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  • File: 1330999626.jpg-(87 KB, 512x512, Brow2.jpg)
    87 KB Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)21:07 No.5570239  
    Makeover thread? I know we have had a few successful ones here on /cgl/. Feel free to ask advice on makeup, hair, or wardrobes. Would post in /fa/, but I don't consider them as good at this stuff.

    Post a picture of yourself, and/or fill this out;

    Hair Color
    Hair Type
    Hair Length
    Skin Color
    Face Shape
    Eye Shape
    What Features You like;
    What Features You'd like to change;
    Addition Info;

    And for Clothing;
    Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc)
    Current Style
    Desired Style (if any)
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)21:16 No.5570264
    Am curious to see if this plays out!
    >> Vivi !xJELJvrIsc 03/05/12(Mon)21:25 No.5570288

    Hair Color: naturally? Blackish brown :| right now its red
    Hair Type: curly ><
    Hair Length: shoulder length
    Skin Color: tan. I'm half black and half chinese. I wish I was white. ;o;
    Face Shape: heart shaped? I think?
    Eye Shape: almond
    What Features You like; I love my butt and thighs~
    What Features You'd like to change; I hate my skin -.-;;
    Addition Info; I have a monroe piercing :3 it looks pretty fly~~

    And for Clothing; Skinny jeans, leggings under short dresses, polkadots, my lucky clover grey cjrcle lenses!
    Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc): pear shaped I think?
    Measurements: 32-23-33
    Height: 5'0"
    Weight: 110 (trying to get to 90lbs)
    Current Style: I dunno, kind of a mix of gyaru and hipster?
    Desired Style (if any): I like my own thang ;>

    I am working on my skin right now. Does anyone have experience with retinol? I've been seeing a dermatologist who wants me to use it. They say it helps but also affects the liver or kidneys or something? Agh scary :o
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)21:30 No.5570302
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)21:33 No.5570311
    Is retinol the acne pill they make you go on? I personally don't, buy my ex went on it, and it DEFINITELY cleared up %100. He also has to go in and get blood tests dont to make sure it doesn't mess with his liver though.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)21:51 No.5570378
    Hair Color: Pink/purple bangs/front bit and dark brown as the rest.
    Hair Type: Horribly straight
    Hair Length: shoulder length
    Skin Color: white
    Face Shape: Diamond?
    Eye Shape: almond
    What Features You like; eyes and mouth
    What Features You'd like to change; the pudge on my thighs and lovehandles
    Addition Info; Septum piercing and freckles.

    And for Clothing; Skirts, dresses, comfy sweaters,
    Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc): spoon
    Measurements: 34-28-38
    Height: 5'1
    Weight: 135 (trying to get to 115lbs)
    Current Style: Girly/cute but super comfy and sorta fairy kei
    Desired Style (if any): I'd love to dress sweet/classical lolita (my budget is making it difficult.)
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:58 No.5572576
         File: 1331060294.jpg-(26 KB, 467x480, 316230_181541995264075_1000022(...).jpg)
    26 KB
    Hair Color : Burgandy red with purple low lights
    Hair Type: Thick and slightly wavy at the ends.
    Hair Length: Right now its cut into a girly mohawk with 2 inch sides and 5 inch mohawky part. When its down the front stays straight and i normally let my bangs fall by themselves nad style the rest back so it has a cool spikey look or pull it into a low tiny pony tail. When I get the notion for it i gel up the back so it a bit spikey and style up the fron kinda like that black chicks hair form 28 days later.
    Skin Color: very pale with red undertones.
    Face Shape: heart
    Eye Shape: almond
    What Features You like; my eyes and general asthetics
    What Features You'd like to change; maybe lose a couple of pounds, get my nose fixed so it not croocked (very slightly crooked from a sparing accident. Not noticaable unless really looking hard for it though.)
    Addition Info; Have freckles, burn easy. dont wear alot of face powder. Mainly just eye makeup bullshit and gloss.

    And for Clothing; A slight punky style I guess. like some jeans slouchy boots and a band t . Or some plain colored tights with a patterned skirt with wahtever look good as a top.
    Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc): Hour glass and athletic. Not really to soft and girly though.
    breast: 32 c
    waist: 26
    hips: 36 1/2
    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 144
    Current punky with a geeky spin off. idk never really catagorized it.
    Desired Style (if any) the one i have now, just wiht some better cloths. (I desire more tights a some dc. martins)

    heres the most recent pic of meh hur
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 03/06/12(Tue)14:42 No.5572730
         File: 1331062968.jpg-(587 KB, 648x968, wearinthis.jpg)
    587 KB
    Hair Color: reddish brown (dyed)
    Hair Type: thick, slightly wavy, badly damaged at the bottom
    Hair Length: near waist length
    Skin Color: pale, blemished
    Face Shape: not sure, oval, I think?
    Eye Shape: once again, unsure...
    What Features You like: eyes and cheekbones are great, love the hair
    What Features You'd like to change: I need to learn how to contour my nose and chin, my mouth is small, and my skin sucks.
    Addition Info; teeth are awful, but not much can be done about them.

