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    File: 1328687199.jpg-(52 KB, 200x244, 4eeeddee604dc.jpg)
    52 KB No drama this time faggots Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)02:46 No.5469879  
    New Katsucon thread. Post your cosplay schedule, gathering schedule, if you're entering the WCS or not, and everything else Katsu related.
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 02/08/12(Wed)03:00 No.5469947
    I am tempted to just show up and chill out in the gazebo area. Because I need a new computer, camera, and need to pay rent I don't really feel like paying for a badge if all I am going to do is hang out around there. Plus I'd be staying with my dad and it's about a fifteen minute drive over even with traffic...

    What time and day is the /cgl/ meet up I may actually bring my fatass over and meet some of you all if I do end up going.
    >> Non-Sequential !3I4SJbCh8M 02/08/12(Wed)03:01 No.5469951
    Vincent Brooks
    Scarecrow Asylum Straight-jacket
    Regular classic Scarecrow
    Finn the Human.

    Possibly Sex Robot if I find the time & Effort.

    Looking forward to some crazy ass room parties like last year. Also, Anyone know some good places to eat around the Con?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/08/12(Wed)03:05 No.5469970
    Cosplay Schedule
    K' and Kite

    Gonna hang with friends and just have a good time~ Always up for hangin' with the peeps and makin' new friends!
    >> Vicious !!PA9+bSFpT8S 02/08/12(Wed)03:08 No.5469981
         File: 1328688491.jpg-(461 KB, 1066x618, KatsuconLineup.jpg)
    461 KB
    I'm telling you you won't finish Sex Robot it time, lol.

    Here's my cosplay lineup. Other than that I'm looking forward to hanging out with old friends and meeting a bunch of new ones!
    >> Non-Sequential !3I4SJbCh8M 02/08/12(Wed)03:09 No.5469983
    Man, I've seen some of your .hack work.
    It's simply amazing.

    I hope I can get some photos of you.
    Which version of Kite are you bringing?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)03:52 No.5470117
    Question, if you didnt prereg, can you bu a ticket or whatever on thurs? First con
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/08/12(Wed)03:55 No.5470130
         File: 1328691344.jpg-(36 KB, 503x570, 14.jpg)
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    Thank you~ I'm doing Xth form Kite. I'll be wearing it throughout Saturday till probably the late afternoon (around 6ish).

    I've been fixing up some parts of it and I intend to remake the pants before AX so that way I can make onesie pants that go over my shoes.
    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 02/08/12(Wed)05:01 No.5470275
    If I do show up I am so bringing the chocolate syrup ;)

    I am pretty sure you can only buy a badge on Friday if you didn't preregister. Luckily though most people who don't preregister for Katsucon are high schoolers (at least that I noticed over the years) and they should be in school Friday morning. Also the line is inside so you don't have to freeze your booty off.
    >> Teh-Vee !BUNNY.UIU. 02/08/12(Wed)07:05 No.5470430
         File: 1328702721.png-(372 KB, 713x481, katsuballs.png)
    372 KB
    Hoping to enter Hall Cosplay Contest, hit up a few friends panels and laze around where ever.
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/08/12(Wed)14:33 No.5471454
    OK again for my cosplay schedule:
    Friday-Friday Evening: Army Ness
    Friday- Evening to Saturday afternoon: Gijinka Emploreon
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)14:54 No.5471517

    That's what we're doing. We're still getting a hotel, but we're getting ther 2 days early to just soak in everything the place has to offer. I MAY buy a 1 day ticket for the Marvel 3 tournament, but it's a big might.

    As for what I'm bringing, dunno. Definitely my new one, but then after that, it's figuring out what's in good shape and what needs good pics.
    >> Electric Barbarella !!aFbiQgnY8Ay 02/08/12(Wed)14:56 No.5471522
         File: 1328730965.jpg-(76 KB, 800x388, 396269_158316264283489_1000031(...).jpg)
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    Very much so subject to change. Might Switch Clover and Athena, or whatever needs to be to coordinate with a certain K'~
    >> Ukraine !!Gl2boRyrnRH 02/08/12(Wed)15:33 No.5471647
         File: 1328733202.jpg-(175 KB, 1056x366, katsucon.jpg)
    175 KB
    Added Maya to the list its looking like
    Fri: Airi & Karina
    Sat: Karina, Maya & Hua Po

    So happy to have everything done and ready <3
    >> Non-Sequential !3I4SJbCh8M 02/08/12(Wed)17:49 No.5472152
         File: 1328741367.jpg-(202 KB, 491x694, Kuhn_Xth.jpg)
    202 KB
    Awesome. Hope I see you.
    I'd really like to make Kuhns Xth Form someday.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:26 No.5473690
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/08/12(Wed)23:31 No.5473715
         File: 1328761873.png-(422 KB, 591x372, Katsucon.png)
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    i have no idea what that orange thing is but i like it!
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:32 No.5473725
         File: 1328761975.jpg-(89 KB, 560x560, Meiko conchita.jpg)
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    I got expanding foam all over my hands yesterday doing the mouth and teeth and they hurt like a motherfucking bitch today.

    I'm also bringing Briar Rose, but after all the work I put in to Meiko, I'm going to be wearing it for a while.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:37 No.5473753
    Hnnnggg MeruPuri. Sorta odd, but so adorable.
    >> Mailbox !kA.fCtgZRo 02/08/12(Wed)23:46 No.5473795
         File: 1328762812.jpg-(72 KB, 600x600, FIG-MOE-2419.jpg)
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    Saturday is costume day for me. Pic related.

    More focused on just hanging out really, I'm usually staffing conventions or too worried about costumes. So bring it on, I am almost ready ! 95%
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)23:53 No.5473826
    I want to fucking marry you. Ive never seen this version done (And I'm too shy about my tiny chest to do it myself) Post pics?
    >> Bearpigman !C8POqz/jE2 02/08/12(Wed)23:56 No.5473846
    Don't have my timing entirely down yet, but here's what I'm bringing:
    -Casual Rider (Fate/Zero) -Maybe
    -King Frost (SMT)
    -Daru (Steins; Gate)
    -Mr. Plinkett (RedLetterMedia)
    -Blue Guy (Dustforce)
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:08 No.5473912
    Friday - Three in the Morning Jade Harley
    Saturday - TARDIS Lolita, Ante Up!Madoka Kaname, Twilight Sparkle
    Sunday - Madoka Kaname
    >> Captain Marvelous !!IB1pZcmTQv/ 02/09/12(Thu)00:23 No.5473964
    >Scar - FMA
    >Junpei - Persona 3
    >Kanji (summer outfit variation) - Persona 4
    Can't wait to see you all there!
    >> tenleid !R6n4uEROGE 02/09/12(Thu)00:42 No.5474032
    Just curious how you managed the fabric. Were you lucky enough to find similar stuff in stores, or did you spoonflower/hanf paint it?

    Ive been wanted to do this costume for a while, but the darn fabric is slowing me down!
    >> GreatSG 02/09/12(Thu)00:43 No.5474035
    Not sure what days I'm wearing costumes but I'm bringing:
    -Yoshikaga Kira (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
    -Kirei Kotomine (Fate/Zero)
    -Otacon (Metal Gear Solid 2)
    -Ayanokouji Show (Kishidan)

    Also, might as well whore out my panels more:
    - Iron Chef Japan Showing (Saturday 8:30am)
    - Awesomely Bad J-Music Videos (Saturday 4:30pm)
    - The Late Night Endurance Run (Sunday Midnight)
    - "Thunder in the East! '70" Rise of Rock & Roll in Japan Sunday 1pm
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)00:46 No.5474054
         File: 1328766379.jpg-(76 KB, 796x309, Page1.jpg)
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    In the 18+ Durarara!! panel Friday night, Hetalia Ask A Nation panel Saturday morning, hopefully the Ask A Homestuck panel Saturday (no word yet, here's to hoping), and Quick Cosplay Fix panel Saturday afternoon. Will be at the Saturday /cgl/ meetup too.
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 02/09/12(Thu)01:07 No.5474167
    Friday: King Kazma (both forms), WCS shit briefly for judging, Mikuni or Quote
    Saturday: Quote or Mikuni, WCS shit.
    Sunday: lol

    And remember, your guide to the area:
    >> Mailbox !kA.fCtgZRo 02/09/12(Thu)01:20 No.5474217
    I handpainted it, chalked out some lines and hoped for the best. There is obviously some human error in line thickness and what not, I'm still pretty happy with how they came out. (More similar to the anime outfit as opposed to the really thin opaque lines on the figure) With it being a circle skirt there is quite a bit to paint, but nothing patience can't solve.

