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  • File: 1332543609.jpg-(65 KB, 480x360, Okkusenman2.jpg)
    65 KB Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)19:00 No.5631886  
    What sort of things about weebs really grind your gears /cgl/?

    I'll start: Their obsessive parroting of shitty, mediocre Japanese memes and Japanese internet phenomena (pic related).

    No weebs, the fact it's Japanese doesn't mean you're different to shitposting meme spouters, you're just the same, plenty of Japanes memes are boring and shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)19:02 No.5631895
    The obsession with East Asian cultures compounded with an often dogmatic attachment to political liberalism. It makes absolutely no sense to love a race/culture for its unique properties and believe in mass immigration at the same time, it's self contradictory.

    Also, the fact they're clearly attached to East Asian identity because they have no racial/cultural identity of their own.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)19:04 No.5631901
    Didn't we have this conversation almost in the exact same way on /jp/ a few weeks ago? I'm just asking because okkusenman was mentioned at length.
    >> Voldemort !7sNaginIQo 03/23/12(Fri)19:07 No.5631907
         File: 1332544024.jpg-(127 KB, 600x600, Annoyed Garbodor..jpg)
    127 KB
    >Their absolute refusal to accept that their favourite animes aren't that good.
    >When they enter into the masquerade and it's some random shit with a bunch of characters from their favourite fandoms
    >When they're all over each other at a convention cause they're cosplaying their favourite pairing
    >Their general lack of hygiene.
    >The ones who carry around BJDs at cons and freak me the fuck out
    >The ones with the holier than thou attitude because they are experts on X.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)19:07 No.5631909
    Most memes aren't funny. Shock horror.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 03/23/12(Fri)19:07 No.5631911
         File: 1332544071.gif-(68 KB, 640x480, Usavich 53.gif)
    68 KB
    Having been taking Japanese classes these past couple of semesters, I've come to dislike even moreso the tryhard types who try to play it off like they "know a little bit of Japanese" when they know a few words at best.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)19:09 No.5631916
    I thought I was the only one. Part of me is convinced that no westerner actually finds shit like yukkuri funny.
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 03/23/12(Fri)19:09 No.5631917
    1 - Not much hate, but more like seconhand embarassment:
    >when weebs sing Jpop/vocaloid/Kpop songs loudly
    >that feel when that describes your friends
    >your only friends

    2 - fanfictions, I know that not only weebs do that, but it's still very common, and embarassing.

    3 - obsession with asian guys,

    I treasure my friends, but I just want to strangle them when they act like obnoxious weebs/koreaboos,
    I have so many weaboo stories, I could fill an entire thread
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)19:10 No.5631920
         File: 1332544253.jpg-(172 KB, 650x975, b0053977_4d11b6d6175db.jpg)
    172 KB
    >The ones who carry around BJDs at cons and freak me the fuck out
    >totemo kawaii BJDs


    | KAWAII TRUCK | ‘|”“”;.., ___.
    |_…_…______===|= _|__|…, ] |
    ”(@ )’(@ )”“”“*|(@ )(@ )*****(@    ⊂(゚Д゚⊂⌒) NO KAWAII TRUCK NO!!

    kawaii truck
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)19:11 No.5631924
    The pathetic dislike for western vidya a lot of them have.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 03/23/12(Fri)19:11 No.5631925
    The weeaboo story thread's on the first page, what are you waiting for? Go tell us some stories!
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)19:12 No.5631929
         File: 1332544321.png-(174 KB, 300x345, aint kawaii.png)
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    >changing their name to half-/fake-japanese on facebook

    >tracing or copying an anime-style picture exactly and uploading it as their own art

    this one chick in my school wears the school uniform from bible black like every other day
    did i mention she's a freshman?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)19:14 No.5631940
         File: 1332544491.png-(202 KB, 225x350, 33487.png)
    202 KB

    >this one chick in my school wears the school uniform from bible black

    pic related
    >> Voldemort !7sNaginIQo 03/23/12(Fri)19:17 No.5631945
         File: 1332544627.jpg-(81 KB, 900x675, Scary_BJD_by_redrosevamp..jpg)
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    Those things are no kawaii, they are fucking horrifying.

