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    File: 1329625920.png-(1.06 MB, 750x1000, preview_by_chibimitzy-d4q6fw2.png)
    1.06 MB Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:32 No.5510702  
    Fucking hell that chin freaks me the fuck out. I know she can't help it but that's just a facial quality that requires you to wear masks, seriously.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:35 No.5510716
    To be fair, they're probably quite a lot of anime characters she could pull off really well because of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:35 No.5510719
         File: 1329626155.jpg-(44 KB, 450x301, CarlosinLazyTown.jpg)
    44 KB
    cannot unsee
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:37 No.5510723
    Actually that is rather true. But she usually crossplays the bishounen type. The huge chin doesn't fit that kind of face whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:42 No.5510756
         File: 1329626569.png-(999 KB, 606x806, miku_hatsune___little_valentin(...).png)
    999 KB
    Even when she covers up her chin, her face still looks fucking scary.
    >> Niggatron 02/18/12(Sat)23:46 No.5510774
         File: 1329626779.jpg-(133 KB, 525x370, groose.jpg)
    133 KB
    I dont know why she's going to cosplay Girahim when she can much better pull off Groose with that chin. She makes jay leno jelly
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:46 No.5510775
         File: 1329626799.jpg-(12 KB, 355x266, MoonfaceNicholaiLunar.jpg)
    12 KB
    She should cosplay Moonface from Buso Renkin
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:48 No.5510782
    Underbites? Ew.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:48 No.5510788
    Can't this shit be corrected?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:49 No.5510790
    >painted nails
    I really really hate when cosplayers paint their nails for a character that doesn't wear nail polish and would never wear nail polish. Pisses me the fuck off
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:54 No.5510806
    Are you sure she doesn't shop her face to look this bad for attention? That can't be real.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:56 No.5510816
    Nah, it's real. I've seen her in person.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:56 No.5510817
    I've seen her irl, she does have dat chin but she takes some photos at really unflattering angles that make it look way worse.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)00:01 No.5510839
    does she have an awful underbite or something?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)00:01 No.5510842
    >> Adventures of Chin Chin 02/19/12(Sun)00:27 No.5510934
         File: 1329629223.jpg-(84 KB, 387x482, chinchin.jpg)
    84 KB
    Yeah the first time I saw her it was at ALA and I was drunk as hell, I'm like holy shit that chin is trippin me out and i'm like man I drank too much, so I took a picture with her so later on I can see just how much I was trippin out, but then I learned that It wasn't the alcohol and that it really was her chin.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)00:32 No.5510952
    Fukumoto's inspiration
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)00:33 No.5510955
         File: 1329629593.png-(55 KB, 312x212, Mac_Tonight.png)
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    Bitch please
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:15 No.5511225

    Because Groose isn't the 'hot yaoi bishounen' character. And because she's probably never played the game. The majority of characters she picks are from series she is unfamiliar with.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)02:16 No.5511230
    holy fucking shit
    PT has been routed by that thing
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)03:05 No.5511342
         File: 1329638720.jpg-(16 KB, 450x248, anime-kaiji-kaiji.jpg)
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    >> Bruce Wayne 02/19/12(Sun)04:10 No.5511444
         File: 1329642601.jpg-(63 KB, 480x371, datfaw.jpg)
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    Looks like I got competition
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)04:19 No.5511454
    Holy shit, what a chin. I commend her though for being brave enough to cosplay with that.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)04:26 No.5511461

    Technically, she could still get her Yaoi bishi on. The man who mad this anime is famous for having gays as the main characters in a few of his works.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)05:29 No.5511523
    I..I have never seen a chin this extreme. It really isn't shooped at all?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)05:43 No.5511538
    >no one competent will ever cosplay Ghirahim
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)06:23 No.5511561

    >many people who have met her IRL say it's not shooped
    >still ask

    Here's your proof, retard.
    >> Enemy of Justice !!+FAsUxDSKw1 02/19/12(Sun)06:27 No.5511563
    dat dere jaw tech
    >> Voldemort !3zD.naginI 02/19/12(Sun)06:32 No.5511566
    She wouldn't look so bad if she fixed that underbite. It's ungodly.
    >> Enemy of Justice !!+FAsUxDSKw1 02/19/12(Sun)06:48 No.5511573
    That would take a lot of work as well as money.

