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  • File: 1330904581.jpg-(369 KB, 600x399, 13-Hyper-Japan-2012-review-Semperey.jpg)
    369 KB Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)18:43 No.5565629  
    Horror stories and ita thread GO!
    (Pic related: spot the ita)
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)19:12 No.5565757
    i see two itas
    >> !CspookyJv. 03/04/12(Sun)19:17 No.5565781
    am i the only one who says it's not what you wear but how you wear it that makes you ita?
    i mean, i only see 2 girls who are good looking loli's there. and since ita = outfit so bad it hurts my eyes only 2 aren't "ita" in that sense.
    why people are so bent on wearing wigs, makeup, and outfits that make them look so frumpy is beyond me/

    of course i'm aware i'm an ~elitist~ but honestly can you guys say ANY of those girls except the Asian holding the mic and the one to the far far far far left where you can only see her face and the top of her pink JSK look... "good"? their outfits are okay, but /they/ look bad.

    IMO of course
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)19:19 No.5565783
    That's because they're the only two facially attractive people there.
    >> !CspookyJv. 03/04/12(Sun)19:20 No.5565788
    i disagree, but i do think they're the only two wearing wigs appropriate for their faces.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)19:20 No.5565792
    Congratulations, you just became a member of the pixie_late fanclub.
    ... (the asian.)
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)19:22 No.5565797
    And Charms makes this thread all about herself in 3...2....1...
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)19:29 No.5565827
    Tania is so beautiful it hurts to look at her.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)19:56 No.5565928
         File: 1330908983.jpg-(144 KB, 618x800, pixie_late2__53212_zoom.jpg)
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    I still don't get the big deal over p_l. And no, I'm not a jelly fatty. I think she's cute and has nice coords every now and then, but her eyes bug me too much!
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)19:57 No.5565933
    No. She is /cgl/'s Skyqueen. You just don't understand her sheer perfection.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)19:58 No.5565937
    >wahwah you don't like what i like
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)19:59 No.5565940
    I don't have any problems with p_l but I am amazed that she almost gets no hate. I can only remember one hate thread about her and I find her to be less attractive than some other lolitas who get bashed here. My honest opinion and if people think she's absolutely gorgeous, who am I to say that they're wrong?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:01 No.5565946
    Don't be jealous because you can't learn from her angelic presence.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:03 No.5565949
    She just honestly looks like every other Asian girl to me. Nothing special.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:03 No.5565952
    It's because she's a genuinely sweet person, she doesn't have any immature drama mongering traits that so many lolis have.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:06 No.5565961
    And herajika is a raging bitch who deserves all the hate? How about no.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:08 No.5565968
         File: 1330909690.png-(88 KB, 231x172, 1305055579399.png)
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    you must be new here.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:11 No.5565980
    while charms, chokelate, victoria suzanne, annie may, have had moments that people can point out to that make them hated but cgl still has not brought up any proof that herajika or jahr are the bitches that cgl claims to be. they seem just as sweet as pixie_late but they get the brunt of the bashing whereas everyone loves pixie_late. to get cgl's favor, do you only have to be considered pretty? i am still surprised that the majority of cgl finds her pretty because i find her to look average as well.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:12 No.5565984
    I didn't say that. I've never bothered reading any Herajika threads, so I don't know why people talk trash about her. Maybe it's because she does things like asking for to stay at a stranger's house for free on EGL. It could be seen as pushy or something. I don't know about jahr at all.

    What's that supposed to mean?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:16 No.5566001
         File: 1330910179.jpg-(74 KB, 598x897, 401231_272545186152113_1925152(...).jpg)
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    I think she looks very pretty in her outfit shots and then I see a close up and go "NOPE". This picture of her scares the crap out of me.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:17 No.5566008
    I think that the lolitas in op's picture look pretty decent. I've seen groups of people who looked worse so this is a very good group shot.

    You're getting your people mixed up there.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:19 No.5566013
    Shows how little I know about them I guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:20 No.5566017
    holy crap there are a lot of sweet lolitas there.

    cgl, do you think that sweet is the most popular style or does it get more attention because it pops out more. if there was somehow to do a survey of every lolita and the styles they wore, i would like to know if sweet really is the most popular and dominant.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:20 No.5566020
    I find that /cgl/ has such a narrow view of pretty.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:23 No.5566029
    People are jelly of herajika and jahr and there is nothing more to that. herajika is as drama-free as a lolita can be and people hated jahr before she even did couch surfing requests. I still don't get why people got angry over that unless they do not know what couch surfing is. Both lolitas have been very friendly to me and I am not popular in any way so they did not have anything to gain by being nice. pixie_late has been very kind to me too so I just don't get why anyone would be mad about these girls except for jealousy.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:23 No.5566031
    It's so weird that lolis bash other lolis for not being 'pretty' enough when most lolitas are homely looking. Anyway, I don't give a shit if some stranger on the internet is ugly.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:24 No.5566032
    Care to elaborate? All I can say is that cgl goes "I SAY SHE IS UGLY SO SHE IS UGLY." and refuses to understand that people have different views of beauty.
    >> sage 03/04/12(Sun)20:25 No.5566039
    This is going to sound weird, but does anyone know how much P_L weighs?
    She looks tiny in that fairy kei photo.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:25 No.5566040
    >Anyway, I don't give a shit if some stranger on the internet is ugly.

