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  • File: 1332795207.jpg-(469 KB, 862x1200, 1327376601149.jpg)
    469 KB Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)16:53 No.5641026  
    ITT shit that pisses you off about the cosplay community.

    I'll start: The idea from jealous female cosplayers that any guy who likes younger teen girls if he's in his 20s is a "pedo".

    Complete bullshit of course, contrary to biology and motivated almost entirely by their own jealousy but it doesn't stop some girls from taking it overboard, telling you they'll call con security if they see you taking a younger girl back to your hotel room, threatening to call the cops if one of the younger girls has buyer's remorse and runs off crying to an older girl etc.

    Fact is, 13/14 year old girls are putting themselves out there on the meat market at cons and it's not "pedophilia" to be attracted to some of them.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)16:54 No.5641031
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    Lol, someone called you a pedo didn't they OP?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)16:55 No.5641035
    Fact is, it doesn't matter if she consents, if she gets buyer's remorse and goes to the police, guess who broke the law.

    Sleeping with underage girls puts you at risk for going to prison, if you don't like it, don't sleep with them.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)16:57 No.5641040
    True facts.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)16:59 No.5641046
    >OP implying that not pedo
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)16:59 No.5641049
    >if you don't like it, don't sleep with them, or go live in Europe rather than your Christian backwater Conservative shithole that is America.

    At least here we're not pretending that girls turn sluts as soon as they hit puberty. One thing the Liberals did right.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:00 No.5641051
    What I find amazing is that some of them pretend they don't like attention from older guys. They'll pretend to be offended, and leave, and go and sit somewhere away from you or act uncomfortable if you talk about sexual anecdotes, but fact is they love older guys 'objectifying' them and wanting them. That's why they show skin in the first place. They want it deep down.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:00 No.5641053
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    this post reeks of pedophilia. You don't have to justify your actions here OP. Justify them in court.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:00 No.5641055
    In the eyes of the law, you'd be a pedo if they're under the age of consent so it's your damn fault if you go after younger girls. Have fun in jail.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:01 No.5641056
    All the jealous girls can say is "Have fun in jail".

    We get it, you're jealous because your pussies have been used up and aren't fresh meat like theirs are. No reason to take it out on us.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:02 No.5641058
    You're wrong OP. They have done studies. The average age that men of all ages universally found attractive was 17. 13 year old girls are stupid and hormonal. You're a grown adult and know better. You have a right to be attracted to them but it doesn't give you the right to surpass your boundaries and take advantage of that.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:02 No.5641061
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:02 No.5641062

    Yes, all girls acting offended or uncomfortable are "Tsundere". You're doing a great job of acting like a mentally warped/delusional pedo btw.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:03 No.5641063
    *that they don't turn sluts

    Having the age of consent above 14 is a telling sign that your country's law is still catering to the needs and wants of doofuses.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:04 No.5641066
    >your pussies have been used up

    Fun fact: once you turn 16, your vag just falls apart from overuse.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:04 No.5641069
    I love when pedos try to defend themselves. It's hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:05 No.5641072
    Everything I see in the Social Justice thread over yonder. If you want to cosplay a character who has a different skintone, ok, use makeup or tan, etc. make it look natural and seer clear of obvious mockery re:blackface which was done with black paint and white on the lips, and I see nothing wrong with it. This is coming from a non-white kid too. It's a goddamn hobby.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:05 No.5641074

    if you're not an ephebo/pedophile you're a doofus, what a compelling argument
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:05 No.5641076
    >Social Justice thread

    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:06 No.5641083
    >My cunt is wide
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:06 No.5641085
    >lolitas talk about CP
    >cosplayers trying to sleep with underage girls

    Well 2 lovely threads on the first page
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:07 No.5641088
    I'm just going ignore the blatant pedophilia and talk about other things that actually piss me off in the cosplay community. FIRST: that bullshit about whites only cosplay whites and blacks only cosplay blacks. Whatever the fucking reason, you're all retarded. How about everyone cosplays whoever the fuck they want and you sit the fuck down and deal with it?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:07 No.5641089
    Fun fact: it's not pedophilia when they're postpubescent. It's not even a disorder, if a male prefers them as soon as they hit puberty, it's little more than first-come, first-served instinct.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:08 No.5641099
    That doesn't follow. Just because someone doesn't want the age of consent to be -18- of all things doesn't mean they're a pedo. I mean, I'm not attracted to people over 40, but that doesn't mean I want it to be illegal to have sex with them.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 03/26/12(Mon)17:08 No.5641100
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    Stop replying to troll threads
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:09 No.5641101
    13-14 is not post-pubescent unless they got their periods before age 10.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:09 No.5641102
    is that supposed to be a justification? Because if it is, its pathetic
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:10 No.5641111
    Fun fact: humans are rational animals. This means we are not slaves to instinct. Instead, we can think and make informed choices. You should try it.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:10 No.5641112
    Girls are very, very fertile at 14/15, they're more or less "asking for it" biologically.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:11 No.5641119
    >if you're not an ephebo/pedophile you're a doofus, what a compelling argument
    Nice try, 'kwan fucker. What makes you a doofus is the pure hypocrisy that is behind the age of consent as high as it is.
    Then again, you're grouping ephebophiles and pedos together, so you're probably just trolling.

    Do you even realize -what- in particular is it, that makes pedophilia a disorder? There is a perfectly logical explanation behind it.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:11 No.5641123

    >"asking for it" logic
    >rapist detected
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:16 No.5641160
    13 and 14 year olds are not only too young physically to have sex, but also emotionally as well. The reason they dress may provocatively is because they want to emanate older girls and catch guys' attention. For attention. They're not "asking" for you to try to fuck them. So stop being a creepy pedophile, OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:16 No.5641161
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:18 No.5641170
    Actually, I agree that their bodies are technically asking it. At that age, the body yearns to become pregnant. That of course does not mean the girl themselves want sex.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:18 No.5641171
    You know you can sleep with an underage girl all you want just don't be surprised when you have police at your door and you're being arrested for statutory rape. Like it's been said this thread buyers remorse, you don't think some girl emotionally unstable 13-17 year old is going feel bad or change her tone when people find out about sleeping with an older guy? Or worse if her parents found out, that guy can kiss his life goodbye
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:18 No.5641176
    Yeah, no, learn Biology. Most female manboons hit puberty by the age of 12 to 13. It's a statistic fact.
    >Because if it is, its pathetic
    See, and this is the whole point of the issue. All you have against it is YOUR subjective opinion and YOUR hypocritical morals. It was common practice to marry and make a female pregnant as soon as she started menstruating in Medieval age. Sure, you may not like it, but the men who did it were completely mentally sane. As soon as she can bear children, it's fair game.
    >Fun fact: humans are rational animals
    Then we should learn to act like ones, and not force arbitrary laws on us, which do in the end nothing but cause suffering of males. If young women are incapable of using their brains too, and cannot resist wanting to get sticked in by a lecherous adult man, it's their fault too. Or their parents'. I don't fucking care, really.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:18 No.5641178
    Have fun, a shitstorms a' brewin.

    Basically started with Soni whining about how hard it is to cosplay as a Hispanic person and how she's using scholarly sources to back this up.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:23 No.5641218
    Yep, and that's what I'm talking about. It doesn't even have to be true, and you can ruin a man's life just because some little slut feels like it. Oh sure, they -perhaps- won't go to prison if they were innocent. But just the accusation alone ensures that a teacher, in example, is never ever going to get job again. It's just fucking disgusting.

    It is funny that I will get called out a pedophile for providing rational opinions rather than morale driven bigotry, when I actually hate those little fucking shits. Teenage girls are the second worst human beings there is, right next to the human larvae itself.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 03/26/12(Mon)17:25 No.5641223
    Did you know that the human brain, especially the areas which help us judge, doesn't mature until around the age of 25? So, if we take empirical evidence seriously, the age of consent should be over 25.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:26 No.5641229
    Nowadays we have technology that has shown that a 13 year old's brain is no where near fully developed enough to handle thinking in an adult manner. This is where many laws regarding the appropriate age to do something have come from. So, maybe men married 13 year-olds in medieval times but that doesn't make it acceptable at all today.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:26 No.5641230
    Yeah, no nice try you giraffe-fucking sodomite. It's about as legit as the 'herp derp we're only using 1% of our brains deprherp'.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:28 No.5641243
    A lot of girls actually do get their periods before they leave primary school, so around 10/11. I did, and most of my friends did.