    I used a kona cotton solid in the color pomegranate and then mixed pink and white fabric paint for the lines.
    >> Rue 02/09/12(Thu)01:20 No.5474220
         File: 1328768438.jpg-(88 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-02-09 at 01.04.jpg)
    88 KB
    WHEE. Just finished this bad boy for next week. :p I'm so excited for Katsu, like I dun even know.
    >> No-Brand Heroine 02/09/12(Thu)01:24 No.5474233

    I envy you guys so much.
    >> Vicious !!PA9+bSFpT8S 02/09/12(Thu)02:02 No.5474380
    Damn that looks awesome!
    >> Mistry 02/09/12(Thu)07:10 No.5474749
    I have no idea what this is for, but god damn it looks awesome. Great work.

    Working on (and hopefully finishing) my Ico costume this weekend, then I just have to make a new Kotetsu vest and restyle the wig. Friday for wearing the former, Saturday for the latter. I think. Beyond that, just going to be running around taking photos and attempting to figure out strobist lighting for the nth time. Test subjects, anyone...?

    Oh, and there a day/time/place for the CGL meetup? Missed the last few Katsu threads. Only a few days to go, looking forward to it~
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)07:28 No.5474776
    Will you watch WCS live or stream it?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)08:09 No.5474816
         File: 1328792955.gif-(76 KB, 614x282, katsucon.gif)
    76 KB
    Pretty excited.
    >> Marsh 02/09/12(Thu)10:04 No.5474899
    Where are you rooming?

    I'm gunna fuck wif yer medication.
    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 02/09/12(Thu)10:51 No.5474961
         File: 1328802691.png-(286 KB, 1412x746, katsucon schedule.png)
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    I'll be giving away stickers and stuff as well.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)10:57 No.5474973
    Things that make me glad I'm not going: You and Homestuck.
    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 02/09/12(Thu)11:03 No.5474983
         File: 1328803412.gif-(233 KB, 500x275, tumblr_ly9mehk4dR1qibt8i.gif)
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    I feel so honored to have such a dedicated hater.
    >> Perry the Platypus !!AOUMhxUWjan 02/09/12(Thu)12:11 No.5475123
    Holy shit Plinkett! I MUST HAVE PICS!

    Carly (Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds)
    Rikku (FFX-2)
    Amanda (MGS Peacewalker)
    Young Walter (Hellsing the dawn)
    >> Iris 02/09/12(Thu)12:20 No.5475154

    Thursday - Rea
    Friday - Ultimate Madoka
    Saturday morning - Ultimate Madoka
    Saturday evening - Maid Mio
    Sunday - Beelzebub

    Something like that ... probably...Though I'm not confident in Rea or Mio
    >> fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/09/12(Thu)12:23 No.5475164
    Not sure what days but between photoshoots im wearing:

    >>trainer red


    >>alt 2 akuma
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)12:29 No.5475174
    I'll be cosplaying Ryouma from Getter Robo Armageddon on Friday. It's my first real cosplay. I'll be in plain clothes the rest of the convention.
    >> Web design and seo for blue collar business wfmarionc 02/09/12(Thu)12:33 No.5475187
    Wfmarion Creative represents the business of 2012. We offer services for the masses at prices too crazy to list. Want your site ranked #1? We can do it! Need a better converting design? We can do that also!

    [url=]best web design 2012[/url]
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/09/12(Thu)12:35 No.5475194
    Dude I am totally up for helping you test shit! LETS TAKE PHOTOS BRAH!
    >> Iris 02/09/12(Thu)12:40 No.5475201
         File: 1328809228.gif-(39 KB, 160x120, giddyflapjack.gif)
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    I'm williinngg


    Friday - 8pm(potluck food thing) and 10pm
    Saturday - 10pm
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)12:44 No.5475211
    Hastur or Tengu, whichever mask ends up easier for me to get on and off a lot
    Sayabro, accompanied by a Manmi and Kyobro

    Anyone know when the Madoka shoot is happening? Fuck, I can't believe this is going through. Just wish our Bromura didn't get swamped with work and couldn't do his costume and our Kyubei didn't decide to go to China last minute.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)12:48 No.5475222
    You should send pictures of your Mr. Plinkett costume to Red Letter Media. I know Mike, he'd get a kick out of seeing it.
    >> Iris 02/09/12(Thu)12:51 No.5475229
         File: 1328809865.jpg-(82 KB, 500x400, flapjacblush.jpg)
    82 KB
    Are you part of the group where genderbend is Soul Patches instead of Soul Gems?

    Coscom thread for gatherings:

    and my own spreadsheet. Easier to go see the gathering scheduling.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)12:52 No.5475231
    I'm going to apologize now because I know for a fact that at least one small group of drunk men is going to be very adamant about you giving them pizza rolls.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)12:54 No.5475237
    Oh god, I didn't realize word had gotten around.

    That reminds me, though, I still need to make a label for my bottle of "Walpurgis Whiskey"
    >> Iris 02/09/12(Thu)12:58 No.5475249
         File: 1328810324.jpg-(164 KB, 646x431, 1297465242256.jpg)
    164 KB
    I read your friend's post about it in the Madoka thread at coscom. Sorry if it was suppose to be a secret

    I saw the drawings that it's based on. I'm so excited cause all genderbend Madoka makes me HNNGG

    Don't mind me if I happen to creep over you guys when I see you...
    >> diltwos (dos = 2 get it man? get it?) !xSJDCnMU5g 02/09/12(Thu)13:01 No.5475261
         File: 1328810514.jpg-(12 KB, 290x174, youre going to love me.jpg)
    12 KB
    >my little pony

    Mood : indifferent
    Song : Tomorrow Ft. Taeyang - Tablo
    Smoke : yes
    Drink : yes
    Income : N/A
    Relationship Status : sngl n redy 2 mngl
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)13:03 No.5475265
    We've all had to make a few changes here and there since this is our first time actually making costumes, but things should go well. Even if the plays end up a little sub par, we're jazzed and make up for it in character.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)13:19 No.5475305
         File: 1328811565.jpg-(86 KB, 460x345, 1284698450467.jpg)
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    MFW when you're so dumb you don't realize half of the Homestuck fandom hates you.

    I'll be sure to get plenty of pics of you with your nose shove up everyones ass, then.
    >> Jimbo 02/09/12(Thu)13:59 No.5475428
    Is there a Jojo meetup? Didn't see one in the coscom thread. Gonna bring my Jotaro.
    >> Mailbox !kA.fCtgZRo 02/09/12(Thu)14:50 No.5475591
    Bumping for the schedule being up.
    >> Electric Barbarella !!aFbiQgnY8Ay 02/09/12(Thu)15:17 No.5475664
    I nominate Ukraine and I to be your sekushii moderus desu.

    We're pretty much the kawaiiest.

    I actually think a good amount of panels sound neat! I'd kind of like to go to a couple if my bros are up for it. Pumped that there's a lot of Allkore stuff.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)15:23 No.5475689
    Be sure to take pictures
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)16:37 No.5475920
    Have so much to dooo.

