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    File: 1329523821.png-(51 KB, 400x120, megacon_logo_no_bg.png)
    51 KB Megacon 2012 Anonymous 02/17/12(Fri)19:10 No.5507087  
    Like last year I post my pics to you for your enjoyment.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/12(Fri)22:06 No.5507506
         File: 1329534383.jpg-(29 KB, 192x256, IMG_9766.jpg)
    29 KB
    a little bit of CGL little bit of TG, was there today, will be tomorrow
    >> Moe !HgDmQWBGxE 02/17/12(Fri)22:15 No.5507533
    Literally just got home about an hour or so ago, was in Karina all day today. I didn't get to take any pictures which I don't feel too bad, seeing as I was only able to attend today. I'd have to say a good third of the attendees were Homestuck people and A LOT of Adventure Time.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/12(Fri)23:17 No.5507712
    I will keep posting all weekend.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/12(Fri)23:23 No.5507737
    Was a lot of it anime? Younger crowd?
    >> Anonymous 02/17/12(Fri)23:27 No.5507746
    Today was a good mix of everything.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/12(Fri)23:29 No.5507756
    Ahhh cool. Last year was damn near kiddie corral, so I was worried. Going tomorrow.
    >> seiei 02/17/12(Fri)23:29 No.5507757
    Will be there tomorrow and Sunday, my first time actually cosplaying for a con.
    >> Anonymous 02/17/12(Fri)23:47 No.5507814

    I'm jealous! I want to go to but couldn't make it this year!
    >> Anonymous 02/17/12(Fri)23:55 No.5507834
    Wish I could go, but can't. Well, some professors and students from my college have a booth; if anyone sees the Ringling booth grab a free comic.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)00:01 No.5507847
    I can't wait to go tomorrow! I'm fixing up my costume right now!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)00:06 No.5507860
    what are you gonna be?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)00:52 No.5508012
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)01:43 No.5508137
    last year as with this the adults want to see Stan Lee.
    >> * 02/18/12(Sat)08:43 No.5508560
         File: 1329572595.png-(230 KB, 380x400, babies u sick.png)
    230 KB
    Rolling out soon, will probably be there at about 1.

    I'll be going by myself, so if anyone sees me, please say hello!
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 02/18/12(Sat)09:06 No.5508576
    You looked adorable in Karina! I'm really glad that I got to run into you! It was a bit of a mad house yesterday, so I can only imagine what today is going to be like.
    >> Moe !HgDmQWBGxE 02/18/12(Sat)09:11 No.5508581
         File: 1329574283.jpg-(1.59 MB, 2304x1211, DSCF0566.jpg)
    1.59 MB
    I hope everyone that goes today and tomorrow has a blast! Sadly I have to work both days but I'm just glad I got to go yesterday and get the items I did (pic related, there was only ONE booth that had T&B figurines, this upset me greatly!)
    >> Moe !HgDmQWBGxE 02/18/12(Sat)09:46 No.5508596
    Girl, your Cinderella, HNNNNNNNNNNNGH!!!! There's actually already a few photos of you in it up on Flickr
    >> silver 02/18/12(Sat)10:00 No.5508612
         File: 1329577207.jpg-(42 KB, 498x362, 1253478617385.jpg)
    42 KB
    errbody don't forget about the Denny's meetup! Kiwi told me it's at 8, but i'm probably going to get there around 7/730 so i can be out and ready for the afterparties. SEE YOU THERE
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 02/18/12(Sat)10:07 No.5508618
    Are there really?! Ahhh, I gotta go check them out. I was really happy with how it turned out, so I'll be wearing it again today. We've got so many poofy dresses in our hotel room that it's taking us all a lot longer to get ready than we thought!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)19:40 No.5510027
    Hey guys. I'm hopefully at the right Denny's. It's the one with outdoor seating right? Anyway, I'm here as Saber Alter in her gothic loli dress. If you guys are on your phones or anything, come find me?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)20:34 No.5510149
    Any pictures from Saturday's event ready to be shared?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)20:44 No.5510169

    >Shitton of Blecch
    >Shitton of Nurutu
    >Sailor Scouts everywhere
    >Lots of Guy Fawkes masks and at least one Reddit head
    >A shocking amount of Miku/Len/Rin/Kaito and even Meiko cosplay
    >Jedi, Deadpools, SPARTANs, TF2 characters, Dr. Rockso, fucking cawadooty,
    >39045823469346 Edward Elrics, most of them female (Fuck you, Vic)
    >Not a single other character from FMA cosplayed

    >ONE Inuyasha, ONE Wolfwood, ONE Lucy, and *no* Cowboy Bebop or Eva

    The only good cosplays were obscure ones. There was one great Lady Atris, one great Eliza Cassan, the Lucy cosplay had good effort in it...
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)20:46 No.5510172
         File: 1329615966.jpg-(339 KB, 683x1024, 6895022781_886d63feb3_b.jpg)
    339 KB
    I think they are guys. I'm impressed that they look pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)20:47 No.5510178
    i know that feel, bro
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)20:52 No.5510194
    Also i have one thing to ask. I mean, i could ask this in /co/, /v/, or /a/... but strangely i thinkt /cgl/ might be best to ask.

    I haven't been to MegaCon in like a decade and the anime spillover, if i recall, was from Manga bleeding into the Comics focus of the convention.

    But now everything and everything tangentially related to the culture is being represented in cosplay in this MegaCon. Like im also seeing Creepers and moogles and Phoenix Wrights and Zelda etc. etc.

    Some guy walking around with a sign saying "I used to be a cosplayer like you..." and he had a foam arrow tied to his knee
    Plus you have all those Homestuck horns all over the place.
    Did half of MegaCon's just become a big ol' meetup spot for cosplayers of any kind or what?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)20:58 No.5510220
    I'm not surprised. I lived in Orlando for the past 7 months, and I think I've met more gay people than straight, and a lot of them do drag... but then again I work in entertainment.
    I think those two are better than a lot of PSG cosplayers I've seen
    >> actingAnon !!UPy/j5h6amD 02/18/12(Sat)21:02 No.5510234
    wow. i actually thought stocking was a girl with a manface.
    Now I'm impressed. these are good! Expecially panty.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)21:05 No.5510243
    panty: YES
    stocking all my no
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)21:06 No.5510244

    Pretty harsh, bro. A lot of the saturated series you've listed had at the *bare minimum* two great cosplayers.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)21:06 No.5510245
    I actually saw a Barry the Butcher while I was there. And a rather low-quality Spike.

    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)21:11 No.5510265
         File: 1329617498.gif-(61 KB, 300x321, putin.gif)
    61 KB
    You new to FL? A big group of them show up at every con with a boombox. For like the past 3-4 years at least. People seriously still get mad over them?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)21:13 No.5510273
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)21:33 No.5510310
    /a/ here
    This year was disappointing. I mean they had a huge open space and room for the artists gallery in the one show room. I mean how does one lose 2/3rd of their venders. Also why wasnt the food court venders not open? I guess it has been a rough year. Also i wanted to punch those guy fawx masks faggots to the ground. And i saw rarely good cosplay. So.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)21:45 No.5510329
    How strict were they with the badges? I'm thinking of going tomorrow. I got one last year, but it seemed you could walk around almost anywhere w/o a badge except the dealers room...
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)21:48 No.5510338
    Well it was the same with badges this year as anyother year.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)21:50 No.5510343
    >Two great cosplayers
    Ehh call me a snooty prick but Naruto and Bleach are popular enough that you can buy well-made costumes, rather than DIY or pay exorbitant fees on a custom tailor. So i didn't really give them points.

    In line of the Oh-god-i'm-old current...
    I *did* see Naruto themed family... the father and mother were dressed as Minato Namikaze and Uzumaki Kushina ...
    And they had their six year old kid dressed as Naruto...

