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  • File : 1328508143.jpg-(1.1 MB, 1840x3264, 2012-02-03_18-23-34_192.jpg)
    1.1 MB Kami-Con Thread Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:02 No.5460751  
    Alright where is the Kami-Con cosplay thread?
    Picture stolen from my friends FB now I want to see more form kami-Con!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:16 No.5460819
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    Starting off with fat Tomb Raider.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:17 No.5460830
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:18 No.5460834
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:20 No.5460844
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:22 No.5460850
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:23 No.5460854
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:23 No.5460857
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:24 No.5460864
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    >> Enemy of Justice !!+FAsUxDSKw1 02/06/12(Mon)01:25 No.5460867
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:25 No.5460873
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    Last one.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:28 No.5460892
    I did Lawerance on Day 1 and I could not find a Holo.
    That must have been today.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:30 No.5460902
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:33 No.5460912

    Yeah, Conventures(?) at 1.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:36 No.5460927
    I was the guy who fell in the Karaoke right after it.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:43 No.5460958

    I had to leave for home right after snapping Horo. Was fun though.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:11 No.5461088
    And believe it or not, that Alois Trancy back there was /actually/ a guy!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:30 No.5461181

    Can you?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:36 No.5461209
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:37 No.5461213
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:38 No.5461219
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:39 No.5461227
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:41 No.5461234
    Not really a fan of Kingdom Hearts, but damn son! That's really good.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:42 No.5461237
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:44 No.5461242
    I know right
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:57 No.5461297
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    >> /p/hag 02/06/12(Mon)03:01 No.5461311

    those fucking masks, man.

    buying one was the greatest investment of my life.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)03:04 No.5461326
    Were you there at the con? I was the guy wearing it and the blue jacket walking around on Saturday.

    I also walked down the hall yelling "I don't understand Homestuck" for a brief moment.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)07:06 No.5461700
    >> Pharmy !!Mm5RqddoGp3 02/06/12(Mon)08:08 No.5461759
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    >that wig
    All of my why.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)08:10 No.5461763
    I... HATE... THAT. (you look great by the way)
    I was Catherine at Ohayocon (with a vincent and Katherine at different times during the con), and found like, 3 pictures of me. I found 10 pictures (at least) of a 'Katherine' cosplayer which was a girl in a wig wearing all black, with a 'vincent' which granted had good horns but just bought the extended love-is-over.

    sage for irrelevant post.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)08:12 No.5461766
    The fact that you felt compelled to make this is reason alone not to take your picture.

    You're probably an enormous cunt.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)08:27 No.5461784
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    I'm sorry if i offended anyone.
    I was just butthurt and jelly.
    I really was just hurt because i worked so hard on mine.
    I bet we'd be friends.
    Again ,sorry.
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/06/12(Mon)08:33 No.5461794
    >I really was just hurt because i worked so hard on mine.
    Maybe she worked hard on hers too? (but of course I agree that yours is much better)
    Is she well known or something? maybe people took pictures just to ridicule her later on internet.
    I'm sure that next time will be better!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)16:49 No.5463087
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    That is a little mean.
    My friend just uploaded all of his pictures, so I will be reporting them here.
    Man i wish I took a camera.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)16:54 No.5463113
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:08 No.5463175
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    Shameless self-post
    I was Hughes
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:09 No.5463183
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    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:35 No.5463296
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    Anyone else kind of disappointed that the cosplay contest was more a beauty/popularity contest than about craftsmanship? No best in show or best technical awards, pre-judging was a load of crap and horribly disorganized. I mean, over half the winners bought at least a large portion of their costume if not the entire thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)17:51 No.5463357
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:18 No.5463449
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    You don't understand how sad this has made me the whole day.
    I regret that picture so much.
    When i got in the car to drive my mom to work she said i've been acting mean lately.
    Oh my god. I'm such a fucking bitch. What's wrong with me.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:20 No.5463455
    I was in line for Freeman's auto when you were getting your picture taken like, a million times.
    Poor Roy... But he was awesome too! Did you guys have a good weekend?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:24 No.5463468
    Tell me somebody saved this picture everyone is taking about. Or at least tell me what it was off.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:32 No.5463493
    From the context I'm guessing she was comparing herself to some other girl in the same costume who got more photos than she did.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:40 No.5463516
    Yeah! It was actually Roy's first Con, but my 10th. First award though!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:43 No.5463525
    she was comparing her ~*kawaii desu*~ cosplay to some unfortunately homely looking girl's cosplay and was all "BAWW HOW COME THEY TAKE PICTURES OF HER AND NOT ME I'M PRETTIER"

    Given, her cosplay WAS better, but the fact that everyone took pics of the other girl coupled with her NEED to put herself on a pedestal and complain leads me to believe nobody wanted to take her picture because she was acting like a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:45 No.5463534
    What was the cosplay of please?
    A girl was kinda a bitch to mo see if me and I would like this was the same chick.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:45 No.5463535
    Mordecai and Rigby <3
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:48 No.5463543

    What was the cosplay of please?
    A girl was kind of a bitch to me and I would like this was the same chick.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:49 No.5463545
         File1328572158.jpg-(21 KB, 300x485, 133989-taiga2_super.jpg)
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    Taiga from ToraDora
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:53 No.5463564
    Please. I'm deeply sorry for what i've done and if i could talk to her face to face right now I would apologize sincerely.
    I admit I was really jealous and a bitch.
    I really don't want this to be blow out of proportion.
    I wasn't mean to anyone at the convention. I actually tried to get a picture with her.
    I'm shallow and i don't deserve this fuss.
    Honestly I usually never troll or bitch. I'm REALLY sorry.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:57 No.5463578
    Why the hell are you apologizing to me? As long as that girl didn't see it no harm no foul.

