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  • File: 1330271298.png-(142 KB, 500x634, tumblr_ljdbiyXRTR1qa5eoao1_500 (1).png)
    142 KB Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)10:48 No.5539107  
    Will the overabundance of Homestuck and MLP be the straw that breaks the camel's back, leading East Coast anime conventions to more actively discourage cosplay of non-Japanese fandoms and ban non-Japanese panels?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)10:59 No.5539134
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    They can't really stop the cosplay, but I do know that they are starting to stop people from making non-Japanese panels.

    But they're being pretty dick about it. We saw a Homestuck and MLP panel both get rejected for being 'non-Japanese', but there's going to be a Monty Python panel. I know Monty Python is amazingly quality, but discrimination much?

    I don't go to panels anyway, so I don't give a shit. The con runners can't stop me from cosplaying what I want, nor can they stop people setting up meetups and photoshoots. So it really doesn't matter to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)11:04 No.5539144
    Monty Python? What convention is this?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)11:08 No.5539151
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    They need to crack down on the panels; next con I'm going to is having an MLP panel.

    There's not much Homestuck cosplay around here, surprisingly, but I'm not complaining.

    Like >>5539134 said, though: they can't stop people from cosplaying it.
    Until each fandom gets it's own convention, I think.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 02/26/12(Sun)11:14 No.5539164
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    That's pretty damn stupid
    What's wrong with a MLP panel? It has a huge fanbase. If you don't want to go to the panel, don't. It wont affect you.
    We don't have much either. I've only seen about 10 Homestuck cosplayers in a year and I was one of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)11:24 No.5539203
    This is something that's always kind of bothered me about anime conventions in general, but I'm also a huge hypocrit about it.

    I get that anime cons are supposed to be your chance to let your freak flag fly and be the real nerd that you actually are, but I can't help but get a little pissed when I start seeing Storm Troopers and Jedi and Doctor Who and Those creeps who bring every bit of BDSM bodage gear they own and wear it all and those kids who take every stupid impractical piece of hot topic bullshit they ever bought and wear it all together.

    Oddly enough, Ponies and Homestuck don't bother me, though.

    The real question, though, is where the fuck else do you send these people? The Comic convention circuit is much smaller, and a lot less accomodating towards the kind of behavior anime conventions cause. There's never going to be a Homestuck con and bronycon is more reviled than anything else.

    Perhaps anime cons just need to set aside small areas for this sort of shit? Like, put a small block of panels or events or whatever aside for these things, but nothing else. Keep the majority for the animu bullshit, but let these weird peripheral attachments still have their place.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)11:24 No.5539205
    Last con I went to, ponies everywhere. A panel about them means there will be more.
    They just greatly annoy me, more than anything. I have a few friends who are bronies and it seems that's all they can think about.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)11:26 No.5539211
    No one attends conventions strictly for the panels. It's icing on the cake, sure, but don't delude yourself into thinking that having it on the schedule is going to lure in hundreds more.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)11:28 No.5539220
    >10 Homestuck cosplayers

    OH GOD WHERE DO YOU LIVE. Here is the latest in DC-Baltimore madness.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)11:30 No.5539225
    Damn well feels like it.

    I just planned to keep my mouth shut. I'll go be in my little sphere, and they can go in their's.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)11:31 No.5539228
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    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 02/26/12(Sun)11:32 No.5539231
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    I guess I can see where you are coming from. There were some pretty obsessive bronies at the last con I went to. But all you have to do is ignore them. Unless they get in your face on purpose for some reason, It's really not going to affect you. Like.. at all.
    Holy. Shit.
    That is.. amazing. I want to befriend them all..
    Ireland. Our biggest con has under 2000 attendees.
    Dude It's not gonna affect you If you don't talk to them
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)11:34 No.5539236
    I fucking lol'd at the lord english casually walking by with his 'head' in his hand
    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 02/26/12(Sun)11:34 No.5539237
    I can count the number of panels I've been to on my hands and that includes the ones I've taken part in.

    Whereas I can understand prioritizing Japanese-based panels above others, to ban non-Japanese panels seems silly to me.

