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  • File: 1330466987.jpg-(36 KB, 400x262, japanesehappynumberone..jpg)
    36 KB Weaboo/Con Horror stories Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)17:09 No.5547769  
    The last one auto saged. So lets get a new one going.

    So any good weaboo/convention horror stories?
    Reposts of old ones are just fine, but new ones are encouraged.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)18:04 No.5547940
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)18:30 No.5548008
    here's a mild weeb one, dont really have any con ones
    >guy in the animation department at my school
    >obsessed with naruto and ramen
    >he has made two separate full models of ramen shops based off of the one in naruto. also once made a presentation about how-to-prepare-ramen.
    >overhear him talking to a friend about naruto
    >"yeah, as soon as I saw Naruto I identified with him because it was like, he loves ramen, and I love ramen, too. It's crazy."
    >sure is.
    >one day guy trolls the class with "do you think japanese people should be allowed to eat babies?"
    >entire class is stupid, honestly believes this is a real issue.
    >of course everyone says japan should not be allowed to eat babies
    >weeb says that japan should be allowed to eat whatever they want
    >after all they made ramen, I think they know what they're doing when it comes to food.
    >comes into the next class with a full paper defending the japanese position on eating babies.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)18:33 No.5548021

    Damn that isn't mild, that's pretty severe! Hilarious though.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)18:36 No.5548029
    I guess I just meant mild compared to the shit like stabbing a handicapped girl in the leg.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)21:00 No.5548590
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)22:15 No.5548869
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)22:20 No.5548895
    Oh my god, if only he wasn't being serious, this would have been the best shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)22:25 No.5548914
    I recently sold in the Artist's Alley at a convention.

    A girl came up (who I had never met in my life) and started asking me for money. she had this entire story made up about how her boyfriend and her went on this expensive dinner and their bill was a lot more than they had anticipated and they needed gas money to get back home. I told her no but she wouldn't leave so I told her to come back later. Huge mistake. She followed me around the entire con and bothered guests at my table begging for money. I was so embarrassed and frustrated.

    Every time I made a sale she gave me a dirty look because I wouldn't give her any of the money.

    OH, and her boyfriend kept coming back with more items he was purchasing even though they had 'no money'.

    I didn't give her any.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:09 No.5549175
    I hate people who pull shit like this.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:10 No.5549189
    Reposting this one.
    Personally I don't have a horror story, just apparently a scammer tried to have a sexual excursion with me. To me it was a little scary

    I met him on a cosplay thread, I had posted my photo and the costume I was wearing. I was contacted by the dude and he mentioned he was going to a similar con. So we decided to chat over an instant messenger. I saw no harm in this, I thought I was going to have my first cosplay friend since I was so new to the scene and he said he was a prop maker. I thought 'Neato! I can learn shit! '
    Sure we chatted casually for a bit. Then he started asking me if I had the sword for my character, I told him no I didn't have enough money. He said he'd make it. I was a little uneasy about this. I told him that he didn't have to and that I had no money. He kept saying how he was going to make it.
    So I thought "uh..okay?" I felt a little least then I had always paid commissioners for whatever they made me.
    No discussion of money. Okay, so that was sat aside for a bit. We started talking about the convention and how exciting it's going to be. Then he proceded to say how he wanted to take naughty photos. Uncomfortable. So very uncomfortable where this is going. I immediately told him that I had a boyfriend. I'm trying my hardest to not be rude. He said it was okay because he had a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:15 No.5549221

    I told him that I wasn't okay with it (something about me being a jealous gf )...but then he continued to try and get me to okay his idea for him, his girlfriend, my boyfriend, and I to take naughty photos together.
    Then he said we should exchange naughty photos. At that moment. Right there. I told him no. Flat out. My balls dropped somewhat that night. He was a little offended. Started to say something how I was leading him on. I wish I could remember more.
    Then the conversation steered off of that and then he said he was finished with the sword. I squirmed a bit because I felt rude being uncomfortable about something he seemed so interested in making. I thought I should be greatful. He seemed really happy to do it. I unfortunately was just a dumb ass who didn't know how to say no.
    So he sent me a photo of it. I wish I didn't click that link.
    He took a photo of himself and the sword...shirtless. I didn't know what he looked like until then.
    He was clearly much much older than I was at the time (I was 16) and he seemed like he had...boils? I don't know but giant puss filled...things...they where...everywhere...
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:20 No.5549245
    Seriously. if i was there to make money I wouldn't give it away to someone I didn't even know because they 'ran out of money and can't get home' or wtf ever. I hope to God people don't actually fall for those bullshit stories.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:26 No.5549284
    does anyone have the one with the guy who had a beard and some girl got her vagina blood on it that wouldn't wash off?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:28 No.5549301
    Sold stuff in an Artist Alley a long time ago. Had to sit next to a table of fat bitches who kept talking to each other in broken Japanese. They were like at least mid thirties, early forties, but they kept using high pitched fake 'kawaii japanese' accents. All they kept saying to each other were elementary phrases about having a nice day and good weather...just, fucking, over and over like they were having some long conversation in japanese and not actually repeating themselves for fifteen minutes.
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/28/12(Tue)23:30 No.5549306
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    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 02/28/12(Tue)23:32 No.5549319

    Yikes, that is awkward as fuck. If you ever happen to have a problem like that again, I would call security and let them know you're being harassed?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:49 No.5549378
    >People next to me in AA buy one of my handmade plush. Even pay me more than I was asking because it is 'so cute and it's worth more'.
    >Couple of months later I see pics of them selling their version of it at a different con.
    >All my rage.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:07 No.5549469
    ... what the flying fuck. That shit ain't cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:19 No.5549528
    Original character, or just some existing character. If the later, that's just the way it goes. They have about as much claim to your design as you did the character's.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:23 No.5549549
    not a horror story, just something small I'm glad I never ended up doing
    >bought one of those fleece anime hats you see at every convention. this one was a grey one with bunny ears and skull in the middle because I thought it was cute
    >never wore it because I figured other people might not see it as such
    Even when I was 13 and a bit of a weeaboo, I'm glad I still had some common sense and awareness
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:31 No.5549588
    I should also mention the fact that her drawings are horrible and are mostly tracings. At one point she tried to deny that she was tracing but we I was at her house one time I found proof. Some of it is posted on her deviantart as well, and I still have a lot of copies of the pictures I was forced to draw for her as well.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:44 No.5549655
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    > friend is throwing a hetalia cosplay picnic
    > still pretty new to the series and the fandom, but decide to go because it sounds fun
    > cosplay as north italy, having fun, meeting new friends
    > but this one fucking "cosplayer"
    > wearing a paper france mask
    > literally a piece of paper that looks like his face tied around her head
    > typical messy weeb attire, doesn't take care of herself
    > generally being obnoxious and rude to everyone else, interrupting people, harassing people not in cosplay and not at the picnic
    > as she makes her way to me i feel my stomach drop
    > starts tugging my fake curl, asking me to moan and do things i'm very uncomfortable with
    > politely tell her to back off
    > she does, for a while
    > sitting in the gazebo where the picnic is, the floor is made out of marble, chatting with people
    > she appears out of nowhere and fucking TACKLES me to the ground
    > horrible cracking sound, my leg is bending in a way it's not meant to bend
    > everyone notices, pulls this girl off and kicks her out, she starts blubbering about how it's not her fault and she's just being "in character"
    > broken leg, in a cast
    > mfw

    i saw her last year at a con cosplaying chibitalia and i ran like fuck. i have more hetalia horror stories, if anyone wants to hear.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:50 No.5549683
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    >broken leg
    Oh dear Lord. You poor thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:51 No.5549687
    more please
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:57 No.5549716
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    this one is a personal favorite

    > anime boston 2010
    > cosplaying america, bf is cosplaying england
    > con is going great! we're having so much fun
    > at one point in the day we run into a japan cosplayer
    > no wig, shitty kimono, but that's not the worst of it
    > her teeth
    > her fucking teeth
    > they're the gnarliest, grossest set of teeth i've ever seen on someone. giant misshapen yellow monsters
    > talk to her for a bit to be polite, her breath stinks but she's nice enough
    > suddenly, out of nowhere, she leans over and kisses my bf, trying to go for the lips but he pulls back at the last second
    > she says nothing, walks away
    > our faces when we see her walking around the con the next day
    > also our faces when she friends us both on facebook after the con

    she was nice but what the fuck why would you do that to someone
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:06 No.5549751
    I seriously hope neither of you were beta enough to accept that request.

    How do these weebs get this fucking bad?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:11 No.5549775
    god no. blocked and never looked back

    neither of us really knew what to do, it literally lasted all of ten seconds and we were both just like "what"
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:21 No.5549817
         File: 1330496505.jpg-(38 KB, 604x453, 27688_382163539681_684789681_4(...).jpg)
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    I have some hetalia ones too.

