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  • File : 1328825371.jpg-(295 KB, 1490x1600, NC14 Pikachu group.jpg)
    295 KB Show me all your gijinka Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)17:09 No.5476040  
    welp, I absolutely love seeing what people do to make their pokemon cosplays human. Kugurumis need not apply.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)19:57 No.5476498
         File1328835430.jpg-(156 KB, 800x533, 1309847573344.jpg)
    156 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)20:02 No.5476509
    Oh, that's pretty cute. Looks nicely tailored.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)20:03 No.5476512
         File1328835785.jpg-(347 KB, 900x1200, Pokemon_10.jpg)
    347 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)20:07 No.5476521
         File1328836031.jpg-(217 KB, 700x1050, 1309847645615.jpg)
    217 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)20:08 No.5476524
         File1328836101.jpg-(115 KB, 700x1050, 1309847701316.jpg)
    115 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)20:09 No.5476526
         File1328836172.jpg-(114 KB, 480x722, 1309847789644.jpg)
    114 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)20:11 No.5476531
         File1328836265.jpg-(1.33 MB, 1952x3264, 1315241860818.jpg)
    1.33 MB
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 02/09/12(Thu)20:23 No.5476559
         File1328836993.jpg-(38 KB, 833x738, 1317522419708.jpg)
    38 KB
    >his legs look thinner than hers
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)20:26 No.5476563
         File1328837171.jpg-(58 KB, 420x659, tumblr_ln809m1By81qa70eyo1_500.jpg)
    58 KB
    He's a dude... unless you squat it is to be expected.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)02:52 No.5478146
         File1328860324.jpg-(134 KB, 511x682, 627887e2c8dc61178ff7854c9bb43e(...).jpg)
    134 KB
    >> MrFreeman !KsSAk/XATI 02/10/12(Fri)02:55 No.5478154
    I will try harder for you in the future, Mell.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)02:56 No.5478156
         File1328860564.jpg-(385 KB, 1024x683, 24772-27636-6.jpg)
    385 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)02:59 No.5478170
         File1328860748.jpg-(264 KB, 675x900, 10481-34975-91a5690b5c124d671a(...).jpg)
    264 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:02 No.5478186
         File1328860977.jpg-(120 KB, 1024x575, 94412c3126b13a14ccab358c2008dd(...).jpg)
    120 KB
    >> maryjane !zmlklASUKA 02/10/12(Fri)03:03 No.5478191
         File1328861007.jpg-(154 KB, 640x478, TannerAsMrFreeman.jpg)
    154 KB
    My boyfriend.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:04 No.5478194
         File1328861063.jpg-(56 KB, 480x720, c3bedbaeb0e4ba4fd82ba08faf1b22(...).jpg)
    56 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:06 No.5478203
         File1328861215.jpg-(208 KB, 427x900, d7710bbbe8d3e6c51f13c8be38b92d(...).jpg)
    208 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:08 No.5478209
         File1328861303.jpg-(22 KB, 425x640, 2690639.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:09 No.5478213
         File1328861396.jpg-(103 KB, 262x350, 1651477.jpg)
    103 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:12 No.5478220
         File1328861551.jpg-(120 KB, 487x650, 14a4b5ffabb7d11400d412155ad7f9(...).jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:14 No.5478224
         File1328861656.png-(494 KB, 374x688, Picture 56.png)
    494 KB
    me and my friend being sawsbuck
    couldn't really find any pictures
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:17 No.5478233
         File1328861833.jpg-(70 KB, 350x521, 50813-23205-1.jpg)
    70 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:18 No.5478235
         File1328861883.jpg-(255 KB, 900x1349, mismagius_cosplay_by_shio_san-(...).jpg)
    255 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:18 No.5478238
         File1328861930.jpg-(446 KB, 768x1152, selfe__vesprit_and_tobutz_2_by(...).jpg)
    446 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:22 No.5478246
         File1328862125.jpg-(87 KB, 900x732, 54164-44276-4e5980248ecee3b419(...).jpg)
    87 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:26 No.5478263
         File1328862394.gif-(1.06 MB, 300x450, confused__as_usual_by_no_brand(...).gif)
    1.06 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:28 No.5478269
         File1328862493.jpg-(289 KB, 900x754, 26617-36745-9512b8deedef9fe931(...).jpg)
    289 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:31 No.5478282
    I'm sorry but that is the stupidest looking shit I've seen in a long while. To be fair though, Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit are kind of stupid looking to begin with, so what're ya gonna do, right? That's still a completely looking design for a gijinka though.
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/10/12(Fri)03:34 No.5478291
         File1328862873.jpg-(7 KB, 179x192, imagesCACXX8K9.jpg)
    7 KB
    would be 100% better without the face paint
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)03:48 No.5478337
         File1328863715.jpg-(333 KB, 653x1000, mogel__mogel__mogelbaum_by_cee(...).jpg)
    333 KB
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/10/12(Fri)04:24 No.5478450
    This thread is full of love

