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  • File: 1329864275.png-(38 KB, 1290x174, logo.png)
    38 KB Mitsuki 02/21/12(Tue)17:44 No.5521696  
    So umm anyone ready for ACen, looking at the calendar its a little over 2 months away. Cosplay plans, any panels you're looking forward to, /cgl/ meet up etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:59 No.5521745
    I'm sad to say that I won't be going this year. Even though the con isn't as great as it once was, I still enjoy it and I have hopes that it will improve.

    As much as I enjoy seeing the cosplays there, I really just want to meet Asuka and Maki (from Angelic Pretty). Seeing how I'm still in college, maybe I'll just wait until I can afford to attend the brand's tea party promo events.
    >> Luluko 02/22/12(Wed)09:47 No.5524411
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    Holy shit, it is in about 2 months. I don't know if I'll have my Misha cosplay ready by then...we'll see. I hope to be able to meet a lot of seagulls I may only go on Saturday. Also, did anyone who preregistered with mailing get their badge yet? I'm Tier 1 and they were supposed to send the badges out the end of January. February is almost over and I've gotten nothing.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)17:10 No.5525470
    Bump for midwest seagulls
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)18:46 No.5525887
    I'm going! My boyfriend and I are being Jessie and James. I'm working on making the actual wig, so I'm pretty anxious to see it turn out well.

    I know the con, isn't what it used to be, but to be honest, hanging out and seeing all of my friends in the same place and cosplay will be worth the money for a pretty long time. Heck, even without guests or events, you can still make a really fun con.
    >> Funk Brothers !xi8/JKFwzo 02/22/12(Wed)19:32 No.5526038
    Is AP really going to make a presence at this con?

    If so, I think I decided to take the wrong year off.
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 02/22/12(Wed)20:16 No.5526156
         File: 1329959769.gif-(1.95 MB, 528x292, 1328582324739.gif)
    1.95 MB
    My body is not ready. Nor is my cosplay
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:47 No.5526557
    Going as Harley Quinn in an Arkham City cosplay group!

    Also submitted a panel and haven't heard back yet. Goddamn Acen fuckups...
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 02/22/12(Wed)21:52 No.5526574
    I'm excited

    As an ACen newbfag I didn't realize the soap bubble was yearly.
    Given the chance to get in, seeing as it was swamped last year, I'm gonna have to pack my rave gear, I guess.

    Also, making steady progress on the cosplays I think I will get done.
    And all my friends have their shit ordered finally, and we booked the comfort inn because faggots were late on shit...
    Anyone have any exsperiance with this shuttle crap? I need to know if I need to get ready for the ball stupid early in order to get there in time.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)21:52 No.5526575
    When did you submit? Submissions were open in October. Hell, they've already sent out a prelim schedule. Panels are seriously on top of shit, I think you need to check up on that.
    >> Penny !CwVY/8O3DQ 02/22/12(Wed)21:57 No.5526598
    Going and its going to be glorious. Not going for the con, really. Just going for the people.
    Might be bringing Envy Adams movie version. If I ever get to working on it.

    fuck Im so excited.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:00 No.5526616
    I won't even be in Chicago in two months ;_;

    I've lived here almost 5 years, it's strange to think about.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:05 No.5526647
    >>5526557 might want to double check your stuff. I've already been approved for all of my panels. Acen has been nothing but a breeze to work with.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 02/22/12(Wed)22:23 No.5526737
         File: 1329967404.jpg-(119 KB, 960x395, 2011-02-23-Emotionally-Creepin(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:27 No.5526746
    super excited for it! i went to anime milwaukee but that was kinda a letdown so now im just pumped for acne! ill be brining my bioshock eleanor cosplay again and also doing ezio from dat asscreed, highschool of the dead, and possibly jill from resident evil
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:36 No.5526784
    Going. New panel staff seems to be on top of things this year, so I'm cautiously optimistic. They also said they're putting IRT people in the elevators to keep shenanigans to a minimum. I'm so glad I'm staying at the Embassy this year...
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)22:40 No.5526802
    I'm excited! I'm almost finished with one of three costumes for the con. I'll be bringing Malon from LoZ, Louise from Zero no Tsukaima, and Emeraldas.