    My thoughts exactly. Although on one lolita thread, someone said that "ugly" lolitas should not post because they don't want to see their pictures online *rolls eyes* Such entitlement.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:25 No.5566044
    Not sure why my name is sage there. Derp.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:26 No.5566045
    I'd say somewhere between 90 to 110 lbs. This is eyeballing and I doubt that anyone knows how much she weighs except her and her doctors.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:26 No.5566050
    That's good enough, I guessed at 100 or so myself. Thanks!
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:27 No.5566052
    Whoever took that photo made p_l's face color the color of my least favorite marker: the nasty light poopy green brown.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:29 No.5566060
    Curious but...

    have any of the famous lolitas had ita phases? They all look so gorgeous and well dressed. I never saw a truly ita coordinate from pixie, charms, chokelate, jahr, or herajika.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:31 No.5566071
    now i want to know this too. anybody have the first coordinates that those lolitas did?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:37 No.5566098
    I think sweet is more commonly worn than many other styles when it comes to meetups and other lolita gatherings. For one, it's relatively eye-catching and very easy to start with, since sweet brands tend to be easy to buy from and produce full sets of accessories for all their pieces. And for another, there's a very pervasive perception (stronger in some communities than in others) that less mainstream styles such as punk, sailor, wa, and old-school are less lolita than sweet, or not lolita at all and are instead cosplay. When you're a lolita going to hang out with other lolitas, you want to put your best foot forward and you don't want anyone to walk up and start telling you that you're an ita. So you stick with what's safe and easy which is, in most cases, sweet.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:38 No.5566104
         File: 1330911502.jpg-(130 KB, 332x499, 4753683590_2a9ec4052b_o.jpg)
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    FAMOUS LOLITA ITA PICTURES? YES PLEASE. I only have pixie_late though :(
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:39 No.5566111
         File: 1330911586.jpg-(208 KB, 975x650, TaniaT-0061_2y.jpg)
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    Another pixie_late.

    See lolitas, you have hope! Everyone can look good with a little more effort and trial and error.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:44 No.5566131
    p_l's first post was with this awful set of red and green bloomers. She was cute, the outfit was not.

    The images are gone in herajika's first post but IIRC she wasn't as strong with hair, makeup, and accessories as she is now. Her outfits were extremely simple and while they were cute for 2007 they weren't as interesting as they are now.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:48 No.5566149
         File: 1330912113.jpg-(183 KB, 900x1195, My_amputated_foot___loli_by_El(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)20:50 No.5566151
         File: 1330912220.jpg-(80 KB, 426x640, 2682446085_ca38896e55_z.jpg)
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    Here is herajika. I am very glad that she discovered make up and wigs because they do wonders for her. She looks cute here but the wigs and make up make her look much better and more glamorous.

    No pictures of chokelate, charms, or jahr though.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:16 No.5566215
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:21 No.5566228
         File: 1330914117.jpg-(240 KB, 651x800, qq.jpg)
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    So sniper_nyan made another account?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:24 No.5566234
    I don't keep up with sniper drama but how do you know it's her? I dislike her trolling but I've bought from her before and never had a problem with her. But that doesn't mean she'll do something and I wouldn't put it past her to do some crappy shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:25 No.5566238
         File: 1330914323.png-(606 KB, 600x399, lookatthisbitch.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:34 No.5566268

    because she has the exact same milk skirt picture on her blog
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)21:56 No.5566348
    laughed so hard at the arrow.

    and the gothic girl you circled. she will forever be the one i remember as "the gothic lolita who has bowel problems".
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:00 No.5566368
         File: 1330916443.gif-(580 KB, 324x243, 1295916457276.gif)
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    Actually, I didn't know that about the gothic one.

    Oh well, you know, haha medical problem! SO HILARIOUS!

    Arrows? Medical problems? Man, bless us with your wit and sophisticated humor!
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)22:15 No.5566419
    i wouldn't have cared about her medical problems if she didn't act like such a dick about them and telling the whole world how she has bowel issues therefore she completely understands everyone's issues rather than understanding that just because she can control her problems better doesn't mean everyone else can.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)00:00 No.5566794

    Wha? Details?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)04:46 No.5567548
    Isn't she supposed to be perma-banned? Did you report her?
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/05/12(Mon)05:06 No.5567556
    Whoa. Girl circled, in red and black. I saw her at Japan Matsuri last summer and she's gotten WORSE. How the fuck? Every new loli I met around that time has improved MASSIVELY, this is shocking.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/05/12(Mon)05:13 No.5567562
    Like, at Japan Matsuri, she was wearing what looked like an RQ-BL dress with no blouse or petti. I thought that maybe that was just because she was new and because it was a really hot day, but nope, seems not.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)05:17 No.5567564
    I think the thing about p_l is that she's not too pretty, so that the jelly fatties here hates her, but she's definitely not ugly either and her coords are pretty good, so people can't complain about that either. She don't create drama either.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)05:19 No.5567567
    She has been into "lolita" forever but she doesn't care to improves. She is the speshul snowflake type who thinks that she is doing it her own way and is rad! And I am saying all this cause she is an unbearable person too.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/05/12(Mon)05:20 No.5567569
    Oh lawd. One of those. She looks really young so I just assumed she didn't know any better.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)05:26 No.5567576
    lol, nope.jpeg

    She's really old. I have her on facebook and I keep getting invites to all these fetish events.