    Cute, reminds me of a vocaloid, much better than all the "bra and skirt" half assed pikachus

    has anyone ever made a snorlax kigu? It would be really neat

    Fuck yes! I love it when people use Hitec's designs! Simple yet recognizable

    This thread makes me want to do a gijinka!pokèmon too, I was thinking about Skitty, Furret, Sentret, Claydol, Mime jr, or Sandshrew
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:31 No.5478474
         File1328866294.jpg-(77 KB, 500x667, 44542-18287-4.jpg)
    77 KB
    >> Harley !!Ocs2iA9hfoy 02/10/12(Fri)04:32 No.5478476
         File1328866339.jpg-(388 KB, 800x600, 1307326208347.jpg)
    388 KB
    I need to go through and find some of the other Gijinka designs I have saved. I've got a Shepherdess mareep around somewhere.
    >> Readmiww !!VxUJSbD0q1q 02/10/12(Fri)04:39 No.5478489
         File1328866793.jpg-(1.85 MB, 2448x3264, P1030403.jpg)
    1.85 MB
    Original incarnation of my Magneton gijinka. I've decided to radically alter the design for the rebooted design. It will be more Mecha style with a touch of Centurions (anyone remember that show?) :D
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)04:58 No.5478563
    digs through last year's AX photos
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)05:10 No.5478584
         File1328868640.jpg-(113 KB, 720x480, 261691_10150246568104833_59455(...).jpg)
    113 KB
    AX 2011
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)07:38 No.5478733
    Seriously? Everyone does those shitty designs. Sure, they're recognisable, but they're boring as shit. Also, it isn't a gijinka if it has ears/horns/a tail. That's called a morph.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)07:40 No.5478738
         File1328877620.jpg-(60 KB, 1280x720, 1327134239267.jpg)
    60 KB
    Must. Catch. Them. All.
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/10/12(Fri)09:52 No.5478861
         File1328885533.jpg-(79 KB, 576x768, IMG_4323 (Medium).jpg)
    79 KB
    I got too many of them...
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/10/12(Fri)09:53 No.5478864
         File1328885600.jpg-(65 KB, 576x768, IMG_5675 (Medium).jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/10/12(Fri)09:54 No.5478865
         File1328885680.jpg-(58 KB, 576x768, IMG_5933 (Medium).jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/10/12(Fri)10:00 No.5478875
         File1328886008.jpg-(112 KB, 1024x768, IMG_2780 (Medium).jpg)
    112 KB
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/10/12(Fri)10:00 No.5478878
         File1328886055.jpg-(90 KB, 1024x768, IMG_2783 (Medium).jpg)
    90 KB
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/10/12(Fri)10:02 No.5478881
         File1328886164.jpg-(95 KB, 1024x768, IMG_2778 (Medium).jpg)
    95 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)10:04 No.5478884
         File1328886280.jpg-(166 KB, 619x1000, nr__292__shedinja_by_isaacsage(...).jpg)
    166 KB
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/10/12(Fri)10:05 No.5478885
         File1328886309.jpg-(106 KB, 1024x768, IMG_0766 (Medium).jpg)
    106 KB
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/10/12(Fri)10:09 No.5478894
         File1328886564.jpg-(126 KB, 768x1024, IMG_1586 (Medium).jpg)
    126 KB
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/10/12(Fri)10:11 No.5478902
         File1328886716.jpg-(107 KB, 809x1080, IMG_6843 (Large).jpg)
    107 KB
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/10/12(Fri)10:13 No.5478906
         File1328886830.jpg-(85 KB, 576x768, IMG_6597 (Medium).jpg)
    85 KB
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/10/12(Fri)10:15 No.5478909
         File1328886903.jpg-(152 KB, 1024x768, IMG_4331 (Medium).jpg)
    152 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)10:27 No.5478926
         File1328887677.jpg-(241 KB, 1392x1040, IMG-20120118-00035.jpg)
    241 KB
    Zubat WIP
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)10:41 No.5478949
    I lost, but why zubat?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)10:44 No.5478955
         File1328888658.jpg-(490 KB, 1050x1517, raichu (3).jpg)
    490 KB

