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!XLIjtOmIpc 03/06/12(Tue)03:36 No.5571452Ohhhhhhhhhh lordy
>What are your cosplay plans? Vega Zeronos, D.Yuuto, Barnaby Brooks Jr. and Basco ta Jolokia.
>Days attending? ALL THE DAYS except Day 0 because loldriving
>Events? Masquerade watchan', possibly Cosplay Chessin'
>Meetups? Tokusatsu
meetup, probably the Tiger & Bunny meetup, gonna drop by a few
others besides that to hang with buddies, maybe go to a lolita gathering
if there is one?
>Panels you are attending? Dunno yet!
>Need a cosplay group? I
have two or three different Ryotaros lined up for Fanime but I could
always use more! I think I have a regular, a R.Ryotaro and maybe a
K.Ryotaro? Also, a Marvelous or two to fight would be nice~
>Other; I'm kidding myself if I think I'll have Zeronos finished in time, but here's hoping. |