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  • Dear Londoners: I am in your lovely rainy city for the next few days. If you'd fancy a spot of tea and dessert,
    send an e-mail to with a sentence or two about yourself,
    why you aren't Jack the Ripper, and include a timestamp.
    Cheers, —mootykins

    File: 1331953000.jpg-(51 KB, 500x355, tumblr_m0x0r0bZ5M1roskfuo1_500.jpg)
    51 KB Need The King of CGL Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)22:56 No.5608875  
    Glimpsed a photo of the King on chumblr earlier that was posted by an old HS friend of his as blackmail...RDJ was covering his dangly bits with only a plush rabbit, but I couldn't find it again because the poster removed it...anyone have sauce?

    **captcha: ourhang loins
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)22:57 No.5608877
    bumping because reasons
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)22:59 No.5608881
    image is cosplay related
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:01 No.5608887
         File: 1331953281.png-(456 KB, 500x691, PinupRDJ4.png)
    456 KB
    >Awaiting OP's requested image
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:02 No.5608891
         File: 1331953353.png-(314 KB, 500x593, PinupRDJ3.png)
    314 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:03 No.5608894
         File: 1331953388.jpg-(47 KB, 516x340, robert-downey-jr-pin-up-model-(...).jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:04 No.5608899
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:06 No.5608903
         File: 1331953567.png-(246 KB, 463x506, want face.png)
    246 KB
    All my lady boners for RDJ as Kotetsu.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:06 No.5608904
    Anyone? Anyone have the RDJ image?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:07 No.5608909
    Both are perfect Tiger and Bunny. So perfect.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:09 No.5608913
    gonna need OPs photo to be rl
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:09 No.5608914
    I would give all my moneys for a live action movie with them. All my moneys.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:12 No.5608920
    agreed. Needs to happen.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:12 No.5608921
    anymore RDJ cosplay shoops?
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:16 No.5608928
    need sauce on ops request
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:17 No.5608930
         File: 1331954252.jpg-(88 KB, 750x600, animals happy moar pleased sna(...).jpg)
    88 KB
    Agreed. MOAR!
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:23 No.5608939
         File: 1331954587.jpg-(63 KB, 436x700, tumblr_lvg7wmAoVW1r6yw79o1_500.jpg)
    63 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:27 No.5608954
         File: 1331954874.jpg-(37 KB, 400x400, robert-downey-jr-iron-man-2-ja(...).jpg)
    37 KB
    heres a shoop of rdj cosplaying as iron man...i wish they'd make a live action with him as iron man!
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:28 No.5608957
         File: 1331954919.jpg-(115 KB, 500x676, robert.jpg)
    115 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:29 No.5608960
         File: 1331954974.jpg-(104 KB, 500x637, pinup-rdj.jpg)
    104 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:30 No.5608961
         File: 1331955005.jpg-(50 KB, 492x314, rdj.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:30 No.5608965
         File: 1331955053.png-(483 KB, 500x598, tumblr_ll63ewHPuG1qbditxo1_500.png)
    483 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:31 No.5608967
         File: 1331955090.jpg-(148 KB, 500x483, tumblr_lgombuoOJC1qbfw56o1_500.jpg)
    148 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:32 No.5608973
         File: 1331955155.jpg-(92 KB, 500x658, tumblr_lndh51wbJT1qbditxo1_500(...).jpg)
    92 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:33 No.5608975
         File: 1331955195.jpg-(26 KB, 500x246, vintage_RDJ_pinups.jpg)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:33 No.5608979
    I would put a poster of this one up in my bathroom.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:34 No.5608985
         File: 1331955294.png-(801 KB, 600x745, target.png)
    801 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:36 No.5608991
         File: 1331955380.jpg-(40 KB, 488x593, 1269228626885.jpg)
    40 KB
    This is the closet image I have of him with a bunny.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:36 No.5608992
    I need a calendar of these...
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:36 No.5608995
    Too much clothing.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:38 No.5609001
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 03/16/12(Fri)23:40 No.5609008
    ...that rabbit looks kind of... creepy.
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:42 No.5609014
    It's sorta fake looking...
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:50 No.5609039
    OP, go to the shame corner for not saving and sharing
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:56 No.5609055
         File: 1331956573.jpg-(49 KB, 334x500, shame.jpg)
    49 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/16/12(Fri)23:58 No.5609061
         File: 1331956717.jpg-(14 KB, 374x449, 168168412.jpg)
    14 KB
    Another but not naked.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)00:09 No.5609101
    What I would give to be that bunny.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)00:13 No.5609115
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)00:16 No.5609123
         File: 1331957777.png-(364 KB, 400x576, 1323629127431.png)
    364 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)00:26 No.5609157
    his legs were pretty nice in previous images
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)00:31 No.5609183
         File: 1331958703.gif-(500 KB, 258x190, tumblr_lyr6vkhidW1qcu9hz.gif)
    500 KB
    This is a promo shot for a movie called "Fur".... RDJ is a man with werewolf syndome, and there is an extremely erotic shaving scene... gif not related to fur, but whatever
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)00:33 No.5609190
    Hnnng. I've seen stills from this.Very nice, I must say.
    This one OP request image.
    It's like it was eradicated from the internet D:
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)00:44 No.5609224
    OP, Y U NO SAVE?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)00:49 No.5609245
         File: 1331959782.gif-(506 KB, 500x205, tumblr_lw0827ynQ41qe4zhy.gif)
    506 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)00:50 No.5609248
    I'm on a RDJ tinychat right now, and that still you're talking about was from a full on PORNO... ajh;sdjkhg;asjkgh we need to find this
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)00:55 No.5609263
    No, it was from a cell phone. I'm in chat, lol