    >dressed as Ludwig (Germany) since he fits my physical type.
    >wearing a vintage uni from family members that I take loving care of.
    >made of heavy wool so I only wear it for a few hours each day.
    >photoshoot time!
    >meets tons of lovely people (some weirdo's) had awesome convo's with history major and uni lovers.
    >"I want to take a picture with Doitsu!"
    >o lawd
    >Massive (no lie ladies and gents) Italy wearing blue jeans, teal jacket, and wrinkled tie is literally holding other people back so she can take a picture with me. -> see picture for girth
    >Oblige. Pictures are harmless enough. She asks for "couples" pics. POLITELY DECLINE. My boyfriend is Turkey and right in front of me.
    >She proceeds to grab my arm and not let go until I appease her childish fantasies.
    >Use force to pry fingers away from my great-grandpa's uni and try to walk away.
    >She grabs that arm again and tugs with all her gargantuan might to try to convince me to take a picture with her.
    >The portly planet falls on her ass with the left arm of my great-grandpa's german uni in her sweaty palms.
    >storm back over to her with tears in my eyes, slap her once for good measure and take back my sleeve.
    >she procedes to bawl and tries to get con security on me.

    Happily, I fixed my uni and have now reinforced all seams just in case.
    pic related, her body-type
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:25 No.5549837
    My jaw dropped in horror because I love both clothing and history. I can't even imagine how you must have felt. If someone had done that to something of my family I would have done a lot more in my rage.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:27 No.5549846
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    oh my god
    i'm so sorry that happened! i wish people would learn respect for boundaries ah it makes me so irritated that these things happen.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:36 No.5549881
    No worries, thanks for the sympathy. It was completely heartbreaking and I prayed to my great-grandpa for forgiveness just in case since he willed the damn thing to the first born of my dads. Too bad I was a girl, but it fits like a glove if and inch or two too long.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:40 No.5549900
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:44 No.5549913
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    >slap her once for good measure and take back my sleeve

    Good girl.
    >> America !!opS+wTBZfhQ 02/29/12(Wed)01:45 No.5549918
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    I feel sorry for you guys! Holy shit, some people just can't grasp the concept of "personal space" or "no, I will not re-enact your yaoi fantasies for you". And what's worse is that these girls apparently don't know what they're doing wrong. God damn it fandom.....
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:49 No.5549933
    i've met a lot of really cool people in the fandom as well, so i guess it evens out. and i love having these stories to tell, as awkward and horrible as they are. i've been getting back into hetalia recently, because i feel like it's a little more chill now.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:59 No.5549956
    should have kept her there and called the cops.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:01 No.5549965
    So who paid for the hospital bills?
    >> America !!opS+wTBZfhQ 02/29/12(Wed)02:06 No.5549977
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    Well, it's pretty much a given that anything popular is gonna have great and terrible fans, but I'm pretty relieved that the Hetalia fandom is chilling out and most of the bad eggs are switching out for Homestuck. Although, I'm pretty surprised that I don't have any horror stories after being in this fandom and going to cons for so long.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:07 No.5549980
         File: 1330499246.png-(55 KB, 310x240, greece__s_failed_adventure_by_(...).png)
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    I have another one.

    >My boyfriend and I at another Con in our respective outfits (myself as Germany and him as Turkey)
    >He is a damn fine looking man and is constantly harassed by fangirls and Greece hambeasts. (My poor man)
    >He is a kind person and takes pictures with all of them no matter how close they stand. One even tried to kiss him and I made sure that I held his hand the entire con because for some odd reason fangirls think that any man at a con is single. (gigglesnort)
    >He is a brave man a puts up with all the nonsense that goes down and handles it all with dignity. until.....
    >A fem! Greece has been heavily flirting with him all day off and on, insinuating she has a room all to herself, booze, etc.
    >She was quite normal looking and only slightly greasy ( a nice reprieve from the usual Hetalia fandom)
    >We are sitting down for lunch and who would you guess would plop down in his lap. (yup)
    >"Did you miss me baby?"
    >my boyfriends face was priceless people, it was like death and the devil knocked on his door.
    >"What do you think you are doing?" he is fed up by now
    >"Being sexy of course" no lie folks, exact quotes here.
    >" Look, I am tired of this. I have no interest in you what so ever. That girl across the table" (points to me) " has been my girlfriend for the past three years and I have no desire to fulfill some fantasy of yours or become another notch."
    >She literally throws a fit and tries to hit both of us.
    >We book it like the fit fags we are and out run her and don't stop till we reach our hotel room down the street.
    >Laugh uncontrollably and then amazing sexytimes. All was good.

    We were quite happy to never see her again but later found out that she had multiple (non-consent) pics on her devi-art titled "My Husbando" i laughed my ass off and he went pale.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:08 No.5549986
    So this one isn't too bad, but I feel like sharing it anyways. Sorry for typos in advance, if there are any.

    >Used to like Hetalia like big time.
    >Cosplayed as Germany and my friend was Belgium.
    >She ships GerBel(Germnay/Belgium) like there is no tomorrow.
    >She always had to be IC when around me and say things like "Oh Germany can I taste your wurst?" or "Or Germany do you want to see my flowers?" (Flowers to her were her tits)
    >This went one for a few months and I would tell her that it was kind of annoying and I don't act IC all the time.
    >She stopped for a while or so I thought.

    >Ended up getting a email for some person asking me if I was cheating on my 'friend' with this guy I was dating at the time.
    >Tell them no and I have no idea what they are talking about.
    >They go on to tell me that she had been telling anyone who asked that we were dating, and all this other bullshit. (This chick will swear she is 'no homo' till the day she dies.)

    >Found this out and had to pretty much tell all our friends that we weren't together and after all this more shit happened and I said "Fuck this I'm done" and left.
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 02/29/12(Wed)02:16 No.5550016
    I think I told bits of this one before but not the full thing.

    >Junior year high school
    >Head photographer on our school paper, no one reads it of course but hell it's fun.
    >School had three anime type clubs.
    >Anime Club, Manga Club, and the Asian Culture Club
    >All kinda had the same members but the Anime and Manga clubs had a few sane people in it who just enjoyed watching anime on tuesdays after school or what not
    >not the asian culture club, they were pure extreme weeb every one of them
    >Also, no asians in the asian culture club for some reason. Just a sea of white pastey greasy haired teens.
    >Forced to take their photo for an article. Kinda begrudge it, half show up in 'cosplay'
    >No wigs, un hemmed seams EVERYWHERE, the crosplayers didnt bind. Really dont want to publish this picture in the paper of them, would make their name worse than it was. But not much I could do.
    >Publish it, article also has some riveting lines like "We go to a chinese or japanese restaurant once every two weeks to take in the rich asian culture!" "We consider ourselfs well cultured and high class individuals, it would be great if more students got involved with other cultures besides American!"
    >Cringe at each quote from them....
    >Here comes April
    >Were doing an april fools issue, all fake articles with corresponding pictures
    >Oh this is gonna be good.
    >Pitch an article on the "American Culture Club."

    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:19 No.5550026
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:22 No.5550039

    I'm excited for whatever is gonna happen
    >> America !!opS+wTBZfhQ 02/29/12(Wed)02:23 No.5550042
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    >"Being sexy of course"
    Pffffft, I lost it right there. I love stories like this!

    >American Culture Club
    Fuck yeah
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 02/29/12(Wed)02:25 No.5550045
    part 2

    >Comb through year book for every asian I can and round them up for a picture.
    Cliff note here but it was kinda funny to be walking through the halls with my big ass camera, a large check list and an army of asians behind me. Anyways.
    >Tell them all to pose with gansta signs
    >Do so, wonderful picture, wish I still had a copy
    >Dont get to write the article but it's pretty ovciosly a mockery with copy cat lines of "We go to subway at least once a month to take in the rich american culture."
    >Feel a tiny bit bad about it, but all in good fun, hell I'm am an anime fan myself, need to be able to laugh at your subcultures antics every now and again.
    >Article gets published
    >President of the Asian culture club storms into the publications room the day the paper gets printed and published (April first of course)
    >Raises hell about how we are bigoted racist people and should be ashamed of ourselves
    >The editor and chief of our paper frantically looking at me for help and trying to defuse the situation
    >I stand up and take credit for pitching the article and being the backing force behind it.
    >She gives me one hell of a long look. Dont think she realizes that she follows my cosplay account on DA (I look at most people who add me and I recognized her in her cosplay pictures)
    >Get berated for being an awful person and if I ever watched a good asian film I would have more appreciation for the club
    >She leaves in a huff while I'm trying not to laugh.

    and continuing again. To come: A petition to get me removed from paper staff, angry parent letters, and a poorly penned opinion piece submitted by a certain some one to our paper. And now their whole club hates me.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:27 No.5550054
    Oh for the love of god, more. This is hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:27 No.5550056
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:29 No.5550059
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    your man sounds like a champ
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 02/29/12(Wed)02:38 No.5550075
    Woops * Obviously a mockery anyways the story goes on

