to get food leaving me at the table with their stuff, that he stayed and suddenly said 'So have your panties gotten wet around me again?'
    >I ignored him flat out, but he went to touch me, so I slapped his hand away ad told him to fuck off. He only laughed, and from then on without and with friends he kept coming onto me.
    >I got really mad at the fact Bea just stood there sadly accepting his bad behaviour, and when he groped my chest from behind outside as it was getting dark, I told him off and told her to fucking tell him too.
    >After seeing I was upset, my friends sort of shunned them, though they still hung around with us, and after the third time Noah jokingly tried to kiss or touch me and said horrible sexual things (Are your nipples hard because you're cold or turned on? Your mouth is perfect for sucking dick!) we told them to stay away from us or we'd get con security, and we left, Noah laughing at us as we walked away, Bea looking pathetic.
    >I was angry the con had pretty much been ruined as it was over soon after that, and we ended up hanging around the outside with people who were staying in hotels and stuff, trading swag and stories.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:45 No.5659384
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:47 No.5659386
    >Once again, Noah came over and this time picked me up from behind. We had all been messing around like that so I didn't know it was him, and laughed, thinking it was somebody we were hanging out with. He carried me off a few steps, then whispered 'Surprise buttsex!' in my ear and I realised, and kicked and screamed and my friends came over. He put me down and I ran back to them, but now he and Bea just sat to the side, watching us.
    >Ignored them for th emost part, until it got very late and hardly anyone was around, wasn't very well lit, so we went down to the train station and hung out there, waiting an hour for our train. Bea and Noah were catching it too of course, though we sat at different ends, as far away from them as possible. At soe point they came over, and Bea came to say sorry to me for him, and he hung around behind her, looking pissed off, muttering 'i didn't even do anything'
    >I said I wasn't interested in hanging out, though she kept saying sorry for 'whatever had upset me' and I said I didn't care, I didn't even know her anymore so it wasn't a big deal anyway.
    >Suddenly, Noah pushes her away so hard she falls over, and shoves me, toward the egde of the platform.
    >"What the hell is your problem? Just because a boy grabs you or compliments you and he isn't to your standards you scream rape." I didn't say anything about rape, I'd just been telling him to GTFO me, so I don't know where that came from. He was just batshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:48 No.5659394
    Did you punch him?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:49 No.5659397
    why are you using greentext with narrative form writing? just summarize this shit and get to the end
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:51 No.5659403
    we all know she transforms and arrests him for being a dick-head.
    And Bea is also magical too.
    I expect this to be like Static Shock, but more japanese.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:53 No.5659406
    >Tell him to just leave me alone, why does he have to be bugging us, or whatever.
    >He suddenly grabs me by the neck and holds me right at the egde of the platform, I'm on my tip toes trying not to fall, holding his wrists but he's pretty fucking huge compared to me.
    >My friends are freaking out bluffing that they're calling the cops, and he's just staring at me like the psycho he is, while I'm starting to choke and Bea is just stood there, saying nothing.
    >I managed to kick him in the groin, and he dropped me, but I actually fell off the platform onto the tracks.
    >Luckily I didn't get electrocuted, I landed right on them though. I scrambled off while my friends screamed and I listened to what sounded like a fight going on with him, while franticly getting off the tracks, looking for a way back up, too short to climb back up, the platform was a little higher than me. Bea offered to give me a hand up and out of panic I accepted and she and a friend pulled me up.
    >I sat shaking on the platform floor, as our friends argued with him saying they were going to call the cops, and he was saying I fell on my own. He was tyring to be a bad ass 'anime boy', it's all I can describe his beaviour as, like he was acting, and this was perfectly 'normal' for real life.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:53 No.5659407
    My favorites :D
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:55 No.5659412
    >Luckily I didn't get electrocuted
    Just luckily
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)03:59 No.5659423
    >He kept standing there putting his pointed fingers on his forehead making stupid noises like 'heh' and 'whatever..' like a fucking NPC.
    >I shoved Bea off me and we all just walked away, not calling the cops but threatening to if they came near us again, and we waited at the other end of the platform, all of us pretty shaken up. Quietly, I explained I'd met them before and what a psycho he was then, not telling them how exactly.
    >We ended up catching the train without seeing them, I saw him trying to come over once but Bea seemingly stopped him, pulling at his arm and stuff.
    >We all tried to forget about the drama that happened and on the way home decided to just ignore it, I wanted them to, we focused on the good time we'd had too.
    >When I got home however, a few days later I had put a status up on facebook about having a shit time because of a certain psychopath, I had removed Bea as a friend and had never had him added, but then I got a notification that Noah had liked that status, despite not being friends with me, or with any of my friends. I set everything to private and blocked him. Then another couple of days later, I got a message from an anime account of 'Kira savestheworld Yagamai' or something.
    >A biig long winded message about how it was my fault and I 'wanted ot get raped by dressing like a slut', Sumomo isn't exactly a slutty cosplay, and again, didn't know he was planning to rape me or where rape came into it, I'd say he was annoying and perverse up until the platform incident.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)04:00 No.5659427
    >like a fucking NPC.
    My NPC's normally sell me things.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)04:03 No.5659430
    >It was literally 6 or 7 paragraphs long, going into detail about women in general and his hatred for them, and for Bea and his Mother and all sorts of messed up shit, I stopped reading at about chapter three. I didn't care. I blocked that account and changed my privacy settings and never heard from him again. Months later when I was now 17, my mum showed me a card for my birthday sent by their mother, who sends one every year as my mum does with her kids.
    >It wasn't signed by Bea, I presumed this was because she knew we weren't friends, I'd stopped talking to her entirely and blocked her everywhere too.
    >Later after our mum's caught up with each other, I actually found out she'd killed herself.
    >She'd hung herself from the ceiling beam in her room. I didn't and still don't know what to feel, though I do feel sorry for her, it was obvious she'd developed some mental problem from her brother's behaviour and her family's acceptance of it. Whole situation was pretty sad, I can't help but think he probably mollested or raped her, she seemed just as afraid of him.

    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)04:18 No.5659451
    You were a cunt to Bea. What the fuck is wrong with you? She didn't do anything wrong. And you didn't do anything about her brother - you should have reported that. Likely would have resulted in the end of problems at home. Instead, you (probably Bea's only friend), abandoned her, left her to whatever fate her brother had in store for her, and refuse to take responsibility. You're treating it like some silly anecdote, "OOH AWKWARD". This is not "awkward" - this is criminal. This is worse than murder. You should be ashamed of yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)04:20 No.5659455

    seconding this. you (and your friends to a lesser extent) are fucking gutless worms.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)04:24 No.5659464
    Anyone have the story of Master Chief punching out some Naruto cosplayer who was running towards some girl escaping by elevator?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)04:25 No.5659466

    ...And there was no police investigation?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)04:45 No.5659505
    >Implying the story was even real