    I think that could be a goal she should set for herself
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)06:48 No.5511574
    Holy fuck. She really needs to learn to take either full-frontal face photos or at least tip down her head so her chin doesn't look so prominent...
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)06:50 No.5511576
    shit is painful and expensive. having your jaw broken and reset, or sometimes having sections of the jaw removed? no thx
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)07:15 No.5511598

    That surgery is costly, painful, and not always permanent. I helped a friend through having her jaw broken in multiple places to fix her underbite, it took months of healing, force feeding her baby food and half and half because of it's high caloric content and now, two years later, her jaw is shifting back.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)07:26 No.5511611
    So fucking what. She needs to get it done so I don't have to look at that mug.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)07:33 No.5511619
    cheaper and less painful if she just gets a mask
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)07:40 No.5511626
    Hey isn't she the ex-girlfriend of that cosplayer called Taymeho or something??
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)08:18 No.5511681
    maybe if she had her lips filled and got a suitable hairstyle that covered some of her face and fell down past her chin it wouldn't look so bad.

    Still, it's the attitude that's the main problem here, not the face.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)08:24 No.5511690
    I respect her for not shooping her pictures, actually. She had good reason, but she doesn't (out of principle?). She has a lot of self confidence. Good for her.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)08:51 No.5511713
    Uh, are you all jealous fatties?

    Because she is pretty darn cute
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)09:36 No.5511779
    You have strange taste in women then.
    >> Niggatron 02/19/12(Sun)15:13 No.5512587
    She was 15 minutes late to work, but her chin made it just in time!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)18:00 No.5513240

    >not shooping her pictures
    >completely overuses blur tool
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)18:03 No.5513258
    ITT Jelly at Fukumoto plausibility
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)23:15 No.5514530

    >ITT newfags that don't know ChibiMitzy
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)23:16 No.5514535
         File: 1329711366.jpg-(34 KB, 200x199, chintoobig.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)23:19 No.5514544
         File: 1329711580.jpg-(132 KB, 1920x1200, 045892.jpg)
    132 KB
    What do you mean, "Wouldn't hit it"?
    You go in for a kiss and the chin is the first thing at touches you.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)23:20 No.5514550

    Anyways, it looks fine from the front.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)01:54 No.5515134
         File: 1329720857.jpg-(20 KB, 290x320, hgfgjkhlbnkj.jpg)
    20 KB
    This is honestly all I seen through the whole part of that video.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:08 No.5515179
    Can she not position her jaw differently for photos? I have a severe overbite where my top teeth completely overlap my bottom teeth, but I can align my jaw so that I don't look off in photos.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:20 No.5515217
         File: 1329722451.png-(407 KB, 900x479, Picture 61.png)
    407 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:22 No.5515224
    That looks horrendous. The before is better.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:42 No.5515273
         File: 1329723746.jpg-(79 KB, 566x255, mitzywitch.jpg)
    79 KB
    paint her face green and she can cosplay this easy
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:46 No.5515283
    Her forehead and eyes are too large for her jaw in the after.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:47 No.5515287
         File: 1329724037.png-(858 KB, 679x904, alois___devour_by_chibimitzy-d(...).png)
    858 KB
    Why am i laughing so hard at this picture?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)02:48 No.5515290
    Is she cosplaying jay leno?
    >> Denmark !Z0k5e0SqSI 02/20/12(Mon)03:23 No.5515379
    I think she's cute.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)06:30 No.5515783
    >The man who mad this anime is famous for having gays as the main characters in a few of his works.
    >gay characters
    what did I miss
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)06:39 No.5515806
    You people are pretty mean.

    I think she is cute, she isn't ugly at all
    >> BASTIDsonOFarnold 02/20/12(Mon)06:40 No.5515808
         File: 1329738036.jpg-(103 KB, 480x640, 358516994.jpg)
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    damn....u dikes know how to turn me on!
    >> BASTIDsonOFarnold 02/20/12(Mon)06:46 No.5515817
         File: 1329738392.jpg-(46 KB, 512x606, 5d9c9ae7ebf4d300030f6a706700ff(...).jpg)
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    i think she cute 2 tap it
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)06:49 No.5515822
    Isn't this the girl that was bitching about Harley the other day?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)15:34 No.5516806
    Don't get me wrong too I'd hit that too after I evade her chin
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)15:38 No.5516826
    Every time I see this on the front page I need to look at it for more than a couple seconds... because I keep thinking the sword in front of her face is one of those old-timey sharpening bands barbers had for their razors.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)15:44 No.5516851