    Just because a girl /can/ get pregnant at 13/14/15 doesnt mean they should. You look at the stuff that goes on in Africa, the number of girls that die each year in childbirth because they havent developed properly by the time theyre married and having kids. And these 'arbitrary laws' are there to protect young girls from disgusting pedos like you. I know plenty of girls who had sex before they turned 16, but I dont know anyone who didnt regret doing so.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:28 No.5641244
    >This is where many laws regarding the appropriate age to do something have come from
    Unsauced bullcrap. In modern times, the age of consent gets only lower and lower.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:30 No.5641251
    >hit puberty
    That's pubescent, not post-pubescent. Pubescent is still immature. You're still trying to fuck a kid.

    >It was common practice to marry and make a female pregnant as soon as she started menstruating in Medieval age.
    And back then, women started menstruating later (closer to 16-17) because of the widespread malnutrition. You see the same thing in 3rd world countries: later menarche because it takes them longer to become big enough to support a pregnancy. This is also why the average age at menarche drops as Western diets become worse and lifestyles become more sedentary: girls get fat enough to menstruate earlier than before.

    And lol at "if it happened back then, it's fine now". It was common practice to shit in your water supply, obviously we should emulate the superior Medieval age.

    >not force arbitrary laws on us
    If you think laws are arbitrary and not extensively rationalized, then you are less rational than you think.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:30 No.5641253
    Fucking hell. Most of you whores wanted rock hard dick when you were 13 and now you're turning around and denying it!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:30 No.5641254
    >Just because a girl /can/ get pregnant at 13/14/15 doesnt mean they should.
    But I didn't say that. What I'm saying is, that the fact that she can get pregnant automatically disproves any accusations of the male that is attracted to a girl this age has some sort of disorder.
    >And these 'arbitrary laws' are there to protect young girls from disgusting pedos like you
    Oh wait, nevermind.

    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:31 No.5641257
    can you find a state that has an age of consent lower than 16??
    Just get a girl your own age, you creepy motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:33 No.5641274
    >If you think laws are arbitrary and not extensively rationalized, then you are less rational than you think.
    Again, typical strawman. I only implied that the laws that put AoC so high are arbitrary. Most laws in Europe in this regard are, on the other hand, rational.

    Look at the map you American dumbfuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:34 No.5641280
    Go to italy
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:35 No.5641286
    >the fact that she can get pregnant automatically disproves any accusations of the male that is attracted to a girl this age has some sort of disorder.

    ....Dude, no it DOESN'T. I got my period at age 11. If you wanted to get in my pants when I was 11, you would have had a serious, serious problem.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:35 No.5641292
    >you would have had a serious, serious problem.
    >It is funny that I will get called out a pedophile for providing rational opinions rather than morale driven bigotry, when I actually hate those little fucking shits. Teenage girls are the second worst human beings there is, right next to the human larvae itself.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 03/26/12(Mon)17:36 No.5641293
    Actually, no. I can cite my claim, if you want.

    And do you have a crush on me or something? You respond to everything I post. Not that I'm complaining.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:36 No.5641298
    >Actually, no. I can cite my claim, if you want.
    And yet you didn't.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:43 No.5641330
    I'm not the one who needs to look at the map, I'm not a fucking pedophile.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:45 No.5641334
    "If she likes it, it totally doesn't make me a pedo."

    No matter the conduct of the minor, if you are way older and you are hitting on underage kids, it's disgusting.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 03/26/12(Mon)17:45 No.5641338
    I got all the citations you want, bb
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:48 No.5641351
    Problem with a lot of older girls is that they're not as open minded. Younger girls are into very degrading things, or they can be "convinced" to do those things with you if they're impressionable. Older girls aren't as open minded.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:49 No.5641354
    Do you guys realize that age of consent means they can have sex with other people their own age or slightly older, not a grown adult? And that although age of consent rules and laws vary by state and country, the only places a grown man can legally have sex with a pubescent child is the absolute shittiest of the shithole third-world countries?

    I mean, just making sure you know what age of consent actually IS. It's not carte blanche to fuck teenage girls.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:49 No.5641356
    >>5641330're not even trying at this point, are you? This is what happens when 13-year olds try to troll.

    Well, whatever, I still spread thoughts of progress, that's what matters.

    Same to you. You wouldn't know how to troll even if it were laid out on the platter for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:49 No.5641359
    virgin detected
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:51 No.5641370
    Femanons.. Why do you rally around certain points like this?

    You're more or less blanket opposed to much older men dating teen girls.

    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:51 No.5641371

    Progress is moving forwards, not leaping backwards to medieval ages.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:51 No.5641372
    >It's not carte blanche to fuck teenage girls.
    No, just because you're Mexican doesn't mean that's how the rest of the world is run.

    A man in Germany, 40+ year old, was castrated by a 14 year old girl's father, because he slept with her, and authorities claimed it was perfectly legal for him to do so, but her father being a "moral man" and all that...

    I like how all you "rational human beings" probably cheered when you heard this.
    >> Mobile!Helen Keller !!KKWzh6imEyP 03/26/12(Mon)17:53 No.5641382
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    Uhm..what pisses me off..
    Oh yeah, when short girls cosplay anime lolis just because they are short, seriously, I'd rather prefer a short Minori/Ami over the 90001th Taiga
    Also OP, you are one sick sick person
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 03/26/12(Mon)17:54 No.5641384
    It ain't that.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:54 No.5641386
    A 40 year old had sex with a 14 year old. He deserved to have his genitals chopped off. He should count himself lucky the girl's father didn't kill him.

    And that's not legal in Germany, you ignorant little fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:55 No.5641387
    because we know what we were like at that age. And we most definitely were not ready to have sex with a 20 year old. Or have sex at all. I had never even kissed a boy at that age.

    In fact, I'm 19 and feel a little weird about even going on a date with a 25 year old. So I couldn't imagine how a 13 year old with a 25 year old must feel.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:56 No.5641391
    >He deserved to have his genitals chopped off.



    Do you think we have limitless self control?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:56 No.5641394
    >And that's not legal in Germany, you ignorant little fuck.
    Because, obviously, *you* are German, and not *me*, and *you* read the article, and not *me*.

    >He deserved to have his genitals chopped off. He should count himself lucky the girl's father didn't kill him.
    I have nothing more to say in this thread. I rest my case.
    >> ®öri♪♫ !/Kyunn6n1o 03/26/12(Mon)17:57 No.5641397
    We'll if someone is short, the only possibly characters they could cosplay are short ones. I mean, a short person cosplaying a tall chara won't look right.
    But I think I get what you mean.. They make it their only resort to cosplay that character because of their size.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:58 No.5641398
    You DO have self control. You're a human, not an animal. If you behave like a rabid dog, you'll be punished like one.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:59 No.5641406
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/26/12(Mon)17:59 No.5641407
    It's probably really petty, but I don't like seeing voluptuous, muscular or sharp-featured girls cosplaying teenage lolis, and I don't like tiny round-faced teenagers cosplaying muscular or voluptuous women. Really annoys me. Titania from Fire Emblem will never look good cosplayed by Enako, Misake Mei from Another will never look good cosplayed by Miyu. Is it that hard to just stick to characters you actually have a hope in hell of looking like?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)17:59 No.5641408
    Good, I'm glad we managed to shut you up. And I hope the little girl you fuck tells her dad and he tracks you down and guts you alive.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:00 No.5641410
    your just reverse trolling in favor of the pedos, dontcha
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:00 No.5641413
    Your bodies are fucking mesmerizing. Stop doing this to us.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:00 No.5641415

    So you actually think dads should protect their girls? Feminists are always attacking dads for being protecting of their little girls because they support promiscuity.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:01 No.5641416
    ACTUALLY it's called Hebophelia and it's a sub disorder on the DSM-IV and a full stand alone disorder on the DSM-V.

    Source: 4th year Psych student
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:01 No.5641420

    Rational beings, remember.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:02 No.5641428
    Yes, but it's only been added recently, under heavy criticism and without democratic input from the opposition.

