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  • File: 1330288637.jpg-(31 KB, 500x375, badmiku.jpg)
    31 KB Wig Care thread 02/26/12(Sun)15:37 No.5539867  
    Dear CGL, I've committed a major cosplay sin. My wig has become a huge mess because I went out to my car on a windy day at the con and didn't put the correct stuff in it to keep it from tangling.

    I made the mistake of trusting to use motions oil sheen spray to keep it from tangling. So now I need help on how to untangle it and to maintain it. I've always worn generally short wigs or wigs that have been tied back.

    I know there is many tutorials, but I don't know what one to trust or what to put in my wig to keep it from tangling.

    General wig care thread.

    >pic related in terms of messed up wig, not actually me
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)15:38 No.5539874
    Mix water with wig softener and spray it on the wig, it is the best stuff to detangle a wig.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)15:39 No.5539880
    Someone once gave me the "recipe" to wig conditioner, but I've completely forgotten it. It was like 1/4 something to 3/4 water. The 1/4 was like laundry detergent or fabric softener or something you wouldn't use on real hair.

    Sorry I could help, have a bump anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)15:49 No.5539914
    Not sure if this would help you or not anon.
    >> PP+1 02/26/12(Sun)15:53 No.5539933
         File: 1330289628.jpg-(390 KB, 500x3000, Detangling long wigs.jpg)
    390 KB
    >> Claudie !!5M+s+ZHeFhU 02/26/12(Sun)15:59 No.5539957
    This. Works like a charm. Also, this conditioner is my very best friend when it comes to detangling any wig and I spritz the stuff on my wig before combing it out to make sure it stays neat when I'm on the go at a con. If you're going to be using very long wigs again any time in the future, I strongly suggest investing in this.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)17:11 No.5540313
    I used something similar to this, but instead it was in a spray bottle, 1/3 fabric softer to 3/4 water (can't remember if it was warm water or not) if I remember right. After making sure your wig is secure, split it into sections and work your way through the tangles, ends first. Spray it on the section you're detangling, carefully comb it, move on, rinse and repeat.

    So yeah. pretty much the same technique. That tutorial's method of using a wash tub is probably faster though. The main thing is taking your time with the knots, otherwise you'll end up with a lot of frizzed fibers and bald-spots.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)17:20 No.5540364
    This right here, ALONG with Motions Oil Sheen.

    Motions Oil Sheen didn't work for you? I've gone out on windy days with MOS and had no issues...
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)17:35 No.5540446
    OP here, windy was a bit of an understatement.
    If any of you were in the NYC area or East Rutherford where the con was, it was a wind tunnel.

    What did you do with MOS?
    I could just be doing something wrong.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)17:56 No.5540518
    Any general long wig advice? I've got my first super long one coming in the mail soon and I'm scared I'll mess up the ringlets while I'm styling it. The last time I messed with a wig was in '07 and I only used Got 2 B Freeze Spray so... idk.

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