    And for Clothing; nothing with bright colors, I lean towards browns and greens and blues
    Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc) somewhere between hourglass and pear.
    Measurements: 32-24-38
    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 108lb
    Current Style: hobo/mori-ish (I like jeans, any deviation from them is usually a bad idea)
    Desired Style (if any) more mori-ish,I suppose
    >> Penny !CwVY/8O3DQ 03/06/12(Tue)14:44 No.5572737
         File: 1331063054.jpg-(46 KB, 640x480, lameass.jpg)
    46 KB
    Hair Color: dyed red
    Hair Type: fine and thick, very slight wave when it gets longer
    Hair Length: see picture. Needs a desperate cut.
    Skin Color: paleee with pale freckles
    Face Shape: long oval
    Eye Shape:err...
    What Features You like: lips and eyes
    What Features You'd like to change;
    Addition Info;

    And for Clothing;
    Body Type: skinny but slightly hippy.
    Measurements: 33-24-37
    Height: 5'9"
    Weight: 117
    Current Style: lazy. jeans and tees generally, see middle picture
    Desired Style (if any): something similar to the right picture, but better.

    Looking for advice on wardrobe, mostly. Also hairstyle/color suggestions. Or anything else, really.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:01 No.5572815
         File: 1331064114.jpg-(116 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-02-14 at 21.44.jpg)
    116 KB
    Hair Color: mousey blonde, dirty dishwater, ash?
    Hair Type: frizzy, some parts are straight, some parts are wavy
    Hair Length: just past my shoulders
    Skin Color: pale, white - a little pink, acne
    Face Shape: I think oval
    Eye Shape: round, a little hooded
    What Features You like: eyes, I guess
    What Features You'd like to change: lips are a little thin, sometimes my eyes can look droopy
    Addition Info: I dunno, acne and frizzy hair. I'm totally fine with shaving my head if it will look good

    And for Clothing;
    Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc): I think I'm somewhere between a pear and a rectangle
    Height: 5'1
    Weight: 95ish
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:32 No.5572973
    if you had longer hair then a haircut like >>5572815 's would suit you
    >> Penny !CwVY/8O3DQ 03/06/12(Tue)15:39 No.5572994
         File: 1331066359.jpg-(44 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20110314_6.jpg)
    44 KB
    My hair is -really- thick, so its hard for me to have it much longer than my shoulders without the weight of it giving me headaches. So I much prefer it to be short.
    I also feel like it makes my jaw look square.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:40 No.5572998
    Wardrobe help please? Not too keen on posting photos, but I'll try to give as much info as possible

    > Extreme pear shaped. I'm super self-concious of my hips, ass, legs
    >Between 5' and 5'1"
    >120 lbs, about 54-55 kg
    >Current style: Jeans, tshirts and hoodies. As in, I actually dress just like my guy friends do.
    >Would like to try some skirts or dresses, but I'm not too good at picking out ones that would flatter me. And like I said, I'm super self-concious of my legs, I don't want to wear skirts and dresses without tights. I quite like gamine style, but I'm probably too curvy for it, I know it requires more of a boyish figure. Just a more feminine style in general would be good.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:40 No.5573000
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 03/06/12(Tue)15:45 No.5573011
    Your jaw doesn't look square, your eyebrows are pretty nice so it would be a shame to hide them with heavy bangs, maybe some swept to the side?
    >> Voldemort !7sNaginIQo 03/06/12(Tue)15:48 No.5573025
         File: 1331066920.png-(378 KB, 704x239, VOLDIECAKES.png)
    378 KB
    >Hair Color
    Brown and pink
    >Hair Type
    Thick and curly/wavy
    >Hair Length
    >Skin Color
    Peachy, pinky
    >Face Shape
    Perfect circle
    >Eye Shape
    Almond I guess
    >What Features You like
    Eyes and nose
    >What Features You'd like to change
    Cheeks and eyebrows
    >Additional Info;
    No facial piercings, utterly clueless about makeup
    >Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc)
    I dunno, I guess hourglassish
    110 lbs
    >Current Style
    T-shirt and jeans
    >Desired Style (if any)
    Something not dumpy... ie, not t-shirt and jeans. Maybe more girly
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:49 No.5573028
         File: 1331066972.jpg-(132 KB, 1792x1344, IMG-20120306-00174.jpg)
    132 KB
    Hair Color: Dark Brown
    Hair Type: Wavy with curls at the ends, and full.
    Hair Length: Bra strap length.
    Skin Color: Light tan?
    Face Shape: I dunno, round?
    Eye Shape: I can't tell the difference between the shapes...
    What Features You like: Face shape, nice eyelashes.
    What Features You'd like to change: Skin is blotchy, nose.
    Addition Info: I don't wear makeup outside of the house. I'm still trying to figure out what looks good on me and be able to do it.

    And for Clothing;
    Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc): Inverted Triangle. No hips, bubble butt, broad shoulders.
    Measurements: 35-29-38
    Height: 5'6
    Weight: 129lbs
    Current Style: None. I mostly wear jeans and t-shirts, or jeans and button up shirts under sweaters.
    Desired Style (if any): I'd like to dress cute, but broad shoulders and a wide body makes things look weird on me.
    >> Bella 03/06/12(Tue)15:50 No.5573034
         File: 1331067053.jpg-(96 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-02-21 at 10.32 #(...).jpg)
    96 KB
    Hair Color - Red
    Hair Type - Long, wavy, dries slow.
    Hair Length - Long
    Skin Color - So pale.
    Face Shape - Oval.
    Eye Shape - Not quite sure.
    What Features You like; I like my nose.. and my high cheek bones. (:
    What Features You'd like to change; My side view.. my ears.
    Addition Info; Yepp.

