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  • File: 1330570646.jpg-(291 KB, 641x682, cheap449.jpg)
    291 KB MadThad Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)21:57 No.5552800  
    Pay your respect to the king.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)21:58 No.5552803
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:00 No.5552809
    Sick fuck deserves to be locked up even if he claims they're jokes.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:11 No.5552838
    No way.

    And he really is joking. Because he does have a gf IRL. Funny guy he is.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:11 No.5552842

    >That feel when two friends in common
    >I see him post of their shit a lot

    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:19 No.5552855
    Did he really say that stuff on his Facebook?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:21 No.5552860

    All of the waifu things? Yeah, it's hilarious. He is married to a waifu page and he changes what it is every few months

    As to his incident, no. There was nothing at all posted.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:22 No.5552864
    That feel when happy he looks more lonely than you.
    That feel when realize it's a joke page.
    That feel when find out he has IRL gf and you're more lonelier.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:23 No.5552866
    Did he really have CP on his computer? How can they arrest him for anything if he doesn't actually have CP?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)22:33 No.5552894
    if he really was discussing methods of downloading and encrypting it, essentially teaching people how to download CP, then he deserves to be charged. if it was just stupid jokes a slap on the wrist at most
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:40 No.5553528
    charged with what? it's still not a crime.
    >> RobertAntonWilson !5KfnordfD2 03/01/12(Thu)02:48 No.5553542
    In soviet /cgl/, creepiness is a crime.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:50 No.5553545
    The OP of this thread is fucking stupid. And he will be charged anyway, he was mentioning methods of downloading CP therefore he will go down for attempting to do so if he knows said methods. Hope he get's his ass beat if he serves some time.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:53 No.5553547
    you've obviously never heard of the 1st amendment.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:53 No.5553549

    and you obviously have no fucking brain to see what the problem is here you fucking jackass.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:59 No.5553556

    stop trying to cover up for your butt buddy. the evidence and captions have been flooded all over /a/ already. Thad is guilty.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)03:14 No.5553579
    >He is charged with receipt and possession of child pornography.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)03:18 No.5553587
    I just saw he posted a video on Tumblr of him fucking his body pillow waifu. To hear that he posted stuff about underaged girls doesn't come as a surprise.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)03:20 No.5553591
    >I love mai waifu Kotonoha and young underaged white girls

    Really? Even if it's a joke what kind of moron posts that as their profile?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)03:22 No.5553595
    That Justice mag pic..
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)07:24 No.5553897
    >> Sonic Boom! !ZGpyRoQe/M 03/01/12(Thu)08:31 No.5553988
    What is this!? I've been gone too long. I need stories.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)08:36 No.5553999
    Some dumb nigger doing dumb nigger stuff.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)08:42 No.5554005
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    /a/ is really full of pedos, moot needs to delete that board like he deleted /loli/
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)08:55 No.5554033
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    But I go on /a/ for my little boys!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)09:07 No.5554055
    that board is a disgrace. the 2d waifu and loli shit all started of as jokes. even just 2-3 years ago. it was to make fun of the ridiculous japanese who are obsessed with 2d. now they're just as bad - maybe worse. somewhere along the line the mentality shifted and now you have people who used the term jokingly back then with actual 'waifus' and people like komeiji who are just batshit insane and living in an entirely different reality.
    there's no discussion about anime anymore, it's just a huge masturbation session. it honestly does need to go, or at least moot should find a way to get all the waifufags out.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)09:22 No.5554077
    /cgl/ is just as bad. All we do is talk about periods, dramas, pooping, and how slutty we are.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)09:23 No.5554079

    I'm all for the CLEANSING AND PURGING of waifufags. I am an anime fan, but I feel ashamed whenever I visit /a/ and see the mix of batshit waifufaggotry and rampant mysogynism in most threads.

    Of course, sometimes /a/nons turn around and remind me why I am still an animu&mango fan, and how many of them share my tastes (dat Baldur's Gate thread several weeks ago).

    tl; dr: /a/ must endure, faggots must GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)09:31 No.5554087
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    You need to seriously be punched in your vagina if you think his arrest was one step closer to 'saving the children'. They should have caught actual cp fags instead of a harmless nigger waifufag.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)09:40 No.5554098
    Way too many /soc/ whores on /cgl/ these days.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)09:40 No.5554099
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    What, do you expect 4chan to respect women?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)10:04 No.5554113
    Remember 99% of /cgl/ is fresh from tumblr, complete with militant misandro-feminism.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)10:08 No.5554114
    there is a difference between being a femnazi man hating bitch and being perfectly reasonable
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)10:09 No.5554116
    You're right.

