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  • File : 1328827833.png-(127 KB, 445x361, gregwerfefre.png)
    127 KB Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)17:50 No.5476166  
    Isn't it ridiculous when fat ugly girls think that anyone who wants to dress cute wants to be asian or to be an anime character?
    Apparently this girl does.
    As much as I hate the whole creep-cute shit that Pastelbat does (and 90% of tumblr) this chick has no room to criticize her when she's the size of a whale.

    Amirite or amirite?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)17:53 No.5476174
    So what kind of virus did I just download?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)17:54 No.5476181
    I have to say she should really lose weight but other than that she's right about Pastelwhore. She's only trying to be a kawaii anime guuurl.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)17:55 No.5476185
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    Thar she blows!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)17:56 No.5476187
    I smell vendetta.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)17:57 No.5476189
    I don't think she's landwhale status. A little bigger, yes, but she looks basically average. I smell vendetta.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)18:00 No.5476195
    While her looks certainly aren't average it's pretty mean to make a post about her. She can have her own opinion.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)18:01 No.5476203
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    Hnnnnnnnnng look at those duck lips
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)18:03 No.5476212
    Stop trying so hard. My lips do the same thing whenever my face isn't anything but static. That's not duck face, it's her making any facial expression.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)18:04 No.5476216
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    Oh how dare she make fun of our kawaii desu animu goddess Pastelbat! How dare she even be let to breath!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)18:07 No.5476225
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    I'm pretty sure those are ducks lips
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)18:08 No.5476229
    I disagree, but ok. When I smirk, my lips do the same exact thing that hers are. It isn't duck face, it's just naturally how her lips/face moves.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)18:10 No.5476238
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    Holy shit that muffin top!
    I really hate it when girls wear too tight shirts and you can see all their stomach flab.

    >mfw I have no face
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)18:11 No.5476241

    I feel sorry for her then. Always having to walk around with that douchebag expression on her face.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)18:13 No.5476245

    What's up with her chin?
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 02/09/12(Thu)18:20 No.5476256
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    >i'm 16 and english and i'm cooler than u

    i'm out
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)18:28 No.5476285
    In her modeling pictures tho she's ducklipping pretty hard.

    Both pastelbitch & this girl are retards. /thread
    Also since when does /cgl/ excuse someone for just having an opinion?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)18:30 No.5476295
    So is anyone with a tumblr automatically /cgl/ news? OO your vendetta is showing way too much
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)21:34 No.5476893
    The samefag in here is astounding. You're trying WAY too hard OP.

    She's actually quite cute herself imo.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:10 No.5477095
    She has one of those obvious "trying to be hipster" tumblrs. She also strikes me as one of those girls who think being "omg guize I'm so random" is clever. Too bad she's too fat to ever be accepted by hipsters.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:15 No.5477118
    >implying being a hipster is anything to brag about
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:21 No.5477158
    I think she's really cute.

    90% of this board is made up of jelly landwhales or butter faces. This thread stinks of vendetta.

    And the hate she's getting on her Tumblr is hilarious, seriously. You crazy PB fangirls need to grow up.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:26 No.5477186
    I thought we hated Pastelbat for the bullshit she pulled in the Electric Alice contest. Or do we like her again? I can never keep up with the drama.
    >> Turtletron !lVTp0GYu4g 02/09/12(Thu)23:56 No.5477534
    >> Turtletron !DtLFRBYf7k 02/09/12(Thu)23:59 No.5477547
    >> Chokelate !!qeQRYSp/VUY 02/10/12(Fri)03:07 No.5478208
    Yeah, after the whole Electric Alice dramu I'm not going to take it up for Pastelbat... this girl is not the size of a while by the way, average, but nowhere near whale size.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:11 No.5478217
    Choke, are you always this twofaced about things?
    >> Chokelate !!qeQRYSp/VUY 02/10/12(Fri)03:16 No.5478232
    Twofaced? I'm not the one sending fans after someone because of a stupid contest, while being all heehee I'm so kawaii and innocent desu~*
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:20 No.5478243
    Wow, you must be hideous or really lacking in social expressions.