    Remember, 102% of /cgl/ horror stories are fake.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)04:48 No.5659510
    lol, my thoughts exactly.
    But remember silly, we're not supposed to state that, it kills the fun. :D
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)04:54 No.5659513
    Well, it is April First. Might as well post the most outlandish shit possible
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)05:27 No.5659576
         File: 1333272440.gif-(439 KB, 300x255, fuck you bitch.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)13:38 No.5660521
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)16:05 No.5661191
    Back to Page 0 with you.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)16:05 No.5661194
    >catching bus home from con (bus to station to home)
    >wearing AP lolita cords
    >Sat on my own, as i'm meeting my friends at the station
    >Two huge girls are squeezed together in two seats, her ass hanging off the edge
    >They're 'cosplaying' from soul eater, I think, the wigs were the only thing from that anime and then one of them was wearing terrible cheap 'lolita', as they called it. A horrible texas-style frilly dress that looked cheap and disgusting.
    >They kept looking at me and I noticed them taking pictures on their phone without asking. I got up to stand at the front of the bus when a pregnant lady came on, where they were sat.
    >I was right by them and they starting calling at me
    >"Hey you! How old are you?"
    >Answer polightly '17.'
    >They suddenly get a bit sour and scoff, saying I look like a ten year old. Took this as a compliment and ignored them.
    >They keep asking me things and the other in the dress says 'I'm a lolita too!'
    >Still being nice to them, say 'oh really how long for?'
    >"Longer than you." She answers, and I nod kind of like 'riiight' and then ignore them, facing the other way, awkwardly pretending to text somebody.
    >Feel them lift up skirt up, don't tell them off but shuffle as far away, still holding on to the bar, they do it again.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)16:08 No.5661215
         File: 1333310924.jpg-(155 KB, 599x602, MOAR.jpg)
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    I need some kind of extended story on that Furry/Hard Gay shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)16:09 No.5661220
    Does anyone have any story from Anime Expo?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)16:11 No.5661224
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)16:13 No.5661242
    >Turn around and say to stop touching me.
    >"HEHE I'm not touching you!" "name-Sama stoop" the other says, can't remember what she was calling her but she added Sama every time.
    >Sigh, ignore her, a few more stops until mine..
    >Suddenly she hits my skirt right up, I mean right up. Whole bus is now uncomfortable.
    >I turn around and raise my voice a little, 'Don't touch me! Leave me alone.' And face their way so I can see anything coming.
    >I hear the other ones phone ring while they're giving me sarky looks, eye rolling, whispering to each other right in front of me as I again pretend to text.
    >She DIGS IT OUT OF HER FAT ROLL, not even lying, she moved this fanny pack thing out of the way and had her phone tucked into her trousers, underneith the fat roll hanging over it.
    >She answers and talks loudly in a high pitched voice, trying to be cute or something, then goes into terrible japanese, I'm sure she was making some words up, if not all of them.
    >After a while I hear "Oh I'm sat with name-sama, this fat lolita wannabe is bullying us." Wtf, me? Me who has done nothing? Also, UK size 14, chubby in lolita standards but nothing near these two. I turn around and ignore them, really near my stop now.
    >Hear her bitching and making up this shit about somebody in a 'horrible dress' picking on them and giving them 'looks', then she hangs up and they go back to whispering.
    >Next thing I feel is they're going into my bag, I whip around and she's pulled out my rather expensive digital camera, grabbing for it last minute.
    >I managed to snatch it back and tell her to leave me the fuck alone. And despite needing the bar to ballence I just stood right by the door for a minute until we stopped, and I got off to walk to the station. And so did they.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)16:23 No.5661302
    >I instantly walked well away from them and brought my ticket quickly, going through and walking to the end of the platform, around 12 minutes to wait. I put my headphones on and sat at the bench, but instantly my friends came and got me so I then hung with them, two other girls who were dating each other.
    >They were holding hands and kissing and being cute together, attracting some attention, and woe and behold, the hambeasts come over with four more equally aweful looking girls. One I think was a trap!boy but I honestly couldn't tell..
    >They come over going 'wow are you two like lesbians?' They say yes innocently.
    >'Oh hey it's the girl who bullied us on the bus!' Suddenly dress-weeb says, and instantly some other short girl gets up in my face, 'YEW BULL-E-EEN- MAH SIS-TAR?'
    >Explain that they harassed me, tried to steal my camera and kept lifting my skirt up, and that I had done nothing.
    >Small fight errupts and all of their little followers are starting to shove me and insult all three of us. It luckily attracts train staff who slowly come over, and these guys instantly calm down and just smirk at us, giving last threats to 'kick us in'
    >Nothing else happened after that really, we got on the train, shocked at their behaviour and I told my friends in detail what happened on the bus
    >We moved way down the train and never saw them again.

    Bitches. Only horrible experience I've ever had con-wise though!
    >> SuperRabbit 04/01/12(Sun)16:54 No.5661421
    I..I think i know who you're talking about.
    Isnt she a total elitist now..?
    She gave me my first paddlin' too. I even have a sad picture of it from that year. ;~;
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)17:35 No.5661547
    >She's seeming frightened
    So I get that when you're 8 or 9 maybe you don't have your head on your shoulders, but obviously the supposed brother in this scenario was abusive to his sister, so you not reporting it means he continues to abuse her, and any of her friends. If this story is nothing else, it's a good reminder to anyone in such a situation, that it's not just about you. By not reporting it / doing something about it, you allow the person to feel like they can get away with it, and they'll certainly try again.
    Is it a common occurrence for someone to publicly molest and sexually harass someone, with their friends present, and no one does shit?
    I don't get how things even go as far as this assumed brother holding you by your throat over a ledge. Why didn't someone just confront him wayyyy sooner, alert authorities, etc.?
    I assume this is fake, and hopefully it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)17:53 No.5661605
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    >Small Texas con, 2011
    >cosplaying lolita-ish character and waiting for the shuttle back to our hotel
    >con has been disappointing (not sure what i expected) and I'm not in the best mood
    >creepy, older weeaboo manchild stands next to me by the door while my friends smoke outside
    >too cold to go join them so we start up a conversation
    >"I really like your costume. I bet you'd look really good as a Hinata."
    >Me: "Um...thanks but I'm not a Naruto fan. At all."
    >"That doesn't mean you couldn't cosplay her. I mean, you look just like her."
    >He proceeds to describe an erogame where he chose the girl who looks like me, then took pictures of my legs as I left.
    >The next day I'm wearing civilian clothes, no makeup or wig, completely unrecognizable from the day before.
    >Same weeaboo finds me an asks for my picture. I say no and he proceeds to follow my group from a distance, snapping photos.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)17:56 No.5661615
    I wanna write a fakie, any requests?
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)18:08 No.5661679
    I know it's over the top but I know a case about a dude who did this kind of thing, and everyone knew. He has younger siblings too. The mother blamed the raped kids on school's teachers, then move. As far as I know this dude moved somewhere and was never accounted for his acts, even thought rapes have been proved.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)18:10 No.5661692
    And I don't mean city moving, just changed houses.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)18:20 No.5661728
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    Make it at least as awesome as this.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/12(Sun)20:22 No.5662282
    >Not really a bad story actually its rather good
    >went to matsuri 2011 and was at the rave at night
    >walking with friend checking out the rave get >randomly pulled aside by a girl and she tells me im >gorgeous and walks off.
    >minutes later i see her again and we start to dance >when she mumbles something, i couldnt really hear >her because the music was to loud i figured she left >cause i sucked at dancing or something
    >we find each other at the con walking around looking >for each other when i grab her hand kiss it and >introduce myself (really cliche) we've been dating a >year since and well be at matsuri this Friday for our >one year anniversary (true story btw)
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)02:08 No.5663227
    >> H Saga Part 1 04/02/12(Mon)02:53 No.5663277
    Let me preface this by saying that when I first started cosplaying, I was a total bitch. My dad and his brothers own an armor and prop business and my grandmother was a costume seamstress back in the day so my stuff was pretty good for someone just starting out, given that I had experience and access to some industrial equipment. But, after a year of alienating basically everyone I knew, I realized I was an asshole and chilled the fuck out. This is where our story beings.

    >>At a Noreastern con (won't name it, the people involved are all on this board and I don't want to call out people who were hurt by this), I was staying with a group of friends at one of their apartments a block away from the con center. They knew me during my bitch days but we were just reconnecting so I was really happy that they had invited me.

    I get to the apartment, unload my stuff and we're all just hanging around watching Rugrats and trying to decide what kind of pizza to order. One of the girls, J, randomly asks me what I think of another girl that we all vaguely know, H. I'm like, I don't know H really well, but she probably dislikes me as I was a total jerk to her once.

    J and another friend A start pushing, asking me if I think H's teeth are yellow, what about her stringy hair, wouldn't she look better if she lost ten pounds- and finally I'm like what is your obsession with H? She seems like a nice person and who fucking cares about the rest, we all have things that we'd change about ourselves if we could so why pick at them in other people.
    >> H Saga Part 2 04/02/12(Mon)02:54 No.5663278
    Messed up my green text. Oh well.

    I hear this straight up sobbing from the closet and H comes out. Apparently, this was some kind of truth trial for H to join their group. She was really upset, sobbing so hard she was almost choking and trying to talk to me. Finally, she calmed down and just thanked me over and over again and apologized for things she'd said about me.

    I was flat disgusted so I grab my stuff and leave. H is begging to come with me, so I tell her I can drive her home. At first she takes her stuff and puts it in my car and I'm like cool, okay, then she tells me she actually lives five hours away. Okay, not so cool.

    At this point, I'm texting my other friends and one of them has some space for the both of us if we can pay for our share. No problem, she says, she can cover us both. I'm like, no, I can get myself but she insists and says I can pay her back by driving her to the bus station after the con.

    Cool. Fair enough. So we get to the con, we have a great time. She's really impressed with my props and isn't too weebish or awkward. Just your average, kind of quiet person with good hygiene.

    I drive her to the bus station, we exchange tumblrs and end up chatting every now and then online.
    >> H Saga Part 3 04/02/12(Mon)02:59 No.5663280

    So we talk a little online, nothing too friendsy, just casual chatting, mostly about costumes. She asks me for prop advice now and then which I don't mind. But pretty soon all of our conversations start turning towards cosplay. And they become frequent. I end up getting a second account just to NOT talk to her as often.

    She starts emailing me and sending me asks about props. Not why I'm not online, not how I'm doing, but asking if I will make stuff for her. I get sick of this and log on, tell her that I don't have time. She asks if my dad or my older brother can. I'm like, well, if you pay them, they can make you anything.