    And /cgl/ is the former.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)10:22 No.5554119
         File: 1330615346.png-(98 KB, 764x259, Picture 9.png)
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    nope. Just a small portion of us. From what I've noticed the femnazi's here TEND to be loli's
    whether that's the majority of the femnazis here I don't know, but they're more prominent
    >mfw my friends goth loli friend is a chinese princess who expects her boyfriend to drive her everywhere but not get her license because "it's not expected of her"
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)10:22 No.5554120
    Isn't this what /jp/ is for? There's a lot of waifufags there.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)10:28 No.5554125
    I dunno why all the hate for /a/, just let them have their fun with their imaginary girlfriend club.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)10:28 No.5554126
    It's sad that a man can't discuss watching little girls get fucked on camera without being arrested. What is the world coming to?

    Well I guess the only free place on the internet is tor.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)10:31 No.5554136
    >mfw my friends goth loli friend is a chinese princess who expects her boyfriend to drive her everywhere but not get her license because "it's not expected of her"

    That's how all women are. Gender roles and expectations are bad...but only if they hurt women. Otherwise it's a-ok.
    >> Squid Girl 03/01/12(Thu)10:55 No.5554186

    It is still illegal to have CP overall and it clearly tells a person someone's intentions. Just having that shit is clearly a fact to panic and it is wrong anyway you see it. That is not being a nigger, niggers usuallly have swag and don't waste their fucking life on the internet. You are a fucking fool.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)10:58 No.5554190
    But he has no CP.

    Imagine you said some morbid joke, on a page that is known to be a joke, about you killing your wife and having trouble with getting rid of her remains and then the FBI would come into your house, go through your possessions, search through everything and then arrest you on the suspicion of murder.

    Whatever your opinion about CP may be, you are disgusting human being for supporting thought police and denying the basic human right to freedom of speech, if you think the way the acted was alright.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:01 No.5554198

    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:01 No.5554199
    >poster says swag
    >poster is probably a night rider
    >your argument is automatically invalid.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:05 No.5554204
    His video fucking a pillow is a little disturbing but funny. I wonder if the "CP" referred to is actually hentai loli.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:06 No.5554206
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    >>5552838 Funny guy he is.

    Heed me: If thou wouldst dress the dead and play amongst them, thou shall join their ranks.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:08 No.5554211
    might be.
    Canadian fag got charged with possession of cp for his loli hentai a while ago.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:09 No.5554213

    Nobody's denying him his right to speech, he just has to live with the fucking consequences of saying "HEY! I HAVE CHILD PORNOGRAHPY!" on an open, public website with his REAL NAME attached to it.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:09 No.5554214

    how the fuck do you know he has no CP? CP is CP even if it ends up being hentai, it contains CP. The feds will try to put him away for that anyway. And when in prison, the other inmates won't be giving a shit if it's 2D or 3D, he has CP and they won't hesitate to rape him and then kill him.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:10 No.5554218
    >CP is CP even if it ends up being hentai

    Good thing the Supreme Court had the aptitude to recognize that drawings of fictional nude children aren't CP.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:11 No.5554219
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    >>5554214 even if it ends up being hentai, it contains CP

    Loli hentai and CP are both illegal, but if you think they're the same thing, you're a fucking moron, plain and simple.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:14 No.5554225
    The nominee is quoted as saying that if the choice of a sexual partner were protected by the Constitution, "prostitution, adultery, necrophilia, bestiality, possession of child pornography, and even incest and pedophilia" also would be. He is probably mistaken, legally--but that is unfortunate. All of these acts should be legal as long as no one is coerced. They are illegal only because of prejudice and narrowmindedness.

    Some rules might be called for when these acts directly affect other people's interests. For incest, contraception could be mandatory to avoid risk of inbreeding. For prostitution, a license should be required to ensure prostitutes get regular medical check-ups, and they should have training and support in insisting on use of condoms. This will be an advance in public health, compared with the situation today.

    For necrophilia, it might be necessary to ask the next of kin for permission if the decedent's will did not authorize it. Necrophilia would be my second choice for what should be done with my corpse, the first being scientific or medical use. Once my dead body is no longer of any use to me, it may as well be of some use to someone. Besides, I often enjoy rhinophytonecrophilia (nasal sex with dead plants).
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:17 No.5554232

    It's the same shit and if you don't agree then you two fucking retards belong in a jail cell too. Go back to /a/ you fucking retarded faggots.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:18 No.5554235
    >>5554232 It's the same shit

    No children are abused in the making of loli hentai. Prove me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:23 No.5554241
    >Go back to /a/
    When did this become a thing? I really always thought most girls here part timed there anyway, along with the other anime boards.
    >> Radisshu !..Lavieh/I 03/01/12(Thu)11:26 No.5554248
    Oh boy, an 'oldfag' from Know Your Meme.

