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  • File: 1331100698.jpg-(60 KB, 800x616, Vhs_cassette_bottom.jpg)
    60 KB Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:11 No.5575071  
    Do you feel old, /cgl/?
    >> God !BrODINgKJM 03/07/12(Wed)01:13 No.5575076
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 03/07/12(Wed)01:16 No.5575086
         File: 1331100992.png-(85 KB, 734x720, 1315379746379.png)
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    Not really
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 03/07/12(Wed)01:17 No.5575091
    I feeeel like fucking partying rightttt now
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:18 No.5575094
    im not old, but 1/3 my anime collection is on VHS

    20 y/o
    >> Kuro !V7hOCNPjSE 03/07/12(Wed)01:21 No.5575107
    Yes. Yes I do.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:21 No.5575108
    All the time. I'm 34. I dimly remember a time before VCRs, goddamn.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:22 No.5575112
    >> Slarenkou 03/07/12(Wed)01:23 No.5575114
    I actually have warm memories of these, so no!
    Also, had a rewinder shaped as a car for these babies.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:24 No.5575118
    Be kind, please rewind.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:25 No.5575123
    Had one of those too! with the headlights that lit up and everything. XD Rewinding was half the fun when you're 5...

    These days, kids can't even make it all the way through a damn Disney movie on DVD.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:27 No.5575126
         File: 1331101660.png-(29 KB, 1206x1100, 1331095639811.png)
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    Not particularly.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:27 No.5575129
    shit, I was going to say that. Let's bond over video store clerks who had no idea how sexy some of the foreign movies were and let kids rent them.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:28 No.5575131
    Yes... I remember when no one had cell phones and used pagers... Those were fucking annoying now that I look back on them but I always played with my mom's as a kid and wanted one.
    >> Slarenkou 03/07/12(Wed)01:28 No.5575132
    PFFT. Nope, this little girl I've known since she was adopted and brought here from Russia has been forced by me to watch all my old movies from the VCR. Her mom spoils her with her DS, portable DVD players, ipod, etc, but when -I- have her over my house she gets to watch my old Disney films and My Little Pony movies. Since Im her idol big sister figure she thinks everything I touch is gold, so she loves all my childhood sentimental crap <3
    /big sister figure doing it right
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:30 No.5575141
    My body is filling with nostalgia.
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 03/07/12(Wed)01:31 No.5575145
         File: 1331101875.jpg-(41 KB, 300x225, nightmareblogfull.jpg)
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    I did feel old.. Until my fucker of a VCR tried to eat my Nightmare tape ruining a couple minutes of the video. Then I went and downloaded a digital copy of it and never looked back.

    ...Then I turn around and see my Fantasia and Great Mouse Detective VHS's and now I feel old again.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:31 No.5575148
    Well that's good. I've heard of far too many kids who can't sit still until the end of a movie anymore. Mind you, the old Disney films weren't more then and hour and we had 'previews' before them too. XD
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:34 No.5575160
    I'm an old fuck and I can't sit through movies either. More of a temperament thing than a generational thing really.
    >> Slarenkou 03/07/12(Wed)01:35 No.5575161
    Given, this girl is very ADD without her medication (mother back in Russia was a drinker so now she has a couple things going on health-wise) but if Im sitting with her she'll be pretty engrossed in my old-school style. I try not to let her get too immersed in her gadgets, as I cant bring myself to see her get all. . retarded like the other kids of this new generation. <//3
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:37 No.5575168
    I have no idea what this is.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 03/07/12(Wed)01:37 No.5575171
    I feel as though I've lived lifetimes, so yes I feel "old".
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 03/07/12(Wed)01:39 No.5575181
    Posting nostalgia before Lunesta kicks in
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:40 No.5575187
    Possibly, but I just remember that usually when I wasn't able to sit through to the end of a movie on VHS it was because we/they were going home. :/

    Oh god yes. With kids who email Santa and babies addicted to ipads, I kinda don't want to know how the emerging generations are gonna do. Considering my generation is pretty fucked altogether...
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 03/07/12(Wed)01:40 No.5575191
         File: 1331102438.jpg-(1.19 MB, 3264x1840, 2011-11-04_22-42-04_295.jpg)
    1.19 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:42 No.5575202
    Ah yes, French boobies.
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 03/07/12(Wed)01:42 No.5575204
         File: 1331102570.jpg-(37 KB, 400x266, Pound_Puppies4.jpg)
    37 KB
    Ohh man wrong pic
    >> Slarenkou 03/07/12(Wed)01:43 No.5575205
    Which is why Im trying to positively influence the kids that look up to me. I dont wanna see a bunch of retarded children running around! Because then they grow up to be retarded adults! Ffffffff-
    We need more old school. Or parents who share the 'old awesome shit' with their children. We need more nerds to breed.
    >> Slarenkou 03/07/12(Wed)01:44 No.5575209
    Ohmygod what the actual hell. Im dieing over here xD

    GAH. POUND. FUCKING. PUPPIES. I still have a couple around somewhere. With a little bag/carrier for them.
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 03/07/12(Wed)01:45 No.5575212
         File: 1331102731.jpg-(24 KB, 220x337, 220px-Last_unicorn.jpg)
    24 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:46 No.5575213
    As a man, I owned the fuck out of Pound Puppies
    >> Patient Zero !!QcaWSA84mqz 03/07/12(Wed)01:48 No.5575218
         File: 1331102911.jpg-(28 KB, 462x347, Fievel.jpg)
    28 KB
    There are no cats in America! And the streets are paved with cheese. There are no cats in America, so put your mind at ease!

    Started building up the Don Bluth/90's Disney movies. We own most of them on VHS, but. . .