    >We get a very angry letter one day. Asking that I Jill be removed from one of the head staff positions for my immoral and biased opinions being a hindrance to fair and honest reporting.
    >Laugh my ass off, as does my boss and our adviser (the class teacher basically)
    >Angry email from a few parents in the Asian Culture Club complaining that I am a bully as was the writer of the piece
    >Ok I can kinda see that one, write an apology to each of the emails for any offense it may have caused and hope that they still saw the humor in the paper and realized we were all in jest and not serious.
    >Several of the club members confront me with claims of me being 'uncultured'
    >I try really hard not to laugh at all of this.
    >The president still follows me on DA and faves and comments my pictures..
    >"How the hell has she not realized were the same person? I dont look that different in a wig."
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 02/29/12(Wed)02:39 No.5550077
    >Get an anonymous article dropped off to us one da with the request that it goes in the opinion piece (despite that we dont have a section where we put other students works in, it's all staff written pieces)
    >it questions the validity of the staff and again cites me and the articles co author as two shining examples of how our paper is a corrupt representation of our school. Goes on to defend the asian culture and says we have no place to mock their ideals of thinking japenese comics and cartoons represent the whole culture
    >"And it's not a purely japanese obsessed club! We listen to korean music and go to chinese restaurants too!"
    >It ends on requesting a formal apology from me and the other author, as well as the two of us being 'fired' (even though it's just a class)
    >Editor laughs, teacher laughs, we do neither and I dont write up an apology
    >Get a few more angry letters from her but it dies around there.

    A bit of a lame ending/story but it made for some really funny laughs.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:39 No.5550078
    >At animeFEST 2010
    >There is this Sora (Kingdom Hearts) cosplayer that used to stalk me and tried to be my friend.
    >At first he didn't seem too bad until I got to know him, and I started to hear more about him from other people.
    >Finds out he tried to have sex with my underage friend, more than once, no matter how many times she said no.
    >Went around to different girls asking them if they would sleep with him, and so on.
    >Back to con, I'm sitting around a table with a few friends while eating pizza.
    >I don't hear him come up behind me and wrap his arms around my neck.
    >I freak out he says he's sorry and didn't mean to scare me.
    >He then leans back in and tells "I'm going up to my room for bed. I'll see you soon I hope? Well goodnight, babe." and he walks off.
    >All my other friends are busy eating and talking they don't notice what happened.
    >The next day he follows me around trying to get me to take yaoi pictures of Axel (who I was cosplaying) and of Sora.
    >Tell him no.
    >He then asks about Larxene and Sora.
    >Again, no.
    >Follows me around more like a love sick puppy begging for pictures.
    >Had enough told him off and that was that.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:42 No.5550086
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    >Go to my very first con with two gals and a buddy who has a crush on one of said gals
    >Guy buddy has always been rather stoic but there's been moments where you can tell he has pent up anger
    >With the rest of our friends we've commented on it and have actually compared him to some serial killer
    >Not exactly the nicest thing to say but we all rail on each other
    >The girls cosplayed while he and I just hung back
    >Monstrous orb of fat in a plastic bag rolls up to the two of them and begins harassing them about something or other
    >He and I step up and get the girls away from the Orb Woman
    >Several times we notice Orb Woman in our immediate area but she doesn't approach
    >End of the day, we head up to our floor
    >Run into a mutual friend that my buddy and I know
    >We chat in the hall and the girls go to the room
    >After about 20 minutes we get back to the room
    >Apparently we are on the same floor as Orb Woman and she had seen them
    >She had harassed them and apparently pushed them around
    >The gal that my buddy likes was in tears
    >He just stood there looking at her for a few minutes while I talked with them trying to get info and comfort them
    >Finally he asks "Did you see which way she went?"
    >They tell him and he walks out the door without a word
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:43 No.5550090
    Sora's are always manwhores.
    Its like a cosplay law.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:44 No.5550092
    Oh my god, you're right.
    I never thought of it like that before.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:44 No.5550094
    Tell me that wasn't the end.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 02/29/12(Wed)02:45 No.5550096
    OH you utter cunt. I didn't need to see that image first thing in the morning. While talking to the girl I last saw in that condition. CHEERS LOVE.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:45 No.5550098
         File: 1330501546.jpg-(247 KB, 594x600, 1320721895162.jpg)
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    >About half an hour later we hear a loud noise, like something being hit
    >We look out of our room to see what it is but can't really see anything
    >Other patrons are out too, everyone sorta mulls about and chats about it
    >It seems our friend had knocked on every single door...
    >A few more minutes pass and suddenly we see him coming out of another room down the hall
    >He walks by without saying a word to anyone, heading straight for the girl he likes
    >Asked her if she was okay, she was, and then went into our room

    We had no idea what he did in that room with Orb Woman but we did not see her again. Obviously he didn't do anything terrible or he'd have been arrested or some such. Despite that, we don't joke about him being a serial killer any more... All we have is what he told us when we managed to get him absolutely blitzed almost a full year later.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:48 No.5550102
    And what did he tell you?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:53 No.5550119
         File: 1330502019.jpg-(48 KB, 438x788, motoko.jpg)
    48 KB
    Oh god, I've known two big weebs in my life but none as quick to make a situation awkward as ...let's call her Shana. I think all of us in this sort of fandom have our encounters with a weeb and may even come to accept the inevitability of them but I was never prepared for the first day I met her.

    >Just started college and attended an english class
    >Automatic group assignment
    >Paired up with two pretty normal friendly girls and one slightly awkward one who makes offcolor jokes.
    >Assume she's just the funny bold type who doesn't really know how to make a first impression
    >Spots some inuyasha pictures on her folder
    >can't stand the show or manga but hey it's a basis for conversation
    >Make the HUGE mistake of bringing it up in an attempt to be friendly
    >She is absolutely thrilled we have something in common (An interest in anime) and clings to me like we're best friends
    >Laugh it off, sense impending weeb drama
    You know how some people tone down their nerdiness in front of others in an attempt to not seem weird and make everyone else uncomfortable? Well...Shana didn't have the ability- as a matter of fact all she seemed to ever talk about was anime and in particular yaoi....
    >Next day, arrive to class early and spot Shana waiting by the door on her lap top
    >Join her as she calls me over
    >Horrified to find that she's watching hardcore hentai with the sound turned off in public.
    >class starts and we don't talk much
    >Go onto next class glad to be rid of her
    >Nope. She's in the lab while my class is and sticks to my side
    >Asks me to proof read something once I'm free
    >Assume it's related to English Class
    >Nope. It's her fanfic
    >She literally watches as I read it
    >Awkward as fuck
    >It's graphic and every sexual detail is drawn ought...but worst of all it's about her
    >Or rather her as a half demon having sex with sesshoumaru in first person
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:54 No.5550120
         File: 1330502055.jpg-(87 KB, 952x634, Wrist Make-up.jpg)
    87 KB
    Relax, relax, same person who posted. That's actually a test make-up effect I did for a short movie. I have videos of it applied and being removed.

    Here's me eating at an Applebee's with it still applied!

    He said that he kept knocking on doors until he found the right one. When she answered he asked what she did to that girl he liked. She tried closing the door but he immediately kicked it before it could shut. He then pushed her over, climbed on top of her, and put his hand over her mouth. He said he got forehead-to-forehead with her and said something along the lines of "If I ever see you again I will come back and I will break your legs. If you think you're fat now, just wait until you show up on TLC as the world's fattest woman because you can't burn those 3 daily calories as the walk to the fridge."
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:55 No.5550125
    Inside of the wound is too smooth. Other than that, nice.
    >> Eva Braun !OrYgEquius 02/29/12(Wed)02:57 No.5550128
    Okay. Hiding this post as well though, sorry. Even if I know it's fake, that shit freaks me out now. Nobody needs to see the inside of their best friend's arm :|
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:59 No.5550130
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:04 No.5550140
         File: 1330502681.jpg-(132 KB, 673x687, ODST Con Melee.jpg)
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    Yeah, I didn't have any layer below to simulate muscles or tendons and I didn't blend the seams at the edges very well. In fact, I barely have any make up on it and it looks yellow because of it.

    Considering it was my very first time ever messing with latex and blood, and I was just experimenting, I'm rather happy with how it looks.

    The final one that was used for our movie was much nicer but I never got any pictures of it and it's barely visible in the movie. Oh well.

    I'm sorry, I know that stuff sucks. Not because I've personally witnessed anyone I love being harmed but because I see how some of my family reacts when they see bullet holes, thanks to an incident where I shot myself in the face when I was 7.