    And for Clothing;
    Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc) - PEAR
    Measurements - Not sure. Size 6 jeans.
    Height - 5'5
    Weight - 128
    Current Style - Natural.
    Desired Style (if any) - I guess people categorize me as hipster or boho but meh.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:52 No.5573041
    OMG is ugly Betty!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:58 No.5573066

    Yeah, that's what happens when I don't blow dry my hair. Lol.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:00 No.5573076
    If the show was still going they could use you as a stunt double.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:01 No.5573077
    I'm not good at giving fashion advice, but I can help a bit with hair and makeup.
    I don't think your hair cut at the moment really flatters you, the full bangs make your face look really squat. I suggest getting your hair thinned out, it's worth paying for a really good haircut at a good salon where they can suggest what would look good on you.
    As for makeup, you seem to have wide set eyes, when you do eye makeup, try putting darker colours further towards the middle. >>5566459 and >>5566476 might help if you're unsure. Also start eyeliner lines further towards the inside.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:03 No.5573086
    You have almond-shaped eyes btw, and it looks like the right make up for them, just make sure you keep the liner line thin towards the inner corner and thick to the outer corner to make them pop. Your eyes are slightly inset as well, so highlighting the inner corner (white/light eye shadow or eye liner is all you need) will work for you as well.

    I have long wavy hair as well (I recently got it cut however) but getting layers to wavy hair tends to add texture and sometimes allows the hair to curl further because it's lighter. Do you let your hair air dry or blow dry it?

    If you're pear shaped I cannot stress how wonderful umpire tunic tops are with a hem that hit at about your hip. With a cardigan or short jacket it makes you look really put together without much effort.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:05 No.5573093
    Personal preference would be longer hair.
    It brings out your cheek bones more, and yes highlights the jawline some.
    To each their own though!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:10 No.5573107
         File: 1331068216.png-(126 KB, 600x670, BrowPageImage1-resized-600.JPG.png)
    126 KB
    Dude, you have a heart-shaped face. :| Eyebrows are easy enough to fix if you use a guide like this (quick google search provides a lot of help) and if not many hair places provided threading services (there are 2 booths at my local mall in fact) that will shape those brows for you. Maintaining it after that is pretty simple too (getting a Finishing Touch always helps too. Ebay has them for pretty cheap.)

    ... The lighting is kinda bad and I'm not sure what to rec for clothing.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:13 No.5573119
         File: 1331068436.jpg-(38 KB, 569x585, meh.jpg)
    38 KB
    Hair Color - Split blonde and brown but I'm dying it back to brown soon.
    Hair Type - Straight
    Hair Length - Shoulder length (just enough for a ponytail
    Skin Color - Very pale
    Face Shape - square? no too sure.
    What Features You like; My eyes and mouth
    What Features You'd like to change; My nose, doube chin and gut.
    Addition Info; (been losing weight so I've been thinking about finally putting aside my old chubbyfat clothes.

    And for Clothing;
    Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc) - Pear
    Height - 5'2
    Weight - 138 lbs
    Current Style - Hide yo flab
    Desired Style (if any) - I'm pretty open for most stuff

    That feel when I go through every pic I have of myself in the past 3 years and this is the only one where I am not making a face because I hated the way I looked when I was fat.
    >> Bertz 03/06/12(Tue)16:15 No.5573127
    I can't post as I'm on my iPod but anyone got any styling advice for the "topshop ombré sequin dress" I couldn't resist how much it had been reduced but Ive never worn anything so.. Sequinned. Should I be keeping everything else simple? I'm thinking nude heels or my tbar silver brogues.
    Also what should I do about hair and makeup?
    Advice appreciated :)
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:15 No.5573128

    Thank you. I could never figure out what type of eyes I have. Now I can use those images that were confusing before.

    But I don't really have a squat face I think. I think I took that photo at too much of a Myspace angle and it make my face look shorter? But maybe I'm tricking myself. Either way, what would you suggest for bangs then? I really don't like showing my forehead.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:17 No.5573132
         File: 1331068628.jpg-(44 KB, 198x226, 1297511688063.jpg)
    44 KB
    >mfw everyone in this thread
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:18 No.5573135
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:18 No.5573139
    As I said in >>5573086 with a pear shaped body wearing tunics that are umpire waist that end at about the hip tend to be really flattering for anyone with a wide hip. It somehow balances it out comparatively with the top half. i actually think otome fashion is the most forgiving of the more feminine Japanese fashions in part because there are no 'rules'. Just make sure all your skirts and dress are a-line in shape and the hem hits either slightly above or slightly below the knee. If it hits across the knee it tends to look awkward, and also try to avoid it coming to your mid-calf. I cant explain why, but it manages to look dumpy unless you have legs that are miles long. I also hink if you go a otome route you can still incorporate some gamine-like things into it and still look cute.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:22 No.5573147
         File: 1331068944.png-(608 KB, 601x445, 4chh.png)
    608 KB
    >Hair Color
    Light brown/dark blonde
    >Hair Type
    Average, slightly thin and wavy
    >Hair Length
    medium, about chest length. I've been considering cutting it short soon, like maybe about chin length?
    >Skin Color
    >Face Shape
    >Eye Shape
    Almond? Round-ish? I don't really know.
    >What Features You like
    >What Features You'd like to change
    Chin and nose. I think I have a rather square and prominent chin when I smile, and my nose is somewhat big.
    >Additional Info;
    No facial piercings.
    >Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc)
    In the middle of pear and hourglass.
    95 lbs
    >Current Style
    None really, I'll wear pretty much anything from t-shirts and jeans to really feminine stuff, but that's kinda rare.
    >Desired Style (if any)
    Something a little more girly, I guess?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:23 No.5573151
    I would but I'm moving soon (exchange program) and won't really have the money to keep it up so I'm going to get it as close as possible to my natural hair.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:47 No.5573236
         File: 1331070427.jpg-(723 KB, 1296x1916, me sewn up times 2.jpg)
    723 KB
    Well, I had a thread about a week ago about cosplay ideas, so you might recognize the photos, but why not, eh?