    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 03/07/12(Wed)01:48 No.5575220
         File: 1331102915.gif-(62 KB, 364x300, 1536a.gif)
    62 KB
    Okay the Lunesta is kicking in, leave you wit the polly pocket mansion
    >> Slarenkou 03/07/12(Wed)01:51 No.5575226
    Dude. Dude. I cant handle this thread. There is so much nostalgia Im about to OD.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)01:55 No.5575235
    >> Crimson !BroTusMC/E 03/07/12(Wed)02:00 No.5575244
         File: 1331103642.png-(17 KB, 640x399, 1037890-the_incredible_machine(...).png)
    17 KB
    Ok I just died. I totally had that mansion and 4-5 other Polly Pocket sets. I gave them away to a family friend's daughter when I outgrew them though.

    Posting PC nostalgia.
    >> Patient Zero !!QcaWSA84mqz 03/07/12(Wed)02:04 No.5575257
         File: 1331103846.jpg-(46 KB, 506x304, lazy eye.jpg)
    46 KB

    I loved the sequel as much as I loved the first one. Along with just about every other Don Bluth movie ever made.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)02:05 No.5575262
         File: 1331103948.jpg-(14 KB, 350x262, furby.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)02:09 No.5575275
    did he make the rats of nimh?
    >> Patient Zero !!QcaWSA84mqz 03/07/12(Wed)02:14 No.5575288

    Yes, yes he did. Along with a lot of movies I thought were Disney in my youth but were Don Bluth.

    Pebble and the Penguin being one of them.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)02:18 No.5575298

    H-hey there, li'l Furby.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)02:23 No.5575306
         File: 1331105019.jpg-(61 KB, 640x504, MV5BMTkxNzY1MzkwNF5BMl5BanBnXk(...).jpg)
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    Totally bummed me out when I found out the little voice actress never made it to adulthood because her dad went psycho on the family. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)02:24 No.5575308
    >On Wednesday, July 27th, Eunice Daly, a next door neighbor, heard a loud bang next door while watering her plants; the house had been set afire and later, the bodies of the Barsis were discovered shot dead. All of Judith's toys that were not destroyed by the fire were given to the local goodwill and her best friend continued to feed her cats for months afterward.
    >> Soup !53NZMMnZYE 03/07/12(Wed)02:25 No.5575312
         File: 1331105154.jpg-(22 KB, 270x280, talkboy.jpg)
    22 KB
    I'm turning 21 in 30 min ;~;
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)02:26 No.5575313

    :'( i wonderif she went to heaven
    >> Patient Zero !!QcaWSA84mqz 03/07/12(Wed)02:27 No.5575316

    No. . . This can't be true. . . .

    Read >>5575308. . .


    Squeaker. We loved you!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)02:27 No.5575317
         File: 1331105269.png-(136 KB, 447x334, ducky.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)02:27 No.5575318
         File: 1331105276.jpg-(67 KB, 530x363, All Dogs Go To Heaven.jpg)
    67 KB
    Holy shit, what? That's terrible!
    Also I was just about to post All Dogs
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)02:50 No.5575356
    All my wants after these years. I had a few hand-sized homes and things, but I wished for the mansion... I'm a little sour about the "Polly Pocket" toys today.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)02:54 No.5575361
         File: 1331106863.jpg-(236 KB, 650x433, judithbarsigravesite.jpg)
    236 KB

    yep yep yep
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)02:55 No.5575363
    When they buried her, she didn't have a marker. That was paid for by fans years later.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)02:55 No.5575364
         File: 1331106953.jpg-(26 KB, 252x400, DRAGONS.jpg)
    26 KB
    Yes, yes I feel so old.

    This is what I watched when I was little. I love this movie so much and I'm really sad that no one really knows of it 8(

    I also love all the Don Bluth films too. Rock-A-Doodle and Anastasia would have to be my favorite.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:01 No.5575374

    I loved that film too but I found it a bit sad
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:01 No.5575375
    I know what you mean. I used to have quite a few and then I gave them away as I got older. Big mistake. The new Polly is pretty lame, who cares about choking hazards? I just liked how small and relatively detailed things were.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:08 No.5575382
    good to know theres a few oldfags in /cgl/
    everytime people post their ages half of them are underage b&
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:13 No.5575388

    Oh shit these things!!!

    Also, sometimes yes I really do. Especially here on /cgl/ I'm not even 30 and I feel like an old fogey sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:13 No.5575389
    Thanks for reminding me I am 21 and haven't even finished one semester of college, or had a job, or done anything with my miserable life.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:15 No.5575396
         File: 1331108118.png-(149 KB, 247x248, 1327953416319 (1).png)
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    My SO mentioned maybe wanting to have a child and suddenly, even though I didn't say a defined yes or no, I feel like I'll want to rush to do shit and have fun, buy all the things, lots of lolita clothes, and get my career rolling first.
    I'm 24. Oh god. Son of a BITCH.

    I'd never really wanted kids before so wasn't really even thinking on a timeline!

    Biological clock ticking? I never asked for this feel!! I had specifically avoided it!!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:17 No.5575400
    You can always start. Especially college.
    >> Denmark !Z0k5e0SqSI 03/07/12(Wed)03:18 No.5575404
    At 20, I do feel old sometimes.
    The fact that people who are born in the 2000's use the internet now.. It still blows my mind.
    >> Least Homosexual Cupcake !!6okAHTBtkbF 03/07/12(Wed)03:19 No.5575406
    Adding to the Don Bluth nostalgia: Titan AE. Not that old, but it was the last movie made by that studio. Such a damned good movie too.

    Dreamworks needs to bring back its classic hand drawn animation studio.

    My personal nostalgia: Into The Land Of The Unicorns came out in '94 and I have been waiting for fucking EVER for Mr. Covile to finish it. He finally has :3
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:19 No.5575408

    freeze ur eggs
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/07/12(Wed)03:24 No.5575418
    Sometimes I worry about having to grow up and be responsible.

