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    File: 1329776978.jpg-(39 KB, 440x240, Otakon_Logo-1.jpg)
    39 KB Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 02/20/12(Mon)17:29 No.5517275  
    So Otakon Registration just opened up. Yeah it's like a few months away. What are you guys planning or looking forward too?

    Also was registration $70 last year too?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)17:48 No.5517396
    Indeed it was. I'm glad it didn't go up at least, I was worried it might be like 80 bucks or something.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)17:51 No.5517411
    I thought it was $65 last year, I could be wrong though.
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 02/20/12(Mon)18:33 No.5517619
    well it will be $80 at the door.

    It's weird because $65 I look at and think "That's OK" but $70 made me feel it was a little over priced.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)18:40 No.5517651
    >marketing strategies
    they should've made it 69 dorrar
    >> Funk Brothers !xi8/JKFwzo 02/20/12(Mon)18:45 No.5517673
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    I would love to go, but I just dunno right now. Yeah I have the funds and bros to boot, but something feels wrong about me going to Otakon this year. It seems several of my friends have packed up and moved to the West Coast and left me behind in the Midwest. I can basically go to New York City for NYCC in October and see the same group of friends minus the Hooters experience. I've been also pondering of going back to Germany and Berlin or go to Japan.

    tl;dr I'm getting tried and want a change in atmosphere and/or environment. I feel like going to AX this year.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)18:48 No.5517682
    The difference in money they're making between $65 and $70 is huge too. If there are 20,000 attendees, there's a $100,000 difference between charging $65 and $70
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)18:48 No.5517690
    Damn maybe you're right. I think I prereged, and I am fairly sure it was 70 because I remember having a crisis and saying to myself "but 60 or 65 would be okay!" It has been going up in 5 increments as well so that wouldn't be surprising if it was 65.

    I remember when I thought 45 was a lot for Otakon...those were the days :(

    Really though, 65 or 70 is too much for what you get...
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)18:55 No.5517716

    It was $65 pre-reg, $75 at door.

    They raised the prices 5 bucks last year due to, if I remember correctly, a higher fee on the location (which is probably bullshit), and raised the price 5 bucks again this year.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)18:58 No.5517729
    I already have a Saints Row group planned and a Mass Effect group

    Gonna be busy
    >> Luluko 02/20/12(Mon)19:03 No.5517748
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    I want to go...but I'm not sure if I'll be able to.
    And if I wait too long, everything will be closed/marked up. What a dilemma!
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 02/20/12(Mon)19:09 No.5517765
    So at that rate it'll be $75 next year :/ I wish they would do it like AUSA last year where if you prereged in the first month it was super cheap.
    >> ThatGirl 02/20/12(Mon)19:11 No.5517776
    Man, I've been going to Otakon since I was a small kid, and this is actually bothering me a fair bit, the sneaky extra-five-bucks-a-year bumps.I'm definitely going because it's that con for me, but I really hope it's good, or I might just give it up in a year or so.

    Still considering throwing in a panel talkin about history and culture from the perspective of Hetalia, maybe a slightly more serious HetaMUN, idk. When are panel submits due?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)19:16 No.5517795
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    I'm reconsidering going to Otakon. It's been my home con since I was 16, so I've been there 7 times in the past 10 years or so.

    I know it in an out, but it doesn't have the same quality as some of the other conventions I've been going to now as I've branched out. I'm enjoying the smaller cons than this. I've had more fun at Katsucon these past 3 years, hell even with the blizzard and 1st time going beat Otakon this past July.

    While it's a tradition for me to go, I think this year is my last. The $70 pre-reg badge better be sparkling and glowing with iridescence from the deep depths of the ocean. Ok, I'm over exaggerating, but hell there better be something fantastic going on this year.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)19:25 No.5517829
    I'll go to see people, and I'll register because security is really good about checking badges...

    ... but Otakon sucks. The Baltimore Convention Center is too small and it makes the whole experience a nightmare of smashing up against a neverending river of smelly human flesh and sharp props. Otakon desperately needs to move to the larger Walter E. Washington Center in downtown DC.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)19:28 No.5517845
    >security is really good about checking badges...

    Uh...since when?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)19:29 No.5517849
    Panel submissions aren't even open yet but they'll probably be out in a while.