    Why is it that raichus always look terrible? He is my favorite and I refuse to make him until I find the perfect orange. If it wasn't for their tails I wouldn't know what the fuck they are.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)10:45 No.5478959
    I want to make a Magikarp hoodie now. Probably without the googly eyes...
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)16:34 No.5480074
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)16:43 No.5480117
         File1328910239.jpg-(120 KB, 636x960, Youma11_1.jpg)
    120 KB
    Saw this girl at Youmacon. She seemed pretty nice.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)16:57 No.5480178
    That shit looks even worse. What the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)17:02 No.5480198
         File1328911335.jpg-(236 KB, 900x1350, Ho_Oh_Pokemon_Gintama_by_venus(...).jpg)
    236 KB
    Post some of my favorites

    Also requesting more gijinkas that don't have any animal parts. I feel like they're so rare it's become fun for me to collect them.
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 02/10/12(Fri)17:03 No.5480204
         File1328911414.png-(836 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2012-01-12 at 1.30(...).png)
    836 KB
    Please dont cosplay that. The design is terrible, There's absolute; nothing raichu about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)17:07 No.5480212
         File1328911674.jpg-(71 KB, 480x720, plusle_and_minun_gijinka_by_ho(...).jpg)
    71 KB
    Plusle and Minun - PanAm Edition
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)17:11 No.5480223
    Raichu are.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)17:13 No.5480226
         File1328912010.jpg-(336 KB, 638x960, froslass.jpg)
    336 KB
    You are just oozing unnecessary mad.
    I have more, but this one just happens to be one of my favourites; I love Froslass.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)17:14 No.5480230
         File1328912078.jpg-(391 KB, 900x1359, ncf11___wild_sudowoodo_by_bliz(...).jpg)
    391 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)17:16 No.5480233
         File1328912176.jpg-(264 KB, 638x960, jirachi.jpg)
    264 KB
    >> Bettan 02/10/12(Fri)17:16 No.5480234
    Me and my friends are doing a group of first gen Pokemon gijinkas for a March convention, it will be all of their first except for me and my other experienced friend. I'm doing Dewgong, experienced friend as Lickitung, and others as Rapidash, Oddish, Meowth, and Doduo. To make us more recognizable we'll be carrying around a Pokeball.

    Do you have any tips on what to do with a gijinka group in general? I'm avoiding sluttiness, all stomachs are covered and bottoms go down to at least the knee, but anything else?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)17:16 No.5480235
         File1328912203.jpg-(120 KB, 900x596, eoy11___venasaur_gijinka_by_sa(...).jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)17:20 No.5480245
         File1328912411.jpg-(120 KB, 600x800, AN___08___Gjinka_Corsola_by_Mi(...).jpg)
    120 KB
    If want to be unique do what others have suggested above and don't just slap on ears an tails.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)17:27 No.5480266
         File1328912831.jpg-(55 KB, 478x720, 74612fb267ca509e653c5ae0049e7e(...).jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)17:28 No.5480269
         File1328912909.jpg-(70 KB, 367x550, zekrom_gijinka_1_by_hizsi-d3nr(...).jpg)
    70 KB
    >> Bettan 02/10/12(Fri)17:41 No.5480300
         File1328913666.jpg-(279 KB, 494x740, KoffingCosplay1.jpg)
    279 KB
    Just started collecting pics, since I asked a question now I owe an image dump.
    >> Bettan 02/10/12(Fri)17:45 No.5480308
         File1328913953.jpg-(326 KB, 421x740, ArticunoCosplay1.jpg)
    326 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)17:59 No.5480350
    >bumping for more, preferably non-pokemon.