    Not who you were replying to by the way
    >sage because I hate talking about people on here, but this woman just really pisses me off.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)05:28 No.5567578
    the one in red x black and mini top hat? nah she is mid to late twenties i think.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)05:32 No.5567585
    Thiiiiiiiiiis. Lemme say I have no problem whatsoever with people's fetishes. NONE. I don't mind if people dress according to their fetish publicly, or if they mention it, if they post pictures and all that. But this chick has no boundaries. It's like ok, we get it, you are into fetish stuff. I may be ok with it, but not everyone is, so stop trying to get them involved in the first 2 seconds that you met them. She and her bf always make lewd comments but I mean always, all the freaking time. It's not shocking and it's not funny, and it makes you look like an attention whore. Again, to clarify, I have no problem with more mature subjects or talking about sex. But meet this girl for a few seconds and she will immediately start talking about it, inviting you to fetish events, her bf will make a joke about what a big camera lens he has (har har) and all that shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)05:34 No.5567590
    I am friends with her on FB too and I find it hilarious how she fails at both lolita and fetish fashion. She has been into both for who knows how long, and she always looks like a cheap tart that got a costume from the local party store. Whether she is in lolita or fetish gear.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/05/12(Mon)05:36 No.5567594
    Oh, wow. I couldn't have been more wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)05:40 No.5567601
    I like creative itas and whereas I think my more experimental outfits are nice, I'm sure people have circled me as the ita of the group. So, experimental loli = good. Then there's the people who somehow insist on taking every single ugly thing and fuse it to their bodies to somehow maximize the retard. These people tend to be really, really nice and it's hard to tell them that they're ugly as sin because you don't want to be mean.

    Then there's terrible people who have the great idea of being full on itas so you feel totally justified in trying to get them to leave.

    If a person is lovely but an ita, the niceness of the person always trumps their unforetunate coords. You can easily improve an outfit; the same can't be said about personality.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)05:44 No.5567605
         File: 1330944273.jpg-(67 KB, 540x720, 300247_10150263420677415_50135(...).jpg)
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    This is what she was wearing last year at HJ. I assumed that it was just a fusion thing and she wouldn't call it lolita, but when they called all the lolis on stage you can bet your ass she walked up there.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)05:47 No.5567608
    I don't mind people who experiment and once in a while they will wear something dreadful. That can be fun. What I mind is girls who claim they are lolitas, they have been lolitas since the ice age, and yet no one has ever seen them in an appropriate loli coord. At that point it is not "experimenting with lolita" anymore. At that point you just wanna wear whatever crap you like and you just wanna call it lolita no matter what. But I agree that if the pesron is nice, I probably wouldn't mind their clothes.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)05:50 No.5567610
         File: 1330944608.jpg-(70 KB, 540x720, 295892_10150263499592415_50135(...).jpg)
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    That's from last year as well, but it's the same dress as in OP's pic.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/05/12(Mon)05:55 No.5567614
    Oh... saw that, too. Eep.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)05:55 No.5567615
    Oh, I agree with you; lolita is a fashion and it is about a sense of style and experimentation. If you're going to stagnate, don't advertize it and dare hate on the ones who try something new. It's very frustrating when some lolis think that owning certain items do the trick and they don't need to think about it anymore. For instance, I've seen women throw on their brand items and said it was a coord because they were all from the same brand. No sense of style, no cohension, nothing. It makes me wonder why they're in the fashion if it feels like a chore for them to coordinate and come up with new concepts.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:14 No.5567641
    Ugh, why did you start tripping again? Save it for the Dakota threads, no one wants that bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:16 No.5567644
    First time on /cgl/ and I have to say you people are the most disgusting. You are so full of hate that you make /b/ look like a nice place.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 03/05/12(Mon)06:20 No.5567651
    Yes, I'm sure discussion of an outfit that is honestly ugly trumps gore threads and child pornography.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:27 No.5567661
    Are you by any chance the ita in the pic?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:29 No.5567666
    Except it isn't just a discussion about an outfit, people are being publicly driven in to the ground by these comments. If you really have to gossip and hate on others so much at least do it privately with your friends instead of slandering their name in a public place. Let others form their own opinions on people.

    I'm not even saying it isn't true, maybe it all is but people will find that out easily enough for theirself if they met her. An online discussion board isn't the place for this type of conversation. This board is just a bunch of hate-mongerers, disgusting.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/05/12(Mon)06:33 No.5567669
         File: 1330947217.png-(11 KB, 650x450, whatthefaradia.png)
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    Wow, if your jimmies are that rustled by something as tame as this, you should really just leave /cgl/.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 03/05/12(Mon)06:33 No.5567671
    Have you read the thread or are you just moralfagging? If I got added by her and she kept inviting me to fetish events, I'd be pretty uncomfortable too, tbh. Saying OMG UR ALL MEAN BITCHES BECAUSE THIS THREAD IS MEAN is like saying everyone on /b/ is a pedophile because this one time, that had a cp thread.
    I don't honestly understand why you're so mad about it, of course some people are going to have varying opinions, what do you want them to do, not post because it might offend you? I'm not saying everyone should bash on that girl all they want, but I'm also not saying everyone should be lovelies because I say so.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:34 No.5567672
         File: 1330947244.jpg-(28 KB, 539x420, butthurt2.jpg)
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    >buttdevastated ita detected
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:34 No.5567674

    Just ignore them, they've long since forgotten what real human contact is like. They're now homo hikikomoro and all they can do is hate on those they envy.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 03/05/12(Mon)06:35 No.5567676
    Your samefag pains me... As well as being 0/10 because it's con season.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:43 No.5567686
         File: 1330947801.jpg-(8 KB, 150x150, 1310234050281.jpg)
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    Dat samefag...
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:45 No.5567689