    Hair Color - Lighter brown, currently highlighted with a caramel blond
    Hair Type - Straight as uncooked pasta
    Hair Length - Just past the shoulders.
    Skin Color - I'm surprised I haven't been confused with a ghost, honestly.
    Face Shape - uh, heart shape I guess? /not really good at this...
    Eye Shape - see picture NOTE: I'm two days away from getting my eyebrows waxed, so the buggers look hairy atm.
    What Features You like: I don't mind my nose or my lips all that much, and my eyes on their own are pretty good.
    What Features You'd like to change: Weight, of course, is the biggest thing (pun totally intended), but It's a work in progress and I don't expect you to help me in that department. The circles under my eyes, and I'm always looking for a new way to wear my hair.
    I don't wear much makeup, but I'd love some help in getting started.
    Addition Info: You can see in some of my photos I have my mouth in that blank, open look. I've had this problem since I was a kid, as my face relax like that. I actually have to put effort to close my mouth, which I'm told is weird and strange /shrug

    And for Clothing:
    Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc): See picture.
    Height: 5' 5''
    Weight: The biggest girl here at 215lbs.
    Current Style: Pretty much jeans and a complimentary top.
    Desired Style: Just something to cover the rolls the best I can, already wearing a slimmer everyday to smooth the suckers out.

    As stated in the picture, I don't really know how much you can help me, but I'd love any advice you've got.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:50 No.5573244
         File: 1331070607.jpg-(51 KB, 600x552, 1319334621825.jpg)
    51 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:56 No.5573266
    You look like that Youtuber Autumn Lauber
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)16:57 No.5573268
         File: 1331071063.jpg-(845 KB, 2024x1600, DSCF0712.jpg)
    845 KB
    >Hair Color

    Naturally blonde, like to dye it ginger.

    >Hair Type
    Moderate thickness, wavey.

    >Hair Length
    Short, ear length.

    >Skin Color
    Pale with pink undertones.

    >Face Shape

    Eye Shape

    >What Features You like
    My eyes.

    >What Features you'd like to change
    I'd like my nose to appear slimmer and my lips plumper.

    >Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc)
    Pear . __.




    >Current Style
    I wear a lot of black with bronze jewellery and brown/tan accessories (shoes, belts etc.)

    I would very, very much like some makeup/makeover advice. There's been few times where I've ever actually felt legitimately pretty and my self confidence is pretty lame at the moment. I think a lot of that is attributed to my weight and I could benefit from shifting the pounds which is something I'm currently in the middle of. Of all the things I wish to change, my nose and my lips are up there on the priority list. I feel my nose is too bulbous and my lips are too small, my cheekbones are also none-existent, but I doubt makeup could solve that dilemma.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:00 No.5573282
    My measurements are 89-76-95, what bodyshape do I have?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:01 No.5573294
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:02 No.5573299
    > 153lbs
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:03 No.5573304
    But what about your breasts?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:04 No.5573306

    fuck man. Like we don;t already know Spoony's fat. Way to point out the obvious. She's still a fucking babe.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:04 No.5573307
    btw, it's in cm.
    >> Voldemort !7sNaginIQo 03/06/12(Tue)17:05 No.5573315
    I just.. what... "Teenage Atheist"

    Ah thanks! (I said circle cause I really have no clue about this stuff)
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:05 No.5573320

    What about them? You mean me losing them through weight loss?


    I really wish I saw what you saw.
    This is awfully sweet though, x
    >> Enver !!52WOxLC+CKW 03/06/12(Tue)17:08 No.5573336
         File: 1331071688.jpg-(1.02 MB, 687x2267, haircut.jpg)
    1.02 MB
    Ok, forgive me for posting in a thread meant for girls, but I could use some guidance. I'm planning to get a haircut tomorrow and I still haven't decided what to tell the stylist.
    I usually let my hair grow out this length then just cut it all off in a caesar, but I dunno, I want it a bit longer so I can still style it. What do?

    pic related
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:09 No.5573350
    They are key to your persona
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:11 No.5573356
    That makes about 35-30-37 in inches. Seems pretty rectangular or pear shaped to me, but a picture would help more.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:12 No.5573372

    My breasts control the spice.