    Line-up so far is...
    Friday: Timmy Turner (Fairly Odd Parents)
    Saturday: Pinkie Pie (MLP)
    Sunday: Kim Possible

    And I might bring Raven (Teen Titans), but I haven't decided. Anyone know if there is gonna be a DC comic meet-up?
    >> Heine !HEINEwtLqE 02/09/12(Thu)16:45 No.5475945
         File: 1328823901.jpg-(9 KB, 240x172, heine_5.jpg)
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    I dunno, but if there is then I'm definitely bringing Jason Todd's Red Hood with me.
    >> Bearpigman !C8POqz/jE2 02/09/12(Thu)18:08 No.5476227
         File: 1328828885.png-(136 KB, 388x300, harrysplinket.png)
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    I'm hoping it goes over well. I'll probably be doing the Rich Evans/Half in the Bag version of Plinkett (pictured) Probably just carry around a sign or something saying "Ask me about my pizza rolls" and just carry around still-frozen ones.

    I'm pretty much really hoping I run into Katawa Shoujo cosplayers to give a "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUR FAAAAACE" to a Hanako. That's all I'm hoping for
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/09/12(Thu)18:27 No.5476283
    so much to finish
    >> Ukraine !!Gl2boRyrnRH 02/09/12(Thu)18:46 No.5476345
    She's from most of the more recent Shin Megami Tensei games as one of hte demons. And thank you!

    I really loved the manga (sort of a guilty pleasure for me ahaha) but I have an Aram so I def had to cosplay it <3

    I seriously can't wait to see this...Probably my favorite Meiko song

    Sfslf can't wait to see your Ico costume as well! Hopefully we can get some fun pics

    Hush, you're precious in that meido costume. <3


    Dear god. I'm glad we're friends. That's all I have to say.
    >> Timm 02/09/12(Thu)19:46 No.5476476
    Is anyone going as one of the 11 supernovas from One Piece. Im going as Trafalgar law.
    >> Kneesocks !I6XYC1PN4Y 02/09/12(Thu)20:01 No.5476508
         File: 1328835704.gif-(483 KB, 282x159, 213nmn9.gif)
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    >Never had a HSsecret written about me
    >I would be flattered if several thousands of people knew of my existance.

    Sure come up and introduce yourself. I'll buy you some ointment for that severe butthurt you got going on there. Also I think you meant to type 'shoved' and ' everyone's '
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/09/12(Thu)20:22 No.5476558
    Psst, don't tell anyone but here is schedule for Katsucon 18, it's not final yet though, so its subject to change.

    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)20:27 No.5476566
    I'll be going as Nick from Left 4 Dead on Friday and probably slapping together a Box Zaku for lulz at some point on Saturday. Saving my creativity and budget for Otakon thanks to being a poorfag until I start a new job in March.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/09/12(Thu)20:37 No.5476591

    neither of you two will meet at katsu

    so STFU
    >> Mell !!gw4/lKtnI20 02/09/12(Thu)20:52 No.5476654
         File: 1328838731.gif-(13 KB, 444x414, 1293586360944.gif)
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    Remind me to highfive you at Katsu.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)21:03 No.5476697
    I love MLP, but why so many panels for it?

    I need to stop getting my hopes up for panels, for the past 3 years most of the cons I've gone to it's all the same stuff. (insert popular series) fan panel, hentai and cosplay 101 stuff. I do think some things need to constant, like artist alley, how to do character buildings... those types of things I feel are something that is a staple. I would like a bit more variety.

    I'd love to see some more intermediate panels for construction of cosplay, but they seem few and far in between.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/09/12(Thu)21:08 No.5476722

    most people are terrified to do this, that and there are so many ways to do a panel like that. If anything it would have to be a round table style panel
    >> Timm 02/09/12(Thu)21:23 No.5476804
    Katsucon scheduel is out. lots going on
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)21:26 No.5476826
    Scheduling is dicks.

    - Four wig panels
    - Four steampunk panels
    - Four of these Clockwork Doll things?
    - Four Pokemon panels
    - Six Hetalia panels! Including two at one time!
    - Two cheap cosplay panels
    - Two con horror stories ("Con Horror Stories"/"Con Etiquette Rage Edition")
    - Eva overload ("Evangelion WTF"/"Evangelion, Deconstructed"... within four hours of each other. Plus Anno panel)
    - Two crossplay ("Crossplay for Girls"/"Crossdressing for Girls")
    - Six meta panels ("Cosplay International"/"Cosplay Culture with Yaya"/"Fanthropology"/"Documenting Fandom"/"Postmodern Otaku"/"Chanverse")

    Meanwhile, there are too few genre panels, barely any industry panels, no AMV Hell, and too much about webcomics, video games, and writing your shitty fanfiction.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/09/12(Thu)21:28 No.5476843


    thats kinda bad, though panels have never be good at this con anyway
    >> Decade !!GCDrKbHwher 02/09/12(Thu)21:31 No.5476867
         File: 1328841086.jpg-(74 KB, 496x700, tumblr_lr3xtw1v7Y1qkm3xxo1_500.jpg)
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    I'll be cosplaying as Kamen Rider Fourze all days.
    Possibly Timmy Turner and Gentaro Kisaragi (fourze) when i dont wanna wear the suit.

    When Im wearing Fourze I wanna get photos with as many different characters as possible!! Im trying to make A Fourze Friendship Video!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)21:36 No.5476916
         File: 1328841406.jpg-(57 KB, 640x480, 1325772302163.jpg)
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    >Going to cons for panels
    >> GreatSG 02/09/12(Thu)21:46 No.5476978

    Hence why I try to run interesting and unique panels when I can, course the schedule is a mess. My most popular panel is in one of the smallest rooms at not the best time, but there's an empty two hour block before one of my other panels... This is ridiculous.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 02/09/12(Thu)21:49 No.5476996

    The convention horror stories panel isn't going to happen.
    It took them so long to get back to me that I assumed I hadn't been approved. I ended up having some things come up and I'm not able to attend the convention, so I figured it wouldn't matter.

    And then just yesterday, I got an e-mail saying my panel had been approved. I told them I wasn't going, but it seems like they haven't listened...
    >> Teh-Vee !BUNNY.UIU. 02/09/12(Thu)21:51 No.5477009
    Saw a thread for /co/ cosplay meets on coscom... dunno how the crowd will be.
    Not to pop your bubble but:
    >Watching HSsecrets for your name
    >Caring what the tumblr community cares
    is not a valid way to see if people like you. Just sayin.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)21:53 No.5477021
    Oh yeah, I agree that people are terrified. I'm included, I'd like to do some advanced stuff like advanced wig altering (at least that's on the schedule this year). Yeah, I'm being a hypocrite saying I want to see more advanced stuff and not stepping up to do it. It takes a lot to do a panel, and for me I want to make sure I've got everything covered. While I have a little bit of experience, it's not a lot and in my book there are people a whole lot more experienced that would put me to shame.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)21:57 No.5477039
    Maybe you should find someone else to run if for you. Just email them the material.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 02/09/12(Thu)22:00 No.5477049

    I literally live across the country and the friends I was supposed to be going with are going to be busy with their own events. I was pretty stupid when thinking this through.
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/09/12(Thu)22:00 No.5477050
         File: 1328842841.jpg-(64 KB, 565x442, 113575-ehshell_2009_06_29_11_3(...).jpg)
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    >I'd love to see some more intermediate panels for construction of cosplay, but they seem few and far in between.

    Had a friend do a "America's next top cosplayer" panel. She brought weird left over cosplay stuff (extra fabric, hot glue, ext) were teams had to create a cosplay in 15 minutes, if they needed a sewing machine, they had to use a stapler. I wish someone would do a panel like that here on the east cost! Sounds like fun.