    Not looking forward to the 6 hour drive though. Long drives always kill my lower back.
    >> PichuPower !Lo5lXi7StI 02/22/12(Wed)22:43 No.5526817
         File: 1329968597.jpg-(15 KB, 278x324, 1327455057441.jpg)
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    >pumped for acne

    >> Luluko 02/22/12(Wed)22:49 No.5526851
    Ah, yes, AMKE wasn't too great, but I mostly go to cons for the people. I'm excited for ACEN too! I hope I'll be able to stay for more than a day.

    Also, is anyone setting up a /cgl/ meetup? I'm not familiar with the place and would like to plot out what I'm going to be doing during the con.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)09:44 No.5528325
    First and foremost, if you want to avoid one giant headache, pay the 2 lousy dollars to get your badge mailed to you. The lines for registration are never run well. They have always been behind schedule and usually within the first hour, their shitty computers start crashing left and right. As usual, ACEN hires a bunch of hapless dipshits who never know what they are doing, which turns a 30 second process into a 6 hour wait.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 02/23/12(Thu)10:06 No.5528375
         File: 1330009562.png-(5 KB, 100x100, 1294201361675.png)
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    Stupid ACen being the weekend before finals.
    >> Mitsuki 02/23/12(Thu)10:24 No.5528427
    Yay the thread didn't die.... so being that this is my first time at ACen, are there any food places near by the convention center or at least within walking? Some friends and I are driving 5 hours to get there, and we definitely wont know our way around the area if we have to drive and grab some food.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:24 No.5528597
    mcDonalds and a Giordano's pizza (good stuff if you like deep dish) about a 10-15 minute walk away. Fancy steakhouse in a hotel across the street from the con. Hyatt has a restaurant with buffet that isn't bad for lunch, especially if it's your one real meal of the day (get some real vegetables in you at the salad bar).
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)11:38 No.5528640

    XD lol how did i not see that? damn autocorrect!
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 02/23/12(Thu)11:46 No.5528658
    AN's the new Acen, yo.
    >> Mitsuki 02/23/12(Thu)11:53 No.5528670
    Ah ok thank you
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)12:13 No.5528713
    I'll be there. I'll be bringing Joker from Kuroshit, a Paras gijinka, and possibly Elliot March from Heart no Kuni no Alice, all of which are 100% done. No panel plans, I'm just planning on chilling with friends this year. However, I do hope they post some more guest confirmations soon.
    >> RP !!irLdG43K1Dj 02/23/12(Thu)12:36 No.5528776
         File: 1330018592.jpg-(367 KB, 1099x1777, cosplayfinalacen12.jpg)
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    You can thank the G8 Summit for that one~

    There's also a new eating and entertainment venue opening up the weekend before ACen that's on the other side of the Embassy, which is directly across the street from the con center. So far, all they're saying is that they're moderately priced restaurants (though, I'm sure the bowling alley's bar grub will be hit up hard) and that some fast food will come in eventually. I took a video of the walk from the Embassy to the place about 2 weeks ago, so you can check it out. Don't mind all the people, they were there for a motorcycle show.

    Also, have the completed cosplay schedule.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)15:23 No.5529195
    going as speed racer, and maybe Clark Kent. Not sure about hotels, my friends don't seem to want to commit to anything.
    >> Electric Barbarella !!aFbiQgnY8Ay 02/24/12(Fri)10:58 No.5531884
         File: 1330099136.jpg-(67 KB, 800x450, 430294_10150675982100659_26801(...).jpg)
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    So uh....this is a thing.

    So I'm gonna make my damnedest effort to make it out there.
    >> Luluko 02/24/12(Fri)11:08 No.5531918
         File: 1330099680.jpg-(49 KB, 800x475, 2147.jpg)
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    G8 summit? How does that affect the convention date? Also, thanks for viddo and the cosplay times. I hate how the Madoka one is so late, ugh.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:14 No.5531942
         File: 1330100076.jpg-(34 KB, 320x240, Brendan-and-Aisling-secret-of-(...).jpg)
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    very likely will be doing a silver spoon, lolita gijinka with some friends. and maybe a secret of kells cosplay with my bf
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:20 No.5531966
    >being done with school ftw.