    Anyone have any AC gijinka? That would be love.
    >> Bettan 02/10/12(Fri)18:00 No.5480355
         File1328914832.jpg-(144 KB, 401x535, CuboneCosplay1.jpg)
    144 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)18:15 No.5480402
    Keep it up guys!

    Anyone have any Digimon or Monster Hunter gijinka?
    >> Bettan 02/10/12(Fri)18:17 No.5480409
         File1328915842.jpg-(382 KB, 740x417, BellossomCosplay1.jpg)
    382 KB
    I'm sorry, all I have is Pokemon. Do you mind if I keep going...?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)18:18 No.5480413
    by all means, please :D
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)18:21 No.5480424
    yeah, don't let us stop you
    >> Bettan 02/10/12(Fri)18:31 No.5480449
         File1328916717.jpg-(151 KB, 403x600, TeddiursaCosplay1.jpg)
    151 KB
    >> Bettan 02/10/12(Fri)18:33 No.5480453
         File1328916799.jpg-(245 KB, 490x740, TropiusCosplay1.jpg)
    245 KB
    >> Bettan 02/10/12(Fri)18:35 No.5480459
         File1328916926.jpg-(232 KB, 640x480, HoppipCosplay1.jpg)
    232 KB
    >> Bettan 02/10/12(Fri)18:41 No.5480473
         File1328917299.jpg-(221 KB, 492x740, IllumiseCosplay1.jpg)
    221 KB
    >> Bettan 02/10/12(Fri)18:46 No.5480484
         File1328917614.jpg-(281 KB, 740x491, PelipperWingullCosplay1.jpg)
    281 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)18:49 No.5480491
    >OP includes the word Pokemon
    >OP includes picture of Pokemon
    >"Why is everyone posting only Pokemon?"

    Feel free to start your own thread
    >> Bettan 02/10/12(Fri)18:52 No.5480498
         File1328917956.jpg-(294 KB, 492x740, PersianCosplay1.jpg)
    294 KB
    So cool looking!
    >> Bettan 02/10/12(Fri)18:55 No.5480505
         File1328918137.jpg-(224 KB, 492x740, WeepinbellCosplay1.jpg)
    224 KB
    >> Bettan 02/10/12(Fri)18:57 No.5480510
         File1328918221.jpg-(262 KB, 493x740, ChandelureCosplay1.jpg)
    262 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)19:13 No.5480554
    >nice sweater
    >look further down

    I-I-Is he not wearing trousers? :|
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)19:15 No.5480559

    Eh, I meant to encourage the idea of making it a gijinka general rather than JUST pokemon. I agree it came out more as bitching about the pokemanz though, so yeah
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)19:30 No.5480607
         File1328920256.jpg-(166 KB, 600x750, rover animal crossing.jpg)
    166 KB
    Animal Crossing?
    I have one drawing of Rover.
    >> Bettan 02/10/12(Fri)19:33 No.5480619
         File1328920401.jpg-(187 KB, 367x550, UmbreonCosplay1.jpg)
    187 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)19:35 No.5480628
    Yes Animal Crossing! It's one of my favorite games. I can't wait for the 3ds version, it looks so good.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)19:41 No.5480643
         File1328920888.jpg-(157 KB, 800x1198, mawile.jpg)
    157 KB
    Haha, great; I wasn't sure if there was another AC game that I wasn't aware about.
    I'm excite for the new game, too! I much prefer the handheld games over the console. Don't get me wrong- I love Population Growing and City Folk, I played Wild World so much more because I could take it everywhere with me.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)19:50 No.5480664
    If I was bigger, I would totally do a gijinka of Sally from the movie (I think she's called Margie in the game)
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 02/10/12(Fri)20:03 No.5480698

    You guys are awesome <3 I'm such a big Animal Crossing fan! Heck I'm buying a 3DS just for AC! (I'll buy other games too but AC is at the top of the list) haha. Also oh gosh I love the movie so much! It's so cute! I'm kind of debating doing an Ai-chan cosplay but I'm not so sure if anyone will know who I am! Hahaha.
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 02/10/12(Fri)20:10 No.5480714
         File1328922642.png-(394 KB, 900x693, animal_crossing_1_by_draes-d4d(...).png)
    394 KB
    Animal Crossing Gijinka!