    Nice try though.
    >> !1olDFagh8Q 03/26/12(Mon)18:02 No.5641429
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    no means yes OP
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:03 No.5641434
    Biology compels to do plenty of things that are morally questionable, so as "rational" as it may seem, that doesn't make certain things acceptable by society's standards. For instance, a biological predisposition could cause some people to be sociopaths, but that doesn't mean acting on those urges is considered acceptable, however natural they may be to the person who feels them. People are capable of horrible but very "natural" actions, but it is just as "natural" that as a society we may later oppose them. Because while evolution ensured we became creatures that reproduce rapidly, it has also resulted in the intelligence to note that what results in the most children doesn't necessarily results in us being happiest. Hence, we may go against evolution in some instances for personal benefit, by increasing the age at marriage & childbirth, dropping birthrates, and considering certain actions unacceptable because they may violate the happiness of others.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:03 No.5641437
    oh well, he was 57, he wouldn't get to fuck anyway
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:05 No.5641442


    Society's feelings towards relationships with girls in the 14-18 range has varied a lot throughout history, so it hasn't necessarily always been considered morally repugnant. It generally varied with the empowerment of women in those society's (although not always). However, I have issues with it on the basis of power relations, not he age difference per se. A child (and a 14 year old is very much a child in most cases) does not have nearly the life experience, autonomy, confidence or practical intelligence of someone even 4 or 6 years their senior. Because of this, in a relationship with someone much older than them, they are unlikely to listen to their own feelings/wants/desires and likely to feel they should listen to the authority figure in the relationship (the older person). Which means they are less likely to use contraception, make their own decision on abortion, be honest about what they want and when sexually, and stand up for how they would like to be treated emotionally.
    Yes, people are likely to have a knee-jerk reaction in a situation like this, OP, and may speak from that emotional source. But on a purely rational basis, someone who is actually physically attracted to 13 or 14 year old girls has a high incentive for rationalizing their own behavior, and thus however viable your opinion may seem to yourself, you have to realize that people are likely to discredit it simply because it benefits you. I don't think you're an evil/bad/horrible person, but don't just dismiss others because their opinion would inhibit your desires. Take the arguments reasonably. People usually feel that things are immoral for a reason, they also have affective, societal and at times biological bases, even if they may seem purely irrational.
    >> Nepeta 03/26/12(Mon)18:05 No.5641443
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    Sorry, but I'm gonna have to disagree there! Coming from someone who's only 4'11", it's quite difficult to cosplay a tall character, especially if you like to go for accuracy. It's much more fitting to be a character who's closer to your height, honestly.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:05 No.5641445

    >Debate is ongoing over whether hebephilia is a mental disorder, with Ray Blanchard and a number of his colleagues from CAMH arguing for its inclusion in the DSM-5.[8] The proposal has been criticized by Richard Green,[9] Allen Frances,[10] Michael First (DSM-IV editor),[10][11] Karen Franklin,[12] Charles Allen Moser,[13] William O'Donohue,[14] and other mental health professionals on various grounds. The current draft of the DSM-5, on which Blanchard serves as as Chair of the Paraphilias Sub-Work Group,[15] includes Blanchard's proposal.[16]

    >the one guy who wanted it recognized as a mental disorder pushes it as one
    Sounds like democracy to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:06 No.5641450
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    These are real kids and not the little moeblobs you fap to. You are not Kimura from Azumanga Daioh.

    Stop taking romantic guidance from Oingo Boingo songs and being a creeper.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:07 No.5641453
    >in b4 all of the opposition are filthy filthy pedophiles themselves
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:08 No.5641456
    The main reason it got through was because of cases like Russell Williams.
    Pedophilia at least in the Psych world was a broadview of lust for anyone underage/appearing underage... it's only been as of late that they've started classifying it because of sick fucks and a bunch of other stuff. Also the DSM-IV isn't really that new at all...
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:11 No.5641472
    But that article is English (and I can't find a single German one oddly enough) Mr German Guy and the ages are 17 and 57. That makes a whole lot of difference in German law.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:14 No.5641481
    not him, but since I have wikipedia open

    >The age of consent in Germany is 14, as long as a person over the age of 21 does not exploit a 14–15 year-old person's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination. In this rare and special case, a conviction of an individual over the age of 21 requires a complaint from the younger individual; being over 21 and engaging in sexual relations with a minor of that age does not constitute an offense in and of itself.

    So yeah. Big fucking difference.

    I find it quite amusing how no one dares to argue against me simply because all I'm doing is greentexting and copypasting. It's p. fun.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 03/26/12(Mon)18:17 No.5641491
    You haven't answered my question yet.

    Please response.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:17 No.5641493
    Why are you pretending so hard to be German?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:20 No.5641507
    >(...) können sexuelle Handlungen von mindestens 21 Jahre alten Erwachsenen mit 14- und 15-jährigen Jugendlichen nach § 182 Abs. 3 StGB bestraft werden, falls ein gesetzlicher Vertreter des Jugendlichen Strafantrag stellt und im Strafverfahren das Gericht feststellt, dass der Erwachsene eine – etwa mit Hilfe eines Sachverständigen – festzustellende „fehlende Fähigkeit zur sexuellen Selbstbestimmung“ des Jugendlichen ausgenutzt hat.

    I doesn't say a minor has to complain but a "gesetzlicher Vertreter" (legal representative) here which could be a parent.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:20 No.5641508
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    dayumn niggah, you got outed hard
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:22 No.5641511
    Oh, so he didn't complain and just went straight for the kitchen knife, the good old fashioned method?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:24 No.5641517
    Why would I be pretending?
    Soll ich dir n Gedicht zum Beweis aufsagen oder so?
    Didn't find that because they mentioned no names unlike shitty UK news.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:27 No.5641529
    I never said he was morally or legally right. You were just pretending to have some deep knowledge of German law using shock articles as your source and getting the important bits wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:33 No.5641553
    Really? Are you even trying? It doesn't matter if the parent complains, it needs be proven that the minor's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination has been abused.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:38 No.5641570
    Yeah, of course I was totally capable of deciding with who to have sex with at age 13.

    -I would have totally been able to support a pregnancy and come out of it alive. Not only that, but I would have to be able to open a schedule for my lovers and my kids while I am still in high school. At some point I would have turned into a slut (of course, all of this because I would totally say yes to any dick that comes my way) and subsequently get some STD's and probably die...

    And in the case I wouldn't have to do this all on my own and find myself a fine older (way older than me) husband to take care of me, while he decides I should go on the pill or remove my uterus, despite the fact that I'm just a wee bit too small and physically immature, because having children nowadays is too expensive. Of course, I know exactly what to do and take care of my husband and kids, because now I am not able to finish high school or find a job. I'm a perpetual housewife. Yay, progress.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:44 No.5641594
    I'm not sure if OP is trolling or if we just got a visit from Reddit.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:48 No.5641605
    Oh look. A thread about Masao.

    That's right, I went there.
    >> smoker !Umad72YCVU 03/26/12(Mon)18:55 No.5641632
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    >not checking their IDs before you put in the tip
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)18:58 No.5641644
    >implying you'd know where to put it
    pompadour = virgin
    >> awkward 03/26/12(Mon)19:09 No.5641686

    what's wrong with pompadours?
    >> smoker !Umad72YCVU 03/26/12(Mon)19:53 No.5641828
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    Nothing in particular, but if its something I do its always the reason my persona is a foreveralone virgin apparently.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)21:51 No.5642192
    Your body wants it. You want us to come inside of you without protection. Admit it.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:05 No.5642248
    >The age of sexual consent should be lower!!!
    Well, you know that will lead to people demanding the age of consent to buy booze and cigarettes to be lowered and then the age of legal adulthood and the voting age to be lowered.

    Sorry, but I don't want a bunch of 15 year olds deciding who gets to be a State or National representative. They're a bunch of idiots that get caught up in sensationalist media and we have enough of those in the current voting demographic as it is.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:13 No.5642265
    Age on consent is 14 in my country.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/12(Mon)22:18 No.5642284
    But they'd be too busy having sex with older men to vote, silly. So you'd have nothing to worry about anyways
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)05:41 No.5643113
    Girls are jealous of younger teens, what else is new?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)06:37 No.5643161
    This exactly. Age of consent != maturity.

    But as for the alcohol laws, you might as well lower those too, since they stem from the same ineffectual hypocrisy. It is impossible for normal teenagers not to start drinking at an early age, it would me much more useful to teach them how to do it responsibly from the get go, rather than use arbitrary laws, though they at least can't be used to punish the innocent, unlike statutory rape.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)08:20 No.5643284
    I have a cure-all for people who want to fuck 13 year olds, but want to bitch and say it's illegal and shouldn't be.

    There are PLENTY of girls who are 18+ who are flat chested and have youthful faces. Go after them. Afterall, they don't get much attention, since regular men like girls with big tits.