    She gives me the broke song and dance then says I owe her for the room. Nope. Tell her that I'm really not interested in talking to her again and block her from all my stuff. There's a big lapse of time, almost six months, where I don't hear shit from her (meanwhile, she's still friends with J and A).

    Then I show up to campus for Spring Semester and she's enrolled at my school. She lives ten hours away from me. I never told her where I went, though I guess she remembered the sticker from my car? IDK that's weird. And I'm just floored. She bounds up to me like we're old friends and the first fucking thing she asks me is what I'm cosplaying as for this local con.
    >> H Saga Part 4 04/02/12(Mon)03:04 No.5663287
    I tell her oh hell no, I am not interested in talking to her. She pretty well ignores me. She isn't full blow weeb, but getting close. None of my friends are hardcore into anime or gaming, just hobbishly, so none of us are in the anime or gaming club on campus. She joins and she and her two shiny new weeaboo friendsies start wearing matching anime shirts to class and experiment with that pastel vomit Japanese fashion style.

    This would be fine if they weren't constantly trying to get in with me and my friends. When we're sitting in the commons between class, they loudly pull up chairs and tables and start trying to talk to us. One of my friends is stuck in the dorms and they always tape up cut out anime crap to her door with fliers for the anime club. They've tried to sit with me at dinner, in lectures and magically show up wherever my friends and I are. I'm pretty sure they're stalking my best friend's 4square.
    >> H Saga Part 5 04/02/12(Mon)03:11 No.5663293
    So I finally log onto my old account and aside from a zillion offline messages from H there are a couple from J and A warning me about H's growing obsession with me. Great. Thanks guys. At least they said something, I guess.

    I skip the local con in preparation for the big con that is coming up and put all my effort into stuff for that. My friends and I are planning a group cosplay and we're pretty good at being tight lipped about the characters and the series at all.

    H has backed off since I didn't go to the local con and I'm starting to think the coast is finally clear. It's a couple of days before the con, we've got everything finished except for wig stuff we're going to do at the hotel, the room is sorted, everyone is paid, we've got this shit down.

    Someone calls my house phone. I pick up. It is H's mom. I'm like, what the actual fuck, for about five minutes. She's confirming that her daughter is staying with me for the con and that I'm her ride to the con itself. Nope. I lay out to H's mother that her daughter is lying to her, that there are no such plans and that her daughter needs to stay far away from me.

    She goes into bitch fit mode and starts telling me that I owe her daughter for paying for my hotel room that one time and that I promised H and that it wouldn't be fair and she will tell my mother if I don't agree.

    I told her to eat shit and die, hung up and promptly had her number blocked from my house phone and my cell phone. Not two hours later my mom calls me and guess who called her, H's mom.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)03:14 No.5663295
    >> H Saga Part 6 04/02/12(Mon)03:14 No.5663296
    At this point, not only am I supposed to be giving her a ride to and from the con, but letting her stay with me AND making her props but she is also apparently coming home with me for winter break.

    My mom knows the basics of H and what has happened so I fill her in on all of it and she, after thinking this is hilarious, agrees to tell H's mom to stop harassing us the next time she calls. And H's mom does call back. My mom tells me at one point, H's mom was screaming unintelligibly and she basically hung up and had her number blocked.

    We know this is not the end of it.
    >> H Saga Part 7 04/02/12(Mon)03:22 No.5663300

    We're packing up the morning we leave for the con in the little parking lot in front of my house (I live in a townhouse on a culdesac, the parking is literally our front yard). There's a really steep hill from the road my townhouse development is on down to the main road where there is a bus stop. So none of us see her arrive, but there H is with her two friends, huffing and puffing up the hill with their little wheelie suitcases as we're loading our tubs and bags into the back of C's mom's van that we borrow for long haul conventions.

    H fucking waves at me and trots over. My mind is literally blown. C shuts the cargo door of the van and they start loading up the passenger parts with people, overflow bags and snacks. I put my stuff in the shotgun seat and close the door without saying a word to her. Everyone else closes their doors. Locks them and we just take off.

    I text my two non convention going roommates that the crazy bitch is out front so be careful, and we drive off to her friends just crying their fucking eyes out in the rear view mirror.

    Not an hour later, we're on the highway when my convention going roommate D's phone starts blowing up. It is H's mother. She's in full bitch mode yelling that she's calling highway patrol and the police and how DARE we promise to take her kid and then leave her crying in the middle of the road.
    >> H Saga Part 8 04/02/12(Mon)03:26 No.5663302

    At this point, we have no fucking idea how this crazy bitch is getting all of our phone numbers. Mine she could have logically gotten a while back from A or J, but they didn't even KNOW D and they didn't know my house number on campus.

    We decide we're going to ignore this and just do the convention, then deal with this miserable bitches when we get back. I genuinely feel sorry for H's weeb friends because they've likely been lied to by H herself.

    Anyone, the convention hotels have been sold out for MONTHS prior to the con, so we're just glad we have hotel space, right? And after a long and arduous journey that had nothing to do with H, we finally got to the hotel.

    Who the fuck do you think is in the lobby with her crazy ass daughter and her two weeby friends?

    H's mom. I've never met this woman before, but I knew who she was immediately. She looks exactly like H only taller, older and fatter. Apparently H had shown her pictures of me because she fucking zeroed in on us and made a beeline for us as soon as we got in line.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)03:28 No.5663304
    Dear yaoi dealer,
    Yelling at me everytime I walk by your stand about how you have 'hot delicious' porn of the character I'm cosplaying is annoying as fuck as it is. It gets beyond creepy when the character in question is ten years old.

    (inb4 dont walk by them, I was running errands for a friend in the booth across from them.)
    >> motoko !!j+CvvVddZsH 04/02/12(Mon)03:31 No.5663305
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    >> H Saga Part 9 04/02/12(Mon)03:31 No.5663306

    At first she's very calm and says that now not only are H and her two weeb friends staying with us, now SHE is staying with us, too, in order to ensure we are FAIR to H.

    My name and C's name are the only ones on the reservation, but we have the room reserved for everyone in our group. No more. We were also pretty much at room capacity with our group, anyway.

    So, it's our turn, C and I go up to the front desk and I let C take care of things. H's mom starts to get belligerent when C states that we are the only ones in the room, that this woman, her daughter and the friends are not on the reservation, they are not with us and they are, in fact, harassing us.

    H's mom starts to loudly talk over C and the front desk guy, saying that we *promised* them that we would let them stay and so we HAD to. C tells the front desk man that under no circumstances are extra keys to be made for the room and that if they were, the person needs to show ID at the front desk to get them. They make a note of this and some of the bellboys are trying to politely escort H and her mom out.

    We get our keys, pay and start to head to the key operated elevators. H's mom tries to follow. The bell captain literally grabs her and she starts saying she will rent a room them. Sorry, ma'am, sold out, you'll have to go somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)03:34 No.5663308
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    Weeb cries to her mommy to solve shit? What is she, fucking 12 years old? Not only that but a grown presumably 45+ year old woman is harassing a teenager. Talk about a family of losers
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)03:35 No.5663309
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    Some people scare me.
    >> H Saga Part 10 04/02/12(Mon)03:44 No.5663315
    I call my mom and tell her what's going on and she's legitimately worried at this point. I tell her everything is fine, that they can't get up to our room and if we see them at the con, we'll just go to security and explain the situation.

    We unpack, get our stuff together for costumage the next day, hit up the hotel bar and then retire.

    The next day, we put on our costumes, head to a photoshoot, then hit up the convention. Everything is fine until late afternoon, we head into the dealer's room, see H and her mom. Nope nope nope. Head right back out. They try to follow us but we get away in the crowd. That night we hit up Cheesecake Factory. It's packed and our seat is right in front of the window. Of course. H and her Mom spot us. Weeb friends are no longer with them. They literally watch us eat for an hour, then pounce when we exit.

    Basically, H's is trying to talk to me. H's mom is telling me I owe her daughter and I owe her and that H will be staying with me during winter break and I will make her props whether I like it or not.

    At this point, I'm pissed off, a little inebriated and all this bullshit is putting a damper on my con, so I turn around and tell H that I don't like her. I never liked her. That her mother is a fat sow and I hope they both die in a flaming car accident on the way home from the con.

    H just stares and her mom starts screaming, but H isn't moving so we make our escape. My friends are annoyed, we're all stressed, so we call it an early night and go to sleep. So much for our big fucking con.

    Next day is better, we don't see them at all, but I run into A who is there with her new friends and she tells me that H told her that her mom could only get a hotel room for the one night so they left and went home. A and I hang out for a bit, the rest of the con goes pretty smoothly. We head home on Sunday.
    >> H Saga Part 11 04/02/12(Mon)03:53 No.5663316
    So we get back into town and C tells me in class the next day that he had twenty four messages from H's mom on his house voicemail. We're all losing our shit at this point because how is she getting all of our numbers? No one is using 4square at this point, all of our FB and Twitters are locked down to people we know in person.