    We must find this. MUST.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)00:58 No.5609274
         File: 1331960316.png-(189 KB, 500x373, tumblr_lz9qlxQUBS1qhe718o2_500.png)
    189 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)00:59 No.5609277
         File: 1331960353.png-(232 KB, 333x500, tumblr_lz9qlxQUBS1qhe718o1_400.png)
    232 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:00 No.5609282
         File: 1331960442.jpg-(180 KB, 450x600, best-iron-man-cosplayer-ever.jpg)
    180 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:02 No.5609290
         File: 1331960559.gif-(970 KB, 500x217, 24a.gif)
    970 KB
    where? where is it?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:04 No.5609295
         File: 1331960693.gif-(560 KB, 262x200, 8QmIp.gif)
    560 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:13 No.5609324
         File: 1331961231.gif-(463 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lda7pnuxyP1qdz2x9o1_500.gif)
    463 KB
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 03/17/12(Sat)01:14 No.5609325
         File: 1331961264.jpg-(940 KB, 1244x829, 1331417499643.jpg)
    940 KB
    this is the best thread I have ever seen.
    the. best.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:17 No.5609333
         File: 1331961469.gif-(495 KB, 420x226, Pcv15.gif)
    495 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:21 No.5609342
         File: 1331961664.png-(459 KB, 500x630, tumblr_lm8jwqBVD41qbditxo1_500.png)
    459 KB
    Such good.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:22 No.5609347
         File: 1331961740.png-(482 KB, 500x681, tumblr_lb4niwomLw1qbditxo1_500.png)
    482 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:23 No.5609355
         File: 1331961832.png-(373 KB, 500x629, tumblr_lihin6NLAx1qbditxo1_500.png)
    373 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:24 No.5609359
         File: 1331961885.jpg-(120 KB, 500x679, tumblr_l7bgeyiBdd1qbditxo1_500(...).jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:25 No.5609365
         File: 1331961917.png-(476 KB, 500x634, tumblr_l5zlge7Tou1qbditxo1_500.png)
    476 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:26 No.5609369
         File: 1331961967.png-(485 KB, 500x682, tumblr_l5qdkhstEm1qbditxo1_500.png)
    485 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:26 No.5609370
         File: 1331962004.png-(456 KB, 500x676, tumblr_l5ojs2uF8H1qbditxo1_500.png)
    456 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:27 No.5609372
         File: 1331962067.jpg-(88 KB, 500x634, tumblr_l5kfzaIavE1qbditxo1_r1_(...).jpg)
    88 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:28 No.5609373
         File: 1331962101.png-(295 KB, 500x644, tumblr_l5h0iy8QST1qbditxo1_500.png)
    295 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:29 No.5609376
         File: 1331962168.png-(486 KB, 500x693, tumblr_l4snmlGKjg1qbditxo1_500.png)
    486 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:30 No.5609379
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:30 No.5609380
         File: 1331962212.png-(461 KB, 500x680, tumblr_l3xqjk8RAk1qbditxo1_500.png)
    461 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:31 No.5609385
         File: 1331962266.png-(448 KB, 500x669, tumblr_l1i3u6Yl711qbditxo1_500.png)
    448 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:32 No.5609387
         File: 1331962320.png-(475 KB, 500x680, tumblr_l3ku3yIjwR1qbditxo1_500.png)
    475 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:35 No.5609395
    favorite, lololololol
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:35 No.5609396
    Who ever has given us all these lovely images, thank you. Your work is appreciated. You should put together a calender.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:38 No.5609401
         File: 1331962680.jpg-(177 KB, 702x454, Venice rising from the Sea.jpg)
    177 KB
    Ooo! Request!!!