    I don't think many people are going to show up to my Tenchi panel, seeing how the new generation of con goers don't appreciate older series. That and its on Friday at noon, i think thats too early for a game show, lol.
    >> Iris 02/09/12(Thu)22:03 No.5477061
    There was something like that at the Sakura Matsuri festival in Brooklyn Botanical Gardens last year I think. They did a pretty good job. It was fun to watch,
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:04 No.5477066
    >"America's next top cosplayer"

    That's what I thought Project Cosplay would be... except it's "emergency fixes for shit going wrong."
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/09/12(Thu)22:11 No.5477101

    you konw id be willing to do a panel like that at katsu id they would let me but id need help
    >> Timm 02/09/12(Thu)22:15 No.5477119
    anybody cosplaying as one piece characters?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:16 No.5477128
    Exactly, I wouldn't want to do it alone. What I was thinking of doing was finding someone with the different skill set as me. I'm really good at altering, but not so much on standard styling or spiking (I just haven't done that yet).
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/09/12(Thu)22:22 No.5477167
         File: 1328844166.jpg-(61 KB, 640x480, tenchiova-06-0930.jpg)
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    how would the panel work? Would you have a few wigs to work on during the panel? Would you show Youtube videos of wig styling?

    How hard is it to just pack a hot glue gun, needles, thread, and hair spray(for glue). Im being serious. I dont know any cosplay (that make their own costume) that doesnt bring back up materials, and if the costume is damaged enough, then why not just take it off and try again next con?

    Send them another e-mail, and at the end, ask for a response. Hopefully they will post a sign where/when the panel is with a "Canceled" sign.
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/09/12(Thu)22:24 No.5477169
    What about your panel Washu? It seems like they scheduled it for Friday at 12 noon.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:24 No.5477175
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    Super excited for all of these, even though the latter two will probably suffer from non-recognition. Ah well.
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/09/12(Thu)22:24 No.5477176
    >and hair spray(for glue)
    >hair spray or glue (for a wig)*
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/09/12(Thu)22:29 No.5477204
         File: 1328844576.jpg-(43 KB, 324x490, 112132-ehshell_2009_06_27_17_0(...).jpg)
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    Like i said >>5477050
    I don't think many people will show, but I'm okay with this. My co-host and I have already started working on the questions. It sucks, because we are trying to make it easy, but not too easy. Not everyone read the manga and watched the series 100s of times. Im more so just trying to spread the lore of Tenchi, trying to make it sound more interesting to those who didn't finish the WHOLE series(all of them, lol). Tenchi has a good bit of lore and a huge ass family tree, the manga goes in to a lot of back story with most characters.
    >> PP+1 02/09/12(Thu)22:33 No.5477227
    Vagrant Story.
    you are a beast.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/09/12(Thu)22:36 No.5477237

    Bring it Washu, Im going to be front and center
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:40 No.5477253
         File: 1328845230.jpg-(128 KB, 588x850, hairbow1copy.jpg)
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    I actually am not sure how I would go about the "formula" of the panel. I wouldn't be much help in just have video's lined up saying, "Well, this is what I did..." and it not be me styling. I have no vids of me, I've got a ton of pictures of my progress. I would also like to demonstrate how to do a particular style. There's some difficulty with that, it's time.

    Time is really a big factor for the more intermediate cosplay stuff. I couldn't show how someone could make my hair bows (in pic) with in an hours time. It takes me 3+ hours to do, because of wait time for glue and other hic-ups that may occur.

    Sorry for being a bit vague with the answering Washu, this is stuff that I have been thinking about and not really delved into. It's something I'm considering, but I'm not sure how I'd go about teaching it.

    Also, I should say I'm not really good (pardon that, it came off to me as arrogant rereading it), I'm really lucky in the designs I've chosen. So far things have been working out for me. I want to share what I've learned, but how to go about it is still a bit difficult to figure out.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:42 No.5477264

    Just doing our best to ~keep the dream alive~

    It was rather last minute, so it'll only be Neesa and a Lady Samantha. We also have a Sydney, Hardin, and Callo, but they couldn't make it to Katsu this year...
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/09/12(Thu)22:47 No.5477287
         File: 1328845620.jpg-(24 KB, 225x197, 344617.jpg)
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    > have no vids of me
    i have an idea, sorry if it sucks. Why not buy cheap ass wefts from a store and use them to make videos? I mean, couldnt hurt right?

    I'll be waiting.

    My co-host almost wasnt my co-host because he wanted to compete, but i need help coming up with reasonable questions and it wouldn't be fair.

    I think what im going to do is, ask people who are "competing" to sit upfront, and if they cant answer the question, ill turn to the rest of the audience. The prizes i have are kinda shitty, but its better than nothing! I plan on playing the theme song to Muyo on a loop while people enter the room.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/09/12(Thu)22:47 No.5477295

    photos and showing things off. Also large Q and A periods are need for that kinda of panel
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/09/12(Thu)22:49 No.5477302
    I'm pretty sure that was sarcasm.

    When is the panel scheduled? I'll host it for you.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)22:49 No.5477303
    Driving down from CT, should be fun.

    Cosplays will be Brief from PSG, Willard Wright from Umineko, and Battler from Umineko.
    >> PastelConfections !!ejua3rxYLfa 02/09/12(Thu)22:55 No.5477341

    I have no idea. I haven't checked.
    If you could run it, that would be super cool but I'd feel really bad putting that on your shoulders so last-second. I've e-mailed the panel head again and I'm awaiting their reply.
    If they don't say anything, though, I'll let you know.
    >> Perry the Platypus !!AOUMhxUWjan 02/09/12(Thu)23:53 No.5477524
    You could also get a copy of SW ep 2 with fake blood on it and just keep it in a black trash bag. Any idea when you plan to wear it?
    >> Bearpigman !C8POqz/jE2 02/10/12(Fri)02:30 No.5478063
    Trash bag is definitely a good idea! Maybe put a bit of fake blood around one of my arms too or something like that...hafta see what I can come up with. As for when I'll wear it probably mid-friday or late saturday? Sometime in the lull of other cosplay groups
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)06:03 No.5478661
    You're idea doesn't suck, honestly it's helpful being able to talk about it. All the planning that I've done has been all in my head and not getting others insight. My profession is a teacher, so I instantly look at how a lesson could have weak points, so I apologize if I was being critical of your suggestions. It's me trying to figure everything out. And just because I can teach doesn't mean I'm going to have a good panel. Teaching a classroom and getting up in front of an audience. I give props to those that can do panels.

    As for the cheap wefts, I'm actually saving as much fiber as I can from my current projects not only for possible later projects but in the possible event that I want to do a panel.

    Man, do you need large amount of Q and A for the audience in cases like this. I do think that having photos references and examples is going to be a big part of a panel like that, but I would like to try to do some examples. It's just a matter of choosing the quickest way and explaining how versatile the technique is.

    On a side note, anyone who is interested in wig making Katie Blair's book Wig Craft (I think is what it's called) is so worth the $50+ bucks. That has been so helpful. While she doesn't explain some of her more advanced techniques as clearly as I'd like you can at least get an idea of how she does it. She does explain her beginning techniques really well.
    >> fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/10/12(Fri)12:34 No.5479198

    With as many different ways there are to make things there would be a lot of questions
    >> Rue 02/10/12(Fri)12:38 No.5479212
    Haha, thanks guys! I've never made a prop like this before so I'm glad it came out okay.

    Don't hate me but it's for Homestuck~
    >> Timm 02/10/12(Fri)16:28 No.5480048
    How many people are going to do the Cosplay speed dating?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)16:30 No.5480052
    lol wut?
    >> Timm 02/10/12(Fri)16:31 No.5480063
    In the scheduel for katsucon they are having like an 1 1/2-2 hour cosplay speed dating session.
    >> Timm 02/10/12(Fri)16:42 No.5480111
    Specifically Saturday the 18th, its 03 live Nat'l Harbor 5, 11:15am-1pm
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)16:45 No.5480131

    Oh man, I don't even....

    I might have to swing by there just to see the damage...
    >> Timm 02/10/12(Fri)16:48 No.5480138
    What do you mean? im not quite following. I think its a good idea. Although it could easily produce stalkers for the duration of the convention.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)16:55 No.5480162
    Anyone here gonna be in the AA?
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/10/12(Fri)16:56 No.5480173
    No, but I will be visiting it.

