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  • File : 1328423464.jpg-(225 KB, 1100x900, Weeaboo_Pikachu_by_Devastis.jpg)
    225 KB I Was a Preteen Weaboo Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)01:31 No.5456628  
    So /cgl/
    We have plenty of weaboo horror stories, but no one seems to talk about how much of a weaboo horror they used to be.
    I want to hear your worst. How what a sugoi individual you were in middle school. Did you carry that cliche binder full of anime print outs? Were you a cat girl demon princess reincarnated and were in love with Seshomaru-sama?
    Tell me /cgl/, what kind of weaboo were you before you became a normal, functioning human being.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)01:34 No.5456642
         File1328423674.jpg-(122 KB, 1024x1192, P%20Anime%20Tokyo%20Mew%20Mew2.jpg)
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    This shit right here was my first manga ever, and in 6th grade all I would draw were kawaii neko girls on all of my school work. For Halloween me and my friend bought all this lingerie from the thrift store and cat ears and shit: instant mew mew costume!
    You bet we were sugoi as fuck. Didn't look a thing like 12 year old hookers walking the streets at night.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)01:40 No.5456666
         File1328424029.jpg-(68 KB, 538x458, Usagi - Rini.jpg)
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    I have the greatest story.

    I was young. Sailor Moon was my first-ever anime - and my gay best friend was the one who got me into it. We were ENAMOURED with it. We would go out and LARP the most ridiculous stories. And narrate out loud, every action we did.

    Smarties were drugs, or brainwashing pills, or the cure for the devil controlling you.

    Sticks became weapons of unimaginable might in our hands. We would spin and twirl and pretend we were transforming while yelling out, "MOON CRYSTAL POWER!"

    He was Usagi. I was Rini. And we. LOVED. It.

    No regrets.

    We did the same thing for Harry Potter when it came out, too, along with a lot of other fandoms I can't remember right now.

    We LARPED that shit and we loved it.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)01:43 No.5456671
    Toonami hit when I was 12 and I loved the fuck out of pretty much everything I saw on it. Yet, outside of playing pokemon cards with friends, and some gunpla I can't say I was ever a tremendous weeaboo. Even then, trading card and model kits were well within the realm of "normal."

    Nope, I'm at the completely other end of the spectrum. To this day, I keep my power level completely suppressed unless I'm around nothing but other people who are into it.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)01:44 No.5456673
    I carried a book where I'd write down all the things I wanted to buy when I grew up and had money. It included things like Kagome's school uniform and Inuyasha's necklace. Also red string, but I don't remember why I wanted that.

    I remember saying "baka yarou" and butchering Japanese with things like "konnie" and "sayo."

    Also, I printed out volume 1 translations of Inuyasha and read them during recess.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 02/05/12(Sun)01:46 No.5456677
         File1328424390.png-(138 KB, 375x336, Usavich 172.png)
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    I had a binder full of anime print outs, I was totally fluent in Japanese desu, and I was going to be a famous mangaka and have a hot Japanese husband. We were going to live in Tokyo and live happily ever after. Me and my group of friends were all totally into Naruto and I was the leader of our ninja clan. We were our OC ninjas one Halloween and it was totally sugoi. Also, I thought Rumiko Takahashi was the best artist of all time and no one would tell me otherwise. Inuyasha was a masterpiece. My friends and I had a million OC's and we paired all of them with our favorite characters. I wrote fan fiction all day errday, too.

    Then I got into high school and realized what a raging idiot I was and matured the hell up real quick.

    I don't really have any terribly outrageous stories, I was just a typical annoying weeaboo as a kid.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)01:46 No.5456678
         File1328424398.jpg-(40 KB, 340x489, ESCA2.jpg)
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    I'm lucky in that my first ever anime was Escaflowne.
    It was a pretty mature show for somebody my age, and none of the characters were ever too faggy, or at least without being able to redeem themselves. After that it was Sailor Moon and Dragonball Z all the way.

    I do remember when I moved schools, discovering to my delight that EVERYBODY in my year watching Dragonball Z. At lunch time, we would all play at Dragonball Z will power ups and kamehameha's and all that bullshit. The entire case had already been taken by the other kids.. however, there was one role available for myself...

    Dragonball number 4 motherfuckers.

    That's right niggers, I got to a mystical dragons 4th testicle. At the beginning of lunch break I had to run and go hide, then the other kids would run around "finding the Dragonballs" so they could make their wish. You had to curl into a ball and when the kids found you, they carried you off like, "Look Bulma, we found a Dragonball!".

    I had a crush on the black kid that got to be Vegeta~*
    >> Voldemort !3zD.naginI 02/05/12(Sun)01:51 No.5456691
         File1328424695.png-(453 KB, 453x604, Weeb me.png)
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    I used to be queen of the weebs. Classic weeb- into Naruto and stuff like that. I bought all the merch I could get my hands on, including an Akamaru hat. I wore that hat every day for 2 years! I wrote fanfictions and made up marysue characters. I drew horrid anime and would always call people "san" and "chan". I even have all of my Naruto merch in my room still, though most of the posters have been removed (Admittedly, I do still enjoy the manga) I was crazy obsessed with Deidara. Twas crazy. Pic related, me about 4 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)01:52 No.5456694
    At my worst, I was closet-cosplaying Usagi pretty much every day during junior and senior year of high school (2001-3). A wardrobe of solid pinks and whites, my knee-length blonde hair always tied up into her buns...

    ...on the bright side, I was fit and cute and didn't faggishly insert Japanese phrases into my sentences. I was learning Japanese, but only because we had six to ten exchange students from Nagoya every quarter.

    I also think the clothing and hairstyling was "my way" of acting out during HS. I was a 4.0 student in International Baccalaureate classes who was only friends with the goths, punks, and stoners... so in order to stand out in the sea of unwashed black, I went for healthy, bubbly pink.

    I was cured of my minor weebishness when I got to college and met some really terrifying weeaboos. It was a case of "there but for the grace of God go I," and I cut that shit out immediately.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 02/05/12(Sun)01:52 No.5456695
         File1328424734.jpg-(40 KB, 211x252, 180173557.jpg)
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    Vegeta x Dragonball #4 is my new OTP.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)01:56 No.5456708

    Love it.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)01:57 No.5456709
    This is the coolest fucking thing I have ever heard.

    When I was a kid, everyone at my summer camp was obsessed with pokemon. It had only been like a year or two since it came out. The result: EVERYONE played pokemon. Swimming time? Everyone pretend your a water pokemon! Of course I'd always be "pikachu using surf"
    We'd all bring our GBAs and cable link battle each other every chance we got. Then the card game happened.
    We had this massive LARP going on then. Imagine shittons of 8-12 year old running around a couple of acres pretending to be pokemon trainers. You go to the sandbox, oh hey a "gym leader" (aka an older kid) Pokemon card battle bitch! If you beat them you'd get a badge, which was made out of like...toothpaste boxes. This shit went on for a whole summer and holy crap, best summer of my life.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)01:59 No.5456716
         File1328425189.jpg-(51 KB, 654x560, 1327177487626.jpg)
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    Friggin' obsessed with Sailor Moon (my gateway anime). Why, of course I was fluent in Japanese you baka gaijin! Had to do presentations about our hobbies, and I brought in a bunch of stuff from my Sailor Moon collection. My middle school had a fun-day towards the end of the school year, and one of the games was a discus throw. I shouted "Moon Tiara Magic!", did the full spin and everything... in front of the whole school. But I ended up throwing it the farthest, so I won a ribbon. Go me. In high school, I toned it down a bit, but I still drew "manga" like crazy, and would read manga all the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:04 No.5456737
    My friend drew this in like 6th grade. Holy crap were we obsessed. We discovered the beauty of yaoiz at like 12 or 13 and holy crap did we run with it. I was always more into actiony things, like Rave Master. But Saiyuki? It consumed me.
    And then FMA happened.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:05 No.5456739
         File1328425509.jpg-(331 KB, 1024x768, My_favorite_Bishies_.jpg)
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    oops forgot the pic
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:07 No.5456743
         File1328425626.jpg-(402 KB, 1246x1358, I_love_Roy_Mustang_.jpg)
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    Just to even things out a bit, here's something I drew. Is that Sasuke wearing an I <3 Roy tshirt? Why yes, it is. Obviously Sasuke was just as big a Roy Mustang fan as me.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:08 No.5456748
    >Sasuke smiling, ever

    Yep, you were a weaboo alright.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:08 No.5456750
    just fyi, everyone in my house is currently dying due to this pic. seriously we can't breathe, call 911
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:09 No.5456756
    This thread almost makes me glad I tossed out my box of art from ages 11-19.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:12 No.5456765
    I don't think being a pokefaggot qualifies as weeaboo, though. I'm 26 and ten years past my weeb phase, and I still think that sounds fuckawesome. I wish I could go to that summer camp NOW.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:12 No.5456766
    You're welcome. I also laugh until I nearly pass out every time I look at this pic. It never stops being funny.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:15 No.5456773
    It reminds me so much of a ratdog version of the dog from Duck Hunt.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 02/05/12(Sun)02:17 No.5456777
    I agree, we did massive pokemon recess LARP sessions at my elementary school too. I was always Pidgeotto. I always brought big jackets to school so I can flap them around and do gust attack.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:18 No.5456778
    Spoke too soon. Here are some of my DA scraps from an old account. I don't even know when I did these or what I was thinking. I think some of them are old roleplay characters?

