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    File: 1329664416.jpg-(96 KB, 545x552, 123asky.jpg)
    96 KB Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:13 No.5511840  
    Are there any trip fags at KatsuCon?

    Did anybody see JessicaN in her skyrim outfit? Her Derpy Hooves?

    inb4 Hurr every single post about Jessica is self post durr! I seriously want to see pics, not her photoshop.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:14 No.5511843
    Anybody here actually see her skyrim cosplay in person? Was it better in person or worse?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:18 No.5511850
         File: 1329664687.jpg-(312 KB, 683x1024, 6316767721_2d0ac08c6a_b.jpg)
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    Her last pony was terrrible.

    Other then that eye liner, makeup andn terrible tan, those lenses are just the worst
    shes terrible at choosing good lenses
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:20 No.5511853
    why all that makeup?

    Why the fuck did she choose black eye shadow for fluttershy? Let alone the fucking thick raccon eye liner

    Her Derpy will be just as awful, no idea what the actual costume may look like.
    Itll be humerus to see actually
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:20 No.5511854

    she has such bad skin and terrible bulldog lines :(
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:21 No.5511855
    Something about this picture is very creepy and scary O__O
    she looks so elderly and ghost like
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:24 No.5511862
    The hell?...
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:32 No.5511879
    Jesus people chill out, this is like when PT went to Ikkicon and everyone was freaking out trying to see pictures of her. You will see her pic eventually.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:34 No.5511884
    were just tryin to re live the glory days
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:35 No.5511887
         File: 1329665749.gif-(222 KB, 400x400, derp.gif)
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    >derpy hooves
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:38 No.5511893
    shes only cosplaying derpy since shes blonde

    Im expecting no wig from her
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:39 No.5511895
    why is this girl so famous?

    i actually only come on this board for the dramu, i dont cosplay or lolita, and im always seeing this ugly cake face being posted all the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:41 No.5511900
    PT went to a convention....

    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:41 No.5511902
    Relax. She's trying to jump on the bandwagon and pick the latest big popular fad. She's like a bad market research cosplay whore.

    Just sit back and laugh as she tries to attract attention by picking costumes she thinks will get her the most attention.

    I think it would be hysterical to see this leathery cheese puff try and do homestuck next.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:42 No.5511903
         File: 1329666137.jpg-(81 KB, 450x675, Jessica-Nigri-Pikachu.jpg)
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    shes the ONLY cosplayer to have a facebook fan page over 76,000. NO one has ever even gotten close

    she originally got famous for "cosplaying" pikachu at comic con, now she just has a lot of fan boys.

    Cgl hates her because shes good looking, and is famous cosplayer.
    >> dildoes, but a simple heir to a hair empire. !lP4yhu2FPA 02/19/12(Sun)10:43 No.5511908
         File: 1329666222.jpg-(31 KB, 600x320, are you perhaps.jpg)
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    sup bitches
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:44 No.5511912
    does miyu have a fan page?
    also im sure shed beat jnigger
    any other fan pages of other famous cosplayers for proof?
    >> Cloaked Figure !SNIGGErLOU 02/19/12(Sun)10:45 No.5511916

    she look like pig
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:46 No.5511919
    Well she doesnt seem like a bitch, I can say that much. But my opinion still stands. Cake-face.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:48 No.5511925
    where hey hell have you been
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:49 No.5511929

    miyu had a fan page, it had about 200 likes before it got deleted
    because she was "quitting cosplay" for the 10th time
    >> dildoes, but a simple heir to a hair empire. !lP4yhu2FPA 02/19/12(Sun)10:52 No.5511939
    at katsu with coffee
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:54 No.5511944
    she has derp eye
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:54 No.5511945
    bro here. Saw her at Katsucon last night out of costume. I thought she looked alright, really no better than the average "hot" girl you see around at a bar type environment.