    Then I drink more.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:25 No.5575420
    TINY POLLY POCKETS ARE MY FUCKING JAM. I have almost all of the tiny set except the special editions and I lost my mcdonalds polly pockets. The best place to find polly pockets are goodwill and yard sales.

    Man fuck new polly pocket.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:27 No.5575423
    You guys remember skydancers and troll dolls?
    :c me neither..
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:31 No.5575431
         File: 1331109080.gif-(4 KB, 406x342, 1316360834814.gif)
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    But I don't know where...
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:33 No.5575433
    I had video tapes of them! And a couple of toys. Same goes for the dragonfly one or whatever it was, the boy's version of skydancers.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:34 No.5575435
         File: 1331109254.gif-(43 KB, 250x250, tumblr_m0afdxYVEw1qhy6c9o5_250.gif)
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    I played mine to DEATH. The tape no longer reads on my VCR but I was able to find a torrent and download it from demonoid.

    It thrills me other people actually know it!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:34 No.5575436
    I.. I actually planned on that being an option.
    I was going through research on what ages have the highest chance of chromosomal disorders and saw that mentioned.

    It actually sounds like a good idea. And my SO makes enough money for that to be possible if it turns out to be more than I can afford myself.

    But what ARE the pricings on that?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:36 No.5575441
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:40 No.5575450
    I'm 26, yea I'm starting to feel sorta old. For some reason, knowing that I'm older than a lot of professional athletes makes me feel weird. "I'm older than that big 'ol football player...?"

    I grew up on Eureka's Castle, Maya the Bee, Popples, David the Gnome, etc. Pagers were the THING, if you had one you were super cool, haha. I still have my entire Ninja Turtle action figure collection, '80s My Little Pony's, Nosy Bears and of course my Glo Worm.
    Also, before anime was available online (besides extremely tiny resolution Realplayer files), I'd buy/trade fansubs VHS through the mail.
    Also, does anyone remember anime mailing lists on AOL in the late '90s?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:41 No.5575452
    >>5575396 and >>5575436 cont
    And I don't feel "old". I'm behind with my degree but will be able to start grad school in the Fall. But it's hasn't been a crushing thing for me lately because everyone assumes I'm 3-5 years younger than I am. In my senior courses people were assuming I was much younger than them and looked at me weird when I gave advice on professors I'd had years back. (I'd failed some courses and took a year off.)

    My face is youthful enough that I don't feel "old". I feel very behind, but I don't get looked at for it because no one knows unless I tell them.
    But then, it feels like no one my actual age is truly starting their careers yet either because of the economy.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:49 No.5575468
         File: 1331110191.png-(397 KB, 576x738, 1297456842372.png)
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    I recently found an old diary of mine that I had when I was in middle school. One of the entries said, "Whenever I watch my FLCL tapes my dad likes to make up words to the ED theme. I wish he would watch it with me. I wonder if he would like it?" I ripped out the pages and threw them away. It makes me feel sad thinking about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)03:52 No.5575473
    For some reason, it made me sad that you did that. Doesn't seem like a particularly bad memory.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)04:26 No.5575528
    Yes. I've just started teaching this year and every time I open my mouth to give an example to explain the topic, every freakin' time, I have to remind myself 'these kids will not understand you because your pop-culture references are not the same as theirs anymore'. I'm only 23 but I feel about 60. The other day we played Celebrity Heads to kill five minutes and I got laughed out of the room, because 'he's never going to guess that!' The character was Homer Simpson who I didn't realise had ceased to exist to thirteen year olds.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)04:32 No.5575540
    Kids today don't know who Homer Simpson is? How depressing.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)04:35 No.5575544

    They know, but he's 'stupid and old'. I asked about Futurama, since that's on tv just as often and it's being used in promos all the time, and I got a ridiculous amount of laughter. 'That's so stupid!'.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)04:56 No.5575566
    My brother is that age and he loves Futurama. Maybe it's because they don't have older siblings to guide them away from Nick and Disney's modern anal leakage.
    >> Melonpan 03/07/12(Wed)05:01 No.5575572
    Oh man this game. Made me feel like the smartest kid ever.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)05:08 No.5575575


    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)06:17 No.5575661

    Almost as old as you, I feel the same.
    My family got a BetaMax when I was 7.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)06:19 No.5575664
         File: 1331119161.jpg-(56 KB, 1024x768, gargoyles.jpg)
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    Feels great to work around animation students at college. Every so often, we get stuck on a nostalgia train and ride it for hours.
    Also, I only remember one team on Legends of the Hidden Temple ever making it through the entire course.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)06:20 No.5575665
         File: 1331119259.jpg-(13 KB, 250x165, 250px-Pog_Collection.jpg)
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    oh my god...
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)06:21 No.5575666
    Still angry that the complete series has not been released.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)06:22 No.5575670
    >implying VCRs are old
    [spoiler]Don't make me depressed ;_;[/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)06:26 No.5575675
    >>5575450 anime mailing lists on AOL in the late '90s?

    Oh dude, I forgot about that.
    I used to do one that focused on Sailor Moon midis because it was fucking impossible to get the real music then.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)06:31 No.5575685
    Remember to buy Pop Tarts to save Sailor Moon!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)06:38 No.5575697

    lol wow, haven't seen this in a while.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)08:21 No.5575841
         File: 1331126493.jpg-(605 KB, 1403x1024, cassette;music;tape;1403x1024.jpg)
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    still have a box or two of cassettes; nothing to play them with, but can't throw them out.
    >> Mitsuki 03/07/12(Wed)08:37 No.5575855
    Still have the VHS of DBZ where if you collected them all it would form a cool picture on the sides. And caught and episode of Gargoyles this morning at 3am

    Oh sweet Jesus, I had a pink one when I was younger. Now I'm feeling old
    >mfw I'm 19
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)09:20 No.5575902
         File: 1331130045.jpg-(128 KB, 500x511, beek.megatron1.jpg)
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    I still have all my beast wars toys.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)09:48 No.5575952
    I logged into my old Neopets account a few days ago and found a bunch of dead midi files on the profile and store pages...