    Still as awful at samefag detection as ever. >>5567674 here and that was my first post in years :)
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:46 No.5567691
    Fetishfag here and that woman is even too much for me. All conversations with her have to do with sex and BDSM. And I don't even mean conversations that are interesting. I mean more like "hi, are you a lolita too?" "yes, I am a lolita but I also dress in fetish clothes, this here is my master, I am his slave" *insert sex joke by partner/master here*
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 03/05/12(Mon)06:50 No.5567695
         File: 1330948217.jpg-(88 KB, 628x369, 1329076804989.jpg)
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    uh huh.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:54 No.5567703
    Same feelings here. I hate to bitch also, but it's a constant stream of either 'I'm sick! I can't get out of bed!' or spending all her time in a fetish club.
    What irks me the most about this is the fact that she has 4 children, never, ever seems to mention them and literally spends every weekend in fetish clubs. Not saying it's a bad thing to have your hobbies, but you know, spend just one Saturday night with your kids?
    Been needing to rant for a while now. Also saging cause I still hate to bitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:55 No.5567705
    ...and forgot to sage like an idiot. Too early here.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:56 No.5567706
    >she has 4 children
    Are you sure? She looks very young to have 4...
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)06:58 No.5567708
    She's 27, her oldest is 8 I think.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/05/12(Mon)08:11 No.5567783
         File: 1330953119.png-(38 KB, 271x372, 1316088664774.png)
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    That feel when one person manages to make two things I love look shit at once.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)08:20 No.5567790

    I'm seriously not the kind of person who believes omg you need to quit lolita/drop other "non-adult" hobbies as soon as you have kids, but 4 kids? How does she even afford it? Are those just the only two outfits she owns?

    And the fact that she attends fetish events so publicly people obviously know her name, her location, and her kids etc, that's just seems really wrong to me.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)08:25 No.5567796
    I believe she's admitted freely she has a shopping addiction, I think she's not working currently due to illness/disability, so I have no idea.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)08:28 No.5567799
         File: 1330954090.jpg-(188 KB, 600x800, 1327291999888.jpg)
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    I find that, personally, sweet is better found (straight from the brand, to Closet Child, comm sales etc). It's also cheaper and can be coordinated easier.
    I just bought a white and blue Moitié JSK and I'm having a HELL of a time finding shit to go with it. D: Even second hand gothic stuff isn't that easy to find at the end of the day.

    That's my reason, anyway. I'm trying to get more into AaTP, though. Might be selling off my sweet prints that I don't wear too much soon for money to buy more gothy stuff.

    Pic not really related, I just think this thread needs more pictures.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)08:28 No.5567800
    I dislike her as a person, but I don't think there is any harm to
    >And the fact that she attends fetish events so publicly people obviously know her name, her location, and her kids etc, that's just seems really wrong to me.
    We are not talking about some village inhabited by pitchfork and torch-baring rednecks... she is in London, lots of people are into fetish events and shit like that there and it's not hard to find out what with pics from events on FB and all that. Unless you mean that their children could be in danger or something? But still, it's not like pedophiles target kids of sexually promiscuous women or something and everyone else is safe...
    I don't see a problem with your real name attached to fetish events, she is an adult and she doesn't seem to involve her kids in any of this..
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)08:30 No.5567803
    This. Most adults have a sex life. A lot of them have kids. Not a biggie. What if people know?
    But yes, she is obnoxious and an ita as sure as the sky is blue.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)08:31 No.5567804

    What kind of fetish events are these? Most events I've gone to don't allow cameras in most of their areas to protect the privacy of people who attend.

    I guess when it comes to the kids thing, I just personally wouldn't want my kids knowing I was attending fetish events, or anything of the sort. Especially for a 12 year old that shit can be embarrassing and awkward.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)08:35 No.5567809
    there are always lots of photos from events like torture garden, the skin two rubber ball and other popular events like that
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)08:37 No.5567812
    I don't think her kids "know"? If the oldest is 8, how would they? Unless they have facebook profiles and she friends them on facebook. Which I don't see as possible.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:08 No.5567917
    I dunno, I've seen fb statuses where she says things like "got all my fetish gear laid out on the coach, wow didn't realise I had so much!" or "got all my fetish gear laid out for cleaning today!" so I guess her kids might have seen it, unless they don't live with her all the time.

    To be honest, at the age of 8 or younger, even if they'd seen the clothes and accessories, they probably don't even realise what they are.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:15 No.5567927

    No I agree with you. They look too bulky and random I guess? Are wigs supposed to look unnatural?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:16 No.5567928
    What I don't understand is that she posts things about how she doesn't even have the physical strength to make her own lunch, but she goes out partying and to events at least once a week, sometimes more.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:40 No.5567950
    >>5567691 she in a wheelchair? If she is the person who I think she is, I have a story about her.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)10:49 No.5567965
    She does have a wheelchair, so could be her. I remember she got into a fight with her ex because he jokingly offered a prize to whoever could clamp her wheelchair or some bullshit.
    >> pooh !!Gwv/mqg1wRm 03/05/12(Mon)10:52 No.5567968
         File: 1330962726.png-(100 KB, 320x287, 36.png)
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    >board is filled with women, im assuming you know this
    >not expecting disgusting bitches who talk shit in every thread
    /b/ is kinder than /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)12:08 No.5568118

    She was for most of HJ weekend only a few time I saw her actually walk around.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:40 No.5568287
    Is it just me, or is the UK community scary as fuck? You guys come off like a bunch of sandy vagina bitches on /cgl/ with the amount you complain about lolitas in your area
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 03/05/12(Mon)13:43 No.5568299

    No one's complaining about lolitas in their area, a few people are complaining about a woman who may or may not have inadvertently scarred her children when they become old enough to realise was mommy's special clothes are for.

