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    File: 1329630418.jpg-(202 KB, 1068x1600, Imgp3345.jpg)
    202 KB Memory Lane 2 Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)00:46 No.5510992  
    Other post reached it's limit! Continue here...

    "Share all of your favorite memories and/or encounters with the infamous Pixyteri!"
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)00:48 No.5510997
         File: 1329630506.gif-(891 KB, 250x296, you-sexy-thing-you.gif)
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    Her smile warms my soul.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:03 No.5511038
         File: 1329631389.jpg-(64 KB, 450x600, 1921333.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:05 No.5511045
    Where is this from???
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:08 No.5511059
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:11 No.5511071
    Doesn't even look like her at all. Taken at A-Kon 17
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:12 No.5511072
         File: 1329631979.jpg-(80 KB, 600x450, 822413(1).jpg)
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    Derp...forgot the picture.
    >> Soliloquy !!AAv5QNH45K+ 02/19/12(Sun)01:13 No.5511073
         File: 1329631999.jpg-(47 KB, 256x250, 1326438563187.jpg)
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    Minus the whole stupid lips, funny looking hair and terribad glasses, she's actually got a banging bod going on there
    >> Soliloquy !!AAv5QNH45K+ 02/19/12(Sun)01:17 No.5511083
         File: 1329632221.png-(7 KB, 208x230, 1324824688286.png)
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    I may faint, she looks mature and attractive
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:17 No.5511086
    Wow. Is it because she's far away or does she look so much better?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:22 No.5511099
         File: 1329632534.png-(414 KB, 894x188, quack.png)
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    Why does she seem so keen on pushing walls?

    Anyway, here's some lovely natural looking pouting from summer 2010.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:25 No.5511108
         File: 1329632701.jpg-(1.2 MB, 2688x1817, Koi_-_feed_me.jpg)
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    She looks a koi.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:32 No.5511124
    Has anyone a mirror of all her videos?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:32 No.5511125
    That swimsuit looks like it would leave some pretty funky tan lines...
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:36 No.5511131
    Where did that Koti thread disappear to?
    >> Soliloquy !!AAv5QNH45K+ 02/19/12(Sun)01:37 No.5511134
         File: 1329633434.jpg-(138 KB, 726x711, 1326443178842.jpg)
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    Ahhh my young padawan. There are swim suits for different purposes. For swimming, tanning or showing off. There's probably some more reasons but those are the main ones I can think of. This is not for tanning as you've noticed. This is for either swimming or showing off and considering she's posing for a picture, I guess the latter
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:39 No.5511140
    Every now and then she manages to have a photo taken at a flattering angle, but look closely and you can see her swimsuit's too small and she's just as blocky as ever.

    Still an improvement from the PT we're used to though.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:41 No.5511142
         File: 1329633683.jpg-(218 KB, 900x1351, overalls_by_pixyteriyaki-d44pg(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:43 No.5511146
    As someone who works as a swimming instructor let me tell you that bathing suit is definitly not for swimming. It's for showing off and lounging around.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:43 No.5511147
         File: 1329633798.jpg-(53 KB, 300x250, pixytelly.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:44 No.5511150
    What shut up those glasses are awesome.

    I mean I don't think they're OK outside of "hanging out at the pool/the beach/an amusement park" but they're cute with that swimsuit.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:45 No.5511154
    Banging bod? ಠ_ಠ That's quite overweight, way passed the awesome 'curvy.'
    >> Soliloquy !!AAv5QNH45K+ 02/19/12(Sun)01:46 No.5511157
    Oh, I agree. It is a rare sight to see a good side of PT and I actually still wouldn't call these one of them due to her neck upwards being a disaster. The swimsuit is tight around the waist area but I personally kind of like that it's pulling in a little too much like that. On the other hand up top on her left breast there appears to be wrinkles from the fabric not fitting properly even though her larger than average breasts seem to be filling it quite well. It almost appears if her chubby little arm is squeezing in an attempt to pull some loose cup back? Who am I to say though. I just think her body looks bodacious here
    >> Soliloquy !!AAv5QNH45K+ 02/19/12(Sun)01:48 No.5511162
         File: 1329634122.png-(23 KB, 190x196, 1326404913405.png)
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    Those glasses are awesome yes, just not on PT

    I just think she looks good, even with the extra weight in this photo. There's no stretch marks, cottage cheese, panty shots and so forth. Opinions minions
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:50 No.5511163
    That's true, I concede it's a good photo for her body.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:54 No.5511174
    Bah, why must I be under the assault of constant snow storms whilst PT is enjoying herself in a swimsuit?