    I dont think there is anyone (or at least any substantial amount of people) who goes to a convention because of one or two fandom panels unless one of the creators is a part of it.
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/26/12(Sun)11:35 No.5539238
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    >actively discourage cosplay of non-Japanese fandoms
    You cannot stop someone from cosplaying something. Thats stupid

    >ban non-Japanese panels
    Okay, "ban" is a harsh word. Lets just say "non japanese panels will not be accepted"

    Ill say the same thing i said a few days ago:
    >MLP cosplays might be as big as Naruto, Hetalia, and Homestuck. But atleast i dont have to worry about being tackled, people rubbing paint all over me, and fan service make out photos ever which way....
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 02/26/12(Sun)11:36 No.5539241
    That's actually Doc Scratch, but shh, I wont tell anyone..
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)11:44 No.5539258
    It's up to the con programming staff to approve or deny what panels they want. If 10 people submit essentially the same panel, only 1 person, however they choose them, will get it.

    I think I know what con you're talking about with the Monty Python panel, and kudos to them for choosing what they want. You can't really be butthurt for what panels did or didn't get approved. Maybe all the Homestuck panels looked like it would just be a trainwreck? Who knows? Maybe the creator doesn't want it? I know he doesn't allow commissions for costumes and pretty much anything based on homestuck...
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)11:46 No.5539262
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    a-ah i swear i knew that!
    mixed them up i geuss
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)11:47 No.5539267
    >East Coast
    As an East Coaster, I hope no one is that stupid. I don't mind if conventions have rules for contests saying that entries have to be Japan related but you can't go around policing who people can and can't cosplay at your convention.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)11:52 No.5539279
    Can't wait to paint the Baltimore Convention Center gray.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 02/26/12(Sun)11:59 No.5539291
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    It's ok friend, I do these things all the time
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)12:03 No.5539301
    As someone from CT, I don't see it happening either.
    Especially since there are so many webcomic artists in NE and they already have pretty big followings at the conventions around here.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:42 No.5539564
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    A local animecon banned western cosplay from their cosplay contest and this, of course, resulted in a terrible shitstorm full of butthurt and non-rationalized thinking. Which I can't comprehend, since it's a goddamn animecon, of course it has the right to prioritize anime over western stuff. It's not a nerdcon nor comiccon, it's a fucking animecon.

    So keep your homeshit and MLP out of my conventions, we have our hands full with narutards and hetaliatards.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:58 No.5539616
    They've got the same rules at conventions in my country.
    The problem? THERE ARE NO NERD CONS.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:59 No.5539619
    Saw the vid of the Homestuck Panel at Katsu. Seemed very well organized and put together, well controlled... but I do remember people being butthurt about not being in it before hand.
    I think panels for those 2 fandoms should be allowed as long as they're under that sort of control. As in maybe the con should request a panel preview before hand that outlines how the panel will be held, handled and played out.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)14:01 No.5539621
    There's comic-cons, as well as cons for a specific series, such as Supernatural, Doctor Who, and (forgive me for saying this) Twilight.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)14:05 No.5539629
    The "drama" is/was that when Katsucon put out its panel acceptances at the last minute, the panel lead thought the crew she'd done Ask A Homestuck with at AUSA would be unavailable. So the panel lead put out a casting call. Then it turned out that they were all available so the panel lead apologized and withdrew the casting call because the lead was using a group that already knew how to do the panel. Her Tumblr got nasty anonymous notes. I think that's it.

    I think it was even better than their AUSA panel. They're terrific and I hope I'll see them doing a panel at Otakon.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)14:07 No.5539632
    Most every con I've been to has had a "costumes must be of japanese origin" rule.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 02/26/12(Sun)14:09 No.5539635
    Not every country has those though
    Woah really? Strictly?
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)14:10 No.5539638
    Actually no. I'm talking about people being butthurt that they didn't get accepted because they said it was "friends only" even though tryouts were for anyone going to Katsu.
    I'm not talking about the panel leader individually.
    I know someone started a panel run for AnimeNEXt that probably won't pass because it's not animu. It was on my dash the other day.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)14:21 No.5539655
    I should have specified, but for the masq/costume contest, yes. Strictly animus and mangos with some leniency for j-pop and j-rock.

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