    Oh? You don't want to do it because they aren't really 13? It's not as much of a thrill?

    You're fucking stupid if you think fucking a 13 year old is normal.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)08:33 No.5643301
    If you weren't an ADHD'd cretin, you'd find that it's about the laws being hypocritical and unjust, and not about wanting to fuck 13 year old sluts. It doesn't matter how they look, they may as well be fugly and fat, but no man should be called mentally ill and punished by society for being attracted to them (for whatever reason), when they are -not- children anymore. Laws are supposed to have a rational meaning behind them, they should not cater to the subjective feeling of justice by uneducated and biased masses.

    In a perfect society, one should not even be punished for being a pedophile. It's not your fault that you were born mentally ill (pedophilia being an actual disorder, everything above that being included in DSM-V has been proven earlier already to be nothing but politics). It's not a crime by itself. Instead of ostracizing them, society should help pedophiles so that they won't commit any crimes. Being rejected by society is a one-way ticket to becoming an actual child molester, etc.

    Of course, most of /cgl/ has the sense of justice equal to cavemen (being well known as the female version of Stormfront), so I have no doubt all this is lost on you.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)08:37 No.5643308
    And while we're on the subject, it would be nice if society finally accepted that females can be pedophiles too. It is often the popular stereotype that a pedophile is only a disgusting creepy male that makes them such easy targets for hate speech.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)08:40 No.5643313
    As someone who was 15, got taken advantage of by a guy who was in his 20s, said he loved me and I was the one. I gave my virginity to him, because, again, he was "the one". I didn't dress like a whore. I wore jeans and t-shirts, I didn't wear make-up, nothing.
    He took advantage of my innocence by telling me he loved me and how beautiful I was. Any 15 year old who has never had a boyfriend, never had anyone tell them they were attractive, and who was a straight up awkward dork would have done anything for their TRUE LOVE DESU.

    And then he started fucking other underage girls, gave me an STD, and when I finally grew some balls and called him out on it, he said I cheated. I had never cheated on him. I loved him, and he just took advantage of me and other teenagers.

    I didn't press charges on him, because I was at just as much fault for being a fucking idiot as he was for being a fucked up person. He is almost in his 30s, now, and still tries to get with underage girls at cons who have low self-esteem. It's kind of my project to pull them aside and let them know they are a strong black woman who don't need no man.

    He fucking hates me for it, but I won't let him screw up another naive girl's life.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)08:42 No.5643315
    I love these threads because they're always full of stories about dumb teenager sluts
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)08:45 No.5643317
    And asshole adults who think that physical maturity equals emotional and mental maturity.
    Go to the middle east if you want a young girl.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)08:49 No.5643318
    >Made a mistake
    >Recognizes mistake and acknowledges that they are at fault
    >Moves on to try and not make that mistake again
    >Helps other girls to not make the mistake she made

    >lol dumb slut.
    Okay. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)08:49 No.5643319
    Non-pedo here.
    I hate it when people do that, OP.

    They're just mad because no one wants their dried up old vagina.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)08:51 No.5643322
    >And asshole adults who think that physical maturity equals emotional and mental maturity.
    lol dumb people are dumb for life.

    Even though age of consent is 14 where I live I don't really give a shit about 14 year olds, not that they aren't easy as shit, I know several 25 year old guys who have harems of dumb teenager sluts. Having a car is enough but just by telling them about how they're mature for their age and shit like that is enough to dick them.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)08:52 No.5643323
    I'll just drop in this thread to say in certain countries, there are 12 year olds who are more mature than 18 year olds mentally. Like they have a job for which they need to wake up at six, walk 5 miles and return at night. First world countries have spoiled shitstains, especially these days where being a whore is liberating.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)08:59 No.5643330
    >Okay. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.
    If you don't find the idea of an awkward and ugly 15yo giving her virginity to some 20 something weeaboo and getting a STD in return amusing, you have no sense of humor. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:05 No.5643338
    Why would I find some relatively common occurrence to be amusing?
    Teen girls are quite often conned out of their virginity by someone who just wants in their pants. It's too typical to be lol-worthy.

    She at least admits she made a mistake rather than crying rape, and is now trying to prevent other young girls from doing the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:08 No.5643339
    Well I don't care if an older guy wants to sleep with a younger girl, that's fine he can do as he pleases. It's just when shit hits the fan, people find out (I.e her parents, relatives, police) I don't want to heard anyone complaining that they're being shunned from society, arrested and complaing about how their lives are ruined because of their choices.

    You know what you're doing when you're laying down with an underage girl/child, you know what consequences could come because of your actions. So yeah, you can be in this thread preaching all day how you sleep with girls all the time, that's cool, it's just when police come knocking at your door arresting you statutory rape I don't want to hear a single word about society being unfair to you.

    Sleep with a 13/14 year old all you want, have fun but when you have child predator, statutory rape, etc on your record you have no reason to comlain.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:10 No.5643343
    When I imagine her stalking him on cons and approaching girls to tell them about her retarded story I can't help but laugh
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:12 No.5643347
    I love older men OP. Granted, I'm 18 so I technically not really a teenager anymore... but when I was younger, about 15 or so, I really still digged older guys. A lot.

    I mean I'm dating a 26 year old right now... so I shouldn't really speak...
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:16 No.5643351
    honestly anyone in their 20s who is seriously interested in someone in their early teens has something severely wrong with them. that person is like barely through being a child, and no where near being an adult. 16-17 gets more understandable but still a little creepy.

    guys who serially go after young teenage girls are predators. there's nothing else to it. that person is not on your level in intellect, maturity, life experience, and not only that but their bodies are rarely fully developed. you're preying on girls who you have power and control over. it's not an issue of "well whatever do what you want with your life" because you're actively taking advantage of and harming young people who really don't know enough to realize what you're doing to them. it's fucking sick. it's horrible, it's rape, and i hope you go to jail.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:20 No.5643356
    I love it when guys try to justify this stuff by saying that girls are fully fertile at age 14. Especially since I got my first period at age 16. But I was skinny and tall, so I got hit on by guys in their twenties before I even bled from my crotch. Claiming that my body was ready for pregnancy could not be more false.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)09:21 No.5643357
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    Men seeking out vulnerable girls because they're too pathetic and insecure to date a woman with some self-esteem and security in her life? What an astounding concept Dr Asperger

    fucking seriously, why do the people in this thread have such faith in men to be anything other than what they're proving themselves to be right here? men are shit, men always HAVE been shit, suck it up and deal with it and stop dating them if it bothers you that much.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:21 No.5643358
    >/cgl/ - tumblr 2.0 - political correctness, triggers, and general butthurt
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:26 No.5643363
    Works for me. Since we can turn bone marrow into sperm, I'll just start a society of lesbians who seek to breed out the male sex. Something they can never do.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)09:31 No.5643367
    Can we keep the traps though? I'm quite fond of those. They can be honorary women, and they'll be handy in case we turn up any DISGUSTING GENDER TRAITORS who miss the peen.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:31 No.5643369
    >implying women are capable of anything
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:34 No.5643373
    I thought sexist men saw lesbians as brutish dykes that were effectively men? Y'know, to make up for the fact that they won't sleep with you?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:37 No.5643377
    That doesn't mean we consider them smart.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:38 No.5643380
    OP what your saying is very disturbing. I did intern group counseling with registered sex offenders and you sound just like them. Your trying to justify these thoughts and that makes you dangerous. 13/14 year old teens live in a different world than adults. Dressing up like a character at their age means they admire them. Young teens feel like their lives our out of control. Seeing a character, say like Yoko, who's in control, is comfortable with her sexuality, and is kick ass appeals to them. They do not dress that way to arouse you. They go to conventions to have fun. If a teenager has sex with another teenager that's fine. But a 20 something is in a different place in life and development and doesn't belong in a sexual situation with a 13 year old. OP you need help before you hurt someone.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:40 No.5643383
    >They do not dress that way to arouse you.
    Now you gonna tell me cosplayers aren't attention whores.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:46 No.5643390
    I'm talking about teens. Cosplayers as a whole are a broad age range. And if a teen wants attention thats what teens do. That in no way justifies your belief that means they want to have sex with you. What your doing is how sex offenders justify their behavior. I've heard numerous times the arguments you keep using from men registered as sex offenders with there faces on the internet.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)09:54 No.5643409
    >if a teen wants attention thats what teens do
    It's weird, I only realised recently that despite being a massive attention whore when I was 13-15, I had no idea what the implications were. My mum would call me jailbait and be really strict about what I could and couldn't wear outside the house, and we'd have massive arguments about it because I just didn't understand the concept of men wanting to do anything to me. I mean yeah, I knew the birds and the bees, but the psychological/sociological side of it? No clue. I used to get in a lot of fights because guys would try it on with me and I'd be like JESUS CHRIST HOW HORRIFYING and bottle them or something.