    But seriously. Cut that shit out.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:00 No.5463587
    >Blown out of proportion
    Nobody's done that. They just pointed out what a cunt you were being.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:01 No.5463590
    Missed it this year. What was the plotline of the opening/closing ceremonies?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:05 No.5463608
    holy fucking shit i am in love.
    >> Anonyomous 02/06/12(Mon)19:09 No.5463622
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:25 No.5463696
    I know right? To fucking cute~
    I heard they are actually girlfriends. What a cute couple!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:27 No.5463699
    So about posting pictures?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)19:52 No.5463798
    Did anybody see any cute girls?

    The Rainbow Dash who ran the bento panel was pretty cute but seemed to have a slight case of GOTIS.
    The Gumi and Luka by the stairs where angels~

    How about you guys?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)20:15 No.5463902
    Not sexy or anything, but the little Girl!Sollux at the HS meetup was a little princess! To cute~

    Lots of pretty girls at the HS meetup.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)20:24 No.5463950
    anyone got an image of the Haruhi from Sunday?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)20:34 No.5463972
    you mean the girl super shiny, awesome wig?
    She was like 5'8?
    If so then no, I did not get her pic. She looked busy everytime I saw her and didn't want to be that "Mid Bite Of Food" photographer.

    She was awesome though.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)21:02 No.5464047
    Who won the contest? Were these the finalists or winners? I only saw part.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)21:15 No.5464092
         File1328580916.jpg-(37 KB, 746x432, 406980_361729483838863_1000000(...).jpg)
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    I know. I was the infected during the cosplay contest and that "Halloween Town" Roxas seriously pissed me off. I spent so much time on my makeup and the OC behind me spent weeks on her whole costume. The Roxas girl made god damned claws out of paper and sharpied blood on it.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)21:19 No.5464106
    Those were the winners.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)21:31 No.5464142
    That is pitiful. Also I think one of those people on there is on staff.. isn't that against the rules?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)21:51 No.5464207
    Two of those are on staff I think, but they might have just been up there to present the awards?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)21:58 No.5464234
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    The Asuka and Pink haired chick were the judges & that's why they're on stage, but both the Sora (forgot what he won) and FMA people (admittedly won character portrayal so it's ok I guess) just flat out bought theirs with no modification. Roxas looks thrifted & altered....I don't know, I was just really disappointed in how it was run more so than the actual results.
    >> Rami !Bk34qVO4Z. 02/06/12(Mon)21:58 No.5464235
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    My friend was Misato from Evangelion. Anyone got pictures?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)22:02 No.5464260
    I worked Kamicon last year. You got to understand that while a small group of the staff are great(particularly Ray and his buddies) most of them are idiot weeaboos and creepy forever alones with no clue how to run this shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)22:09 No.5464288
    Yeah, they judges seemed really incompetent & weeaboo. It seemed like a lot of the entries were way better cosplayers than the judges...which is just sad especially in this case.
    Ray seems on top of most of the con though at least.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)22:16 No.5464333
    Yeah, he really is a cool guy. He is what makes the convention awesome and had me going the first three seasons. Didn't go this year from lack of funds and annoyance with weeaboos both on staff and at cons in general. After a year long break I'm considering getting back into cosplay and stuff though.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)22:23 No.5464375
    >good talkin Raymond
    God, he is so cool. He's so sweet too. His wife and him are like the cutest sweetest things in the world.
    KamiCon will always be my fav con.
    Fuck AWA.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)22:26 No.5464392
    Ha, my feelings too. If only the rest of the staff were like him... if it weren't for his wife he wouldn't be able to maintain any control over the wild weeaboos. xP
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)22:27 No.5464395
    She was beautiful!
    I suck and didn't get a picture though. To many fun things going on, I kept getting distracted!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)22:49 No.5464484
    The Amu was ok but the Asuka didn't seem to put much effort into the cosplay... maybe I am just a stickler for accuracy. In any case, maybe the cosplay contest will be better next year, equipped with better judges and more categories. Also, less awkward skits/monologues for a cosplay contest. That was embarrassing to watch.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)22:56 No.5464524

    Does anyone have anymore pictures? This seems like... too little.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)23:02 No.5464559
    There was a person or two who took the " introduce your character" portion as a chance to recite a series of lines from the show. It was just a bit too much.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)23:03 No.5464567
    Does anyone have pics of the Sucker Punch group? I believe they were the rightful winners.
    >> Col. Reb 02/06/12(Mon)23:55 No.5464817
    Sora won Judges' pick.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)00:05 No.5464853
    I had a good time; I came down from Atlanta and ended up wasteing well over three hundred USD.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)00:08 No.5464866
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    Any pictures or video of what happened to her during the skit, , , you know what I am talking about.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)00:13 No.5464890
    By "wasting" do you mean "spending in a fun way" or "KamiCon sucked and it was a waste of money" kind of way?
    I spent around $200 for tickets and hotels, and then $150 on MIND BLOWING WEEABOO GOODS. Shit I have been wanting for (no shit) YEARS.

