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  • File : 1328763088.jpg-(71 KB, 1280x720, [sage]_Daily_Lives_of_High_School_Boys_-(...).jpg)
    71 KB Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:51 No.5473819  
    Daily /a/ appreciation thread, because we know that the board is where we got all of our best cosplays from.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:53 No.5473831
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    >Not Daily /fit/ worship thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:54 No.5473835
    fuck off /a/
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:54 No.5473839
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    >Implying the guys of /fit/ are half as interesting/fun as the guys at /a/.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:55 No.5473840
    And this is one reason we don't like the girls of /cgl/. Crude language unfitting of a lady.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:56 No.5473843
    /a/ isn't fun. /a/ is bitter virgins who cry about how much they hate women and yet are desperate for a woman to love them.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:56 No.5473847
    No, I'd say you're both pretty equal in misogyny levels, which is pretty interesting in itself.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:57 No.5473851
    once I was at a party full of /cgl/ people and someone asked me my favorite manga. I started listing them off and someone goes "So basically you spent all of 2008 on /a/?"

    I was thoroughly, thoroughly caught.

    I'm honestly surprised more people haven't caught onto how I secretly browse /a/ just from my cosplay. My taste in source material screams /a/non.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:57 No.5473854
    >implying that was a female

    If you're not female, why would you assume that everyone else posting is?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:57 No.5473855
    Why every thread takes 5 posts before its offtopic and angry?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:58 No.5473864
    >Implying those /a/nons exist.
    >Implying /a/ hasn't been infested with all the normals from /v/ since winter break.
    So many that feel threads and language un-befitting of a gentleman.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:00 No.5473872
    When I browse /a/ I like to believe that they're all good people deep down who are just immensely bitter and lonely and don't know why,.

    That's probably not true, but it makes browsing /a/ more palatable.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:00 No.5473873
    >/cgl/'s face when /a/non tries to impress her.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:02 No.5473880
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    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:04 No.5473889
    I could believe that about /co/ at one point in time, but never /a/
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:04 No.5473892
    /a/ would rather be with their waifu for one day and then end their existence before going out with /cgl/, that's how disgusting their hatred is of real women.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:05 No.5473894
    maybe if /cgl/ weren't disgusting they'd like you more
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:05 No.5473896
    So how does one fix the hate that's built up in /a/;s heart, seagulls?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:08 No.5473909
    you wait for them to kill themselves

    i have no interest in helping some sad sack feel wanted
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:08 No.5473910
    Rape them. Rape them all.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:14 No.5473927
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    >Their faces when.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:17 No.5473938
    maybe Electroshock
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:18 No.5473947
    I'd give /a/ a chance.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:18 No.5473948
    hijack a gundam and embrace the hate, let it control your actions
    >> Magical Machete !KonabiK9d2 02/09/12(Thu)00:48 No.5474063
    Babababa rarira ba bara
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)05:35 No.5474670
    The majority of /a/ will always hate /cgl/, mainly because of people trolling their forever alone status.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 02/09/12(Thu)06:03 No.5474687
    I migrated from /a/ to /cgl/ , but I will always still love that board, even If I only post there once in a blue moon now. I still check It out to figure out what anime to watch next.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)06:11 No.5474689
    This anime season sucks so I don't go there as often as I did before, when Madoka was airing I'd spend countless hours there.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 02/09/12(Thu)06:18 No.5474696
    I haven't found anything I'm interested in watching either.
    I'm just sticking with p4a and vidya now until I figure out what anime may appeal to me. Think I'll just watch something old I havent watched yet.
    I tried to watch Madoka but I just could not for the life of me pay attention. I dropped It pretty quick though, so I might give It another shot
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)06:19 No.5474698
    /a/ is my motherboard, I will never forget this.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)06:23 No.5474700
    The first 2 episodes suck, then it gets better.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)06:31 No.5474708
    >This season sucks.
    >If it was Madoka, i'd spend countless hours there.