    Jesus, the fanfics. I hate the self-insert fanfics with the mega-mary sue whatever. And then when they cosplay their OCs. That shit needs to stop, nobody cares about Sakinawa Bubblegum princess Light Saber Glitter SparkleBunny Uchiha Hinamazawa Elric Phantomhive Ketchum Lollipop The Third and her adventures with Sasuke.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)19:18 No.5631949
    The "enlightened liberal weeaboo".

    This is the type that claims Japanese doing X racist thing isn't really racist because of Y historical conditions and Z context.

    Not that there's anything wrong with racism of course, but these types have a tendency to bash whites for things that they'd go easy on Japanese for.
    >> Voldemort !7sNaginIQo 03/23/12(Fri)19:19 No.5631952
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)19:19 No.5631956
         File: 1332544799.png-(9 KB, 344x341, 1312434262820.png)
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    Freaking out over Japanese sweets and snacks, especially Pocky.


    I swear word for word I heard this, everyone nearby heard it, and this is coming from a city where there are plenty of Pocky available and accessible. And for the basic chocolate ones are around $1-2.

    Also in general, people that don't have "indoor voices".
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)19:29 No.5631999
    People at cons who get too close; like within a foot of your face. It's like they don't understand personal space. I could understand it in a crowded hallway, but in an open area? Wtf?
    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 03/23/12(Fri)19:44 No.5632059
         File: 1332546279.jpg-(395 KB, 600x900, erica_08.jpg)
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    You can find pocky at walmart for like $.75 a box.
    I personally really don't like the super big eye or really creppy looking BJD's. A friend linked this one.
    >> Denmark !Z0k5e0SqSI 03/23/12(Fri)19:54 No.5632115
         File: 1332546874.png-(103 KB, 464x312, tumblr_lkm83zwYPY1qg91u7o1_500.png)
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    You know, when you're at a convention, and some person there thinks you're best friends all of a sudden?
    It's not like you know the person or anything. Because both of you are at an anime convention, that must surely mean that you love all of the same things, and that gives them the ticket to invade your privacy, touch you in weird places, and involve you in drama and other gay things.

    For instance, imagine cosplaying L from Death Note, and suddenly you get tackled and raped by a Light cosplayer.
    Because obviously all Death Note cosplayers looooove yaoi.

    Shit like that just pisses me off.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)19:57 No.5632130
    If you're cosplaying L, you have it coming. It just goes along with the territory.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)19:59 No.5632141
    woah damn, 75 cents? I never buy pocky because it seems to overpriced for what it is, but $.75 sounds good to me.

    On topic: The yelling. Yelling memes is of course obnoxious and shitty, but really just any unwarranted screaming is terrible.
    >> ●ᴥ● the trip currently known as the ugliest female trip of /cgl/ !nobody.aEE!!wPOPc8NbQTx 03/23/12(Fri)20:01 No.5632150
    Don't mind if I show up with one at your next con.

    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 03/23/12(Fri)20:03 No.5632159
         File: 1332547397.jpg-(174 KB, 300x553, pocky1.jpg)
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    I don't usually buy it because well, it just taste kind of meh to me. I do like the "Mens" Pocky. Which is just the dark chocolate version.

    We had some random weeb decided to cling onto our group. At Wondercon, she decided to "Follow the marvel people" since apparently she didn't know anybody at the con. Thankfully she wandered off shortly afterwards when she realized nobody in the group was talking to her. It was awkward as fuck, and if she kept doing it for much longer, I'd have told her to leave.
    >> Denmark !Z0k5e0SqSI 03/23/12(Fri)20:04 No.5632162
         File: 1332547445.gif-(382 KB, 493x370, tumblr_losm68cEl91qcrxtso1_500.gif)
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    The example in my previous post happened to me, when I wasn't cosplaying L. - I was wearing a white shirt with big black letters on the front, and jeans. Completely normal non-cosplay clothes.
    I was attacked by a group of fat Death Note cosplayers, who was absolutely sure that I was cosplaying L. They went as far as to rip my pants off, before my friend got there and dragged me away from them.