    I don't think there's any way to teach young girls how men see these things, which is why we should *wait until they're old enough to figure it out for themselves*.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:56 No.5643414
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    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)09:57 No.5643415
    >bawww teenager girls don't know men want to cum inside them
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:01 No.5643418
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    >Logically thinking uses facts and evidence to support his argument

    >Acts on her emotion can't logic HUURR BUT IS CRIME BECAUSE!

    This is why women should get back to the kitchen
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:03 No.5643421
    Reverse the roles and you have the contraceptives debate!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:04 No.5643423
    More like

    >Act on the logic and fact that getting raped before you menstruate is generally an unpleasant experience.

    >Act on what their penis is saying and pretend it is logical.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:05 No.5643424
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    I agree topic can come into it
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:08 No.5643433
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    But sweet cheeks where are your facts,your evidence and your studies?
    Oh wait I'm afraid you're just another victim of social grooming.

    Continue being an uncultured plebeian darling
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:09 No.5643434
    >flocking over older guys
    >feeling empowered by being fucked by them
    >loving every second of it
    Woman logic lol
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:12 No.5643440
    I don't stalk him. The cons we both staff at are tiny, and our friends group in intertwined. As well as him being "con famous", so girls brag about his attention. Even though hes fat and balding.
    i also dont tell them my story. I just encorage them that they dont need attention from a guy in order to be happy.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:15 No.5643443
    Protip: Up until right before your period starts, your vagina doesn't get wet. And if your vag is dry, sex is painful. So she's probably not gonna enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:16 No.5643446
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    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:17 No.5643447
    And most 15 year olds don't have their periods already, right?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:18 No.5643451
    I masturbate to 15-17 years olds quite a bit, because they are usually the most open to my fetish on youtube. I'm not attracted to the fact that they are younger, usually most of them have developed hips and don't look any different than women. They clearly know that they what they are doing. It's pretty crazy that people consider it a mental disorder and such, some of these videos have many views, would make a LOT of people mentally insane. This is obviously impossible.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:21 No.5643463
    Some don't, some do. At 13 (ala OP), you're right at the median. So, you've got a 50/50 shot at dry sex. Not that that matters to you. You'd probably have sex with my little sister, an epileptic autistic 11-year-old with brain damage and MR. Because you, sir, are a classy-ass fucker.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:22 No.5643465
    ie teens want attention. Those girls imagine that the hot guy at their school is watching them. They don't think Jimmy the 20 something creep is watching it in his basement with his dick in hand. Do you really think they'd be dancing is that's what they were imaging?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:22 No.5643469
    Lol what? Not taking a side here, if it's illegal I am against it. But for the record, yes, you can get wet before your period starts. And
    I got my period when I was 12, all my closest friends at the time had already gotten theirs. It varies from as early as 8 to as late as late teens...
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:23 No.5643472
    You don't quite understand. They are engaging in a very specific sexual fetish. It's not like wearing revealing clothing, lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:24 No.5643477
    I think 13/14 is a bit young, but 16/17 is worlds away. They tend to have sex at that age, anyway, so if you can get a girl to consent, I say you're pretty chill.

    That said, CP laws around that issue are idiotic, so be careful of what you fap to if you're in the US.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:24 No.5643478
    dancing is a sexual fetish?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:24 No.5643480
    Why are you assuming dancing? I never wrote the fetish...
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:27 No.5643487
    you saying the videos are on YouTube, which is pretty strict about what videos people can post. How out of the ordinary is it going to be.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:30 No.5643494
    This is NOT true. Almost no research shows evidence of pedophilia in women. I believe there was one single lone study out of hundreds that came up with a true pedophillic female. The rest were women who had been coerced/asked/forced into pedophillic activity by men.

    - Child molestation/pedophilia researcher
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:30 No.5643497
    The videos get reported, but it's not blatantly breaking any rules. BTW, some of those dancing videos(not a fan personally) have like millions upon millions of views. That would mean that millions of people have mental disorders. It's obviously bullshit. Also, there are girls and boys as young as 11 and 12 that do videos for my particular fetish, they obviously know what they are doing, and it's not like they found some random fetish as a way to get attention. I don't find those attractive though.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:31 No.5643499
    What a shitty job
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:32 No.5643503
    Hey, I actually enjoy it. It's interesting.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:33 No.5643509
    You can lie to me but not to yourself faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:35 No.5643514
    ... Wow, that was ridiculously immature.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:37 No.5643519
    Please cite sources, that would seem to imply that all of the recorded cases of female pedophiles are somehow not "true pedophiles". Just writing that you are a researcher doesn't mean shit, anyone can make that claim, and if you were, it doesn't mean that you aren't biased.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:38 No.5643520
    Your mother
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)10:38 No.5643522
    Whose studies do you recommend in the field? I'm interested in reading about it, but Oxford SOLO is huuuuuuge and it's a massive clusterfuck trying to find anything specific, so some names would be really helpful.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:40 No.5643530
    That's not true. Women do molest children, there are women that are registered as sex offenders. In many of those cases the women acted alone. There isn't research into why men commit such crimes more than women. Cases involving women might not be reported as much.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:42 No.5643538
    Dude, there are no sources that say there are female pedophiles. I'm far too lazy to do it myself at 8 in the morning - if you want proof, look it up yourself.

    Pedophillia is true sexual attraction to children. To measure this, they do phalometric tests on men (measuring penis erection activity), and vaginal lubrication tests on women in laboratories, while showing them sexualized pictures of children. In all the studies women do not vaginally lubricate, except one, somewhere in the UK. They also report no innate sexual attraction to children.

    There was a presentation done on it a year back. Maybe there's been another since then. It's also biologically and psychologically supported that there would be no female pedophiles
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:43 No.5643546
    ... Facepalm.

    Molesting children does not make you a pedophile. Not all people who molest children and sexually attracted to them, and not all pedophiles will sexually molest children.

    They are two completely different things and diagnoses.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:44 No.5643550
    Start off with Michael Seto and Ray Blanchard. The rest of the researchers can get from their citations :).
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:46 No.5643558
    Well cool, I can't take anything you write seriously then...dude. Also, the quality of studies varies greatly, the results of every study isn't meant to be taken as facts, since they produce different results. These things need to be reviewed. I have seen people make the claim that it's proven by "studies" that it's impossible for women to rape men, but I know from experience that this is bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:46 No.5643562
    you are an idiot. I worked with non-profit organizations that help children and you have no idea how many children molested by WOMEN, often relatives, I have met. You are such an idiot if you believe there are no female pedophiles. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:48 No.5643568
    What? Uh yeah that's bullshit. What lame studies have you been reading? If a man gets an erection, it doesn't mean he mentally wants to have sex. Therefore, it's very possible for a woman to rape a man.

    Everyone in the field of forensic sexual research knows that. Find better sources.

    And no, these studies are meant to be taken as fact. They ALL produce the same results, and they're ALL reviewed empirically over and over and over. Every time they're reproduced, they get the same results.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)10:49 No.5643570
    see >>5643546

    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:49 No.5643573
    .... You are aware that molesting children does not make you a pedophile? ... You guys, that's so elementary. It's the first thing anyone is taught.

    Pedophilia does NOT equal molestation. Molesting children does not mean you are innately sexually attracted to them - as is necessary for a diagnosis of pedophilia.

    There are numerous women child molesters. There are no (1?) women pedophiles.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:52 No.5643582
    That doesn't mean anything to me if I can't see it myself. I'm not just going to take your word for it.
    The burden is on them to prove it, I'm not going to do it for them.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:52 No.5643583
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    I can't tell if this is trolling gone too far or if women are legitimately trying to defend female paedophiles.

    Either way /r9k/ seems more accurate about women every day.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:53 No.5643587
    No scientific and credible research paper would EVER make the claim that it was impossible for women to rape men! And in fact, you just said "I've heard people say". This person isn't talking about heresay and gossip, they're talking about scientific papers published in scientific journals.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:54 No.5643589
    When did I say anything about wanting to have sex with teenagers?
    I just said they love it just as much as the older guys and it's true.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:55 No.5643593
    Okay, so keep living in ignorance, with false beliefs. Sorry, but that's kind of sad that you're going to do that just because you're trying to be lazy and prove a point.