    Oh yes, I do have a panel scheduled, but it's on the early morning of Sunday.
    >> Timm 02/10/12(Fri)16:59 No.5480186
    which panel?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)17:04 No.5480205
    I am. What fandoms are people looking for so I know what to make/bring?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)17:05 No.5480208
    I'll be there. I'm gonna be Fantomex from the Uncanny X-Force. It's gonna be awesome!!
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/10/12(Fri)17:25 No.5480263
    A panel about the chanverse and imageboards and textboards such as 2channel, Futaba channel, and other imageboards. The culture, history, and major traditions. It's also about Yotsuba Society in General.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)18:06 No.5480373
    This oughta be good. Are you gonna talk about raids or /i/ at all?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)18:07 No.5480376
    50 men...2 land whale females
    >> dildozer !CGAEkg3Y8o 02/10/12(Fri)18:11 No.5480391
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    how can me and poko ruin this?

    Song: 나쁘다 Ft. 진실 - Tablo
    Mood: tired -0-
    Smoke: Yes
    Drink: Yes
    Income: N/A
    Relationship Status: Singl n redy 2 mngl
    우리 만나지 못했더라면 나 어땠을까
    넌 내가 사는 이유 너 없인 안돼 i need you
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/10/12(Fri)18:32 No.5480450
    Raids? Maybe, maybe not. But You will have to find out. Here's the panel information:
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/10/12(Fri)19:10 No.5480544
    last weekend before the con

    aka grind time
    >> Anonymous 02/10/12(Fri)19:53 No.5480668
    Power Hours, Go.
    6 Days til day 0, What do you maggots have left to do?
    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 02/10/12(Fri)21:42 No.5481102
    So very glad I started packing today instead of waiting till after work Tuesday or Wednesday. Somehow I've managed to lose both my Seras gloves and my Poison choker. I'll have to remake both tomorrow, but not before I raid all of my costume storage containers. I had both at D*con, but I was so out of it the last day I wouldn't be
    surprised if I left them in the hotel room.

    Ahahaaa you guys have fun with that one. Go earn yourself some creepy weeaboo-girl stalkers, and the hatred of all the participating neckbeards.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/10/12(Fri)22:42 No.5481359

    ah D*C

    Good times
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)03:16 No.5482201
    >Have nothing to do at con most of the time due to no interesting panels and such
    >When there are interesting panels, they overlap with each other, and in one case, 4 start and end at the same time

    This isn't even factoring in the panels one would need to miss in order to get a good spot in line for autographs for the few guests I actually wanna get something signed. What. The. Fuck. I haven't seen scheduling this asinine since... Last Katsucon, actually.

    I know they say they want it so that you wanna be in two places at once at any given time but if they do that they better actually do that the whole con through dammit. Yeah yeah, I'm a crybaby, I know...
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)03:20 No.5482211
    Do you want the short list, or the long?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)03:53 No.5482261
    To be fair, seems like all but the first of the Pokemon panels are part of that Chibi Katsu thing and is more like general programming than actual panels.

    Also, I think I might go to either one of Linda Le or Yaya's panels to see if they're as bad as /cgl/ says. Not like I have much better to do for most of the con.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)10:25 No.5482915
    I'm anticipating Yaya's panel to be full of snickering seagulls.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)11:01 No.5482998
    when and where is the /cgl/ meetup? ^^;;
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)11:05 No.5483002
    Gazebo, Friday evening at 8. Probably also something on Saturday a bit later.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/11/12(Sat)11:05 No.5483003

    now that everything has drop there will be 2 /cgl/ meetups

    friday at 10pm and saturday at 10pm
    >> Iris 02/11/12(Sat)11:10 No.5483011
    Ugh. One of the meetups changed again

    Now it's back to only two meetups that was suppose to be those in the first place. 10pm Friday and Saturday. Meet at the Gazebo
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)11:11 No.5483014
    Woops, looks like I missed the update.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)12:13 No.5483118
    Five days to get your shit together, how fuck are you?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)12:16 No.5483127
    Also, four days if you plan on arriving on Day 0.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)12:17 No.5483129
    From what I'm aware of, there's going to be some Homestuck meet at the Gazebo Saturday night.
    >> Slutwaffle 02/11/12(Sat)12:19 No.5483130
    Technically three for me since I fly out Wednesday. I'm making progress but I still have to pack and finish three costumes.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)12:26 No.5483139
    It's at midnight.
    >> The Cosplay Cop 02/11/12(Sat)13:16 No.5483253
    I'm surprised there's no Touhou panel at this years Katsucon.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)13:35 No.5483317
    There's one Sunday morning.
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)14:08 No.5483411
    if you want to see the Cosplay International someone posted it on YouTube, not the greatest of panels. :(
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)14:12 No.5483419
    My cosplay buddy ditched on me (well, for that cosplay - she ran out if budget and time, which is her own damn fault), which means all of my motivation to finish that particular cosplay is gone. All of it. She's trying to convince me we'll do it for Ota, but no way her attention span is holding out that long.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/11/12(Sat)22:01 No.5484804
    So it looks like Ill be doing Prop construction panel now
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/11/12(Sat)22:11 No.5484830
    I'm already done with my costume. Now I need to get find a room or a place to stay that has any room?
    >> Anonymous 02/11/12(Sat)22:36 No.5484910
    A park bench would be just fine for you.
    >> Slutwaffle 02/11/12(Sat)23:16 No.5485000
    I have space in my room. It's at the Marriott.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/12(Sun)02:24 No.5485473
    How long have you been going to cons now? And you left rooming to the last minute like this? You should know that's a thing to take care of a couple months in advance.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/12(Sun)02:30 No.5485483
    Your best bet is parachuting through Otakubooty or something.

    Not making plans is a thing you can do, I have plenty of friends who do, but it's a whole nother experience.

    It usually involves acid.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/12(Sun)10:28 No.5486027
    So um where's the party at?
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/12/12(Sun)10:34 No.5486039

    the skybar friday night
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/12/12(Sun)13:45 No.5486402
    It's a long story. I usually plan the crap months in advance. But don't have a stable source of income so crap like this happen.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/12(Sun)18:22 No.5487141
         File: 1329088957.jpg-(113 KB, 1223x499, Untitled.jpg)
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    Friday and Sunday are pretty much set in stone. I might change things around Saturday based on how I feel.
    >> Oak !wu2xqZVwic 02/12/12(Sun)18:46 No.5487228
    Is anyone going to the formal ball? I need a date.
    >> Anonymous 02/12/12(Sun)18:49 No.5487235
         File: 1329090579.jpg-(24 KB, 300x694, 1066335-prof_oak_large.jpg)
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    soo... are you a boy or a gurl?
    >> Oak !wu2xqZVwic 02/12/12(Sun)18:50 No.5487241
    A man.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)12:11 No.5490384
    If you still need a room, I have a space.
    >> dildoez, But a simple heir to a hair empire !Vk7zWNPk2A 02/13/12(Mon)12:27 No.5490414
         File: 1329154077.png-(1.57 MB, 1600x1600, would you go.png)
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    i need i date 2

    10 grand on my wrist bust down
    blinded when you look cause i got 2 grand on my pinky now
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)12:38 No.5490439
    are you aware that all your cosplays suck? And that you can't distribute stickers at this convention?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)12:40 No.5490444
    >implying that there is only one dedicated hater

    I hate to break it to you, but half of your friends hate you too.
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/13/12(Mon)14:04 No.5490657
    If it's at the Gaylord, that's good. Otherwise I actually do have a backup plan.

