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  • File : 1328767326.jpg-(85 KB, 466x700, tumblr_l5gs9hkwJC1qahd60o1_500.jpg)
    85 KB Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:02 No.5474132  
    Fuck this shit, I've finally snapped!!

    I'm still friends with PT, and she hasn't changed since she's left the internet. /cgl/ will you give me the opportunity to vent? I am so full of fucking rage right now and I need to spill the shit to the world.

    If you're not interested, I will leave.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:03 No.5474141
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:03 No.5474144
    what has happened thus far
    what has she been talking about?

    also we require some sort of proof
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:04 No.5474149
    I've been wondering what she's been doing since she left the internet.

    Go on.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:05 No.5474151
    Go on.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:05 No.5474155
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    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:06 No.5474158
    Who's PT? Yes, i don't go on /cgl/ a lot.
    >> SethBullock !!b2MBtRSeJ8i 02/09/12(Thu)01:06 No.5474159

    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:06 No.5474160
    Please spill. I miss my PT drama.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:08 No.5474172

    I would proof if 1) I knew how to do a screenshot of my phone and 2) if my dumbass didn't delete the texts from last night

    Whining like a bitch about how stressful working at Target is. Not losing weight. She gets paid over the states minimum wage and is currently getting near 40 hours a week, though complaining it's cutting "into her personal time". Oh, and telling people like me that have been in customer service for 8 years and managed for about 6 months that I don't know wtf she's going through. She hasn't changed /cgl/...she hasn't fucking changed.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:11 No.5474177
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    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:11 No.5474181
    Do tell or troll.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:12 No.5474186
    You could have taken a picture with a webcam or something and come back next time when you have proof.
    >> Me 02/09/12(Thu)01:14 No.5474192

    I will remember that for next time.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:15 No.5474194
    No proof. GTFO.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:15 No.5474197
    actually she's doing a lot better, I'm not going to post anything or reveal my relationship with her but she's feeling better and doing better
    >> Me 02/09/12(Thu)01:15 No.5474199
    Oh, and also recently she got rid of her friends because one of them told her that she's not going to get a boyfriend if she keeps dressing like a slut.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:16 No.5474202
    Neither has proof, no one cares.
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 02/09/12(Thu)01:16 No.5474203
    Is it an iphone?
    >> Me 02/09/12(Thu)01:19 No.5474211

    Not sure when the last time you talked to her. Just happened yesterday...she told me that she was going to go to the doctor because she was feeling so crappy.
    >> Me 02/09/12(Thu)01:20 No.5474219

    Nope, android. Samsung Captivate to be exact.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:25 No.5474238
    She told me she bought a thousand dicks on ebay and sucked them all.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:26 No.5474242
    I hope Sarah sees this thread and realizes that she needs to cease any further communication with you. She'll know what she should do, she already does. Old habits die hard but eventually they do all die.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:27 No.5474247
    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 02/09/12(Thu)01:28 No.5474250
    They make screenshot apps for Android phones. Check the Android marketplace, there are a few.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:30 No.5474263
    Which friend? PT didn't have that many friends to start with. We need more details or something.

    >> Me 02/09/12(Thu)01:31 No.5474267

    I doubt you will believe me since I have no proof. If you want you can chat up with me and I'll tell you the story.

    Sorry I don't keep logs of everything gaiz. I didn't realize I'd still be raging so hard.


    Thanks. I'll look for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:31 No.5474270
    Why don't you tell us anyway and then we will judge if it is real or not.
    >> Me 02/09/12(Thu)01:33 No.5474277

    I think the girl she was hanging out with was from the Ukraine or something. I forget her name. Only ever met her once. Also, her gay, black friend Jonathan that took a lot of her pictures.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:35 No.5474288
    I thought she was moving what happen? What was her excuse?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:41 No.5474305
    Sarah if you're reading this,

    Don't let this thread suck you back in to old thought patterns and stressful habits.