    Better yet: I dare you to find any forensic psychiatrist or psychologist in your area, and go ask them about female pedophiles. Or, if you're that interested, go attend ATSA, Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers, conference 2012 this year and ask the world's leading experts.

    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:56 No.5643594
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    Did he teach the difference between molesters and pedophiles?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:57 No.5643599
    That they haven't posted. Just mentioning these things doesn't mean shit. I don't doubt these studies exist, but post them if you want to use them as proof of anything. Mentioning their existence and saying you are a researcher means nothing.
    If you want to prove something. Do it correctly. Burden is on you, you haven't proved anything thus far.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)10:58 No.5643603
    Gacy was both. He hardly taught the difference! Although, he wasn't a pedophile. He was more an ephebophile - sexual attraction towards young adolescents (kids who have undergone puberty.)
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:00 No.5643609
    No thanks. I'm not responsible for teaching and enlightening. I have already read the studies, and I'm already educated on the topic. I have nothing to gain.

    I am also on my second laptop that doesn't have any of the research saved. All it takes, for someone interested in the truth, is to find a scientific journal and search for female pedophilia. Boom. Presto. Simple.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:00 No.5643612
    A common cure for all three of those disorders is sterilization and prison.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:00 No.5643613
    Okay, then great. Leave the thread then, your opinion is worthless.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:01 No.5643615
    >Here are a bunch of excuses why I can't show you nonexistent studies
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:01 No.5643617
    Sadly, pedophilia can't be cured, and I would usually not agree on longass prison sentences for offenders
    - but sometimes... that seems best.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:04 No.5643623
    You guys are kind of retarded.

    He/she is saying access them is simple. Stop trying to stupidly troll and do a simple search at your university library article database it gives you access to all scientific papers.

    I just did one and it came up with tons of citations. I cant link them tho cus if you arent signed in you cant see them
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:07 No.5643628
    They're not going to do a search. They don't really want to learn. They're probably just trying to defend their opinion because they're embarrassed someone someone else them and don't wanna admit they were wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:07 No.5643632
    *corrected them
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:08 No.5643634
    >more excuses

    Link it. Most places will give you the abstract at the very least.

    Or just give me the name of the paper you found.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:08 No.5643636
    I would have to go drive to the local university to find some papers to prove the point of a person that couldn't do it themselves.
    No, I want you to prove your point. I searched the guy and found a photographer. This is your point, you prove it. It's impossible for me to be wrong about anything here.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:12 No.5643643
    Oh god. It all makes sense. You aren't in university, are you? You're just a little kid. You do realize that universities have entire online databases that allow you access to international articles?

    I'm facepalming again. Did you even try? Seriously, guys, self-enlightenment is awesome. I'm not going to hold your hand like they do in high school or jr high school or whatever you guys are in. Do it yourselves. You'll read other awesome articles along the way and become more intelligent and enlightened. Take initiative.

    I'm not doing it now just on point, because I think you guys are funny, and I know you're just trying to troll me into wasting my time to delve through databses for articles you won't even read out of spite.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:13 No.5643647
    I graduated a long time ago, and yeah, I searched michael seto on pubmed and got 31 articles. I don't know which one is supposed to prove your point. I ctrl +F female and found no results. You seriously don't expect me to read 31 articles to prove your point? Come the fuck on.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:14 No.5643650
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    I am male, 27 , 5'11''.
    At a party; see a cute girl; go talk to her.
    Our eyes are level, she's wearing high heels, so she's around 5'9''.
    Each of her boobs is almost as large as her head.
    >Hi, blah blah blah.... are you in college or high school?
    >I'm still in middle school tee-hee.
    >Wait what? How old are you?
    >Uh... look at the time, gotta go, have fun.

    Life just ain't fair.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:15 No.5643653
    This is akin to going to a debate and telling the opponent to source your arguments for you.

    All you're doing is convincing me that none of this exists. Considering >>5643623 apparently can't even name the "paper" they found I assume we're the ones being trolled, not you.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:16 No.5643655
    Oh hun, no. Research female pedophilia in your database. You'll find them.
    That one girl was asking for researchers on pedophilia in general, not researchers on female pedophilia. Drop the Seto et al search, enter female pedophilia
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:16 No.5643656
    >Life just ain't fair.

    if it makes you feel better you can still have sex with underaged boys

    as long as you're a woman, or can pass for one, its completely legal and acceptable apparently
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 03/27/12(Tue)11:17 No.5643662
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    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)11:18 No.5643664

    >Pedophilia appears to be much more common among males than among females. The large majority of identified sex offenders against children are male (Greenfeld 1996, Motiuk & Vuong 2002). Retrospective surveys of adult men suggest that female perpetrators of sexual offenses against children represent a higher proportion than criminal justice data would suggest, but they still represent a minority (see Denov 2003 for a review). Clinical case studies and descriptive studies do indicate that female pedophiles exist; for example, Chow & Choy (2002) reported the case of a woman who performed oral sex on two 4-year-old girls she babysat at different times in her life. She admitted to regularly having sexual fantasies about girls around that age and admitted that she was sexually aroused when bathing the girls. She also acknowledged masturbating to orgasm while thinking about the sexual acts she had committed involving the second girl.

    No female paedophiles, eh? Still not going to side with the retards, because they're retards, but why the hell are you suggesting this guy as an advocate of the theory that there are no/very few female paedophiles?

    That's from Michael Seto, btw. Apologies if anyone can't access the article, fished it out of the Oxford database so it might be locked up.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:18 No.5643666
    Great, I know how to access medical databases. I never expressed ANY opinion regarding female pedophilia. Do you guys even know how to debate? I asked them to prove their point, and all they could do is just tell me to do it myself. That's not how things work.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:19 No.5643668
    Debates don't source your arguments. If someone wants to check the validity of your claims, they do it. And I'm definitely not going to do it for you now.

    I have to go to work, so good luck researching.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:20 No.5643669
    This poster over here found something interesting: >>5643664
    Hopefully you don't leave now!
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:21 No.5643674
    Thanks! Finally!

    The issue with that is that she never underwent the female equivalent of a phalometric test, did she? It was never confirmed that she was a pedophile, only a child molester. The article itself claims that there are INDICATIONS. In the field, you never claim that something exists until you have certain, irrefutable proof. And to my knowledge, only one female with proof has arisen.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)11:22 No.5643675
    This is the study mentioned there:
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:22 No.5643677
    Nope, still have to go. Read my comment above.

    Thank you, Eva.
    >> Lyper !!gAyq5lzi952 03/27/12(Tue)11:24 No.5643682
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    But it's not my fault...
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:25 No.5643685
    Uh, okay...
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:27 No.5643688
    People who like lolis(2D) are pedos too?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:29 No.5643700
    not sure if troll.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)11:31 No.5643705
    Law says yes, common sense says you can't rape a 2D teenager so it's not hurting anyone.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:34 No.5643713
    Why? If you're a guy who likes gay hentai you probably have some homosexuality on you, why not the same for lolis?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:34 No.5643715

    She said she was sexually aroused by children and that's not enough to prove that she was a paedophile?


    2D and fictional children need to be protected too you know.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:34 No.5643716
    Nice try sweetie, but I'd rather take the world of an actual researcher on the topic of pedophilia.

    Which you, of course, are not.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:42 No.5643743
    i hate to be the one to play the semantics card in a pointless debate like this, but that scholarly article regarded a female pedophile who was molesting extremely young children. the OP was speaking of hebephilia and ephebophilia which is a sexual attraction teenagers.

    as for the 2d loli question, your wording is too vague. are you asking if it makes you a pedophile in the eyes of the law or merely if it implies you have a taste for pre-pubescent girls?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)11:48 No.5643765
    Of course they're not. Animu lolis are hyper-sexualized specifically to appeal to the male audience, they have little in common with actual children. Perhaps, the drawings that are made to resemble real kids as much as possible, those may be a bit more questionable. But - it is nonetheless just a drawing, and as such, it cannot be illegal. Countries that prohibit loli (or any drawing for that matter) by law are outright pushing through censorship - and censorship of any kind should be viewed by the people as an offensive insult. It's the same level as prohibiting Prophet Mohamed drawings, or Nazi symbols in Europe. They're violations of freedom of speech, whether you like them or not. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)12:23 No.5643888
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    >i hate to be the one to play the semantics card in a pointless debate like this, but that scholarly article regarded a female pedophile who was molesting extremely young children. the OP was speaking of hebephilia and ephebophilia which is a sexual attraction teenagers.