    Seriously though, wut.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:44 No.5568301
    Nahh we're not that bad. I think its the combination of forced politeness irl and suprressed rage :p
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/05/12(Mon)13:44 No.5568302
    We do seem to bitch more than the rest of the lolitas in the world put together, but all of the UK lolis I've met IRL have been lovelies, save a couple who thought I had something to do with a grudge of theirs, but even they're cool with me now.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:49 No.5568316

    As a recent outside observer I liken it to the behaviour from high school UK school girls; friendly in person but put them behind a mobile/pc and they'll bitch about anyone. However I expect most of the bitchiness comes from those who don't attend the meets.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:51 No.5568320
    Yup that's pretty much it. People are so scared of conflict or being seen as a bitch irl that they let it out online.

    Sorry for not replying properly, on my phone
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 03/05/12(Mon)13:51 No.5568323
    Hmm, maybe. I can't really imagine any of the girls from my local group talking about each other on 4chan, the one time I'm aware of that we had drama, people actually talked to each other about it.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:53 No.5568325
    I think it depends whovthe people are. There's two groups that bitch about each other incessantly online and irl it seems. Shame really
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 03/05/12(Mon)13:54 No.5568329
    Is there? :/ I've never noticed specific bitching from certain groups. Apart from when the london girls went apeshit over raine, but I don't even know that dramu properly.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:54 No.5568331

    That's the internet in general though, the audience is a lot bigger and there are no repercussions so you can say that girl who took your dream dress is a bit fat whatever. Things like *secrets which have corrupted the idea and lack neutral moderation certainly don't help either.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:55 No.5568332
    I think it's a mix of culture and country size. British culture is very much about polite fronts. I saw a really funny thing once, one of those "what a British person says, what they actually mean, what a foreign person thinks they mean" and it's true, a lot of British people do avoid conflict by wording things really weirdly. So we're kind of trained to not say it to each other's faces, but we vent a lot online. Secondly, we're a really small country comparatively and so everyone knows everyone, or at least everyone knows someone who knows someone. It sounds a bit creepy, but everyone seems to know what everyone else is doing just because it is a pretty small community.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)13:58 No.5568343
         File: 1330973925.jpg-(104 KB, 720x960, pinkupinkutwobyfour.jpg)
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    There's a lolita in my comm. She's new-ish to the fashion, being in the comm for over a year now, but she hasn't changed or grown at all. I think i'll greentext.

    >been in comm. over a year, hasn't grown
    >When first came into the comm pmed most of the girls in the comm asking to go over to their house/go over to her house to try on their lolita (no one had met her before).
    >has only been to one meet-up, but didn't even associate with any of the girls. just snuggled on a blanket with her boyfriend and left without saying goodbye.
    >makes really idiotic posts in the comm.
    >makes her own weird poorly spelled lolita memes.
    >Taljks/Tipes llikes thgis gaiz. Kawaii desoo.
    >Tried to organize a meet-up at some ghetto ihop. (no one went)
    >Brags that her boyfriend bought her $500 of stuff from Bodyline
    >All she got was three itatastic seperates and a couple pairs of shoes.

    >Got called "little bow peep" at her college and came to baaaaw about it in the group.
    >She was wearing the dress in picture attatched.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:01 No.5568350
    Are you guys sure she's not into ageplay?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:03 No.5568354
         File: 1330974205.gif-(522 B, 16x11, pinkulodkfalskjdf4.gif)
    522 B
    No clue, man.
    I only saw her at that one meet-up. I've never had an actual conversation with her.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:04 No.5568357
         File: 1330974298.jpg-(40 KB, 720x960, pinkulodkfalskjdf4.jpg)
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    whoops, fucked up the image.
    >> Anonymouse !!9JVkocjcRee 03/05/12(Mon)14:08 No.5568369
    >$500 on bodyline

    This is gonna sound snotty but that concept is offensive to my senses. There are nice things on Bodyline, but $500 could have bought her a new release from just about anywhere... Ah well, I guess we all have our noobish Bodyline sprees. Hers was just huge.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:10 No.5568374
    Bah still can't reply properly. Yeah, it's not full on but every time there's an event there's always a bit of bitchiness between them, tho it seems to be one sided :/
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:10 No.5568377
    I don't think they actually spent that much...
    >Brags that her boyfriend bought her $500 of stuff from Bodyline
    >All she got was three itatastic seperates and a couple pairs of shoes.
    >> !CspookyJv. 03/05/12(Mon)14:10 No.5568378
    there are people who say Bodyline is their favorite "brand".
    and people who honestly think Bodyline is as good as brand, so why buy brand when you can get a wardrobe full of brand new Bodyline for the price of 1/2 a brand new brand outfit?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:15 No.5568395
    It's just the implifications she made that he spent that much on her.

    Also. for $500 dollars, before shipping. She would have had more than enough money to, if not buy brand, fill her closet with lolita essentials, like blouses/skirts/etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:21 No.5568423
    It sounds like she was just exaggerating. He probably didn't spend $500. Bodyline's most expensive dresses are about $80, so say she got three of those then it's $240. The most expensive shoes are $40, so $320 not including shipping.

    $320 is still a lot though, and enough to get a few non-print brand pieces, or a less popular print piece.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)14:45 No.5568536

    Hey Charms, nice job selling that moitie choker you stole eh.