    Oh shit, I had one of those too.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)09:54 No.5575959
         File: 1331132040.jpg-(91 KB, 427x586, peppymintkitty2.jpg)
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    did anyone else have these? I feel like the only person that remembers them
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)10:01 No.5575974

    Homer Simpson IS stupid and old

    the Simpsons have been utter shit for 10 years at least, no wonder kids dont like them
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)10:02 No.5575975
         File: 1331132527.jpg-(113 KB, 480x360, lp.jpg)
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    I have a small Vinyl collection which I add to here and there. Which is funny considering I grew up with cassettes.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)10:09 No.5575991
         File: 1331132989.jpg-(10 KB, 402x300, ertl_jibberjabber94.jpg)
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    Did anybody else own a Jibber Jabber one?
    I have one with fluorescent green hair I named Fred. He broke after I took him the bath and water got in his voice box.

    They were actually banned not long after they went on the market, something about encouraging kids to strangle lol
    >> Eundunja 03/07/12(Wed)10:13 No.5575994
         File: 1331133196.jpg-(31 KB, 500x500, doodlebear.jpg)
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    So how many of you niggers got a Doodle Bear for Christmas in 1997?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)10:23 No.5576005
    oh fuck, had one. Mine had orange hair. I used to love killing that thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)10:31 No.5576017
         File: 1331134283.jpg-(63 KB, 500x366, cherry-merry-muffin.jpg)
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    What chu know bout Cherry Merry Muffin
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 03/07/12(Wed)10:48 No.5576035
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 03/07/12(Wed)10:50 No.5576038

    Teenagers of /cgl, get off my lawn.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)10:53 No.5576045
         File: 1331135593.jpg-(16 KB, 300x300, kidz-biz-nickelodeon-nick-tivi(...).jpg)
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    I had a shit ton of these and other gooey anything. Basically anything disgusting.

    But I was also the kind of kid who grew mould in jars
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 03/07/12(Wed)10:59 No.5576057
    My dad recently cleared out my old room, so I have a massive box of VHS now. Stuff like All Dogs Go To Heaven, Thumbelina, The Last Unicorn, The Land Before Time amongst other old stuff.

    Also I only just got a CD player fitted in my car, lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)11:08 No.5576070
    fuck yea
    I had Gak that smelled like pizza
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)11:18 No.5576093
    Later they made other animals like this as well, I have a pink doodlepoodle...
    >> Codi !/ACGuYCu2c 03/07/12(Wed)11:27 No.5576109
         File: 1331137623.jpg-(89 KB, 354x640, peppermint rose vhs.jpg)
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    Cherry Merry Muffin, oh my god I loved her!

    I do! I had the kitty as well. I loved the whole, "Let's make everything scented for little girls" craze in the early 90s.

    Especially Peppermint Rose. That shit was my jam. I had her, Vanilla Daisy, and the Candy Carnation bunny, who I still have and guard fiercely.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 03/07/12(Wed)11:29 No.5576116
    No I don't feel old. I wanna be 35 cause that's the most /fa/ age.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)11:31 No.5576122
    I never had one but I saw them in stores.
    We had these in my therapists office whenever a kid would get mad we could strange him.
    Aw man I wanted one of these but my mom bought me a bootleg dollar store version.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 03/07/12(Wed)11:32 No.5576125
    I have friend who do this recreationally. They're called psychonauts.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)11:48 No.5576166
    I get nostalgia when I see thing like Polly pocket and rainbow brite, but then I remember feeling really bad too. All the toys were pretty little blond girls, something I would never be. So then I started playing with Transformers, creepy crawlies and mutant monster toys. I still don't feel that I will ever be cute, which is why to this day I avoid girly things like the plague. Also to stay on topic I don't feel a day over 12, even though that was over a decade ago.
    >> Zal !gd9NVb5EGA 03/07/12(Wed)11:50 No.5576170
    Nooooo, my childhood D:
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)11:50 No.5576171
    You sound just like me, though I'm a year older. I remember buying my first fan subs with my dad's help. I also remember getting aol disks and laughing since we had a different provider, and I also thought midis were grade-a music.

    I remember getting pogs in 5th grade. We sorta played with them but mostly it was just to collect them for fun.

    Yay nasty gak and other things nick sold. I loved playing with it, as did my brother, but once it hit the carpet it was r.i.p.

    One of my friends still watches VHS movies but also has a DVD player. I still have cassettes from recording radio songs to make my own mixed tape. It was pretty awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)13:37 No.5576415
    But that's no excuse for Futurrama...
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)14:01 No.5576458
         File: 1331146896.jpg-(163 KB, 325x500, 5017536543_5a2efea5fc..jpg)
    163 KB
    23 here. i think i can say i'm a child of the 90s. i grew up with the internet.
    >large floppy disks
    >small floppy disks
    >zip drive
    >palm pilots
    >viz mail order catalogs
    >KiSS dolls/otaku world
    >tripod/angelfire/geocities websites
    >1mb download takes a shit ton of time
    >turning off the internet so the phone can work
    >space jam
    >Michelle Kwan
    >beanie babies
    >aol cds everywhere
    >midi files
    >polly pocket
    >lisa frank
    >biker mice from mars
    >light up sneakers
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)14:03 No.5576465
    >KiSS dolls

    oh god...that brings back memories. I remember when it changed to a pay site.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)14:08 No.5576476
    yep. it went down hill from there. i have to wonder where all the popular artists went. and i remember when it had adult dolls. i still think it's funny that when my mom caught me with them she simply told me that they were inappropriate and that i was to delete them
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)14:18 No.5576492
    Fuck I miss KiSS dolls. I remember this really bad ass set of Sailor Moon ones I wish I had saved
    >> Felix !sjGeonZero 03/07/12(Wed)14:22 No.5576500
    Maybe they're here?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)14:26 No.5576514
    Kiss Dolls.