    Fuckin' right! So many people were concerned for me and asked about it while we were eating. Four different waiters/servers and three other patrons. I think after the first waiter saw it and had it explained to him, he sent another waiter just to freak him out and it just kept going. Since we were sitting by a window I also kept waving at people who were walking around outside and I seemed to freak out a number of them as well.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:08 No.5550150
         File: 1330502915.png-(14 KB, 450x450, 1DONT3V3N.png)
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    > but I'm pretty relieved that the Hetalia fandom is chilling out and most of the bad eggs are switching out for Homestuck

    Take them back, for the love of god. We don't want them. Please.

    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:09 No.5550153
    Alright, so. I had an autistic friend in highschool that was a year ahead of me; everyone made fun of her, but she was kind to me. So I hung out with her every now and then.

    >Sitting in the cafeteria one day, sipping some orange juice
    >Talking about cosplay plans for ToraCon, a convention at a local university (and the only convention she had ever been to)
    >I tell her about my ideas
    >She gets super excited, asking if I'm gonna take any sexy pics
    >I quietly say "No, it seems like a bad idea."
    >She tells me she's going to cosplay SEXY ALBERT WESKER
    >She is about 5'3" and 170-180 or so
    >I desperate think of something to say to change the subject
    >"So, um... you like Resident Evil?"
    >"Oh. My. GOD. You need to read my fanfiction"

    Later in the library...
    >She finds me
    >Hands me a 40 page print out of her Wesker/OC lust fic
    >Asks me to critique the parts that I like/don't like

    I never had the guts to read it, but I think she may have forgotten she gave it to me... For the rest of out time together, she never brought it up again.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:10 No.5550155
         File: 1330503008.jpg-(33 KB, 400x323, nicethings.jpg)
    33 KB

    My face when the same thing happened to my favorite series, Hellsing.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:12 No.5550159
    No one wants them.

    Much like no one wanted constant Katawa Shoujo threads. They were unwanted from practically every board til they finally got shoehorned into /vg/.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:20 No.5550170
         File: 1330503614.gif-(71 KB, 500x346, tumblr_loqhr1nmLq1qmfoslo1_500.gif)
    71 KB
    I second this motion.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:25 No.5550187
    No way. Shit fans for a shitty fandom. MY HETALIA IS FINALLY FREE! Hellz yeah. Burgers for everyone!
    >> America !!opS+wTBZfhQ 02/29/12(Wed)03:30 No.5550202
         File: 1330504229.jpg-(138 KB, 520x797, guns.jpg)
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    We don't want 'em either! You're just gonna have to wait it out until they move on to the next big thing.
    >> !!tZOrmRlbLyc 02/29/12(Wed)03:36 No.5550211
    Fuck that shit. We don't want them just as much as you. Keep them for a while, or you know, forever.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)07:46 No.5550412
         File: 1330519618.jpg-(228 KB, 439x639, k50m6w.jpg)
    228 KB
    Speaking of shitty fandoms…
    >5'3" friend of mine really wants to cosplay Ciel at our next con but is afraid of the fandom.
    >I offer to be her Sebastian as protection. Hire amazon girlfriend to be Claude to watch our asses because she is 6'2" without heels and looks intimidating.
    >Very sweet, shy around big groups, and pretty protective.
    >Con comes, we Kuro it up. Ciel avoids problems thanks to girlfriend and myself.
    >Everything is good until the gathering's end.
    >Out comes this male Sebastian. Costume almost unrecognizable. No wig. The works.
    >Try to be nice and say hi. Bad fucking idea.
    >"Why Sebastian, you're looking very lovely today."
    >Thanks? Wtf is with the British accent and pretending to act cultured?
    >Takes my hand and bows. Says some shit about fine beauty.
    >Look around for amazon Claude. She’s giggling and chatting with an Alois and our Ciel goddamnit.
    >Thank him again, but to please stop because it’s awkward.
    > Say’s something like ”I can’t help it” And latches his hands onto my face, trying to kiss me.
    >Panic. Squeal like a dying animal. I haven’t even breathed before girlfriend pops out of nowhere.
    >She kind of slap-punches the side of his head hard enough to dislodge him while saying, and I quote “Bitch ass motherfucker get off my goddamn woman!”
    >Stops and freaks out, asking if he’s okay, she’s sorry, and is he hurt.
    >But then ragemode's again saying: “No, fuck that, you were on my girlfriend get out of here! I’m sorry but go!”
    >Guy seems too stunned/scared to say anything, and GTFO pretty fast. Never saw him again. Security did approach us about what happened.
    >Girlfriend panics, said she acted on reflex. They say it’s okay, that there were problems with him harassing people and he’s been kicked out, but told her to “watch her hands” lol.
    >> DerpQueen !ht5zsDerpQ 02/29/12(Wed)08:40 No.5550442
    >Met this beta male at a local con friends with my friends seems nice so start talking.
    >He tries to be "good friends" with me I use the word bro a lot make it obvious that I am not interested in romance with him
    > Just moves to a new town and he is lonely I feel bad because I have moved 10 times in my life so I know that feel.
    > Offer to go visit him and hangout and play xbox together.
    >Get really sick and end up not being able to go.
    >He stops talking to me.
    >Find out a couple weeks later he has been saying for a month that we have been in a relationship.
    >Tells my best friend that we hung out on that day that which I was sick and we hit it off.
    >Tells people that we play fight together and really weird sappy stories.
    >I confront him and ask him why he is saying all these things and that I am not interested in a relationship.
    >He lies and says he never said that and that everyone was lieing.

    This has happen to me a couple times. Just thought it was funny that the guy said we play fight.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)08:59 No.5550459
    Oh I have a funny small story to share with you, me and my friend were literally pissing ourselves after wards
    >At Midlands expo, my 5th con
    >Meet internet friend there, she's so fucking awesome
    >We were just fucking around and taking pictures of cosplayers
    >Some guy and his friend walk up to us
    >'Hey there!'
    >Lmao do I know you.jpeg
    >Him: 'This is a pretty cool con isn't it! It's our first time'
    >His friend is looking p bored and sort of embarrassed
    >Us: 'Yeah it's cool'
    >Him: 'How long have you guys been going'
    >Me: 'Since I was 11, since she was 12? 12 right?' (internet friend goes 'yeah')
    >Him: 'Mmmmhmmmmm so how old are you guys?'
    >His friend just like walks off with a bored expression on his face (I found that really funny)
    >Us: '15...'
    >Him: 'Mmmm yeah that'll work.'

    We then proceeded to act as unattractive as possible and he sort of awkwardly walked away and then we were cracking up it was so funny
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:06 No.5550579
    you're the unsocial, fuck-wit 'imsofunnyhaha' reason I avoid cons, this happen to me at sakuracon when I was trying to make friends on numerous occasions during the first day, I was the outcast among outcasts. I fucking hate you.
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 02/29/12(Wed)10:24 No.5550606
         File: 1330529084.gif-(1.23 MB, 300x227, 1285385234515.gif)
    1.23 MB
    > “Bitch ass motherfucker get off my goddamn woman!”
    I like her style.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:27 No.5550613
    Every time I see this gif, I like to imagine that TOP just walked by in nothing but a towel.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:32 No.5550621
    So you try to pick up underage girls and when they see through your skeevy bullshit and act uninterested you get butthurt? THAT'S why you're an outcast bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:33 No.5550625
    >Horror story thread
    >76 posts

    This gon' be guuuurd.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:38 No.5550629
    It's funny because I know who you are and everyone who has an encounter with this guy regrets it. He's creepy as fuck and will try to sleep with whoever shows interest.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:52 No.5550648
    Oh goodness ToraCon?
    I've been going there like..the past 5 years.
    I love it because it was my first convention but unfortunately it has attracted a lot of weebs.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:10 No.5550669
         File: 1330531802.gif-(1 MB, 350x191, 1327287655628.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:13 No.5550680
    first of all, I'm a normalfag attempting to make 'friends' im not trying to pick up anyone, I can agree I am a little strange and awkward.
    No you don't know me, married, and just interested in making friends at the con.. I'm pretty sure I only sleep with my wife.

    Maybe a little context to what I was talking about before.

    >sakuracon 2011
    >alone, new to area
    >approach people in MTG area, sit down, ask if I could join
    >Leave and walk around.. again still alone, approach guilty gear cosplayer to compliment her costume
    >assumed boyfriend intercepts and tells me to walk away
    >wtf am I doing wrong
    >walk around again, dealers room, chaos.
    >see blue exorcist cosplay
    >tell him he looks good

    Yeah fuck the con, and both of you assumed I was some creepy stalker. I didn't even bother going to the gintama showing I was hoping for and didn't go the next day.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:24 No.5550702
    I think he was referring to the
    >'Hey there!'
    >Lmao do I know you.jpeg
    kinda thing. It implies they were weirded out by someone just trying to make conversation, which is pretty dumb seeing as they were at a con, a big gathering for people with similar interests and that.
    What is this? It's become somewhat expected for people to weeb out on bishie riddled shows and the like... but Resident Evil? Really?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:35 No.5550715
    Poor baby!