    Contact me at my email.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)14:25 No.5490702
    Yup, Gaylord room and plenty of space.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)14:26 No.5490704
         File: 1329161200.jpg-(93 KB, 776x373, katsucon plans.jpg)
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    SOOOO not even close to being ready, but these are my plans for Fri/Sat/Sun.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)14:28 No.5490711
         File: 1329161332.gif-(387 KB, 500x250, tumblr_lvk4izKCCT1qbiop5o1_500.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)14:32 No.5490728
    You can sleep in your car creeper
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/13/12(Mon)14:59 No.5490839
    Email me at with the details. I will email you with the final decision.

    I don't have a car. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)15:12 No.5490899
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/13/12(Mon)15:16 No.5490910
    Just in case that did not go through try
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)16:55 No.5491293
    loading the spam bomb
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/13/12(Mon)16:57 No.5491309
    been here for years and no one has ever done that. Don't make threats you won't follow up~
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/13/12(Mon)16:57 No.5491311
         File: 1329170263.jpg-(41 KB, 444x480, prettysammyoav3-1330.jpg)
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    Okay, its been a while since i hosted a panel at Katsu. What room do we go to for our badges?
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)17:09 No.5491385
    Friday- Spades Slick
    Saturday- Spades Slick Again
    Sunday- If i can somehow get a hold of a gas mask by sunday, i hope to finish the Mr. Foster (Killing Floor) costume that i am
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)17:45 No.5491571
    When I went two years ago, it was one of the convention halls downstairs.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/13/12(Mon)17:55 No.5491626

    oh crap thats right i get a badge for doing that panel now
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/13/12(Mon)18:00 No.5491651
         File: 1329174019.jpg-(42 KB, 347x442, 113560-ehshell_2009_06_29_11_3(...).jpg)
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    any idea which room number?

    yeah, when i did my first panel, i didnt know i got a special badge, so i waited in line for 30 minutes, then they sent me to the room where panelists get their own badges
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/13/12(Mon)18:07 No.5491691

    yeah I leaned that in November, Speaking of that i need to get stuff ready for that.
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/13/12(Mon)18:11 No.5491715
         File: 1329174702.jpg-(185 KB, 583x967, tmmanga7.jpg)
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    my co-host and i have been brain storming over texting. We won't decide on the official questions until Thursday night.
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)18:44 No.5491918
    This marks my very first convention and I'm pretty darn excited. Hard to believe I made it to 26 and never attended one of these things...

    Anyway, I went ahead and made myself a Team Rocket Grunt costume. Nothing too complicated. It was my first one, after all. Although, this cosplay comes complete with a pretty hardcore team of Team Rocket style pokemon on my DS. You nerds had better be ready to battle!
    >> Anonymous 02/13/12(Mon)19:34 No.5492098

    All this talk of a tenchi panel makes me very tempted to pull out my Tenchi Masaki cosplay for early Friday maybe ...

    Other than that my plan for katsu
    Fri = go with the flow
    Sat = go with the flow
    Sun = go with the flow

    As for cosplays different versions of Grell and maybe Tenchi
    >> Anon 02/14/12(Tue)12:43 No.5495263
    Anybody going as characters from One Piece?
    I'm going at Trafalgar Law.
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/14/12(Tue)12:55 No.5495306
         File: 1329242150.jpg-(13 KB, 206x220, ljgl.jpg)
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    His easiest outfit. Try to pick up a single hair extension, for his Alabama rat tail he has going on.

    >Tenchi Muyo
    >Space Alabama
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)14:25 No.5495533
    Once again, you have no influence on the east coast nigger. go tryhard back home.
    >> Melvin 02/14/12(Tue)15:35 No.5495765
         File: 1329251728.jpg-(224 KB, 1200x600, katsu costumes.jpg)
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    Posted this in the last thread but I'll post it again.

    Currently fighting with the sleeves on my Umineko costume. Just have to get that done and finish my boyfriend's Shinji coat.

    Yup! We have a little Alabasta group on Friday--Vivi, Nami, and Croc. I know a friend of mine is doing Captain Hina with her dad as Garp on Saturday.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/14/12(Tue)17:50 No.5496249

    I run the east coast bitch

    Dont make threats you cant back up
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:12 No.5496645
    >run the east coast
    youre nobody. who the fuck are you? you run a prop panel? what props did you make?
    >> Masa D. Luffy !F9AXKingDI 02/14/12(Tue)20:25 No.5496682

    >implying anyone gives a shit about the least influential coast
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/14/12(Tue)20:26 No.5496685
         File: 1329269200.jpg-(64 KB, 309x387, tenchiova-15-04454.jpg)
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    >No drama this time faggots

    SO, what all do you guys have left to do on your costume(s)/for your panel(s)
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/14/12(Tue)20:39 No.5496729
    To you, he's nobody. But he is a photographer and a prop maker.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)20:41 No.5496735
    Gotta put the trim on two outfits, style two wigs, and figure out how to pack. And then if I have time left I'm just going to make small props for friends.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/14/12(Tue)20:47 No.5496762

    seems like you do know me, too bad no one give a fuck who you are.


    finishing up an ax for a photoshoot on Friday
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:25 No.5496910
    Implying that you actually know what you are talking about, instead you just totally missed the subject.

    Masa, the passive aggressive reject that hates passive aggressive people. The irony is killing me.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:28 No.5496922
    So um, how do /cgl/ meets work?
    Do people actually show up in cosplay or do we just meet up casual?
    Not really sure what to expect, but am excited to meet other seagulls.
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)21:30 No.5496929
    You come as you are, costume or casual, and you hang out. Sometimes eating and drinking are involved.
    >> 50s Housewife 02/14/12(Tue)21:39 No.5496955
    >remaking Katherine shirt after an incident with a cat
    >only half done since FUCKING STRIPES HOW DO THEY WORK
    >Debating throwing together a Kiki costume for lulz since I'll be making a few deliveries during con
    >Plan on being as drunk as physically possible the whole weekend
    >Fuck yeah, pokeball cupcakes for the meetup
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/14/12(Tue)22:10 No.5497073
    Oh lord. I'mma have to play babysitter aren't I?
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:15 No.5497096
    That would be the gulf coast.

    Even the north coast matters more than them.
    >> 50s Housewife 02/14/12(Tue)22:15 No.5497098
    Nah, Cole and I will babysit each other. Or I'll go into super mom mode and start calling everyone sweetheart while trying to force baked goods through their food holes. Just make sure that I don't fall asleep half-naked and still wearing my wig.
    >> Fang !!rFoWXKYr2uG 02/14/12(Tue)22:15 No.5497100

