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02/10/12(Fri)00:06 No.5477572 File1328850396.jpg-(308 KB, 434x700, Kyle.jpg)
use to be good, now they're terrible. I listen to more than just
trance, but since the fucking homestuck hetalia kingdom hearts raver
faggots want trance trance trance, I don't go anymore. There's one kid
that was on the fast track to being good, but something happened and he
hit a wall. From what I understand, he's got a bad case of BOTB. Bitches
on the brain.
He was one of the best DJs at ALA, and that's
major because it's saying a lot when Kyle Galindo is holding it down. If
you read this Kyle, I would sit there and REALLY go over your set. It's
boring and bland and cookie cutter. Expand your set. Please. PLEASE. |