    So, just sayin'. That shit is not fucking cool, and it is the main reason that I only cosplay from completely obscure shit that cannot be mistaked for anything related to any shitty big yaaaaoooooi fandoms.
    >> Denmark !Z0k5e0SqSI 03/23/12(Fri)20:09 No.5632177
    >shit shit shit shit
    Whoops, didn't mean to sound like a hardcore faggot there.

    I just don't get it. If she wasn't even talking, or attempting to talk to anyone in your group, why bother?
    Leeching onto a big group in an attempt to find new friends is really not the way to go, if you're just going to wait for everyone else to speak to you 8|
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)20:19 No.5632220
         File: 1332548384.jpg-(69 KB, 450x686, sn404-00051.jpg)
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    >every goddamn yeller and every goddamn glomper and glomptackler (what the fuck is that anyway, in my country, tackling is banned everywhere except in sport and these girls go free)
    >Freaking out over Japanese sweets and snacks, especially Pocky.

    the weeaboos around my area don't eat anything BUT japanese candy and snacks
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)20:26 No.5632245
    Those "Pocky and Ramune are SACRED INDULGENCES and the great Kamisama Light Yagami declared we must consume them \(^o^)/" people.

    Japanese snacks are pretty cool once you get past those things.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)20:39 No.5632305
    To say something different, the people that laugh in my face when I talk about comics.

    Well fuck you, I didn't want to spend money in your stand anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)20:43 No.5632329
    Hipster weebs. The Tatami Galaxy/Shin Megami Tensei kinds.

    They're insufferable arrogant little shits. Hate anything western and anything 'mainstream' Japanese either.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)20:44 No.5632331
    >This is the type that claims Japanese doing X racist thing isn't really racist because of Y historical conditions and Z context.
    That's funny because if you replace "Japanese" with any minority there are a billion of those faggots everywhere. I had a psych teacher (it was an easy elective) who flat-out said during the class that black people can't be racist.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)20:54 No.5632381
    When they try to correct someone who's fluent in Japanese.
    >LOL. That's not ugokidasu it's ugoki desu! XD
    I guess weebs being incapable of teaching themselves any sort of Japanese really.
    Maybe that's just being pretentious but fuck. For all the GLORIOUS NIPPON praise that goes on, spending a day or two to at least learn the alphabet seems fitting, especially if they're still in grade/middle school since there's more time to do what you want at that age.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:17 No.5632451
    racism in academia generally refers to systematic oppression on a societal level so that's why he said that. black people can be prejudiced by that definition but not racist. whether you agree or disagree with that definition is a whole separate thing, i'm not trying to push it on you, but i just wanted to explain why he may have said that.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:19 No.5632458
    They cant wash their hair.
    Why is it so goddamn hard for them to wash their hair?

    Its something about silky oriental hair, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:21 No.5632471
    Didn't you make a thread like this on /jp/ a while ago?
    Why do you hate that video so much? Did it rape your dad or something?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:21 No.5632474
    They want to look like L.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:22 No.5632475
    This is a retconned definition. A neologism. Nevermind that the whole popularization of the term 'racism' began with a mass murdering bolshevik (Trotsky) who employed it for propagandistic purposes. The point is that 'academics' only came up with this definition after they saw white people starting to get pissed off with the blatant double standards being employed in regards to the term.

    So what did they do? They changed it so it only applies to whites.