    Worse, my two non convention going roommates have been called by H and her mom. They are pissed, not at me, but at the situation, especially because H's mom tried to get into our house on Sunday. According to one of my roommates, he and a few friends were playing Apples to Apples when the door bell rang. He gets up to answer it and some weird woman attempts to barge into the house. He knows it was H's mom because H and her two friends were standing out on the side walk. They had seen H and her friends crying and let H use her phone to call someone to come pick them up.

    Anyway, my two non convention roomies are also national guard reserves. So they can take care of themselves against a raging bitch. She gets bodily removed from our porch, I'm told, after trying to shove past him into the house. He does call the police when she won't leave and she is warned against coming into the development again without permission from a resident since the entire thing is private property.

    I'm just floored at this point because who the fuck does stuff like this? At this point I'm just glad we have a garage because I would have worried for my car. So H's mom goes home and things calm down again until winter break.

    H's mom tries to drop her off at our fucking house.
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 04/02/12(Mon)03:55 No.5663320
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    its not much, but i was tackled-hugged by a 250 pound female Spock at Otakon once while I was in my Kirk costume. She smelled like fish and baby poop.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)03:56 No.5663321
    This is why you do not accept favors from slimy people, they WILL use it against you.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)04:01 No.5663322
    Did you died?
    >> H Saga Part 12 04/02/12(Mon)04:01 No.5663323
    We live in a gated community, so they can't actually get past the front gate because, surprise, we never put them on our visitor's list. H's mom insists that she's on it. Nope, sorry, ma'am. The front gate calls our house and we tell them under no circumstances are the crazy bitches allowed in.

    H's mom apparently kicks her daughter out of the car and tells her to walk. I'm told that H was crying at this point and after the front gate people won't let H in, H's mom lets her back in the car and they leave.

    By this time, I've changed my cell number- so have all my friends. Winter goes by, we get back to school and suddenly the calls start again. Again, all of my friends and I have to block the bitch's crazy mom and her, though H is starting to mellow out and leave me alone.

    My parents have to change their number and now my brother, who is living nearby and is now my emergency contact has to change his number. Then it hits me and it freaks me the fuck out. H works in the records office. She has access to all of our information.

    She has all of our addresses, our phone numbers, our schedules, our personal information. And the calls only started on our new numbers when school started.

    We brought this up to the dean, showed our phone records, the number that was being called from them, the pattern of the calls and the fact that H had access the entire time.

    H got suspended from school and never came back. The crazy mom stopped calling. My con friends and I ended up moving in together in another set of townhouses on the other side of campus. The national guard bros were relieved, I think.

    H still cosplays. Just fyi.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)04:12 No.5663334
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    /slow claps
    >> Shiny Spinda !el3GRxFeVM 04/02/12(Mon)04:14 No.5663335
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    Poor H...

    I mean, yes she's obviously crazy, but with a mom like that it seems like she never stood a chance. Apparently there was no dad around to...I don't know, quell the crazy? (Of course, having an equally crazy man thrown into that mix might have been even worse.)

    Some people man...I just don't fucking know.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)04:20 No.5663340

    seems like you would get in actual deep shit with law enforcement (and not just expelled) for accessing private records to use as an aid to stalking/harassment, especially given the pattern of previous behaviors exhibited. what do i know though.
    >> H Saga 04/02/12(Mon)04:26 No.5663347
    The problem was, while the school suspended her, the police (we actually did try to get TROs and a criminal case against H and her mom) said there wasn't enough evidence, that she could have gotten our numbers from anywhere. The standard was a lot less strict for getting her suspended from school.

    I thought poor H after she started to calm down, but honestly, she was the one who escalated it by sicking her mom on us. I never really got to know her to know if there was a dad or not.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 04/02/12(Mon)04:53 No.5663362
         File: 1333356794.jpg-(177 KB, 696x618, Fuck glomp circles.jpg)
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    >Sakuracon 2010
    >Cosplaying Ukitake from Bleach
    >Couldn't find one of my friends, who was dressed as Allen Walker
    >Seriously, she had just fucking disappeared off the face of the goddamn con
    >I'm touching base with another friend that's also looking for our third Musketeer
    >We're standing a little too close to the glomp circle out in the park
    >All of a sudden I hear "GET UKITAKE!"
    >We're crushed, they finally backed off when I faked a TB attack and collapsed
    >Have avoided the park and everything involving weaboos in it ever since

    Also in rage comic form.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)05:07 No.5663370
    Fucking Sakuracon glomp circle... I avoid this thing like the plague.
    At my first con I was in Halo gear and heard this outside.
    Naively walk towards the crowd and hear "Get Master Chief!"
    Immediately 180 and run back towards the building while my friends run a defensive line behind me.
    All I wanted was a break from the muggy, hot convention floor. But now I know better
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)08:57 No.5663590
    Claps to H's saga, that had me on th edge of my seat!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)09:11 No.5663614
    This one time when I cosplayed as Madame red a bunch of Grell hambeasts harrassed me and my girlfriend (who was also dressed as Grell.)
    One of them even hit me with their chainsaw prop several times.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)11:08 No.5663829
    what is it with hambeasts and this Grell character? Dunno where they're from. Some sort of yaoi thing?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)11:54 No.5663949
    I don't know if anybody else in the UK has noticed this 'trend' but at cons aside from glomping and asking for hugs, some people 'nipple cripple' people.

    Had two chicks who were kind of attractive come up and and hug me from behind while standing with our group, and pinched my nipples from behind.

    Was fucking odd. No harm done, I'm a laid back guy, but I saw this happen about five other times with different people. Is this the new weeb thing to do? The new glomp?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)11:56 No.5663952
    Would it be acceptable as a staff member to confiscate "Free Hugs" signs? I know they're banned at some American cons.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)11:57 No.5663956
         File: 1333382277.jpg-(40 KB, 549x540, AHAHHAA.jpg)
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    forgot appropiate pic.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)11:58 No.5663958
    how come they're banned? I would ban them for being fucking annoying and pathetic.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 04/02/12(Mon)12:00 No.5663961
    I don't know why they're banned.

    It's annoying and stupid yeah, but if someone's offering with a sign then it's on the person to get hugged or not as opposed to hug raped or awkward questions.

    I wanna make a "Free Hugs* *may contain boners" sign.

    Yes I stole that joke, but I still wanna do it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)18:00 No.5665058
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)18:04 No.5665072
    It's considered solicitation, and could be misconstrued as prostitution. I also know a few smaller cons who ban them because they took up too much space and became borderline harassment.

    That would depend on the con. Ask one of your higher-ups, each con has its own policies.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)18:54 No.5665202
    It sounds like you was attacked by the embodiment of /r9k/, scary stuff.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)18:57 No.5665212
         File: 1333407428.png-(686 KB, 1360x4330, 1333361074024.png)
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    Well then,

    Let me repost some printscreens of horrorstories gone by.

    Could some screencap the Beth story?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:09 No.5665250
         File: 1333408144.jpg-(724 KB, 1448x1024, Hambeast Prime 1.jpg)
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    I love this artist.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:16 No.5665265
         File: 1333408607.jpg-(13 KB, 316x299, 1331909118315.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:24 No.5665278
         File: 1333409093.jpg-(728 KB, 1448x1024, Hambeast Prime 2.jpg)
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    Sorry, I was reading the story with the gay lovers and the crazy bitch stalker, will post that after this.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:25 No.5665280
         File: 1333409135.jpg-(739 KB, 1448x1024, Hambeast Prime 3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:27 No.5665287
         File: 1333409268.jpg-(774 KB, 1448x1024, Hambeast Prime 4.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:30 No.5665295
         File: 1333409454.jpg-(652 KB, 1448x1024, Hambeast Prime 5.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:31 No.5665298
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    And done.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:33 No.5665308
    >First con where I'm actually with friends
    >They all want to go to a panel that I'm not interested in
    >Tell them to go off and have fun, I don't want to rain on their parade and we can just meet up later
    >One of the girls (friend of a friend) stays back with me so I'm not lonely
    >Neither of us are in cosplay, so we decide to share a box of Pocky and roam around the hotel
    I should mention at this point that while I'm fairly attractive, this girl was drop dead gorgeous.
    >Walk into elevator
    >It's just us and two terrible smelling weeaboos
    >Have to get in anyway because we needed to meet up with our friends
    >They're dressed in satin Vocaloid costumes, black thread quite apparent, spray painted hair
    >Get off elevator ASAP, but they follow
    >After about a minute of walking, we realize we're lost
    >Turn around and ask weebs for directions
    >They seem nice enough and take us to where we need to be
    >Or so we thought
    >They led us to their room and as soon as the door opened, we were literally pulled in by the chubby arms of a trap!Ciel
    >First thing they do is grab my friend's tits
    >She pulls out a knife from under her skirt and stabs the person who grabbed her tit's arm
    >Weeaboo is licking the blood off her arm
    >Friend realizes this is a battle we cannot win, gives a cunt punt (resulting in "PANTSU!" from the weebs), and we get the fuck out of there
    >Friend just tells me to pretend none of that happened
    >Wear cosplay the rest of the con and don't get recognized
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:33 No.5665309
         File: 1333409620.png-(527 KB, 1243x3728, Kat the bromodestroyer.png)
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    And now to post...THAT.