    I hope she has a new cosplay coming up and that she's working hard on it. The two pictures I've seen of her lately look really good, considering it is PT. Maybe she has a better photographer?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:58 No.5511186
    Holy shit that bitch still has a huge chin, is fat as fuck, and still really fucking annoying and in denial oh and ugly to boot
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:05 No.5511198
    And that's why we love her!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:18 No.5511237
    It's digging in to her hips though. She has definitely bought a size too small. This reminds me that incident where she bought a coat for winter
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:20 No.5511244
         File: 1329636042.png-(221 KB, 331x515, 1322207997171.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:21 No.5511245
         File: 1329636103.jpg-(33 KB, 359x650, 1311730580054.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:22 No.5511247
    I did like that swimsuit, I'd actually like one for myself. That's not the twitter pic I was talking about, but christ, she looks terrible here. So. Wide.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:23 No.5511248
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:25 No.5511252
         File: 1329636301.gif-(1.64 MB, 360x480, 1311841620033.gif)
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    >> Soliloquy !!AAv5QNH45K+ 02/19/12(Sun)02:29 No.5511261
    I have the exact same Target brand jumpers as her

    I wouldn't say digging in, I mean there's no signs of redness or actual bleeding. I like to say it's like tying a roast. Slight bulge
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:29 No.5511263
    After watching those, I refuse to believe that PT does not suffer from some sort of mental disorder.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:29 No.5511265

    Was she like, crying hysterically while/before she took this or something?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:31 No.5511269
    It doesn't need to be redness or bleeding, it's still too small. She's notorious for wearing clothes in the size she thinks she is, not what she actually is. It would have looked much better if it fit her well.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:32 No.5511270
    Yeah, she tweeted it so people would ask her what was wrong and feel sorry for her.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:34 No.5511274
    landwhale landwhale everywhere
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:35 No.5511275
    What da fuck, are you blind?

    That's called fat as fatass.

    A banging bod looks like well. GOOGLE SEArCH THAT SHIT FO YOUrSELF.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:38 No.5511281
    Her body shape is so unfortunate. Those arms...
    >> Soliloquy !!AAv5QNH45K+ 02/19/12(Sun)02:39 No.5511283
    No sir or madame, I am not blind. I just happen to think in general PT terms, this is the best picture I've seen of her body and that was the way I wanted to describe it at the time

    You type as if I've never heard of PT? I know she likes to wear things ten times smaller than her actual ideal size but this one isn't as bad as others
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:44 No.5511294
         File: 1329637470.jpg-(136 KB, 960x640, PT-facy_face.jpg)
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    oh PT, seriously she really lucked out.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:45 No.5511299
    Yes it's not as bad as some of her other stuff. No she does not have a "banging bod".
    >> Soliloquy !!AAv5QNH45K+ 02/19/12(Sun)02:49 No.5511310
         File: 1329637779.png-(416 KB, 480x640, 1318491118596.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)03:00 No.5511328

    PT's looking pretty good there actually!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)03:05 No.5511341

    I see... I seriously couldn't tell the difference between this crying face and every other face she makes rofl.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)03:09 No.5511354
    Yeah, I never thought PT looked terrible, just that she made terrible choices when it came to clothes and hair.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)03:09 No.5511356

    Yeah I wont argue with that, but I'm happy with my version.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)03:12 No.5511361

    I agree with you. Girl just needs some volumizing hair product and a better sense of her body type.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)03:16 No.5511370
    A better haircut would have done her wonders. Hell, if she was willing to pay for it she could even get her jawbone shaved down.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)03:18 No.5511376

    I think if she could only have one bit of cosmetic surgery she should choose to shave down her chin, would do her wonders.
    >> Soliloquy !!AAv5QNH45K+ 02/19/12(Sun)03:21 No.5511384
    Heck, taking out those god damn contacts would be a hell of a start and she doesn't have to pay a penny!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)03:26 No.5511390

    This completely!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)03:32 No.5511397

    In the meantime she should be trying to take photos that flatter her or at least diminish her unflattering features.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)04:12 No.5511449
         File: 1329642735.jpg-(69 KB, 425x640, 2205747.jpg)
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    PT's face actually looks kind of pretty from this angle.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)05:12 No.5511506
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)05:45 No.5511542
         File: 1329648358.jpg-(297 KB, 848x1200, 1328773129438.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)16:37 No.5512873
    She totes looks 18, I swear!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)18:47 No.5513520
    What actual cosplays could she realistically look really good in?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)18:53 No.5513554
    There are some good pokemon gijinkas that she could pull off, like Venusaur. All she really needs to do is pick costumes that flatter her figure, and not make them 'sexy'.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)18:57 No.5513572
    I generally have no complaints with PT but seriously, it wasn't that long ago you were all anti-PT, wtf guys?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)18:59 No.5513575
    She beats the hell out of Dakota, that's what.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:00 No.5513578
         File: 1329696026.png-(345 KB, 682x383, 1316020009780.png)
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    You never know how much something means to you until it's gone, Anon-chan.