    But seriously, I would give a lot to have beautiful, bitable A cups.
    I think the sexiest thing in the world is a curvy girl with thick thighs, wide hips, slim ankles and tiny, petite breasts.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:13 No.5573377
         File: 1331072020.jpg-(57 KB, 499x318, adamyoung.jpg)
    57 KB
    I think something like this, maybe a bit shorter in the front could look quite nice.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:14 No.5573379
    You could try not wearing my 60 year old dad's glasses.
    God damn your appearance reeks of tryhard.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:14 No.5573384
         File: 1331072093.jpg-(224 KB, 561x891, P1290336.jpg)
    224 KB
    Hair Color - Dark Brown
    Hair Type - Slightly wavy?
    Hair Length - About waist-length
    Skin Color - Light, but not very pink.
    Face Shape - Er... the wrong shape?
    Eye Shape - Average, a bit deep-set, I guess.
    What Features You like - None of them
    What Features You'd like to change - As many as possible. I'd especially like to hide the fact that I'm from Nose City.
    Addition Info - I have glasses, but I also have contacts. I rarely get acne apart from a few nose-blackheads. How does one get rid of those?

    And for Clothing;
    Body Type - Pear
    Measurements - 32-22-34
    Height - 5'6"
    Weight - Around 104
    Current Style - I'm an ex-lolita, so I wear a lot of lolita clothes coordinated casually.
    Desired Style - I'm pretty happy with my clothes. They're not hot or fashionable, but I feel comfy in them.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:18 No.5573396
    is your waist really 22 inches?/ what's it look like straight on?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:19 No.5573403
    I'm already really petite, and have fairly large eyes.

    What do I need to do to replicate this doll look in real life?

    Assume I have no clue about what makeup even is (almost true)
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:20 No.5573407
    Her and I have almost the same measurements:
    I am 31-22-33
    But 5'3" and 95 lbs.
    Her waist looks like mine, so I would say yes it's that small.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:20 No.5573411
         File: 1331072446.jpg-(75 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-02-16 at 16.51 #(...).jpg)
    75 KB
    Hair Color: Dark Brown
    Hair Type: Straight and Thin :<
    Hair Length: Medium/Long?
    Skin Color: Pale as pale can be.
    Face Shape: Heart, or Oval.
    Eye Shape: Dunno. Big?
    What Features You like; I love my eyes.
    What Features You'd like to change; Nose, Forehead.
    Addition Info; I've been working on trying to shape my nose lately, to make it smaller.

    And for Clothing;
    Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc) Slight Pear, or Hourglass
    Measurements: 32-24-34
    Height: 5'2.5
    Weight: 105 lbs
    Current Style: Normally I'm really inspired by Zooey Deschanel, but a lot of times I'm too lazy, and just end up wearing t-shirt and jeans D:
    Desired Style (if any)
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:20 No.5573412
    I can't really tell what kind of reaction that's supposed to be, I'm sure it's not good...
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:21 No.5573414
    Uh... Well, I have a very defined waist, that's for certain. I have a lot of trouble finding clothes that fit. The decorative waist cincher I'm wearing in my picture doesn't even fit properly. On the plus-side, though, I look good in corsets.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:23 No.5573419
    D'aww, you're cute! I wish I looked like you!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:24 No.5573428
         File: 1331072667.png-(9 KB, 303x365, ssjcock.png)
    9 KB
    >Hair Color
    >Hair Type
    >Hair Length
    Changes depending on my mood
    >Skin Color
    >Face Shape
    >Eye Shape
    >What Features You like;
    4-wheel drive, launch control and a cup holder that doesn't get in the way of the radio controls
    >What Features You'd like to change;
    I wish I could stop being half-angel and half-demon, it's such a heavy burden!
    >Addition Info;
    I'm half vampire half demon half angel and a ninjarai (that's a samurai ninja incase you're stupid). I'm usually peaceful unless you threaten my friends then I'll destroy you!

    And for Clothing;
    >Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc)
    Skinny but deceptively so because I can bench 700kg
    6ft 18inches
    I have wings so I don't weight anything
    >Current Style
    >Desired Style (if any)

    Pic related, it's my super-saiyan cock.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:26 No.5573433

    your eyes are great
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:26 No.5573434
    so much anorexia in this thread. do not want.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:27 No.5573438
    If you think those girls are anorexic you must be some kind of land-whale.

    Guess what? Even if they are anorexic, they look good, and no guy in his right mind is going to choose your fat ass over theirs.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:29 No.5573440
    Uhhh what? Wow, you are so uninformed. I am not anorexic. I ate a fruit pie for breakfast, a bagel slathered in cream cheese for lunch, and am making shrimp pizza for dinner. I am the 5'3" and 95 lbs one.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:30 No.5573449
    Considering that I actually was anorexic and am in recovery now, it hurts to read this. I am doing my best to get better, anon.You aren't helping. :-(
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:31 No.5573451
    Except you, you're ugly.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:31 No.5573453
    this bullshit pisses me off.
    skinny =/= anorexic.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:32 No.5573456
    Oh, jealous hambeast detected. Nevermind folks, move along.

    inb4 fat girl claims "I am naturally this overweight, it is genetics and metabolism," yet can't imagine that another girl can be naturally slim due to genetics and metabolism.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:32 No.5573457
    Troll is trolling, hurr durr.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:35 No.5573466
    Actually I'm a slim guy.
    But, you didn't post a picture, so I can only assume you're ugly. Hell, even that super-saijan penis is probably more attractive than you.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:35 No.5573469
    Cut that hair. You'd look so much better, I feel like your current hair just drags your face down.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:36 No.5573474
    I wasn't the one you were talking to. And a slim guy? Oh ho ho, really now. REALLY now. Uh huh.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:36 No.5573477
    please dont shave your head
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:39 No.5573486
    Uh huh.
    I come here for the drama. popcorn.gif
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:40 No.5573490
    Haha, dude. Please try harder to troll. Saying an Anon is ugly out of nowhere? Based only off body stats that put me in the thin and petite category?

