I have a thing for cute/sexy witches /cgl/. Can we have a cute/sexy witch cosplay thread?
bump because of Blair
Saving your thread OP
You only want witchy looking witches or are other SE withes good too? Because I love me some Medusa and Eruka, even though they don't look very witchy.
I suppose for now I'll just post more Blair
lawdy do I ever have a fuckton of Blair
>>5655217>>5655253>>5655260>>5655249Don't get me wrong, I love this Blair, but every time I see it up close I rage.Velvet. Who the fuck uses velvet?
This is the best Blair I've ever seen. Ever.
>>5655271Well she is a cat.....I imagine she would want a pettable dress. Velvet also doesn't wrinkle and clings to her nicely.As long as it isn't crushed velour velvet is fine why the hate?
>>5655281I just hate velvet. I hate it more than any fabric ever. I find it hot and itchy and clingy and just plain unattractive.But that's just me. I agree it could look so much worse, and this is still the most accurate Hooker! Blair I've seen to date.I just fucking hate velvet.
Annnd I'm out of Blair.Jut gonna post whatever else I can find that looks witchy.
Technically a witch.Looks more like a hippy though.