    Please laugh and enjoy. I hope at least some amusement can come of this monstrosity.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:21 No.5456784
    I was a "researcher weeaboo" in that I didn't really obsess over a specific series or fandom and just wanted to know as much as possible about every anime ever created. I rarely could finish watching a single series and during this phase I saw the first 1-3 episodes or so of over 500 series. Even now I have actually only seen about 150 series and films combined to completion, which is on the embarassingly low side for someone who's been actively watching anime for about a decade. I'm still trying to catch up with my huge backlog of unfinished shows, haha. I've never heard of anyone else doing this, can anyone here relate?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:22 No.5456785
         File1328426542.gif-(947 KB, 285x235, changlol.gif)
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    >Were you a cat girl demon princess reincarnated and were in love with Seshomaru-sama?


    no but I was terrible. I never go to the point of speaking wapanese, but I drew (traced, really) anime pictures and had my kawaii cat demon oc and would constantly obsessed over Sesshomaru and then would insist that I was goffik because I wore black ugg boots, a long tattered skirt, a black narnia shirt, a green tie, and a ratty, ugly ass pink fedora. Seriously I wore that everywhere. I was also heavily into WoW at the time so I would constantly 'pretend I was a night elf' and 'do flippy attacks that everyone would be impressed by because I was so graceful' in retrospect, everyone probably thought I was mentally challenged and that probably explains why I didn't have any friends

    That was all 6th-7th grade. 9th grade I became a yaoi faggot and gay sex gay sex gay sex kingdom hearts everywhere and was convinced that rape was a hot and sexy and totally ok thing. I feel bad for the 2 real life, normal friends from school who added me on dA...they probably thought I was the most fucked up kid ever because every week I was writing up some fanfiction in which Roxas got raped by Axel or Demyx got raped by Xigbar or Xemnas raped everyone, etc, etc.

    God I wish I could find every single person from school and just apologize profusely.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:27 No.5456796
    Weeabooness aside, these actually are not that bad from a "can you draw" standpoint. You clearly have at least a basic idea of how to draw people. :P
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:30 No.5456802
    Everyone I knew was into pokemon and sailor moon and all kinds of anime in elementary, but by junior high they had moved on to whatever shit they were into. everyone but the band kids. although i didnt play an instrument, i somehow ended up in the group and my natural obsession with glorious nippon flourished. the height of my weebdom was probably drawing anime in class, reading shonen-ai mangas with friends at lunch, and god help me, wearing a fox tail. (i wasnt a furry you baka i was a kawaii kitsune!!!) part of me has no regrets about that because the relentless teasing by the rest of the school made me grow up right quick and by high school i had learned the importance of hiding my power level. i stopped hanging out with the people who didnt grow out of it with me, and for the most part reinvented myself as a regular art nerd.
    but because ive lived in the same small town all my life, i still catch heavy, embarrassing shit for wearing that tail. sometimes even from current friends. fuck the haters though, i thought it was awesome at the time and id never have the balls to be that honest and weird ever again.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:31 No.5456805
         File1328427082.jpg-(16 KB, 251x235, why.jpg)
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    Oh god. I really wish I had saved my earlier stuff. It was no. Just no. There were Yu-gi-Oh chibis and just... :( It was all bad. It is all bad. Thank you though.

    And now I went through all my old Gaia posts from when I was 14. Not necessarily weeaboo, just... so.. obnoxious... and all the more horrific because now that I'm much older I realize how stupid and embarrassing I was.

    All of my why.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:34 No.5456810

    Haha, I love this image too.

    Just FYI for anybody who doesn't know this, the face this dog is pulling is known as the "submissive smile". It's the face a dog pulls when it's trying to apologize in a way, and assert that he's of lower rank to you.

    You'll probably recognize it in the video.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:43 No.5456822
         File1328427780.jpg-(108 KB, 300x571, 128899.jpg)
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    At age nine I was fucking obsessive with Sailormoon. I drew pictures of her on the computer all day every day and I desperately wanted to be her. Sometimes I'd fall asleep wishing that I would wake up and get powers like her lol. All of my friends believed that I was totally fluent in Japanese desu, and I became known as the "anime girl" by everyone because I drew pretty well for my age at that point but I strictly only drew anime lol. My anime obsession left me extremely socially inept, obnoxious, unkempt and a complete hermit because I really didn't talk to anyone that wasn't into Neopets/Gaia/anime, which was basically nobody. I didn't know what to talk about otherwise. Also I was like 70 pounds overweight by age 14 (which I later lost). Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and take it all back but oh well.
    Pic related, it's a Sailormoon drawing from 2002 I was very proud of lol. Probably around age 10 or 11 at the time

    Also, did anyone elses parents just get you random anime merchandise just because it was anime? My ~*~Christian~*~ mom bought me some random ass Gravitation posters one Christmas and I was laughing so damn hard lol.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:48 No.5456833
    That's really good for you having done it at 12. I copied Dragon Ball Z so my stuff was really angular.

    I remember this one website in particular... I REALLY wish I could remember it. I think it was this chick and she did tutorials... there was an eye one, and she had several tutorials for different anime characters, which is where I copied my DBZ stuff from. I know there are a lot of those, but this one is particular was very memorable...

    Oh the days of Angelfire.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:49 No.5456834
         File1328428156.png-(27 KB, 181x263, dd.png)
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    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 02/05/12(Sun)02:51 No.5456836
    I wasn't.
    I watched anime but after meeting everyone else in school that watched anime I vowed never to be anything like them.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)02:56 No.5456847
    go to bed kristy
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)03:09 No.5456877
    Was it something like ?

    I remember being obsessed with that place when I was 11.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)03:10 No.5456879
    oh my god lol who are you is this courtney i'm so creeped out right now
    >> Meishi !rEseXGSL8M 02/05/12(Sun)03:13 No.5456885
    I got majorly into anime around the middle of third grade. I loved naruto until I was in 7th. I was a heavy duty shuesha chick. Sat in the isles of B&N and read most of the manga. So much so I almost forgot how to read regular novels once.
    In my first years I was also totally into Mew Mew power.
    But, I remember it fondly. The day I discovered YouTube and all the anime that was on it.
    My parents had gone to back to school night leaving me at the public library. While looking up mew mew power and magical DoReMi videos, I discovered Lyrical Nanoha. And I still enjoy it today haha.
    Then I had my cruddy AMV and OC stage. I didn't have friends between 5th and 7th grade.
    I also was in anime club leadership for 6 years. Now I hide my power level. Esp cosplay.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)03:30 No.5456930
    When I was a kid, I used to download heaps of Sailor Moon photos and save them onto a floppy disk.
    I spent my days just googling more pictures of Sailor moon and learning each character's names, but I never said them aloud or incorporated into my everyday speech.

    and then at one point, I accidently stumbled upon a Hentai site that featured both Sailor Moon and DBZ. After that, I stayed away from anime until my brother introduced me to FMA years later.

    Also; on a partially-related note.
    Is it weeaboo to do the peace sign in photos? I kind of feel embarrassed to do that now.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)03:49 No.5456978
    When I was little I loved Sailor Moon and Pokemon but that was kind of it. Then when I was in 6th grade I made some new friends who reintroduced me into anime and I started to become huge weeaboo like them. Pairing every male character in Naruto and Inuyasha together, prancing around screaming random Japanese words, ending names with "-chan" "-kun" "-sama" "-sempai", and wearing a naruto headband everyday.