    That doesn't even make sense. You just randomly picked an entry to respond to to try and troll. Sorry dear, but I don't care. I don't care if you're jealous or just bored. That's so juvenile.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:41 No.5573493
    Is anyone actually going to give any advice in this thread, or do we have to call in reinforcements from /fa/?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:41 No.5573494
         File: 1331073664.jpg-(4 KB, 113x126, 1297512884130.jpg)
    4 KB
    And yet...
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:42 No.5573497
    You look adorable :3
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:42 No.5573501
         File: 1331073768.jpg-(12 KB, 350x350, thumb.jpg)
    12 KB
    I bought this

    I feel like it settles in my mostrous pores and foundation always feels so heavy or looks so obvious on me.

    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:42 No.5573503
         File: 1331073776.jpg-(107 KB, 640x746, 1314054236074.jpg)
    107 KB
    OK!!!!! Let's just do some actual suggestions, like this thread is for.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:43 No.5573506
    That might actually produce results.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:43 No.5573507
    I disagree, she should keep it or grow it further.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:43 No.5573508
    FFS, ignore the 'erryone's anorexic' troll. No wonder /cgl/'s full of off-topic threads, people can't recognise trolls.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:44 No.5573514
    Tinted moisturiser or BB cream?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:45 No.5573517

    Thankyou <3
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:45 No.5573519
    ahh, yeah, I love the idea of using a tinted moisturizer, but my acne is too bad right now.

    is there any sort of compromise, or do I have to start hailing gods?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:47 No.5573524
    Ah, there it is.
    First the random insult.
    Then the "post pics".
    After that the "why u mad bro?"
    What's next in the troll book 101?

    You following all the steps? Really can't think for yourself, so you need to do what every other adolescent does when they think they're "trolling?"

    Cute, very cute. Can't see what stereotypical thing you say next!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:49 No.5573527
    do you moisturize first? I don't really like loose powder foundation (I like compact foundation more) but applying it in small bits and blending a lot helps. You may also want to invest in creams that will minimize your pores, or opt for a cream based foundation. If you like the look of powder more, there's nothing stopping you from applying a cream foundation first and then a powder on top.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:49 No.5573529
    Have you tried to do anything about acne? Wash your face twice a day at the very least, remove ALL your makeup before bed, try use a face wash or face scrub with salicylic acid in it. I like St Ives Apricot Scrub, it doesn't taste too bad if you get a little bit in your mouth either. Removing makeup completely has really helped my acne too.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:49 No.5573530
    Just stop.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:50 No.5573533
    I guess I should try cream

    this stuff just seems to make me look haggard and settles into creases/scars on my face when they really aren't that noticeable without the makeup
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:50 No.5573536
    lol yeah, of course I have.
    >> sieg heil !szTe0VDR1w 03/06/12(Tue)17:51 No.5573537
    you've really changed for the better

    remeber that racoon style makeup?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:51 No.5573538
         File: 1331074315.jpg-(49 KB, 388x296, 1307317797265.jpg)
    49 KB
    Next is pointing out how you're still clearly colon-crucified and still replying, and the only way to save face would be to delete all your posts so nobody can see how John Madden asspained you are.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:52 No.5573540
         File: 1331074332.jpg-(20 KB, 300x300, tinted.jpg)
    20 KB
    Neitrogena makes one? I've used some of their other make up products and they do work.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:53 No.5573542
    Maybe instead of using a full foundation or powder base, you could just use concealer on your acne if you're self concious about it?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:53 No.5573544
    hmm, I'll check it out. thanks!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:55 No.5573550
         File: 1331074543.png-(175 KB, 448x336, ugly betty small.png)
    175 KB

    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:55 No.5573551
    and not cover it with anything?

    sorry, I'm pretty clueless about makeup
    >> CurlGurl !qWRCHNkaAU 03/06/12(Tue)17:56 No.5573552
    some of you guys look better than most of the posters on /fa/...
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:58 No.5573557
    But my dearest, my most precious, they all pale in comparison to your beauty.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:59 No.5573560
    Like, just moisturise your skin and put on sunscreen, then instead of using foundation, just use a concealer on top of your acne and any scars that you may have.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)17:59 No.5573561
    *snort* Like who?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:00 No.5573562
    you are blowing my mind right now.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:00 No.5573568
         File: 1331074858.jpg-(191 KB, 590x580, 9.jpg)
    191 KB
    wow allayall fat beyotches need to lose some weight!!!!!
    >> PP+1 03/06/12(Tue)18:04 No.5573577
         File: 1331075068.jpg-(61 KB, 500x500, 1330841310566.jpg)
    61 KB
    All you ladies (and gent) look good. Work in progress some of you may be, just make sure your hair and/or eye make up doesn't make you look like a member of the animal family and flatter your shape and keep carrying your own style.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:04 No.5573578
    if yes, you've changed
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:05 No.5573579