    Celeste, Kiki, Punchy, Stitches
    Gulliver, Marina, Bob, K.K. Slider/Totakeke
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 02/10/12(Fri)20:12 No.5480716
         File1328922752.png-(379 KB, 900x693, animal_crossing_2_by_draes-d4g(...).png)
    379 KB
    Blanca, Poncho, Lucky, Sable
    Roscoe, Goldie, Tom Nook, Crazy Redd
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)20:12 No.5480717

    DO IT.
    Seriously, DO IT!

    I love the movie so much. It's just so, peaceful and amazing. It's like "happiness" translated into animation. Few things make me fangirl as much as this does
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)20:15 No.5480728
    Hate to burst your bubble but that's Shauntel an E4 member, not a gijinka of Chandelure.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)20:15 No.5480730

    What, no olivia? Awesome though, thanks anon
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 02/10/12(Fri)20:17 No.5480735
         File1328923025.jpg-(95 KB, 500x710, Animal_crossing___Able_sister_(...).jpg)
    95 KB
    Haha I know! When I first watched it I HNNNNNGGG'D the entire time. Happy Tears mann

    Able Sisters
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 02/10/12(Fri)20:18 No.5480742
         File1328923122.jpg-(65 KB, 370x938, Animal_Crossing___Harriet_by_D(...).jpg)
    65 KB
    No prob! Sorry I don't have more these were all I could find!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)20:20 No.5480748
    It's cool. I could draw my own but I'm such a lazy artist and rarely do anything except what I have to turn in for a grade

    curse you internet!
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 02/10/12(Fri)20:23 No.5480762
         File1328923437.jpg-(89 KB, 500x1081, Animal_crossing___Tom_nook_by_(...).jpg)
    89 KB
    Haha I know what you mean! Right now I'm just learning/studying proper human anatomy as when I was younger I was all pshhhhhhhh I don't need to learn that. I wish I could go back and slap my younger self haha.

    I found more AC Gijinka though!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)20:24 No.5480764
         File1328923440.jpg-(33 KB, 499x304, mysterypair.jpg)
    33 KB
    Wish I had a full-body pic of their outfits, but it's all I've got.
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 02/10/12(Fri)20:27 No.5480776
         File1328923621.jpg-(85 KB, 500x954, Animal_Crossing___Celeste_by_D(...).jpg)
    85 KB
    Ummm are they supposed to be pokemon? Sorry for not knowing!
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 02/10/12(Fri)20:29 No.5480787
         File1328923792.jpg-(99 KB, 600x1021, Animal_Crossing___Rover_by_DC9(...).jpg)
    99 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)20:31 No.5480793
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)20:33 No.5480807
         File1328924033.jpg-(32 KB, 249x320, Tom Servo Crow and Desiree.jpg)
    32 KB
    Found one.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)20:34 No.5480812
    I know that feel. My biggest issue is the fact that I keep going between stages of "OMG I'm totally going to be an artitst" and "What's the point? Everything sucks". Between that and sheer laziness I haven't had the practice I really need :/
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 02/10/12(Fri)20:35 No.5480818
         File1328924139.jpg-(119 KB, 400x724, ac___moving_by_dc9spot-d31btt8.jpg)
    119 KB
    Annnd last one I have
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)20:41 No.5480845
    I don't want to sound creepy-stalkerish but do you have a tumblr or something?
    I don't really use messengers or anything and I've recently gotten into following tumblrs.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)20:47 No.5480866
    I'm the other AC-fan anon btw...
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)20:49 No.5480875
    Has anyone ever thought of doing non-anime/game gijinkas? I've seen a few of items and the like.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)20:52 No.5480886
    like creepy skyscraper person
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)20:55 No.5480897
         File1328925301.jpg-(96 KB, 495x700, 889285.jpg)
    96 KB
    Not like that persay. I've seen a few like these. Food, drinks, sweets, etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)20:57 No.5480912
    I've seen chess-pieces before as gijinka.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)21:17 No.5480998
    I definitely remember seeing those and they were amazing.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)21:27 No.5481040
         File1328927225.jpg-(112 KB, 640x480, fufufu.jpg)
    112 KB
    I must shame this thread with a self post. I'm the derpy Drifloon...any ideas on how to make this better? I'm thinking of adding a hood with a little poof on top.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)21:30 No.5481057

