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  • File: 1330281512.jpg-(143 KB, 800x800, BikiniGiantess.jpg)
    143 KB Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:38 No.5539548  
    Hello /cgl/, /d/ here

    Since you guys came over to our board, we have a question for you.

    Why do you guys like cosplaying so much? Are you guys a fetish community?

    Honestly asking
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:39 No.5539551
    We cosplay because we're too ugly/shy to be go clubbing out and find some hot studs out there to fuck us.

    Basically, cosplay is clubbing for sevens and less.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:40 No.5539554
    Because it's fun to dress up in costume and hang out with other people in costume.

    No, we're not a fetish based community. Some people get off on costumes, but that's their business and doesn't reflect cosplayers as a whole.

    >thread is now finished
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:41 No.5539560
    Most of us are not fetishists, and cosplay is just a way of combining a hobby (sewing) with a way of expressing our love for a character/series with a way to get attention.

    Or, in the case of people who buy their costumes or don't know anything about the series and just pick the character because it's hot... just attention.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:42 No.5539566
    just think of them as furries in training
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:42 No.5539567
    please don't raid our board because of fucking derpshit okay?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:45 No.5539573

    We're not, we'd get banned if we raided your stuff with our material anyway?


    That's pretty neat! I'm assuming the people who do it just for attention are the dramawhores? (My jargon is horrible)
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:46 No.5539575
    I'm a cosplayer AND a fetishist who frequents /d/, and I don't consider them related. Sex in cosplay is fun, but it's more like roleplaying than a fetish for me. Just my two cents.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:47 No.5539578
    >implying /cgl/ is organised enough to set up a raid
    >implying /cgl/ isn't too busy bitching and nitpicking
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:49 No.5539583

    i'm not worried about /cgl/ raiding i'm worried about seeing dick girls and large titties all over the place
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:50 No.5539585
    Actually, you'd be surprised how many of the drama llamas are relatively skilled at one thing or another (whether that be sewing, leatherwork, propmaking, makeup, etc.)

    I think we generally ignore/shun people who habitually buy their costumes, which is why we don't let them have enough power to create drama, whereas people who really do have skill also have the ability to make other people jellymad, so drama centers around them.

    I can see this thread getting deleted by our stupid mods who only delete offtopic threads when it's clear that we're enjoying them and they aren't detrimental to the board in any way, so if that happens, I'd be happy to keep discussing it with you - throwaway in the email field for ya. I've been cosplaying for a little over ten years, and it's been fun observing the community and how it's changed.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:51 No.5539586
         File: 1330282277.jpg-(28 KB, 375x491, 124140159985.jpg)
    28 KB

    To be honest, there are no strict classifications for cosplayers. Cosplaying at a convention is pretty much like wearing your team's shirt at a football match.
    Some love making and wearing costumes, excelling in craftmanship.
    Some want to live out their fandom (often: MLP, Hetalia, Homestuck).
    Some are just in it for the attention (see: blatantly skimpy costumes).
    Some just go to conventions to hang out with friends and enjoy the panels/skits.

    FYI /cgl/ is overrun with trolls. In case you didn't notice yet.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:52 No.5539589

    Cosplay is about making costumes, performing, and showing off. It's about as sexual as a college theater group: a higher percentage of people who are in to it happen to be kinky, but cosplay and college theater aren't inherently kinky.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:54 No.5539596
    I'm between these two
    I buy my costumes but do it because I want to dress up as a character I love for the convention. It's also a great way to meet people who also like the things you like, because they can see right away what your favorite animoo is. I want to make friends btw, not fuckbuddies.

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