    Women don't recognize a difference between the two unless it involves males. Harder to justify why you should be allowed to fuck men 16 and under when you group them in with the same people who like 4 year old girls.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)12:27 No.5643909
    yes, because my post was totally about how unfair the misandry inherent in the system is. quit fucking whining about how women have an unfair advantage as sexual predators; you're making my sex look useless and retarded.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)12:28 No.5643913
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    >Women can't use rational arguments.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)12:31 No.5643928
    I'm stating WHY no one in this thread is differentiating between pedo and ephebophilia, and that's the reason.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)12:32 No.5643935
    Women are soooo fucking used to resorting to some drastic bullshit to make themselves feel on top again.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)12:36 No.5643948
    no it's not, it's because pedophilia is a term used in some laws as a blanket term for all crimes involving intercourse with persons under the age of consent and that term has be carried over into all media coverage of the issue. ephebophilia and hebephilia are only used in sex ethics research and other scholarly articles. seriously, you buttmad dudes can literally only have one idea in your head at a time and it's always, "HURR WOMEN ARE BAD". get the fuck over yourself, women will like you if you're not angry at their entire fucking gender.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)12:41 No.5643974
    >women will like you if you're not angry at their entire fucking gender.
    See, this is the problem. If you ever dare to stand up and side with the oppressed, you're immediately "an enemy of women", they take it as an aggression against them, and as such, you must be eradicated. And it doesn't even matter whether the one defending them is male or female.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)12:54 No.5644026
    >seriously, you buttmad dudes can literally only have one idea in your head at a time and it's always, "HURR WOMEN ARE BAD".

    Considering this thread is basically defending female pedophiles that seems an apt statement.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)12:58 No.5644039
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    I like how OP tried to make this a peeve thread but jumped the gun by putting his true pedo nature out in the first post. Better luck next time OP.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)12:58 No.5644040
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    >the oppressed
    So racists, rapists (oho!), potential terrorists those are all oppressed too, right? Holy shit you guys really are the male equivalent of the SJ police, desperately groping around for something to make yourself into an oppressed minority, despite being a white heterosexual male. If you want to be 'oppressed' that much, cut your dick off and claim you're trans. At least you won't be raping anyone that way.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)12:59 No.5644043
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    This thread man. This thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)12:59 No.5644047

    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:00 No.5644052
    >implying pedophiles are criminals
    Typical right-wing leftist woman.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:01 No.5644054
    >>the oppressed


    >the oppressed

    because as this thread shows women are perfectly content defending women who go around molesting little boys for sexual gratification but cry in anger if a man so much as looks at a 16 year old
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)13:03 No.5644065
    You didn't even read the thread, did you? I was the ONLY person providing scholarly evidence for anything, and it was that there are in fact female paedophiles and that they're insufficiently researched.

    I think you'll find that racists and *potential* terrorists, i.e. people who preach jihad, aren't criminals either. They're still scumbags who have no right to claim they're oppressed.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 03/27/12(Tue)13:03 No.5644067
    I'm actually really surprised Eva Braun finds me agreeable considering all of the white male privilege I exude.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)13:05 No.5644076
    You're not whining about how oppressed you are for wanting to rape teenage girls, lad. That'd be the difference.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:05 No.5644077
    heads up dumbfuck, from someone who doesnt care for immature little girls like you or worse but is infuriated by your retardo woman logic.

    a pedo is not a rapist. the former may lead to the latter, but they are not inherently one and the same. pedophilia is the fascination and attraction to them. know what that is? a thought. know what? not illegal. until the ACT on anything, its not remotely illegal nor harming anyone but themselves. you need to be taken out the back and shot for both your sexist views whilst claiming to be not sexist or that females are worse off, and just for your general ignorance and low level of intellect.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)13:07 No.5644090
    I never claimed not to be sexist, I'm a misandrist and I thought I made that pretty clear. Doesn't mean I'm going to deny the existence of female paedophiles.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:07 No.5644092
    >I think you'll find that racists and *potential* terrorists, i.e. people who preach jihad, aren't criminals either. They're still scumbags who have no right to claim they're oppressed.
    See, this is why women should not be allowed into politics. Your hatred of freedom of speech is just astounding. It shouldn't be a crime to have racist opinions - only when you're proved to discriminate people based on the color of their skin. Same goes for preaching jihad and hate speech. It should always be legal - if it isn't it's censorship - and censorship is a one way ticket to accepting tyranny or totalitarian rule.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 03/27/12(Tue)13:09 No.5644096
    ITT: Someone thought it would be a good idea to invite /r9k/ over for drinks.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:10 No.5644100
    Keep on rolling ladies.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 03/27/12(Tue)13:11 No.5644104
    You're right. All I whine about is being a hard gainer. Carry on~
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:12 No.5644108
    Typical pussy-whipped Beta male. Afraid to have an opinion that women don't like, because pussy is it's only goal in life.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:13 No.5644112
    just ignore the dumb bitch, good god.
    >hey guise racism is bad
    >lololol i'm le racist but shhh
    >lolol racist and i don't even realise it
    the second is in fact worse.

    so if you're a misandrist, get the fuck out because your opinions are immediately negated by the equivalent of racism, something you claim only 60 seconds ago to be a trait that makes you a scumbag eh?

    good job debunking your own credibility on that one. that's actually incredibly fucking funny and a prime example of how women argue and view right and wrong. someone should screencap that shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:13 No.5644113
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:17 No.5644128
    Well it's hard to keep on arguing when the opposition points out that you are willing to limit human freedom. All you can do is resort to ad hominem attacks, and accusing them of being misogynist or a poster from /r9k/ is a guaranteed way to come out as a victor of any discussion, on a board populated mainly by underage girls and or women without any opinions at all.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:22 No.5644146
    >implying you're not misogynist
    your problem with eva's logic can't be aptly applied to your own brand of stupid.
    >> Martyr !7zWLMSsaJI 03/27/12(Tue)13:26 No.5644158
    This fucking thread. I feel like I need a DSM-IV to figure out all the shit going on.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:28 No.5644166
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    nope, if anything i'm misanthropic, which changes nothing because i view everyone on the same level of stupid.

    why would i ever specifically just hate women? no, either i hate every ever and think they're all morons, or if i was going to specialise i'd specialise on STUPID FUCKING WOMEN like eva here with her 'though crimes are bad, discrimination makes you scum, hold up whilst i discriminate' genius.

    sorry, but intelligent and decent women are like a whole different species compared to you dregs and your misfiring neurons.

    >your problem with eva's logic can't be aptly applied to your own brand of stupid.

    why, how correct you are, you get a gold star for the day. or at least you might have done, if you were above the stupidity that is what appears to be one of the many default tactics dumb women around here adopt, the old 'NO U' response. back to class with you.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:32 No.5644182
    No, fuck off. Misogynists like you are why misandrists exist. All of this "ALL WOMEN ARE FUCKING STUPID BECAUSE THIS ONE WAS" is just as stupid as "ALL MEN ARE PIGS BECAUSE HE WANTED IN MY PANTS". You're acting no better than the person who you're trying to shame. It's fucking ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:34 No.5644186
    >reason why they exist
    >hurr is mens fault wimmens are this stupid
    subtle, real subtle, but no go.

    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 03/27/12(Tue)13:35 No.5644193
    What? I encapsulate basically everything that women feel "keep them down". I don't bitch and moan about whether or not i get laid, because 1) I don't need to and B) my priorities are to get large and take naps. If pussy were my priority, maybe.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:36 No.5644194
    I'm saying both parties are at fault. Using over generalization that all women are stupid because Eva said something you thought was stupid is just as bad as some bitch saying all men are pigs because this one dude wouldn't take no for an answer and he creeped her out. Both parties are at fault here and if you can't fucking see that, you have no place in this discussion.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:36 No.5644195
    >Misogynists like you are why misandrists exist.

    Misandrists exist because women innately hate men and see them solely as tools to be manipulated.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)13:38 No.5644201
    Lrn2read. I never put myself above racists or paedophiles. I'm just pointing out that having attitudes like that doesn't give you the right to baww and cry 'oppression! bigots!' when other people criticise you for them. Am I saying you're 'oppressing' me for for telling me to get the fuck out? Nope, I'm just saying you're a dumb cunt.