    Okay but seriously, where DID PT go?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:01 No.5513584
    Time goldens all memories my friend.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:03 No.5513593
    I wish Nyan would come here and tell us how she is and if she's improved in anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:04 No.5513596
         File: 1329696243.jpg-(35 KB, 333x500, 1275672872357.jpg)
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    Do you remember Ashlynn? /cgl/ used to go on about how she was such a shitty cosplayer and a terrible person, until she fell down some stairs, hit her head, fell into a coma, and then her parents had to take her off life support.

    Next day, sudden outpour of emotion from /cgl/ about how she was SUCH A GREAT PERSON and A CREDIT TO THE COMMUNITY and SO TALENTED.

    No, /cgl/ is a bunch of hypocritical cunts who will do anything to make themselves sleep better at night. Anything to make them feel better about the shitty lives they lead.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:09 No.5513624
    I miss PT's tc. Where the trips would go on and be batshit insane. And the Asian guys would try to be sexy as anything. I did not mind one bit.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:11 No.5513633
    Personally, I just crave drama, I'm not going to lie.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:12 No.5513642
    I've always wondered, does anyone know who leaked her nudes?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:13 No.5513647

    ex bf on the old anonib cosplay board (remember that?)
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:19 No.5513669

    Loved that shit. Wish it didn't get taken down. I miss Candid Cosplay, too.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:21 No.5513674
         File: 1329697288.jpg-(453 KB, 880x656, PokeGeo_Wailord_by_IzzaTakiwa.jpg)
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    pic related
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:29 No.5513707
         File: 1329697756.png-(438 KB, 767x662, aoicry.png)
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    It's horrible , I realize how much I miss her.
    She was so much more interresting than Dakota , it was in the way that , YES , she was ugly , but deep down in our souls we all felt she could be so much better.
    Her tweets were hilarious and so were her pictures.
    I think a lot of us just wanted her to stop being crazy and get it together.
    It was so great to get up in the morning and see that the night before she had gone out in public dressed as a bunny with donuts in her greasy hair.
    And we'd make these crazy plans about sending her to japan...
    And how she would rant about anorexic sluts, or her true Japanese father's wind chime...
    Now THAT was entertainment , not a silly anorexic over photoshopped idiot.

    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:32 No.5513726
    You know, I think it was so unnecessary. PT didn't need nudes to be leaked for her to be e-famous.

    I miss her too. I liked her LJ posts, the optimism she showed before each photoshoot and her hardcore anti photoshop stance. With Dakota it isn't even funny.

    Hopefully she'll come back soon. I wish one day to read the entirety of her LJ, all her hidden posts, everything. It would be so great, seeing the evolution of her.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:34 No.5513744
         File: 1329698087.gif-(263 KB, 245x141, Sayaka_crying.gif)
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    I do too, and I wasn't even here long during the PT obsession.
    Dakota's threads are all the same, "SHE PHOTOSHOPPED THIS" "SHE'S ALMOST AS BAD AS HER SISTER" etc.
    PT had various silly antics.

    Reaction Image is an exaggeration, but apparently I have no "simply sad" ones.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:05 No.5513899
    I've actually been going through her LJ, just because I'm bored.

    I miss the discussions we used to have whenever she posted a new photoshoot. Sure, only on very rare occasions were we nice, but that was part of the entertainment value.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:12 No.5513938
    I miss going through her pictures and comparing the ones I found the worst and defending my point of view against someone else.

    My favourite journal post is when she has eaten some Cajun food and wonders if it couldn't be a bit Japanese because of the skewers looking like chopsticks and then a later entry where she wonders about the proximity of Japanese and Cajun food products next to each other at the super market.

    Dakota can't hold a candle to PT. Dakota doesn't even cosplay or do lolita! I have no idea on where to unearth a new PT. I'm looking around, but nothing so far.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:14 No.5513947
    I love those little tidbits from her journal posts that made me facepalm. PT was entertaining on a level that no one else will ever be.

    ...What the fuck, I'm beginning to think PT was endearing. What is wrong with me?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:23 No.5513985
    I've always found her endearing. She's like the ugly duckling who grew up to be an even uglier swan.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)21:01 No.5514102
    Because she was so crazy.
    Every day with PT was like a whole new adventure.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)21:02 No.5514108
    I hate her so much, but at the same time, I miss her.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)23:44 No.5514603
    Last time I talked to her she was stressing out because her Target job was asking too much of her. She thought she was better than that and had an interview for a new job. Not sure if she got it or not.