    Then in 7th grade they became too crazy for me when they wrote this FMA fanfiction. They made mary sue characters who were supposed to represent us and we were paired up with some of the male characters in the show. Well after that they started claiming the mary sue characters were souls that were trapped inside of us that we could switch from having our soul in control of our body to the character and that we had to return them to their realm by drinking blood and finding irl FMA characters.

    Yeah, I stopped hanging out with them after they said that and snapped out of the weeaboo stuff all together.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)04:01 No.5457015
    One time I sang the ending theme to naruto (harumonia?) to my friend at school. I thought I was the bees knees because I had phonetically memorized the japanese lyrics

    One time I showed the video for silly god disco by the gazette to a guy that was interested in me because o.m.g. they're guys that look like girls isn't it exciting

    One time I contemplated getting a leaf village symbol tattood on my body

    I'm glad that phase happened in highschool and not in college, at least
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)04:04 No.5457018
    the worst I got was trying to learn japanese with one of my friends and being a slightly chubby fuck who couldn't dress.
    Also Ed(FMA) was mai husbando
    oh and FMA fanfiction, though no sex. Slight shipping, but I don't think I ever had them do anything.

    but this only lasted a year or 2 really
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)04:08 No.5457025
         File1328432904.png-(103 KB, 500x375, 1327377274233.png)
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    Oh man, I think when I began to get really into anime was when I discovered Inuyasha, G Gundam, Ruroni Kenshin and Yu Yu Hakasho. I started to print out page after page of pictures; one of my bedroom walls was entirely covered with black and white anime print-outs.

    But then...then came Naruto and FMA.

    I read manga all day in class, drew on damn near every piece of paper I had, carried a BINDER full of Naruto trading cards around, wore a sand village headband around my neck for two fucking years...oh god, I know there's probably more, but I don't want to remember honestly.
    I do however, remember what was probably the most retarded thing I've ever made; I had a character who was, and I am not proud of this mind you, a psychic fox demon princess who was a member of the akatsuki and could travel between the "ninja and alchemists world". She was in-love with both Roy and Itachi at the same time. I never wrote yaoi though, or read it for that matter. I never really saw the appeal to be honest, so maybe there was a small kernel of sanity in my clouded, weaboo mind.

    Now that I think back I wish I could ring my own neck really. As far as I know though, there is no digital proof of any of that, so that's good.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)04:35 No.5457076
    I remember watching DragonBall on tv in elementary school, along with Sailor Moon, and some strange animus that I never figured out the names of. I remember wanting to skip school just to watch the "cool cartoons"... Once I got to 5th grade, the Pokemon trading card game just came out, and it was the shiiiiiit. Everyone played it, the cards quickly got banned from school, as well as Tamagotchis and Digimon. Once I got to 7th grade or so, I was heavily into Sailor Moon, Rayearth, DBZ, Gundam, and whatever else I could get my hands on though the internet. I never dressed like a weeb, I always thought it was a bit stupid, IMHO.
    I had a long elaborate story with like 50 characters from various things and plenty of OCs that I kept with my best friend. We wrote all the freaking time to each other in this story, it was so long. We kept it going from I'd say 8th grade until we graduated High School. It was really strange, we had "dibs" on certain characters, but we'd both write for whoever, just write it so they flirted with each other's OCs and what not.
    I've always been a gamer weeb too, I remember getting a Genesis when Sonic 2 came out, so that would put it around 1992. Man, I've been playing games for 20 years....When Final fantasy was big, I was a huge vidya game weeb. My first cosplay was a crappy Chocobo gijinka. I outgrew all the super weebyness by the end of high school, I was just not as into it anymore.
    Now, I still watch animu, but I don't recognize 80% of what people are cosplaying anymore. I'm one of those obscure/old series cosplayers now.

    I feel really old compared to a lot of posts in here... Or at least like I've had a horrible romance with animu/mango for longer than most people :x
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)04:52 No.5457104
    I'm a visitor from /co/, so looking back at all the shitty anime I was into is double embarrassing for me...especially how much I tout how much cooler I am with all my western comic books than all of those "HORRIBLE WEEABOOS AND THEIR DISGUSTING POCKY LADEN BODIES".

    I remember a few things that really stick out and make me cringe still, the one that still makes me want to beat myself beyond recognition is running around like a HUGE faggot "rick rolling" people with a shitty boombox at every turn at a convention when I was 14 or 15...jesus christ, I thought I was SO fucking cool. Did I mention the part where I had cat ears on the whole time. And a leash. That my Girlfriend had me on.

    Oh 15 year old were so naive to what a huge fag you were, and you thought you were the "fukken shitttttt"
    >> Melonpan 02/05/12(Sun)05:35 No.5457150
         File1328438137.jpg-(43 KB, 750x600, Poster-Sasuke.jpg)
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    I was a textbook narutard at ages 12-13. I made a shitty headband out of felt and tinfoil, and thought I was the coolest shit ever. I also did that 'running with hands behind you' thing, and learnt the hand seals. I posted about how amazing I thought the series was in just about every single crunchyroll thread.

    I spent all day every day trying to download my precious naruto because my download speed was 3-4kb/ honestly took me an hour for a 20mb file, so that was the video quality I went for.

    I spoke in slightly broken Japanese sometimes, but I tried to speak whole sentences instead mixing it with, I'd say 'sasuke-kun wa kawaii desu ne!' over 'omgz sasuke-kun is so kawaii!'

    I also thought I was SO COOL for using words like zomg in every second sentence. And saying shit like 'epic fail' and referencing memes all the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)05:48 No.5457155
    My weeaboo life mostly revolved around what character I was obsessed with. I never did anything too outwardly weeaboo-y except maybe "cosplaying" Tifa on halloween and drawing crappy anime all day erry day
    I had already read a few manga like love hina and mars and whatnot. When I found Paradise Kiss I became obsessed with George and Miwako because I was "just so quirky and adorable" like Miwako. Ignoring the fact I was a chubby and obnoxious goth wannabe.
    I distinctly remember a forum post I made bragging about how I was just like her because I'm short with pink hair and had two guys after me. translates to "I have a boyfriend but want to date this other guy" (fucking teens).
    Then came the Hellsing obsession. I guess it's not the most embarrassing type of "vampire" obsession.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)06:06 No.5457167
    Those actually aren't that bad. Not that they're absolutely good or anything, but this is a lot better than the shit I drew when I was younger.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)06:13 No.5457172
    I don't think I was all that bad. I never had the money to make myself look too stupid. Did a half finished cosplay of Sailor Moon at a con, no wig. You know. First cosplay syndrome. Realized almost instantly that it was a terrible idea.
    We had an anime club at my high school, and I had an officer position that involved money duties and selling asian snack foods and drinks. Sometimes I showed up to the anime club in costume, or partly in costume, but no one seemed to think it was weird because the treasurer before me had done something similar.
    And of course I had manga with me at school sometimes, but I tried pretty hard to keep it hidden.
    One of my friends in freshman year got caught printing out hentai on the school computers though. That was hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)11:52 No.5457642
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)12:09 No.5457701
    I think I was a weaboo but if you looked at me you would've only thought I was socially awkward. And unable to dress myself very well. (School had a dress code that was borderline uniform. Pretty much the only original thing you could do was wear a different colored undershirt. I always wore orange)

    I played Yugioh TCG, went to the after school video game room with a bunch of friends, we hung out in my basement watching anime, playing Gunbound, Halo, Smash and any other 4+ multiplayer games.

    I built a ton of gundam models during that time, as well as play a bunch of RPGs. Anime actually drew me into Guilty Gear truth be told.

    But when I was younger, like 9, I swore I was just the Red Ranger waiting to grow up. Heh, those were fun times.
    Oh, during this time I used to run like Mario. With my arms held out and everything. But I was 9 so nobody really gave me shit for me.