    Jesus fucking Christ, I'd rather be 50lbs overweight than that thin.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:15 No.5573613
    How can she even stand?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:19 No.5573623
         File: 1331075972.jpg-(21 KB, 382x432, i_frew_up.jpg)
    21 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:24 No.5573635
    CurlGurl, Sieg, and Coooltop.
    >> sieg heil !szTe0VDR1w 03/06/12(Tue)18:25 No.5573639
         File: 1331076359.jpg-(25 KB, 366x480, 1327488751816.jpg)
    25 KB
    Hair Color:
    Hair Type:
    straight, thin, no volume
    Hair Length:
    Skin Color: pale w/ pink undertones
    Face Shape: V
    Eye Shape: almond
    What Features You like; eyes
    What Features You'd like to change; would like to cover moles
    Addition Info; slavic bitch

    And for Clothing;
    Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc):
    Measurements: 32-26-34
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 127
    Current Style: aldo shoes, and i wear a fake gold fossil watch everyday w/ prada glasses, sometimes wear pleather leggings and waxed jeans from H&M
    Desired Style (if any): Raf simons for Jil sander final season
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:26 No.5573643
    You look like the main character in that MTV show "Awkward."
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:26 No.5573645
    this is why you shouldn't bring /fa/ over.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:27 No.5573646
         File: 1331076438.jpg-(50 KB, 550x550, 1308694579828.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> sieg heil !szTe0VDR1w 03/06/12(Tue)18:27 No.5573649
         File: 1331076448.jpg-(62 KB, 1024x768, 1324125780126.jpg)
    62 KB
    current style
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:29 No.5573653
    5/10, wouldn't bang.
    >> sieg heil !szTe0VDR1w 03/06/12(Tue)18:29 No.5573654
         File: 1331076550.jpg-(15 KB, 177x353, jil sander curl.jpg)
    15 KB
    what i want

    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:30 No.5573658
         File: 1331076606.png-(558 KB, 1012x420, hurfahdurrhffh.png)
    558 KB
    not too concerned with clothes at the moment so I'm just filling out the face bit
    Hair Color: Dark brown
    Hair Type: Hair is fine but there is lots of it
    Hair Length: nearly shoulder.
    Skin Color: ghost
    Face Shape: square
    Eye Shape: small and close together
    What Features You like; my lips are ok
    What Features You'd like to change;
    >included profile and whole face because im going into detail with this
    - Bigger eyes
    - less space between end of nose and start of lips
    - rounder cheeks
    - a less 'tall' nose, although I'm pretty sure that's impossible without surgery
    - more v-line jaw/ heart shaped face. I feel like my jaw droops

    Addition Info;
    Contouring baffles me, every time I try I look even more angular and manly and I want to look soft. Teach me to be soft ;___;
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:32 No.5573669
    So many people here haven't received advice or comments yet. You'd almost think there were no critical bitches on /cgl/ tonight.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:33 No.5573670
         File: 1331076791.png-(25 KB, 253x320, 1298208528137.png)
    25 KB
    Truly you are Dakota's photoshop apprentice!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:34 No.5573674
    I would troll the shit out of them but unfortunately I have a conscience.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/06/12(Tue)18:39 No.5573683
    Holy shit, I always thought you were a dude. You're hot. If that's you, that is.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:40 No.5573688
         File: 1331077238.png-(1.67 MB, 1099x867, oh my.png)
    1.67 MB
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:43 No.5573696
    To be fair, I'm not seeing too much hambeast in this thread. Most of these girls are average-skinny and look ok already.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:45 No.5573709
    I'm laughing because their faces look pretty similar
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:48 No.5573725
         File: 1331077739.jpg-(360 KB, 700x1050, 700-1600-0-100.frida.jpg)
    360 KB
    It's funny because it's not true
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:49 No.5573729
    wow she's ugly as sin
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:51 No.5573733
    is it okay to apply creamy makeup with a brush?

    do you have any resources for me to learn about application techniques and tools?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)18:51 No.5573736
    It's funny because it took a professional make-up artist to make her look presentable. In the original picture I'd cut my dick off before letting either of them touch it.
    >> Jeff Mangum Died For Your Sins !rAl8Mz2mp2 03/06/12(Tue)18:55 No.5573748
         File: 1331078106.jpg-(15 KB, 400x600, 262vdl4.jpg)
    15 KB
    Never change, cgl
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)19:00 No.5573761
    She has very tiny eyes. That's not kawaii uguu
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)19:01 No.5573764
    >Hair Color
    Mediumish Brown
    >Hair Type
    THICK, curly/frizzy with tightish curls
    >Hair Length
    Starting to get past shoulder lenth, makes kind of a rounded diamond shape if that makes sense
    >Skin Color
    Fair, yellow based but with a really red face
    >Face Shape
    Having trouble with this one... I think I'm oval/oblong... face is longer than wide, widest pert is my cheekbones, upper half wider than lower half, rounded chin
    >Eye Shape
    Hooded, also I wear glasses
    >What Features You like;
    I think the overall shape of my face and feature placement is nice, maybe just a bit too round
    What Features You'd like to change;
    My nose isn't wide but it sticks out a lot, not exactly something you can change with makeup; my eyebrows although thick as in wide and made up of long hairs to look full, the hairs don't grow very close together (sparse) so I have a hard time plucking because I'm afraid one wrong hair will be disaster (wish I had pic)
    Addition Info;