    i am pumped. a few friends and i are doing a group colonial marine cosplay. so it should be fun. other than that we plan on seeing how many people we can fit in the Double Tree hotel showers. last year we fit 14 and still had room
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:39 No.5532038
    First ACen here, is anyone in charge of the meet up, like what do you guys do there?
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)11:57 No.5532105
    cosplay, drink, troll IRT, etc
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:00 No.5532121
    Drink, shoot the shit, take some photos of each other, sing at the top of our lungs to bad music.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:08 No.5532150
    Is it at all easy to sneak in?
    I've never been, so I don't know the set up.
    >> Hypnocrotch !!6CacHYe/lH9 02/24/12(Fri)12:14 No.5532175
    The last... 2 or 3 years, I've been the one to set up the meet-up, and I have yet to figure out why. We usually shoot for Friday night, around 8pm, near the front desk of the hotel. We don't have signs or anything, we just kinda meet.


    Hopefully I get to meet you, you seem like you're awesome as shit. :D

    Only for Canadafags, Todd. <3
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:17 No.5532182
    Not particularly. Occasionally people slip by the badge checkers at events, just because there's usually like 20k to 25k people moving around ACen, but usually there are people are every entrance to con events (dealer's hall, game room, raves) checking badges the whole time.

    They don't attach names or shit to badges, so you can get away with borrowing a badge from a friend.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:17 No.5532183
    I've been to every Acen but I've missed all the meetups. Bamp for more info-is this info finalized?
    Also, going as Saya. It's all I have time to make.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 02/24/12(Fri)12:19 No.5532193
    >Only for Canadafags, Todd. <3

    Nah bro, Rahne's coming, and she's from Pella.
    >> Hypnocrotch !!6CacHYe/lH9 02/24/12(Fri)12:20 No.5532197
    I've got a few tricks to get past badge-checkers, but yeah, unless you're trying to get into panels and the like, you don't need a badge.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:21 No.5532198
    this basically. I've seen ppl slip by pretty much everywhere tho if the badge checker is distracted...
    >> Hypnocrotch !!6CacHYe/lH9 02/24/12(Fri)12:21 No.5532202
    That's because she's bein' a fuckin' spoilsport and not coming to ACen... what a jerk.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)12:37 No.5532239
    Do tell!
    I'm going to be attending ACen for the dozenth time and I'm tired of paying just to browse the dealer's hall and maybe attend a single panel.
    >> Hypnocrotch !!6CacHYe/lH9 02/24/12(Fri)12:41 No.5532246
    If you've got friends going to a panel, have them all go in, have one of them hand of their badge to another that has a badge, then they come out, give you the badge, and boom, you're in.
    >> Luluko 02/24/12(Fri)13:40 No.5532371
         File: 1330108831.jpg-(42 KB, 966x545, doushite.jpg)
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    >not Saturday
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)13:46 No.5532387
    >They don't attach names or shit to badges, so you can get away with borrowing a badge from a friend.
    You can hawk anyone's id or drivers' license in real life if you have the physical looks for it, and no one can verify it either way.

    Why does this rustle your jimmies?
    >> Hypnocrotch !!6CacHYe/lH9 02/24/12(Fri)13:48 No.5532393
    We usually do it on Friday because some people actually like going to the Masquerade on Saturday night. Myself, pffft, I'm gonna be drinking pretty much the whole time, so if you see me, come up and say hey.
    >> Luluko 02/24/12(Fri)13:56 No.5532426
         File: 1330109767.jpg-(46 KB, 530x491, 1329833947250.jpg)
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    Ah, that's understandable. I'll try to make it on Friday then. I'll be in a Misha (KS) or Charlotte (Madoka) cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)14:14 No.5532456