    You really are shameless y'know.
    >> ai-honey !eEQ3LJoZmM 03/05/12(Mon)15:11 No.5568666
    Hahaha, I know who you guys are talking about.

    The most MIND BOGGLING part is how she posted on the tea party facebook group about that "Are All Men Pedophiles?" documentary. She OF ALL PEOPLE said:

    "Please take a minute to sign and share this if you love Lolita and don't want to be misunderstood when wearing it ♥"

    I really wanted to call her out on it and be like "Bitch, you are more damaging to the reputation of Lolita being seen as a Fetish EVERYTIME you turn up to events".

    Eurgh. She just has.. no filter. She'll happily tell everyone she's horny and how much she wants to have sex with her 'master'. The first time I met her she was bondaging herself up in Lolita with rope, on the stage. Really, you need to keep that shit to yourself.

    I'm not retarded so I don't have her on facebook fortunately. I'm surprised anyone would want to quite frankly. This is quite mean for me, but it's honest. I'm sure she'd be a tolerable person if she learnt not what to say in public (I really don't know why a friend hasn't taken her aside and spoke to her about it?). She doesn't dress well either, but that is not something I care much about.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:45 No.5568801

    Tell the story!
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:50 No.5568824

    Aha she is the same girl then. Nothing special, she was just amazingly rude at a lolita event. Demanding special attention, CONSTANTLY talking about her sex life, bitching at the hostess yadda yadda.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)15:52 No.5568833
    I didn't mind the bondage and I don't care if people are both into fetish stuff (even ageplay) and lolita. But this
    >She just has.. no filter. She'll happily tell everyone she's horny and how much she wants to have sex with her 'master'

    I don't know if it's that she has no filter or that she is a show-off. I know other people with no filter so to speak, but with her it's not even that she is discussing what is on her mind. It's more this deluded and desperate "oh look at me, I am this total sex kitten and my life is so hot and we have sex all the time, are you jealous yet?"
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)16:18 No.5568905
    bump for the whole story
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)19:05 No.5569717
    bump for more ita stories.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)19:09 No.5569727
         File: 1330992584.jpg-(153 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m0erqjzqhD1r1ix6v..jpg)
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    i saw this on tumblr,is the girl on the left wearing a skirt as a dress? D:
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)19:12 No.5569738
    oh jesus, she is. she must be short as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)19:13 No.5569748
    I saw that too. I'm pretty sure that's a bodyline high-waisted skirt that she's using as a strapless dress. Just...doesn't work.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)19:18 No.5569770
         File: 1330993101.gif-(489 KB, 200x113, gf22.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)19:19 No.5569773

    That's adorable.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)19:51 No.5569913
         File: 1330995075.png-(1.46 MB, 600x470, Tony_Gothic_Lolita_01_by_endle(...).png)
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    No more ita tales to tell?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)20:27 No.5570102

    There's a girl in my lolita group that gives me so much second hand embarrassment. She's always coming up with new sub-styles like "safari lolita" and never actually wears anything remotely resembling a real coordinate. That would all be fine if she didn't appoint herself the Number One Expert of Lolita. She claims she's been researching the fashion for 11 years (since she was 10 years old, the fuck?) and thinks she's an expert on other j-fashion styles. She plans meet-ups at boring locations (Borders and Subway), and always shows up two hours late to everything - and yet somehow thinks this makes her an expert, so she writes this guide to planning meet ups on our community that's the most "no shit Sherlock" common sense thing I've ever seen. She also wanted to start bringing flags to meet ups so that we could wave them and all the other lolitas would see where we were.

    Girl is nice and everything, but seriously needs to chill out.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)20:36 No.5570136
    The flags thing actually sounds like a neat idea.

    Due you have any caps of what she's said.done?
    I'm incredibly curious.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)20:55 No.5570205

    What kind of caps? Do you mean the things she writes?

    I think the flag thing is silly because we dress in an eye-catching fashion, why would holding up a bunch of tiny flags make us any more visable?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)21:11 No.5570251

    I can spot a lolita from a long distance..
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)22:30 No.5570573
    What is it with lolitas and planning meetups at such shitty locations? Ihop, Subway, or Borders? What do you even do at a place like that? If you live in a city that has an active lolita community more than likely there are so so many fun and interesting places you could host a meetup, and it annoys me to no end when I see comms doing their meetups at dumb locations like that.

    I can understand having a small meetup with just a few friends at a place like that, but to try to make it a real meetup for the whole community its just laughable that you'd want to meet somewhere like Applebees.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)22:42 No.5570649
    But applebees has those molten lava chocolate cakes that are freaking AMAZING!!!!!

    No though, in all seriousness most cities, even small ones, have tea house or other places that are meet-friendly. What about museums, zoos and aquariums, theme parks, art shows, parks, small local venues, food tastings or what not. It's not that damn hard.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)22:51 No.5570690

    I can understand if you live in suburbia where there's literally nothing, but if you're in a major city and you honestly think iHop is an acceptable meet-up spot...god held you.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)22:53 No.5570703

    I've actually never been to Applebees... I didn't go to that meetup lol.

    But I totally agree with that, there really are so many places to go that aren't Subway! I think a tea house, or even a little family owned coffee shop kind of joint would be much more fun and interesting than going to a chain restaurant.