    I feel really bad for these guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:45 No.5665353
         File: 1333410322.png-(87 KB, 698x658, 1316843209709.png)
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    I had a full on visual of this going on in my head. That was a fucking hilarious story to start my day with.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)19:50 No.5665372
         File: 1333410654.png-(382 KB, 1630x3230, H saga.png)
    382 KB
    God fucking dammit, I actually meant to screencap the story where Bea dies a miserable death.

    Ah well.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:01 No.5665410
         File: 1333411313.png-(272 KB, 1633x1819, Awkward times with Bea.png)
    272 KB

    Here it is. I hope this story is fake, because if it isn't the poster is a cunt for treating Bea like that and telling it was "awkward".
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:07 No.5665428
    And finally I found this story to be nice enough to save for prosterity.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:08 No.5665431
         File: 1333411681.png-(114 KB, 1633x831, Fatchavtrain.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:09 No.5665432
         File: 1333411756.jpg-(20 KB, 446x359, 786758.jpg)
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    >Weeaboo is licking the blood off her arm
    Well then...
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:47 No.5665589
    Got one, sort of, it's mainly stalking and harassment than a con horror story, hope that's okay! Sort of similar to H's saga actually, worrying that this happens a lot within weebs...

    Through highschool I was a little bit bullied, I'm quite obviously gay. I take pride and care in my fashion and always have, wore my Mom's shoes as a child etc, just born this way, haha. Through highschool I was shy about it, but my group of friends (anime loving, weeaboo at the time friends, and I was too!) knew I had feelings for boys not girls, and at the time I had a huge crush on a male internet friend. However, there was one girl in our group who always took the teasing too far, who at one point everyone had fallen out with due to her just being overly cruel, two faced and genuinly not a nice person. I remember being round her house once in her lounge with her all-proud-rebuplican Dad and brothers and a friend, and she said 'Dad, anon's gay, did you know that?' Which lead to me actually being kicked out of her house rather roughly by her Father. This was when I was about 13. She's just always been mean. And a weeaboo.

    Her room had always been trashed every single time I went over there, which has been a lot over the six or so years of knowing her; Naruto posters everywhere, along with sailor moon junk and a million plushies. Plates were kept at her desk and on her floor so long that there was fuzzy mould growing on them, it was a general tip, like a classic Otaku's room but way worse. The thing that grossed us out more was that she never changed her bedsheets, they stank and looked disgusting, discoloured, stains, crumbs and good dried into it. Always. So anyway, she would sort of bully/sort of be friends with me, and in college things changed for the worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)20:55 No.5665632
    I'll say her name is Mel for this, it's close to her real name. Most of our friend group ended up going to the same college, and my internet crush (who over the years of knowing him had grown to crush on me too) also went there, local to us but far for him. I'd visited him back and forth a few times in the year proir to college, while slowly getting more and more out of touch and less close to Mel and a few other friends of ours. Our parents knew each other, both quite nice families, and they decided he could come live with us to go to college here. He moved in at the end of the summer to our spare room, and despite living together I didn't actually hang or see him all the time, it was like a casual friendship, despite us both liking each other. I think our parents knew at the time, but we were really shy with each other. My friends met him and got friendly wiht him, having the same interests.

    Mel however, made things awkward, difficult. We would have different classes at college (some of us) but would always meet for the Japan Group there, which was pretty much anime club, or turned into one, but we learnt the language too. Mel of course was obsessed with it, and allthough she took different classes to all of us she would see us there. It was there she met Samuel, my crush who was living with me. And about two weeks after getting to know him with our group she straight out asked, 'So have you guys hooked up yet? You know anon's in love with you, right?'

    I. Died. He laughed it off but for about a week things were awkward, both to rigid to talk to each other about it, and Mel made things ten times worse by growing obsessed with outting me constantly in front of new people. Soon enough, Sam got pretty pissed off with how rude she was, as did our other friends. She was acting the same she did in highschool, and we'd been hoping she would grow up.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:02 No.5665652
    The more often she was rude the more Sam in particular or our other friends would out her on being a plain bitch, saying things like 'why are you acting this way?' or 'that's rude' and from this her weebiness got worse, she would mutter Japanese curses back to us, and her favourite thing to do was to hit us -quite hard- and say 'baka!' or other Japanese insults. Throughout the first three months of college she spiralled into weeaboo madness, and we ended up meeting with her after a group meeting and telling her that because of her behaviour and some recent backstabbing/bullying she'd done to a girl in our group we were no longer going to be friends with her. This wasn't sudden, we had warned her if she kept acting like a ten year old we wouldn't hang out with her anymore.

    This sparked a bad reaction with her, and for some reason (as it has been since I've known her) she blamed me for everyone finally sticking up for themselves against her. The night we ditched her, I came home to my upset Mother saying her Mother and Father had called her up saying I've been horrible to her and turned all her friends against her. Sam backed me up on what happened, and my Mom who had dealt with her shit in the past to me phoned the Mother back explaining my innocence in it, and adding without me knowing that I would talk to her again and improve our friendship, which I would have done to help her at least learn to be nice, but oh no. My Mom had her Dad literally screaming down the phone how he doesn't 'need no faggot' to be friends with his daughter. My Mom hung up, we laughed it off.

    Now was when the constant harassment started, and not just with me though I got the worst of it; with all of us.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:14 No.5665701
    The next day at college she was waiting at the gate for us, we no longer always traveled in a group, we'd spread out a bit, found new friends. So it was me and two others and Sam that tried to walk past her. She grabbed one of us (The person she had most recently hurt) and shoved her right over, as in pushed her to the ground without even saying anything first, then went to stamp on her, and started yelling that she had made us all fall out with her. We helped her up and jumped back a bit, saying 'no Mel, you're just not nice, we all don't want to be friends for our own reasons.' Though all I got as a response from her was 'Shut up Fagot-baka!' which became my name from her for some time. We walked away from her to class despite her yelling at us not stopping until we were away from her.

    Every time I was in the hallway or the shop or the commons, anywhere passing her by, no matter what situation she would mumble abuse at me, quite often 'fagot baka'. I ignored her for about a week and a half before I turned around on a particular sassy day, and said, 'What, bitch? What do you want?' And she just stood there, turning around all eyebrows-raised and ''surprised'', making some forcedly cute noise like 'Huwah? Me?' I just walked away.

    I never responded to her again, and because of this it turned to harassing me in different ways. Texts started flooding in, and when I ignored them every hour or so Sam would get one saying 'tell him to respond' or 'tell him to check his phone' and 'tell anon i've texted him'. Her texts ranged from trying to get me back as a friend and telling me to get hit by cars.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:23 No.5665731
    >I'm just floored at this point because who the fuck does stuff like this?
    In high school, I knew of two different families who got REALLY WORKED UP and aggressive over the dating lives of their kids. One crazy mom went as far as to call the mother of the boy her daughter had a crush on, and demand that he dump his girlfriend and date her daughter. The daughter had such a ~frail constitution~ that the pain of not dating him was literally killing her, according to crazymom.

    It's not exactly the same thing, but kinda. Some people are just insane.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:24 No.5665740
    This went on for a week, about twelve or fifteen texts a day, some of them I replied to at first, pointing out her bullshit whenever she decided to make up sob stories on why she could act like a bitch. But by the weekend I was sick of it and so was Samuel, so we went to my parents and got them to phone hers, asking them to tell her to stop texting and harassing me, my Mom read a few really offensive ones. At one point Mel's Mom actually said (to a text saying 'KILL THE FAGOT WITH FIRE' which me and sam laughed at hard) ''Well, he shouldn't be sinning then, should he? You're a bad Mother to let him be gay, and this is the punishment God has for him.' Shocked, my Mom just said that if the texts didn't stop she would be reporting it to the college.

    It stopped, via text at least. I had removed but not blocked her on facebook, and after the phonecall my Mom made I got a long message from her stating that if I didn't let her be friends with me again she would do all sorts to me, one of the things she threatened was to 'Take Sam away'. By now and partly through this ordeal, we had now kissed me a few times and we were pretty close, not together officially but we acted like it.