    It's just a vocal minority that's dragging waifufags down. Not all of us have mental problems like Komeiji or view a waifu as a replacement life partner in the form of a pillow. A lot of the misogyny, '3DPD' and shitposting stems from the new users from /b/, /v/ and the like. They misunderstand the concept of 'waifu' and since they have obviously no taste in anime, all they can do is talk about is their loneliness, hatred for women, their seasonal waifus and trolling people like Komeiji.

    >dat Baldur's Gate thread several weeks ago
    The Ben Stiller one? Best thread we had all month.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:26 No.5554249
    CP hentai creeps me out but seriously. Drawn porn = a story someone's made up and drawn, real cp porn = watching a kid getting raped. Regardless, it blows my mind that in America you can get arrested for talking about something illegal.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:30 No.5554255
         File: 1330619457.jpg-(102 KB, 353x355, 1328128728063.jpg)
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    >/cgl/ mad because /a/ doesn't go "soooo cute please date me" when they post their shopped cosplay pictures
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:32 No.5554260
    /cgl/ are pretty much entirely normalfags. I don't know where you got the idea anyone here goes to /a/.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:35 No.5554264
    Because we do, an have discussed things they do, like that chart of "types of female anime fans" we cosplayed
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:40 No.5554270
    >>5554249 It blows my mind that in America you can get arrested for talking about something illegal.

    No, in America you can get arrested for ADMITTING in a public post that you OWN something illegal.

    If you announce on Facebook HOLY SHIT I FUCKING LOVE COCAINE and all you do is talk about how I DO COCAINE GUYS IT'S AWESOME, don't act surprised when a drug team rolls in to bust you.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:42 No.5554275
    Crazy bitch girl.
    >implying the bitches on here aren't shotacons.

    There has been a recent influx of normalfags on every board since /soc/.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:55 No.5554291

    I love how mad Americans get when you insult their country.

    No, it's not normal to get arrested for talking about doing something illegal, because the police don't know if you're joking or lying. They need proof. That's why you get arrested for carrying cocaine but not for being high.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:58 No.5554296

    it's not even when you insult their country, it's more like when you _dare_ to imply that _anything_ about the place is less than ideal. I mean fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:04 No.5554306

    >police don't know if you're joking or lying. They need proof.

    I agree with this and I'm American.
    >> The Cosplay Cop 03/01/12(Thu)12:26 No.5554339

    >it blows my mind that in America you can get arrested for talking about something illegal.

    Talk about bombs at at any airport around the world and see what happens.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:29 No.5554345
    Eh, I'm all for freedom of speech but from what I've heard so far about what jokes he made, it's no wonder the FBI got involved. If you continue to make comments of the same offensive nature on a public website, then yeah, you're going to get in trouble because people are going to start thinking you're serious. Especially when it comes to children.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:40 No.5554365
    >Regardless, it blows my mind that in America you can get arrested for talking about something illegal.

    After all the terrorist attacks and the school shootings, it's not really a surprise. People gave warnings ahead of time talking about "I'd love to shoot everyone" or "I'm going to shoot everyone, just watch." and no one did anything because it could be played off as joking and then bam! students are being shot left and right and no one saw it coming. Now, if you repeatedly talk about something illegal to the point where you're actively saying "Well maybe if I go do this illegal act..." then that's when the police start monitoring you. Thad was actively talking about wanting to go adopt a kid to rape and talking about CP and how to get it. I'm surprised the FBI didn't get him sooner.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:44 No.5554378
    From what I heard on /a/, he had real CP, he wasn't just posting troll comments on FB.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:52 No.5554398
    I think you completely missed what they were saying.

    They don't seem angry at all.

    Also, he wasn't arrested for talking about it. He was investigated for talking about it.

    >He is charged with receipt and possession of child pornography.

    Maybe you didn't read the article thoroughly..?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:53 No.5554399
    >From what I heard on /a/,

    And from what you could have read on the article as well.
    For anyone that didn't know about him, they could have just read the article.
    Seems like some people aren't..
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:55 No.5554410
    >They need proof.
    They have proof, he is being charged with possession. All his comments about liking CP combined with a video of him fucking a pillow of his waifu is enough to make a cop think "maybe we should check this guy's computer".
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:06 No.5554434
    all waifu faggots are misogynist Beta pig

    how can one hold 2D drawing above real life?? it's sick
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:07 No.5554439
    >They have proof, he is being charged with possession.
    Actually, they don't. They charged him right off the bat since they were confident to find some from the get go.

    >believing black men could be pedophiles.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:10 No.5554444
    They had been monitoring him for months though. They had to have found something, even visits to illegal websites.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:14 No.5554454
    >They had to have found something, even visits to illegal websites.
    Nope. No such need for that. Pedo cases are good for publicity, you don't need evidence to ruin potential pedo's lives.