    getting crunk with a studio ghibli character

    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/14/12(Tue)22:16 No.5497107
    >> Anonymous 02/14/12(Tue)22:19 No.5497113
    Like I said on the Facebook wall, my room might just be the party place Saturday night. I can babbysat you drunkards.
    >> 50s Housewife 02/14/12(Tue)22:22 No.5497119
         File: 1329276169.png-(824 KB, 1280x720, ore no HERP DERP.png)
    824 KB
    Anon-tan, you're the best.~
    >> Killy !481s0TjeBA 02/14/12(Tue)22:27 No.5497138
    You're welcome.
    and now I don a trip for lulz
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)12:11 No.5498842
    Two days. Are your bodies ready?
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/15/12(Wed)12:15 No.5498851
    I'm ready. I'm so fucking ready I can barely stand it. I LEAVE TOMORROW MORN!~
    >> Korea Bro 02/15/12(Wed)12:25 No.5498863
         File: 1329326752.png-(85 KB, 500x900, lord_monochromicorn_cv_by_neon(...).png)
    85 KB
    Saturday costume day all day crazy Korean day. This is what I'm going as by the way...with some modifications due to....personal stupidity
    >> Perry the Platypus !!AOUMhxUWjan 02/15/12(Wed)12:33 No.5498872
         File: 1329327210.png-(79 KB, 307x280, 1318481097909.png)
    79 KB
    FFFFFFF I still can't find the other boot to my costume! I don't want to have to go out and get another pair!
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)12:34 No.5498875
    What about underage fags? 20 heree
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/15/12(Wed)12:37 No.5498879
    You come to hang out. Drinking is for others. And I'm 22 and don't drink so you won't be alone
    >> Korea Bro 02/15/12(Wed)12:37 No.5498881
    It doesn't matter. This is Katsucon. You WILL drink unless you're allergic to alcohol or something
    >> Ivy !EihVUOzAKE 02/15/12(Wed)12:42 No.5498892
    Sup fellow 20 fag. I obviously will be sober too.
    >> Timm 02/15/12(Wed)15:38 No.5499320
    What pannels are you guys looking forward to the most?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)15:47 No.5499353
    omgosh, guys
    I, I think I'm
    I might be getting s-
    no, i can't say it, don't wanna jinx it.
    brb gonna go drink a gallon of water. or two.
    >> Killy !481s0TjeBA 02/15/12(Wed)17:07 No.5499548
    I'm 20 and fully plan on drinking once we hit up someone's room. Buddy of mine might be paying his room fee for me in beer
    >> Ukraine !!Gl2boRyrnRH 02/15/12(Wed)17:19 No.5499584
    Pretty much packed for the con. Can't wait to gooo. I leave tomorrow around 3-4ish.
    >> Oak !wu2xqZVwic 02/15/12(Wed)17:34 No.5499634
         File: 1329345251.jpg-(67 KB, 307x419, Get off the internet.jpg)
    67 KB
    I need to start packing and stop refreshing /cgl/...
    >> Killy !481s0TjeBA 02/15/12(Wed)19:09 No.5500042
    Getting my shitty cosplay finished and other plans finalized for Friday.
    I hope you like fucking Yuengling.
    >> Oak !wu2xqZVwic 02/15/12(Wed)19:11 No.5500058
         File: 1329351099.jpg-(372 KB, 720x720, Which one.jpg)
    372 KB
    Which shirt/tie combo should I wear to the ball?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 02/15/12(Wed)19:12 No.5500063
    9 or 10.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)19:16 No.5500077
    Grey and red or white and black or grey and black, don't wear that silly costume shit, no black shirt, no bowtie.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)19:30 No.5500121

    you sir are thinking way to much about this
    >> Timm 02/15/12(Wed)19:36 No.5500149
         File: 1329352613.jpg-(478 KB, 1225x910, Trafalgar Law.jpg)
    478 KB
    Anyone here dressing up as characters from One Piece?
    Im going as Trafalgar Law
    >> Oak !wu2xqZVwic 02/15/12(Wed)19:38 No.5500153
    While I respect your opinion I must disagree, the right look is essential for any event.
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/15/12(Wed)19:44 No.5500175
         File: 1329353054.jpg-(47 KB, 368x330, 113600-ehshell_2009_06_29_11_4(...).jpg)
    47 KB
    i start packing tomorrow, i still have so much crap to finish. Lucky me, my shit is all done
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)19:51 No.5500191
         File: 1329353463.png-(332 KB, 1071x354, Katsucon 2012.png)
    332 KB
    I decided most of this right now.
    Last minute yessssss.
    And now back to packing.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)19:55 No.5500207
         File: 1329353743.gif-(794 KB, 275x175, o88h21.jpg.gif)
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    I approve of this list.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)20:01 No.5500219
    Be sure not to act like bitches seagulls, I haven't been to a convention in 2 years and I want to enjoy my weekend. I don't want some jerk who doesn't respond to a hello.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)20:04 No.5500228
    I'll be sure to take lots of pictures so wear a big smile for me seagulls. Not sure where I'll be eating though, lots of good options, I don't want to just end up eating at potbelly sandwich place everyday
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)20:06 No.5500238
    Food options in the area have increased a lot since the first year there. Elevator Burger and that Baja Burrito place are really good and cheap.
    >> Killy !481s0TjeBA 02/15/12(Wed)20:12 No.5500269
    Fuckyeah Elevation Burger is the tits
    >> Timm 02/15/12(Wed)20:15 No.5500284

    Don't take food out of the minnie fridge. There is a sensor in there that AUTOMATICALLY charges to your credit card each time you take something out.
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/15/12(Wed)20:23 No.5500323
    which hotel
    >> Timm 02/15/12(Wed)20:26 No.5500336
    The GayLord. The one where the conventions being held.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)20:28 No.5500345
    haha I didn't know you posted on 4chan

    with love, your Johnny Joestar (who is free on sunday)
    >> Iris 02/15/12(Wed)20:29 No.5500349
         File: 1329355776.gif-(332 KB, 500x273, 1297465114468.gif)
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    Psst hey guys!

    My friend is there right now. He went in a day early to chillax. It's confirmed. There is a Subway near the hotel. And it's $5 this month

    5 bucks on them running out on Chicken Teriyaki by Friday
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/15/12(Wed)20:31 No.5500360
         File: 1329355915.jpg-(41 KB, 634x474, prettysammyoav1-1232.jpg)
    41 KB
    wtf, how am i suppose to stock the fridge with my food
    >> Killy !481s0TjeBA 02/15/12(Wed)20:32 No.5500364
    The Gaylord is so fucking Jewish about every possible thing. Five hundred fucking dollars. I'n never reserving a room there again after this year. Marriot's got my money next Katsu.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)20:32 No.5500365
    that's pretty gay
    >> Timm 02/15/12(Wed)20:36 No.5500389
    The 2 things i can think of is (1) Take the hit and get charged high prices for the food/drink in the mini fridge. Or (2) Take the things out of the mini fridge display them on the table or somewhere very noticable and then stock the fridge with all your goodies, so when you check out and the hotel says you owe extra for the mini fridge you dont really because you never used any of it. P.S dont take anything out that can be spoiled because you will have to replace it anyway. I personally going with #2
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 02/15/12(Wed)20:38 No.5500402
    ...The Gaylord has actual refrigerators for putting whatever you want in, not vending fridges.

    Again, map for best value food/etc resources:
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)20:39 No.5500410
    You can usually ask for the minifridge to be emptied at the front desk.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)20:40 No.5500418

    Our room at Magfest last month had a fridge, but it was empty, no snackbar stuff or anyhting. I wonder if they've done this to every room or not though.
    >> Iris 02/15/12(Wed)20:46 No.5500446

    Yeah my room the past few years never had anything in it. I guess it depends on certain rooms. They might have already emptied the ffridges in our Katsucon room block or have been told to by staff? IDK
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/15/12(Wed)20:48 No.5500455
    It should normally be empty or there should be a sign in the room somewhere.

    Either way I'll probably make note to ask at the front desk and have them removed if there's anything already in the fridges.

    Also DECADE! Get ready for Ultimate Marvel son. I'm coming for you
    >> Timm 02/15/12(Wed)20:56 No.5500488
    There is one event thats 21+ its staff uncensored. idk if you guys would be interested in going. im guessing drinks will be served.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)21:39 No.5500689
    Don't get a normal room. Get a suite. Comfortably fits 10-15 people, only costs 60-80 a person when you do so. Especially great because you can designate the bedroom a quiet sleeping room and the living room an active social room.

    Last time they did that, it was just OBX being dick bags and waving bottles of tequilla around while they drank, made shitty jokes, and didn't take any questions for the guests to answer.

    They even advertized that a bar and drink orders for the panel.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)21:57 No.5500776
    .....10-15 people in a suite?
    Gtfo right now. I wouldn't be surprised if you're a homefag too.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)22:08 No.5500810
    I didn't know that there was a fridge, but my husband and I got a wheeled cooler because hell if I'm going to be paying for a $6 buck hotdog again.

    How's everyone's progress? I finally finished mine 15 mins ago, at least the sewing. I still have to trim my bangs on my wig but other than that all I gotta do is pack. I'm so exhausted, time for bed and a full day of work tomorrow.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/15/12(Wed)22:15 No.5500841
    :| what crawled up your ass and died?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)22:16 No.5500843
    Man, fuck off. Some people like going with large groups, and 1000 square feet is plenty of room.
    >> Ukraine !!Gl2boRyrnRH 02/15/12(Wed)23:08 No.5501114
    Ohman packing is like...a big process for me, so I need this time right before hand to get it done. But good luck with your packing!