    Fuckin' weirded out man
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)21:54 No.5510352
    Ok... Well is the dealers room worth buying the badge for this year?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)21:55 No.5510356
    Hm, true. I can't fault that line of thinking. It's just a shame to see those few who do put in an effort to cosplay AND look good just get bunched in with a "it's an overdone series, ain't no biggie".
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)22:00 No.5510373
    Honestly no. They lost about 2/3rd of their venders from last year. shame.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)22:00 No.5510374
    I'll grant you that. I don't deny that i might be overlooking a legit cosplay with effort into it and assuming it was store-bought

    But then again...
    It all kinda cancels out...
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)22:04 No.5510390
         File: 1329620696.jpg-(8 KB, 166x214, 1313358369800.jpg)
    8 KB
    ... wow. Maybe I'll just stay home then? Sound's like it's not worth the gas.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)22:06 No.5510399
    >Raging at EFG/Fawkes people

    I omitted the fact that i saw at least 3 individual full-body fursuiters...
    It was like a mini AnthroCon when you couple that with all the ones that went halfway..
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)22:19 No.5510454
         File: 1329621577.png-(13 KB, 1021x501, 23423111.png)
    13 KB
    Yeah pretty much was a waste for me. Hey least i took a friend and got figurine.
    Also yeah this is pretty much what happened.
    >> seiei 02/18/12(Sat)22:24 No.5510465
    chillin in the hotel room now

    got brent spiner's autograph, friend got a kamen rider knight figuarts plus some stuff for her costume. all in all not terrible, saw a few really sweet outfits

    absurd amounts of homestuck, though.

    gundam meetup is still going down tomorrow, right?
    2pm under the banner
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)22:40 No.5510528
    Thank you for the heads up.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:34 No.5510713
         File: 1329626097.jpg-(93 KB, 574x570, Megatits.jpg)
    93 KB
    Just got back from megacon
    Who has more of this girl?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:38 No.5510730
    I don't know, but I'm lready in love with her for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:43 No.5510762
    This year *is* a kiddie corral.
    I saw a bunch of kids playing Red Rover on the grass outside the building as i left lol
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:45 No.5510770
         File: 1329626746.jpg-(40 KB, 188x526, Megacon.jpg)
    40 KB
    Another one we got...
    Did anyone get some One piece group shots from megacon?
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:47 No.5510778
    We saw Duck duck goose.
    WE were playing red rover!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:57 No.5510825
    >> Anonymous 02/18/12(Sat)23:58 No.5510829
    OP here. Dumping the pics from my camera now to get them up soon.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)00:01 No.5510845
    Who won in the anime sushi costume contest?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)00:11 No.5510870
    she's not in it.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)00:12 No.5510875
    Did anyone see a Tumblr-tan?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)00:15 No.5510884
    I know Kiwi won in one category, and another girl at the meetup whose name I forgot.
    >> derpy !QaHT6HayjI 02/19/12(Sun)00:20 No.5510906
         File: 1329628842.jpg-(48 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20120219.jpg)
    48 KB
    hai gais

    meetup was really fun. gonna go drink some of this shit now though. hope the pictures are uploaded soon. :3
    >> Moe !HgDmQWBGxE 02/19/12(Sun)00:21 No.5510913
         File: 1329628908.jpg-(256 KB, 683x1024, kiwijakemega.jpg)
    256 KB
    DAMMIT....... IF I WASN'T ENGAGED, I WOULD JUMP HER INSTANTLY IN THAT COSPLAY!! <3 <3 <3 So sad I missed this......
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)00:22 No.5510916

    I watched this dude leaving today after the floor closed. That is to say, I heard him first. Just this ominous BOOM, BOOM, BOOM that echoed throughout the hall above the din. Well fucking played, sir.

    In other news this year there was a serious resurgence in Misty Cosplay. Shapely goddamn UNF UNF UNF Misty Cosplay. I will just assume they were all over 18+ so I feel better about all of the boners.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)00:27 No.5510937
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)00:43 No.5510980
    OP here again. A batch upload process has started for Saturday.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:02 No.5511036
    OP here yet again.
    For all my pics from Friday and Saturday
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)01:26 No.5511115
    holy crap that's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)13:09 No.5512262
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)17:34 No.5513090
    Any Sunday pictures?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:04 No.5513597
    Con opinions?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:15 No.5513653
    any more vampirella?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:28 No.5513706
    who's got two thumbs and went around in a guy fawkes mask for two days??? thaaat's right! me! the cancerman! XDDDD no, but seriously I met some fags who wore masks(yeah I brought mine too, but at least I lurk okay) and asked them where they lurked and they looked at me like I'm retarded. people reeeeally shouldn't wear something they don't understand. that kind of ignorance pisses me off. all that aside, the con was mediocre at best. I saw my first Ragnarok Online cosplay which threw me for a loop of excitement. and also a Doc Scratch c: but yeah, I'm thinking of doing a male Mindfang soon...idk. back to tumblr
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:44 No.5513793
    <3 I was that RO cosplay.

    I feel loved.
    >> Appple 02/19/12(Sun)19:54 No.5513842
    Hey guys, just got home! Had a lot of fun at the meetup and the con! Hope to see you all again next year!
    >> spook !QqL8nX9URE 02/19/12(Sun)20:06 No.5513905
         File: 1329699993.png-(161 KB, 500x432, tumblr_lyqt9sqDUo1qdgmkko1_500.png)
    161 KB
    I really enjoyed it this year, definitely moreso then I did last year.
    I went for two days, both homestuck. The Saturday photoshoot was insane, I'm amazed the girl running it managed to hold it together. When the staff asked the photoshoot to move out of the building, I think she handled it pretty well, in unison with the march of an odd sum two hundred people going through the main hall.
    I was pretty disappointed by the panels. I ended up not buying tickets and mostly loitered with some old friends.
    >> Appple 02/19/12(Sun)20:12 No.5513936
         File: 1329700329.jpg-(343 KB, 922x692, DSCN0923.jpg)
    343 KB
    Slowly resizing and dumping the few photos I took.

    Loving this group, though from what I understood they were hired professionals or something?
    >> Appple 02/19/12(Sun)20:15 No.5513950
         File: 1329700522.jpg-(488 KB, 969x1291, DSCN0919.jpg)
    488 KB
    This guy won best craftsmanship at the costume contest.
    >> Appple 02/19/12(Sun)20:17 No.5513962
         File: 1329700674.jpg-(447 KB, 1291x969, DSCN0905.jpg)
    447 KB
    Have sum Young Avengers
    >> Appple 02/19/12(Sun)20:21 No.5513980
         File: 1329700893.jpg-(481 KB, 969x1291, DSCN0917.jpg)
    481 KB
    I really wanted these guys to win best Vidya costume. I can't remember who actually won.
    >> Appple 02/19/12(Sun)20:24 No.5513991
         File: 1329701059.jpg-(467 KB, 969x1291, DSCN0915.jpg)
    467 KB
    Here's some batfamily
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:25 No.5513993

    That Dhalsim was amazing. Every pose he struck was goddamned statuesque.
    >> Appple 02/19/12(Sun)20:26 No.5514002
         File: 1329701219.jpg-(433 KB, 969x1291, DSCN0910.jpg)
    433 KB
    Have some more DC
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:29 No.5514016
    DUDE, does anywhere sell those things online?
    >> Appple 02/19/12(Sun)20:30 No.5514021
         File: 1329701437.jpg-(437 KB, 1291x969, DSCN0909.jpg)
    437 KB
    All dem Marvels
    >> Appple 02/19/12(Sun)20:33 No.5514031
         File: 1329701609.jpg-(448 KB, 969x1291, DSCN0907.jpg)
    448 KB
    Here is a bit of Disney
    >> Appple 02/19/12(Sun)20:35 No.5514038
         File: 1329701752.jpg-(428 KB, 969x1291, DSCN0903.jpg)
    428 KB
    This Lana was great
    >> Appple 02/19/12(Sun)20:39 No.5514046
    Derp those were the only photos I took for the weekend.