    And for Clothing;
    >Body Type (Pear, HourGlass, etc)
    Hourglass, a little more pearish if you don't count shoulders, but even then it's close
    I don't know my bust off hand, but my bra is a 36B, rib cage ends at 29" (narrowest part), belly button is 32" though (where I think my waist should be?), hips are about 36ish"
    Not sure, don't have scale
    >Current Style
    Tshirts and jeans because I'm lazy, occasionally casual lolita leaning towards classic
    Desired Style (if any)
    Something feminine... like a softer version of fairy kei, plus classic lolita and maybe really toned down sweet
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)19:02 No.5573768

    Ew. She looks like a high barbie doll.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)19:06 No.5573784
         File: 1331078772.jpg-(79 KB, 480x696, fridaaa.jpg)
    79 KB
    Her face IS pretty weird without makeup, but it isn't necessarily bad. She has the high cheekbone, Scandinavian super model look.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)19:08 No.5573804
    I'm not saying she's ugly, but she's not incredibly beautiful either. This is my idea of average.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)19:11 No.5573810
         File: 1331079100.jpg-(29 KB, 500x359, barbie-proportions.jpg)
    29 KB
    >> Jeff Mangum Died For Your Sins !rAl8Mz2mp2 03/06/12(Tue)19:12 No.5573815
         File: 1331079171.jpg-(97 KB, 468x702, Freja+1.jpg)
    97 KB
    >still arguing about Frida
    >not talking about the only Scandinavian model that actually matters
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)19:15 No.5573830
    If that's average I'd love to see what you'd consider a perfect 10.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)19:16 No.5573844
         File: 1331079404.jpg-(254 KB, 600x901, FashionFrejaLeather.jpg)
    254 KB
    all of my hnnnnnnngggg. Freja!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)19:18 No.5573853
         File: 1331079501.jpg-(535 KB, 1066x2000, 1290476183423.jpg)
    535 KB
    this is a 10/10
    >> Jeff Mangum Died For Your Sins !rAl8Mz2mp2 03/06/12(Tue)19:21 No.5573867
         File: 1331079684.gif-(430 KB, 400x241, tumblr_lnhu0baRPQ1qzdn8go1_400.gif)
    430 KB
    >dat feel when Freja Beha will never lay next to you in bed and stroke your face
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)19:23 No.5573872
    Can't tell if trolling or if this is normal for /cgl/...
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)19:23 No.5573875
         File: 1331079822.jpg-(42 KB, 640x480, typical-Japanese-Teeth.jpg)
    42 KB
    i bet she'd have fucked up teeth if they drew her more realistically.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)19:32 No.5573914

    Obviously fat. I feel sorry for you.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)19:45 No.5573947
    retinol will dry your skin out, but it works very well.
    good for wrinkles and shit too

    I don't know anything about lolita, sorry

    part your hair on the opposite side that your nose curves

    dunno about contouring

    check out this blog:

    do gamine shit

    what kind of girly? I have lots of blogs.

    sideswept fringe, maybe no fringe at all. kind of makes your face look like kermit the frog

    thicker eye brows

    side swept bangs, longer hair

    do longer, straight brows

    wear a thin line of eyeliner and mascara, focus on your lips

    I really like the blonde

    stop letting your hair grow that long

    you could try the oil cleansing method for blackheads

    dunno anything about contouring

    dunno about contouring
    you could bring your eyeliner/shadow wings up rather than straight out like your pics.
    You can also try the 'saint bernard' thing that gyaru girls do to make their eyes bigger.

    the best blog I have for you, though maybe it's not what you're looking for:
    also, just fill in your eyebrows with makeup
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)20:07 No.5574020

    Thank you for the advice!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)21:04 No.5574209
    >> FaceDrawer-san 03/06/12(Tue)21:22 No.5574276
         File: 1331086971.jpg-(295 KB, 600x600, sketches2.jpg)
    295 KB
    Excuse me while I draw everyone in this thread
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)21:25 No.5574284

    You need no excuses. Please continue C:
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)21:26 No.5574287
         File: 1331087216.jpg-(100 KB, 640x480, 1111.jpg)
    100 KB
    >Hair Color:
    Dark Brown
    >Hair Type:
    Thick & straight
    >Hair Length:
    A few inches past my shoulders
    >Skin Color:
    >Face Shape:
    >Eye Shape:
    >What Features You like;
    My mouth
    >What Features You'd like to change;
    My giant nose, uneven skin tone, bad skin and under eye bags
    >Addition Info;
    I don't usually wear much make-up because I'm afraid I'll choose the wrong colors. Uh, I'm waiting on my new glasses to come in. They aren't as thick as the ones I'm wearing in my photo.

    >And for Clothing;
    Pear-shaped or hourglass, I'm not sure.
    >Current Style:
    Lots of dresses and skirts.
    >Desired Style (if any):
    Aiming to dress more in casual lolita or classic. Honestly, I love anything cute.

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