    Omg hahaha yeah he just sorta of beelined towards us from the start and acted as if we knew him? Idk it's hard to explain but omg I should be used to it since YEAH DUH it is a con
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:36 No.5550717
         File: 1330533396.png-(68 KB, 350x350, 1318819190579.png)
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    Get out.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:42 No.5550725
    Did I
    hurt your feelings?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:45 No.5550729
    So then I say it looks good. He swells up with pride and says.
    >I'll only charge you 30.
    >Wait. What? I don't have any money!
    >WHAT! I made this for YOU. You could atleast pay me for it.
    > I never said I would pay for it! I told you I was broke!
    >You scammed me!
    >What? No I didn't read our conversation!
    Why didn't I just block him?
    So now he's raging and is upset with me. But then he tries to give it to me for meeting up at the convention. Well, I reflected on the past conversation...his want of naughty photos By now I was beyond uncomfortable with this fellow. So I tried to tell him I didn't attend panels or something, anything so that he wont want to hang out with me.
    Insists that we do. That I can pay him there.
    >I just told you I don't have cash!
    It became a circular conversation for some time and he basically is pissed that he thought he was getting paid for this.
    I felt kind of bad for this so I just told him about coscom and that he could sell it there. Which he did.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:46 No.5550731
         File: 1330534015.jpg-(34 KB, 400x313, 438437814-04ecf3c37226.jpg)
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    How does your inability to type in proper English hurt my feelings? Also sage and report for being under 18 because it's obvious you are.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:47 No.5550734

    >Skip to the convention
    I told my friends about the guy. They laughed their asses off.
    I'm coming down the escalator. And there he is. Him and his girlfriend are in Bleach cosplays. He's basically wearing a bathrobe, messed up Gin wig thats showing his hair. His teeth...oh my god his teeth. They were fucked up beyond belief. I cringed. The closer I got my friends tried to stifle their giggles. My friend in the kuukaku cosplay leaned into me and said "Go take a photo with him." I shook my head no. hell to the no. Him and his small group of friends, their costumes were equally bad, gathered at the bottom of the escalator. "HEY MATSUMOTOOOOO"
    I get off and I timidly wave hello. I look at his costume He was busting at the seams and he smelled like busted ass cheeks.
    My friend dressed as Yoruichi didn't like this or them. So she simply walked away and left me to deal with this odd group of people. My friend dressed as Kuukaku however...stayed to giggle at the sight. He then started to bring up the sword and some photos.
    >Remember he wanted to take naughty photos
    >I'm 16 and he looks to be about 20 or so
    Anyway. I somehow wiggled my way out the situation, or more like just walked away. My balls descended a bit more.

    Turns out now he scams people on props now. Just...really wish I could show you those...bumps...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:50 No.5550742
         File: 1330534221.png-(88 KB, 295x321, 1323792331636.png)
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    I remember creating a monster.

    Highschool, befriended a social outcast, seemed alright at first. He'd take the piss out of me for liking anime. Then he was interested, I introduced him to Hellsing n'all that.

    Anyway he became super saiyan 3 weeboo overnight and started saying how he "remembered" his dad telling him that he had a friend who worked for the animation company that did Astro Boy. The 80's Astro Boy, mind.

    This is high school and he was already "that kid". He was a nutty pathological liar, everything was lies. He also had the bloody bad tendancy to break his fucking limbs every second week because he attempted skateboard stunts he clearly had not practiced for.

    Fucks sake the whole thing is making me cringe remembering.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:50 No.5550743
         File: 1330534251.gif-(681 KB, 290x164, 2yw7io5.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)12:33 No.5550809
    >cosplaying as Germany
    >Boyfriend is Turkey
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)13:01 No.5550889
    Not cosplay but generic weeaboo:

    >I am 15 and still weebish myself
    >Sitting/waiting at a social club my mother runs until she's finished so we can go home
    >Brought my handmade FF7/anime/weeb folder with me to do some doodling and sketch up cosplay ideas
    >Guy around my age spies my folder, has a chat with my around videogames. Nice, kinda shy kid. Have no problem.
    >Later, get a phonecall on the housephone. It's him
    >WTF I didn't give him my number
    >"Oh, I asked your mother for it."
    >I hold an awkward conversation with him, he invites me to a movie. I politely decline as he lives 2 towns away and I am slightly creeped out.
    >He calls again the next day, and tells me I "am the only person I can talk to, no one else understands"
    >I make my excuses and back out of the convo, pretend I have dinner or something
    >He calls my house EVERY DAY
    >I make excuses to get out of the calls. I suggest to him that I do have a life and am not always home etc, I don't want to be called everyday
    >He still calls.
    >I stop answering the phone
    >I am afraid to answer it
    >He called every day for SIX MONTHS. My parents don't intervene but just tell him every time that I'm not home
    >I retain a phobia of telephones as an adult

    I have grown balls these days and would tell someone like this to heartily fuck off. As a 15 year old, it just fucking scared me to death.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)13:09 No.5550903
    >haves horrible grammer
    stopped reading there
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)13:14 No.5550917
    Does anyone have the story about the chick who got drunk and was then raped by a Kamina cosplayer and woke up covered in blue paint.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)13:17 No.5550923
    >become friends with a 18-year old girl through an anime website
    >have long-ass msn conversations
    >I become really attached to her
    >she starts showing signs of psycho-ness but I, in my naivety don't realize them
    >she shows me hardcore yaoi and yuri (including sensitive pornograph or whatever that one yaoi is called)
    >draws porn and writes fanfiction and shows them to me
    >she sends me pictures of her legs, with the words "worthless" and "nothing" cut into them
    >she tells me that when she turns 23 she's gonna kill herself
    >I have nightmares about her killing herself because I had no friends so she was all I had
    >we meet up in rl
    >have great time until she starts hitting on me
    >reminder: I was 13 she was 18
    >uncomfortable as fuq
    >stop talking to her as I finally realize her psycho-ness
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:11 No.5551478
         File: 1330549873.jpg-(207 KB, 1903x854, horror_01.jpg)
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    I'll repost what I have
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:13 No.5551492
         File: 1330549994.jpg-(228 KB, 988x1732, horror_02_part1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:18 No.5551523
         File: 1330550320.jpg-(225 KB, 988x1399, horror_02_part2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:34 No.5551609
         File: 1330551285.jpg-(94 KB, 499x451, 1318053754215.jpg)
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    Here you go then.
    >Befriend a guy who's an obvious awkward beta, but nice enough to be friends with
    >Never EVER make any signs of being interested in him as nothing more than a friend and straight out tell him I'm not looking for anyone whenever the topic comes up
    >He seems to get it, but I'm still being wary of his intentions
    >At every con he tries to grab me even though I've told him numerous times that I don't like to be touched
    >Suddenly he starts bragging about how his friends think we're a couple and doesn't realize
    >Straight out explicit sexual suggestions
    >Tell him to shut the fuck up, but he thinks I'm just playing hard to get
    >He gets me expensive gifts even though I've told him not to since I'm not willing to put out and my vag can't be bought
    >He starts treating me as his girlfriend
    >Wants to see me all the fucking time, I'm very awkward with men and throws a hissy fit every time I refuse

    And this is why I can't fucking stand betas. She speaks to you does NOT equal "she wants to fuck". Not every woman lives for the cock.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:44 No.5551653
         File: 1330551840.png-(115 KB, 500x365, horror_03.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:45 No.5551666
         File: 1330551952.png-(913 KB, 1318x2256, horror_04.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:47 No.5551671
         File: 1330552024.jpg-(814 KB, 1258x2984, horror_05.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:47 No.5551674
    Oh my fuck. I hate these psycho weeaboo bitches who manipulate weaker minds with suicide whoring. Death is NOT a light thing you can just throw around. When I was younger and obviously didn't realize people do this for attention a manipulative bitch of a friend used to keep me in check by threatening to kill herself whenever she didn't get her way (such as refusing to roleplay her weird fetishes). She was one of the most stereotypical spoiled yaoi-loving, roleplaying weeaboo bitches you'd ever see. Of course my life started to revolve around her as she ever so slowly made me break off every contact with my other friends without me realizing it. In the end she was my only friend and she had me in a tight mental grip.

    Thank god I met new people and dropped my balls and told her to fuck off. She hasn't spoken to me since and I've never regretted it.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:52 No.5551695
         File: 1330552340.png-(94 KB, 1492x2768, uboalightswitchcover.png)
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    I have one about myself, since this is Anon.

    When I was 13 I wrote this DarkXKrad Ohemgee yaoi slashfic from Dnangel. God it was awful, the writing wasn't terrible, (Other than Purple Prose) but the content... Jesus fucking Christ. There was rape, cutting, tiedown, blood, all kinds of disgusting shit. I forced my close friends to read it, most were like "Anon, that's disgusting!" but one was obsessed with it and made me give it to her before I posted it online so she could shlick to it beforehand. Somehow that didn't bother me, which is even more disturbing.