    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)12:11 No.5457708
    I am an old bastard, so I got through my preteen weeaboo before I had internet access. Let me tell you how we did it back then:

    systematically watching everything Japanese in the "Children's Animated" section of the local video rental place. To give you an idea of what this means, "Crying Freeman", "Grave of the Fireflies" and "Fritz the Cat" were all in that section. Google them.

    having all the How to Draw Manga books. ALL OF THEM. Staying up until 3am erry day practicing practicing practicing. Dreamed of drawing my own comic book one day, because no one had figured out webcomics yet.

    no huge series fandom, in fact no fandom community at all. I had to dork out over the 108 Dragons with a few neighbor kids.

    no weeaboo Japanese. Would have had to get language tapes (see what I did there?) or check out library books and actually put effort into figuring out how to sound like a retard. Didn't. Too lazy.

    not a single fucking manga. Not one.

    no shits given about Pocky or Ramune. Lots of weirder Asian snacks at the local groceries, and I tried them all. I would insist that I LOVED those licorice salty plums. Mom would make me eat them for lulz when company came over.

    i was still stupid and embarrassing and sad and alone, but only my entire neighborhood and school knew it instead of the entire world. I think I got off easy.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)12:31 No.5457803
         File1328463070.jpg-(158 KB, 573x800, Tokyo+Mew+Mew+Tokyo_Mew_Mew008(...).jpg)
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    In high school I was a huge weeb. From binders with Naruto or ''kawaii animay bishies'' on it to having a Naruto headband tied to my ''supah kawaii anime bag''.

    I once wore my akatsuki coat to school, I thought it was the shit. Just thinking about it makes me cringe. I drew terrible animu at school and read heavy yaoi like Gakuen Heaven (the manga is nothing like the anime) at school. I had a Bleach wallscroll and a few Death Note posters (Mello was so kawaii and sugoi). I also printed out fanfiction of my favorite yaoi pairings and read them at school...

    I matured the fuck up when I discovered 4Chan 3 years ago, best wake-up call ever.

    Are you me? TMM was also my first anime.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)12:47 No.5457865
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    I had a very short weeabo period of a few months when I switched high schools. I got kicked out of my private school and went to public school.

    I was antisocial as fuck then, I literally had no friends, and anime club was the only social group I ended up feeling comfortable with. The people there were weeabo as fuck and since they were the first group of people I had ever really been friends with I assumed this was all normal behavior. They would jump around and "nya" at things, and use internet meme's Constantine, and use random broken Japanese. I had always been more into Japan as a culture then anime, but oh god I became like them. I would jump onto a table on all fours and meow. Thank god no normalfags saw me, or I would never be able to live it down.

    I started pretending pockey was super delicious, and ramune was the best soda ever dispite hating soda and not even really liking the pockey. After a while I started being less awkward around people and hung out with other social groups, and become more of a normal person.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:08 No.5457959

    >From binders with Naruto or ''kawaii animay bishies''
    >''kawaii animay bishies''

    Were you one of those that pet the pictures? lol
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:15 No.5457987
    I was not that bad, fortunately.
    Though I knew one of those, she swore that Deidara was living in her head. Also, she always brought a plushie of him at school.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:16 No.5457993
    >heavy yaoi like Gakuen Heaven (the manga is nothing like the anime)
    As if the manga is totally hardcore
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:53 No.5458143
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    Holy fucking shit this thread
    Around my place animu wasn't / isn't that popular.
    I remember once I admitted to a classmate from middleschool that I liked and she instantly went " lol you're an obsessed freak"..
    I remember when I was 15 and going kawaii omg desu cry at Inuyasha, oh my gooooooooooood.
    In 2006 I started watching nawrootoe. Man, when I look back I'd want to punch myself.
    I still have a dvd somewhere full of anime pictures including kawaii naruto desu chibis and other shit. It must be destroyed....
    In March 2006 I found 4chan, halefuckingluja.
    I have to admit this place changed me and somehow in a good way.
    > that feel when you remember your animu crushes
    Wasn't that big of a maniac tho.
    I never admitted liking anime in front of other people because you're instantly labelled as a freak.

    In year 2 of college we had an exchange student who was from Japan and I clearly remember one girl asking her about Naruto and afterwards going : " Omg you know it? Sasuke is awesome I love him so much" and she was all hyped and shit. At that very moment my mind went blank and I thanked myself for not being like that.
    >You bet we were sugoi as fuck. Didn't look a thing like 12 year old hookers walking the streets at night.
    ahahha you're awesome, I chuckled!
    I had a very short period ( like few weeks ) when I liked yaoi, mostly cause other girls on the internets persuaded me. Then when I woke up.....NOPE, I don't like it dear sir.

    I haven't watched an anime for years but I recently starting reading Berserk. Guts is awesome
    >dem manly scars
    10/10 would bang if real and suffer body ache for the following weeks.

    I love you all, this thread is fucking awesome.
    Pic related, animu crush, and I still like the char design.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)13:58 No.5458167
    When Naruto came, I vibrated with excitement. I immediately latched onto Sasookay, and then wavered between him and Kakashi.

    So I started writing fanfiction. And a lot of it.

    I spelled Kakashi Kokoshi and Sasuke was like. . . Sasskay or something. I can't even remember. Never bought a headband - only because I said they were too expensive at Hot Topic - but that was about it for my Naruto obsession.

    I still love it, but only for Shippuden. And even then I just want the damn thing to wrap up already. I also went around saying "arigatou! / Gomen! / Kawaii desu desu" and we still call each other -chan, -kun, but only for the hell of it now, lol.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:02 No.5458185
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    When I was 14, I used to RP Yugioh! Stuff with a girl I knew, but they never saw the light of day, internet wise, it was on msn all of it. I sometimes wrote things like "Tenshi", and shit on my cellphone with these non-permanent markers. I wore a couple of Orochimaru earrings once too, because my boyfriend back then liked to read some yaoi pairing from Naruto, but I never watched it myself.

    Now that I think of it, I always thought it was too much work to be TOTALLI JAPANESE~~
    I hated all the smileys, because they were all silly and too long to write quickly, and learning japanese myself never interested me. I think I was on my peak of weaboo-ness when I roleplayed some gay Yugioh shit mostly.

    I still have a million pokemon figures, some plushies, but I haven't really 'grown out' of Pokemon. I also like to occasionally read fanfiction, and review if it's pretty good.

    I have a very, very soft spot for LoZ though.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:08 No.5458204
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    Oh jeez, I have a story for you
    >third grade
    >didn't have a lot of friends because I was new
    >was really into Sailor Moon and other mainstream animes
    >my mother told me I was part asian so I automatically assumed Japanese
    >I'm actually part Filipino
    >used to say shit like kawaii and use chan and san for my friends
    >wanted to move to japan when I grew up
    >thought I was part cat

    That was the worst time for me. Granted I was in 3rd grade, but I still look back and go Oh God why.

    After that my weeaboo phase pretty much disappeared

    Then this happened in middle school, I think 6th grade.
    >I watched both Naruto dubs and subs, read the manga
    >I brought a Deidara plush to school
    >wore Naruto headbands every once in a while
    >cut that shit out halfway through the year

    I wish someone had been there to stop me.
    >> Pharmy !!Mm5RqddoGp3 02/05/12(Sun)14:24 No.5458259
    I had print outs all over my walls, homemade cats ears for my desu kawaii neko cosplay. I was going to go live in Jaan, wear a kimono everyday. Marry a Japanesse man, eat nothng but rice and pocky for the rest of my life.
    Fucking weebs... oh wait.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)14:40 No.5458322
    Your life sounds exactly like mine, time wise too.

    You aren't alone anon, I was just like you.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)15:00 No.5458373
    Sounds a lot like these two kids I went to elementary school with.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)15:10 No.5458412
    I was a retarded dirty slob who was too immature to grow up, didn't dress like a girl (jnco jeans, if you know what i mean), had my long greasy hair in low greasy ponytails... I played magic: the gathering and i loved Cardcaptors. I dated the nerdy slobs who dated chicks who reminded them of themselves or at least didnt require much attention and didnt interfere with their hobbies (or getting laid. Thank goodness I dodged those potential 'past regrets'). I was so naive and dumb. Not that I'm perfect now, but that was so long ago, I'm easily a different person now.
    I was like a scuzy narutard...
    >before naruto came out

    And now I ams a lady.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)15:13 No.5458417

    If one of them was a brown-ish skinned small kid with a high, squeaky voice, and the other a chubby girl, then it was us.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)15:14 No.5458421
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    I was the squealy-type. I was absolutely infatuated with various characters, usually Miroku or Inuyasha.
    Thank goodness I didn't know where any conventions were...
    Because of that plus lack of funds, my fangirl-tendencies were kept at a minimum.
    I'm happy knowing they never got out...
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)15:20 No.5458440
    I've played RPG with friends since the age of 10. We used to play at all times, in the middle of classes, through the phone and so on. Most random scenarios too, mostly medieval but also one day/week plays with various anime themes. At some point that wasnt enough anymore and i started to narrate stories to myself. I still did a couple years ago or so, and I'm almost 24 years old. Those were mostly a mix of Saint Seiya and Dragon Ball Z.
    >> Enemy of Justice !!+FAsUxDSKw1 02/05/12(Sun)15:23 No.5458444
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    Being raised around this stuff I've always hidden my power level
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)15:32 No.5458469
    I thought you said you were raised around niggers.