    ZOMG I had tons. I still have them too.
    After it became a pay site all I would do is go to the doll I liked, click on the name of the artist and more often than not they had their own page where they had all their dolls for free.

    That sex changing Ranma Doll was totally groundbreaking at the time. If anyone wants some I will totally mail them for shared nostalgia bombing.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)14:28 No.5576526
    Don't mind me, just making you nostalgia.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)14:40 No.5576550
    I remember webrings and midifiles with the midi skin covers.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)14:43 No.5576557
    Back in my day, Christmas came twice a year. Once in December, and then again when you got a free AOL trial disc in the mail.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)14:44 No.5576562
    That is really sad, I never thought about feeling like that while playing my blond dolls. Polly pockets had black polly pockets and they where my favorite because the boy looks like Kid from kid and play.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)14:50 No.5576581
    Omg I actually looked up a really 'famous' kiss doll maker (Kimiki) and found out she actually turned out to be an up and coming fashion designer in Canada. I really wanted to email her and tell her how amazing she is because I loved her kiss doll work, artwork and she made me start drawing seriously because I loved her artwork so much and now I love her fashion designs but I am scared she will think I am weird.

    >Also I find it so amazing she turned into a fashion designer because on her old dead website she said her dream on her website was to be a fashion designer and 8 years later she made it come true.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)14:53 No.5576587
    The sex changing Ranma doll was so cool, I remember there was a Molly from sailor moon doll that had sound clips on it when you clicked items. It wasn't in til years later I noticed it had a moving dildo in the dress set and the dildo would go into her doll vag and she would start blushing. There where so many perverted kiss dolls that I didn't understand what I was playing when I was 10.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)15:04 No.5576645
         File: 1331150670.jpg-(112 KB, 360x312, dinosaurs.jpg)
    112 KB
    I may die before those born in the 90s/00s, but if you didn't get to grow up watching Dinosaurs I'd question if you ever really lived.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)15:22 No.5576714
    all the time.....31 here and complete 80s kid. toys were way more fun then....walking the toy aisles now it's kind of sad what's out there for kids to play with.

    my kingdom for some she-ra. or garbage pail kids.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)15:29 No.5576754
    those fuckers gave me a headache. Vanilla was the worst.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)15:47 No.5576829
    That show was awesome. I still remember missing the big episode where we find out who the baby's real parent's were because there was a severe storm happening so announcements cut in and also our TV went static haha. So after we came back from the basement it was already over.

    During this time kids, there was no such thing as Netflix or streaming shows online. So you'd be lucky if you could catch a re-run of episodes, especially something like that. It was a one time thing.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)15:48 No.5576831
    >Be 9 years old
    >At a friend's house, her father shows me the latest technology in computers
    >Windows 95
    >I say "oh, in my house we have Windows 96"
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)17:32 No.5577125
    ohman somebody else who knows Into the Land of the Unicorns! He's seriously finally finished?!

    When I read the first one as a kid, I wanted a sequel so bad I started writing my own. I guess it was my first fanfic, before I knew what a fanfic was. D': It was a major project of mine back then; I have a shoebox full of plot details and character designs and pages and pages of writing...

    Then when he finally wrote the sequel, it totally killed the series for me. I'd spent so long building up expectations that I ended up liking my version better. But I'm kind of glad he was so slow! It was way more fun speculating and creating my own ending.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:23 No.5577545
    Not the Mama.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:32 No.5577568
         File: 1331170353.gif-(135 KB, 400x532, 1284286890592.gif)
    135 KB
    my jam :(
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:34 No.5577572
    I'm turning 20 in a couple months and it feels weird to think about.
    >> Powergirl 03/07/12(Wed)20:37 No.5577588
         File: 1331170652.jpg-(20 KB, 500x480, 3.jpg)
    20 KB
    No, maybe when I hit 30.
    Also my favorite toy as a little girl
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:38 No.5577594

    Love those things! :D
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:38 No.5577595
         File: 1331170738.jpg-(28 KB, 320x240, logo.jpg)
    28 KB

    dat rock 'n' roll opening
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:42 No.5577619
    I still have a scar I got from my brother aiming my Sky Dancer at my face. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:47 No.5577641
    Hours of fun, until it hit my ceiling fan too many times.
    >> Powergirl 03/07/12(Wed)20:48 No.5577646
         File: 1331171316.jpg-(115 KB, 690x746, 030712174549.jpg)
    115 KB
    I feel you, I hit myself in the face many times by holding it too close D:
    More nostalgia, my favorite stuffed animal and it purrs~
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:50 No.5577658
         File: 1331171457.jpg-(9 KB, 280x280, chip the motherfucking beanie (...).jpg)
    9 KB
    This shit.

    This shit right here.

    I had hundreds.

    And this was my favorite.