    Anyone have a photo of the Cinderella who did the period-accurate fanart dress? It looked absolutely amazing!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:41 No.5514050
         File: 1329702090.jpg-(292 KB, 1000x750, guy.jpg)
    292 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:48 No.5514066
         File: 1329702511.jpg-(318 KB, 750x1000, gijoeg.jpg)
    318 KB
    Anyone else have any more pics of the GI Joe crew?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:51 No.5514075
    All mine are up on the original link up at the top for the whole weekend
    >> Kiarou 02/19/12(Sun)20:52 No.5514076
    Did anyone get that art book Syaoran and Sakura on Saturday?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:54 No.5514080
    Is she a regular on /cgl/? I ran into her in the dealers room, and had a quick chat with her. I was so happy to find a Tiger and Bunny cosplayer that I forgot to ask for a picture.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:55 No.5514081
    Did anyone snap photos of Shino from .hack?
    >> Fatty-Chan !!BgtcjoxdCXt 02/19/12(Sun)20:56 No.5514084
         File: 1329702960.jpg-(123 KB, 422x356, tumblr_lh3s17xv7U1qef4lro1_500.jpg)
    123 KB
    Purple drank.

    Would have liked to have seen a better variety in cosplay. (the Homestuck and Hetalia got old fast)
    Did have a blast at the meetup.
    Also will never ever eat a hot dog again in my life.
    >> Fatty-Chan !!BgtcjoxdCXt 02/19/12(Sun)21:02 No.5514105
    Yep it's Kiwi.
    >> voodoo !!G/GzM4avlL6 02/19/12(Sun)21:03 No.5514112
    I had a great time! My two new costumes were super fun to wear and actually were pretty comfortable and I met and hung out with great people. No complaints from me!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)21:17 No.5514153
    I saw an excellent Quailman there, but didn't have a camera on me. Anyone have any pictures of that guy?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)21:19 No.5514159
    Does anyone have any pics of the Girl Boba Fet and Girl Storm Troopers?! I saw a lot of Gender Bending on costumes this year~ Was a lot of fun!
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)21:21 No.5514160
    Tons of photos here:
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)21:21 No.5514161

    They were amazing! My favorite costumes at the con. I didn't know that was Kiwi.

    I saw someone post a photo of him, but over in the Katsucon thread for some reason. He looked awesome!
    >> Kiarou 02/19/12(Sun)21:24 No.5514167
    Haha, no that was my gf and I.

    Haven't seen a single picture of us yet though :(
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)21:28 No.5514174
    Someone's looking for you or your girlfriend's info on the Facebook group Florida Cosplayer's unite.
    >> Kiarou 02/19/12(Sun)21:31 No.5514183
    No, we were the tsubasa chronicles artbook Syaoran and Sakura not the Bunney and Tiger. lol
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)21:32 No.5514188
         File: 1329705176.jpg-(32 KB, 615x456, 1327609187618.jpg)
    32 KB
    Stay on tumblr please. I fucking hate you children.
    >> temjintbw 02/19/12(Sun)21:51 No.5514229
    Gundam guy here. Sorry I couldn't make any of the meetups. I was in my suit from 9am till almost 7pm on Saturday and was absolutely exhausted by the end of it. That said my first megacon was a blast! Sadly the dealers room was smaller than I was lead to believe.

    Iron cardboard robot cosplay was a blast! If my teammates are reading thanks so much for the awesome event. Even though we didn't win I had a ton of fun.

    Convention center cons are exhausting in that Gundam suit. I may have to limit it to hotel cons in the future.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)21:57 No.5514255
         File: 1329706641.jpg-(163 KB, 800x600, MADSWAD.jpg)
    163 KB
    That was me, I was the orange viking.

    This is just about the best thing ever. Where'd you get those pictures?

    Anyway, the cgl meetup was great. I love you guys so much. Free pizza boxes for all courtesy of Derpypac 2012. And here is our glorious swag

    GUNDAM! GUNDAM! Yeah that was a brilliant costume contest.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)22:01 No.5514272
         File: 1329706893.jpg-(168 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lzmaboFfpy1qduupno2_500.jpg)
    168 KB

    stumbled upon this while looking for photos of my own cosplay lol. you guys were amazing, congrats
    >> Kiarou 02/19/12(Sun)22:04 No.5514288
    Yay! Thank you!
    I had taken my claws off at that point, they were too heavy and my hands hurt so much lol
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)22:09 No.5514303
         File: 1329707397.jpg-(287 KB, 750x1000, gundam.jpg)
    287 KB
    Awesome suit! was really really cool!
    >> btals 02/19/12(Sun)22:16 No.5514329
    >that RBD
    Why the fuck were there so many RBD cosplayers and so few Pinkie Pies. Not fair.
    >> MR tibbarz !a2uDFch6hM 02/19/12(Sun)22:18 No.5514340
    Ponies in general were terrible, it was a great con but god damn be original people.
    I saw so many girls just dressing as a halfassed Finn from Adventure time, only ONE girl actually went as Fiona.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 02/19/12(Sun)22:18 No.5514341
    Someone tell that fat bitch to move.

    Trying to see that RX-78-2.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)22:20 No.5514347
    She was actually pretty cool and was helping temjin. Also there were too many ponies in general.
    >> btals 02/19/12(Sun)22:24 No.5514362
    You'd pretty much have to be clinically insane to cosplay a pony and attract Brony attention to yourself, which is why mostly only hambeasts cosplay them.

    Also, I was considering dressing as Finn because I have blonde hair but after I got there I'm glad I chose Malfoy instead. Finn was everywhere and I would not compare.
    Speaking of Draco, what's with Tom Felton showing up out of costume and unshaven? If I were asking 40 bucks from HP fans for a single picture I'd at least dress up and shave for them.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)22:25 No.5514365
    I agree! Get that fat ass outta the way!!!
    >> temjintbw 02/19/12(Sun)22:25 No.5514366
    Thats my girl, so kindly stuff it.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)22:27 No.5514373
    I saw a metric shit ton of Fionas. I don't know where you were. Also, I saw a little kid as Finn, it was about the best thing ever.

    And did anyone get pictures with little kids? It's the best feeling in the world, let me tell you all. You get to pose like an idiot and make their day. I loved seeing so many happy kids there. Sure some were throwing fits, but I'm sure three minutes ago they were having fun.
    >> Skava !YHHD3/WMTU 02/19/12(Sun)22:37 No.5514413
    Guilty as one of the fionnas there, wasn't expecting such an influx of AT, yo.
    Also sorry if I scared anyone off acting in character all day.
    The little kid Finns were fucking adorable, as were the little kids that kept running up to me asking for hugs and if I was Fionna.
    Also babies in costumes everywhere this year.
    I surfed the Megacon tag on Tumblr and am seeing so many amazing costumes that I somehow missed in person.
    Most of what I saw was homestuck :/
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)22:41 No.5514425
         File: 1329709285.jpg-(251 KB, 1000x750, emp.jpg)
    251 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)23:17 No.5514539
    >> seiei 02/20/12(Mon)00:01 No.5514668
         File: 1329714115.jpg-(488 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2250.jpg)
    488 KB
    Just got back from the whole thing, will post a few pics for the hell of it.