    Yeah, that's pretty accurate. I've never been the kind to worship men but I certainly wasn't a misandrist until I became a regular arcanine.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:38 No.5644202
    There sure is an angry male pedo in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:38 No.5644203
    Bullshit. I don't hate men. I respect men who deserve respect, such as my boyfriend and my father. Assholes who bitch constantly about "bitches and whores" and generalize so widely are the kind of men who don't deserve respect.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)13:39 No.5644207
    Hell, I DO hate men and I still respect the ones who earn my respect.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:41 No.5644213
    And most people would consider that belief psychotic

    But since you deal in absolutes only, you are psychotic because one person considers you psychotic.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:41 No.5644216
    >turning into a misandrist because of /r9k/


    At least the misogynists on 4chan hate women because of things women actually did (or didn't do) to them.

    You're actually lower than /r9k/, in a way.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:42 No.5644220
    >And most people would consider that belief psychotic

    Yes, unsurprisingly they're all women. I can only wonder why they'd be upset people pointed out their sexism and misandry.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:44 No.5644225
    And here we have circular reasoning works because circular reasoning works. Women are dumb cunts because I say so. Why do I say so? Because they're dumb cunts. Please, try harder to sound intellectual.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:46 No.5644229
    I like how you ignored my post >>5644092 since you were probably left speechless, but after wiping the cold sweat of your forehead, you continued projecting my previous posts on the other anon.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)13:49 No.5644233
    I ignored that post because I realised you're that retard from the other week who was calling me a nazi communist oppressionist and quite frankly I would rather fuck myself with an electric drill than attempt to reason with someone like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:49 No.5644235
    And you just walked into an obvious trap.
    >the only people that disagree must be women.

    My dick has some terrible news for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:50 No.5644238
    so, your father, who has no desire to know anything about your sex life, and your boyfriend who is the one currently beholden to you for sex yeah?

    you mean, the two people in the world who wouldn't EVER call you a whore even if you had been a whore in the past? pahaha. you respect people who let you do what you want and never call you on it.
    really, this is how a lot of women work, especially the ones on the dumber end of the spectrum. anyone who tells you something you don't want to hear is a bitches and whores guy, or whatever other insult you want to pull from your happy sack, but someone who let's you get away with whatever you like and doesn't question or re-educate you constantly on dumb choices is a 'real man' worthy of respect. I know plenty of women who are intelligent and handle criticism well, because they actually know what's going on or what they're doing. The ones like you however, come across like the most pretentious artists in the world that can't handle the remotest criticism and have to find a way to write off the person giving it rather than think for 20 minutes.

    oh of course not, not even when making blindingly obvious statements about what has been said in the thread. but eva does right? with her arguments that a 3 year old african kid with no education could put out, plus more contradiction. because i sure as hell don't see you calling out her, or any of the other dumb women in the thread. surprising eh?

    >you're a dumb cunt
    >not the one making contradictory statements and being an all round worse human being than the pedophiles (who are participating in thought crimes only, not oppression or the putting down of others) that she's trying to bitch at
    yeah, good job.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:50 No.5644242
    Great, I'm glad to know that I made such impression on you. And I like how you admit that you're basically incapable of discussing things with someone who can actually form a coherent opinion and isn't just some 13 year old from /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:52 No.5644249
    or, if you clear away all the bullshit shrouding the road that is that sentence
    >because i don't have a response that proves you wrong
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/27/12(Tue)13:53 No.5644253
    Coherent opinion? You are the worst anon poster I have ever seen on this board, and we're on /cgl/ of all places. You're an obsessive psycho who treats anyone with a differing opinion like they committed genocide on all the world's small, fluffy kittens.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:55 No.5644258
    >nazi communist oppressionist
    And for the record, I didn't call you any of those, since you lack enough consistency to be actually categorized under a semi-coherent political view. I find it highly ironic that women like you are an insult to the implied cause of feminism itself.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:56 No.5644262
    I used them as an example. I take criticism from my guy friends and take it to heart. Just because I named 2 of the most important men in my life doesn't mean it's an exhaustive list. Also, I'm not calling Eva out on anything because it isn't my place to. I wasn't involved in her debate, so I'm not going to get involved. Like I've said, if you're going to bitch and moan about how women are the only ones at fault without recognizing that there are issues with men, too, then you need to pull your head out of your ass and take a deep breath. I never said that women are innocent. again, BOTH parties are at fault.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:58 No.5644268
    >You're an obsessive psycho who treats anyone with a differing opinion like they committed genocide on all the world's small, fluffy kittens.
    No you dumb broad, it's not the differing opinion, it was YOUR hatred of anyone who dared to have a different opinion. I'd give my life for freedom, freedom of speech included. The reason why you're a disgusting subhuman is because you willingly deny this freedom to those who do not adhere to your childish views of the world.

    I mean, really. How hypocritical can you be to call someone as liberal as me hating different opinions, when I pointed out before that I want racist opinions be allowed as well as lifting all prohibition on Nazi symbols and whatnot.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 03/27/12(Tue)13:59 No.5644272
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    I am so glad the thread is going to autosage soon.
    I can't believe you guys reply to stupid ass threads like this every single time.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)13:59 No.5644275
    Also, why is sex the only thing that you touch? My boyfriend has corrected me numerous times when it comes to politics, my father has corrected me multiple times on how to deal with professional issues. My father isn't blind to my sex life, he knows I'm on the pill. My boyfriend actually has more sexual pull in our relationship than I do. I just can't get over how adamant you are in trying to prove me wrong rather than listening to someone else's opinion.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)14:00 No.5644279
    >"Hello, I have no opinion, so every idea shed in this thread is stupid :)"
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 03/27/12(Tue)14:01 No.5644287
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    >Hello. I do not into cosplay and egl, I am going to keep posting in troll threads and shit up this board
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)14:01 No.5644289
    Because I don't get to argue with misogynists anywhere else and it provides me with an insane amount of sick amusement.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)14:02 No.5644290
    >The value of an idea is determined by the media it's came up through.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)14:03 No.5644295
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    Pedo threads on /cgl/ are always so boring
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 03/27/12(Tue)14:04 No.5644299
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    That's cool and all, but I'm sure /r9k/ and /soc/ has misogynists
    >I think this person is actually listening to me instead of trying to get this thread to autosage quicker
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)14:04 No.5644304
    >Expecting something from the Irish.
    Fool me twice, shame on me.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)14:05 No.5644305
    True, but it isn't as fun because it's all one sided.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 03/27/12(Tue)14:07 No.5644317
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    I suppose I can't stop you, but It's really stupid and you should feel bad. But at least you sage, so you can feel a tiny bit less bad.
    >Expecting me to care
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)14:09 No.5644322
    >Still reads all the posts despite stating the contrary.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 03/27/12(Tue)14:09 No.5644323
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    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)14:09 No.5644325
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    >mfw my family thinks my boyfriend is a pedo because I'm 19(turning 20 this year) and he's 25(turned 25 this year)

    Then again I do not listen to my family much anymore. They were very controlling of me for the entirety of my childhood and adolescence and it's only now that I'm able to get away and actually do things on my own.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 03/27/12(Tue)14:13 No.5644338
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    The posts are short as hell, I automatically read them
    >But you're still replying
    You still seem to genuinely think that I care
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 03/27/12(Tue)14:14 No.5644344
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    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)14:15 No.5644351
    Why are you people complaining about women manipulating men? Hell men are dumb as shit if I was a woman I'd take advantage of them too.
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)14:16 No.5644356
    >never thanks me that I was sagging the entire time because she's still butfrustrated
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 03/27/12(Tue)14:18 No.5644366
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    >Thinks I'm going to thank someone that is rude as hell
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 03/27/12(Tue)14:19 No.5644370
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    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)14:20 No.5644382
    >that feel when little kid baby face with a tall, womanly body, wide hips and decent sized titties.
    >that feel when any man I come in contact with would fuck me.
    Get on my level, /cgl/
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 03/27/12(Tue)14:21 No.5644384
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    Nice pic OP More people need to read koharu no hibi!
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 03/27/12(Tue)14:28 No.5644428
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    Where did you leave off?
    >> Anonymous 03/27/12(Tue)14:28 No.5644432
    because they're complaining when we do it to them, we get demonized for their inability to judge well.

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