    What cartoon is that from?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)15:48 No.5516864
    Hmm, it doesn't look too bad from the front. I think if she got her underbite fixed she would look pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)15:49 No.5516870
    the shreck movie. i forget which one
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)17:43 No.5517361
    Bump because of DAT chin
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)17:46 No.5517382
    I demand she cosplay kaiji.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)19:37 No.5517874
    How would one hide this chin?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:37 No.5518565
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:41 No.5518596
    She's one of those 'fake bois'. She wants to look and be a guy while acting feminine, but says she is a lesbian, but is attracted to males and claims to be asexual.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:41 No.5518598
    A mask
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:42 No.5518612
    Holy crap, I thought my chin was bad, and I know that I need maxillofacial surgury.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:45 No.5518627
    so than shes bisexual?c
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:45 No.5518635

    No, because she would never be with a man because sex is gross to her.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:50 No.5518662
         File: 1329796207.png-(994 KB, 768x1024, happy_valentines_day_by_chibim(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:53 No.5518678

    Someone suggested for her to cosplay Marceline when she got her hair done like that. She doesn't like Adventure Time, but she's doing it because it's popular and people like it.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:55 No.5518684
         File: 1329796507.jpg-(20 KB, 476x278, 1269190243755.jpg)
    20 KB
    I'm seeing things... right? Someone shooped her chin like that, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:56 No.5518694

    No. Read the thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:00 No.5518712
    Darling, it's called an "underbite". Though her pointy chin does accentuate such conditions.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:06 No.5518736
    Aaaaaand I just lost any respect I could've had for this girl. To think I may have tried to whiteknight her if any of you planned to troll her.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:08 No.5518746

    She always does things like that, which is why there is drama around her. She cosplays from popular fandoms but never watches/reads/plays it. She does it for the attention.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:09 No.5518747
    Well it's only logical to know about the person before you defend them. Her chin is not the only reason why we dislike her. She's also conceited, a liar, cons money out of people by saying she needs it because her dad has cancer and is in the hospital and then goes and spends the money on cosplay, and just an all around shitty person.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:10 No.5518749

    Her step-dad is now dead.
    When people donated money to help with his hospital bills, she magically bought some new costumes and got a tattoo.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:10 No.5518750
    Op, I know that this is a real photo...and is not shooped. But I really want to believe that this photo has been tampered with. Tell me you shooped this..
    What fresh hell is this and where did you find it?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:11 No.5518751
    She should cosplay as Maleficent
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:11 No.5518752

    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:12 No.5518755
    It's hard to believe I know but it is not shooped. Well, the chin isn't at least.

    ChibiMitzy on deviantart, look her up, all her photos are horrendous.
    >> America !!opS+wTBZfhQ 02/20/12(Mon)23:13 No.5518759
         File: 1329797613.jpg-(14 KB, 320x180, tumblr_lj3qqqiJw21qdv2f9.jpg)
    14 KB
    I'm surprised no one said the Crimson Chin
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:15 No.5518765
    I remember reading about that!
    Wow, didn't realise that was her.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:15 No.5518766
         File: 1329797727.png-(995 KB, 604x804, not all that bad.png)
    995 KB
    Oh. Yes. Sorry that...this young woman's chin had distorted my brain.
    I mean...not all of them are that bad...maybe she should avoid close ups? I mean the rest of her is pretty.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:16 No.5518770
         File: 1329797763.jpg-(106 KB, 500x334, Stan Smith.jpg)
    106 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:16 No.5518771
    The only way that thing wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb is if you're 20+ feet away.

    Goddamn. It's poking me in the eye at the distance of the photo you posted.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:16 No.5518773
    Fuck you guys. As a guy with an underbite not quite as bad as that (but an overall hideous face) I hate how superficial you guys are. Unfortunately though, if me and the girl in OP dated we'd never be able to kiss, so one of us would have to go UPSIDE DOWN. And since upside down kissing happens in spiderman underbites are great. Convincing?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:17 No.5518776
    Because her chin is pointy not square. I've thought of that too. :3
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:17 No.5518777
    Am this anon. I thought she alright until I looked at this again.
    I still want to believe thats not real.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:20 No.5518783
    There are several people in this thread that know her in real life. It is all real. Start believing.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:25 No.5518799
    >didn't read the thread
    There's more we hate than the chin.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:26 No.5518805

    it really just looks like her mouth is positioned up too high.

    that sucks D:
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:27 No.5518806
    Imagine having to wake up to that every morning.