    Holy shit. Yeah, i wouldn't browse there if i were you either. Your tastes clash terribly with /a/.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)06:48 No.5474726
    /a/ loved Madoka
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)07:01 No.5474741
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    /a/ is actually quite normal towards women
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)07:12 No.5474752
    Only outside of 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)07:20 No.5474762
    Note how there's 12% women and around the same amount of non-virgins.

    It's pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)07:25 No.5474771
    Are you saying that the 12% non-virgin is that small group of women? That's very dumb.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)08:01 No.5474809
    No, it's highly likely all the non-virgins are women
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)08:05 No.5474813
    Believe it or not, the virginity rate was 78% for males and 75% for females.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)08:07 No.5474815
    Do you have any proof?

    I don't see virginity by gender on any of these charts. And we all know how easy it is for women into "nerdy" hobbies to have sex.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)08:09 No.5474819
    >implying all of the women on /a/ aren't fujoshi who only fap to gay 2d men.
    Seems plausible.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)08:15 No.5474822
    I have the excel file.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)08:20 No.5474825
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)09:58 No.5474890
    They're probably attention whores who don't even watch animu.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 02/09/12(Thu)10:23 No.5474920
    >Attention whores
    What the fuck am I reading?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)10:34 No.5474934
    Considering how many of our trips are women and how many anon delight in telling everyone they're female, yes, they're mostly attention whores.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 02/09/12(Thu)10:39 No.5474944
    Telling someone you are female =/= attention whore
    I am failing to see your point
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)10:42 No.5474950
    >Telling someone you are female =/= attention whore

    Yes, it is.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 02/09/12(Thu)10:47 No.5474954
    Your logic, It amuses me.
    So ok then If you tell someone that you are a woman, you are and attention whore
    So does that mean that If you tell someone you are a man, you are an attention whore too?
    I'm curious.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)10:52 No.5474964
    Saying you're male in a place where everyone is assumed male isn't attention whoring.

    Saying you're a woman because you think 4chan is some other shitty message board where faggots white-knight them is attention whoring.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)10:55 No.5474969
    Let a female explain this to you:
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 02/09/12(Thu)10:59 No.5474975
    Now see you went and added a lot there. No-one mentioned any of that, you simply said that merely saying that you were a woman was attention whoring.
    Anyway, If you have spent any amount of time on /a/ , you would know that no-one gives a damn. In fact, you'd be told to leave. So in short, attention whoring on /a/ is a ridiculous thing to suggest and even consider.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)11:02 No.5474981
    >you simply said that merely saying that you were a woman was attention whoring.

    It is. I just qualified my statement.

    >you would know that no-one gives a damn. In fact, you'd be told to leave.

    Negative attention is still attention.
    >> Risette !EKlieJQ7Jw 02/09/12(Thu)11:10 No.5474998
    I just... Oh god why do I even try.
    Look, your opinion isn't going to change no matter what I say and that's p clear. But really, that's just like, your opinion man, and If I keep trying to explain this to you I am just going to herp so much that I'll derp.
    I'm out.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)11:28 No.5475033
    >link a cracked article
    >everyone ignores it because "lol that's not suppose to be taken serios XD"
    >even if a girl writes it
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)13:00 No.5475255
    >please read
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)13:06 No.5475272
    There's you're problem faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)14:26 No.5475509
    None of our trips are women, if you think Lain or Taiga are girls you're just a clueless newfag.

    Also don't say only girls attention whore, plenty of guys(some even from /a/) attention whore here on /cgl/
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)14:39 No.5475554
    So if she wrote it on her personal blog instead, it would somehow be legit enough to read?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)16:05 No.5475829
    >please respond
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)18:03 No.5476211
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    >> Kiwi !Hc6EcVkstI 02/09/12(Thu)18:07 No.5476226
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    why the fuck would you mention /a/ here

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