    It's been like four years and I STILL get emails telling me that someone new is subscribing to it. Which makes me worry a little bit about the fanfic community. They've always been pretty fucked up, but that story...

    Thankfully though, I have calmed down a lot, and the only way my rampant nerdyness shows through is with the buttons on my purse. I am still, to this day, MORTIFIED that my 13 year old brain came up with that AND thought it was sexy-desu.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:01 No.5551725
    It's okay anon, I used to love guro and other really disgusting shit when I was 14. Now I can't understand why. Thank god I had enough sense in my teenaged hormon-ridden brain to use a different pen name with my adult stuff back then.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:19 No.5551810
         File: 1330553960.png-(317 KB, 1864x1804, Yellow Harvest Horror Beyond I(...).png)
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    Wait, your great grandpa was a Nazi? Still, sucks to have something like that happen.

    Also, behold: The most horrific story to come out of /cgl/.Repost, yes, but it's still narsty.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:58 No.5551998
    yeah :|...I've been really fustrated about that too, now I'm really unsure about cosplaying anything homestuck becuase of all the stories,weebs, and blah homestuck blaah! :b I have yet to have my horror/weeb story...I feel as though it'll be soon...real..soon..
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)18:28 No.5552081
    What do you use to take screenshots? Not sure what app to add to my updated firefox.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)18:50 No.5552162
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)18:51 No.5552168
    Holy fuckballs.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)18:52 No.5552174
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    Got two classics saved.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)18:53 No.5552178
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)23:22 No.5553046
    don't want to lose this one!
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)23:47 No.5553115
    I feel so sorry for the girl who got her mouth pissed in. That's so fucking disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:08 No.5553149
    I got one.

    >My brother and I are at Anime North last year, first con ever
    >He's dressed as Tobi from Naruto, did thecostume great fucking justice, we both worked hard on it to make sure every detail was perfect, no cheap workarounds or shortcuts for us
    >We even got a ceramic maker from Italy to hand craft Tobi's signature swirly orange mask
    >Thing cost approximately $100 on its own
    >Get to con
    >Get out of car
    >Before we get in any lines, we find a clear spot in the parking lot to take a few quick pictures of each other's costumes
    >Hambeasts run out of nowhere
    >Fat, underage, greasy, pimply, gross teeth, gross hair, no costumes, faded clothing, old shoes
    >Dive at my brother screaming, 'OHMIGAWD TOBIIIIIII!!!! HUGGLESSSSS!!!!! HUGGLEEEESSSSSS!'
    >The faster hambeast reaches him first, 'huggles' him
    >Except her forehead smashes against his mask
    >His ceramic fucking mask
    >It shatters, falls to the pavement, and shatters further
    >Hambeasts stop dead in their tracks, stare at the fallen mask in horror, their faces screw up as they try not to cry
    >Only reason I didn't fucking kill them was because they actually looked really, really, REALLY sorry
    >My brother covers up his ultimate sadness and rage by staying in character and playing it off like it's no big deal
    >I continue glaring at the cunts while they awkwardly and slowly hug my brother again, apologising profusely
    >They leave
    >Luckily I brought super glue in case of mishaps
    >Super glue the thing back together and find con staff to borrow duct tape and put it on the inside to hold it together

    I think I was ten times angrier than my brother was. Ugh.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:13 No.5553159
    Shit really sorry to hear that, do you have a picture of it? Before or after the smashing?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:14 No.5553171
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    I guess I'll post the Hambeast Prime Manga Adaption
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:15 No.5553172
    I hate that fandom encourages adults to act like three year olds.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:15 No.5553174
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:16 No.5553175
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    > Setsucon 2009, dressed as Roxas
    > Was playing "spin the bottle" but with hugging.
    > Most of the group was Hetalia cosplayers
    > A girl spins and it lands on me, so being a good sport, I hold my arms out.
    > I get tackled. Like. . .harder than a glomp.
    > Suddenly I feel an extreme pressure on me.
    > I can't breathe. I can't move. I'm screaming and my arm is pinned behind my back by the first girl.
    > There were 15+ Hetalia fans on top of me, I kid you not.
    > They had to throw people off of me, they said I looked pale and I was bruised.
    > I literally almost died and it was quite possibly the scariest moment of my life. Bar none.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:19 No.5553183
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    Sorry, 4chan keeps eating my posts
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 03/01/12(Thu)00:19 No.5553184
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    I have a few stories but I will post the one that is the shortest.

    >Go to a con and help my brother get into costume
    >when I get to his room there are some people sitting in the hall talking, my brother introduces me to them briefly
    >"hey Slow, this is 'SomeDude' and 'SomeChick', they are pretty nice,"
    >ok hi
    >He only needs to put on a coat and adjust his belt so we do it outside his hotel room
    >As I am turned around I hear from the floor "RAWR ZOMBIE"
    >'SomeChick' bites my calf and clamps down
    >My first thought is to kick the shit out of her mouth but I just barely stop myself
    >I start yelling "BITCH WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" and hitting her on the head with an open hand
    >She lets go and mutters something about "i didn't mean to bite that hard.."
    >I try to calm down and tell her fairly nicely "well just don't fucking bite people you don't even know."
    >My brother then has the audacity to tell me "SLOW! BE NICE TO HER!"
    >I lose it: " THAT BITCH FUCKING BIT ME!"
    >later, giant bruise develops on my calf.

    Sometimes I honestly wonder about people, and my family for that matter. I honestly think my big brother would throw me over the side of a boat into shark infested waters if he thought it would impress a cute girl. He has done worse.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:20 No.5553187
    People joke about this, but it really does happen. In high school, a guy was horsing around after school, and slammed into me from behind. I fell and landed on my wrist, sprained it, and it's been an arthritic mess ever since. I can't play instruments, most sports, I can't even hold up a pot or skillet with that arm.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:21 No.5553193

    HOLY SHIT this sounds exactly like a scenario I encountered with a weeb in the beginning of junior high... the scary part for me was that she was watching yuri and i had to undergo "surprise friendly boob squeezes cuz you're so cute!!!" ... in junior high.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:22 No.5553197
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    God damnit 4chan. 8 posts later and only 3 have shown up
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:24 No.5553206
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:26 No.5553210
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    Also, anyone know of a good anime-con going on in Arizona?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:26 No.5553211
    They are assholes, but in their defense, at least they seemingly were sorry according to that anon. That shows a level of self-awareness that most weebs lack.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:35 No.5553234
    Not horror but just annoying weeb behaviour.

    Here's some back story for you all. I'm a pretty laid back person but I got into the anime stuff when I was 12/13. So I had gone through my weeb phase through middle school, as is appropriate, and through high school I was still interested in the culture so I taught myself Japanese.

    Fast forward to college where I'm minoring in Japanese. I met some pretty chill people who like anime, video games, the culture and don't spazz out about it.

    We decide to have a study session after class because we want to learn more. Enter in the otakus and weebs, to our horror.

    They ranged from gawthic anime jrock to cute little girl syndrome coupled with annoying broken Japanese baby girl voice, because it's supaa kawaii.

    Sensei said that we should teach them because they wanted to learn (I think she just wanted them out of her hair) so we obliged.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:40 No.5553253
    Yes he was, unfortunately it is not a side of the family that we like or endorse, but it is part of our history and nothing can change that. He was born a Jew and was recruited based on his looks. (Our family is usually over six foot, light blonde hair, blue eyes, and aquiline features.)

    According to his journals he deeply regretted all of the actions that he was forced to carry out but due to his heritage and that of his family he stayed posted on the French/German border patrol.

    He was a very depressed man but was able to give back so much more later in his life.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:44 No.5553265
    Nazi wannabe fag detected.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:46 No.5553271
    They didn't focus and didn't want to learn grammar or Kanji. We let them teach one day and it was awful. One girl started out trying to teach us about sentence structures but was wrong and when we tried to correct her she got side tracked with her idiotic buddies and they started speaking in baby Japanese and laughing at inside jokes.

    Two of the girls were dating and would have this weird seme/uke yuri thing going on and they'd just be doing their own thing during the lessons and their other friends would speak baby Japanese at them.

    A few highlights included myself and a friend after class talking about what to do that night when one of the girls comes up.

    >Stuff about Japanese study class, polite conversation from our end
    >Her: "Yeah, I really need to watch more anime so I can work on my Japanese accent."
    >We both pause and look at one another
    >She doesn't notice and keeps talking
    >We make excuses to leave
    >Cracking up ensues

    The best part was when they finally got kicked out of our study group. We weren't there but we had decided to either not meet that day due to conflicting schedules or something.

    So they were left to their own devices. In the study room there was a dry erase board and that's where we would conduct our lessons. They had decided to do a bit of it, but seeing as how their ADD otaku candy minds went, they ended up drawing swastikas on the board because it's just so very edgy and cool.