    >Chip the cat is best beanie baby.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:57 No.5577683
         File: 1331171823.jpg-(96 KB, 480x390, feature_image_1b.jpg)
    96 KB
    How does it feel to know that kids today have no idea who Captain Planet is and that Heart is the most useless power?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:58 No.5577688
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:58 No.5577690
    OMFG Chip was my first Beanie Baby. He was like my gateway Beanie Baby. Those fuckers multiply.
    > He still lives in my closet.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)20:59 No.5577691
    Holy crap man. I am triiping out right now, I used to have a grey tabby one. Thanks for bringing that back!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)21:02 No.5577700
    Chip was the best. I had the large one, the normal one, and the tiny version you got at McDonald's. I think I had one of my favorite summer camp counselor's sign one of their tags.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)21:03 No.5577703
    I started my collection as an anime fan as a fansub vhs distributor. My mother got so tired of driving me to the post office. It was pretty painful throwing out over 500 tapes. Kept a few, shit that still isn't available for torrent.

    Otherwise, dunno, I was one of the first anime nerds at my school... the annoying weeaboos didn't appear until I was a senior. I remember cons, when I started as a teen in 2000 being full of older people who were cool, chill, and actually discussed the merits of a series' plot and characters. It's a wonder I even attend cons anymore.
    >> Powergirl 03/07/12(Wed)21:07 No.5577715
         File: 1331172474.jpg-(27 KB, 400x340, tamagotchi-p1.jpg)
    27 KB
    FFFF- I loved Chip too! I just wish I knew where he was :(

    Aww yeah I had a few other ones but I lost them over the years and with moving 4 times :/

    And my poor pets..none ever lived past a day LOL
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)21:17 No.5577760
    Omg, I had that exact one.... Please tell me what they're called again ;3;
    My memory escapes me D;
    >> Powergirl 03/07/12(Wed)21:20 No.5577776
    Kitty Kitty Kittens!:D
    >> Souviet !YbrmcBEMWk 03/07/12(Wed)21:37 No.5577861
    fft, my mother always bought rip off Tamagotchis. I never had a real one until recently...
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)22:06 No.5577996
    Yes! I remember my aunt and I would run around the yard pretending we were them, I was always Tamara! And we were always renting the tapes. And the dolls! I loves the translucent pegasus wings.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)22:07 No.5578002
    Thank you so much!!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)22:08 No.5578005
    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 03/07/12(Wed)22:19 No.5578047
         File: 1331176793.jpg-(92 KB, 570x950, holy fucking shit its a cupcak(...).jpg)
    92 KB

    I see your Skydancer and raise you a Cupcake Doll. My childhood dog ate mine :<
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)22:20 No.5578050
    yup, I'm 36
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)22:28 No.5578085
         File: 1331177318.jpg-(24 KB, 427x320, Joelle.jpg)
    24 KB
    Bitches don't know bout my Fashion Fillies.

    I hated dolls but loved stuffed animals/animals in general. Fashion Fillies totally worked for me and I collected them all + their outfits/accessories. My father did a lot of woodworking and he went all out to make my Fashion Fillies their own classy stable for Christmas one year.

    I do indeed feel old. I'm 29.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)22:30 No.5578093
         File: 1331177455.jpg-(13 KB, 284x275, brofist.jpg)
    13 KB

    Brofist me.

    >> Patient Zero !!QcaWSA84mqz 03/07/12(Wed)22:33 No.5578104
         File: 1331177591.jpg-(38 KB, 574x511, mmpr.jpg)
    38 KB
    I'll just leave this here. . .

    I can't seem to find a picture of the Pokemon ones. You know, the super shiny ones you got from full-sized Pokeballs?
    >> smoker !Umad72YCVU 03/07/12(Wed)22:38 No.5578125
    Found it.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)22:40 No.5578137
         File: 1331178001.jpg-(68 KB, 413x473, tumblr_ljf8fjyKgZ1qax7iro1_500.jpg)
    68 KB
    You guys don't even know how hard I'm nostalgia-ing
    >> Sunbeemz 03/07/12(Wed)22:40 No.5578140
         File: 1331178025.jpg-(19 KB, 200x149, 155395_1756310388031_124712204(...).jpg)
    19 KB
    hnng these threads
    >> Patient Zero !!QcaWSA84mqz 03/07/12(Wed)22:41 No.5578145

    Part of my googling mistake was because I thought they were from McaDee's. . . Hence why they didn't pop up.

    But those things were the shit.
    >> Sunbeemz 03/07/12(Wed)22:42 No.5578148
         File: 1331178125.jpg-(48 KB, 450x450, 1313476341607.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)22:43 No.5578155
         File: 1331178237.jpg-(19 KB, 210x241, 6628315.jpg)
    19 KB
    mine was PEPPERMINT. I was going to post this... I kinda want to get a new Peppermint Yum Yum off ebay or something...
    I remember saving up just so I could buy this from the toy store...I remember they had like a whole wall behind the counter of it. It was amazing.
    ha. I actually got to get this in the mail! I remember wanting to enter a contest to win a Velociraptor form the first Jurassic Park movie or something.

    I was the only girl I knew who had a Stretch Armstrong. They were so bizarre, who invented such a strange concept of a toy?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)22:46 No.5578164
    I recently got one of those from an arcade....
    Arcades in general don't exist many places anymore, which is nostalgia in itself.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)22:54 No.5578191
    ITT: the one /cgl/ thread where no one is bitching and there is no drama
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)23:02 No.5578236
    I still play with my tamagotchi, and I collect them! I guess they've just stuck with me for all these years.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)23:14 No.5578273
    I had two tamagotchi and a couple of gigapets. One was The Little Mermaid. I miss them.

    I felt very old when I went into a technology museum targeted toward children and they had a display of a Sega Genesis with a couple of video games, one of which was my most played Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I still have my games and play them every now and then.