    Starting with a pretty good Ed
    >> seiei 02/20/12(Mon)00:05 No.5514690
         File: 1329714358.jpg-(547 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2272.jpg)
    547 KB
    >> seiei 02/20/12(Mon)00:08 No.5514701
         File: 1329714536.jpg-(476 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2230.jpg)
    476 KB
    >> seiei 02/20/12(Mon)00:11 No.5514713
         File: 1329714674.jpg-(492 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2213.jpg)
    492 KB
    This guy was amazing. There was another Dovahkin dude running around, but that one was scrawny and had a shitty costume in comparison.
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 02/20/12(Mon)00:20 No.5514758
         File: 1329715249.png-(1.82 MB, 1226x900, SO MUCH PIZZA.png)
    1.82 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:30 No.5514793
    I was there as Chris Redfield and I came across a RE family. Dad was Wesker but his 2-3 year old son was also Chris. When the kid wanted to get a picture with me I think it made both of our days.
    >> Appple 02/20/12(Mon)00:33 No.5514805

    >dat filename

    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:33 No.5514809
         File: 1329716034.jpg-(46 KB, 430x720, bluesteel.jpg)
    46 KB
    I dressed as Ash for the con and I've got a few pics saved up. I'll dump 'em here.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:34 No.5514810
         File: 1329716069.jpg-(51 KB, 430x720, didanyoneseetron.jpg)
    51 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:34 No.5514814
    Saber Alter/Ariel here. The meetup was really fun. I definitely wasn't expecting almost twenty people.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:35 No.5514816
         File: 1329716108.jpg-(47 KB, 430x720, shrineofthesilvermonkey.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:37 No.5514826
         File: 1329716228.jpg-(45 KB, 430x720, realisticolderdoug.jpg)
    45 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:37 No.5514831
         File: 1329716264.jpg-(37 KB, 430x720, casey.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:39 No.5514842
         File: 1329716371.jpg-(49 KB, 720x430, eh.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:40 No.5514843
         File: 1329716406.jpg-(47 KB, 430x720, autism!.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:40 No.5514847
         File: 1329716437.jpg-(60 KB, 430x720, shaunofdarkness.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)00:41 No.5514853
         File: 1329716500.jpg-(54 KB, 720x430, shiny!.jpg)
    54 KB
    And that's the last pic I've got. What a fantastic con that was. I'm sad that the next one I've got is Florida Supercon. Three long months. God dammit.
    >> seiei 02/20/12(Mon)01:24 No.5515014
    its a shame I had to leave early on Saturday. Sunday's Gundam meetup was.. less impressive.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)01:37 No.5515065
         File: 1329719822.gif-(84 KB, 409x353, 1147631737984.gif)
    84 KB
    This was way too much fun. Props to kiwi for ordering the pizza and everyone else for chipping in. $10 deal awww yeah.

    Holy butts I'm an oldfag.
    >> Tim 02/20/12(Mon)01:39 No.5515081

    I know it's just the jacket but still AHHHHHHH
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)09:16 No.5516057
         File: 1329747418.jpg-(149 KB, 600x800, engi.jpg)
    149 KB
    This was about the cutest engineer ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)09:36 No.5516082
         File: 1329748607.jpg-(95 KB, 480x640, misty.jpg)
    95 KB

    She was adorable. There were so many cute girls there, it's ridiculous.

    I got back from NY the night before the con, so I did a Misty that I was far from pleased with. Ah well. Still waiting on Metro to pull out the big guns. ;)
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)10:03 No.5516109
    um... is the guy in the background supposed to be itachi in a banana suit? I think i can see a naruto headband on him.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)11:19 No.5516232
    I had a lot of fun at megacon this year. Unfortunately I barely got to see anything from the dealers room since I had arms that were bigger than me as a prop. If anybody caught us we were the big Black Rock Shooter group on Friday. Then on Saturday it was just Black Rock Shooter and Strength. Though I would not be surprised if nobody saw us since our weapons were so painful we were at the con for no more than 3 hours at a time. Still had fun regardless.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)11:25 No.5516241
         File: 1329755132.png-(947 KB, 924x691, Picture 2.png)
    947 KB
    Saw this one on Reddit
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)11:25 No.5516242
    Every autistic perma virgin who saw the movie bought the jacket. Chill.
    >> seiei 02/20/12(Mon)11:28 No.5516248
         File: 1329755295.jpg-(531 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_2229.jpg)
    531 KB
    there was a whole female TF2 group that was pretty sweet.
    >> seiei 02/20/12(Mon)11:34 No.5516261
         File: 1329755688.jpg-(498 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2235.jpg)
    498 KB
    Amazing Kabuto on Sunday. It was a scarily old guy under the helmet, but his entire costume was near flawless.
    >> Trap-chan !Gv599Z9CwU 02/20/12(Mon)12:24 No.5516334
    I couldn't be in the picture because I was being a derp off camera. Thanks for feeling me up Kiwi you make all my dreams come true♥
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)13:32 No.5516452
    anyone have pictures of the Mass Effect costumes? I saw a Garrus, FemShep, and Liara. I was expecting more since the voice actor was there and the game comes out in a few weeks.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)13:47 No.5516481
    Were you the Tiger & Bunny cosplayer? I made a joke to my boyfriend about you cosplaying Rufus since he plays a lot of Street Fighter and Rufus wears a kill bill uniform. I'm not sure if you got the joke at all, but I hope you weren't offended!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)13:57 No.5516508
    Any Sailor Moon pictures? There was quite a few scouts this year.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)14:05 No.5516530
    I didn't see one Yoko this year!
    >> Trap-chan !Gv599Z9CwU 02/20/12(Mon)14:37 No.5516624
    I was in a little red and black dress that was too short with black leggings and I was snuggling on a tall girl that just happened to walk by

    The girl in the tiger and bunny cosplay might have been Kiwi?
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)14:44 No.5516642
    Ah, okay. Wrong person then. And Kiwi was out of her cosplay at the time, in rave gear, if I remember correctly. I was thinking of the girl cosplaying the dragon king-fu superhero from T&B. I really need to keep watching it.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)14:54 No.5516674
         File: 1329767656.jpg-(41 KB, 448x480, 4chan Mascot.jpg)
    41 KB
    lol that's my friends girlfriend. We headed out to Dave and Busters later. She took her shirt off was pretty badass.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)14:57 No.5516681
         File: 1329767823.jpg-(149 KB, 600x449, Actual Hercule.jpg)
    149 KB
    I can't say this con is really worth going to, the costumes aren't up to par, venders sell total shit and the panels are all pretty meh.

    I spent most of the time in the card room playing Magic. Even that wasn't great people are bad. Went 4-0 in two headed giant without trying.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)15:05 No.5516709
    If the dealers aren't selling things to your taste you're at the wrong convention. I find great deals on comics and manga. $10 trades? $5 manga? Shit's absolutely great. What are you into that you can't find something there?

    I can understand if you're upset about not finding good figures, I never really find any big figures I like. But besides that Megacon has everything.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)15:06 No.5516712
    Less bitterness, more pictures.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)15:09 No.5516724
    correction, that's not her. just called her over to check this out. looks just like her though
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)16:11 No.5516964

    This. I bought around 70 comics and spent $50, and was seeing $3 manga everywhere.

    I admit the animu stuff wasn't that cheap but Megacon is a central comic con, so I'm assuming the more popular/cheaper animu vendors went to Katsu
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)17:28 No.5517271
         File: 1329776938.gif-(179 KB, 350x197, 1307492469667.gif)
    179 KB
    I really enjoyed this convention. The crowd, minus the overflow of Homestuck, was pretty great. I met a lot of very awesome people and just had fun hanging out; good atmosphere, I think. I was extremely annoyed and pleased by some changes to the dealer room. I hate that the entrance was a little hole on the left. So obnoxious to get in, and I also feel like they wasted a lot of space with the immediate open area. I feel like that back area should have been for signings and photo-ops. The rest of the layout was great, I liked that it was spread out more and really gave more room to breathe in between booths. I spent more time in the dealer-room because I could actually move around. The lines for photo-ops got ridiculously long, and sometimes got in the way of traffic, right in the middle of the whole thing, which is why that area should have been in the open space.

