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  • File: 1331174883.jpg-(54 KB, 351x312, mono.jpg)
    54 KB Stupid things anyone would do at cons. Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 03/07/12(Wed)21:48 No.5577899  
    I'll give you one example: sharing cups/drinks with more than one person. That is the easiest way someone can get mono. One of my friends did that and he got sick for the rest of the con.

    Tell me other stupid things anyone would do at cons.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)21:50 No.5577909
    People swinging their props around like idiot, seriously like what the heck. During a rave there was a girl about 15 years old who had to get stitches because some idiot was swinging his sword around.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)21:54 No.5577926
    To go along with the drink sharing thing, the Pocky game.
    >> PP+1 03/07/12(Wed)21:59 No.5577956
    Stupidest thing people do is to willingly supply booze to vastly underage and underdressed girls.

    And yet it happens all the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)22:10 No.5578013
    Along with your sharing thing, I've seen people share eye makeup and contact lenses at cons. Enjoy your pink eye. That person may be your bestie but ...eee.

    Also, it's stupid for people to get all bent out of shape if they aren't the center of attention. Got some bad news, if you're at a con like AX or Otakon with THOUSANDS of other people, chances are, you're not going to get noticed by many people unless you're hella amazing or fail.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)22:11 No.5578018
    Sharing wigs or wig caps. Enjoy your lice.
    >> Pez !!v2Sb8thfcZG 03/07/12(Wed)22:32 No.5578097
         File: 1331177533.gif-(387 KB, 479x350, tumblr_m0dwjipS8I1qjlurb.gif)
    387 KB
    never met you before before this very moment while im here in this group of casual acquaintances I met today, wanna munch on this chocolate dipped pretzel till we swap spit?
    >> Nekomimi !TI0xbxrkng 03/08/12(Thu)00:42 No.5578529
    Hey my boyfriend got me that plush at ALA.

    Anyways, sharing cosplay/cosplay props and either getting it back damaged or not at all. Or loaning money and not getting it back. Keep your stuff to yourself.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 03/08/12(Thu)00:50 No.5578546
    >Sharing contact lenses
    Oh god do people actually do this?

    When people pull other people's clothes for hugs or to get them to come back or whatever. Rips. Rips everywhere.
    >> Katsumiyo !bSYx8p6gbU 03/08/12(Thu)00:56 No.5578562
    Accepting drinks you didn't make yourself. I can't mix drinks well, but I'll always keep an eye on whoever is bartending at a room party and I'll never drink something I didn't watch them make in a fresh cup. Professional bartenders being an exception, of course.
    Also, people who either don't know their limits or do and just choose to ignore it. If you can't walk by yourself, you're too drunk. It's no fun for everyone else when we have to babysit your drunken ass and have to wake up at 4 AM to the sound of you puking.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)01:08 No.5578609
    Inviting people you just met 15 minutes ago up to your hotel room. Almost always ends in some kind of disaster.

    Parents bringing small children to conventions on non-kids days/ after dark. It's just not an appropriate environment for kids, nor does anybody feel like listening to a baby cry throughout a panel.

    Taking photos in dangerous & idiotic places. The end of an escalator is NOT a good place for a photo. Nor are stairs, roads, driveways, etc. The dealer's room is another poor choice. It's packed and narrow enough as it is, let alone to have it clogged with people stopping for photos.

    Drinking beyond your limit. It's ok to drink, just know your limit. I won't room with anyone under 21 because I'm just not dealing with the whole "I'm cool, I'm underage & I'm going to drink until I vomit/destroy the room" thing.

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