    She is really just trying to find a job she gets payed well with her Bachelor's degree and something she enjoys doing at the same time. Without stressing her out to the point of causing serious health problems.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)23:51 No.5514627
    Her standards are way too high. Yes, she's overqualified to be working retail, but she can't expect a well paying job with a degree in English, of all things. Especially when she has definitely ruled out teaching.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)23:56 No.5514644

    I think teaching has also ruled her out. I think in the last thread they one of the schools never called her back to work because she wore a kimono to school.

    Also, a lot of people that know her, know her reputation. Someone I know, that knows Sarah, told me that her kids stumbled across her nudes and said she does NOT want her kids being taught by someone like that.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)23:59 No.5514659
    I remember her posting about that on tumblr. I had to reblog to remind her that curry isn't originally Japanese... wrong kind of Asian!

    But I miss PT too. She was my thinspiration mostly because a new shoot/costume would go up and I'd feel like I could do it better and make myself want to be healthier and more fit since I'm close to her size (but a different shape.) Now that she's gone I'm slipping because I apparently need a fatty to remind me to not be fat.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:00 No.5514661
    That's also true, even if she moved to a bigger city where she didn't have a reputation, she would find it incredibly difficult to get a teaching job because a simple Google search turns up all sorts of stuff, including a ED archive thing where she was the featured article or something.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:02 No.5514671
    She was my thinspiration too, sis.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:06 No.5514693

    And that is also why she didn't get to do the Maid Cafe at Ikkicon. The people running it actually told her they refused her because of the ED page.
    She was so furious and said she was going to do her own maid cafe and do it better.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:08 No.5514699

    Also, I agree...I really don't think moving to a bigger city would help at all. She doesn't want to move anyways because the cost of living is too high anyways.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:09 No.5514703
    I was reading some of her old LJ posts and she was talking about this, actually. She said she didn't care if potential employers saw her photoshoots (specifically her 'gravure'), it was what she wanted to do. As for her nudes, she played the "It's not my fault" card and said that she couldn't do anything about them being leaked.

    She's a fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:11 No.5514714
    >cost of living is too high
    >you mean she's too lazy to work harder and do more hours in order to pay rent in her hometown, let alone a bigger city where the cost of living would be higher
    Anyway, she has a brother who lives in Austin, I imagine she could live with him until she managed to find a place of her own.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:13 No.5514723

    I suppose she thinks that she can get away with anything and live the same lifestyle. She obviously doesn't understand that being professional is highly expected in the world of retail, or any business for that matter.

    She is just a big baby. Whines and cries when nothing goes right. I don't see her ever changing for the better...unless something amazingly drastic happens.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:17 No.5514738
    I feel awful saying this, but I think the only way she'll change is if her parents die. She's so dependent on them, she really needs to be independent and take responsibility for her own actions. Her parents baby her and have allowed her to live in their house for so long for free, the only way that she'll grow up is if it's all suddenly taken away from her.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:19 No.5514754
    but did anyone save that collection of all those photos she's taken in the same "presenting my ass" pose? It was like a one image collage of them.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:34 No.5514811
    I know which picture you're talking about, but I don't have it. There was a PT folder on /rs/, it might be in that.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:38 No.5514836
    Nah, she'd just mooch of some other relative and when they kick her out she'll whine so much about her family leaving her the actual help that's out there won't because she wouldn't be willing to put in the work. She doesn't have real work ethic (just thinks she does because of her obtaining a Bachelor's) and gets mad at people who legit want to help her improve on anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:43 No.5514864
    That's what I thought, but I don't really know about her family outside of her parents and her brothers (and their families). But even if they're related to her, aunts and uncles for example, are not going to take her in and treat her like their own child, I'm sure we're not the only ones that realise she's an adult and it's long past the time she moved out. Her brothers have their own families, and they're not going to want her as a permanent fixture in their household.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:46 No.5514875
    Only other option, and I do know of situations like this, is that she might be shuffled around from relative to relative because she just can't get her shit together. Maybe she's got a doting relative somewhere, but probably not since I'm sure she would have mentioned them.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:50 No.5514888