    Fucking amazing.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:24 No.5632491
    like i said, i just wanted to explain this definition that some operate with whether it's valid or not. i ain't care.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:25 No.5632496
    Lack of hygiene, and the complete absence of social restraint when it comes to THEIR INTERESTS.
    I mean, fuck, everybody indulges in a little porn now and then. But animated or live action, keep that to yourself! It's not that we're all lame/prudish/narrow-minded/lolchristian, we (by which I mean most normal people) just know that certain things are not comfortable to discuss with new friends.
    Plus, sexualizing everything about your fandom is the quickest way to let the people in your company see that you've probably never had normal, healthy, consensual sex with another human being of legal age.
    I mean, short of wearing a sandwich board with that sentence on it, that is.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:25 No.5632497
    I hate not only the random mem/dance shit skits, but what's worse is when they try and take a bunch of random, unrelated character from completely different series and make up some really crappy skit because none wanted to compromise on the same series.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:28 No.5632507
    >Dying your hair to match the character's yet don't use product or actual hair dye to make it so your hair doesn't look like shit.
    You'd think people would notice that hair GEL looks like shit, dying your hair but not making it all shiny and pretty for your cosplay is stupid especially when you make a nice costume and have frizzy as fuck hair.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:33 No.5632523
    >dying hair unnatural colours

    no i don't want friends who look like they have a neon rave rainbow on their heads
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:33 No.5632524
    The adopted mannerisms.
    >Peace signs in every photo
    >Running like Goku
    >Closing eyes when smiling
    >Expressing surprise/disapproval by screaming and flailing
    >Pouting, stamping feet, clasping hands in lap, and looking down while audibly exhaling to express frustration.
    >Saying "Un?" and then pausing before answering a question. You are not being translated from Japanese to English in real life. Your tracking and speech will match up because you're a human being. Try it out.
    >Dat vocal tone. What is it about weeaboos that make them sound like bad actors in cheap movies ALL THE TIME?
    >Fucking Uguu
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:33 No.5632527
    Believing a con is just like their stupid forum/Gaia but IRL! So go ahead and *act out all that crazy lulz!!!11*
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:40 No.5632547
         File: 1332553200.jpg-(663 KB, 1280x850, koala biccies.jpg)
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    Pocky is okay. I had some once with bits of freeze-dried strawberry stuck in the icing, yum. But it's not worth flipping your house over for. In an Asian Supermarket in my town I found Koala March biscuits for like, €1 a box. They're similar tasting to Pocky, but have these adorable little pictures on 'em!
    I play Koala Match with them because I get kinda OCD about sweets. Emptying out the box to see how many duplicates you get cheers me up a ridiculous amount.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 03/23/12(Fri)21:46 No.5632573
    Reminds me of the Hello Panda things. They're not so bad either.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:51 No.5632595
         File: 1332553885.png-(676 KB, 720x540, 1302657555859.png)
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    >I play Koala Match with them because I get kinda OCD about sweets. Emptying out the box to see how many duplicates you get cheers me up a ridiculous amount.
    I did this before!
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:51 No.5632596
         File: 1332553897.jpg-(79 KB, 640x480, 0256.jpg)
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    I'd get these over Pocky any day. Have a great fruity/kinda boozy taste and some are cute and heart shaped.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:53 No.5632606
         File: 1332554004.gif-(473 KB, 212x256, frosting.gif)
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    Isn't it amazing? I got two friggin' mermaids once, SO much more fun than alphabetizing Skittles.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:55 No.5632611
         File: 1332554122.jpg-(536 KB, 1600x1200, img_0074.jpg)
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    i did this with pancho snacks
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:55 No.5632612
         File: 1332554132.jpg-(189 KB, 1276x714, WHUT 393.jpg)
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    >Alphabetizing skittles
    Awe man. I used to do this.
    Along with color coding M&Ms.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)21:59 No.5632638
         File: 1332554383.jpg-(66 KB, 385x385, Bulk Yellow Tropical Skittles.jpg)
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    Did you class these under "Y" for Yellow, or "L" for Lemon?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:01 No.5632646
    Those are my fucking jam even though they are just circle shapped gummies. The green grapes and peach are the best.