    KamiCon kicked ass for me and my friends.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)00:32 No.5464951
    This is so far the only mordecai and rigby cosplay I've seen. I found it really great how they took what would be animals and made them into human feamle form.

    So glad I got the picture.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)00:43 No.5464981
    what are you talking about
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)00:46 No.5464987
    They said they had a good time, so it's probably in a good way.
    I was dead broke like always, so I only bought one figure. Had an awesome time, though.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)01:50 No.5465121
    Seriously, If y'all haven't been to this con yet, you really need to. They have a lot of cool ideas that I've never seen replicated at another con, such as the con-wide games.
    >> Vp-chels 02/07/12(Tue)03:50 No.5465374
    Wife (fiancé actually) in question *blush* thank you guys !

    I see that you guys are upset with the way the cosplay contest was run. If possible could you give me in depth details? We are having an after con meeting tomorrow and I would like to bring your complaints up so they can be fixed for next year's.

    You can do it here, the Kami-con Facebook, my fb, or our forums. We really do take crisitism, complaints, feedback, etc. seriously. We take it all into consideration for our next year, so it won't be a waste of your time! Promise!
    >> Vp-chels 02/07/12(Tue)04:01 No.5465390
    Ray wanted me to mention that the amu has won AWA cosplay awards in the past so we felt she was best suited to be one of the judges.

    Also, we did not have a make up award, but do you think it might be a good idea to add one? Possibly a make up/special effects award of some sort?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)04:15 No.5465425
    Why I love Kami-Con.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)09:18 No.5465776
    Not the make-up chick, but I don't think a make-up awards is necessary. Generally, only 1 or 2 characters would be up for it and if they're that amazing they can always count for character likeness or original or any of the other things depending on the character.
    Best in show/best technical....something that actually focuses on making the costumes since like over half the awards didn't seem to follow the "make 90% of your costume" rule. Also, the idea of preassigned judging times was nice, but completely fell apart.
    for awards, AWA has it pretty good "Categories and Trophies Awarded
    Our experience divisions are:
    - Youth (15 and under)
    - Novice
    - Journeyman
    - Master
    In addition to your experience division, you can compete in the following categories:
    - Anime
    - Manga
    - Video Game
    - Group
    - Props
    - Construction
    - Accuracy
    - Original Design
    - Other Media (fashion, music, ball-jointed dolls, etc)
    At the judges' discretion, some categories may not get awarded. Often, the judges will also award other trophies as they see fit."
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)13:22 No.5466240
    Hey girl!
    I can think of nothing that can make KamiCon better.
    I mean it, It's just awesome...

    Oh wait! I do have one thing. I wish the maids at the cafes were a little more "akihabara maid" like. Calling people stuff like goshujinsama or ohimesama or oniichan. Stuff like that. I'm really hoping to volunteer and to be a Yandere maid next year!

    Raspberry/ Strawberry bloody cupcakes! Bloody, Plastic knifes and saying stuff like "It's just you and me now Senpai" FUN!
    What do you think of that?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)15:02 No.5466525
    In a good way.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)15:04 No.5466530
    Were the maids cute at least?
    I did not go see them.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)15:59 No.5466660
    The mewmew cafe's girls were little angels! The Lettuce was especially cute and very nice to me~

    The other "maid cafe" really was more of a "buying snacks and drinks" kinda thing. They didn't bring you your food or tell you things like "Enjoy!" or "Here's your food!" It was more like a convenient store in a buy-and-leave kind of way.

    The mewmew cafe brought me the cake at my table, bowed and called me cute little nicknames. But they were all super cute~
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)16:00 No.5466665
    This. And whoever made the Lemon Cake was GOD.
    So GOOD I bought like, 4-6 little slices.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)17:14 No.5466848

    I'll tell them you liked Cafe Mew Mew. As for the lemon cake, the Ichigo and Zakuro got together and baked the cakes.
    >> Vp-chels 02/07/12(Tue)18:12 No.5467125
    Our maid cafe is more like our store than anything else. Year one some of the girls stood at the door and welcomed people, etc in that way...but it actually freaked a lot of people out. Also, our maids get a lot of business and just don't have the time or man power to actually serve you guests. I worked it for quite a while this year and we would be slow then BAM over run. We would like to do it as well, but as it stands we have a hard time getting man power where we really need it. I'm sorry to say it won't happen for a little while.

    How did the prejudging fall part exactly? I understand you guys are upset, so the more info you can give ,e, the better we can make it.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)18:17 No.5467155
    Well, if you had more volunteers?
    Like 4 girls to run the store and 5 or 6 to be the "run around and play it up with the guests" type maids.

    Me and my sister really would love to be maids next year. We could also asked first if they would be comfortable with us playing that "akiba maid" role.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)18:46 No.5467333
    Mordecai and Rigby... you're my best friends. Wonderful!!! You win all of the points! Take my love! TAKE IT! <3
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)19:43 No.5467635
         File1328661783.jpg-(15 KB, 450x338, Cage-intro.jpg)
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    dubs and nic cage is next year's star kami-con guest
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)19:44 No.5467649
    god damnit my dreams are crushed
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)20:02 No.5467752
    Who were you at the meetup?
    And which Sollux are you talking about? These were afew little girl Solluxs'.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)20:08 No.5467809

    And I missed it? Man, I love second hand embarrassment. I'll definitely have to watch next year.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)20:43 No.5468015
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    I had a lot of fun cheering for yandere turtle! The Kami-gotchi idea was genius.