    I didn't take her threats seriously and blocked her, noticing a few messages on this anime forum we were friends on too, so I blocked her there without reading them. It was annoying now more than amusing. We didn't see her at college for a few days. There was this big charity event coming up and I'd decided to rope Samuel into baking with me for it with our other friend too. everyone was setting up tables outside to sell different things for charity, mainly cooking of different types, some textile students selling cute things off. We were happily sat at our table when of course Mel came over, and politely I asked if she wanted to buy anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:24 No.5665743
    That's why you cosplay as a follower of Chaos from Warhammer. All the spikes will deter glomping after the first attempt. Don't worry about hurting the weebs, their mighty portions of flab will protect them from serious harm, unless you're cosplaying Magnus the Red, then you might kill one if they come at you head on.

    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:30 No.5665765
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:32 No.5665776
    She picked out about twenty muffins and cookies which I wrapped up for her and when I went to take the money from her she opened her purse and said 'Oh, I have no money, can I pay you back?' I said no. She demanded why not, I've done it with other people. I pointed out I had not, but she esculated it into a fight. I took the food away from the table and started placing things back when she grabbed my wrist, twisting it quite hard screaming 'those are mine!' and then shoved my hands away, the struggle caused some things to be knocked off. Samuel pulled her away and threatened to get somebody working at the college, and she eventually walked away saying 'you owe me', right. Delusional.

    From then on, she would try to start things with me, a girl in our group and Samuel. Roughly 'bumping into us' in the hallways, or trying to trip us up, sly stuff she thought she could get away with. She managed to trip me up eventually and I got up in her face asking her what her problem was, if I didn't want to be friends to just fuck the hell off. And then she just snapped, she pushed me right over and stamped on my stomach. I was actually sick, gained a nasty bruise from it and couldn't eat properly for a day, she was a big girl and my insides got pretty crushed. People around us saw and backed me up when I reported it, she got suspended, but apparently her parents behaviour to the head of our department dealing with it got her expelled before she was even meant to come back. They classed it as hate crime and though cops weren't involved she was instantly forced to leave college. Woohoo? No. More trouble for us, mainly me and Samual.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:39 No.5665793
    A week after her being kicked out we were walking back from college on a Friday and guess who was stood outside my house? All of them; Mel, her Mother and Father and thug son. All fat and huge, all waiting for us to come home. They weren't directly outside of my house but leaning against their car a few houses down. We saw them and crossed the road but they saw us too. The son literally ran to us, the bottom of his stomach flapping out from under his shirt over his trousers as he did so, and grabbed me. Samual instantly got him off of me and we moved back a little, scared if I'm honest. The Dad came over and got right up close, though the Mother did pull him back a bit. Starting shouting 'what you got against our daughter, yeah?' and 'What did she do for you to frame and bully her so much, hm?'

    Right awya I pulled my T shirt up and showed him the ugly stomp bruise saying she did actually stamp on me, and has been harassing me for ages. All he said was 'all too right the way you queers been actin' with her friends, making them hate her'. Samuel stepped in here saying she's the one been acting the way she does to lose friends, and is it no wonder? When now, suddenly, the son just launches at him, tackling him to the ground and punching him. Sam mainly blocks him with his arms after one punch until I shove him off and we cross the road quickly, running away and to our house, the Mother was telling the son of a little bit, but also saying 'we'll get them another way don't you worry'.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:40 No.5665799
    This is the first time I've actually sat down and spent time on /cgl/.

    I've never actually been to a convention of any kind, and I now know that I never want to, either.

    Fuck this gay earth.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:42 No.5665807

    Cons are actually really nice. Sure, there are some weirdos but it is NOTHING like the stories you see here.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:43 No.5665808

    We ran inside and my Dad was home luckily, we didn't want to make a big deal of the whole situation anymore and begged him not to phone the police or anything. He went outside to where they were still just stood around right outside our house now and defended Sam like he was his soon too, saying something like 'you touch my boys I'll have you arrested, got that?' and then tried to see what argument they had for harassing us so much. The Mother had called our house phone five times or so when we were out on the day Mel got expelled.

    They argued for a bit and my dad came back in saying they really weren't listening to reason but he had warned them to go away or he'd be calling the cops. Sam was a bit shaken up, had a split lip. We stayed up in my room just worrying about getting beaten up or worse, but went to college after the weekend. This was also when a long-planned cosplay event was happening at the Japan Club we still went to, we'd been making costumes together for ages, Mel had been too before she got expelled and went psycho. Nothing happened at school though they did call a few times 'trying to make peace' and every time my parents or we would say we are not interested at all in anything they have to say. It was maybe a call a day, mainly from the Mother and sometimes Mel herself.

    Then came the cosplay evening, we had the room until very late, watching movies in cosplay and organising a propper shoot with the photography department setting things up for us. We were hanging around in full cosplay for about three hours really enjoying ourselves before guess who turned up.
    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 04/02/12(Mon)21:44 No.5665811
    Some of the stories are made up, some of them are true. I've been doing cons for the past... five or so years? Never had anything really bad happen(not enough to get police or security involved.) But they're always good lessons to be smart about your surroundings and cautious. Also, having a couple good friends with you can help reduce the chance of a bad situation.

    There's plenty of idiots and people who need to learn some manners, but there's plenty of awesome people too.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:45 No.5665815
    >some weirdos
    yeah fuckin right
    are you even reading these stories
    a lot of people there are batshit insane
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:47 No.5665823
    Don't lie to the boy/girl. To be honest, shit like this does happen, but don't expect to see any of the really messed up stuff for yourself. The weird/awkward things will happen eventually and the violent glomps and unwashed bodies with no sense of social decorum are a given in the long run. The truly heinous shit? You might be at a con where it happens once in your life, but the chances of it actually happening to you are remote. Unless you're surrounded by the kind of people who are crazy enough to pull that kind of shit, in which case you probably have already had something fucked up happen with them.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:48 No.5665824
    Whatever, man. Your loss. Cons are fun.
    >> Benadryl 04/02/12(Mon)21:49 No.5665827
         File: 1333417777.jpg-(17 KB, 500x511, 1333310513925.jpg)
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    This one time I went to a con with a friend from work, I was told I was going with her and a single female friend and was told everyone knew I was going. Turns out the "single" girl was hideous and had a boyfriend. My friend from work brought her weird-ass foreign boyfriend. I was playing fifth wheel. The whole time I hung out with them, the foreign guy kept whispering something in her ear and then saying "you know you like my dirty jokes". It was just too fuckin weird. Then they wanted to hook me up so they found this black hambeast dressed up like yoko and tried to get us to make out. It was a pretty shitty weekend.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:49 No.5665828
    I'm a guy. Honestly, I look intimidating enough that I don't expect people to really pull any of this shit on me. Especially if I'm not in cosplay.

    But, for Christ's sake I don't even want to risk it. The last thing I want is some fat weeb fantasizing about how my lips taste like pocky and soy sauce.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:50 No.5665829
    She just walked in in some aweful cosplay, if you could call it that. She wore childrens clothes mainly that were stretched to the seams and didn't fit at all, wearing a jacket hat wouldn't even go over her sides, knee socks that barely reached over her shins. She'd 'decorated' her pants, writing japanese words and drawing things all over them, but the words had smeared with her presumed sweat or other body fluids, the words around her crotch were unreadable. She wore a never-brushed neon pink wig that clashed with everything and her black greasy hair was visable at the forehead and the back. And of course, she was not allowed to be there. The group leader went over immidiatly and said quietly to leave.

    "WHY? NYA?" She asks as we all try to ignore her being polite and focusing on the film we were watching. But the small talk esculated into Mel throwing a fit about human rights and she's spent 'so much money' on her shitty 'cosplay', and that they have to give her the money if they don't let her stay. The leader had absolutely no idea how to deal with her, and in the end somebody from our friend group went over and said it's best if she just left, she's embaressing herself.

    She did actually leave after shoving the friend and leader and ran out the doors wailing. I felt a bit bad at this point but everyone else pretty much was shocked and what a psycho she really was. It was about 11 PM when our night finished and we went home, carrying the left over food we'd taken with us to start with, walking back. As soon as we got to our road we noticed somebody stood by the house and instantly I thought it might be her; sure enough it was.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:52 No.5665832
         File: 1333417931.jpg-(163 KB, 1024x800, noz_black_kabar_tanto_det.jpg)
    163 KB
    i get this piece bonded every year and strap it to my hip
    it tends to ward everyone off
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:53 No.5665834
    F5 F5 F5
    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 04/02/12(Mon)21:53 No.5665837
    The most intimidating people are usually the ones not to get messed with. Try sticking with a couple friends, and try a smaller local con if you want to try a con out.