    And no, those are fucking duck lips. Totally unacceptable. Don't make excuses for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:22 No.5478248
    No, you'd rather be a passive douche when you see someone shit talking your competition.

    Both you and pastel bat can piss off.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:24 No.5478253
    Which is why you come bawwwing on /cgl/ about how you have no real beef with her, and then start shit as soon as anything remotely related to your opposing party shows up.
    >> Chokelate !!qeQRYSp/VUY 02/10/12(Fri)03:28 No.5478271
    So much rage in /cgl/ today, we must have a synchronized menstrual cycle.

    No I don't like Pastelbat, would you if something like that happened? I'm still pretty sure that most of the messages were sent by her, judging by the typing and grammatical errors that were the same as the posts she made on Tumblr.
    It's good to see that her habits of sending hate messages has not changed though.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:30 No.5478279
    Wow what a bitch. I don't really like the whole creepy/cute trend because it's starting to get overdone, but this chick must be really insecure to compare a cute looking girl with hentai.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:33 No.5478289
    I think both of you were being/continue to be ridiculous about all this. Just let it go. Also real classy for you to pull the "oh must be pms" line, because it couldn't POSSIBLY be that you're BOTH acting like brats, right?
    >> Keratosomething-or-other 02/10/12(Fri)03:35 No.5478292
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    she's just a 16 year old who wants to be cool by dressing in really terrible denim jackets and pretending to listen to Joy Division. This isn't exciting.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:35 No.5478295
    That's her excuse for everything. That or Aspergers. Or being Dutch. It depends on what she's accused of and what day of the week it is.

    She's been told over 9000 times to just leave it alone and walk away, but it seems like she hasn't quite learned to do that, yet.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:36 No.5478296
    It really is, I agree. We get it, bones and eyeballs and bats are just SOOOO creepy desu! Hail queen Kyary! It's like those kids who think hot topic is so hardcore.
    >> Chokelate !!qeQRYSp/VUY 02/10/12(Fri)03:40 No.5478305
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    I was making a joke, not an excuse, but I forgot that /cgl/ doesn't have an ounce of humor :3

    You guys are overreacting, I didn't make this thread so I don't know what your beef is.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:47 No.5478328
    >>5478305, you're even more vapid than I realized. To think I almost sympathized with you.
    Quit trying to pin this on someone else, and yeah as if your sense of humor is the be-all-end-all. Good lord, you and PB are like birds of a feather with your 11-y/o-girl tact.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:47 No.5478331
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    Ignore them. I still love ya, Chokelate.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:49 No.5478341

    You know, she actually looks pretty good in these pictures.
    >> Chokelate !!qeQRYSp/VUY 02/10/12(Fri)03:50 No.5478344
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    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:57 No.5478368
    She isn't actually fat but ok.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:58 No.5478370

    Yes, she is.
    >> Keratosomething-or-other 02/10/12(Fri)04:03 No.5478388
    she doesn't seem that fat though from her tumblr pics it looks like she might've lost alot of weight because in a few of them she looks really big while the rest she looks average
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:06 No.5478396
    if her stomach isn't concave and measures over 22 inches she is a fat fucking dripping cunt and should kill herself. you too.

    hope that helps sis
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:08 No.5478400
    I am mad, and you're a twat.

    capcha: elotte original
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:10 No.5478404
    Choke, shouldn't you be busy killing yourself?
    >> Chokelate !!qeQRYSp/VUY 02/10/12(Fri)04:11 No.5478412
    I can live with that vendetta-chan :3

    Oh yes, I forgot. Imagine the endless hours (or 2) of entertainment /cgl/ would have from my suicide, finally a break from PT and Koti! BRB planning it now
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:12 No.5478415
    chokelate why are you so pretty?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:21 No.5478441
    >clearly if someone thinks you're being immature, must be vendetta-chan