    And there ain't no little weeaboos in da projects.
    >> Claudie !!5M+s+ZHeFhU 02/05/12(Sun)15:32 No.5458470
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    I wasn't JUST a can girl demon princess reincarnated, I was THE cat girl demon vampire assassin princess mermaid fairy angel genius supa sugoi maho shoujo dating Inu Yasha, Yugi, AND Sesshy. Swag.

    I spent my 6th grade wearing pigtails everyday and carrying around a giant folder of anime printouts. I sang along (loudly and badly) to anime OPs and EDs on the bus ride to and from school, and whenever a book report was assigned, I'd do it on a "MAYN-GAH". I had a Tokyo Mew Mew choker from *~*Nihon*~* which I wore to school and I carried a purse that had Babbit from Kodomo no Omacha on it. I drew supa sugoi artwork on all my homework papers. I truly believed I was the most motherfucking adorable kakkoi thing to ever grace a public middle school. I went as far one day to actually go up to a guy I had a crush on (a super stalker crush) and act like a girl from one of my Chinese cartoons, saying, "U-Um, I-I really like you, A-Kun... w-would you go out with me?!"

    Good times. I still cringe thinking back to all the embarrassing stuff that I did, but it's hard to regret all of it because back then, I was really, really happy being the carefree idiot I was.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)15:35 No.5458474
    Hm, I follow into the loving the only mainstream anime category, shouting out kawaii and stuff like that, and obnoxious yaoi fangirl who writes crappy fanfics.
    >> InLucidReverie !uzLolitasY 02/05/12(Sun)15:39 No.5458486
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    I wasn't TOO bad, I think. My favourite anime was Elfen Lied and I sometimes used broken Japanese like baka and kawaii, but I think that was it.

    Still... all of my regret. Though, I only really discovered anime at 14 and didn't go to cons til 17.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)15:48 No.5458520
         File1328474881.jpg-(40 KB, 249x498, tumblr_lwafklkUyg1qemkoko1_400.jpg)
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    Inuyasha. Dear god.

    Me and my friends religiously watched that show. Every saturday we would have "tea ceremonys" where we would make a ring around us and the tv made out of manga and we would praise seshomaru-sama and all his glory and watch it.

    Naruto was the next thing and of cource we all had the headbands and junk. I was the most powerful ninja of us all, and would pick fights with the baka-jocks who made fun of us. I was the one with the demon who I would one day unleash upon everyone who did not respect our sugoi life.
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/05/12(Sun)15:50 No.5458527
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    I was the one who dreamed of going to Japan, or one day waking up realizing that I was Japanese.
    I even used to ask/beg my parents if our Family was even a small part asian (high hopes for being japanese desu).
    I even have a shitload of printed japanese lessons somewhere, and the worst part is, my parents still think I'm obsessed with Japan.
    I was also a "*+speshul snowflake desu+*" and socially awkward at maximum level, when I was 12-13 nobody in my class liked anime, so I tried to keep my power level as low as possible, but after that oh god.
    Art School revealed itself to be bursting with weaboos, nearly everyone in my class liked anime so I felt better but was still akward/retarded with people, and I wore pretty much the same clothes all the time and for 4-5 months I used to wear terribad pigtails.
    When I woke the fuck up, I realized that I was surrounded by weaboos.
    My friends were my woke up call.
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/05/12(Sun)15:56 No.5458541
    *wake up call

    >I sang along (loudly and badly) to anime OPs and EDs on the bus ride to and from school,
    holy shit are you me?
    I thought I was the next Aya Hirano or something.
    When we roleplayed Mew Mew, I was always Pudding because she was the annoying little attention whore who was always happy and yadda yadda
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)15:57 No.5458548
    I was a weird kid alright, but I never was a weeaboo.

    Helps to know that I was already in university when Naruto appeared.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)15:58 No.5458555
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    >one day waking up realizing that I was Japanese.

    that's some serious shit aight
    >> sage sage 02/05/12(Sun)16:04 No.5458581
    aren't you still a preeteen?
    >Art School
    yeah seems very convinicng
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)16:07 No.5458596
    ugh, i was the worst. speaking bad japanese (only knowing mostly swearwords, what a rebel), drawing anime style all day erryday, to the point where i think it's permanently ruined my style and everything i draw will look like it. but at least it's cribbed from the sailor moon mangas, which i still think is beautifully drawn.
    and all you kids talking about being into naruto in middle school are making me cry; i remember buddies in college watching it while it was still in fansubs.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)16:10 No.5458610
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    Oh god, bad times

    = I found Naruto and became the "QUEEN OF OTAKUS!"
    = Got weeb friends and we cosplayed to school at least once a month, we would wear pieces of our WIP hot glued costumes
    = I was so obsessed with Itachi I swore that if he died in the manga I would jump out of a window because he was all I had to live for
    = I was determined to be a mangaka and I was going to go to the great land of Nippon and get famous!
    = Anatomy was obviously shit, luckily none of those ever hit the interwebs
    = Would blast Caramelldansen at the end of school and dance shamelessly to round up my weeb friends
    = Wore a maid cosplay and told my Japanese teacher is wasn't cosplay it was a real maido outfit!

    I want to slap my past self so much !
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)16:13 No.5458618
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    this shit keeps getting worse an worse

    weeaboo horror stories much?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)16:20 No.5458653
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    My first anime was Sailor Moon but I was so young and it came on at 5am and I was a wee lass and had to go to school,so when Pokemon came on AFTER SCHOOL,shit got real. I became obsessed and wanted everything Pokemon. This was when I was in the 1st grade,bro. My parents didn't mind and I talked to everyone about Pokemon and tried to get everyone in to it and mostly hung around with the boys and dressed like one too. Fast forward to the 4th grade year,Yu-Gi-Oh! comes to the WB and I fall in love. Everything YGO and while looking up YGO on dial-up internet I find fanfictions and I find yaoi (at age 9 or 10). From then on,it was me obsessively writing and reading YGO yaoi fanfics. When I went to to middle school and became a "goth" anime fan and didn't care what people thought about me watching YGO and writing "porn" in class. I wore all black with nerdy and shitty graphic tee's. When YGO ended my freshmen year in highschool,I went into a full on depression and didn't want to watch any other anime. After I recovered (and got really burnt out on YGO yaoi) I tucked away that disgusting fangirl and I never did fangirl outside of my room. I never did that wapanese shit and I never cosplayed because I'm super anal about that stuff and when I started going to anime conventions I made sure not to ever act like the dumbass weeaboo's there. Now,I'm 20 year old "hipster-pawthead" that loves NGE too much. Watching anime every fucking day. Only reads YGO yaoi. Obsesses over shouta and porn in general and always keep my power level hidden.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)16:22 No.5458655
    What's worse, my friends would try to challenge my title and we would have Yugioh duels to settle disputes... Guess who would cheat to keep her self imposed title?
    >> Claudie !!5M+s+ZHeFhU 02/05/12(Sun)16:23 No.5458657

    Don't worry, we'll both be Aya Hirano someday ;;
    >> Anonymiss 02/05/12(Sun)16:30 No.5458682
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    > Got started on Inuyasha in grade five
    > Wrote Kagome/Inuyasha fanfiction that was twelve chapters long for no reason other than restating everything that had been written in the last paragraph
    > Obviously stole two other characters from another fanfic, didn't deny it
    > Began making the cliche anime cut-out binder
    > After that year my fixation moved to Case Closed and Zatch Bell for a while
    > Fullmetal Alchemist premier in grade six
    > Aru-sama is officially my bishie, NOBODY ELSE'S OKAY, HE'S MINE
    > mfw what the fuck was I thinking

    > Next year, transfer to junior high
    > Make friends with a group of weeaboos there
    > Write shitty mary-sue FMA fanfiction in a notebook with another friend in that group, which includes all the other weeaboo girl's characters
    > Own every sort of FMA or Alphonse-related merchandise
    > After that year, throw out the cliche anime binder and decide to make other friends

    Nothing of importance or any super-crazy weeaboo stories from that time, sadly. I still keep in touch with one girl from then, and she turned out relatively normal.
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/05/12(Sun)16:34 No.5458695
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    one day...
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)16:40 No.5458732
    My guilty pleasure. But for real, you sound exactly like me anon.
    >> Anonymous !n5GvLONELY 02/05/12(Sun)16:45 No.5458758
    I pretty much grew up on Pokemon, Digimon, Yugioh, One Piece and Case Closed. However, I never found a single person that would share my anime interests. I never really had a chance to be a weaboo, or show my power levels.