    If you're smart, if anybody tries something funny, you can get security/police involved.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:54 No.5665838
    Be like this girl's friend. Or that Texas girl who shot some guy in the foot because he ruined her cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:57 No.5665845
    >Or that Texas girl who shot some guy in the foot because he ruined her cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)21:58 No.5665846
    We went to walk past her without saying anything and got to the front door before she came up angrily and shoved me before speaking to me, as usual. It was then I had reached my absolute limit, and stopped feeling sorry for her with whatever mental problem she obviously had. I gave ths long winded speech, something roughly summing up that it isn't normal or acceptable to be rude to people, to shove, hit or be violent with people, not friends, not anyone, not me. I told her to get the fuck off my porch and the fuck out of my life and that I could still have her sued or arrested for stamping on me at college. She took a softed approach of trying to tell me she had some 'home problem' or something else that sounded like an anime life but I said I didn't care and to never come near me, Samuel or anyone else of our group that she had harassed.

    Weirdly enough, she seemed to get the message. She said a simple 'fuck you then' and walked away. I literally didn't hear from her again (for a while), though some of our other friends continued to deal with her for some time. About six months later she saw us in a shop somewhere and harassed Samuel a little, getting up in his face and saying she was going to 'take him away'. She tried to say we looked at her and were making fun of her but we hadn't seen her until she came up behind us.

    Aside from that she stayed out of our lives. Sort of a lame ending, not something horrific and tragic like the others, but oh well. It was pretty stressful dealing with her and her batshit family for so long.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)22:07 No.5665863
    After con party got out of hand, some drunk dude fucked up a cosplay, it's legal to shoot people you don't want in your house in Texas, owner shot the dude in the foot because her cosplay got fucked up, person who was posting the story said they were both proud and mortified.

    Just your average day in Texas.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)22:11 No.5665872

    [citation needed]
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)22:15 No.5665881
    Oh, it was probably fake, but still amusing. Although when I lived in Texas for about two years, lots of crazy shit happened that never got reported. Then again, I was in hick central.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)22:27 No.5665911
    I was gonna say. I live in Austin, and not too terribly much like that goes down. Probably the most extreme was when I actually got to the point of making sure I could aim my rifle out the back door window and into the cul de sac behind us, because some girl who lived in there and her boyfriend were batshit nuts and were always fighting in the street. I was afraid one day he was going to snap and try to kill her before I could call the cops.
    Other than that, pretty normal
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)22:31 No.5665921

    this is totally bullshit. a crazy, made up story just like most of the rest of these.

    i live in texas (and stereotypically know about owning/operating and have a CHL) and yeah, no way this is real. if it is she would have been prosecuted.

    >it's legal to shoot people you don't want in your house in Texas

    not true. from what has been provided there is no justifiable reason for her to shoot.
    >> Shuckle !GGMBZ7W7Fs 04/02/12(Mon)22:34 No.5665927
         File: 1333420477.png-(296 KB, 486x334, And Then There's This Bidoof.png)
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    Fairly sure I mentioned this before, several times, perhaps... I'll mention it again anyway, because I'm bored.

    >Cosplaying Ukitake alone
    >Another Ukitake cosplayer comes up to me, notably not as good, not to sound overly confident
    >Seem's kinda bro, we hang out for a bit
    >A few minutes of conversing pass as we talk about our costumes when suddenly...
    >"Oh...You made that?", said rather maliciously.
    >About to answer yes when he interrupts.
    >"I only buy *my* cosplays from actual professionals, that way you wont have any bad seems and it wont generally look thrown together."
    Rage level : 20%
    >"Oh no, I didn't mean to say yours was; as far as hand made goes, yours does look pretty good; but it's not like it was made by a professional, you know. but it's ok, I don't hate you for it or anything, haha, I know not everyone can afford them"
    >At this point I decide to humour him...
    >"I know what you mean; yours looks *so* flawless, where ever did you get it?

    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)22:35 No.5665934
    Not really horror but ...

    >Waiting in Registration Line
    >Had injured my knees a few days before
    >Start feeling a huge pain in my legs
    >Ask to be excused from the line, first staff member tells me no, 2nd staff member lets me go to the bathroom
    >Run to the bathroom
    >Sit on toilet rubbing my legs and sobbing
    >Remember I have painkillers
    >Take them
    >Still have to go back in line and stand for 30 minutes in tears until the painkillers kicked in.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)22:35 No.5665935
    That and the general advice is to shoot to kill, because otherwise your defense in court is usually dead, like in this case. If she had shot someone in the foot, she would have been prosecuted for unnecessary use of force, and then sued for permanent damages.
    >> Shuckle !GGMBZ7W7Fs 04/02/12(Mon)22:36 No.5665942
         File: 1333420603.png-(4 KB, 416x225, Don't fuckle with me.png)
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    Rage level : 45%
    >Try to excuse myself
    >He follows, telling me about how he spent a grand total of £70 or something on his cosplay.
    >I spent more than that on materials alone.
    Rage level : 60%
    >Photographer asks for a shot.
    >He walks up to the Photographer and says something to the effect of
    >"Do you want a shot with just me in it? My costume is professionally done, so it's better...
    Rage level 100 perc-
    > ...He couldn't afford to buy one so he had to make his own, haha"
    >Rejoins my side as I walk off.
    >"I guess you'll get asked for a lot more photos with me around, haha."

    At that point I broke, I actually think I laughed a little bit as my sanity drained form my body, perhaps tears as well.
    I tried again to excuse myself with "I'm going to meet with my girlfriend" He told me he was good at meeting new people, even after I insisted it would just be me and her. Eventually managed to escape.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)22:41 No.5665955

    not to mention that alcohol was involved as well
    >> Shuckle !GGMBZ7W7Fs 04/02/12(Mon)22:41 No.5665956
         File: 1333420915.png-(151 KB, 500x571, notsureifwant.png)
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    >Standing, or more so sitting at this point, in registration line.~
    >Not yet moving, just standing stagnant.
    >General conversing with the people behind and trying to pass the time.
    >The people ahead of me are a couple a guy in a bad male lolita type get up and the female in what seems to be half decent lolita
    >She's sitting in his lap, making out and giggling and doing couple stuff.
    >Pay little notice to it all, or at least I try to
    >She keeps fidgeting in weird ways
    >She must also be really enjoying the kissing because every so often she moa-
    >They were fucking in fort of everyone.
    >> ®öri♪♫ !/Kyunn6n1o 04/02/12(Mon)22:47 No.5665968
         File: 1333421272.jpg-(103 KB, 483x430, tumblr_lwmjmgW3ub1r0q6x8o1_500.jpg)
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    I. What. Oh go-
    I honestly don't know what I'd do in this situation.
    Report it obviously. Not sure if you would have proof to actually get them kicked out.
    If they were still doing it.. I'd probably go up to them and freak out. None of my business but really, you're in the public. Can't wait to get to you're car or room to fuck? You that damn horny you want to break the law? Talk about indecent.
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 04/02/12(Mon)22:50 No.5665974

    From one Ukitake to another- you shoulda punched him. Nobody that douchetastic deserves to wear the 13th Division's uniform.
    >> Shuckle !GGMBZ7W7Fs 04/02/12(Mon)22:53 No.5665983
    I was far to embarrassed by it all to actually call them out on their shit, I just tried my hardest to ignore it and look anywhere but in that direction.

    I could have, I really could have.
    Everything about him was the worst.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)23:03 No.5666017
    That's both disgusting and hot as hell
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)23:05 No.5666027
    Figured I could add a story.
    So I'm at convention, having a pretty fun time, half in my cosplay because it was so hot I needed to take the top part off, I would of changed out of it completely, but I didn't have spare clothes, my mistake.
    So two people sit down near me after asking, both don't seem to bad. Guy and a girl, the dudes a bit hefty, the girl has some buck teeth, other wise they're ok.. or so I think.
    As back story, I am into a multitude of nerdy things, I play card games on and off, cosplay when I have the funds, comics, manga, it comes from a house steeped in nerdy crap from the age of 6, you adapt to it.
    So I had bought some YuGiOh Cards, some of them in preparation for a cosplay in the future (it didn't work out, the group sort of fell apart and nothing came of it.)
    Back to the present, we're talking politely, joking about random anime shit as I'm sorting my cards out.
    Then I feel a foot heading up my leg.
    >> Micnax !!JOgXJlDqDmX 04/02/12(Mon)23:06 No.5666029
         File: 1333422372.jpg-(18 KB, 303x287, 1277821908531.jpg)
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    Disgusting yet classy.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)23:17 No.5666079
    I pull away, thinking it was just a joke, I can take physical humor and fake attraction, after all, these two seemed to be in line with my kind of humor, dark or otherwise, guess they thought it was funny.
    I ask them to not do that again, because I didn't know them well enough for that kind of joke.
    Turns out the guy wasn't, neither was the girl, it turned out they where cosplaying some Yaoi game or something, and wanted to translate that into a round with me.
    Now, I am flattered, I'm straight, I can take a compliment and understand that sometimes people are just forward, I like to think I'm pretty cool when it comes to this kinda thing.
    Turned out they aren't quite as cool with my decline as I was with their advancement. They scatter my cards, knock me out of my chair and had kicked me in the stomach, I dunno which one I had hit my head so I had closed my eyes from the pain.
    They where found an hour later... on stage, and where removed by security after they had left it.
    In the end I'm kind of happy it happened, I gained some wisdom and a friend from the incident, who had immediately come over to help me once she saw me, even got me some water the next day after I had overspent my money on buying other folks stuff.
    So I guess the lesson is talk to strange weaboo like people if you want a strong woman to become one of your best friends?
    Yeah. That's it.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/12(Mon)23:54 No.5666220
    2012 is next weekend bro
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 04/03/12(Tue)00:07 No.5666255
         File: 1333426023.png-(55 KB, 193x284, checkit.png)
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    MTAC 2012 was in March. In Toronto.