    You didn't know?
    >> Hypnocrotch !!6CacHYe/lH9 02/24/12(Fri)14:16 No.5532458
    I honestly don't know who I'll be cosplaying yet, if at all. Might bring Flynn Rider, and if I have the visor done in time, I miiiiiight bring Cyclops. *shrug*
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)14:16 No.5532460
         File: 1330111007.gif-(366 KB, 395x300, 1327617429963.gif)
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    I know this feel all too well.
    >> Hypnocrotch !!6CacHYe/lH9 02/24/12(Fri)14:19 No.5532462
         File: 1330111147.gif-(1.96 MB, 299x275, IQD93.gif)
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    It's the weekend BEFORE... so study during the week like, HARDCORE, then relax at the convention, then go home and master those exams like a baws!
    >> awkward 02/24/12(Fri)14:59 No.5532559
         File: 1330113549.png-(230 KB, 517x316, niceee.png)
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    >Yo-Landi .gif
    >> Hypnocrotch !!6CacHYe/lH9 02/24/12(Fri)15:14 No.5532610
    That's because I'm in -love- with her.
    >> awkward 02/24/12(Fri)15:30 No.5532651
         File: 1330115419.png-(559 KB, 800x450, daw07.png)
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    She gives me a dirty feeling in the most strange appropriate way.
    >> Hypnocrotch !!6CacHYe/lH9 02/24/12(Fri)15:36 No.5532686
         File: 1330115813.png-(256 KB, 638x359, evil.png)
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    I know what you mean.
    >> squeakers !!zTEGo/wtjfv 02/24/12(Fri)16:12 No.5532828
    Going, but won't be in cosplay. My first time attending a con without cosplay. Le gasp. Anywho....
    >> Youmu Konpaku !MyonHUTINA 02/24/12(Fri)16:14 No.5532834
         File: 1330118057.png-(197 KB, 300x385, youmunearfull.png)
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    Crossplay coalition on Saturday... hrm. I wanna go, but what I plan to wear on Saturday is sorta only questionably crossplay, since it's sorta guy-ish despite being worn by a girl.
    Pic related, I wonder if that'll be okay...
    >> RP !!irLdG43K1Dj 02/24/12(Fri)22:30 No.5534164
         File: 1330140644.jpg-(20 KB, 228x231, screenshot.211.jpg)
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    Because the G8 is in town from May 15 - 22, so all the hotels are pretty much booked in the entirety of Chicagoland.. I'm ok with ACen being earlier since the police presence is going to be absolute bananas.

    Also, Madoka is much, much later since most of the younger kiddies will (hopefully) be in bed...and we just flat-out need some pretty poofy skirts to make things interesting for people who aren't interested in the raves or drinking. Also, Kyubey abuse. It's needed.

    Go anyways! I don't think anyone will mind too much!
    >> Anonymous 02/24/12(Fri)23:19 No.5534292
         File: 1330143557.jpg-(22 KB, 208x240, zap.jpg)
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    I'm going to be a major slowpoke.

    Is it too late to suggest a vidya tournament?

    Would anyone want to play... skylanders?
    >> Youmu Konpaku !MyonHUTINA 02/25/12(Sat)02:59 No.5534798
         File: 1330156791.png-(1.3 MB, 1000x1373, 1297790530405.png)
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    Well, the reason I ask is because I have a much more crossplay-y crossplay (it's an actual dress and whatnot) that I'll be wearing Friday, so I was kinda wondering if it would be better to change into that in between the Touhou meetup and the crossplay coalition thingy. Pic once again related.
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)20:15 No.5537024
    >> Anonymous 02/25/12(Sat)22:43 No.5537568
    Is that faggot, HaruHe, still a part of that?
    >> Zaboo !!bMmoIbJkw/2 02/25/12(Sat)22:53 No.5537599
    If I go at all, it will be with my gijinka Blastoise. All of my effort is currently aimed at finishing my C2E2 outfits.
    >> Rahne !rgChoco7wo 02/25/12(Sat)22:59 No.5537621
    I'll only go to ACen if I can crash in someone's hotel room. And roadtrip with someone. Oh and study all weekend. LOLOLOL JK I'll study in the 6 hour car ride there...
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 02/25/12(Sat)23:19 No.5537683
         File: 1330229980.jpg-(50 KB, 312x399, 1315902008687.jpg)
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    totally gonna be going to this, not gonna focus on cosplay too much since all my money for the next 2 months is going to be drained on paying off my room and making sure I bring enough spending money
    >> Luluko 02/25/12(Sat)23:29 No.5537715
         File: 1330230548.jpg-(19 KB, 296x280, yankee lulu.jpg)
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    What about the, y'know, PLAN?
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 02/25/12(Sat)23:31 No.5537728
         File: 1330230694.png-(272 KB, 492x467, vlcsnap-2012-02-12-00h03m52s89.png)
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    We'll have to use THAT