    I'm thinking about applying with Funny Japanese Star Wars Merchandising.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)19:34 No.5517865
    since they started stealing all their ideas from tekkoshocon
    >> Oak !wu2xqZVwic 02/20/12(Mon)19:38 No.5517876
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    Katsucon was so much fun I think I need to attend this con as well. A lot of people kept telling me to go. I really need to room with someone this time though, having a room alone with a king sized bed and my own shower was nice but I don't make the money to continuously do that.
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 02/20/12(Mon)19:40 No.5517885
    The same panel the two of us were entertaining the ideas of last summer?

    I am not gonna lie, I would go to that panel. I hope you submit it and get it.

    I would love it if they moved the convention down to DC. That convention center is so much bigger. Though I think site fees may be a bit higher there then the BCC.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)19:43 No.5517899
    That would be so great if Otakon was in DC. Metro accessible, too! I think it is more expensive, though. Also, I think Otakon has the BCC booked until 2016 or something. It says something similar on the "Otakon in the News" page on their website.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)19:51 No.5517923
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    There's so much great stuff, from the moe moe ANH manga to the awful RotJ manga (pictured) to the life-sized Dewback the 501st garrison built to the Vader helmet project...

    Boo. Maybe in 2017, then. Otakon will be WAY too big for Baltimore by then, and ticket prices will be $150 anyway.
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 02/20/12(Mon)19:53 No.5517930
    The BCC isn't so bad as far as getting to it via public transportation. And Baltimore's public transportation runs longer then DC's.

    The biggest issue would probably be that with moving the convention you will likely loose numbers in attendees. And if the rent's higher that's no good, you know? I would still like to see what it would be like if they gave it a test go.
    >> ThatGirl 02/20/12(Mon)19:54 No.5517933
    Yeah, that sort of panel! Man I looked for you at AUSA but I couldn't figure out you. It'd be nice to do one.

    I sort of do sort of don't support the idea of it moving to the new DC con center, but switching cities would be a hassle even after their current deal expires. I'm really hoping AUSA gets a boost from its move to the Marriott Wardman.DC cons are great for me, but I really like the Inner Harbor.
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 02/20/12(Mon)20:02 No.5517950
    I'm still open to the idea of doing the panel if you want to try to get it on for Otakon. I wasn't at AUSA; going into the panel idea with you I was going 100% if we were approved and it was 50/50 if not.

    I like the hotel AUSA move to a lot. I think Katsucon was there like what two years before they moved to the Gaylord.
    >> ThatGirl 02/20/12(Mon)20:08 No.5517969
    Oooohhhh OK that explains it.

    Yea, I'm totally willing to try again for that panel, we just gotta plan it well and hope for the best. If we don't get it in for another fucking inane Ask-A-Nation -- I like them, but they're all the same really -- I will take a hatchet to something. My friends have done Ask panels for Hetalia and Homestuck, and, while they're fun, there's just way more interesting spins you can put on a panel, in character or out of it.

    Were they? They used to be at a very small but nice hotel right by a Metro, I don't think it was the Wardman, too huge to be that one. Kinda wish they could move to the Wardman, I dislike the National Harbor.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:11 No.5517976
    Katsu spent a while at the Omni Shoreham, which is right across the street from the Wardman Park Marriott and, yes, right on the metro.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:14 No.5517985
    Ask A type panels need to just die in a fire already, they were cute the first couple times but then everyone and their mother decided they wanted to try running their own version and see how shitty they could make it. There are so many better options people could do for panels it's kinda sad /rant
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 02/20/12(Mon)20:19 No.5517998
    You still have my email right. Just shoot me an email and we can go from there.

    I dunno. My stepfather used to own the resturant Petite Plait right across the street from the metro station (before those French people ran him out) there so that whole area around Connecticut Ave. blurs together as far as hotels go. The only Marriot I know well in DC though is the JW. It is absolutely massive once you get in there with like something like 5 basement levels.

    Yeah I was really way off.
    >> ThatGirl 02/20/12(Mon)20:21 No.5518006
    I sort of agree. I really wish I could do one, but I find them mostly embarrassing or dumb, there are other IC panels. The friend's Homestuck panels had a bit more to them, with a few scripted bits interspersed between, but still.

    Most are really lazy, and I'm kinda worried that the HS ones that are going to be showing up in huge numbers within about six months are going to spiral down into lousiness.
    Of course, I'm the sort of person who makes serious ponderings about fandom dynamics, lol.

    That's it, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:22 No.5518010
    Assuming anyone gives two shits about that PA convention?
    Even if Otakon is stealing ideas, hey, which one has more attendees and isn't banned from a hotel from misconduct due to dumb-ass attendees?
    Also: Dragon*Con and AX check badges
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:23 No.5518015
    Creeper Kuzco was too sick to attend Katsucon, but I doubt anything is going to stop him from going to Otakon since he lives in Baltimore.