    >I'll be 25 this year
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)23:22 No.5578292
    I remember girls being vicious defenders of their Tamagotchis. Like if a boy would snatch their Tamagotchis to play with, the girls will literally chase him down the hall and beat the shit out of him. Tamogotchis was their child and seriuos bznz.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)23:30 No.5578321
    my dream was to open an arcade, then they all died and i know a lot of people with bussines degrees who clean toilets for a living so i changed my major from bussines to english and i am doing poorly due to my issues with dyslexia. i am 26 and am already thinking about droping out the secound i can find a job. so yes i feel old. but for some reason this thread made me feel better looking back on old times.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)23:30 No.5578322
         File: 1331181031.jpg-(22 KB, 399x300, ka103a3.jpg)
    22 KB
    remember this guy? So many fun times with that and a Batman:TAS tape for it
    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 03/07/12(Wed)23:34 No.5578344
    ;A; I loved those. I ate so damn many of those when I was like 9.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)23:35 No.5578345

    my fucking nigga
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)23:39 No.5578360
         File: 1331181565.gif-(43 KB, 430x342, hitclips.gif)
    43 KB
    I still have my Hit Clips. Just found them in the basement a few days ago.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)23:39 No.5578361
    Don't worry sis/bro we are both fuck-ups. But we are fuck-ups together. 29 highschool drop out. So at least you made it further than i did. Also this thread made me feel better as well. I think it is because we are thinking of better times.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)23:39 No.5578362
         File: 1331181586.jpg-(33 KB, 250x208, 5376594482_9af50fec11.jpg)
    33 KB
    I remember when 7-up had a mascot.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)23:44 No.5578379
    Happy birthday!ha
    >> Patient Zero !!QcaWSA84mqz 03/07/12(Wed)23:45 No.5578385

    . . . And a game. . .
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)23:47 No.5578390
    They had the cutest x-mas commercials. Damn, I do feel old now.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/12(Wed)23:54 No.5578409
    That reminded me that Dominos had a mascot too. The Noid even had a video game. I totally remember playing it on those gigantic floppy disks at a friend's house. They had a bitchin' game-ready Tandy.
    >> LittleJelloSalad !YG.DdnIWg6 03/08/12(Thu)00:20 No.5578469
         File: 1331184030.jpg-(23 KB, 199x288, Thatcher_pb.jpg)
    23 KB
    Anyone at all?

    I remember as a kid this book took me on an emotional roller coaster.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)00:22 No.5578479
         File: 1331184175.jpg-(92 KB, 681x566, choose-your-own-adventure-cove(...).jpg)
    92 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)00:22 No.5578480

    Shit, nigga, that was my book. Didn't that get a sequel too?

    >be in livestream a few nights ago
    >Nicolas Cage night
    >we're watching Sorcerer's Apprentice
    >dragon ring comes up
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)00:23 No.5578482
    I remember reading this book around the same time I read another book where this boy found a skull that made him always tell the truth and then his uncle was gay or something. Or his dad. Someone was gay. I was shocked and disturbed.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)00:24 No.5578484

    >and then his uncle was gay or something. Or his dad. Someone was gay.

    I don't know why, but that's fucking hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)00:34 No.5578505
         File: 1331184844.jpg-(113 KB, 496x700, goosebumps.jpg)
    113 KB
    I had that one, I just remrember the skull had a dry sense of humor or something.
    My real jam were Goosebumps books. I remember thinking the tv show was horrid, even as a child...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)00:37 No.5578516
    I have every book in that picture in a box in my room.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)00:59 No.5578568
    >goosebump books with choose your own adventures

    page 13 was always unlucky
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)01:05 No.5578589
    oh man i had every single one. i donated them to the local library.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)01:31 No.5578678
    anybody remembered the series? Being the 18 year old I am, I watched the shit out of the VHS's when I was only 3. I remember watching them from the safety of a mesh tent my brother had ;.;

    ^^^^i particularly remember this one!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)01:43 No.5578711
         File: 1331188995.jpg-(95 KB, 600x928, bseball..jpg)
    95 KB
    I wish I looked younger, this would be a fun cosplay
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)01:49 No.5578727
    Woah, was it really? I never noticed, I'm tempted to open up my box and check.

    I remember them on TV. They were much more scarier than the books themselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)01:55 No.5578744
    I remember this! I remember buying it at the book fair too.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)01:58 No.5578758
         File: 1331189913.png-(351 KB, 340x500, 400000000000000297421_s4.png)
    351 KB
    I still want to cosplay her
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)02:01 No.5578769
         File: 1331190116.jpg-(166 KB, 509x612, Witch$27sHandbook$28Cover$29.jpg)
    166 KB
    Flawless book right here. Sad that the elementary school I used to go to took it off the shelves a few years ago after parents complained.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)02:03 No.5578772

    Fucking fundie christians...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)02:25 No.5578859
         File: 1331191517.jpg-(61 KB, 308x475, Sideways Stories from Wayside (...).jpg)
    61 KB
    That feeling of nostalgia when I saw this had become a cartoon.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)02:27 No.5578867
    I MET HIM AS A KID! I still have the Wayside book he signed as well. I was the shit at school for a whole week.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)02:34 No.5578887
    Lucky! That was one entertaining book.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)02:46 No.5578915
         File: 1331192786.gif-(15 KB, 261x276, AngelinaBallerina (
    15 KB
    speaking of ballerina's i wouldn't be able to cosplay either.
    this was one of my favorite books as a kid, the artwork was so charming. i don't like whatever modern thing is going on with the series though, and why the fuck does everything have to be in 3D these days.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)02:52 No.5578928
         File: 1331193121.jpg-(32 KB, 323x400, lillyspurplepla.jpg)
    32 KB

    Speaking of dancing mice...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)02:53 No.5578935
    *Books. There was a whole series. Fuck, that was an entertaining series.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:04 No.5578958
         File: 1331193871.jpg-(8 KB, 200x150, 41575_24599637619_7068_n[1].jpg)
    8 KB
    I still have a tiny pony one and one of the later fairy ones sitting on my dressing table.
    Mine ripped, it was blue and adorable TT-TT
    I still have one of those too. We got something similar for my cousin for Christmas a few years ago, I played with it more than she did.
    Still have my tamagotchi too. Needs batteries, but it works fine. >>5578137
    My parents own a convenience store, I loved these. There's a sticker from one of them stuck to a locker at work, makes me nostalgic as fuck