    Besides that, though.. Probably my favorite Megacon so far.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)17:40 No.5517348
    >Go to megacon for Saturday only
    >Sick as hell, bored as fuck, not cosplaying
    >Everything in the dealers room is overpriced
    >I own almost everything I'm interested in that isn't
    >don't feel like going to any panels
    >Fuck this
    >Check every SH Monsterarts Godzilla in the dealers room and buy the only one that doesn't have derp eyes
    >go to two panels and leave

    My con experience.

    Also $80 T&B figuarts? $50 Hyper Kabuto? Fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)17:52 No.5517420

    They're girls.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)17:54 No.5517434
         File: 1329778488.jpg-(499 KB, 1000x1504, Torakaka.jpg)
    499 KB
    A pretty impressive handmade Torakaka costume. Don't know why they didn't compete in the costume contest.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)17:56 No.5517443
         File: 1329778604.jpg-(470 KB, 1000x1504, Steel_Legion.jpg)
    470 KB
    W40K Steel Legion. Nice to see something other than homesuck cosplays.
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 02/20/12(Mon)18:06 No.5517494
    had a blast...may be my last mega as i'm moving to the west coast....

    loved the artist alley this year and mostly bought stuff there as opposed to the dealers. also loved the expanded layout and wider walkways. for the first time i was able to go in the dealer's room on saturday, even in antoinette.

    heard a little about the costume contest....did anon like all the costumes that entered? winners?
    >> smoker !Umad72YCVU 02/20/12(Mon)18:07 No.5517501
         File: 1329779257.png-(455 KB, 965x714, 1230024061774.png)
    455 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)18:15 No.5517549
         File: 1329779748.jpg-(412 KB, 1000x1504, Gundam.jpg)
    412 KB
    I am surprised no one posted this awesome cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)19:18 No.5517802
    She was the girlfriend of an artist in the alley, she wore it for about an hour to boothbabe his art. She was also in her late 40's I'd guess...but doable for the obvious reasons....
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)19:59 No.5517941
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)20:21 No.5518005
         File: 1329787267.jpg-(1.08 MB, 4608x3072, Megacon 2012 066.jpg)
    1.08 MB
    Because he was too cool.
    >> temjintbw 02/20/12(Mon)21:01 No.5518132
    Thank you for the compliments guys ^^ Gotta give a big shoutout to my GF for helping me get in and out of that costume on Saturday. She passed up the MLP group shoot for me so I could get to pre-judging ; ; and even bought me a Super Robot Chogokin Dai-Guard. <3
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)21:10 No.5518162
    Yeah, I saw her.

    One thing I found funny, I'll upload it later. You were in that upper balconyish area, doing this "COME AT ME BRO" pose while she was holding your shield/gun behind you. So basically a COME AT ME BRO gundam with an armed MLP.

    Allow me to say - I lolled.

    Also, fuck that Vega who was chilling with you. You were chill, he was annoying.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)21:16 No.5518179
         File: 1329790566.jpg-(1.36 MB, 2576x1932, 100_4053.jpg)
    1.36 MB
    I'm the Link here, and the Navi and Zelda were nice.
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 02/20/12(Mon)21:21 No.5518201
    I'm so sad I didn't get to see you fully suited up, but thanks for letting me oogle you before our cosplay panel on Sunday. Congrats on the win, too!
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)21:22 No.5518206
         File: 1329790953.jpg-(539 KB, 1280x1299, tumblr_lzpxspHAs61r7p8rvo7_128(...).jpg)
    539 KB
    This is a friend of mine who was Victorique from GoSick in an alternate costume.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)21:22 No.5518208
    How did your panels go anyways? Did a lot of people show up?
    >> temjintbw 02/20/12(Mon)21:25 No.5518215
    rofl I gotta see that pic that sounds hilarious! Im glad someone got a video of my earlier encounter with a furry group.

    Turned around and there were suddenly like 6 guys in fur suits I turned and ran lol then hung and shook my head as one of them danced the robot in front of me. My GF then set my costumes speaker to LMAFO and dancing commenced. Was hilarious ><!

    What was the Vega doing that bothered you? Seemed chill to me but I cant see too well in the helmet or hear too well so I miss alot.

    The guy in the creeper getup on sunday ticked me off. I was rocking the helmet gun and shield in casual clothes to relax the last day. He and me face off while waiting for the dealer area to open in what I thought was just going to be a photo op and then crashes full force into my shield breaking the V-crest on my helmet. I put down my gun and beat him with my saber a couple a times, probably a bit harder than I should have.... Shoved him with my foot too... was tempted to just kicked him strait over honestly.

    R2D2 Guys were total bros and hooked me up with some super glue to repair the helmet since I had already checked out of the hotel and packed everything up in the car for the trip back.

    If creeper guy is reading sorry for overreacting and sorry again if I hurt or offended you at all. Was very tired and hurting and th crest breaking kinda made me snap a bit.
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 02/20/12(Mon)21:26 No.5518218
    Unfortunately not. We were shoved into the veeeeeeeery back of the hallway in the last room that was the anime hallway, I guess? It was super hard to find if you didn't know where to look. Also, from what I hear, Tom Felton's panel was scheduled the same time as ours on Friday. That killed the attendance a bit, too. Hopefully next year will be better!
    >> temjintbw 02/20/12(Mon)21:27 No.5518223
    skip to about 3:30 in the vid
    >> temjintbw 02/20/12(Mon)21:30 No.5518233
    I got some good ideas from that panel. That suggestion about using a cheap dress form as a base for armor made light blubs start appearing spontaneously over my head. I love talking shop about props and armor.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)21:48 No.5518289
         File: 1329792523.jpg-(679 KB, 1131x850, bro 2 d 2.jpg)
    679 KB
    I watched you smack-down the creeper too. You were laying into him with your sword, man.

    But yeah, i watched him over-aggro on you first - And given his outfit vs yours - Just saying I wouldn't ever even think about bumping into that gundam awesomeness.
    R2d2 bros were fucking awesome.

    Pic related.
    >> Pantsu !MCgUwle8VU 02/20/12(Mon)21:53 No.5518316
    this....but sunday's panel went super awesome.....lots of great questions and discussion!

    i really hated how the anime stuff was hidden down that hall...apparently people had a hard time figuring out where to go for costume contest stuff too....which doesn't encourage participation...
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)21:58 No.5518340
         File: 1329793133.jpg-(1.24 MB, 2576x1932, 100_7255.jpg)
    1.24 MB
    Does anyone here have any photos of people as the Punisher? My friend went as him on day 2-3, but I cant find any so far in other's collections.

    In return, some silly Links.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)22:03 No.5518366
         File: 1329793389.jpg-(1.05 MB, 1944x2592, IMG336.jpg)
    1.05 MB
    This Margery was awesome and really nice. I wish I had more than my phone to take pictures with though, this really doesn't do her justice.
    >> Anonymous 02/20/12(Mon)23:54 No.5518937

    You're one of the UMF UMF ones. Hello, hottie, you did a great job. There was ONE girl with a better costume, but you looked way more fit and attractive.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)00:08 No.5518995
    One of the judges posted the winners on Cosplay.Com:

    BEST IN SHOW: Janet as Princess Kraehe from Princess Tutu
    BEST TECHNICAL and FAN FAVORITE: Bennie as the RX-78 Gundam from Mobile Suit Gundam 0079
    BEST INDIVIDUAL: Val as Queen Emeraldas from Queen Emeraldas
    BEST GROUP: Beth and Priscilla as Force Master Lyn and Blade Maste Gin from Blade and Soul
    BEST PROP: Kelly and Kurtis as Sakura and Syaoran from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
    BEST NEWCOMER: Raquel as Jake Martinez from Tiger and Bunny
    BEST JUNIOR (13 and under): Caramen as Holo from Spice and Wolf
    HONORABLE MENTION: Kai and Vanessa as Cornelia and Euphemia from Code Geass
    HONORABLE MENTION: Leanne as Thorfinn from Vinland Saga
    DIRECTOR'S FAVORITE: Sarah and Stephanie as Tsuzuku and Itajime from Sohryuden
    STACY'S JUDGE'S AWARD: Genny as Queen Ester from Trinity Blood
    JULIE'S JUDGE'S AWARD: Hannah and Jessica as Strength and Dead Master from Black Rock Shooter
    >> seiei 02/21/12(Tue)00:13 No.5519016
         File: 1329801226.jpg-(479 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2219.jpg)
    479 KB
    Posting a few more in between last minute cramming for exams.