    My favorite panel was definitely Christina Vee's mock VA auditions. I wasn't that great and I wasn't familiar with the character (K-On was too moe-blob for me), but I loved getting up on stage and being critiqued by an actual voice actress. I wish more cons had panels like that, especially considering how many animu fans want to be VAs.

    I guess the biggest disappointment was the dating game. I was looking forward to it all year, I had my questions all planned out, and then I failed hard at the audition because I didn't want to waste one of my funnier questions. Aside from my butthurt, I felt like it wasn't as structured as last year. The first bachelor was just let loose with what seemed like no instruction or a set number of question, the bachelorette was a male character, and then the last two contestants were Shio and Kosho. Shio and Kosho's rounds were funny, but I also felt that it wasn't fair for the guys who wanted a try at being bachelors or the females who wanted to be the dates.

    Pic so very much related.

    Also, any pictures of Nurse Joy? Fork em over, please.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)21:30 No.5468200
    I wonder how many people mistook me for Shinra from Durarara because of my lab coat, black hair, and glasses?
    I was a genderbent Okabe from Steins;Gate, and I'm just blind without my glasses.
    I know a few people asked for my picture, but I haven't seen any except from my friend.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)21:30 No.5468201

    That's a lot of categories for a little con like Kami-con. I think they should at least add Youth, Novice, Journeyman, and Master though. I thought that was a staple in cosplay contests and I'm a little surprised that Kami-con doesn't judge by those categories.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)21:58 No.5468302
    Which/ where was the MewMew Cafe?
    The only one I knew about was the one upstairs near the music video room.
    >> VP-Chels 02/07/12(Tue)22:14 No.5468346
    we have decided to try to add:
    best in show

    MewMew Cafe is done by con-goers it is an event in the maid cafe that lasts for an hour.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:22 No.5468389
         File1328671351.png-(61 KB, 500x467, 1327120058053.png)
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    Youth is going to be the cutessttt.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:32 No.5468443
    Who else got tired of seeing those Free Hug signs? I felt awkward as fuck when grown men stood directly in front of me, holding out their signs, and staring at me with puppy dog eyes. I hate seeing people upset, but I just started saying no or offering fist bumps after the third person. I don't like close contact with complete strangers and neither does my very temperamental wig.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:41 No.5468481
    I wated it, their signs were all ragged and nasty; however, I do regret not hugging a fairly well done Miku and Rin.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:41 No.5468486
    not wated
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:45 No.5468500
    I wish there was a creep/weeaboo detector so they could be kept out of cons....
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:47 No.5468518

    Me too. I didn't see any cute girls or boys holding any signs. Just the unsavory types.

    But I guess that makes sense. Free hugs signs are a weeaboo thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:48 No.5468522
    lol, but I am hoping that it will never happen because I consider myself a creep and weeaboo; I just supress my powerlevel.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:52 No.5468541
    Nothing wrong with a high power level. Doesn't make you a creep or a weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:53 No.5468550
    Some people there needed to shower badly, it was repulsive; one would breech their orb of stench from across the room/ hallway. You would think after going to so many cons I would just not notice anymore; unfortunately, that is not the case.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)22:56 No.5468573
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    What I really want is a sniff check. If you smell like BO or cat pee, you'll have to go back and change into something more pleasant.

    I sat nearby a guy I've affectionately nicknamed Cat Pee-kun at three, maybe four, conventions already. It's sort of a tradition now. Whenever I'm at a con and I smell the stench of cat pee, I look around and see if he's there.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:06 No.5468610

    Was there another Laura Croft cosplayer?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:06 No.5468612
    Those cats do not look real.
    sage for irrelavent to the thread.
    >> Annonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:35 No.5468746
    god that mew mew cafe was AMAZING! They were all so cute and it was like a real maid cafe! i really wanna go back to it next year, all the food they made was great too. And if it isn't to creeperish to say the one in red was really hot.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:38 No.5468759
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    I honestly don't know why every con doesn't just hand out small things, you know like trial size, of deodorant at the reg/pre-reg lines when you get your con booklets or maps or whatever. Seriously, it would save a lot of nostrils, y/y?
    >> Annon 02/07/12(Tue)23:39 No.5468762

    They totally were, I went to Kami last year and they where there too. I think I actually enjoyed that the most. My group and I sat in there for ten minutes afterwords just enjoying the maid-ness of it all. Is it like a tradition now? Dodge ball was fun to, but because of it we didn't get as much time in the Cafe.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:41 No.5468769
    I was just a dude in a blue armed baseball tee.
    I like HS and was just glad too see a group!

    And I was talking about the little girl with black twintails version of Soullux. She seemed really shy tho. Daaw'd like a bitch when older Sollux took her hand.

    Also, that Vriska was CRAZY HOT. She was just beautiful. And the Hysterical Dame was cute in the face. I thought she was Roxy at first!
    >> Annon 02/07/12(Tue)23:41 No.5468771

    Good idea.