    Sensei saw it and they tried to make some BS excuse about how it's not offensive and they're really studying Japanese. So, they got kicked out and we were free to resume our studies.

    I have funnier stories about them, but it's just mostly their creepy behaviour apart from being giant weebs.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:49 No.5553282
    Sorry to disappoint, same poster as the other two.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:53 No.5553296
    Shit really?
    Not the same anon as before, but I'm going there for the first time this year. Are you going this year too?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:54 No.5553300
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    Sure do, here's one of both. Although now I feel a little silly, as you can hardly see even the biggest crack in all of the photos we took ... Ah, well.

    Acting immature can be fun, though --- I mean, c'mon, we're all Halloweening ourselves as wacky Chinese cartoon characters --- But having ZERO respect for other people or their property is never, ever acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:57 No.5553308
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    you jelly?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)00:59 No.5553314
    Wow, That's one hell of a mask.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)01:03 No.5553323
    It really is! Dozens of people we encountered last year said his was the best Naruto cosplay they'd ever seen, and I chalk it all up to the fantastic mask.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)01:44 No.5553426
    Anyone have the story about the girl cosplaying LoL (I think it was LoL) and had the creepy guy stalking her around? Met another guy at DDR and ended up being buds?
    >> Patient Zero !!QcaWSA84mqz 03/01/12(Thu)01:47 No.5553431
    FFFFF- dat tree pose. It made me giggle.

    And I agree, that is one of the best Tobi cosplays I've ever seen. And dat mask. It looks utterly fantastic. Do you have the man from Italy's website? I'd love to look at some of his work.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)01:51 No.5553445
    Anyone remember the Batman version?

    Batarang all my foes, foes


    I liked that one
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:10 No.5553475
    Not a big story, but...

    >Being in high school, weaboo phase over a few years ago.
    >Girl one year younger than me. She is extremely awkward. Thin and pale, with long, straight, greasy brown hair. Bad teeth (I always though her parents were waiting for her to reach an age where they could get those teeth into an OR). Walked kinda funny (she always dragged her feet). Never saw her talking to anyone.
    >Her classmates even had a meeting with the school's advisor because she wouldn't shower for days (altough I think the advisor proposed the meeting because teachers told her about how lonely the girl was).
    >One day I see she has manga draws in her folder, during break.
    >"Ok, Anon. You could be her friend. Right now you only know another girl in this school who likes manga and anime and a third person to chat would be nice, right? And it would be good for her to have friends who share her interest, or present her to more friends online. She may even evolve to be a human being. She even lives near you. Hell, you could be doing something good!"
    >Think about that the whole day. How I would be the one who saves her. I know how stupid that sounds, but that's how I felt. That I could giver her friends and change her life for good.
    >Next day, decided to talk to her and try to make her into a normal human being who just happens to like anime and manga.
    >I see her in the hallway before class.
    >A voice inside my head says "Nope".
    >I keep walking to my classroom and have a normal day.

    A few years later I realized. Even now I think about her and how much horror and pain I saved myself from. That kind of girl was beyond saving, I have no idea what was I thinking. And I fully and absolutely trust my instincts now.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:21 No.5553491
    >hanging out with friends in the library
    >one of us reveals our power level
    >three of us slowly reveal our true forms, one guy is a huge nintendo and naruto fan, but it's better than having no one to talk to it about and he's not fucking crazy. The girl is the perfect balance between normal and otaku, because she's really close to her sister who is a huge otaku.
    >mfw spending lunch discussing LoZ with nintenbro, jpop with otaku girl, and general anime with both
    >mfw the guy was more into action anime and the girl was more into... girly anime
    >mfw everyone else who hung out with us thought we were all huge nerds but we never talked about this shit outside of the library
    nintenbro was super awkward though, kid didn't seem to understand sarcasm and SO MUCH NINTENDO
    Like he had that typical /v/ NINTENDO IS BEST GAEMS troll attitude, but he wasn't trollin'.
    >also mfw we all gossip about the nerds and weeaboos in the anime club and how irritating they are
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)02:23 No.5553499
    Okay, anyone have the copy of the "con horror story" that inspired this picture? I remember trying to screencap it but i was laugh way to hard to make sense of my keyboard
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)03:33 No.5553624

    If anyone has the response(that was written from the odst's guys pov) to the whole odst soldier punching out the fat naruto that was chasing the hinata cosplayer, please post it lol
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)06:38 No.5553865
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    You don't need to keep asking, this is a slow board. If someone has it they will probably post it. Be patient.

    Its and its PSTD.
    >> joker !!7cHVD9UevfL 03/01/12(Thu)09:24 No.5554081
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:09 No.5554215
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    Saved this one from the previous thread. TK-421, I will gladly cover my face in blue paint and charge any English line with you.
    >> TK-421 03/01/12(Thu)11:18 No.5554234
    To be honest I don't know why I even bought the utilikilt. If I remember correctly it was one of those peer pressure buys from a few buddies who agreed to chip in if I bought it and agreed to wear it. Been wearing it every now and then, like rock concerts, bar hopping, random stuff.

    It the only horror story I have. It just takes a little quick wit and a screw the world attitude to turn any situation in your favor.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)11:26 No.5554247
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    >tons of cosplayers going for some food at a local mcdonalds
    >go along
    >whole group is filled over 2 large group tables
    >all in very light hearted conversations, not a lot of loudness, everything went better than expected.jpg
    >suddenly, fat landwhale starts blabbering about how her mother stopped her from cosplaying
    >tells a bunch of 14 year olds they should just run away if their parents ever tell them to lessen up their anime love or tells them not to cosplay
    >went on about how abused she was because her parents prefer her going out with friends over reading yaoi and talking about nothing but yaoi
    >basically bragging about how she was HORRENDOUSLY ABUSED because her mother didn't enjoy her cosplaying and shutting off the entire world for a bunch of cartoons or gay porn
    >my face during the whole conversation

    There always has to be that one nutcase that turns the entire conversation to shit when it goes alright.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:44 No.5554373
    Oh man I'm going to contribute because fuck yeah. I've never had anything really horrid, just awkward drama around me.

    > cosplaying England at a con around town.
    > had to go alone (with my mom, but she's cool because she watches more anime than i do) so look for friends to hang with
    > find one that i kinda know, decide to follow her around
    > OMG Iggy-kun come play truth or dare with us!!!1!
    > Uhm, okay, I guess.
    > Sit next to my friend who's Poland and a France i used to date.
    > Spot a Frane across the circle who's trying to cosplay open chested. she looked like a small a-cup so whatever
    > Realise she has no nipple tape
    > ohgodohgod
    > that France gets dared to take off my clothes
    > I politely decline
    > nope.jpg
    > next thing i know my knees are behind my ears
    > pants half way down my ass, bad day to wear my cutest thong
    > jacket completely unbuttoned down to binding
    > fucking cunt-punched her off of me
    > avoid her at every con since
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)12:59 No.5554418
    I work as an interpreter. I was working at a con for an international artist who didn't speak the local language; I was also his day-by-day, so we spent a lot of time together.

    Bunch of absolutly batshit insane fans tell me to stop hogging him. Some girls ask if I'm his girlfriend and when they heard I'm not, they try to hound me away. I wasn't impressed and told them to fuck off, but they wouldn't leave. Each time I tried telling them I was there to interpret, they start screaming, telling me to fuck off. And I do mean screaming.

    I felt so bad for the artist; these are the people who follow his work.

    They attempt to talk to him in their weeaboo anime Japanese and even with a world of patience, none of their shit would have made sense. In the end the artist just kind of slinked away and we spent the rest of the con holed up with other artists drinking booze.
    >> Dr.Robotussin 03/01/12(Thu)14:40 No.5554656

    >Using vintage or rare anything in public.

    I want to slap you more.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:05 No.5554721
    My AA fear.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:23 No.5554763
    This is why I couldn't be an interpreter or anyone who worked with guests unless it was for their security. I feel so bad when I see guests getting hounded by batshit fans.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)15:42 No.5554812
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    I was shanghaied into driving my sister and her friends to a convention; where they were sharing a room. Well, as I pull in I notice one of my tires is leaking badly. So I help the girls unload all their crap and take it up to the hotel room, then go outside to put the spare on, with my sister and friends insisting I join them for dinner since I'll be stuck there a little longer (it was five-ish already, so no reason not to.)

    The tire was a fucking BITCH to get off; the lug-nuts were rusted on, and with my breaker-bar at home, all I had was that little cross-shaped tool I keep in the back. So I'm getting more and more pissed off, leaning on this goddamn thing trying to break it loose. Then I hear my sister behind me, calling my name.

    "What?" I ask.


    "Give me just a fucking second, you won't starve!" I declare. I've ditched the tool and moved on to a big socket driver from my toolbox, which seems to be working better.


    I leaped to my feet, spun around and screamed "WHAT THE FUCK IS IT?" With the quarter-inch driver still in my hand, and my T-shirt soaked with sweat (85 degree day kneeling on a parking lot.)