    This please!
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:42 No.5609412
         File: 1331962931.jpg-(194 KB, 660x865, 1831.jpg)
    194 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:42 No.5609413

    is where anon is getting them
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:42 No.5609415
         File: 1331962964.jpg-(144 KB, 383x498, image_ac2176c71.jpg)
    144 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:43 No.5609417
         File: 1331963009.jpg-(169 KB, 425x580, none-of-these-chicas-can-hold-(...).jpg)
    169 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:45 No.5609422
         File: 1331963107.png-(572 KB, 500x626, pinuprdj4.png)
    572 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:46 No.5609423
         File: 1331963169.jpg-(104 KB, 500x639, rdjaer.jpg)
    104 KB
    Actually, many of them aren't even on there. GG, bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:47 No.5609425
         File: 1331963235.png-(410 KB, 600x380, red_1.png)
    410 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:47 No.5609427
         File: 1331963271.jpg-(184 KB, 500x656, robert-downey-jr-pin-up-model-(...).jpg)
    184 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:48 No.5609431
         File: 1331963311.jpg-(126 KB, 600x745, robert-downey-pin-up-10..jpg)
    126 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:49 No.5609434
         File: 1331963363.png-(379 KB, 500x629, tumblr_l4fm6pSJZS1qbditxo1_500.png)
    379 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:50 No.5609436
         File: 1331963409.png-(1.02 MB, 800x1183, tumblr_l5ivpfsztI1qbditx.png)
    1.02 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:50 No.5609440
         File: 1331963441.jpg-(56 KB, 500x602, vintage_RDJ_03.jpg)
    56 KB
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 03/17/12(Sat)01:50 No.5609441
         File: 1331963450.png-(106 KB, 330x250, excel_pedro.png)
    106 KB
    I'm so proud of you /cgl/. My tears, they run like waterfalls.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:51 No.5609446
         File: 1331963489.png-(273 KB, 487x700, tumblr_lj5331pgJF1qbditxo1_500.png)
    273 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:52 No.5609449
         File: 1331963528.jpg-(14 KB, 405x539, tumblr_l5mahdEV7J1qbditxo1.jpg)
    14 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:55 No.5609459
    >this whole thread
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:55 No.5609460
    Do all these images not remind you of your sexy wife, Pedro?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:56 No.5609464
         File: 1331963797.png-(37 KB, 640x480, whyboner.png)
    37 KB
    >too distracted by thread to remember my picture.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:57 No.5609466
    I'm right there with ya man.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:58 No.5609470
    Yet, OP's still left in the dark. Plus side? New calendar idea, lol. Make one, somebody, and take my money.
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 03/17/12(Sat)01:58 No.5609474
         File: 1331963932.jpg-(12 KB, 340x255, xine_snapshot-1.jpg)
    12 KB
    Ci, my wife very sexy
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:58 No.5609475
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:59 No.5609478
         File: 1331963972.jpg-(73 KB, 600x756, Robert_Downey_Jr_1.jpg)
    73 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)01:59 No.5609480
    Do not worry, I am sure she is waiting for you at home, with little Pepe.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:00 No.5609481
         File: 1331964008.jpg-(122 KB, 500x677, tumblr_le3u3c1Kir1qbditxo1_500(...).jpg)
    122 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:03 No.5609490
    Why can't I stop saving all these images?!
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:06 No.5609496
    i didn't know that this was a thing, but now that I know...
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:06 No.5609497
         File: 1331964413.jpg-(175 KB, 660x787, 1804.jpg)
    175 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:07 No.5609498
         File: 1331964477.jpg-(141 KB, 660x825, 1814.jpg)
    141 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:09 No.5609505
         File: 1331964556.jpg-(64 KB, 620x400, 5804076.bin.jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:10 No.5609507
    beauties <3
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:13 No.5609513
    No update on OP's quest?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:18 No.5609522