    There was a brief time where I believed in Japanese... cultural superiority, but then again, our country has barely any culture to begin with, so it didn't take much to convince me. In the end, I actually came to despise all weaboos and treat everything Japanese as inferior to the products of Western civilization.

    I matured and accepted the fact that both cultures have their merits only two or three years ago. I regained my interest in anime too, I finally saw critically acclaimed series Cowboy Bebop, Monster, Legend of the Galactic Heroes and more, as well as all the greatest anime movies.

    Funnily enough, I do find a lot of weaboos now, when studying at a university. And boy, do they have shit taste. None of them even bother to hide their power levels (loli porn on desktop, they don't give a fuck). And yet, once again, I have no one to share my own anime interests with - simply because it is impossible for them to comprehend that Naruto isn't the cream of the corp, or that it isn't all Yaoi and loli hentai.
    >> desu !ZFelixZa.Q 02/05/12(Sun)16:46 No.5458767
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    A friend of mine and I used to practice ninja fighting at my house. I pretended that I was Hinata and I would "fight for my honor". After the fights I put bandages on my arms to look like Neji because he was supasugoi~!

    In my schoolwork I would always add little emoticons at the end (ie ^__^ at the end of every. fucking. essay.)

    I also was a Tokyo Mew Mew fag, and I tried to write my own manga, Kawaii Kitty Angels. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)16:50 No.5458785
    I was never a faggot like all of you. This thread is just to try and make yourselves better about your fagotness like it happens to everyone. Well, it doesn't. Just losers like you. You all make me fucking sick, former weebs.
    >> Anonymous !n5GvLONELY 02/05/12(Sun)16:52 No.5458797
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)16:56 No.5458813
    >Obsessed with Inuyasha, Naruto, Bleach, Hetalia, etc.
    >Own a yuri paddle, used it on innocent cosplayers at conventions
    >Own a Naruto headband, wore it to school on occasion

    This is the worst of it and I feel incredibly ashamed and I pray no one at conventions remembers my face.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)16:56 No.5458817
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    every girl instinctively dreams of God's gynos (even if she's never sa- heard of-- ... uh.. touched them), it can't be helped

    their so magnificent!
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)16:57 No.5458821
    sup John, where's your bitch?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)17:02 No.5458839
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)17:03 No.5458842
    I used to be the biggest weeaboo, and I am really so ashamed of my past that I have only mentioned it to my boyfriend and no one else! I would wear a Naruto headband, run with my arms out like they did in Dragonball, the whole nine yards. But, even worse than that, when I finally got rabid frothingly obsessed with Yu Yu Hakusho and used to roleplay it 24/7 online, I would start to tell my friends at school that I was actually the reincarnation of a wolf demon from the Makai and stare wistfully out the window longing to free from the mortal world. I also said that I could see the characters from Yu Yu Hakusho outside my window, or following me to the bus stop in the morning, I even cut myself once and said that Youko Kurama did it to me. I said that I ate dog food because of the wolf spirit inside me, and I would carry some grass tucked into the back of my shirt because I couldn't carry roses like Kurama. Combined with the fact that I barely showered and only ever spoke about my awful fanfictions and made up delusions I wonder how I had friends at all. I haven't spoken to those girls who were my friends since then, but I wish I could tell them I'm sorry for all that weirdness because I genuinely am. I have no idea why I behaved that way. I don't speak of it anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)17:03 No.5458848
    It's a shame, really. I had myself convinced it was...
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/05/12(Sun)17:05 No.5458855
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    it's 1 boob, a uniboob to be precise, and it's collocated at the center of the chest.
    Flapping all day.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)17:07 No.5458871
    I thought he had three boobs like that lady from Total Recall

    >husbando dropped
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)17:09 No.5458876
    I was obsessed with Pokemon and Tenchi Muyo as a kid, with dashes of Digimon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Mon Cole Knights, Monster Rancher, Flint, and... I think InuYasha? I didn't watch InuYasha too much if at all, but still. Oddly, I was the only kid who didn't like Dragonball, 'cause I thought it looked weird. I often used recess to write fanfics in my writing composition book about the Tenchi characters with Pokemon fighting Team Rocket and their evil cohorts "the Weasel Brothers". Quite literally space bandits that took the form of weasels. I also pretty much forced my younger cousin into watching Tenchi and Pokemon with me... And as a result I forced TM stuff into everything we played.

    That weebishness soon evolved into its apex in around 5th/6th grade with me making a self-insert OC named Dayvid. He was a crown prince from the planet Transformia, but he was basically Rue from Threads of Fate with black hair. His sidekicks were an Impmon, a Mew, and some random bird who was basically Zazu from the Lion King. His girlfriend was a Viera named Jill and they went on adventures throughout the galaxy meeting characters from all my favorite animu and forcing my OTPs.

    It changed into a musical soon enough, with mostly Lion King songs. I dunno.

    After my weeaboo phase I entered my Disneyphile phase, but that's a story for a different day- especially since I wasn't as crazy by any stretch of the word. I also got into Naruto- still kinda am- but I wasn't even close to being a weeaboo when I first saw an ep. Maybe it's because I got into the series via playing CoN2...
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)17:22 No.5458939
    I used to play Sailor Moon with the kids I babysat. I was probably fifteen at the time and they were between six and ten.

    It was almost always my suggestion when they were bored of their usual activities.

    I kind of miss it, sometimes. Sad as that is.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)17:35 No.5458994
    Flint? As in Flint the Time Detective? Man, sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who ever saw that show.

    Merlock is totally still mai husbando
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)17:42 No.5459019
    I used to live a double life. I never talked about nerdy things in middle school at all, my school was completely devoid of it. On the other hand, after I'd get home from school (I was short so I used to get bullied until I started growing) I'd pop online and start roleplaying in chatrooms. It would be a generic chatroom where it was 'anything goes', essentially you could roleplay any character in this situation and essentially it was a free-form roleplay. Eventually it had to be worked out that fights had to be resolved via some sort of system, so two were devised. One was turnbased paragraph fighting which eventually turned into a lame game of who could be intentionally verbose for the sake of confusing the other opponent...the most self-stroking over grandiose pointless shit. The other method was to fight in real-time, essentially turning it into a typing contest. The second way involved minimum word limits you had to type out in successive actions you played out in real time, whoever was faster and inputted first was the victor. Sometimes there was lag but for the most part it was clear when it was one-sided.

    It got to the point where your WPM was essentially your 'power level', until people figured out how to hotkey, copy/paste, etc. Even then metastrategies were invented to trick people around that so it got pretty fun and interesting watching a complete wizard at this shit roleplaying something as inane as a Rattata take down Sephiroth. Then original characters started to take off and entire identities were known because some dude was a quick draw McGraw on the keyboard.
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/05/12(Sun)17:45 No.5459027
         File1328481910.png-(59 KB, 571x515, 1327583550688.png)
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    >sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who ever saw that show.
    you're not alone anon
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/05/12(Sun)17:46 No.5459032
    referring to >>5458994
    >> Claudie !!5M+s+ZHeFhU 02/05/12(Sun)17:46 No.5459033
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    I lost it. I couldn't breathe I laughed so hard.

    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)17:48 No.5459039

    What are you doing, you are hellen keller you can't see shows

    You aren't even alive anymore
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)17:50 No.5459045
    Let's reminisce together ;_;
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/05/12(Sun)17:51 No.5459049
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    why did you have to remind me..
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)17:56 No.5459068
    In real life I was never weeby. I'm probably more weeby irl now than I ever was when I was a teenager.