    And as I do, three lardassed creepers (pussy deflectors and cheeto-stained NURUTU shirts, the whole nine yards) just fucking bolt. They'd been following them around the con, and when the girls came to get me for dinner, they followed them into the parking lot, which sets off any woman's rape-o-meter.

    That's my story. I Stood Up In A Parking Lot.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:12 No.5554882
    Old story of mine... feels so lame in comparison...

    >I am British and attend US cons with my US friends :)
    >I am cosplayan
    >Girl comes up and admires my costume
    >I say thank you, am polite about it
    >She hears my accent
    >She tells me I can't cosplay the character I am because I HAVE THE WRONG VOICE.

    The other story, more amusing than horror:

    >Am dressed as a Bioshock character
    >See other Bioshock cosplayers and say hi
    >Girl takes in DEEP BREATH OF AWE, and.....
    >"omg, they have Bioshock in England?"
    >Reply, "yes. We also have electricity and running water".
    >Sarcasm was lost on her
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:16 No.5554894
    I once went to a con in the US (I'm Irish) and had numerous people compliment me on my wonderful English.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:35 No.5554921
    Yeah, sure, I've got one:
    >Cosplaying as Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice.
    >With good friend and her awesome bf.
    >Just get to the con, not twenty minutes later a 40+ guys comes up to me and tells me how much he adores Beetlejuice and how pretty I am and that would have been fine, but he kept talking and getting progressively creepier.
    >Keeps talking as I awkwardly look at my friends for help.
    >Good friend interrupts him and tell him that we're late for something before she drags me off.
    >Later that day, good friend and her bf walk over to greet some friends I didn't know, so I politely stay to the side as to not make things weird.
    > 40+ creep comes out of no where the second I'm alone and starts talking about Beetlejuice and how adorable I am and can he have a picture.
    >Say yes to the picture, not wanting to be rude.
    >He then asks for a hug.
    >Friends appears out of no where and saves me before I even have to answer that.
    >Later that night, good friend and her awesome bf go to the side to discuss something couple-related, so I lean against one of the indoor pillars to rest.
    >He starts talking to me again, explaining how he missed out on that hug from earlier. I panicked and stared over at good friend like a deer in headlights.
    >She notices and pulls me away, telling him to basically fuck off.

    I'm pretty sure he was following me all day, considering how he popped up when I was standing alone.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:35 No.5554922

    And, from the same con, but anti-horror story:
    >In hallway with good friend and her awesome bf, just shootin' the shit.
    >I notices this very well built, very intimidating blonde man in a uniform approaching me.
    ((He was Germany. I didn't know at the time as Hetalia was a new thing.))
    >I just watch him get closer, thinking maybe he's just going to walk past me since I'm in a damn hallway.
    >Nope.jpg. He headed right for me and he had the meanest look on his face.
    >Gets right up to me and I'm terrified. He's a very, very tall, buff guy and I'm this little thing.
    >Then...he smiles and says my cosplay is cute and that it's great to see something from his childhood.
    >We high-five and he leaves.
    >Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:45 No.5554946
    I don't understand how people just "run away" from con assholes. I'd beat the shit out of them, no joke. I've punched the shit out of a guy (though one of those unfit older otaku guys) in a parking lot for following a Tsukasa cosplayer to her sisters car.
    I guess maybe it's just the shock of having something done to you that makes you passive?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)16:56 No.5554981
    This story is beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:02 No.5555004
    > be 14
    > go to first con
    > cosplay misa from deathnote
    > hand out around the con with friend, going to panels and shooting shit ect.
    > shitty meet an L cosplayer.
    > shitty as in just a white shirt and jeans. natural hair not styled looking like it hadn't been be washed in months
    > calls me "Misa-Chan" and goes on and on about how cute i am
    > getting a little freaked out but still flattered
    > Excuse self to go to a panel friend and I had been looking forward to
    > go to panel, in there for about 5 minutes when L cosplayer
    > comes in and tries to get me to leave because he found a Light cosplayer and wants to do a photoshoot.
    > Tell him after the panel
    > Boy comes back a few more times trying to get me to go
    > People running the panel getting pissed
    > after another couple minutes comes back again and grabs my arm and tries to drag me out
    > tell him off and get back in seat, apologize to the people running the panel
    > guy stands outside the door for the rest of the con trying to make a puppy dog eyes face and just looking stupid
    > as soon as the panel's over he runs back in and drags me off
    > barely manage to drag friend with
    > pulls out a pair of fucking handcuffs that he got from the dealers room, the one like L and Light wore and Death Note
    > freak out as he tries to put them on me, slaps him
    >run the fuck away
    > later find out that the "Light" cosplayer he found was some really bad hetalia cosplayer (America maybe?) with a camo jacket and a tie????
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:05 No.5555017
    ahahahaha. shitty hetalia cosplayer...
    >> Dr.Robotussin 03/01/12(Thu)17:11 No.5555038

    They are very slippery people trust me on that one. Plus majority of the time being agressive means that they just work harder.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:14 No.5555043

    Yeah. I think it happens more often then the predominantly female population of /cgl/ knows. Especially with the high incidence of lesbians here,the social ability of most cosplayers in general, and the fact that so many of them have learned much of what they know of men from the, ah, specimens they find at conventions... they just don't understand male psychology well enough to realize how many creepers get their shit pushed in where they (and security) didn't see it.

    For example, in one of these threads last year some girl told a tale of a creeper who didn't understand that her friends could be touchy-feely with her, but not some random asshole she doesn't know very well. They poked her boobs, and this weird fuck reaches out and pinches her nipple hard enough to make her cry with pain. Later she related how said creeper posted "all sorts of lies" on his LiveJournal, including how he accused her guy friends of beating the shit out of him in a stairwell.

    The funny thing is, she actually believed that her guy friends had NOT quietly beat the shit out of that asshole in a stairwell. Conversely, any male would take that anecdote as the *least* dubious claim in Jerkwad McAsshole's Live Journal.

    There's a middle ground between passive bitch and shirt-ripping jock; just as there's a middle-ground between amoral asshole and lance-carrying White Knight. For most guys, that middle ground is an empty stairwell. Learn this well, ladies of /cgl/. Direct your creepers to the nearest stairwell.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:20 No.5555074
    Well honestly, though I'd help any girl/guy being harassed by someone, the only reason I punched that guy was because the con was lame and I was bored as shit. I think that's the middle ground, right? Right??
    >> So This Boyfriend Walks Into A Bar... 03/01/12(Thu)17:34 No.5555139

    > Anime Milwaukee
    > I drive down for three other reasons, go to con, take the Miller Brewing Company, and Harley Davidson Tour.
    > after that, get drunk
    >Stay at a hotel across the street, I'm with my two friends
    > costume was a last minute idea, Ed Edd and Eddy.
    >I'm Ed because I'm the tallest
    > our costumes were not that bad, i had a striped shirt and an old army jacket
    >friend playing Eddy had a yellow polo an his mom sewed the designs on
    > other bro Edd made his cosplay himself and looked good
    > at the con i talk to this girl who was a rule 63 Scout from TF2
    > real nice, polite, and friendly too
    > we talk about TF2, share gamer tags
    > suddenly mad uptight boyfriend who was a Soldier cuts in.
    Boyfriend: Who that fuck are you?
    > Anon, we were just talking
    > I try and be polite and complement their cosplay
    > hey nice TF2 cosplay
    Boyfriend: Hey man, I don't want you talking to my girl!
    > we were just having a conversation
    > the Girfriend even chimes in and tells the BF to cool it
    > Girlfriend tells Boyfriend that he wasn't even hitting on her
    Boyfriend: Mess with my girl again, I cut you bitch!
    > he takes his Girfriend by the hand and walks off
    > who is jerking the puppet string that got lodged up your ass?

    Wish I could say that was the last I saw of him, but we meet again later...
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:41 No.5555157
    Keep going.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)17:47 No.5555177
         File: 1330642078.jpg-(81 KB, 453x604, bluh.jpg)
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    >> So This Boyfriend Walks Into A Bar... 03/01/12(Thu)17:57 No.5555202
    > the next time we cross paths is later that very evening
    > at a bar in Milwaukee
    > could never remember the name
    > hell the whole black was bars
    > slamming shots
    > drinking Spotted Cow beer
    > feel a tap on my shoulder
    > turn around and see the Boyfriend from earlier
    > ohfuckme.jpg
    Boyfriend: Hey motherfucker what are you doing here!
    > I point at my beer
    > Shopping at Victoria secret, what does it look like I'm doing here
    Boyfriend: Hey bitch, this is me and my girls favorite bar, so get the fuck out.
    > Quote Monty Python's Black Knight "I move for no man."
    > Boyfriend punches me in the cheek.
    > to be honest it felt more like a slap
    > rage mode engaged

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