    I wish I had gotten a shot of this guy's Gravity Hammer, it was so big he had another giant fat guy whose job was just to carry it around.
    >> ---- 02/21/12(Tue)00:14 No.5519018
    I just find it weird that Janet judged last year and then entered in won this year. Dont get me wrong, her Odile is heads and sholders above most. Just...sketchy. Also I know, all anime sushi contest are shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)00:16 No.5519026
    speaking of Princess Tutu.... there was a really good one there at some point...anyone get any pics? I wish I could of seen her work up close, it was sparkley. And I like taht.
    >> seiei 02/21/12(Tue)00:19 No.5519037
         File: 1329801571.jpg-(532 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2276.jpg)
    532 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)00:25 No.5519049
    which day?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)00:26 No.5519050

    also can someone find/post pictures of the winners? just curious. thanks
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)00:26 No.5519056
    This is awesome.
    >> seiei 02/21/12(Tue)00:36 No.5519084
         File: 1329802570.jpg-(645 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2277.jpg)
    645 KB
    >> seiei 02/21/12(Tue)00:38 No.5519093
         File: 1329802687.jpg-(474 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2225.jpg)
    474 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)00:38 No.5519095

    Good sir, that is not velour you're wearing. You are doing it wrong. Brannigan would only wear velour.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)00:39 No.5519098
    Anyone know how this guy made/where he got his mask? I have to make this costume for my fiance but have no idea where to start :3
    >> seiei 02/21/12(Tue)00:40 No.5519102
         File: 1329802831.jpg-(588 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2224.jpg)
    588 KB
    This Thor was flawless.

    Apologies if I repost anything, cant be assed to keep upscrolling to check.
    >> MR tibbarz !a2uDFch6hM 02/21/12(Tue)00:57 No.5519150
    Did anybody get the pic of the Raziel from Soul reaver? D:
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)00:58 No.5519158
         File: 1329803935.jpg-(121 KB, 640x960, 422717_10150565274516918_69650(...).jpg)
    121 KB
    is this her?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)01:04 No.5519177
    yes!! Loved that!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)01:17 No.5519224
    Surprised she didn't make it out of trashbags like she did with her Kraehe.
    >> -+- 02/21/12(Tue)01:19 No.5519236
    That's a little something called getting better from 2 years ago. Not trying to white knight but some people actually try and improve themselves and their costumes so really, chill.

    Obligatory: u mad?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)01:23 No.5519263
         File: 1329805420.jpg-(39 KB, 285x285, Grape Jelly 285.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)01:33 No.5519311
    Whoa, she's cute.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)01:55 No.5519392
    Why do these threads always seem to turn into hate/love for that girl? Back on track everyone!

    I loved seeing all the nostalgia cosplays! The Scooby Gang was amazing!
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 02/21/12(Tue)02:35 No.5519499
         File: 1329809716.jpg-(97 KB, 357x643, IMAG1479.jpg)
    97 KB
    I can dump what I have resized so far.
    >> seiei 02/21/12(Tue)02:36 No.5519507
         File: 1329809806.jpg-(525 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2231.jpg)
    525 KB
    A few more, then
    >> seiei 02/21/12(Tue)02:38 No.5519514
         File: 1329809886.jpg-(655 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2275.jpg)
    655 KB
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 02/21/12(Tue)02:38 No.5519515
         File: 1329809890.jpg-(140 KB, 493x573, IMAG1481.jpg)
    140 KB
    >> seiei 02/21/12(Tue)02:38 No.5519517
         File: 1329809929.jpg-(453 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2271.jpg)
    453 KB
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 02/21/12(Tue)02:39 No.5519522
         File: 1329809990.jpg-(205 KB, 459x930, IMAG1485.jpg)
    205 KB
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 02/21/12(Tue)02:41 No.5519525
         File: 1329810086.jpg-(203 KB, 546x834, IMAG1486.jpg)
    203 KB
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 02/21/12(Tue)02:42 No.5519528
         File: 1329810146.jpg-(179 KB, 438x865, IMAG1487.jpg)
    179 KB
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 02/21/12(Tue)02:46 No.5519533
         File: 1329810375.jpg-(197 KB, 486x846, IMAG1492.jpg)
    197 KB
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 02/21/12(Tue)02:47 No.5519543
         File: 1329810473.jpg-(238 KB, 479x986, IMAG1496.jpg)
    238 KB
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 02/21/12(Tue)02:49 No.5519547
         File: 1329810549.jpg-(269 KB, 582x980, IMAG1497.jpg)
    269 KB
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 02/21/12(Tue)02:50 No.5519553
         File: 1329810613.jpg-(204 KB, 532x833, IMAG1500.jpg)
    204 KB
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 02/21/12(Tue)02:54 No.5519566
         File: 1329810898.jpg-(149 KB, 454x891, IMAG1502.jpg)
    149 KB
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 02/21/12(Tue)02:56 No.5519571
         File: 1329810982.jpg-(222 KB, 664x1110, IMAG1507.jpg)
    222 KB
    Thats it for now. I'll dump more in the morning
    >> seiei 02/21/12(Tue)03:05 No.5519586
         File: 1329811546.jpg-(523 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_2273.jpg)
    523 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)03:07 No.5519588
    The Speed Racer guy was fucking HOT. I would slam him like a screen door.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)03:14 No.5519605
    Had a pretty good time this year at the con, despite having ridiculous trouble with the hotel I was staying at. I meant to only wear my Homestuck cosplay for maybe a day but I ended up in it almost all weekend. It was hotter than I was hoping it would be. Finally got pictures of my Silver cosplay though. Didn't nearly get enough pictures of other people, though.
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 02/21/12(Tue)03:15 No.5519608
         File: 1329812123.png-(165 KB, 600x510, 1315148252430.png)
    165 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)05:58 No.5519789
         File: 1329821934.jpg-(438 KB, 1722x2874, harley.jpg)
    438 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)06:03 No.5519795
         File: 1329822187.jpg-(1016 KB, 2715x2036, TF2.jpg)
    1016 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)06:04 No.5519798
         File: 1329822293.jpg-(95 KB, 640x480, 395487_3399907366586_153684656(...).jpg)
    95 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)06:07 No.5519804
         File: 1329822443.jpg-(717 KB, 2365x3170, dancingpocky.jpg)
    717 KB
    This motherfucker right here.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:22 No.5520223
         File: 1329834157.jpg-(128 KB, 540x960, 427471.jpg)
    128 KB
    I almost came fanboy buckets when i saw Eliza and this chick, Reika from Fatal Frame 3
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)09:35 No.5520260
    I dont understand the Black Rock Shooter craze.
    >> --- 02/21/12(Tue)10:06 No.5520339
    I loved this group. Except for one that seemed a bit out of place (cough DM cough) they were reallyc ool to see
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)10:27 No.5520408
    cause its FL.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)11:57 No.5520544
         File: 1329843458.jpg-(39 KB, 373x500, able367.jpg)
    39 KB
    My favorite I took this weekend. The sillyness cheered me up.
    >> silver 02/21/12(Tue)12:22 No.5520590
         File: 1329844967.jpg-(14 KB, 332x251, 1268530520031.jpg)
    14 KB

    >mfw that's me.