    seriously though there is virtually no way that's gonna be ready by acen, not enough time or money, blame Mass Effect 3, Armored Core 5, and Infinite Stratos if it makes you feel better
    >> Charizard !VGgzyrjHeY 02/25/12(Sat)23:31 No.5537730
         File: 1330230719.jpg-(502 KB, 1024x768, archer[1].jpg)
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    Can't wait, bringing Keith, Dante, and doing an Archer group with some friends, can't wait to party you all again!
    >> Youmu Konpaku !MyonHUTINA 02/26/12(Sun)00:13 No.5537929
    I don't really know to what or whom you refer. But then, I've only just started cosplaying and going to cons, so I guess that's not unexpected...
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 02/26/12(Sun)00:45 No.5538051
         File: 1330235142.jpg-(167 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lfav1uOUVD1qaoe96o1_500.jpg)
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    I made a promise to my self not to get super drunk this year at ACEN but I'm so excited. I can't hold all these feels.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)01:03 No.5538125
    I see so many people talking about getting drunk at acen, is it really that much better? when I get really drunk, I tend to not remember anything
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)01:10 No.5538146
    Drunk ACen is awesome ACen. I'm not a heavy drinker, but I spent a good part of Sat last year roaming around the dealer's room at that wonderful point where you're drunk, but not quite drunk enough to get a drunk in public charge. I was the very loud Doctor Doom, if anyone remembers. I seem to have volume issues when drunk.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)01:10 No.5538149
    I don't drink and I'm sort of scared of drunk people, so as long as they don't bother me..

    I prefer being sober and having long conversations with internet friends while browsing the dealers room, personally!
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)01:14 No.5538162
    Ahh my cosplay is only half done, I hope I can afford finishing it before the con!
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 02/26/12(Sun)01:17 No.5538170
         File: 1330237036.jpg-(264 KB, 950x810, 1311488159261.jpg)
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    same here anon, I can't stand the taste of alcohol but I don't mind if other people around me drink, it makes things more fun!
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)02:18 No.5538299
    This will be my 7th year. Lets hope this year someone is smart enough to NOT call me an ignorant nazi.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)02:19 No.5538307
    so does half the con when sober. You blended in well.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)03:10 No.5538434
         File: 1330243822.jpg-(24 KB, 638x359, Oh_he_mad.jpg)
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    Will you be dressed in Nazi regalia?

    If so = ignorant Nazi.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)03:16 No.5538446
    Holy crap I usually just roll over to /cgl/ from /diy/ and /b/ to fap to hot cosplay chicks but this is 10 minutes from my work and 20 minutes from my house so I might go. I never had much interest in cosplay until recently but was thinking of doing gluttony as I am shaped sorta right for it(fatass).
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)09:07 No.5538923
    He's part of Madoka now. Cheers!
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)13:54 No.5539600
    he's a pedo and a terrible crossplayer.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)21:36 No.5541270
    You don't have to tell me that dude. I know. Oh how I know.
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)21:44 No.5541302
    Speaking of drunks, does anyone know, let alone, remember the Iron Man passed out by the Hyatt elevators?
    >> Yellow Arrow 02/26/12(Sun)22:08 No.5541383
    My friends were going to take me for one day. Kinda want to do Arrietty cosplay after seeing the movie but not sure it's worth it
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)22:45 No.5541572
    Last year was my first ACEN, and I went with a big group of friends. I didn't know I was going until way late and we were going to be a part of the TF2 group, so my femme heavy was probably shitty.

    This year I'm trying to fix that up, but also knew we were going again way earlier, so my husband and I are trying to step up our game.

    I just finished my skirt for Fionna yesterday, and am like 90% done her backpack today. I am WAY too excite, but so much more to do!
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)23:17 No.5541749
    no, but I remember the lady having a trip or something, screaming while con staff and da paramedics wheeled her away.