    For the love of god sauce?
    I need a good reference for my cosplay chess group. I am going as the King as usual lol
    >> Choco-Coco !!mOxKaazUvDF 02/10/12(Fri)21:39 No.5481096
         File1328927977.jpg-(913 KB, 735x1065, Okami__Flower_Storm_by_Kaze_Hi(...).jpg)
    913 KB
    I'm sorry I don't! I'm thinking about making one but I honestly don't really know how to work tumblr haha.

    I love the Okami Gijinka's since they are so pretty and elegant!
    >> DogSoup !IIP7bmw0yI 02/10/12(Fri)21:43 No.5481109
         File1328928196.jpg-(492 KB, 1000x700, 1307590748323.jpg)
    492 KB
    >> DogSoup !IIP7bmw0yI 02/10/12(Fri)21:44 No.5481115
         File1328928282.jpg-(483 KB, 1000x700, 1307590800096.jpg)
    483 KB
    >> DogSoup !IIP7bmw0yI 02/10/12(Fri)21:45 No.5481118
         File1328928322.jpg-(540 KB, 1000x700, 1307590855519.jpg)
    540 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:04 No.5481192
         File1328929496.jpg-(140 KB, 587x840, 85028.jpg)
    140 KB
    So I'm assuming this changed to a general gijinka thread? I can post a few I guess. I'll add onto this

    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:07 No.5481201
         File1328929620.jpg-(305 KB, 800x1232, 327021.jpg)
    305 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/10/12(Fri)22:07 No.5481207
         File1328929654.jpg-(247 KB, 1024x780, 512784.jpg)
    247 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:23 No.5481282

    anyone have any male umbreons? i'm not up to crossplaying with an exposed mid-drift yet... though it is a goal
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/10/12(Fri)22:26 No.5481298
    Only found this. Just curious. Are you a boy or a girl?
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/10/12(Fri)22:27 No.5481304
         File1328930844.jpg-(81 KB, 600x1237, 821413.jpg)
    81 KB
    Gah. The image didn't come with it.
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/10/12(Fri)22:30 No.5481316
         File1328931008.jpg-(91 KB, 900x1000, 865595.jpg)
    91 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:30 No.5481318

    mtf trangendered lol but my body is still sort of too male to wear a belydancer outfit

    though i can still pull off some pretty amazing feats with a corset if i do say so myself
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/10/12(Fri)22:32 No.5481326
    Aaah. I see. Well, if you don't mind some female costumes that don't show the stomach I can share those as well.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:32 No.5481328

    also these outfits are cool! thanks
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/10/12(Fri)22:34 No.5481332
    No prob. If I find more I'll definitely share them!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:36 No.5481337
         File1328931379.jpg-(434 KB, 640x854, chess cosplay.jpg)
    434 KB

    I think they may mean this?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:37 No.5481343

    perfectly fine with me! I especially like gijinka because there isn't really an exact body type they go with so things like my height don't matter as much
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:39 No.5481351
    I love food personifications
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:41 No.5481356
         File1328931685.jpg-(739 KB, 992x1403, f5b0d7dbacc1d9e997ab697a3dc2ef(...).jpg)
    739 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:46 No.5481380
         File1328931969.png-(246 KB, 491x800, ac5b69955d2903bfa217a9ee8a3070(...).png)
    246 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:48 No.5481391
         File1328932080.jpg-(332 KB, 850x340, sample_61ba45a27a7180ff57093b6(...).jpg)
    332 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/10/12(Fri)22:49 No.5481396
         File1328932148.jpg-(184 KB, 550x789, 258420.jpg)
    184 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:51 No.5481409
         File1328932313.jpg-(596 KB, 850x1257, sample_4f94171883e2debf00742b9(...).jpg)
    596 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/10/12(Fri)22:52 No.5481417
         File1328932379.png-(961 KB, 900x871, lonely_with_busy_city_by_inuca(...).png)
    961 KB
    So this is the last of the Umbreons that I found.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:53 No.5481418
         File1328932383.jpg-(132 KB, 560x700, 7b07bef4de50d42561cb12f43ac2fd(...).jpg)
    132 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:55 No.5481426
         File1328932500.jpg-(75 KB, 850x375, sample_55c59fb97b81e991a145e75(...).jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:55 No.5481431

