Is your father happy about how revealing your cosplays are?Does he know all the flings/casual sex that go on at conventions?
Well I'll give you one thing Athens, you sure are dedicated to this subject.
>>5536976He'd be proud. I hate that guy.
>>5536976That seems to be a dude.
>>5537214Oh God I think you're right
who gives a shit what one's father thinks?
You mustn't assume, dear Anon-chan.
If this is your daughter. You failed as a father.
If that is a dude I want to know where I can see more.
>>5537376What the fuck am I looking at?
My father is dead, so.... I'm going to guess not.
>>5537376Better skin than JNig
nigga u gross
>>5537456Yeah but she looks like a crack whore. JNig actually looks good.