    You're doing really well. Just keep scrolling.
    >> Me 02/09/12(Thu)01:42 No.5474311
    Well, it's pretty much what you see here >>5474172

    She whined to me about how she just wanted to die because work is overworking her and her mom made her a promise to go to Corpus Christi and they wound up not going. She believes that, at work, they treat her like crap, where in my experience that is very common. She just wants a job where there is little to no stress, doesn't walk all over her and she gets paid well without having to work hard. She complained about her English degree and why is she getting paid $7.70 for that? She also complained about a customer keeping her on the phone after her shift when I explained to her that her customer is a #1 priority she flipped. Also, stating that she shouldn't have to explain herself to anyone(including management). I worked retail for a long time, yet I had no fucking clue what I was talking about and I didn't understand what I was going through.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:44 No.5474321
    Why would her mom promise PT that they where going to CC? I thought her mom was kicker her out Jan 1. WHAT HAPPEN TO THAT? AND THE FUCKING CAT? is that thing still alive?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:45 No.5474325
    What happened to her whole "looking for a job in a bigger city and moving in with friends" plan?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:47 No.5474333
    so pixy isn't doing as well as other anons are saying. hue hue hue she just doesn't have her gay slave taking pics of her anymore.
    why are you so worried if pixy isn't on the internet?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:48 No.5474337
    Go away Miyu
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:49 No.5474339
    Ok Miyu, just like how you stopped being a whore. Oh wait.
    >> Me 02/09/12(Thu)01:50 No.5474341
    I'm guessing it was a bluff. She's still living with her parents. Last we talked about her cat was during Christmas. I haven't heard anything since then. I live in Austin now so I only every text her.

    Must have fallen out. I barley recall but I think she said Target wouldn't give her the transfer to a store anywhere else. Last I checked she was still saving for Japan but, her new purchase is proof that's far from now.

    Btw, anyone else see her getting egged by a mob in Japan as soon as she exits the airport?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:51 No.5474346
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    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:53 No.5474351
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    No taste this.
    >> Me 02/09/12(Thu)01:54 No.5474353
    What I said here >>5474211

    Just saw you: >>5474242
    I really don't care if she does or not. I'm ending the friendship anyway after being insulted like that. Betrayed by her on top of that in the past, and having her constantly change my way of thinking to adjust to her fucked up mind.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:54 No.5474354
    What did she say that made you so mad? Shouldn't you be used to this by now?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:55 No.5474359
    >Betrayed by her on top of that in the past
    Can you talk more about this?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:56 No.5474363's tax season. She said some time last year that she would use her tax returns to go to japan this spring.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)01:58 No.5474369
    Yea what kind of tax returns can she get on pocky and obies?
    >> Me 02/09/12(Thu)02:01 No.5474376
    You know, I really don't know why I was so insulted by her comment. I have mentioned that I have worked in customer service for years, where she has maybe only done for a year or less, maybe more I can't remember. When I explained to her how the customer service world worked and that I had been there and told her how to handle it, I still didn't know what I was talking about. It was a slap in the face. I was irritated. You think I would be used to it....

    I'd rather not. It's kind of painful in a way. I should be over it by now. Plus all I'd get are moar insults.

    Hm, must have forgotten about that. Fuck my memory...we'll see wat happens gaiz!
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:03 No.5474385
    Are you a cosplayer or just a friend of hers who knows of her infamy here?
    >> Me 02/09/12(Thu)02:04 No.5474391
    I am neither.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:06 No.5474398
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    We are so desperate for PT drama that we're listening to made up stuff.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:08 No.5474405
         File1328771305.png-(52 KB, 320x306, Untitled.png)
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    Hmm based off of PT history did she:
    call you a fat/skinny whore?
    you slept/dated someone she liked?
    you ganged banged her with krissuchan?
    you have to tell us or I will post nudes of pt.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:08 No.5474409
    lol basically

    Dakota Rose just doesn't do it for me; she may be a stupid bitch, but she can't compare to the entertainment of this lolcow.
    >> /a/ & /sp/ 02/09/12(Thu)02:09 No.5474411
         File1328771340.jpg-(19 KB, 492x367, Xzibit lol.jpg)
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    >Sarah left the internet
    >but hasn't changed at all