    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 02/21/12(Tue)12:29 No.5520601
         File: 1329845395.png-(51 KB, 283x271, 1315856457863.png)
    51 KB
    Show them your friday outfit and maybe they'll say otherwise D'OHOHOHO
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:39 No.5520621

    Kiwi I just wanted to say it was great meeting you and you were just as much a bro as you are on /cgl/ and that you rock, don't ever change.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:44 No.5520635
    that dude put his hockey stick in his bad and hit like 20 people with it
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:47 No.5520644
    I didn't go this year but I did get to wait in dat traffic for about an hour. Good god people can't drive in Florida. I watched someone get out of line in front of me, and decide to go the wrong way against traffic. Glad I'm leaving in 3 months.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)12:53 No.5520663
         File: 1329846816.png-(409 KB, 417x583, Picture 6.png)
    409 KB
    Definitely my favorite cosplay of the entire con. I didn't have my camera with me, so I was really bummed I didn't get to take a picture of them, but I came home and people had put their picture up everywhere online
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)13:05 No.5520710

    Looks like the mod over at some Florida Cosplay tumblr is posting them as they find them.
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 02/21/12(Tue)13:19 No.5520776
         File: 1329848356.jpg-(91 KB, 493x517, 1327378234215.jpg)
    91 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)13:48 No.5520887
    Is that Konbini-kun? I fucking love you Kiwi, viking/pirate here. I'm so fucking happy you won at the costume contest.

    Damn it, why didn't I go on the catwalk? I was way too fucking shy, but still. I may get dressed up now and get a good picture of myself.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)14:57 No.5521097
    FLfag here, that ironman just had a shitton of money and bought the molds for his suit, only thing he did was piece them together. i was hoping he made it but, just another rich guy
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:04 No.5521118
    i saw her walking around, she attracted alot of attention..i think she deserved it, i just recently got into princess tutu..and it looked really good. :))
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:07 No.5521125

    Oh! I-it'sum.. T-the girl who was in the suit. I-it's not like I l-like you or anything..
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)15:18 No.5521165
    Bought the molds, made the suit, prep, painted, sealed, etc. Good enough for me.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)16:02 No.5521325
    do you have any bigger picture of this? What show is it from? also wasn't the girl w. the big hands in the contest on saturday?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)17:00 No.5521544
         File: 1329861640.jpg-(79 KB, 960x640, 428128_10150624189657236_23542(...).jpg)
    79 KB
    It's from a show called Black Rock Shooter. Heres a picture a photographer took of them and none of them entered the costume contest. There was other Strength cosplayers at the convention.
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 02/21/12(Tue)17:35 No.5521670
         File: 1329863742.jpg-(39 KB, 156x158, 1326338061320.jpg)
    39 KB
    YES IT IS and you're so freaking epic for recognizing it. And th-thank youu ;//; And WE NEED TO CONNECT SOMEHOW

    The suit..? Which one? IDENTIFY YOURSELF
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)18:17 No.5521810

    Pretty sure most of that is bought or premade. Looks like a rehearsal tutu with a regular bodice with some rhinestones on it. Still rather see this than her attempt at the old costume.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)19:51 No.5522199
    Anyone see that Sasuke with the actual curse mark tattoo?
    >> Pirate! ARRRR 02/21/12(Tue)20:16 No.5522292
    Dude I think I have your tumblr, sending you an ask now.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)20:41 No.5522360
    I didn't grab a picture of him, and I am no where near being a fan of the show, but goodness, he was the best Sasuke I've seen at the convention in three years.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:14 No.5522451
         File: 1329876879.jpg-(693 KB, 1500x2250, 6899906897_0638ffefd2_o.jpg)
    693 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:16 No.5522459
         File: 1329877013.jpg-(907 KB, 1500x2250, 6911531013_bec5beeb69_o.jpg)
    907 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:18 No.5522465
         File: 1329877100.jpg-(882 KB, 1500x2250, 6899911763_86614de0a6_o.jpg)
    882 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:44 No.5522556
         File: 1329878697.jpg-(336 KB, 1024x768, DSC02948.jpg)
    336 KB
    I have a few photos, though I lost my camera in the hotel room on Saturday, so I only have Friday and Sunday cosplays
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:48 No.5522569
         File: 1329878885.jpg-(333 KB, 1024x768, DSC02946.jpg)
    333 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:49 No.5522574
         File: 1329878975.jpg-(360 KB, 1024x768, DSC02949.jpg)
    360 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:50 No.5522577
         File: 1329879043.jpg-(313 KB, 768x1024, DSC02955.jpg)
    313 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:52 No.5522581
         File: 1329879127.jpg-(316 KB, 768x1024, DSC02956.jpg)
    316 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:53 No.5522585
         File: 1329879237.jpg-(343 KB, 768x1024, DSC02958.jpg)
    343 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:55 No.5522589
         File: 1329879311.jpg-(335 KB, 768x1024, DSC02959.jpg)
    335 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)21:57 No.5522604
         File: 1329879468.jpg-(361 KB, 768x1024, DSC02987.jpg)
    361 KB
    >> Hikaru !HIME.ueZ8U 02/21/12(Tue)21:59 No.5522610
    She's adorable!

    Want to see more of that Link behind her.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:04 No.5522622
         File: 1329879874.jpg-(448 KB, 1024x768, DSC02991.jpg)
    448 KB
    She was extremely nice too! But that link ran off before I could get a photo of him.
    >> kinkreet !o99hlnnLL. 02/21/12(Tue)22:05 No.5522626
    Dear god that Bulma is really cute!
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:05 No.5522627
         File: 1329879958.jpg-(395 KB, 768x1024, DSC02988.jpg)
    395 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:07 No.5522630
         File: 1329880038.jpg-(370 KB, 768x1024, DSC02989.jpg)
    370 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:08 No.5522636
         File: 1329880108.jpg-(358 KB, 768x1024, DSC03002.jpg)
    358 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:08 No.5522638
         File: 1329880138.jpg-(382 KB, 768x1024, DSC02993.jpg)
    382 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:10 No.5522642
         File: 1329880205.jpg-(434 KB, 768x1024, DSC02995.jpg)
    434 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:11 No.5522645
         File: 1329880290.jpg-(362 KB, 768x1024, DSC02994.jpg)
    362 KB
    Aaand this is all I have. I'm bummed I couldn't get any pictures on Saturday.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:28 No.5522692
    I can't figure out who he is supposed to be. My mind keeps going to Ned Stark.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:34 No.5522706
    Aragorn, perhaps? He does have the white tree on his bracers, if you look closely.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:44 No.5522750
    He didn't say, but he made most of his armor. I think he's just "a soldier from Gondor"
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:47 No.5522758
    ding ding ding
    >> Anonymous 02/21/12(Tue)22:56 No.5522799
    Lol I was close... in the sense that he was in a movie that also stared Sean Bean.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)00:02 No.5523089
    Thats probally because you know the design is just a tutu and a bodice....
    Also I know she was working on an over skirt and didnt get it finished in time. She wanted to enter the contest but b/c she didnt finish the skirt she didnt.
    >> -+- 02/22/12(Wed)00:09 No.5523115
    At least hers actually looks like a tutu. Hime no Tokis looks beautiful from pictures (angles!) but in person its really sad and guady looking. and by no means full enough/...thick(?) enough to pass for a real tutu
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)00:15 No.5523147
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 02/22/12(Wed)00:25 No.5523180
         File: 1329888318.jpg-(179 KB, 1600x1096, Sofiane-Sylve-and-Friedmann-Vo(...).jpg)
    179 KB
    Well, she did make it accurate to a "Russian" or "pancake" style tutu. Soooooooo not all tutus are super full and poofy, ya know? It's right on par with what is actually used in productions of Swan Lake.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)00:25 No.5523185
    for some reason the princess tutu fanbase is full of *prima ballerinas* that will throw thousands upon thousands of shitfits if there is anything wrong with your costume and/or if you aren't a real ballerina

    every time there is a princess tutu thread on /cgl/ it's full of "i'm a real ballerina and you arent so dont cosplay from the show"
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)00:28 No.5523199
         File: 1329888535.jpg-(22 KB, 448x375, NYCB09_SwanLake_Whelan.jpg)
    22 KB
    I just dont think its fair to tear down alouette for having a more french style tutu and praise hime no toki when both tutus are accurate.