    If he tries to do another live reading of his book I am going to check it out, it is bound to be fantasticly bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:23 No.5518016
    Whats everyone opinions of the hotels in the inner harbour area? Otakons becoming a big expense for me, and the fact that a suite in the Gaylord this weekend was only $200 less than a room a quarter of the size in the Lord Baltimore Radisson is really sobering.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:24 No.5518019
    Con noob here. I've only been to Katsucon. I was just wondering if you could get into the BCC without having to pay for a pass, like with Katsu. I doubt it, but just wanted to make sure.
    >> ThatGirl 02/20/12(Mon)20:24 No.5518022
    Lots of places check badges, it's not a new idea. Hotel cons are more relaxed on it than ones in con centers for obvious reasons, but they still usually check for AA or Dealer's Room or other major things. I don't see how that's a new concept that can be stolen.

    Gotcha. Do you have a tumblr or Facebook too? I keep forgetting to check my email recently so contacting me on them [or hell, my RP account on facebook] is more reliable.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:25 No.5518025
    There's security at every entrance. "Losing" badges was a really easy way to split them with other people, but they've basically made replacement badges just as expensive.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:27 No.5518028

    I think that was the point. It's not a new thing so I highly doubt Otakon "stole" it from a smaller con only a few people have heard of.
    >> Ivy !EihVUOzAKE 02/20/12(Mon)20:31 No.5518040
    To be fair though, some of the security is paid security and you could easily go through with an old badge. I know some people last year who didn't buy a badge and used previous Otakon badges to get into the con center.
    There was also this huge fake badge making fiasco going on that caused some people to be kicked out and banned.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:35 No.5518051
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    The Convention center has its own paid security, then Otakon has its own un-paid security (The otakon ones are nice) in 2011 I ran into one hell of a douchebag who was part of the actual Convention center staff. Also it was $65 bucks last years.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:40 No.5518063

    it's not checking badges, it's how you print them and check them cheaply and efficiently. Perhaps the more appropriate word would be copycat


    And lol everyone knows a number of former high level tekkoshocon staff work as high level otakon staff... you know, like how otakon's con chair was once con chair at tekko. Considering how butthurt you got over that little post, I'd dare guess you're one of them
    >> The Cosplay Cop 02/20/12(Mon)20:41 No.5518067
    >And Baltimore's public transportation runs longer then DC's.

    You got it backwards. Friday through Sunday, the DC Metro runs until 3am. Good luck trying to hit up the Baltimore metro after 11pm on weekends.

    As for Otakon coming to DC? You cant beat having a metro station that literally puts you right at the door of the DC convention center with multiple hotels within a 3-5 minute walking distance. And if you're worried about security, DC has the highest concentration of law enforcement agencies in the US.

    I would gladly pay more for admission if Otakon came here to DC.
    >> Kilgamayan !2BklmILFiE 02/20/12(Mon)20:44 No.5518077
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    >Pay $40 to prereg for Katsucon, which was a ton of fun and had good weather
    >Pay $70 to prereg for Otakon, which will invariably be less fun and ball-meltingly hot

    Oh boy!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:45 No.5518079
    don't forget how otakon wanted to and came very close to moving to pittsburgh
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:45 No.5518080
    Fear not for we will have dat ice cold water, and it's only one dollah.
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 02/20/12(Mon)20:52 No.5518106
    my tumblr is thestellarseacow I am like always on there even if I don't constantly post.

    I was talking about the buses in Baltimore, not the metro. Their buses are like almost always running. I live in a small town in PA now and one of my regular costumers is a bus driver for them. Totally not worried about DC security either. Really though I would like to see Baltimore moving there if it means less crowding.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)21:23 No.5518211
    I'm not gonna pre register until they confirm any guests that I really want to see (Laura Bailey, them FINALLY getting Romi Park (unlikely) or even Stephanie Sheh returning for a third year would be enough). I was considering saving up so I could actually book a hotel room for 2-3 nights, but if they don't even have a guest I want to see I might just skip it this year. 70 dollars is too f'ing much if there's nothing there I want to do for sure. It'd be 140 dollars for me and my sister (she has saved up more than enough to pay her way in though), and like 200 a night for a half-decent hotel and I wouldn't be able to room with anyone since my sister's gonna be 12 and I'm not sure if my mom would be comfortable with her sharing a room with a stranger, me there or not. So...