    On topic, I hate weaboo artist who use '*anime* is my style so you can't criticise me' excuse and 'I don't need to know anatomy, I draw *anime*'
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:03 No.5632654
         File: 1332554637.gif-(1.44 MB, 200x150, 1315116062848.gif)
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    Under "L" For lemon. I classified them by flavor.
    I also organixed the boxes of all colored nerds too. Those are the hardest. THERE ARE SO MANY IN THAT BOX.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:04 No.5632656
    I miss NeoClassicNeko too.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:10 No.5632679
    Wow. I never bothered with anything smaller than a Skittle. I'm impressed.
    But my method was ABCDEF green HIJKLMN orange purple Q red STUVWX yellow Z.
    I loved when they released the limited blue ones, really broke the alphabet up.
    But anyways, yes this thread. We all hate the weeaboos, and that weeby stuff that they do. Booo.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:11 No.5632684
         File: 1332555107.jpg-(210 KB, 1100x727, psidney.jpg)
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    This. In AP art class in high school someone drew NaruSasu shit and put in her college application portfolio. Sent that shit to SCAD. I'd love to be a recruiter at an art school to see what kind of anime crap comes in.

    Alternatively, however, in Illustration class pretty much any cartoonish style that didn't look like Little Lulu our teacher dubbed "anime" and we had to redo it. My really sweet surfing platypus drawing had to keep getting revised until this was the only one he "approved"
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:12 No.5632688
    Have you seen ANIME MADE BEFORE 1999?

    All of my hate
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:14 No.5632696
         File: 1332555295.jpg-(36 KB, 248x274, WHUT 001.jpg)
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    But yeah. Weebs.

    I have a friend going to a convention with me as someone else's OC.
    I can't even correctly fathom that.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:19 No.5632712
    OP cosplay.
    What is the point of that? Unless it's something stupidly obvious/cult like Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way or Enterprise Lieutenant Mary Sue, it's like going dressed as your (or someone else's) imaginary friend.
    I can only imagine the anticlimactic conversation when they're asked who they're cosplaying .
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:23 No.5632730
    SCAD isnt that picky because you have to pay out your ass to go
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:23 No.5632732
    *OC no OP, derp.
    But the same goes for anyone cosplaying OP's pic.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:24 No.5632740
    They offered me a full ride scholarship there for graduate school. I'd say I'm pretty good, but not amazing. I do wonder how many people go there paying entirely out of pocket.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:26 No.5632745
    Headbands/"Forehead Protectors"
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:27 No.5632750
         File: 1332556054.jpg-(116 KB, 819x630, 7568 - logic tagme.jpg)
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    Exactly. I just don't get why she's so excited about it. Last year she was her own OC, and it wasn't pretty. just fur and tails and everything mismatched ERRYWHERE.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:33 No.5632772
    I've noticed this too. You can practically tell a weeb's power level by how greasy their hair is.
    On a side note, does anyone remember this stuff? Garnier tried to market grooming products to the otaku set. It was a nice try.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:34 No.5632775
         File: 1332556471.jpg-(27 KB, 233x320, gunk.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:34 No.5632777
    I know a few and they aren't that great.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:38 No.5632795
    Hoo boy.
    I think your friend might be a Weeaboo Horror Story waiting to happen. I mean, the furry implications and all...
    >> Sans !shERiFf/HI 03/23/12(Fri)22:38 No.5632796
    I once considered cosplaying a friend's OC to help promote a comic she was making. It never happened though (Both the cosplay and the comic).
    I can't think of any other reason to do such a thing, though.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:40 No.5632801
    >second hand embarrassment story time!