    What was the name of the girls hosting it? DO you know? I wanna try and find them on facebook. Or something, give them props. They even had cute music playing, and a Princess Daisy was there, out of place but cute.

    I thought the amv contest was a bit wack though.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:42 No.5468775

    As far as I know, the Mew Mew Cafe is coming back next year.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:44 No.5468783

    Idk what her name was. Food was bitchin though. And those cupcakes were fucking cute as hell! They decorate them themselves too.

    The HS panel was bad ass too. That little sollux girl was to die for, and I liked the Terezi they had up there. The karkat really surprised me though. He kept in character really well, I thought he would do fan shipping and crap, but he stuck to story and played the role well.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:46 No.5468788

    Are you on the staff? If so tell them it kicked major ass.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:47 No.5468797
    I was the Terezi in the panel! I was so nervous. I am glad people liked me! :]
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:49 No.5468812
    Do either of you have any pictures of the red or purple haired girl? I want conformation that it's coming back next year. And if it was on Saturday that would be cooler. That way I could play dodge ball and go to it.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:49 No.5468814
    Yep, I help out. I was the Princess Daisy.


    I was out of place but I'm a completely unrelated person every year.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:50 No.5468821
    Not to creep but you were hot. And my sister has a major crush on your Karkat friend. Tell him he did great XD
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:52 No.5468831

    your costume was so cute!
    and your friends did great tell them to come back!
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:53 No.5468837
    omg! I loved your dave and karkat can i have their facebooks? karkat was so cool he did a grea job!
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:54 No.5468844
    karkat was fine i wanted to dance with him at the rave but i was to shy
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:57 No.5468859

    i wanted to get shots of you and karkat doing fan service are you two dating?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:58 No.5468861

    Misato cosplayer here! Thank you so much, aahhh! I know what you mean, I didn't get nearly as many pictures of other people as I usually do because there was almost always something going on.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)23:59 No.5468867

    If your the wife or something can you get the mew mews back next year?

    And Terezi you were cute! You gotta tell us are you and karkat togather?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:00 No.5468871
    Well, thank you! XD
    I am glad that I attracted other homestuckers. >:]
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:00 No.5468872
    That Karkat had a cute butt. I wish there was more than one guy in your group. But my bi friend liked the Terezi. Your her head cannon now.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:02 No.5468885
    I saw them kiss at the rave, I think they are dating.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:03 No.5468891
    I wanted to date that Karkat if he was single.
    Was it a hto kiss?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:03 No.5468893
    Yes there was. No pictures can be found though.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:04 No.5468896
    Did you take any pictures! Fucking hell that would have been hot!
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:05 No.5468904
    I liked the mew mew cafe too!
    That chocolate cake was yummy!
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:07 No.5468909
    No. D:
    It would have been to dark anyways, they were at the rave with a Dirk and a Dave, I think they were all friends.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:09 No.5468914
    Was it the dave from the panel?
    I actually touched the karkats leg while dancing. HE WAS SO HOT.
    Why doesn't anyone have his facebook! Does the Vp? I wannf ind hiiiiiiim!
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:09 No.5468915
    It was my first Kami Con; and the AMVs were the first thing I went to, I was dissapointed that the rest of the con would be a dissapointment as well. Later that day I went to watch some Anime, and they were streaming, more dissapointment; then after the streaming finished they fired up VLC player and I was further let down with all the blocking and artifacts.
    In the end I still had a decent time.
    On the upside, I would like to return next year if my wallet premits.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:10 No.5468916

    Sorry to break it to you guys but Karkat was a girl.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:11 No.5468918
    Sadly, the Karkat was a girl. And we aren't dating. I did accidentally kiss her at the rave though... But I wish you guys asked to take photos! I was so scared no one really liked me at the con! I'll give you guys my tumblr instead but then I can send you a link on facebook! Just ask me on there!
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:11 No.5468923
    Find the president and we find Karkat!
    What about the AMV contest did you not like?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:13 No.5468925
    when they lifted her dress, I was at an akward angle so I could not see.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:13 No.5468926
    Your fucking kidding right?!
    How do you know? >:C
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:14 No.5468933
    Are you fo rreal?
    there was more than one karkt, we meant he one that hosted the panel
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:15 No.5468935

    Yep, panel Karkat is a girl and I'm her friend.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:15 No.5468941
    The AMV contest was kind of a drag, there were some that should have won that didn't. Simply because others had a more popular anime or something. Others had clearly more effort and ability put into them. I think they should have judges rather than crowd voting.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:16 No.5468942
    The Karkat who hosted the panel was a girl.
    I was the Terezi in it and I know her.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:16 No.5468944
    Fuck me, I fapped to her last night.
    God I feel sick.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:16 No.5468945

    >I did accidentally kiss her at the rave though
    >I did accidentally kiss her
    >accidentally kiss her

    sure bro
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:17 No.5468949
    fuckin sick bro
    but damn i wanted it to be a guy too
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:18 No.5468953
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:19 No.5468959
    I wan't proof that Karkat was a girl. I mean he was small, but there was no tits and I SWEAR I thought I saw bulge at one point.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:19 No.5468961
    I am picky when it comes to AMVs:
    •I prefer clips that do not have the logo for the station/ TV rips. They should use BluRay rips.
    •I enjoyed madoka, but the amount of AMVs that were purely Madoka were overkill.
    •One of the AMVs did not even contain anime; as soon as it finished showing, everyone was saying that it should win. Why they chose it over other applicants I do not know.
    That is about all I can remember right now.
    But some were good.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:20 No.5468963
    I agree proof!
    But Terezi was cute too.
    I'm bi just saying.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:21 No.5468971