    captcha: History,
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)23:19 No.5541755
    psst, anon, he's allergic to cinnamon
    >> Anonymous 02/26/12(Sun)23:48 No.5541863
    Oh god I think I remember the person you're talking about. All I know was that we were all getting ready for bed and we could hear this crazy broad screaming her ass off and spouting nonsense. I seriously hate rooming outside the executive wing in the Hyatt you can hear EVERYTHING.
    >> ei666shii !otnRSDkuZA 02/26/12(Sun)23:55 No.5541886
    I sort of remember that dude. I was also on the verge of blacking out. I vaguely remember trying to wake him. I gave up and that's the last thing I remember before waking up 11:30 the next day with 30 minutes to get out of the room.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)01:39 No.5542335
         File: 1330324756.jpg-(14 KB, 239x320, puppiesoncouch.jpg)
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    me again
    My boss owns a bar 10 minutes away from this that is open to 4am I think so it would be a rocking place to party afterwards. I was thinking of going as a DOMO maybe if not many people go as them. I was thinking brown fuzzy sumthing with red fuzzy mouth just need ideas on how to see out of it. IF its hot it would suck ass. My boss also owns an internet cafe with sweepstakes games that I might be able to talk him into staying open 24 hours during this event so when its close there would be a place to jam at. It is a 1 minute walk from that bar.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)01:45 No.5542353
    Skipping it, unfortunately. Had a great time last year but the date's been moved up, lots of people are swearing it off because of that, and so on. Considering AN, but I might just hold off until AX.


    Are you still doing Siggy? I'm afraid I'll have to miss it, sorry. I was looking forward to it.
    >> sonteen12 !c/Bmteb9h. 02/27/12(Mon)02:09 No.5542427
         File: 1330326569.jpg-(751 KB, 1000x856, 583110.jpg)
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    So not ready for Acen. orz But I'm looking forward to actually attend the con since I've been missing it for the past two years eventhough it's like 15 min from where I live(shits always happen during that time) Looking forward to our hero suit T&B group and our UtaPri group. So excite~
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:12 No.5544250
    GO TO AN!!!!

    Pretty much just hang out and meet people. They have a ton of stuff to do (panels, rave, dealer's room, Anime Hell or whatever it is) but that means a lot of lines. I had the most fun chilling with friends and making new ones.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:49 No.5544393
    Whats the name of the bar
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)20:29 No.5544813
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    I am not ready for the brewing potential shitstorm that will be the result of my RainbowDash cosplay. Dont want to cosplay until i lose weight, but I lost the bet fair and square, can't even hide from cameras. Fuck my life
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)10:32 No.5546700
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    Finally bought my shit.
    It's going to be my first con/Acen. c:
    Anything specific to ACEN I should know before I go?
    >> Jillian !!BGzIfEqmLpj 02/28/12(Tue)17:44 No.5547867
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    Welp, I wanted to have my Blue Rose costume done in time for this, but I doubt it's going to happen since my free time is consumed with finishing my thesis and portfolio for my degree. I'm planning to do a formal wear Blue Rose instead and finish the Hero costume in the summer.

    I also plan on wearing Puella Magi Homura, Angel Panty, and Dark Phoenix. I'm trying to figure out what days I'm going to wear them since all the photoshoots are close together. D:

    I might stop by the meet up, but I'm kind of afraid to tbh. Too much social anxiety.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)22:26 No.5548922
    Meetup is when and where?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:20 No.5549248

    This is why cgl needs a sticky.

    As for ACen, don't bother going to the "rave"; you're better off wandering around room parties. If you're planning on eating out, I'd go to Bogart's at the nearby movie theater. It's surprisingly less busy than the other restaurants (especially McDonalds, of course...the lines there can get as crazy as the registrations') and not as expensive (casual American dining; beautiful decor). If you want to play video games - good luck getting a controller. Some guys tend to hog the machines and consoles.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)13:45 No.5550997
    Year 7 for me. Already expecting some idiot to call me a nazi. The last few years its gotten kinda bad. Atleast I'll have more modern gear for my Zeon outfit.
    >> Electric Barbarella !!aFbiQgnY8Ay 02/29/12(Wed)14:46 No.5551157
    >>don't bother going to the "rave"

    Fuck you those DJs are choice. I wish I could go ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)14:56 No.5551194

    Maybe that came off as a bit harsh. If you don't like waiting all day in long lines and can't stand being around sweating people in a confined space - let alone don't enjoy con-funk, don't go.