    I had to stick up for a weeb cause I just felt so bad for her. She came to my lecture dressed as her friend's OC cosplay, a kind of vampire/angel hybrid guy with a long scarf. She had put on her face this weird fake blood in such a way that when it dried it became orange and it looked like she was this rabid orange faced hobo. After the lecture, she left, and one of my classmates gave her a look and asked me "whos is she dressed up as?" and I replied with her friend's original character. Then she tripped over the scarf going up the stairs and landed on her forehead. I helped her up. She overheard my classmate saying she looked like a hobo on rabies and just started bawling loudly, throwing a tantrum and sitting there crying on the stairs.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:42 No.5632809
    She's a decent friend, and she doesn't really meet the definitions of Weaboo Furry Horror Story...
    But I fear one day she might.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:49 No.5632840
         File: 1332557342.png-(46 KB, 1200x473, timeline.png)
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    Guide her, Anon. It's a slippery slope, and there but for the grace of God -and an extremely sensible boyfriend- go I. You seem like Good People. I'm sure she'll be fine.

    And actually, is it just me, or does anyone else here enjoy ripping on actual delusional weebs because you came so close to being that yourself? Oh God I could have ended up so bad...

    >inb4 "Lolita is the lowest level of weeabooism ever, enjoy your kawaii princess delusion, freak"
    I'm not kawaii, I just love big black skirts.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:52 No.5632853
    Why was she cosplaying to a lecture in the first place?
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)22:56 No.5632866
         File: 1332557792.jpg-(2 KB, 126x123, 1325214100800..jpg)
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    I go to another art school and one of my teachers said that SCAD has a shit ton of furries.
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)23:02 No.5632888
         File: 1332558122.jpg-(116 KB, 627x476, palmtotheface.jpg)
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    I really don't know. I asked her why after she got herself cleaned up in the bathroom and she said "oh, that, well my friend wanted me to dress up as him because he was so cute!"

    She hasn't stopped pulling public weeb shit though. My lecturer pulled us both aside and told us to knock it off. I would have protested that I had nothing to do with it, but I kept silent and put up with whining that it was her right to dress up like that to a lecture.
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 03/23/12(Fri)23:08 No.5632905
    the loudness, and really the association. We are all weeb to a degree here.... but there are many varying levels and I shower unlike most of them thankyouverymuch.

    And shit like this:
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)23:11 No.5632916
    Wow. Well. There's nothing stopping her legally, but it always feels a little off when people say doing stuff like that is their "right".
    Perhaps the person who wrote up the Charter of Human Rights was so sensible themselves, they saw no need to add "and it is a person's right to adhere to common sense and practical behavior in their day-to-day settings."
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)23:21 No.5632941
    >At hotel getting in shuttle
    >Front row= Nice normal folks
    >Second row= Three hambeasts who fit in the seat somehow. Wearing what looks like crappy sailor scouts cosplay
    >Third row= Myself and two friends in cute yukatas for comfort at the end of the day
    >Nice folks in first row: "We're from Pittsburgh, are you guys like the furries? We've had a lot of those over the years."
    >Hambeasts: "Lol no of course not we make fun of them! We've mixed two of our favorite shows and we're Sailor Shinigami!
    >"I'm Sailor Hitsugaya!"
    >"I'm Sailor Byakuya."
    >"I'm Sailor Renji! I'm gonna defeat Sailor Byakuya-taichou someday!"
    >"In yer dreams fukutaichou! Yer gonna regret saying that tonight!"
    >"Nya Taichou why you so mean?!1"
    >Front seat: "Ah.....we see."
    >Backseat: All three of us prepared to punch them but feared the ham of the beast might make our fists ricochet back at us
    >> Anonymous 03/23/12(Fri)23:50 No.5632996
    It's so weird, some people just never grow out of that do they? I'm pretty sure every person on /cgl/ was weebly at some point in their lives, but grew out of it when they either hit high school or shortly after graduation.