    I was really surprised when my girlfriend told me she was 21(?) she must've aged her skin horribly with tanning or something... also I don't understand her makeup choices. I'm sure she's a nice person at all, but I'm also sure she's only "famous" because of her "porn star" type look and her legion of pathetic beta male fans.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:57 No.5511953
    what does beta mean
    and why are they beta?
    I looked it up on urban diction ary and I still dont get it.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)10:59 No.5511960
    be nice and post some pics of the sexy coffee
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:03 No.5511967
         File: 1329667400.png-(50 KB, 624x388, beta.png)
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    Could write a dissertation on beta men, but basically they put women on a pedestal instead of just treating them like another human being.

    Just an example of some of her fans.
    >> Kishi !MuQGL65shc 02/19/12(Sun)11:06 No.5511974
         File: 1329667578.jpg-(25 KB, 348x380, 1325555358406.jpg)
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    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/19/12(Sun)11:08 No.5511978
    >that face
    >that smile
    wow..this picture is quite unflattering,
    and her eyes are messed up..wait..THAT'S WHY SHE WANTS TO COSPLAY DERPYHOOVES
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:08 No.5511979
    Only betas become such hardcore fans of a girl based on her looks alone.

    A regular guy might think she's hot, but they arn't going to subscribe to a fan page or post shitty pick up lines on her wall, that's something only betas do.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:09 No.5511983
         File: 1329667781.jpg-(60 KB, 488x89, Untitled-1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:19 No.5511991
    Is this the bitch that sluts up everything she touches?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:20 No.5511994
         File: 1329668406.gif-(1.21 MB, 300x169, c5356d46c59eacbaef0ca195248032(...).gif)
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    >> dildoes, but a simple heir to a hair empire. !lP4yhu2FPA 02/19/12(Sun)11:20 No.5511995
         File: 1329668458.jpg-(1.53 MB, 3264x1840, coffee.jpg)
    1.53 MB
    coffee says hi
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:22 No.5511996
    please dont turn this into your faggotry thread
    >> dildoes, but a simple heir to a hair empire. !eVpDVPjyeI 02/19/12(Sun)11:25 No.5511999
         File: 1329668741.jpg-(27 KB, 500x282, fluttershy none of your shit.jpg)
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    2 layt mah cheela
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:26 No.5512000
         File: 1329668764.jpg-(120 KB, 545x552, 210.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:27 No.5512001
    those arent funny when you actually do it on an ugly person
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:29 No.5512003
         File: 1329668940.gif-(500 KB, 245x184, tumblr_lqjvuuI7H11qzrlhgo2_250.gif)
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    I know. Seriously, if you went to a bar you'd see hotter or equally as "hot" chicks as her. I don't know why her fans like her so much, she's not even a fan of the things she cosplays.

    Pic unrelated, but still cute
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:29 No.5512004
    > that's the joke
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:30 No.5512005
    so who is the cosplayer who has thousands of "alpha male" fans?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:31 No.5512007
    No one.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:37 No.5512012
    Only Jnigger
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:45 No.5512018
    You mean Jessica Nigri?

    someone should call her that irl at katsu con
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:50 No.5512022
    no one ever has the balls to
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:52 No.5512027
    I met her at Katsucon.

    She's really nice.

    Her cosplay was well done.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:52 No.5512028
    yeah go and call someone a nigger in public
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:54 No.5512035
    hi Jessica
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:55 No.5512036
    whats the problem, black people love being called niggers
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)11:59 No.5512039

    I just met her after she asked to get a picture with me and a friend in a cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)12:15 No.5512073
    Jessi WARE R U?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)12:30 No.5512105
    'I want the kind of cock eyes where I can say 'hey can you help me with that?!' and five people come over'
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 02/19/12(Sun)13:45 No.5512373
         File: 1329677145.jpg-(41 KB, 320x240, SSPX0132.jpg)
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    Met her, saw her in her Skyrim outfit. Chatted with her for a while, was a nice girl. Wasn't entirely sure that it was her, before I remembered she was planning on doing an "alternative" Skyrim outfit.
    And in all honesty, it's not that bad. I don't particularly care whether or not she or another person made it, and I don't judge people on that. It looked pretty good - kinda like something out of a Conan-style fantasy novel.
    >inb4hijessica, y'all know that i'm a dude
    >inb4whiteknightwhowantsinherpants, hahaha nah.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)13:47 No.5512378
    What's the reason you can't rotate your images??
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)13:54 No.5512406
         File: 1329677699.jpg-(29 KB, 240x320, 1skyr.jpg)
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    and its ok, at least you dont act like her beta fan boys
    the ones who always over rate her when they see her irl
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)13:57 No.5512413
    As I suspected she only looks good when sucking in/flexing, just like every other person out there. She's not some sort superhuman with an amazing figure, she needs to be standing straight to look her best. Still looks decent, but very rectangle shaped...
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)13:59 No.5512420
    >>no curves
    >>still much better then majority of cosplayers
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 02/19/12(Sun)14:03 No.5512423
    Posted from my phone, sorry.
    Also, I like the detail that (she/her costumer) took with the battle scars. THAT was a nice touch, in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)14:06 No.5512435