         File: 1331965113.png-(447 KB, 455x600, downypinup1.png)
    447 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:19 No.5609526
         File: 1331965191.png-(502 KB, 500x629, pinup-rdj.png)
    502 KB
    Such good.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:21 No.5609530
         File: 1331965278.jpg-(110 KB, 500x641, pinup-rdjlb.jpg)
    110 KB
    Such good
    >> o-slap 03/17/12(Sat)02:24 No.5609534
         File: 1331965459.jpg-(26 KB, 560x300, neko.jpg)
    26 KB
    my kawaii is so hard right now
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:24 No.5609535
         File: 1331965470.jpg-(247 KB, 500x621, rdjpu.jpg)
    247 KB
    For OP's quest!
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:26 No.5609539
         File: 1331965607.jpg-(70 KB, 439x293, rdj-lestat.jpg)
    70 KB
    For some reason my desu is all derp.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:30 No.5609544
         File: 1331965814.jpg-(17 KB, 420x329, 145.jpg)
    17 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)02:52 No.5609581
    Pretty RDJs, y u no on front page?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)11:46 No.5610216
    w-w-why? this thread is full of beuty!
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)12:08 No.5610257
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)12:12 No.5610268
    Serious question time. Does anyone knows what artists the original pin-up images are from? I appreciate RDJ's face as much as anyone in this thread, but I would like to see them separately as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)12:26 No.5610294
    this thread needs to be fucking ARCHIVED
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)12:42 No.5610319
    Oh my sweet baby jesus, this thread is amazing
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)12:44 No.5610322
    Indeed. Archive thread.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:22 No.5610408
    I think it's a ton of varied artists...
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:27 No.5610422
    requesting archive; who knew RDJ was such a foxy lady? XD
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:28 No.5610426
    Ffffu-, Jude's face. That expression...
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:33 No.5610432
         File: 1332005591.gif-(927 KB, 499x207, tumblr_m0667oqIsH1ro91bjo1_500.gif)
    927 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:34 No.5610434
         File: 1332005647.gif-(338 KB, 108x120, tumblr_lzzbua608I1r49612.gif)
    338 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:36 No.5610439
         File: 1332005770.gif-(351 KB, 253x150, tumblr_m0c9vig25m1ro91bjo1_400.gif)
    351 KB
    >>5610432 this real life?
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:38 No.5610441
         File: 1332005882.gif-(373 KB, 300x169, omgwtf.gif)
    373 KB
    Robert...your legs...
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:44 No.5610456
    Now I want this to happen
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:45 No.5610461
    Archive plz.
    Need 1 vote, guize.
    Don't let these leggy RDJs disappear XD
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:51 No.5610473
         File: 1332006702.png-(344 KB, 500x396, tumblr_l3mhej1mNR1qbditxo1_500.png)
    344 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:52 No.5610474
         File: 1332006739.png-(500 KB, 500x655, tumblr_lj79ak1Ki21qbditxo1_500.png)
    500 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:52 No.5610478
         File: 1332006777.jpg-(27 KB, 294x441, beach-294.jpg)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:53 No.5610480
         File: 1332006807.png-(480 KB, 500x593, tumblr_l18qm9sY391qbditxo1_500.png)
    480 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:54 No.5610483
         File: 1332006853.png-(448 KB, 500x675, tumblr_l1nj3l7Iu61qbditxo1_500.png)
    448 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)13:54 No.5610485
         File: 1332006899.gif-(498 KB, 500x225, clintnod.gif)
    498 KB
    That expression.
    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)14:03 No.5610512
    a lot of them are by Gil Elvgren (I have a pin up calendar if his art, haha)
    Harry Eckman
    Peter Oriben
    and a lot of ones I don't recognize. Rolf Armstrong is my personal favorite pinup artist from the 50s
    This link may be relevant to your interests:

    >> Anonymous 03/17/12(Sat)14:16 No.5610554
    Wow, thank you so much! Thank you!

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