    I hope you got your TORs all revved up, anons.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:18 No.5554466
    Either way, whether they arrested him for actual possession or not, I don't have much sympathy for him since he was dumb enough to repeatedly post about CP on Facebook in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:19 No.5554470
    He's been monitored and if they found evidence a trial is going to decide about it, what's the fucking problem? If you run around seemingly high the cops check if you took drugs. What is the fucking problem?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:22 No.5554479
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    >Actually, they don't. They charged him right off the bat since they were confident to find some from the get go.

    How do you know that? Link?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:24 No.5554485
    And once again, it comes down to the fact that he was using his right of freedom of speech.

    There's no mention they -found- anything in the articles. Ever heard of presumption of innocence?

    Although, they could technically roll with images of almost any female anime character they'd find on his computer.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:27 No.5554493
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    So you don't know that they didn't find anything. You're just assuming they didn't.

    Got it.

    captcha: trickery, neundsc
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:28 No.5554496
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    See, but you don't have any evidence that they found anything either.

    Therefore, the law is on my side.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:34 No.5554504
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    >He is charged with receipt

    But then, I guess we don't have evidence that his real name is Thaddeus McMichael, do we? That could be a lie too!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:40 No.5554512
    As I've said, they could have charged him with that simply based on the animu pictures on his Facebook wall.

    You just afraid they gonna getchuuu anon.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:50 No.5554524
    They charged him with possession, it's in the article. Contrary to what Law and Order may tell you, unless you live in the ghetto, cops can't just burst into your house and arrest you.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:52 No.5554528
    >unless you live in the ghetto, cops can't just burst into your house and arrest you.
    You just countered your own argument. OP is obviously black too.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:55 No.5554533
    master troll/10

    hats off to you, gentleman
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)13:55 No.5554534
    If you're on 4chan long enough you're eventually learn how to acquire CP whether you want to or not. Tor is very retard-proof now, it is very easy to find and download CP without getting caught. It's not like by telling people how to find CP he was sharing any kind of secret forbidden knowledge with them. I could even teach my grandma how to go to the Tor hidden wiki.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:06 No.5554563
    Tor is government sponsored honeypot.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:08 No.5554575
    Kid was asking for it. If I made a blog of me smoking crack, talked nothing about smoking crack, and posted pics/videos of me smoking crack, nobody should be surprised when I get busted for drug possession.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:15 No.5554598

    Rappers rap about drugs and murder, should they get arrested on just that?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:19 No.5554611
    No, but if they posted pics/had blogs devoted entirely to that and said "yes, I really am a drug user and murderer, I have no regrets" then yeah, it'd be no surprise when they get arrested.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:19 No.5554612

    This guy didn't post photos of him fucking children so your comparison makes no sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:21 No.5554614
    Yes, the more niggers in jail the less there are in the real world.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:24 No.5554623
    He posted a pic of his fucking CP folder, are you even being serious right now?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:25 No.5554624

    overcrowded prisions just mean more get out on parole.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:26 No.5554630

    he did? did it actually have cp in it or was it just a folder with the title "cp lol".
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:38 No.5554650
    He is not charged with that so your comparison makes even less sense.

    I'm certain the police knows by now. Finding out stuff like that gotta be the easiest shit. Just track his online activity. You don't have to clean your guns, drive all the way and kick in a door.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:32 No.5554916
    >how can one hold 2D drawing above real life??
    Ask muslims lol
    >> Lolipedo !!gA33BqpJ/X9 03/01/12(Thu)20:20 No.5555822
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)21:01 No.5556003
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)21:02 No.5556009
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)21:03 No.5556015
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)21:03 No.5556016
    I feel horrible for laughing at the folder names.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)21:04 No.5556021
         File: 1330653894.png-(26 KB, 826x239, 1330638404684.png)
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    Ahem! so yeah.....who are the retards in this board who said he wasn't raided for having cp? Who was it? Oh retards brainwashed by thad himself thinking this shit is cool. i sure hope thad get's what he will be getting in a prison cell, a fucking beat down!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)21:05 No.5556025
    >Those directory names
    Why would you name it "don't click"? That just makes people want to open it.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)21:07 No.5556031
    Dear lord his spelling is fucking awful. Glad to hear there's proof of him being guilty. Not like that will shut up his defenders.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)21:09 No.5556037
    I still can't tell if he's a pedo, or just your typical 2012 /b/tard thinking it's "lolsofunnyXD" to have CP on your computer.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)21:11 No.5556043
    Proper download.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)21:11 No.5556046
    I don't get their logic. It's "lolI'msoedgyandhardcore!" until they get busted and then they start going "Why me?! I didn't do anything! It was a joke!"

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