    Does anyone else accidentally collect weeaboos? I don't know what it is, but they just won't leave me alone. I have like five of them that follow me around and tell me about their OCs and how they are writing a fanfiction about how samus drinks milk and gets raped. Or worse, they talk about their self diagnosed ~mental illness~ or how they are going to marry a nice asian girl and learn kendo.
    >> No-Brand Heroine 03/24/12(Sat)01:32 No.5633174
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    >I have like five of them that follow me around and tell me about their OCs and how they are writing a fanfiction about how samus drinks milk and gets raped

    Are you fucking with me?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)01:34 No.5633179
    /jp/ hates Okkusenman because they were bullied their entire childhood and their only fond memories from it are playing video games.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)02:38 No.5633253
    >Lack of an indoor voice

    Honestly, I haven't encountered too many weeaboos IRL. Guess I'm just lucky.

    Drawfag here. Jesus Christ, this. "If I wanted realism, I'd take a photo" or "Famous manga artist don't need to know anatomy". Shut the fuck up, you don't know anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)06:20 No.5633485
    The fact that they use "rape" as something positive.

    "OMG Sasuke is so KAWAII DESUUU I just want TO RAPE HIM ^w^"

    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)06:22 No.5633486
    When they go "OMG I'VE ALWAYS WANTED AN ASIAN FRIEND" to me.
    I've actually had people say this to me.
    One girl told me she planned on marrying an Asian man.
    Get the fuck away.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)06:25 No.5633487
    I have an asian friend who crossdresses and wears cat ears whenever he's at a con, and he's really clingy too. He's a yaoi-weebs wet dream. He's so "tsundere".

    But he's a really cool guy outside cons. We arre very intimate and hug a lot (sometimes cudling). But if we ever do that at a con (especially in cosplay) everyone around us squeals and screams "REAL LIFE YAOI".

    What do?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)06:29 No.5633492
    Is he cute?
    If he's cute, give him to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)07:00 No.5633507
    Stick it in his pooper
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)07:06 No.5633510
    I don't understand this comment, you are upset or happy he is intimate with you? What does this have to do with weebs? Are you asking for advice? If you like him I guess you should hook up.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)10:26 No.5633619
    MegaTen weebs or Persona weebs?
    I'm just asking because while I've met tons of Persona weebs, the few people I know that play the regular MegaTen titles tend to be pretty okay. They just like dungeon crawlers and demonic pokemon.
    Persona weebs on the other hand make me sad.
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 03/24/12(Sat)10:58 No.5633668
    >The fact that they use "rape" as something positive.
    THAT is disturbing

    so cringey, yet I would have probably bought this.
    By the way, what is this? Is it some sort of gel or something?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)11:22 No.5633713
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    >By the way, what is this? Is it some sort of gel or something?
    Bull semen.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:02 No.5633936
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    It was this really thick gunky hair gel that was designed to be able to hold spikes. It smelled delish, but was no good for anyone with anything less than werewolf-syndrome levels of hair thickness.
    My ex bough some, that's how I know.
    >Good luck with that hun, your hair grows in ringlets XD
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:04 No.5633943
    Wouldn't it be far more rewarding to charm your bishie into liking you, and then have the kind of sex where nobody gets put on a register or into care?
    Is that just me?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:18 No.5633973
    I hate that they are the dominant voice in my fandom. I like anime, I like Japanese music, I wish to learn Japanese, but I don't think Japan is the holy land sent down from the heavens. In all honesty, Japan is kinda shitty, but because of them, everyone who shows an interest in something Japanese will be thought of as a Japanophile.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:23 No.5633980
    I'm fucking serious. He kept showing me a picture of Samus nude except for her helmet drinking a bottle of milk. It said "got milk" underneath. It was "fanart" he drew for his own fanfiction.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:25 No.5633984
    I had a weeb girl in my high school driver's ed. class. Bitch used to look up yaoi on her phone and then show it to the class. She seemed normal until then, and I was friendly to her, after that day I was labeled the "friend of the girl who masturbates to gay cartoon porn in class".
    >> Anonymous 03/24/12(Sat)13:27 No.5633989
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    How was she drinking from a bottle of milk if she had her helmet on?

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