    omagawd that is very cute


    and that actually gives me a nice idea if i can figure out how to make it lol
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)22:59 No.5481454
         File1328932780.jpg-(665 KB, 850x589, sample_0f5dab95305fa36b70ae27d(...).jpg)
    665 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)01:40 No.5481993
         File1328942437.jpg-(129 KB, 850x850, 1326515924805.jpg)
    129 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)01:44 No.5481998
         File1328942660.jpg-(55 KB, 565x1000, Audino 2.jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)01:46 No.5482001
         File1328942803.jpg-(144 KB, 500x500, Darkrai 4.jpg)
    144 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)01:50 No.5482006
         File1328943041.jpg-(449 KB, 1001x1400, Kyogre 3.jpg)
    449 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)01:51 No.5482009
    Can I request some Wall E and Eva gijinka (ref or cosplay)

    I just got done watching it (again) and am in a mood for it, and contemplating cosplaying it some day soon with a special guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)01:52 No.5482011
         File1328943141.jpg-(2.05 MB, 2208x3059, Pikachu.jpg)
    2.05 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)01:53 No.5482013
         File1328943183.jpg-(473 KB, 1000x1000, Wall-E Alt.jpg)
    473 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)01:56 No.5482022
         File1328943366.jpg-(214 KB, 482x531, Wooper.jpg)
    214 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)01:57 No.5482026
    Thank you! That was the picture I had in mind anyways I just couldnt seem to find it.
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)02:07 No.5482046
         File1328944023.jpg-(271 KB, 620x609, 608814.jpg)
    271 KB
    I have one as well.
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)02:10 No.5482057
         File1328944243.jpg-(201 KB, 565x800, 85029.jpg)
    201 KB
    To continue from this post anyways
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)02:15 No.5482068
         File1328944504.jpg-(174 KB, 565x800, 85030.jpg)
    174 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)02:16 No.5482071
         File1328944583.jpg-(198 KB, 568x800, 85033.jpg)
    198 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)02:21 No.5482084
         File1328944865.jpg-(168 KB, 292x500, Victorian Ho-oh.jpg)
    168 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)02:37 No.5482121
         File1328945860.jpg-(255 KB, 1050x750, 1322264262742.jpg)
    255 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)02:37 No.5482123
         File1328945875.jpg-(527 KB, 1653x1517, 153793.jpg)
    527 KB
    Hm. I think I'll start dumping my Pokemon stuff now. Finally figured out where it was in my computer.
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)02:38 No.5482125
         File1328945926.jpg-(521 KB, 1200x1200, 632507.jpg)
    521 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)02:39 No.5482128
         File1328945980.jpg-(642 KB, 800x1246, Lampent.jpg)
    642 KB
    >> Zera Blanco !!GB01SCSmKHW 02/11/12(Sat)02:39 No.5482132
         File1328945991.png-(750 KB, 697x1000, 1320892454845.png)
    750 KB
    >> Zera Blanco !!GB01SCSmKHW 02/11/12(Sat)02:41 No.5482136
         File1328946103.jpg-(998 KB, 3352x800, 1322265859930.jpg)
    998 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)02:42 No.5482140
         File1328946124.jpg-(895 KB, 1969x1181, 288367.jpg)
    895 KB
    >> Zera Blanco !!GB01SCSmKHW 02/11/12(Sat)02:42 No.5482143
         File1328946178.jpg-(112 KB, 526x716, Kyurem.jpg)
    112 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)02:43 No.5482145
         File1328946214.jpg-(498 KB, 1134x1514, 453hgj.jpg)
    498 KB
    Get over here! join the force
    You will not be disapointed
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)02:43 No.5482146
         File1328946229.jpg-(181 KB, 914x1023, 296255.jpg)
    181 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)02:45 No.5482150
         File1328946339.jpg-(225 KB, 700x941, 297799.jpg)
    225 KB
    >> Zera Blanco !!GB01SCSmKHW 02/11/12(Sat)02:46 No.5482152
         File1328946376.jpg-(39 KB, 800x1000, Jirachi..jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)02:48 No.5482158
         File1328946499.jpg-(228 KB, 800x800, 330419.jpg)
    228 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)02:50 No.5482165
         File1328946622.jpg-(602 KB, 600x900, 350164.jpg)
    602 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)02:54 No.5482170
         File1328946845.jpg-(1.39 MB, 1000x1611, 962793.jpg)
    1.39 MB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)02:57 No.5482175
         File1328947062.jpg-(201 KB, 700x841, 962799.jpg)
    201 KB
    >> Zera Blanco !!GB01SCSmKHW 02/11/12(Sat)03:10 No.5482192
         File1328947818.jpg-(119 KB, 850x601, 1322264463717.jpg)
    119 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)03:17 No.5482204
         File1328948252.jpg-(132 KB, 900x686, DialgaPalkia.jpg)
    132 KB
    >> Soma 02/11/12(Sat)03:28 No.5482224
         File1328948890.png-(304 KB, 600x469, 1310174959412.png)
    304 KB
    Man, I'd love to cosplay as the ginjika versions Entei or Suicune. . .
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)03:35 No.5482234
         File1328949356.jpg-(7 KB, 208x192, ulpix.jpg)
    7 KB
    any good Vulpix gijinkas?
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)03:52 No.5482259
         File1328950337.jpg-(671 KB, 1000x676, 780617.jpg)
    671 KB
    I find this one cute. Been thinking of doing Altaria in this one.
    >> Voldemort !3zD.naginI 02/11/12(Sat)05:08 No.5482429
         File1328954937.jpg-(84 KB, 517x720, Legendary Beasts (1).jpg)
    84 KB
    I wish my Raikou was more recognizable
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)05:26 No.5482452
         File1328955975.jpg-(156 KB, 1038x671, Finding Nemo.jpg)
    156 KB