    Nothing will ever appease the cgl primas.

    pic related
    >> Korin !Ls0QbhK90s 02/22/12(Wed)00:31 No.5523221
    I can completely understand what you mean. Both of those girls looked stunning, so they should both get equal amounts of praise!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)00:32 No.5523229
    they should just do a shoot or something together becuase the two outfits would sparkle so pretty together and then everyone could just shut up and enjoy the prettiness.

    Sounds like a fucking deal.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)07:43 No.5524289

    Agreed. It would be a beautiful shoot.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)10:50 No.5524490
    Pictures of other cosplayers from megacon? This isn't a tutu thread.
    >> silver 02/22/12(Wed)11:34 No.5524591
         File: 1329928495.jpg-(55 KB, 610x496, hulkinbro.jpg)
    55 KB

    what now, Kiwi? WHAT NOW?????
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)12:15 No.5524686
         File: 1329930916.jpg-(37 KB, 373x500, left583.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)12:16 No.5524691
         File: 1329930984.jpg-(40 KB, 500x373, conscious619.jpg)
    40 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)12:22 No.5524708
         File: 1329931360.jpg-(343 KB, 716x1024, roar_for_me_pandora___by_neonb(...).jpg)
    343 KB
    Best Mad Moxxi. There were two, but she was my favorite.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)12:28 No.5524723
         File: 1329931722.jpg-(183 KB, 900x1355, neo_queen_serenity_by_midderna(...).jpg)
    183 KB
    So few pictures in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)12:32 No.5524733
         File: 1329931958.jpg-(451 KB, 768x1024, megacon_2012__mistress_9_and_s(...).jpg)
    451 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:00 No.5524803
    Anyone snap any Ash+Misty photos?
    >> * 02/22/12(Wed)13:07 No.5524808
         File: 1329934030.png-(1.44 MB, 648x864, 1.png)
    1.44 MB
    Oh god, that's me. I looked worse than I thought.

    I've got about 120 pictures, though, starting with this one. Does anyone want a picdump?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:11 No.5524816
    Awh, I think you look nice, a little tried maybe, but not bad. And I'm not sure who you're cosplaying but your costume's wicked!
    >> * 02/22/12(Wed)13:14 No.5524824
         File: 1329934455.png-(1.48 MB, 648x864, 2.png)
    1.48 MB
    I was trying to be in-character and it flopped terribly. And thank you, I was the Footpad from Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood! The costume was by CosplayMandy but I did some modifications.
    >> * 02/22/12(Wed)13:21 No.5524844
         File: 1329934882.png-(1.43 MB, 648x864, 3.png)
    1.43 MB
    Commencing picdump anyway.
    >> * 02/22/12(Wed)13:27 No.5524852
         File: 1329935220.png-(1.48 MB, 648x864, 5.png)
    1.48 MB
    >> * 02/22/12(Wed)13:28 No.5524854
         File: 1329935283.png-(1.55 MB, 864x648, 6.png)
    1.55 MB
    >> * 02/22/12(Wed)13:29 No.5524855
         File: 1329935383.png-(1.44 MB, 648x864, 7.png)
    1.44 MB
    >> * 02/22/12(Wed)13:30 No.5524858
         File: 1329935458.png-(1.49 MB, 648x864, 8.png)
    1.49 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:32 No.5524860
    Ah! I saw these guys at the W13 Panel, they looked awesome. It's so cool to see a Kim Possible group with not just Kim and Ron.
    >> * 02/22/12(Wed)13:34 No.5524865
         File: 1329935677.png-(1.43 MB, 648x864, 9.png)
    1.43 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:36 No.5524868
    where's this from then?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:36 No.5524869
    I'm the one who took that picture. You caught my eye when you were walking by because you looked cool! Also, my family is crazy for Assassin's Creed hahaha
    Don't be so hard on yourself!
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:37 No.5524873
    These dolts spend more time on cosplay faggotry than they do brushing their teeth. See the homo in the blue for evidence.
    >> * 02/22/12(Wed)13:38 No.5524874
         File: 1329935888.png-(1.44 MB, 648x864, 10.png)
    1.44 MB
    >> * 02/22/12(Wed)13:40 No.5524880
         File: 1329936039.png-(1.52 MB, 648x864, 11.png)
    1.52 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:41 No.5524885
         File: 1329936115.jpg-(384 KB, 533x800, 9348290482.jpg)
    384 KB
    >> * 02/22/12(Wed)13:42 No.5524886
         File: 1329936124.png-(1.4 MB, 648x864, 12.png)
    1.4 MB

    No one cares.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:42 No.5524887
    your jelly is showing
    >> * 02/22/12(Wed)13:43 No.5524893
         File: 1329936205.png-(1.52 MB, 648x864, 13.png)
    1.52 MB
    I'm really disappointed that the only photo I got of the front of the Alien was really blurry. Did anyone else get some good ones?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:43 No.5524895
    Anyone know what series this is from?
    >> * 02/22/12(Wed)13:45 No.5524899
         File: 1329936322.png-(1.42 MB, 648x864, 17.png)
    1.42 MB
    >> * 02/22/12(Wed)13:46 No.5524903
         File: 1329936399.png-(1.43 MB, 648x864, 16.png)
    1.43 MB
    I just realized the thread is auto-saging.

    Should I keep going here, or continue in another thread?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)13:52 No.5524916
    Full face blue makeup always makes teeth appear yellow. Go try it yourself and put on some blue lipstick. No matter how white your teeth are, they will appear yellow next to blue skin.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)14:10 No.5524958
         File: 1329937824.jpg-(1.25 MB, 3264x1952, IMAG0287.jpg)
    1.25 MB
    Anyone know who the cosplayer is? Dayum!
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 02/22/12(Wed)14:12 No.5524966
         File: 1329937963.jpg-(211 KB, 586x980, IMAG1526.jpg)
    211 KB
    Dumping some more
    >> Moxxi !!gJu7lcWm9// 02/22/12(Wed)14:17 No.5524984
         File: 1329938244.jpg-(165 KB, 512x805, IMAG1537.jpg)
    165 KB
    I lied, going to lunch, then I'll dump.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:25 No.5525173
         File: 1329942337.jpg-(63 KB, 720x540, 430246_384201358262410_1000001(...).jpg)
    63 KB
    Moar Adventure Time cosplayers :)
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)15:58 No.5525271
         File: 1329944289.png-(635 KB, 640x427, Zelda Group 1.png)
    635 KB
    Anyone else get pictures of this Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time group? Opinions?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/12(Wed)16:01 No.5525281
    Time for a new thread, I think, guys.
    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 02/23/12(Thu)01:03 No.5527320
         File: 1329976989.png-(658 KB, 1207x1000, 134356546.png)
    658 KB
    I.. WELL.....Y-YOU...

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