    That's 540 right there- that ain't chump change by any stretch of the imagination. And then I also have to save up so I can actually make use of the dealer's room and the artist alley, and given I'm drifting between jobs AND in college... Well you can see why 70 bucks is a LOT to ask for.

    Sorry for the rant, I just hate when wrenches get thrown into my plans.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:18 No.5518440
    >creeper kuzco

    As we were leaving, my friends told me he took a picture of me on Sunday. I didn't recognize him (despite casually browsing /cgl/) though.

    National Harbor isn't large. It takes less than ten minutes to walk the whole thing. Heard lots of good stuff about the Residence Inn, which also has a kitchen and fridge for all your cheap bastard needs. Basically: if you're wearing one costume a day, why not stay somewhere cheaper and pack ten people into one suite? ... I suppose it depends on the weather, though. You can't predict that. If there's a blizzard, the Gaylord is the obvious choice. If it's 40+ and sunny, why not stay two blocks away? You take a gamble every year.

    >Laura Bailey, them FINALLY getting Romi Park (unlikely) or even Stephanie Sheh returning for a third year would be enough
    This is something that confuses me. Katsu sometimes has good musical guests, but a con its size should be able to get AX-quality guests but repeatedly fails.

    FUKUYAMA/MAY'N 2012.
    >> Valkyrie !jJDlWp/RKc 02/20/12(Mon)22:21 No.5518463
    I definetly plan on going again this year, I just hope it's not so darned hot this time. Only worry is how close it'll fall to a family reunion i'm having.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:23 No.5518478
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    >them FINALLY getting Romi Park
    Has any American con ever had her? I know AX listed her in 2006 but she never showed because of an expired visa or something ridiculous. I had brought shit for her to autograph and everything.
    >> Vicious !!PA9+bSFpT8S 02/20/12(Mon)22:31 No.5518525
    Wait a second...pre-reg starts out at $70? Cons are getting more and more expensive... But I'm going regardless. Rooming with the same awesome peeps as Katsucon! Haven't planned any costumes yet but I'm sure I'll be premiering some new stuff.~
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:34 No.5518542
    >Wonder what the big deal about Romi Park is
    >Look her up on wiki
    >Ah, she's a voice actress
    >Oooh, she's the voice for Ed huh?
    >Voices in Naruto and Bleach too, makes sense why she's popu-
    >Suikoden Tierkreis - Chrodechild
    >Suikoden Tactics - Kyril

    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:15 No.5518769
    I'm both excited and nervous. I'm trying to get two new friends into cosplaying. We've already made plans to cosplay from kill bill, but I worry about them not being as in to it. I go to cons pretty much just for cosplay, so I'm hoping they don't get bored. But I just don't do panels and guests and signings
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:34 No.5518847
    Sounds like you guys are having the reaction I am having to SDCC. $150 for a 4-day lolwut. Good thing I get in free as a pro...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)01:07 No.5519188
    Evidently, according to the Otakon con chair or someone equivalent, they've been trying to get her for years, she keeps expressing interest but before a contract can be finalized and signed her agent gets her a new job or something. Someday, SOMEDAY... But as far as I know, as interested as she is in getting to an American con, she hasn't managed to go to one yet.

    Yep! I know her for voicing Kenshin in Sengoku Basara though.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)01:23 No.5519262
    Although it's a few months from now, I'm really stoked to get to Otacon. I plan on getting a hotel room to stay in Baltimore for a few days. I wanted to know if any of you guys are willing to come along with me or just meet me there so we can hang.

    For those who've been there already, could you give me some tips and things to look out for to guarantee a wonderful time?

    Also, I'm looking for goat horns that Vincent wears in the video game Catherine for the Xbox/PS3. I've looked on search engines and couldn't find much.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)01:36 No.5519318
    Otakon keeps getting more expensive, more crowded, and less fun.

    There are better cons for less money. D*C is $65 if you register in the earliest price bracket, and it's 3 full days plus Monday until around 4pm.

    Otakon is $70, it's half of Friday, all of Sat, and half of Sunday. Nothing opens until noon on Friday, everything cool happens on Sat so you miss out on half the good programming/guests, and then Sunday is like leftover day and everything's closed around 1-2 pm.

    If they're going to jack the price up every year, they ought to consider having things open earlier or later. They should also consider better organizing in general. Putting guests/panels they know are popular in the tiny rooms? No. Confusing autograph line rules where you wait in line for 3+ hours and NOT get an autograph and not be told until late? No.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)01:44 No.5519344
    Well there's baseball being played the weekend of Otakon for the first time since 2006.