    YES. I saw the ad for that and was so stoked.
    >> Vicious !!PA9+bSFpT8S 02/16/12(Thu)00:22 No.5501365
    Finishing up some last minute cosplay crap for myself and the boyfriend. Tomorrow after I get off work I'm going to be rushing around trying to get everything washed, packed, and ready to go.~
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/16/12(Thu)00:37 No.5501408
    So I finished downloading Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion just in time for Katsucon. BUENO~
    >> Oshi !pkMVShM4AY 02/16/12(Thu)02:32 No.5501769
    Oh boy, a fucking all-nighter before the con, just what I wanted.
    Still have to finish ███████ ██ ██████████ ██████ for WCS, then █████ ███ ███████ ██ tomorrow before we head down. At least ██ ██████ ███████ is completely done minus a little handsewing.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)06:37 No.5502301
    Weather forecast for the con is in the 50F area.

    What do you guys do about coats and stuff? Last year I wasn't sure where I'd keep a coat so I honestly just wore my costume with nothing over it and that was pretty silly of me. But I'm still not staying at the Gaylord and I would rather not have to carry my coat around.
    >> Killy !481s0TjeBA 02/16/12(Thu)06:56 No.5502329
    50f ain't no thang
    I can wear just about anything comfortably at 50 so unless it's a bikini you should be fine. DC weather this year has been taking it easy.
    >> Decade !!GCDrKbHwher 02/16/12(Thu)07:19 No.5502348
    Looks like im finishing painting and adding lats minutes parts to the undersuit and making gloves. other than that..... DONE!!!


    >> Decade !!GCDrKbHwher 02/16/12(Thu)07:25 No.5502353
         File: 1329395100.png-(908 KB, 2300x1972, 1316934431717.png)
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    >> Lilitu !!xrorRTcEU5x 02/16/12(Thu)07:59 No.5502392
    Just walk quickly, you'll be OK. At least that's what I would do if it's 50. I find that to be rather comfortable in winder.
    >> Washu !R7sqSH2wmU 02/16/12(Thu)08:52 No.5502413
         File: 1329400364.jpg-(112 KB, 605x517, Ryoohki-Buggy.jpg)
    112 KB
    TODAY IS DAY ZERO! See everyone tomorrow!!!
    >> Decade !!GCDrKbHwher 02/16/12(Thu)08:59 No.5502420
         File: 1329400750.jpg-(148 KB, 1280x720, 1315204476391.jpg)
    148 KB
    I know we have a set meet up, but I would really enjoy us hanging in the lobby like last year telling Nigga stories.
    so I should be there by 8 so 9 PM lobby by the chairs. I will have a very interesting belt on.

    see all of you very soon :D
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)09:31 No.5502441
         File: 1329402684.jpg-(139 KB, 1182x676, panty_vs_scanty_by_scorpionpho(...).jpg)
    139 KB
    My friend and I are doing this. I'm pretty bad with sewing and what not, but I feel like it looks pretty decent on my end. But I will say now, my gun is shit because I am horrible with prop making. Regardless, I'm excited for the con, gonna ignore all of the hateful things I know you guys could say and wear it with confidence. I can't wait for friday!
    >> Anonymous 02/16/12(Thu)11:24 No.5502599
    Good attitude to have. Hope you have a great time!
    >> Ivy !EihVUOzAKE 02/16/12(Thu)11:26 No.5502603
    Is there anything going on tonight? Plane comes in at 9 and I would love to meet people and hang out.
    >> Jkid !L8qRJlW3g2 02/16/12(Thu)12:01 No.5502663
    Going to Katsu late into the evening. Need to do some last minute prep. See you guys there!
    >> Shibby !dl6DGuRJOM 02/16/12(Thu)12:19 No.5502710
    Should be there at like 10ish I think. Boyfriend is taking FOREVER getting last minute errands finished. We were supposed to be taking my car but since he can't drive stick and won't shut up about feeling guilty about me driving the entire way, we're taking his car instead of mine (sorry, Dilds, not taking the Mini after all).

    Still a bit nervous about the boyfriend enjoying the con as a quiet semi-normalfag. Some of his fobby Korean friends from Maryland might drop by the con on Saturday. Ohlawd. This has the potential to be interesting.
    >> Ukraine !!Gl2boRyrnRH 02/16/12(Thu)13:59 No.5502901
    Everyone travel safe! I'm waiting for my ride right now. Can't wait to see everyone there! <3
    >> C̹̰̯̖ͅo̫͓̪͚f̝̝̦f̲͇̳̤e̳̠̼͎e̦̱ !DOPE2/u/.. 02/16/12(Thu)14:26 No.5502951
         File: 1329420409.jpg-(130 KB, 640x453, 1325826972664.jpg)
    130 KB


    >> Edge !!r1vMuatgz/w 02/16/12(Thu)14:35 No.5502960
    Shut up.
    >> Coffee's dad. 02/16/12(Thu)14:39 No.5502972
    >Lets clubbing
    >Not " Rets crubbin' bro "
    Y u not speak with rrrr's son? We raised you with rrrs.
    >> C̹̰̯̖ͅo̫͓̪͚f̝̝̦f̲͇̳̤e̳̠̼͎e̦̱ !DOPE2/u/.. 02/16/12(Thu)14:44 No.5502980
         File: 1329421475.jpg-(8 KB, 150x175, 00002ywz.jpg)
    8 KB
    well i know who's not coming to the pahty
    im sorrrrrrrrry farther

    i dishonor :( didnt i
    >> Coffee's dad. 02/16/12(Thu)14:53 No.5503014
    We need a tark when you get home again young man, this be some serious business buddy.

    Arso your mom said to bring home some fish.
    >> Mistry 02/16/12(Thu)15:02 No.5503043
    Holy god damn this is a classy hotel.

    I'm overwhelmed by how amazing this place is.
    >> C̹̰̯̖ͅo̫͓̪͚f̝̝̦f̲͇̳̤e̳̠̼͎e̦̱ !DOPE2/u/.. 02/16/12(Thu)15:11 No.5503060
         File: 1329423065.png-(58 KB, 300x300, 1217637664102.png)
    58 KB
    okay ayu......

    do u rant da salmon or da tirapira?
    >> Coffee's dad. 02/16/12(Thu)15:14 No.5503069
    No son.
    We want da yerrofin tuna, u knew about that!

    U dishonor famiry!
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 02/16/12(Thu)15:34 No.5503108
    Our dad's are p similar.
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 02/16/12(Thu)15:43 No.5503131
         File: 1329425002.png-(60 KB, 349x282, 8933641_m.png)
    60 KB
    When my Dad wants to contradict me, he says "YOU KNOW, WHEN I LIVED IN JAPAN..." and then something ridiculous he just made up.

    he's never been to Japan.
    >> RedDickies !!BvBZJIM+I1V 02/16/12(Thu)15:50 No.5503149
    I don't think you have parents. I think you're a pokemon. You're probably from the Moon.
    >> Maguma !ftEuMagUmA 02/16/12(Thu)15:54 No.5503156
    I WILL SEE YOU SOON! Just got on a shuttle and headin to the hotel. ITS GONNA BE MAAAHVEL BABY~
    >> piplup !pipLUpapew 02/16/12(Thu)15:57 No.5503165
         File: 1329425827.png-(91 KB, 450x600, hmff.png)
    91 KB
    My Dad's an Empoleon and my Mom's a Ditto. Haven't you heard of Pokemon breeding?
    >> Killy !481s0TjeBA 02/16/12(Thu)16:35 No.5503289
    I may bitch endless amounts about their prices, but the facilities are amazing. Absolutely amazing. It's the best convention center layout I can think of, for the most part.

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