    I'm glad you can make fun of yourself though. It's always a good sign.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:30 No.5518825
    That's why I feel like it's not real and isn't really happening. I choose denial over believing such chins exist.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:31 No.5518828
    I have friends that went to a con with her. They made her a costume and performed in a skit with her, only to her take all the credit for said costume and not mention that her friends made it.
    She then tried to sell the costume (including pieces that were borrowed and not given to her) to help with her step-dad's 'hospital bills'. When my friends said that wasn't okay, she guilt tripped them and threw a fit.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:32 No.5518835

    I have to wake up to myself every morning, trust me it's not fun. On the plus side at least it got me into math, but I can't say it's not discouraging to see guys that look like superman that are doing their PhDs since I'm struggling in undergrad. Compensation and all that. Still, the universe is beautiful, I wish I could afford to go somewhere without judgement though and just study it.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:40 No.5518875

    That story sounds familiar. I feel like I've heard it in a weeaboo horror story thread before.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:42 No.5518891
    >implying that type of thing doesn't happen all the time.

    More than one person can do something shady like that.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:50 No.5518924
         File: 1329799857.jpg-(31 KB, 640x480, 420570_112057385588175_1000035(...).jpg)
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    At least her friends are helping
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:55 No.5518947
    How long is her neck and seriously, how can her chin be that sharp and triangular? HOW?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:56 No.5518950
    Eugh. This thread is bad and you all should feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:57 No.5518953
    LOL Hi Mitzy!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)00:01 No.5518972
    I'm going to be honest, I feel bad everytime I pass by the thread and see that icepick of a chin. I should hit the hide button, I know.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)00:11 No.5519007
    she should be lelouch
    >> Mobile!Helen Keller !T7I3RRaGSk 02/21/12(Tue)00:16 No.5519024
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)00:17 No.5519030

    Already did Lelouch back when Code Geass was super popular
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)00:26 No.5519053
    I wonder is she dents things with her chin. I have this odd image of her chin shaving out a chunk of wall each time she poses against one. Like is she'd rub her face against cheese, her chin would produce perfect slices.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)00:37 No.5519090
    We are horrible, horrible people.
    >> Dr. Scientist !!JtQ+aYJUUCb 02/21/12(Tue)00:55 No.5519146
         File: 1329803707.jpg-(34 KB, 426x640, inuashley.jpg)
    34 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)00:58 No.5519155
    This person looks a lot better because her lips aren't so thin. Not to mention her chin isn't THAT prominent.
    >> Dr. Scientist !!JtQ+aYJUUCb 02/21/12(Tue)01:06 No.5519183
    I couldn't find an appropriate pic. Inuashley is old drama bait, they used to post the chinniest pics.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)01:07 No.5519184
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)04:23 No.5519692
    oh god the fuck
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)13:25 No.5520806
    I'll quote her on something she said recently

    "Help! I need to make about $4000 in the near future. I found out I need some testing because I may have something wrong with me and I need to get out from underneath my debt from before Frank passed away."

    - If this is the case maybe she should stop fucking spending all her time on new cosplays and buying wigs, convention, hotel stay inns because all i'm seeing are more cosplays in progress so how the fuck am i supposed to feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)13:41 No.5520868

    She won't get a job. Her mother supposedly 'doesn't want her to have one'.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)13:57 No.5520909

    ...Who wouldn't want their kid to get a job?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:27 No.5522089

    Unless it has a huge following that gets her attention, she won't cosplay from it.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:20 No.5522477
    I have met parents who really will essentially not let their child get a job.

    Though most of the time the child doesn't want one that badly and could manage anyway, so I don't think it's an easy excuse.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:23 No.5522487
    she looks a little like kstew in this picture. kstew with a bad chin.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:56 No.5522597
    Someone should mail her some of that Kaiji bishie porn all the fujoshi draw

    It's the perfect cosplay opportunity for her

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