    Holy shit, I'm such a hoarder. Also, did anyone had Smelly Bellies? I still have a cinnamon one, I believe it's a limited edition one.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:17 No.5578991
         File: 1331194645.jpg-(68 KB, 465x374, tumblr_lh7vq3gZPZ1qeare1o1_500.jpg)
    68 KB

    This bitch used to fuck EVERYTHING up!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:18 No.5578996
         File: 1331194738.jpg-(29 KB, 450x300, kidsongs.jpg)
    29 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:21 No.5579001
         File: 1331194888.jpg-(49 KB, 300x391, imogene.jpg)
    49 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:22 No.5579006
         File: 1331194953.jpg-(358 KB, 500x616, tumblr_lz564iHbEU1qj0qlso1_500.jpg)
    358 KB
    This book taught me spanish.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:24 No.5579008
         File: 1331195042.jpg-(48 KB, 500x346, tumblr_lh95l8EchP1qzhoq9.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:27 No.5579014
    I remember that book, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:28 No.5579016
    I had all three of these! Amelia Bedelia as my favorite of the three, she was so whacky!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:28 No.5579017
         File: 1331195305.jpg-(37 KB, 187x191, Squareone_logo.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:30 No.5579020
    Nightmare! Holy shit, I still HAVE that game. It's my closet right now. I bought it from a thrift store back when giant hoop earrings were cool and everyone had a pair of metallic or neon pants.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:31 No.5579023
         File: 1331195508.jpg-(47 KB, 429x288, worldcast.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:36 No.5579031
         File: 1331195780.jpg-(35 KB, 263x475, Zenon21_298.jpg)
    35 KB
    Admit it. Who either went out and bought clothes to dress like them, sang Zoom Zoom Zoom endlessly or even thought the 21st century would really be like that?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:38 No.5579036
    Caps for Sale
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:50 No.5579049
    OMG I had one of these and I loved it! I just nostalgiaed so hard looking at that pic. I think they were even the same color. I can even hear that noise in my head...
    >> Daisuke !6SCB7YnUZs 03/08/12(Thu)03:51 No.5579051
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:55 No.5579055
         File: 1331196908.jpg-(22 KB, 188x204, 1330897343797.jpg)
    22 KB
    Their outfits actually look like something modern Japanese girls would wear.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:57 No.5579059
    Someone should cosplay this. I would wet myself with childish glee.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:58 No.5579060
         File: 1331197083.jpg-(52 KB, 450x282, TeaBunnies_Group.jpg)
    52 KB
    Does anyone remember Tea Bunnies?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:58 No.5579062
         File: 1331197135.jpg-(79 KB, 797x349, megazord.jpg)
    79 KB
    You jelly?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:59 No.5579063
    no, but

    >Rose Petal Place cosplay

    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)03:59 No.5579064
         File: 1331197158.jpg-(118 KB, 570x807, large-msg-126402012083-3.jpg)
    118 KB
    Quack! Quack! Quack!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:01 No.5579072
    ughhh nooo I remember I convinced to get my grade school gym soccer team to call itself teh Ducks and do the QUACK QUACK QUACK thing... didn't live it down until high school.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:01 No.5579074
    somewhat unrelated but man, I can smell those books through my screen
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:02 No.5579076
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    Supernova Girl and The Galaxy is Ours are now on my mp3 player.

    Thank you for reminding me of this omfg.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:02 No.5579077
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    Back when Disney movies were the coolest shit on the block.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:02 No.5579078
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    Weird, I must have hit something.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:03 No.5579081
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    it would probaly have helped if my pic attached, huh
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:06 No.5579085
    I don't blame you Anon. I still have the Zenon: Z3 soundtrack in my CD case.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:09 No.5579088
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    I remember being obsessed with horse books as a kid like the black stallion.

    Scholastic book clubs were all the rage back then. Pony Pals and Boxcar children! So much nostalgia. I think I still have my pony pals cook book somewhere
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:16 No.5579093
    Boxcar Children! Oh man I was obsessed with that.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:18 No.5579096
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    Always wanted to be on this show so I could slide around in slime and gunk at the end.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:19 No.5579097

    I still have one of those in a bag around my room... I don't know if I put in new batteries that it'll work...
    >> Dr. Scientist !!JtQ+aYJUUCb 03/08/12(Thu)04:20 No.5579098
    Boxcar children and the hardy boys (had then at the public library) were the shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:22 No.5579100
    Wait a minute, looking at the picture again... no I didn't have that exact Power Rangers toy, I had the one where you press the buttons and it the sides pop open and plays sounds I think. And I believe the gold token flips to show the T-rex...
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:31 No.5579108
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    Proposing marriage to multiple people with these
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)04:55 No.5579121
    Those things were disgusting; they ended up turning your hand into a sticky mess.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)05:00 No.5579125
    So, like a real marriage then?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)05:55 No.5579159

    I had those!...for, like, twenty seconds, before my sister and I had the smartest idea to throw them against the brick wall in the backyard. Then we learned trying to pry goo from a porous man-made rock was the most impossible task known to man.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)06:12 No.5579174
    I'm never old! I'm forever 17!
    >> Anonymous 03/08/12(Thu)07:31 No.5579242
    I miss nostalgia. Car carpets anyone?
    But, I have the original Final Fantasy in my SNES right now, GOD DAMMIT WHY CAN I FIGHT GARLAND RIGHT PFF THE BAT? He just kills you.

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