    Actually I don't think it was anything like her going to schools in a kimono, it was more just overall unprofessional behavior. When she was substitute teaching she would go in a miniskirt and sandals even though her mom told her that was unprofessional. Supposedly people also said something about her have a bit of a thing for some of the high school boys. I never actually read that in her tumbler or livejournal, it was just information that was kind of floating around on cgl, so I can't account for the validity of that. With her age play and obsession with looking and feeling young though, I wouldn't be that surprised if it was true. But there were definitely pictures of her in her ridiculously tiny miniskirt and sandals at the school.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:52 No.5514892
    I don't know, it's not like she's 7 years old or something, even if I were related to her, I'd just tell her to grow the fuck up. I've heard of normal 16 year olds whose parents have suddenly died and have had to cope, often bringing up other siblings too. I just hope that if something like that ever happens to PT (Just so I'm clear, I wouldn't wish it on anyone), it'll be a wake up call.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:54 No.5514899
    I didn't actually think there was anything wrong with the length of the skirt, if she was teaching older kids I'd be fine with it, maybe not for younger ones though. It's just the jandals (flipflops) that make it look really unprofessional.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:56 No.5514905
    It depends on the person and their personality. It's been noted in previous threads that she's been spoiled by her parents and everything is pretty much been given to her, though she'd contest it since she has to work to pay for her costumes, while not paying rent or food bills... outside of the ones for the Chinese buffet maybe? Maybe she'll get a wake up call, but maybe she'll just wallow and expect people to take of her because someone always has and you know, she's lost her parents and has no on in the world anymore...
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:59 No.5514927
    Whatever happens, I hope PT realises how pathetic she is in the near future, and improves her retarded self.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)01:05 No.5514953
    If she sees/hears about this conversation we just had she'd probably freak out over strangers thinking her incapable even though there's evidence to support that...
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)01:18 No.5514993

    I've seen pictures of that skirt, if she had bent over her ass would have been hanging out, I am sure that was completely against school dress codes and was unprofessional. You should never wear anything that comes above mid-thigh when teaching.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)01:31 No.5515045
         File: 1329719517.jpg-(59 KB, 466x700, tumblr_ls0j9szqnu1qahd60o1_500.jpg)
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    Bampin for Miss Pteriaki
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)01:33 No.5515049
    I'd actually like to see her reaction.

    Maybe I just remember it incorrectly then? Idk, it just didn't seem "OMG SCANDALOUS" to me, and I (personally, and from what I remember) think it would have been more appropriate than something like leggings and a tshirt.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)01:43 No.5515095

    You're right. She is too lazy to work harder. She complained when Target gave her almost 40 hours because "it was cutting into her personal time". Heaven forbid. She obviously doesn't see it as an opportunity to get more money to save for Japan/buy crap online.


    She does need a serious wake up call. It would suck if her parents died and I certainly wouldn't wish that on her. They should have just kicked her out like they said they were going to.
    She told me she started buying her own food now. Though there is no real proof so who knows. She also still has that credit card debt from buying a car from awhile back....This is what happens when you spoil a child...*sigh*
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)01:53 No.5515131
    40 hours is not too much, it's 8 hours a day, and she'd still have the weekends to herself. I know people who work 20-30 hours a week, on top of being full time students, if anyone can complain about not having free time, it's them. I really hope she becomes more independent, and soon. People already talk about her behind her back, thus her reputation in Victoria, maybe they'd have more respect for her if she'd just grow up. And if she's not going to move out, she needs to make her debt her number one priority, it's going to hinder her in everything financially if she doesn't get it sorted. I'm sure she can live without a kigurumi, a million iron-on patches and shit for her half-assed cosplays.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)01:56 No.5515143
         File: 1329720982.jpg-(219 KB, 700x1050, perfection.jpg)
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    /cgl/ is by far the craziest board of them all,because you fucking cunts are naturally crazy.

    even /b/ is fucking forced,but nnnoooooo,you jabbering cunts on this board actually have sincerity in all of the hate you preach.

    you all crave drama and for what?

    to fill the empty void in all of your mind and bodies.I fucking hate PT after running into her at a few cons and she is a piss poor excuse of an individual,but you motherfuckers take the cake.

    lying cunts,ALL OF YOU


    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:00 No.5515156
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    >> Soliloquy !!AAv5QNH45K+ 02/20/12(Mon)02:01 No.5515158
         File: 1329721302.png-(38 KB, 179x181, 1328640015578.png)
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    I work 50 hours a week and have a Husband and family, I'm trying to think why her personal time means so much to her. She has no significant other to spend it with, no children and I guess she does have a cat but still.. It doesn't need her devoted attention?! She doesn't seem the type to go out with friends much, especially granted recent problems such as calling her a slut and having her in floods of tears. What does she do? She isn't even the type of girl who would spend their free time trying out make up or new things with her hair considering her hygiene is apparently shit according to her mother which leads me to obviously not wanting to spend time with her parents. As much as I try to pity her and promote the good things I see in her, I'm finding it hard to actually visualize her sitting online, shut up in her room, ordering kawaii desu shit online and browsing deviantArt on her two days off? Oh and the occasional photo shoot which I assume doesn't happen any more after her disappearance

    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:02 No.5515160
    Thank you for your input, now fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:04 No.5515166

    Oh no! Heaven forbid that she can't do what she loves. Her priority is more about her "dreams" than credit card debt I'm sure. She doesn't care about anyone else's situations than her own. If you brought that up to her she would probably ignore it or something something along the lines of it "not being her fault".