    Who wants to see the Orioles play the Athletics?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)01:54 No.5519382
    >otakon staff

    pick one

    seriously, I wish more people would just go to the midsize cons that are better organized instead and help them grow. Katsu's become more fun than otakon at this point and the band fangirl in me would love to see tekko get back to that convention center, if they could just get a little more attendance... exist trace this year, they're working their way up fast with music
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)01:55 No.5519384
    Just for the "Why the fuck not" factor bing over ZUN (dude who created Touhou Project) as an Otakon guest.

    Anybody remember how jam packed that Touhou panel was in 2010? Imagine the crowds you'd get if Otakon somehow managed to bring ZUN to the US for the first time?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)02:05 No.5519428

    And at the door at Dragon*con is 120. You only get 60 when you register at the con of the previous year. 5 years ago you could register at the door for 75. It's not like we're suddenly getting better programming, or more expensive guests...there's already a huge surplus of cash.

    Part of the reason prices get jacked is crowd control. The more expensive the badges the more likely you'll get people deciding it's "too expensive", helping cull the crowds to hopefully more manageable levels.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)02:47 No.5519540
    If only that applied to SDCC.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)03:30 No.5519630

    Yeah, it works better for fan-run cons, not industry-run cons.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)03:41 No.5519644
    Yeah, SDCC is at that juggernaut self-sustaining status. Even if a bunch of people drop out there will be many more to go just because of the hype
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)08:07 No.5520036
    >Part of the reason prices get jacked is crowd control.

    Then Otakon needs to cap its numbers. TOO. CROWDED.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)11:10 No.5520483
    I bet AX is going to be Touhoucon this year. Everything Touhou.
    >> The Cosplay Cop 02/21/12(Tue)13:58 No.5520915

    They did have a cap in '06.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:17 No.5521162
    I always buy my badge at the con for D*Con for the next year on Thursday. Makes it more affordable for a couple
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:24 No.5521187
    I want to go again, but I'd like to stay with a different group of people this year. Not digging my unsocial friends anymore.
    Who the hell pays that much to go to such a large con to just stand around by the fountains the whole time/ go out & eat? Boring. I spent the whole time running around trying to see all the cosplay/lolita/etc & a few panels here & there...
    I stick to myself, dont do drama/ bringing people back to the room without permission...

    Is it hard to find ppl like that to room with?
    I'm just so poorfag, I dont want to pay for my own room when I'll almost never be there.
    >> Lilitu !!SXtzhYBl9ng 02/21/12(Tue)16:07 No.5521344
    If Otakon got Romi Paku I would probably finally go to a voice actor related panel, and possibly an autograph session. I love that woman's voice.

    What did they put the attendance cap at? I can understand why they wouldn't want to seeing how fewer people means less money, but at the same time it doesn't look like they are using more money for better programming.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:42 No.5521686
    If anyone else will be in town that Wednesday and/or Thursday, my bf and I are planning on going when the Rays are in town... Thursday is free t-shirt day!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:45 No.5521699
    The cap was because they were hesitant about reaching max capacity of the convention center and surrounding areas. It was getting bigger, so they were unsure. I can't remember what the cap was, but it's on

    I think it was also that they had an issue getting enough security to handle the con. More people = more security. It was a lot of things. After '06 they realized that they didn't need a cap and that they could handle the crowds - as long as they raised the prereg/reg price.
    >> Lilitu !!SXtzhYBl9ng 02/21/12(Tue)17:58 No.5521739
    Oh well hell I'd rather have them go back to the cap if that means the prices would be lowered once again.

    Went to look up the cap and it was 25,000 and last year they made it to 31,000... yeah lets put that 25,000 cap back on.
    >> Kilgamayan !2BklmILFiE 02/21/12(Tue)21:30 No.5522514

    AnimeBoston's Touhou crowd is floating over a guest from Japan this year. If AX can pull it off too, though, I'll be more than happy for them.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)23:06 No.5522837
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    The price is really off putting. I've had a lot of fun going to Otakon the last 7 years or so, but I'm tired of the prices going up every single year. I know cons in better places that don't go up every year. Someone should complain but it won't change anything and hell we'll probably just feel immature for doing it.
    I guess I'll wait until the guests are put up and decide. This year is definitely going to be my last Otakon. Katsucon is much more fun, AND cheaper.

    I'm going to be busy with my Mass Effect cosplay so yay me.

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