    I know seeing movies is also a big meetup location, but I don't think its very fun for the same reason seeing movies on a date isn't fun. You can't really talk and have fun, and also nobody could appreciate your cute outfits when its all dark in the theater, haha. I can understand if its like the opening for a film that you're all big fans of, but just going to see whatever movie isn't very fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:05 No.5570752
    >food tasting

    What about wine tasting? Oooh. I wish that I was over 21, so i could plan that...
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:09 No.5570761
    >Wine stains on my burando
    I think not :|
    You realize you don't drink the wine, right? You swish it around and spit it back out.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:10 No.5570767
    There's this girl who's always trying to give advice and acting like she's an expert when in real life she's the most terrible train-wreck I've ever seen.
    She's very rude too, has a lot of grammar mistakes and puts "..." after EVERY sentence.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:11 No.5570769

    Yeah, also would it be kind of boring? And exclude everyone who is under 21 or who doesn't like wine. I don't know what its like though, I'm not 21 yet either. I think organizing some sort of tea tasting would be cute.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:12 No.5570775
    I'm well aware how wine tastings work, dear.
    I just think it would be fun to do that with a handful of girls.

    And maybe the wine wouldn't get on your burando if you were more careful.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:17 No.5570792
    A loli wine tasting sounds awesome! Or maybe a wine and cheese bar...It would be nice with just older lolitas out for once.
    also if you get wine on your clothing during a wine tasting you are an idiot. Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:22 No.5570807
         File: 1331007727.jpg-(99 KB, 661x725, shdushdu.jpg)
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    There is a girl in my local community who is just awful. All of her Facebook statuses are putting herself above other people and talking as if she is god's gift to lolita and the world. She insults other people for not "putting their all" into their fashions or lifestyles or whatever and it all just comes out as a bunch of ego-stroking nonsense.
    "haha not many Americans like me. i don't care."

    She has a fake Japanese name and says that she is from Japan. Whenever someone posts on the comm page about buying a new dress, she posts saying that she just went out and bought the same one, even though she never wears it or shows it?

    She answers noob's questions on EGL with stupid answers to boost her own ego. "A few months ago i decided to order from bodyline for the first time,I found them a disappointment comparing to Angelic pretty... They are just normal standard clothes just in lolita style, something you could find at the mall."
    "Some people disagree... but you can wear brand everyday for everyday use (I do anyways)
    I don't let clothes hold me back from going to the park or eating food i like...or doing anything for that matter.."
    She got into a big argument with someone on our comm's facebook page about them misusing the word "otaku" and "abusing her counrtie's language!!1" even though she only writes Japanese on her facebook in romanji, I don't think she even knows hiragana. She attacked the girl personally because the girl said she had assburgers and she said "my brother has autism and he's fine!!" etc etc She got banned.

    I understand this mentality is probably just because she's a new lolita and wants to be accepted and look cool, but she really is making an ass out of herself.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:25 No.5570817

    > "I don't let clothes hold me back from going to the park or eating food i like"

    She doesn't look like she lets anything hold her back from eating food she likes.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:25 No.5570818
    My com kind of recently did something liek that, but with beer. Went to a brewery. Lots of free drinks. Not as fancy as wine, but still the same fun.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:33 No.5570837
    Why can girls never crop out their nasty ass floors?
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:35 No.5570846
    This girl is in my facebook group too, but she's in a lot of them since she "travels a lot." She called one girl fat and lazy for wearing replicas even though the girl clearly stated she was way too tall for brand. She went to design Japan of all places! Design school teaches you to hate replicas! And then when megaupload went down, she complained about not getting G&LB scans...I don't know if she did this in your comm, but she HAS TO BRING UP SHE'S HALF JAPANESE DESU any chance she gets.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:36 No.5570848
         File: 1331008574.jpg-(91 KB, 298x400, relax.jpg)
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    No need to be condescending.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:39 No.5570859
    I also forgot to add that she told the girl who was too tall for brand to just lose weight because that's totally what she did.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:40 No.5570861
         File: 1331008803.jpg-(23 KB, 500x361, 1308969546040.jpg)
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    Takes someone condescending to be condescending.
    >> Anonymous 03/05/12(Mon)23:41 No.5570867

    Yes, definitely. She needs to make sure everyone knows she is halfu Japanesu and you are all insulting her culture and misusing her language and someday she will go back to glorious Nippon and leave all you poorly-dressed baka gaijin's to rot!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)00:13 No.5571028
         File: 1331010821.jpg-(131 KB, 579x960, whatthehell.jpg)
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    How the hell does anything in this outfit remotely belong together? Did she dress in the dark?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)01:10 No.5571203
    >dat fake fur
    I just don't understand it.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)01:23 No.5571225
    Passive aggression is what it is.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)01:36 No.5571258
         File: 1331015818.jpg-(98 KB, 960x720, 431470_2403141177060_905315866(...).jpg)
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    I don't think she puts in the effort for the brand she own, and the brand/orders I think she's going to get soon.

    Personally, I think her perm looks fucking awful, like a dog.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)01:53 No.5571299
    Filipino? I think she's going for that "Korean" look. Too bad Koreans hate Filipinos.
    >> Fuko !YqpqfV8h6U 03/06/12(Tue)03:21 No.5571419
    She is really great at coordinating and has the cutest blouses. *3*
    Her style is going to evolve, but for now, I think she looks great for the look she is going for.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:30 No.5571777
    I kinda like that hair, I dunno. The bangs are a bit thin and choppy, but I like the wavy effect
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)08:38 No.5571785

    Wait, who is this and why should we care?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)09:52 No.5571840

    Does she even own brand? At least post an ita coord of hers.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)10:11 No.5571861
    Ha, at least have the balls to actually tell her. She has coordinating skills, and she will only get better.