    I don't like neither, but right should be right.

    Enter Alodia: Over 1 million facebook fans.

    Jnig doesn't even have over a 100 000 fans.

    They both win though at photoshop and all that jazz.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)14:11 No.5512443
         File: 1329678680.jpg-(129 KB, 500x382, supergirl2 (2).jpg)
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    Dont bring up Eastern Cosplayers,
    Western only here on /cgl/
    also shes a booth babe owned by several companies

    also shes just pretty asian # 1294853
    nothing unique about her
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)14:11 No.5512444
    >implying Alodia didn't pay people to add her as a fan
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)14:17 No.5512457
    Katsu thread? Katsu thread.

    My kingdom for candids of Yaya in her Christie outfit.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)14:41 No.5512496
    Asian cosplayers are better
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)16:41 No.5512886
    I like you

    you like me?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)16:46 No.5512903

    you all jelly
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)17:07 No.5512974
    Somebody needs glasses.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)17:13 No.5512993
         File: 1329689585.jpg-(36 KB, 300x391, 48149-2c3a16-300-391.jpg)
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    Suppose this girl isn't doing much cosplay these days?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)18:45 No.5513502
         File: 1329695134.jpg-(116 KB, 573x468, derp.jpg)
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    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 02/19/12(Sun)18:48 No.5513522
    Who is this girl? She's been popping up a lot recently.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)18:56 No.5513568
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:27 No.5515240

    I love her! She's the most beautiful girl in cosplay, I think. Actually, one of the most beautiful girls in anything really. I hope she does more stuff soon!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:32 No.5515249
    pretty obvious that a jelly fatty made this
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:37 No.5515261
    I'm a little confused. Can someone explain to me how she went from bikini no effort Pokemon to this skanky, but decent ( armor looks great!) Skyrim cosplay, and her Anya Stroud cosplay? Does she make these? Why the sudden increase in skill level?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:39 No.5515266

    ... Well I could only imagine that as she got more attention for cosplay, she wanted to make her costumes better to keep impressing people and make a bigger name for herself. Everyone wants to improve. She also probably got further into nerd culture.
    >> Eva Expert !GWCY8FQTlE!!Gevmy++QVtu 02/20/12(Mon)02:48 No.5515289
    I would just like to inform everyone that I DID NOT attend Katsucon this year.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:50 No.5515295
    Does it matter if she makes her own costumes or not? (Clearly she doesn't).

    I mean she's not in the same league as your typical seagull. she's only doing it for attention like Felicia Day.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:52 No.5515298
    Nobody fucking cares
    >> Soup [EmJoe member 808] !53NZMMnZYE 02/20/12(Mon)02:56 No.5515304

    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:59 No.5515316
         File: 1329724754.jpg-(27 KB, 273x392, wow.jpg)
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    Okay so I usually don't give a shit about Jessica Nigri threads but for once I wanted to actually see if she had that many fans on facebook (sounded like bullshit, cant believe she actually has that many fans) and while browsing through the profile pictures shes used, I came across this comment. What the actual fuck : / I don't care if people call her fugly or a skank or shit but to actually suggest that by her wearing skimpy clothes correlates to the existence of rapists? What the fuck is wrong with you bruh.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)07:51 No.5515926
    'cause you were busy nailing that giraffe, YOU PERVERT.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)07:58 No.5515937
    facebook is a mainstream website. You can't expect everyone on it to post intelligently.

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