    Anyway, Online? I was horrible... I was a yaoi fangirl, and I was obsessed with shota pairings of everything. Shota and gore and bdsm and idk why. Now I have no interest in whatsoever, probably because I have a boyfriend now lol. My art was... well... frightening. I submitted it to weeabo horror stories or whatever when they were still up on tumblr, and they featured it. it got..... SO many notes it scared me. Atleast Ive improved.
    >> Anonymous !n5GvLONELY 02/05/12(Sun)18:00 No.5459080
    >randomly Google thinking it's going to be some obscure I never heard about
    >realize I used to watch it too
    Holy shit. I don't think I ever understood what the hell it was about though. "Time Detective"? All the MC did was travel back in time, swing around a huge hammer, defeat baddies. Come to think of it, the dub that I watched changed the name to 'Flint Hammerhead', a much more appropriate title, I'd say.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)18:03 No.5459090
    >'Flint Hammerhead'
    their dub changed the title to the main characters name
    probably because of the WW2 and all that...
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/05/12(Sun)18:06 No.5459102
    I barely remember the theme song
    oh wait here it is
    Oh and a warning, it's not in english so you would probably be bored.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)18:07 No.5459104
    >All the MC did was travel back in time, swing around a huge hammer, defeat baddies
    the other two kids did the "detective" work, iirc
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)18:12 No.5459122
    I've heard her voice before, does she sing other themes songs over there?
    >> Anonymous !n5GvLONELY 02/05/12(Sun)18:13 No.5459124
    Yep, I watched all my anime in German on... RTL-2, if I remember correctly. Good times.

    Can't understand a word but it sure brings back memories...

    ...especially, it reminds me that the German dub had a much, much, much more aggressively retarded opening.

    also polite sage
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)18:16 No.5459133
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    it's like a subtle metaphor on the differences between Fascism and Nazism

    English OP anyone?
    >in b4 nigger rap
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)18:19 No.5459138
    My weeb past coincided with some pretty bad things, so it's a hard story.

    Long story short, I started pretty much worshiping Sailor Moon at age 8. I was an abuse victim, and it made me feel empowered. When I was pretending to be Usagi, I could pretend that I was a 'pure' person again, and that I was strong enough to stand up for myself. I went all out. Attempting to cosplay with cloths out of my closet, LARPing by myself in the back yard, collecting everything I could find Sailor Moon related, and even sending my fan art to Naoko Takeuchi. (She said something on her website about liking fan-art and letters.)

    It got pretty bad. I'm not completely ashamed of it, though, considering that most of me weeb stage happened before middle school. The worst I did after the 6th grade was attempt to draw my made-up characters in art class (Not for assignment, but on free time), and a few terrible cosplays that I never went to any con with.
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/05/12(Sun)18:21 No.5459143
    she did pretty much any cartoon/anime OP I can remember.

    At least it's just 0:58 seconds

    I'm not sure but
    >> Enemy Of Justice on the motherfucking phone !!RSk8At/etxd 02/05/12(Sun)18:24 No.5459154
    Obsessive and tsundere to boot you must really want to play megaman with me.
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/05/12(Sun)18:33 No.5459178
    again off topic, but can you list other anime series that you remember from your childhood? (the non famous ones)
    I feel like I'm the only one who didn't like Inuyasha because I didn't watch MTV at the time
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)18:35 No.5459185
    I think the Japanese opening is really cute.
    >> Enemy Of Justice on the motherfucking phone !!RSk8At/etxd 02/05/12(Sun)18:36 No.5459193
    I always thought that series was shit and always told my sister the same thing.

    They basicly run in circles the whole fucking series
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)18:39 No.5459202
    I actually find this song oddly pleasant.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)18:44 No.5459209
    Thats what you think.
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/05/12(Sun)18:45 No.5459213
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    tell that to 3-4 year old me anon,
    you just love her or hate her,
    and I love most of her theme songs
    >> Aladdin !RAGEkBZ/F6 02/05/12(Sun)18:48 No.5459226
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    Elementary school was Animorphs, DBZ, and pokemon. Digimon was gay after season 3.
    That being said, I was fucking THE BOSS at keeping my powerlevel to myself once I hit middle school. Unless you asked me about nerdy shit, I never talked about it. Though I had that nerd look (Nigga dat sweater-vest) and hung out with equally nerdy looking types of bros. I would read mangas in class and draw horrible monstrosities in some form of fan art and OCs, but again, kept it to myself.
    Hit high school, I might as well be auditioning for bollywood movies and still DA BOSS of keeping my powerlevel hidden, to an extent at least. Still rollan with the nerd types, but early high school was littered with the cat ears, yellow fever, NARUDO AND NINJAS, KAWAII DESU NE?, forum roleplaying, and VAMPIYAS. By end of sophomore year (a breakup was all it took), that was faggot gay shit and I was back to being DA BOSS.
    >> JillyBean !!JNfSKsTtdUC 02/05/12(Sun)18:51 No.5459242
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    Ooooooh boy. I try and hide my power levels now, well not hide, but I like to think I have a better fashion sense than I used to when I was younger.

    I recall in middle school I wanted to dress all punk with the suspenders down at my side hot topic pants, but my mother controlled the wallet and she as a strict all old broad. In hindsight I'm rather glad she didnt let me dress how I wanted back then.

    I used to draw 'manga' all the time, and had a .hack rip off story I wanted to turn into a manga. It was also when I first made plans to start going to conventions, they fell through the first year but by summer of seventh grade I'd gone to my first one.

    Lets see what else, I had a flair for the dramatics and was a huge gaia nerd. I was also still on neopets, and in 8th grade Maple Story would own my soul. I was really really into roleplay, typically I would have a marry sue like character to go along with it. I imagined myself as some pretty 'sugoi' girl. And I had a habbit of tackling my best friend, or as I called it 'glomping', when ever she entered the library where my group of friends chose to hang out.

    The one good thing this all had was I made some awesome friends in middle school. At the time we were all dorky weebs and though I changed highschools and didnt go to school with them, were still all really good friends. And weve all grown up a lot, more mature and were not so 'ANIME ALL DAY ERRDAY' anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)18:59 No.5459277
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)19:54 No.5459480
    Holy shit anon i thought that i hallucinated that show. Legit no one I know has ever heard of it.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)19:55 No.5459486
    The only difference with me was the basement of a neighbor that would let me borrow a fourth gen copy of Harlock with a script, mistranslated even, due to a lack of dubs.
    >> Pirate Toaster !c1TjLrVNNA 02/05/12(Sun)19:58 No.5459496
    Holy shitballs I love that programme, like it's actually my childhood.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)20:02 No.5459516
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    OHOO~ I went to school for a full year with cat-ears and a schoolgirl uniform. Well, variations of the "plaid skirt, white shirt, thigh-highs, blazer" getup. My world was Naruto. Not even kidding you, NARUTO-ALL-OVER. I couldn't shut up about "OMG KAKASHI-SAAAN". I called myself "chibi-joz-chan" and threw about "desu, sugoy, ne, and even 'ttebayo" I've toned down quite a bit. I still wear the uniforms though, but that's because I just find them so adorable.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)20:09 No.5459539
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    I was an obnoxious FMA fan throughout middle school, to the point where I'd bring my Alphonse figurine to school and keep it on my desk. I'd fight with anyone who called him a doll. I printed out human Al fanart and kept it in my binder at all times.
    Also I had one of those animu cat hats that I wore at all times.
    I can't think of anything else at the moment but I'm sure there's more.
    >> Badr !KuHbpirZVI 02/05/12(Sun)20:16 No.5459557
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    My sister and I in high school. guess which one was me.
    (hint, that's not a wig I'm wearing)
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)20:35 No.5459634
    Oh and I also learned all the openings and endings for Naruto. Still know them since this was only two years ago. No regrets on that though, still sing to those.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)21:07 No.5459737
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    Here's me at my weeaboo-est when I was 14. My favorite anime was InuYasha. I wore those cat ears to school more than once.
    >> SlowMope !LQ6XW3vel6 02/05/12(Sun)21:17 No.5459783
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    >used to be.
    Bitch please
    I am still a fucking weeb.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)21:24 No.5459806
    There's no shame in that. Naruto's music was wasted on Naruto.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)21:27 No.5459811
    T-the way you talk about it..well...I WANNA PLAY TOO!!! D:
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)21:29 No.5459815
    I remember that show... Alright, I don't really remember the "show" as much as I remember Petra thigh-highs, but that's something, right?
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)21:32 No.5459825
    I totally made my own maps to a fantasy world. An entire stolen school notebook full.
    My world was a mishmash of the Lion King, Sailor Moon and Pokemon.
    The queen was basically Serenity with a blue dress and she turned into a white lion that could evolve.
    I made a shirt with her on it in media class >_<
    I wrote a story about it for English class.
    I made it into a play for drama class...
    you get the idea.
    >> Soup 02/05/12(Sun)21:34 No.5459827

    I did this with my nephews only it was naruto
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)21:38 No.5459840
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    >that feel when you can relate

    In the 8th grade I went through phase where I thought it was cool to dress as a fucking rehtard. Honestly, I thought I was cool shit. I'd even come to school wearing mismatching shoes and odd looking sweaters. Not to mention the fact that I was still into pretending I was my favorite animu character during recess. Thank god I wasn't alone, though. All those recesses spent pretending I was Ganon. My gay best friend (who didn't figure out he was gay this early in life) would always claim Zelda before anyone else could. Haha. I also developed a strange animu-esque drawing style. I wish I still had pictures lurking about because they were god awful.