    Nothing to see here. Just vendetta. Move along.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:46 No.5572043
         File: 1331052418.jpg-(182 KB, 333x500, hilde.jpg)
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    i wish someone could ban hildekitten from the clearance bin for seasonal themed fabric
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:47 No.5572047
    If >>5571258 has such great coordinating skills then why are none of you faggots posting pics of her said great coords?

    She looks like a grandma, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:50 No.5572050

    sup fatty derpface
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:53 No.5572063

    I HATE that tacky Joann's shit. Does anyone remember who made those hideous border print Halloween mansion skirts that people loved for some reason?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:55 No.5572068
         File: 1331052901.jpg-(71 KB, 355x560, lsknfkn3939488dkfjb.jpg)
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    I actually rather like her coordinates. I'll admit its not one of her best, though. She can be really hit or miss in how she dresses herself.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:55 No.5572071
    Because friends don't post friends on /cgl/. Now, please, let's get a move on.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:56 No.5572073
    Is this the same chick that wore steampunk to an AP teaparty and threw a shitfit when people treated her poorly?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:56 No.5572074
         File: 1331052995.jpg-(156 KB, 333x500, hilde2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:57 No.5572078
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:58 No.5572087
    I don't get how she can even find any of this to remotely be lolita. does she even wear a petticoat?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)11:59 No.5572088
         File: 1331053150.jpg-(147 KB, 333x500, hildeap.jpg)
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    i wonder why
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)12:02 No.5572102

    Sup. You mad?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)12:39 No.5572240

    She's adorable. Fuck you vendettafag.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:03 No.5572326
    go eat more delicious jelly, vendettafag.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:13 No.5572363
    Transparent fetish apron. In my lolita.

    You are either a troll or are blind.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:19 No.5572382
    LOL I didn't even think of it as a fetish apron. It looks kinda cute to me.
    >> Fuko !YqpqfV8h6U 03/06/12(Tue)13:25 No.5572403
         File: 1331058331.png-(474 KB, 570x449, 1314945410262.png)
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    I don't understand your butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:28 No.5572424
    That's actually me... And its a vintage apron, not a fetish one. To each their own on their opinions, i guess.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:29 No.5572432
    Transparent fetish apron? Please explain? My mom has one of those that's christmas themed that she wears for our annual cookie swap. That's a fetish?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:30 No.5572437
    Fetish apron? It's just a sheer apron, I see them in vintage shops all the time. I don't think it goes with the outfit but how is it a fetish?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:33 No.5572450
    Obvious samefag.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:34 No.5572458

    suuuure. we'll just let you think that.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:36 No.5572471
    Well, I'm 5572432 and neither of the others, so... Nope. Just one person with their mind in the gutter and at least two other people confused about it. I am also wondering if my mother knows she's some kind of apron fetishist now.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:37 No.5572474
         File: 1331059064.jpg-(139 KB, 375x500, 3372014641_c78d217dfa.jpg)
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    Yes, because the person who admitted that's them in the pic is also going to say it doesn't go with the outfit. Excellent detective work there, Sherlock!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:38 No.5572480
    I have one of those and I still think it's very cute. I can only wear it on Halloween, though. :(
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)13:56 No.5572565

    I think it'd look fine with a dress/jsk that was a solid color. Possibly in a dusky rose. It looks horrible with that sweet print.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)14:50 No.5572760
    She is actually a really nice person, so I don't get the hate. I am not into steampunk, but I find her style cute.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:14 No.5572884
    Because her blog entry was so angry. She was just being a special snowflake that was pissed off that no one else thought she looked as good as she thought she did and Maki and Asuka didn't give her a medal and start making a steampunk lolita line because of how inspiring her outfit was.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:15 No.5572896
    Ok, I don't know, I wasn't friend with her then, but since I met her I think she is cool to chat to and comes across as really nice.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:15 No.5572898
    Anyone have screen caps of the chick from Oregon's blog where she was in some fashion show and decided to make a pissed off face, and got pouty because she didn't get the brand headbow?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)15:27 No.5572946
    I have the link to the blog, the entry should still be there:
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)20:10 No.5574034
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)20:26 No.5574076

    UGH. She makes me so angry. She makes SUCH a bad name for lolitas who are into steampunk. She dresses like a quilting scrap pile and claims that it's ok because "it's steampunk!" then gets butthurt when people don't compliment her on her "creativity."

    No. It's not steampunk. It's not lolita. It's a mess.

    Also- I effing hate those spats she makes. They are frumpy and look like leg warmers with buttons on them. That's not what a spat looks like!
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)20:59 No.5574197
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    The Puerto Rico lolitas group on LJ always had more than its fair share of Itas, but damn. I joined the facebook group and it's almost exclusively hambeasts with their facebook names set to things like "Nana-chan" and "Chiki Uchiha" and "Hachi Ko" posting kawaii-uguu crap and sugoii-lolichan-meido-outifits. They have a meetup soon, and I almost want to go to collect the lulz, but I don't think I'd be able to stand being around them for more than a few minutes. I don't know how the two decent lolitas who post on that group stand them.

    Pic very related.
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)21:01 No.5574203
    lace monseters are soooo hawt
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)21:05 No.5574211
    Semi-unrelated question... What happened to Sniper's blog?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)21:10 No.5574225

    vanished off the internet as far as i can tell... anyone know anything else?
    >> Anonymous 03/06/12(Tue)21:19 No.5574260
    Bump for more funny itas

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