    Apparently there's another MTAC in Tennessee or something, but that's not what we're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)00:44 No.5666405
    I've only been to a couple cons, and only got to dress up as one of them, mostly because I'm awful at planning costumes. Anyways, my first con was when I was like 12, and pretty scrawny for a boy. I made a robot suit out of cardboard; it looked pretty good, if I do say so myself.
    >Walking around the upstairs part of the hotel with my sister
    >Everyone is pretty cool so far; a guy dressed as Feather Cape Mario even watched my suit for me when I went into the bathroom
    >Another robot shows up
    >Calls himself the Pushbot; arms in front of him and he shoves people
    >We both mock fight; he's pretty rough
    >Get a few laughs, no biggie; doing surprisingly well for a social retard like me
    >Start walking down the hugeass set of stairs carefully (can hardly see or move in the damn thing)
    >Pushbot decides it's time for another push
    >Oh lord my feet are no longer on the ground I can't stop this fall red alert why did I lock myself in this cardboard coffin
    >Tumble down about thirteen steps
    >Knocked out for a couple seconds; somehow cracked a rib, and sprained my shoulder
    >Apparently Pushbot booked it once he saw me falling
    >Everyone gathers around to help me out
    >Wake back up to searing pain and fat lolitas squealing in fear
    >Go to the hospital; never saw Pushbot again
    That wasn't as stunning as my memory makes it out to be
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)01:03 No.5666472
         File: 1333429385.jpg-(18 KB, 342x192, tumblr_lrszlx2HcC1qiddww.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)04:19 No.5666995

    MTAC = March TORONTO Anime Convention, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    MTAC (U.S.) = Middle Tennessee Anime Convention, in Nashville, TN
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)11:39 No.5667609
         File: 1333467558.png-(790 KB, 900x1199, Male Preg wtfcest.png)
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    Bumping the thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)18:38 No.5669219
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)20:31 No.5669504
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)20:36 No.5669519
    Holy shit, it is terrible that something like that happened to you and awesome that someone actually cosplayed the Pusher Robot from The Terrible Secret of Space.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)20:43 No.5669541
    Why can't you say no?
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)20:49 No.5669560
    Cons are for the mentally retarded.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)22:56 No.5670028
    Sorry if I have so many grammar errors. English isn't my first language!

    I spent almost than a year on my Dorothea cosplay (Avalon Code) due job, studies, moving with bf and more things. I’m not famous or an amazing cosplayer, but I’m a bit well-know in my local community, which also holds my country’s biggest con. I was very proud of my costume and decided to take part at the cosplay contest, (something like WCS but individual). My BF is very know too, but mainly because he’s part of an anime club, winning everyfucking videogame contest here, being good looking and really, really polite and warm to people, incluying hambeasts.

    So last two years we didn’t go to any con because of studies, and that year would be our first time cosplaying together and the first time to him. I was Dorothea and he, “D”, was Lavi from D.Gray-man. Only a few people knew we were dating so when people saw us they were like wtf

    I was waiting to go up the cosplay stage chatting with an Ironman and a girl dressed as a really strange, but pretty Vocaloid, and D came to encourage me because I was really nervous, but some chubby girls stopped him and took some photos. They were cosplaying some disney princess but with keyblades.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)22:57 No.5670031
         File: 1333508246.png-(282 KB, 313x361, doro.png)
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    One girl, who apparently was Cinderella, took more than ten photos with him. Later, D come to me and apologize for take a long time with them. He kissed me and ran away ‘cause some vidya tournament was starting and he was a participant. And oh, then I saw Cinderella, who was staring at me so much. She was drinking cola and chewing gum. She came to me and started to talk to me, asking about my costume and which character I was After explaining who was Dorothea, she asked about D, because she and her friends never saw him in cosplay. When I said I helped him with the cosplay, she stopped to smile to me.

    >“So… you’re D’s princess?”
    >”Em, I’m his gf…”
    > “See this? *points at her tiara* I’m a princess too! And look at my dress, it’s pretty!”
    I smiled and compliment her although her cosplay was a bit shitty.
    She started asking me when we started our relationship, when we meet for first time, where we had our first date. I tried to answer everything but…
    > “And when did you make love with him for first time?
    Errr, wat? I heard Vocaloid girl laughing. I said it was a private thing and I didn’t want to talk about it, of course. But apparently she didn’t understand it and she continued asking me until Ironman tell her to stop ‘cause it was too embarrassing and to fuck off. She ignored him and stared at me once again.
    > “You don’t deserve being with him.”
    WAIT, WAT.
    > “I know he want to be a kawaii daddy, and you’re too flat and skinny to have children”
    What the fuck is she talking about
    >”Look at your chicken legs” But seriously, wtf “OH, YOU’RE SO PATHETIC, MISS MATCHSTICK!”
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)22:59 No.5670040

    People started laughing and I didn’t know what to do with Cinderella, so I excused and went to bathroom. I didn’t knew she was following me, and I found her there .
    > “You don’t like what I said?” WTFFFF is wrong with that girl “I’m better than you. He likes me more. I ‘ve photos with him AND YOU NOT, MISS MATCHSTICK”
    I told her to stop because her attitude wasn’t right. And she was scaring me, really.
    When I said it to her, she looked at her foots, like children when are ashamed. But later she looked at me again and she t hrew her cola to my dress. In less of five minutes I had to be on stage, AND MY FUCKING COSPLAY WAS STAINED!!!! OH THAT FUCKING BITCH. I was mad and told her she was a bitch for doing that. And she didn’t like it.

    She stuck her fucking chewing gum into my wig and pushing me to the bathroom sink, wetting my dress, face, ruining my make up and wig. I started crying because she was really hurting me. She was like… two or three times my size.

    Fortunately, when Iron Man and Vocaloid girl saw Cinderella following me, they warned the staff about Cinderella and they found us. They kicked out her that day, and alerted D about my situation, who was still playing and had to leave the tournament.

    Later D explained me that Cinderella was one of his best friends in primary school, but in HS she started to be a bit possessive with him and he stopped to talk and see her. It seems she was fucking obsessed with D, because when the staff kicked her, the other Disney princess come to us to apology about behaviour and showed us her phone, with a fucking tons of photos of D.

    That fucking bitch still goes to cons and staff have never banned her, but I know she had some troubles with other people cosplaying the same character as her and get kicked sometimes.

    I threw my costume. I’ll never be Dorothea again.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)23:12 No.5670098
    That's the dress the bitch ruined?

    Jesus fuck I would have set her on fire right then and there.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)23:14 No.5670112
    You're all an embarrassment to people who like anime but aren't freaks.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 04/03/12(Tue)23:17 No.5670119

    >Be 14
    >Dressed as Toboe
    >Lookin' pretty good.
    >Eatin' Subway on the steps of the con
    >Feel weird thing going on with my hair
    >Turn around
    >A giant hambeast is playing with the flip in my hair
    >"Hey there little puppy..."
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)23:23 No.5670137
         File: 1333509818.jpg-(41 KB, 500x354, Avalon.Code.530736.jpg)
    41 KB

    Yeah, Dorothea has an amazing design. Well, most characters of Avalon Code are awesome ;_;

    Nowadays I just ignore her, but god, I hate her. I hope she get banned soon.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)23:33 No.5670173
    >Went to a con once
    >There were people there
    >Worst idea ever
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)23:36 No.5670185
    That dress is delicious. I'll never understand how someone can be such scum that they deliberately ruin other people's hard work.

    Fucking hell I mad. I've never even had any shitty encounters at cons but all this is making me mad and scared.
    >> Anonymous 04/03/12(Tue)23:42 No.5670210
    >dat dress

    Avalon Code has great costume design.

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