    I moved from Victoria to Austin and have sacrificed so much. I'm also finally getting my life together up here, because I grew the fuck up. I do get upset about the things I cannot have because I know that my money needs to go elsewhere.

    PT has no hope....


    Sup PT? Hatin on yourself liek that....that's so not like you.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:06 No.5515172
    Apparently she does have some sort of social life, she always used to talk about going to this Hastings place, she did go to bars (in maid costumes, no less) and I can't imagine she'd go to China B by herself. She also plays video games and draws.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:06 No.5515174
    I like you, you're fun. Please continue.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:08 No.5515177
    I think she actually still does go out. With who, is my guess...or maybe by herself. I know she used to play World of Warcraft, she might still. Pretty sure she still buys crap online and I also know that she has to run errands for her Mom ALL the time.

    You know, that might be the reason WHY her parents haven't kicked her out is because her Mom is also very dependent on Sarah to do stuff for her since she's the only one living at home.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:10 No.5515183
    I'm a full time student with a job and social life, I run errands for my parents, and I have plenty of time to myself. She's just being a whiny bitch when she moans about having no time (no shit)
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:11 No.5515186
    Hastings is pretty much "the place" that everyone goes to because the mall is crap. Even with all the new renovations and stores it's not that great imo. Also it doesn't close until about 11PM last I checked whereas the mall closes at 9PM.

    Usually in Victoria: "Wanna go to Hastings?" "FUCK YEAH!"
    "Wanna go the mall?" "..Sure."
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:13 No.5515191

    My guess is, if it's not a certain amount of hours or days she can get to herself it's bad for her.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:13 No.5515192
    >implying men and women of all ages and backgrounds dont gossip and talk shit about people daily.

    Unlike the rest of the world, we just do it as anons. This kind of thing is everywhere. Get a job and watch the drama your coworkers create. Same shit, only without cosplay and the age range is 20 - 60 where I work.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:14 No.5515194
    What is Hastings? Is it a department store sort of set-up? It's a bit weird how that's the social hub of Victoria.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:17 No.5515203
    This a thousand times. Ever since the mall got rid of waldens and now I hear the arcade is gone, aint shit to do there. Even walmart is more entertaining. Glad I moved to Austin. Other than friends and family, that town sucks donkey dick.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:18 No.5515204
    What if PT really was an elaborate troll all along, and her 'disappearing from the internet' was just her getting bored?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:19 No.5515213

    It sells books, music, movies and videos. It has a cafe, it's a wi-fi hotspot. You can chill and read books or just hang out. It's just the place to be. Oh yeah, and they also have mic nights near the cafe. The mall doesn't have a music or book store anymore so there's not much amusing there. It's all clothing stores and one arcade(there used to be 2 back in the 90's).
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:21 No.5515218

    Then all of b would have to bow down to her.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:22 No.5515221
    Its a video/bookstore similar to barns and nobles mixed with blockbuster only smaller and has some Spencer-like items. All the weebs and hipsters hang out there.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:22 No.5515222
    So kinda like Borders? Sounds cool, but Victoria must be a pretty boring place for that to be 'the place' to be. I'm surprised people still live in that town, especially considering what I've heard about it's crime rate. PT should really have moved away from home at the first chance she got.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:22 No.5515225

    What? Tilt is gone! Noone told me! That blows. Last time I was at the mall was around Thanksgiving I think...@.@
    Well, Waldens closed down because Borders went bankrupt so it couldn't be helped. I think it'd be good if Barnes & Noble or some kind of bookstore moved in there.

    Lol, yeah when Hastings is closed Wal-Mart is the next place to go. A very sad place Victoria is. Yay for getting out and hello fellow Austin person who is somewat a Vicfag! XD
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:25 No.5515236
    I thought Tilt was the name of the place that PT did her kigu shoot in, and that was only 3 months ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:28 No.5515242
    It is EXTREMELY boring. I suppose like Borders. I'm not sure, all we had was a small Waldenbooks in the mall. I've ever only gone to a Borders once and I was so into manga at the time that that was the only place of the store I went to. *somewatshame* Not really sure about the crime rate, I never really got involved.