    If you went to Cafe Mew Mew, she was the Ichigo.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:21 No.5468977
    >>5468961 Which one did they say should have won? I didn't see any that weren't anime. But I was sad about the drama category, that Japan on did win jsut because of weebs. And thre was WAY to much madoka, mayb it's easy to edit
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:21 No.5468978
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    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:23 No.5468982
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    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:23 No.5468985
    How do you know?
    Do you know him? Or her if this is really the case. This just shatters all my hopes.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:24 No.5468990
    some girls can have a bulge, and not be a trap
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:24 No.5468991
    Dude I wouldn't doubt it. Homestuck has some crazy fans. :I
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:25 No.5468998
    Hey Terezi girl.
    I saw you hanging out with lil Sollux girl at a few points.
    Did you now her? Or was she just some annoying kid?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:25 No.5469000
    True that.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:27 No.5469012
    They just met before the HS panel. I was there talking to them, the little Sollux girl just really liked these guys. They should let her be in the panel next year. I was a John cosplayer. One of many.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:27 No.5469016
    Of what I can remember (I have terrible memory, it is a plague on me) the one for Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 should have won; unfortunately' at the moment I do not know who won. I left as soon as the screenings end fearing I would be severly upset.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:28 No.5469021

    Yes, I know her.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:28 No.5469023
    I'm not a HS fan, so all of this is confusing the crap out of me.
    I had a ton of fun at the convention and that giant robot was so cool! I wish the Maid cafe had other flavors of ramen though.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:28 No.5469024
    So was the girl in the hat her sister or friend or what?
    She was with her alot to.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:29 No.5469029
    I think it did win. Iliked it, but the timing was off and the editing shaky in some places. But it did sucker up the crowd.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:32 No.5469044

    Not sure about the hat girl, I think they were in a group.

    And for anyone else who has ever gone to Kami before the Cafe Mew Mew is there each year. As far as I can remeber that is. This year I was actually mad that they didn't have cheescake. Sounds silly but that stuff is good. I even had to post int he Kami forums about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:33 No.5469054
    I heard even little kuriboh likes their cheescake. New meme in the making.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:34 No.5469058
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    I can not belive Yandere won, I wanted Shoujo to win.
    If anyone else has more images of the mascot contenders they will be greatly appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:36 No.5469076
    She told me she was her big sister at HS shoot by the stairs. I actually really liked her weird earth-tones thing she was wearing. Was she cosplaying or what?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:38 No.5469086
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:40 No.5469096
    I'll send proof in a second.

    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:40 No.5469097
    Capslock, misspelling words.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:40 No.5469105
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    Horrible edit is horrible.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:42 No.5469116
    I love you.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:42 No.5469119
    So what was the story with that male Alois?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:43 No.5469126
    Must be new to 4chan.
    Reply to everyone? lol
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:45 No.5469137
    I didn't like how the artist alley tables were in the hall way. That made it kind of crowded. I loved the Mew mew cafe, but I hated that they only had juice to drink. Any way to fix that? I think hot coffe or tea would be better. I loved that the food court was in con. That made it so easy.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:45 No.5469144
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    Fuck yeah, brother.


    I dunno, but I walked by him and had to do a double take, like, "Woah. ... That Alois was a dude."

    And was the Karkat you guys are talking about also a staff member? Short black female who usually did badge checks? Because that's who I'm seeing in the panel on that person's tumblr and there's no way you can mistake her for a guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:46 No.5469150
    I dislike the Azumanga AMV, the only reason it was funny was because Azumanga is funny. The only thing the creator did was basically mux a song onto the OP for Azumanga.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:47 No.5469154
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    I just met the lil Sollux girl at the convention! She wasn't annoying but she was super sweet and nice! She really looked up to me and she told me I made her night and it really made me happy. :]
    This was my first convention and I really wanted everyone to like me and I wanted to be sweet to everyone as well. I was really happy to know that I made that possible for at least a few people!
    Also, look at the face in these pictures of the Karkat in the panel. She was a girl. She's just really good at what she was doing!
    She was also the red head in the mewmew cafe!
    I hope you enjoy my badly cropped proof.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:49 No.5469168
    No room for the artist alley elsewhere unfortunately.. :/
    Hot coffee/tea is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:49 No.5469176
         File1328680192.gif-(1.11 MB, 356x200, surprisekiss.gif)
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    This thread is now lesbians.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:50 No.5469184
    It's true.
    And thus the story ends, with tons of weeaboos crying. Oh well. Were would be the best place to ask about the cafe next year?
    And are they planning on fixing the costume contest stuff?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:52 No.5469197
    Who says she's gay?
    I guess so, but don't they have cups with lids on them for stuff like that? Or maybe have them situated closer to the starbucks?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:55 No.5469212
    I know the cafe will be going on next year. But the karkat/redhead doesn't know if they will be able to attend. If she can, she will.