    Source on the food ones?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)05:29 No.5482456
         File1328956155.jpg-(126 KB, 1280x1044, Browsers.jpg)
    126 KB
    I'll dump what I have, as a thank you in advance~
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)05:29 No.5482458
         File1328956189.jpg-(114 KB, 500x655, Encyclopedia Dramatica by cott(...).jpg)
    114 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)05:31 No.5482459
         File1328956260.jpg-(1.47 MB, 2000x1800, Monster's INC..jpg)
    1.47 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)05:31 No.5482460
         File1328956304.png-(191 KB, 900x360, internet__social_networking_2_(...).png)
    191 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)05:33 No.5482461
         File1328956388.jpg-(654 KB, 1000x1171, Wall-E and Eve by by_SchifferC(...).jpg)
    654 KB
    I have more but I'll post them later to keep the thread bumped!
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)05:56 No.5482510
         File1328957809.jpg-(209 KB, 594x840, 258502.jpg)
    209 KB
    Only thing I'm able to tell you is that the artist's name is Sakizou.

    I am planning to make this outfit though for a group just for the fun of it!
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)06:03 No.5482529
         File1328958213.jpg-(127 KB, 567x800, 271576.jpg)
    127 KB
    I'll just dump the rest I have of his here.
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)06:06 No.5482537
         File1328958366.jpg-(125 KB, 567x800, 271586.jpg)
    125 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)06:07 No.5482542
         File1328958466.jpg-(138 KB, 495x700, 889240.jpg)
    138 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)06:10 No.5482549
         File1328958620.jpg-(125 KB, 495x700, 889300.jpg)
    125 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)06:12 No.5482556
         File1328958734.jpg-(155 KB, 600x600, 85024.jpg)
    155 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)06:15 No.5482566
         File1328958945.jpg-(157 KB, 764x543, 15415.jpg)
    157 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)06:16 No.5482569
         File1328958986.jpg-(208 KB, 595x842, 85010.jpg)
    208 KB
    >> Coronet !!IzdimvDbMaI 02/11/12(Sat)06:17 No.5482573
    Oops. Maxed out the images.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)06:24 No.5482591

    New thread!
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)06:28 No.5482603
    Thank you so much for posting all of these! Please post more in the new thread, I'd greatly appreciate it!

    It'd be amazing to get a group together with these but I don't have the sewing skill yet...

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