    Again, cost of living is too high elsewhere in her opinion so she'll probably stay there forever unless she somehow manages to move to Glorious Nippon.
    I have a lot of friends that are trying to move out, but for some reason it is really difficult and a lot of people wind up moving back somehow or another for personal reasons. Really hoping I never fall into that category....
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:29 No.5515244
    Yeah it is. A lot can happen within 3 months though. I know it was closed temporarily before I left for Austin but that was for their major makeover they were doing. Not sure what's going on now.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:30 No.5515246
    Lived there from age 4 to 22. Ugh. Went to Memorial before those new schools popped up (east and west?) I remember when we had Goldmine, the comicstore, but it didn't last very long. I remember when we had more than one theatre and we had Stroman high, and Victoria High...

    ...move already. Get out while you can.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:32 No.5515247
    She does have a brother in Austin though, and looking at a map, Houston looks pretty much the same distance away too. If she really needed to, she could have roommates or something to share rent, food and bills with, she just needs to stop being stupid and sacrifice some of her 'personal time' to work to earn more money.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:33 No.5515251
    Holy shit, lots of anons have personal experience with Victoria.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:34 No.5515253
    Lived there until age 25. I remember that too. Including the Playhouse. <3
    I used to play Yu-Gi-Oh! at Goldmine. *nerd* I wanted to be a Stroman Raider so badly. At least the school spirit is back in the community now. When it was Memorial noone cared. Now that there's East and West everyone is all,"FUCK YEAH!"
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:36 No.5515258
    Way too many people from vic in this thread. I bet I know who some of you are.

    As for cost of living, its pretty cheap compared to other towns. Get a job at the call center, one bedroom apt at $420 a month with a boyfriend or roommate, your set. Or at least I was.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:39 No.5515264
    To: >>5515251

    It's the same anon! Even the one posting this one.

    I live in Student Housing right now in Austin and, even though it sucks living with 3 other people sometimes, it's worth having cheap rent with no utilities to pay. She has to have her personal time other than that she just cannot survive!
    As for her brother, I really doubt he would want to live with her...that's just me.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:43 No.5515276

    I am pretty sure we all know who we are. Victoria is a small town and if you graduated from Memorial you practically knew everyone.

    I am set right now even at a minimum wage job! I mean, I'm getting a new one right now(more money!) but still..I'm doing it! She just refuses to try and just wants everything without having to work hard.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:44 No.5515278
    I wonder how long people would be able to put up with her...
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:50 No.5515294
    A friend of mine works with her and says she really is just as bad as she is online. Theres a part of me that wants to be friends with her and ease her in the right direction.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:54 No.5515300
    Not long I bet, unless she keeps to herself which I doubt she would. My roomies are nice and one is actually my cousin so it's not bad. I'm sure her roommates would tire of her and either try and get her kicked out or try and GTFO.

    One of my friends does too and she said she's "kind of" an airhead. I lol'd. Maybe you can be one of the few that will succeed. I tried but gave the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:59 No.5515315
    I live in Austin now so fuck that. The only reason I go back is friends and family.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)03:02 No.5515323
    I met switch to a different place. My cousin and I actually lived with this roomie who was HORRIBLY DIRTY and I couldn't even step into the living room without shoes on. We finally moved to another apartment that is SO much cleaner. You can request to move to another apartment if it's really bad or get a roommate kicked out if you're having conflicts with them.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)07:24 No.5515887
    ITT: anons talking about their shitty jobs and pointless lives in order to desperately prove to themselves and other seagulls that they're better than PT
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)13:01 No.5516402
    Back to the school thing.

    She was unprofessional; she has working there for a week and she shows up in totally inappropiate clothing. I'm not surprised at all that based on that alone she wasn't called back.

    As for her fondness of teenage boys, the extent I know of it is that she made a tumblr post of a Japanese school boy uniform and hoped she'd find someone to wear it because it was hot or something. Her tumblr also features incest anime/manga, which doesn't exactly add confidence in her ability as an educator.

    I find her leaked nudes to be increadibly unfair. She never posted them herself; someone else did. I don't think those should be hold against her.

    HOWEVER! The 'gravures' she did of her own will and uploaded HERSELF unto the internet are her fault.

    As for being friends with her, I doubt it would be very easy. It isn't of course necessary, but it does help if you have common interests with a person and share the same outlook on life in general. PT lives in PT land and the population is of one person only.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)16:11 No.5516965
    IIRC, that job was a substitute teacher job, though if she was going to teach full time and wear what she wore, she would get talked to quite quickly. There are so many other things she could have worn, and she chose to wear a mini skirt with bare legs and flip flips.