    She isn't gay.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:56 No.5469219
    I thought of that too until I saw this.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:57 No.5469226
    She fucking better, or atleast send her food over.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:58 No.5469232
    I like the opening and closing cermonies, but I wish the mics were more well placed. It was kind of hard to hear in the over flow when people didn't have one.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:59 No.5469242
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    This makes me wonder which cosplayers were fapped to at the end of each day...

    Not gonna lie, I fantasized about having a beautiful romance with at least one.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:59 No.5469243
    Lol. I agree. I know a lot of people got mad because she didn't cook a cheesecake. She meant to but I think she told me her dad used the stuff for it so it was too late. D:
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)00:59 No.5469244
    If I can ask Miss.Chels, why didn't Ray cosplay?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:01 No.5469257
    Kami should make that a mini meme. Like the turtle is obbsessed with cheesecakes.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:02 No.5469259
    He didn't cosplay last year either... Maybe he's just getting too busy for cosplay, with running the con and all.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:03 No.5469268
    That would be so cute. The only way to calm down the turtle when it's enraged is to give it cheesecake. The super secret mew mew recipe! I like their cupcakes too.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:04 No.5469269
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    I feel bad for giving her a hard time about it... But I was looking forward to that cheesecake ever since the last Kami-con!
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:04 No.5469275
    Aww I feelkind of bad, thats half of the fun
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:05 No.5469278
    You are hilarious. This should happen.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:05 No.5469283
    Start a cheesecake protest. XD
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:06 No.5469290

    How do you keep screwing up the post number link? You know you can just click the post number at the top (No.5469275) and it will link it in the post for you...
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:09 No.5469309
    Believe me, she hard learned her cheesecake lesson. Lol. And if for some reason she doesn't I'll force her to bake them! >:] But like the nice kind of force.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:09 No.5469311
    Are there in staff in here? They really should do this. Just have the cafe girl run out and shove some in it's mouth. Insert a cute catch phrase whens he does, every magical girl needs one.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:10 No.5469320
    I'm not sure, someone can post it on the facebook page?
    Nice force = Rape with a gag
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:10 No.5469322
    I don't know but I'm not a part of the staff! She knows them pretty well, I think. I'll present the idea to her!
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:11 No.5469331
    Why doesn't she get on here?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:12 No.5469342
    She could shout. "Mew mew style, Mew mew grace! Mew mew cheesecake in your face!"
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:13 No.5469350
    I'm trying to get her to!
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:14 No.5469355
    I'll ask but what about those fapping comments?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:14 No.5469359
    This. Yes.
    Full of win. Like she uses magical girl powers, to make super great cheesecake. And it's the only cheesecake in the world that can calm it's temper.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:16 No.5469368
    What of it? Take it as a compliment.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:16 No.5469376
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:17 No.5469392
    >After fap comment
    >Perfect timing
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:18 No.5469399
    Damnit, why does this always happen to me? D,:
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:20 No.5469417
    Moe shit. Your full of it. Get some guys now.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:21 No.5469423
    You are super moe. I like it.
    >> May 02/08/12(Wed)01:29 No.5469463
    Ok so Morgan aka Terezi called me in here after telling me whats all going down. TO keep it short.

    > I AM a girl
    >I did cosplay both karkat, Ichigo adn Trish in all the panels.
    >I can suggest the idea to the staff, but this is all up to them.

    If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:32 No.5469483
    I have a question.
    Why is this Mew Mew shit so popular.
    I didn't go to the con so I don't know.
    But jesus.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)01:34 No.5469496
    Night guys! It's been hilarious. I just realized how moe I am tonight. O_O
    >> May 02/08/12(Wed)01:37 No.5469513
    Honestly I can't say. I think it's simply because it's not something you see at most cons? A actual cafe setting with maids who attend to you. You would have to ask them about that one.
    >> Norge 02/08/12(Wed)02:27 No.5469781
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    only picture i have of her, dont know who she is but she was soo cute
    im the Psionic in the picture btw~
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)02:30 No.5469802

    Yeah, she's also a liar and poser... but whatev.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)02:31 No.5469809

    Wow, can't wait till their gf hears about that....
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)02:33 No.5469820
    Some one's jelly.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)02:37 No.5469844
    We all know who this is, and I'm not even hr close friend.
    Pretty much.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)02:38 No.5469851
    >Also a liar and a poser but whatev.
    >poser but whatev.
    Self point defeat. And I don't even know what's going on.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)02:40 No.5469857
    I like how jealous ragey this bored can get. SO many females on it it's bound to happen. She probably got her guy or some shit. Or had a better costume as we saw earlier in the post. Tell us young weeb, why the hate?
    >> Annon 02/08/12(Wed)02:41 No.5469861
    lulz abound
    New fag.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)02:42 No.5469864

    more like Fridge Raider
    >> Annon 02/08/12(Wed)02:43 No.5469866
    haters gonna hate
    So true. Poser fag is a poser.
    >> Annon 02/08/12(Wed)02:44 No.5469871
    I laughed.
    So hard.
    Were you the bitch they mentioned earlier?
    Random hate post point to yes.
    >> VP-Chels 02/08/12(Wed)05:28 No.5470313
    a few reasons, he hates wearing wigs...a lot. He also feels that most MC's have boring outfits. Also, it helps the police take him more seriously when he's in regular clothes.

    As for Cafe Mew Mew, we love them, like, ADORE them. However, I believe that the main girl that puts it together might not be able to make it back next year. So Cafe Mew Mew might not happen. I asked her about it, but she is not currently online.