    Your 12 year old girl on the internet attitude is showing.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:25 No.5478457
    your intense ass pain is showing
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:26 No.5478462
    You lack the same argumental tact as chokelate. Y u drop ur trip?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:27 No.5478465
    I don't have a trip hth
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:28 No.5478467
    Go back to tumblr and reblog some photos of terrible injustice, faggot lol
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:34 No.5478480
    okay honestly i gave chokelate a load of shit before but you know i sort of see now, she really didn't say anything, nor should she nearly have received so much hate. i still think what that girl said wasn't okay, and if i were in chokelate's place i'd have told her so even if it lost me a vote but w/e i guess not everyone has the same idea of good sportsmanship. /shrug

    putting my backhanded attitude on old news aside, i think both of you guys, chokelate and pb are still acting really childish about all this. i understand what pb did was stupid, but chokelate really could have ignored it and not dropped out and went about her business, but it seems both of you are similar in how you feed the trolls. though i guess, even if you didn't, people would still find whatever else - might as well be honest, right? though tbh i do admire chokelate for saying what she needs to without anon which pb probably would never do.
    >> Chokelate !!qeQRYSp/VUY 02/10/12(Fri)04:35 No.5478481
    Because I didn't drop my trip. You seem to be a vendetta-chan to me because of the way you post, there are only a few anons on this board that will get so immensely butthurt by posts like the first post I made (someone remember when I insulted a color?). I simply stated that I'm not going to take it up for Pastelbat because of personal experiences with her and apparantly that's dramallama stuff. The second post was more drama and less nice though, but what kicked it off was a fairly neutral comment in my opinion and your reaction to my fairly neutal comment is something that I've witnessed throughout many threads, most of the time in a very similar fashion. So that's why I call vendetta.

    Ofcourse you don't have to like me for whatever reason, you can even dislike me for not liking Pastelbat after the stupid shit that went on, that's fine, but atleast get mad when there's something to get mad about, that way it seems a bit more reasonable and less vendetta :3

    I clean up nicely?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:36 No.5478483
    Oops! Looks like I hit a sore spot. ^^
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:38 No.5478484
    Look Choke, shut up. Just shut up. Stop coming back and bumping threads that are even *remotely* about your supposed enemies. If you keep at it sooner or later you are going to make an enemy out of everyone, then who will you sell your overpriced wigs to?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:42 No.5478504
    Shut up Dakota.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:46 No.5478517
    jesus i can't tell if people seriously get worked up on this board or just dick around and troll each other because they have nothing better to do.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:48 No.5478526
    Not really I haven't even read the thread you just seem like a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:55 No.5478558
    sometimes I feel like /cgl/ is desperately looking for the new PT
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:59 No.5478566
    >despises Chike
    >must be Dakota/Pastelbet!!
    Wishful thinking, much?
    >> Chokelate !!qeQRYSp/VUY 02/10/12(Fri)05:07 No.5478579
    If I would've won it wouldn't have been fair, Pastelbat had the best outfit and she did deserve to win in my opinion. Dropping out was the best choice, it stopped the nasty messages.

    If you give me nothing to reply to I wouldn't come back and "bump" the threads. Regarding the wigs, if you wouldn't type like Marie from ODIP I would take you more serious, but anyway, the wigs aren't overpriced, I just found a Japanese wig brand that gets their wigs from the same factory as I do for sure and they sell theirs for €70-€80, I'd call that overpriced. €30 for a heat resistant wig of the exact same quality seems pretty reasonable then, doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:11 No.5478586
    Shut up Cathy.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:13 No.5478590
    If you hate Choke, hate her. But you look like an idiot calling Lockshop wigs overpriced. They're actually really reasonably priced, especially in Europe.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:14 No.5478591
    This shit is getting pathetic. /cgl/ is paranoid as fuck.
    >> Chokelate !!qeQRYSp/VUY 02/10/12(Fri)05:14 No.5478592
    Forgot to include the link, they're having a sale at the moment though, but yeah.. you can see the original prices:
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:16 No.5478596
    No matter what you say these cheap bitches are always going to whine that things are too expensive. You would think that someone who paid hundreds on some ugly pastel vomit dress would invest in a decent wig instead of being a cheap ass whore.