    I think that's just coming from someone who's been in the con scene for a while. I can hear the music just fine from the outside and ACen usually has people playing music out in the open. Con raves aren't usually all that great.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)15:02 No.5551217
    I know there are shit tons of general con 101 guides, hence, "specific for ACen."
    but thanks.
    >> Roko the /m/ lurker !kXYa3YRTCM 02/29/12(Wed)16:11 No.5551481
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    fuck the Feddies, spacenoid pride yo
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)16:17 No.5551514
    This... When and where's the meet up guys, 2nd year going to ACen but this will be my first /cgl/ meet up (since I had no clue what /cgl/ was last year)
    >> Valkyrie !jJDlWp/RKc 02/29/12(Wed)16:44 No.5551654
    Two months better be enough time to finish Beatrix for this
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:00 No.5551720

    What was the bet? And are you a guy or girl?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)17:48 No.5551954
    Hmmm, specific for Acen... I can try to help but what are you wondering about?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)19:09 No.5552237
    Side 3 shall rise, Sieg Zeon! If you are attending catch the gundam meetup. Should be set for 1pm Sat by the loading docks. It's all still up in the air at this point though. You may want to hit the gundam panels, they are the best I've been to.
    >> Luluko 02/29/12(Wed)23:03 No.5552987
    Beatrix? Like FFIX Beatrix? I'd love you forever.
    >> Valkyrie !jJDlWp/RKc 02/29/12(Wed)23:43 No.5553101
    Indeed! I'll hopefully have a IX group for the con.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)01:01 No.5553317
    going!! it's my first time at acen so i'm excited
    either as a (probably natural-haired) lucky star uniform, or a mugi listen closet cosplay. i have her wig :\ conflicts, man.
    >> Luluko 03/01/12(Thu)01:13 No.5553350
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    Oh god! I hope I get to see you and your group! FFIX is my favorite game to date, and Beatrix is one of my favorite characters in that game. I'd like to cosplay from FF but their costumes are always so complicated. I'd really like to do Eiko or Relm one day, but I'm not skilled enough to make their costumes. Oh well, one day!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/12(Thu)14:54 No.5554691

    still no meetup place, /cgl/?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)12:55 No.5557628
    >> Anonymous 03/02/12(Fri)19:13 No.5558563
    I thought it was 8pm friday the usual spot in the Hyatt (between the front desk and the bar)?
    >> Anonymous 03/03/12(Sat)11:31 No.5560402
    I think there should be some sort of sign for the new comers to ACen for the meet up, hell I barely know my way around ACen since last year was my first time going. Also are you trips and namefags going to put your /cgl/ names on you're badges? I'm actually use acknowledging most of you by your trips names & it seems easier to identify you with them.
    >> Valkyrie !jJDlWp/RKc 03/03/12(Sat)12:23 No.5560517
    Sounds like a good idea to me, or maybe just at the bar? It's super easy to find.
    A sign is a good idea. I won't have my trip as my badge name, but i'll identify myself if asked ahaha.
    >> RP !!irLdG43K1Dj 03/03/12(Sat)20:39 No.5562111
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    Nah, not inside the bar. They card after a certain hour, even if it is also a restaurant. This is where we met last year.. just look for a crowd of around 20 people. The elevator's lines are supposed to take up the other side of the railings, so I really don't want to get in the way of that.
    >> Raine !!vjAWtaGg4oJ 03/03/12(Sat)21:41 No.5562285
    I hope that I'm able to make it. Even if it's not quite what it was (I started attending ACen in 2003), it's still fantastic. Great costumes, lots of people, an actual MGS shoot, a very large Final Fantasy gathering...
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)03:28 No.5563136
    ACen split its programming rooms between three hotels this year.

    Exhibit hall (# of vendors) was reduced.

    Still only have one guest announced and continues to delete & deny posts by guests that ACen booked but refuses to formally announce.

    Panels is run by a person (same one that was responsible for LineCon 08), causing a ton of drama with panelists including giving the long-standing karaoke people the boot, then asking for someone to come in and run karaoke entirely for free.

    Still no bag check.

    Finally putting overbearing IRT in the elevators.

    Staff is as drunk as the attendees more or less all weekend.

    Soap bubble is going to suck, unless you enjoy waiting outside 3-4 hours to get in for 15 minutes before getting shuffled back out to the back of the line again in the name of "rotating the crowd".

    15th anniversary indeed; I hope whoever used to pull the fire alarm every year makes a triumphant return.

    tl,dr: If you must go to ACen, don't buy a badge and instead have fun with friends.
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)09:39 No.5563655
    Hey Lothos, still mad?
    >> Anonymous 03/04/12(Sun)10:22 No.5563787
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    Can someone here convince me why I should go? What I should cosplay as? And does someone wanna do a group coplay of some sort?

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