    YGSIU Sarah
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:09 No.5474412
    No proof, gtfo. You're just trying to play with our PT withdrawal
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:10 No.5474420

    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:10 No.5474421
    This, Dakota isn't that interesting. Her Momma is the true Drama queen I wish /cgl/ would focus on not her two puppets for daughters.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:12 No.5474422
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    >> /a/ & /sp/ 02/09/12(Thu)02:12 No.5474423
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    YGSIU too it seems.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:14 No.5474426
    YGSIU means nothing if no one else knows what the fuck it means.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:14 No.5474430
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    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:15 No.5474434

    Please stop.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:15 No.5474435
    ...I tried to google it but...what does YGSIU mean?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:17 No.5474440
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    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:19 No.5474446
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    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:22 No.5474450
    I have an android. If there's a chance it's like yours when you have the screen you want to print screen go as if you're turning your phone off and it'll come up with that option
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:23 No.5474451
    omg ive never seen these before. new PT content gracing my retinas.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:24 No.5474454
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    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:25 No.5474457
    PT is such a fat cow
    >> /a/ & /sp/ 02/09/12(Thu)02:26 No.5474459

    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:26 No.5474462
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:26 No.5474464
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    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:28 No.5474466

    Another sad story of a woman who wouldn't look too bad if she just took care of herself.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:29 No.5474471
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    you sure?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:31 No.5474474
    she would be gross no matter what
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:31 No.5474476
    Never seen this one before. Where did it come from?
    It's in a different league from the other batch.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:32 No.5474478
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    She's a BRICK
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:32 No.5474479
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    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:34 No.5474480
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    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:35 No.5474481

    Why is she yellow?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:36 No.5474482
    Because she is asian.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:37 No.5474484

    Why is she really yellow?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:38 No.5474487
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    Because she is really asian.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:51 No.5474507
    Is it bad that I think she actually look really good here...?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:55 No.5474515
    I don't think that's possible.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)03:14 No.5474538
    She shoops herself yellow to appear more desu.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)03:37 No.5474559
    >Whining like a bitch about how stressful working at Target is. Not losing weight. She gets paid over the states minimum wage and is currently getting near 40 hours a week, though complaining it's cutting "into her personal time". Oh, and telling people like me that have been in customer service for 8 years and managed for about 6 months that I don't know wtf she's going through. She hasn't changed /cgl/...she hasn't fucking changed.

    Cry moar. What she's whining about is no different than any other whiner. The PT we know and mock is the one who's a delusional attention whore, not a whiner.
    >> sieg heil !taZqHR8ods!!OvQDb+oRqCw 02/09/12(Thu)03:38 No.5474563
    spoony is essentially a shorter PT.
    with fucked hair.

    but once that grows back, if you get her back into cosplay. she's PT, same body, skin tone, personality etc
    >> Soliloquy !!AAv5QNH45K+ 02/09/12(Thu)03:42 No.5474569
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    Your obsession with Spoony is about as amusing as hers with PT
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)03:51 No.5474576
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    What? PT was first class whiner and delusional attention whore at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)04:19 No.5474595
         File1328779190.jpg-(34 KB, 500x369, 1310643128065.jpg)
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    Are you fucking kidding me? What a load of bullshit, I can't believe she's that fucking retarded she shoops her skin yellow. I have a ridiculous yellow skin tone (I have had kids come up to me in the street and ask why I have yellow skin) and there's not a drop of asian blood in me. I have a carotene conversion problem because of my thyroid and it fkn sucks. So fuck you, PT.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)04:35 No.5474607

    she doesn't actually.
    calm down, crazy.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)10:20 No.5474919
    wait, isn't this one new to /cgl/?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)10:27 No.5474927
    >no proof
    >spill no new info
    >ends contact with her

    Our only hope is Miyu and god knows she's not coming around here, well looks like we're back to digging up Dakota threads guys

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