    I really don't see why she needs to put her fantasies on display. So she finds incest sexy? Make a hidden folder on your computer and save it there, but don't put it on your tumblr where anyone can see it. I'm sure she doesn't have a rule like this, but if something's going to be offensive or in 5 years time I'm not going to be proud of it, I don't put it on my tumblr.

    Her nudes aren't really her fault, when you trust someone you don't think that they could betray you like that, but I still don't have any sympathy for her about them. She could have been smart about it and made sure her face wasn't in them though, and didn't she send some Asian guy (I think he was Chinese) from here some more nudes recently? They're now on her ED. She does not learn.

    I totally agree about the 'gravure'. It's inappropriate, and she has constantly talked about how she's not totally comfortable with her body, so why did she continue to post them? They are definitely going to hurt her employment prospects. She can't place the blame on other people and say that if they don't like them, it's not her fault. As far as I know, almost everyone finds them repulsive.

    I think being friends with her would be too difficult, as many people have found out. If you were friends with her, it would probably be based on common interests only, there would be an absence of loyalty, love etc. that you would find in normal friendships because, as you said, PT only cares about herself.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)16:31 No.5517023
    is she death?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)16:32 No.5517032
    No, just gone from the internet. Well, as far as we know, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)16:44 No.5517075
    If you substitue at one school and you do good, you'll probably be contacted by another school or at least the one you were at. If you substitute a lot, after a time you might get employed fulltime.

    Being overdressed is definitly not the worst you can do. Being underdressed, espcially to her extent, is a sign od disrespect and total uninterest in the job at hand.

    Think of the logistics. Granted, PT isn't very tall, but having on a miniskirt and working with children doesn't mix; that fabric will ride up her tighs each time she'll do an action, from checking the answer on tests to knotting someone's shoelaces. It isn't practical in the least either. She could have worn jeans and a blouse and maybe her red AP cardie she's so fond of and I know children love animal bags, so her bear bunny would have been a joy for them to see.

    And to show up in a kimono. I can't believe they even let her into the classroom, unless it was some kind of cultural awareness thing. I have been to Japan and no teacher, absolutly none, would EVER wear a kimono to class.

    I'm baffled at her inability to keep things private. She choses to flaunt things that should be kept to oneself and gets super defensive about really trivial stuff.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)16:53 No.5517113
    I'm as short as PT is, and I always wear opaque tights with the only skirt I own that's as short as the one she was wearing. It might have been a bit more appropriate if she wore tights, but only slightly, if at all.

    I thought she just thought of wearing the kimono, but didn't actually wear it? Then again, she wore one for 4th of July, I wouldn't put it past her.

    She really does need to learn what's appropriate and what she needs to keep to herself. I'm pretty shy, and from what I understand, she is too IRL, I just can't comprehend how she can bear to put her name to stuff she's posted online.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)17:51 No.5517412
    It's always the quiet ones.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)17:53 No.5517423
    Hah, didn't even think of that. The quietest girl in my year group ended up working as a stripper in order to be able to afford to go to LA to acting school.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:13 No.5517979
    Was her ED deleted? I can't seem to find it.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:28 No.5518030
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:28 No.5518033
    Nope, it's right here. They wouldn't even let anons remove her home address from there, they'd never let the page be deleted.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:55 No.5518110
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:57 No.5518116
    At least she doesn't photoshop her fat ass. Although blatantly delusional, she has the kind of confidence I wish I had. More power to her.

    >still would not bang
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:57 No.5518118
         File: 1329789475.png-(39 KB, 857x261, Screen shot 2012-02-20 at 8.56(...).png)
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    that's just not how ed operates
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:58 No.5518123
    I will never understand why people care whether or not others photoshop. Moreover, why it's a "problem."
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:59 No.5518126
         File: 1329789577.jpg-(82 KB, 716x760, Pixyteri_shoop.jpg)
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    Oh she does.

    Here's one of her sloppier shoops.

    She had at some point realized she wasn't the pro shooper she thought she was and limited herself to blurring the cellulite off her thighs than any more extreme measures.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)21:00 No.5518128
         File: 1329789654.jpg-(87 KB, 624x450, pixiteri.jpg)
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    Look, a non-photoshopped pic.

    Yes, these are actually her legs.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)21:01 No.5518130
    If it's bad/poorly done or very drastically done and the person claims no shooping.

    Photoshop is a useful thing, I've done it myself for some things (not like the PT shoops however) but dont tell me something isnt shooped when it clearly is.

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