    Don't bother explaining yourselves to them. Just show them the way to taobao and tell them to fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:16 No.5478597
    No /cgl/ is newfag central, if anyone has been on here long enough they'd know why some people fucking despise choke because of her shitty attitude.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:16 No.5478598
    Shut up, Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:18 No.5478602
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:18 No.5478603
    dakota go mow the fucking lawn
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:19 No.5478604
    You're the worst troll ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:20 No.5478605
    Shut up, luvmonkeys.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:20 No.5478606
    shut your whore mouth pastelcunt
    >> Chokelate !!qeQRYSp/VUY 02/10/12(Fri)05:22 No.5478608
    GOSH you're totally right! I should stop insulting colors, start liking Pastelbat and stop saying that I´d like to see Dakota without all the shoop and make-up because she doesn't use it! I'm such a bitch :(

    Sorry but I'm not any worse than you are, atleast I don't attack or insult random people while on anon.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:27 No.5478609
    Pastelbat was the boohoo girl who sent swarms of her fangirls after you because somebody ELSE commented that you were better, right? Oh, EL-OH-EL.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:27 No.5478610
    Lol, reading comprehension much?
    I said why some people wouldn't like your shitty attitude, which is a completely subjective thing. Yeah you've got one sometimes, you've said some horrible things that people won't forget. And this is way before any of them got popular I'm talking about a while... WHILE ago.

    But there's a reason why I ALWAYS sage my posts, none of them add to anything. And just because I decide to stay anon is because I have a choice, and I do take my actions seriously. I've never insulted you or anything, but seeing how defensive you are about this crap that strangers spew, good going taking everything, even when people aren't talking directly at you as a huge insult.
    >> Chokelate !!qeQRYSp/VUY 02/10/12(Fri)05:37 No.5478628
    Yes, reading comprehention is something that I lack, I admit. I did say some things that I do really regret and have apologised for, if you don't like me for it then that's fine. I've been working on how I come across and on putting more thought in things that I write, when I insult someone for example, most of the time it isn't out of malice (if that's the right word), and I do try my best to change that too. Being insensitive and tactless is not something I chose for and I'm working hard on improving that.

    However I cannot understand how your comment wasn't meant as an insult, it does seem like one to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:59 No.5478657
    You can take it that way and I personally don't care if you do but it wasn't.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)07:39 No.5478737
    Are you going to stock that wig? Do want.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)07:42 No.5478741
    proof on what she said. pics or gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)07:45 No.5478748
    this whole thread smells of selfpost

    goddamnit /cgl/ why are you so gullible?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)07:53 No.5478763
    Oh, we're now going into another one of your pet enemies now, first pastelbat, now the ODIP chick. Choke, ease up on it. I'd make a retort about taking you seriously except you type like a humongous entitled bitch, except it's not "like", that is what you are.
    Newfag detected.
    >> Chokelate !!qeQRYSp/VUY 02/10/12(Fri)09:40 No.5478850
    Pastelbat is one thing I can forgive, since she's 16 or 17 and we all did stupid shit at that age(though I still won't like her and won't take it up for her), but Marie is an adult and she knew damn right what she was doing.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)09:54 No.5478866
    Am I the only one who thinks this girl acts like over half of /cgl/ ? You all piss and moan about anyone who does well in anything. If anything, you should consider her to be your sister. Don't say you don't hate anyone who looks good.
    A perfectly cute girl could take a photo and you'll point out mysterious lumps, skinny hands that show veins (its normal, damn.) wrinkles on the bottom of their feet and other such useless shit.
    Shes IS a seagull.

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