    As for tea/coffee, we are not able to sell anything the ferg food court sells. While these rules are a little blurred for the Mew Mew girls, it is all around safer to stick to juice (which is also an easier clean up).

    err...did I miss anything?

    How did you guys like the Rave this year?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)09:28 No.5470641
    I live in Nevada and was thinking of going and now I SEE I SHOULD HAVE! Anybody have the rest of the HS group?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)09:54 No.5470687
    Did you guys see anybody who's picture you wanted to take but they seemed a little off?

    There as a bitchin' Homura from Puella Magica Madoka and she had this air about her like, "If you ask for my pic your a lowly piece of shit and a pedo... But Im still hoping you do, I love attention~" kinda thing going on.

    Also there was a woods/ forest looking girl in the game room that just looked pissed as shit.
    Don't know what her deal was.

    And then a Pinkie got a little weird at me after asking for a pic but when I started to walk away, I saw she had just dropped her cupcake from the maid cafe... SO SHE HAD SOMETHING TO BE SAD ABOUT...
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)10:18 No.5470721

    The rave was sorta boring, sorry. The music wasn't vibrant enough to really dance to when I was there and idiots kept kicking around those balloons and they would hit me in the face.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)11:03 No.5470798
    The rave was perfect! I personally loved the music and would consider this the best rave I've went to. Though the photographer(s) was kind of creeping on some people.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)11:47 No.5470890
    On guy took a pic of me mid dipshit-jump... I bet I look MAD RETARDED. But yeah, DJ Gigan was alot of fun to watch while he was doing his thing~
    >> Annon 02/08/12(Wed)11:52 No.5470905
    TO clarify a few things. For everyone.
    We will NEVER sell hot drinks as stated, I shudder to think of what may happen. We can, perhaps, come to a compromise, cold sweet tea or something.
    And while I may not be there I have arranged for my friend to take over in case I can't. So even if I'm not there Cafe' mew mew can return if the staff allows.


    It took us a hour just to ice the things, I would have cried if I saw that too.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)13:55 No.5471313
    Yeah, was she okay??
    Her outfit was very beautiful but she did look a little miffed.

    Also the Mireille also had a look of defeat. Maybe they both lost in the tournament or something?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)13:57 No.5471317
    CHEESECAKES... Where did you go?
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)15:42 No.5471688
    Oh my god, you were beautiful!
    You should have tried and picked up Little Sol~ That would have made me CREAMED IN MY PANTS.
    >> Norge 02/08/12(Wed)16:21 No.5471815
         File1328736089.jpg-(400 KB, 1280x956, tumblr_lyxabfKSxU1qks798.jpg)
    400 KB
    here is the group shot~

    thank you
    haha yeah i didnt think about it till later but arm was kind of hurting after picking up my sufferer lol
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)17:34 No.5472096
    That girl you're all fawning over? She's actually sorta a cunt. She demands attention constantly, and tries to get it in any way possible. And when she doesn't? She throws a little baby tantrum.
    And you all seem to think that her cosplays are good but she wears tennis shoes with every one. I mean, she could have had flats on a lot of those, and Trish wears boots. Sollux can wear shoes and admittedly she did a good job but the other cosplays she does do not seem like she even bothered to put in the effort.
    And I've heard she slave drives people to make her mew mew cafe shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)19:44 No.5472715
    Piss off. /cgl/ is full enough of lies and drama bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 02/08/12(Wed)21:23 No.5473227
    simply saying what is true.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)02:42 No.5474494
    This year seemed to have a lot more weeaboos than previous years. I don't even think AWA was that bad, or maybe I didn't notice it as much because it's a much bigger con.

    The free hugs signs and people going around screaming HURRDURR THE GAMEEE got on my damn nerves. It wasn't just kids doing it either-- it was mostly the 20-something looking adults.

    I tried not to react or give them any attention, but it was hard to refrain from just shoving them away when they went in for hugs anyway. Why can't weeaboos just keep their damn hands to themselves, especially when their contact is clearly uninvited?
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)08:19 No.5474824
    Inside the DVD box everyone got, there was a pamflet, inside the pamflet at the very back there were a set of policies for the con and the fourth one down the list stated, >"No signs or solicitation."
    Obviously these man children did not take the time to familiarize themeselves with these policies and/ the rules.
    Also, █████████.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)17:53 No.5476179

    See, I actually didn't notice that many more weeaboos than the normal con - though I did see a lot more "free hugs" signs, but I think a large part of that is because the Ferg with that many people in it is way too small and you just end up seen more of them I guess.

    Glad I didn't hear any of that "the game" shit or I would've been tempted to punch any and all who said it. That shit gets on my nerves like nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)18:01 No.5476202
    Was there any of the "card games on motorcycles" shit? Season 2 and 3 had people screaming that and variations of it in every panel. Fucking drives me crazy.
    >> Anonymous 02/09/12(Thu)18:06 No.5476224

    I don't think so. At least I didn't hear anything during opening ceremonies. I maybe heard it once or twice in the hallways, but it wasn't as obnoxious as it was last year. I guess that prick who kept screaming it couldn't make it to Kami-con this year, bwahaha.

    But, unfortunately, it was mostly variations of "THE GAME!", loud Bronies, and neckbeards holding Free Hugs signs this year.

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