    In the 9th grade I looked like a huge lesbian. I constantly wore my fathers clothes or pajamas to school. I didn`t shower much because I was too busy wasting my life away on RO and manga. I would also stay at home and try studying Japanese. I sooo wanted to become an English teacher in Japan.

    At least I was never the type to shove my weeaboo-ness down other people`s throats.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)21:39 No.5459845
    Oh, I had the binder and I was a cat. I was in middle school when pokemon came out and I was OBSESSED! I was a Pikachu and I could speak the Pokemon language and I was married to James from team rocket. Then I got into Anime and my power levels went up from there. I was the alpha weeb and I ran the anime club. I totarry spoke Japanese (learned from anime) and sine I'd actually been to Japan I was an expert amongst my friends (who I lied to and told them it was totally like anime even though I was just visiting my grandma and didn't really do anything while I was there.). I didn't ear right (filled my body with japanese candy) and I didn't exercise (watchin' the animes) and I got FAAAAT. Still reaping the consequences to this day :/
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)21:45 No.5459861
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    This is basically everyone's weeaboo years in a nutshell... minus you know what
    >> Anonymous 02/05/12(Sun)22:07 No.5459918
    I drew maps of fantasy worlds too! It was a way for me to make worlds that I wanted to be in, and had imaginary adventures and whatnot. I had a whole notebook for it that I carried around in middle school full of drawings of the worlds and the people, I was always "the Chosen One" that could save it all from evil or something. It was heavily influenced by Zelda and Dragon Ball Z hahahaha
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)00:45 No.5460672
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    I loved Pokemon. It was my entire life around 4th-8th grades. I didn't have a lot of friends and my mother was always working, so I stayed alone with my games.

    I watched the series religiously and played my Gameboy probably around 5 hours per day. I had a big notebook where I would draw pokemon and my fanfics where I would describe my adventures around the Pokemon World. I used to yell out attacks and talked to my Pokemon.

    I went to my first anime convention when I was 14 and I was delighted to find many other gamers. I always traded and battled like crazy in those conventions.

    At some point, I realized this wasn't healthy and decided to focus on school gradually.

    I still like Pokemon, it will always hold a special place in my heart, but of course I don't play it so obsessively since I have a job and have to go to college.

    Now that I think of it, I had a pretty sad childhood and most people would consider me schizophrenic if I told them this.

    You're the only ones who understand, /cgl/ ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)01:07 No.5460771
    Are you me?
    >> Melonpan 02/06/12(Mon)02:09 No.5461074
    Possibly. Did you seriously consider spraying your hair pink and closet cosplaying Sakura to a con?
    >and actually ask people 'do you like naruto?' as a topic of conversation, because you couldn't think about anything else
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:32 No.5461194

    ...I used to...

    ...I used to watch [spoiler]Naruto[/spoiler].
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:43 No.5461241
    Well I'm not saying that there are no *black* weaboos, but you can't be a weaboo when you were raised in poverty.

    Unless you're white, like EoJ (because then you're not really in poverty because the state is biased in your favor and gives you extra money).
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:44 No.5461243
    Seriously stop posting
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:48 No.5461259
    What, I never said anything racist...
    >> Fel 02/06/12(Mon)02:48 No.5461260
    Having access to a computer/the internet is really the only prerequisite for turning into a weeaboo in these days.
    Sometimes not even.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:50 No.5461265
    Yep, because having free access to the Internet is one of the standard things you get in the projects.

    Who cares about drinking water, at least you have the net.
    >> Enemy of Justice !!+FAsUxDSKw1 02/06/12(Mon)02:52 No.5461272
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    You sound sooooooo soooooooo fucking stupid right now
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:54 No.5461284
    What are you telling me that staying alive (you need H2O for that) is less important than being on the Internet? Lol okay
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)02:57 No.5461296
    >Tell me /cgl/, what kind of weaboo were you before you became a normal, functioning human being.
    I was always a normal, functioning human being. Sure I did watch Pokemon a lot, but so did every other kid on the block, most of us never even knew it was anime, was just the cool thing to do. The only problem I had was when my Christian parents tried to stop me from watching it because they heard it makes kids violent and jump out of windows. Yeah...
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)03:01 No.5461313
         File1328515291.jpg-(87 KB, 396x385, angry frog.jpg)
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    I know that feel bro.

    When my mom heard about that, she tool away all my Pokemon stuff and I never saw it again. Probably went in the trash can.

    I mean how stupid can people be. Kids defenestrating themselves based on a cartoon? Really?
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)03:14 No.5461354
    No I think he's saying he grew up in a 90% white suburb, not in a nigger filled project.
    >> Anonymous !n5GvLONELY 02/06/12(Mon)04:05 No.5461469
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    Well, I went through the list of anime that aired on RTL II and checked if I recognized anything (the titles themselves most certainly wouldn't tell me much):
    >Chibi Maruko-chan
    >Crayon Shin-chan
    (surely I watched that only because it aired between my favorite shows, not b-because I liked it, or anything)
    >Ganbare, Kickers!
    (thought it was the same series as Captain Tsubasa, but no, apparently I watched something else)
    (probably a famous one?)
    >Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne
    (uhh... I'm pretty sure I've only seen one or two episodes, accidentally)
    >Monster Rancher
    (never would have remembered the name)
    >Power Stone
    >Futari wa Pretty Cure
    (same case as DoReMi above... yes; this one's more popular I think)
    >Wakakusa Monogatari Nan to Jō Sensei
    (now this was a very obscure find, all I remember is that it was set in Austria and the Nazis came in one episode; might be remembering a different series altogether)

    and I recognized "Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs" too, but that surely is one of the more famous ones, and I watched it on a different channel
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)04:25 No.5461510
    Ah yes. The show where I saw penis for the first time ever.

    Imagine if a non-Japanese studio ever tried to pull that off...
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)04:28 No.5461518
    welp he didn't look exactly like a shota so its okay
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)05:26 No.5461593
    Wow, a lot of the stories aren't that bad. In fact, I don't even count liking Pokemon and Sailor Moon in elementary school as "weaboo" because ALL of the kids liked that shit. There wasn't a kid on the playgroud in 3rd grade who wasn't pretending to be a pokemon trainer or a sailor scout. Where are the real crazies that we hear about in the other threads?

    Here's my story, Anons. It's pretty long, but it's full of all kinds of secondhand embarrassment that I know you're craving to read more about.
    I guess it begins at some point in 6th grade when I picked up an Azumanga Daioh manga from a drugstore. I didn't even understand it at first because it's all in that 4-panel style and I was reading it backwards and there are tons of jokes that don't translate well. I just thought it was cute and different from the usual fantasy novels about dragons and shit that I would have normally been reading.

    Because I was bullied a lot in 5th and 6th grade for a variety of things, when my family moved just before 7th grade I was determined to change that and make friends at my new school. The new school had a small selection of manga in its library, through which I met two girls who became my best friends. They introduced me to Fruits Basket, Tokyo MewMew, DNAngel, and a whole slew of other terrible manga we've all read.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)05:27 No.5461595

    By 8th grade the 3 of us had turned into a solid group of about 10. The sketchbook I had always carried around was no longer full of dragons and Neopets, but Inuyasha characters, terrible cat-girl OCs, and Gaia avatars. Hot Topic clothes were THE SHIT. At one point I even convinced my mom to let me dye my long stringy hair cherry red, which slowly faded as my roots grew out.
    Several of my friends and I were fucking obsessed with FMA. I wore a transmutation circle necklace everyday and even had my mom help me sew a shitty replica of Edward's jacket. My binder was plastered with bad quality printouts of Jrock CD covers and all I listened to was Gackt and music from anime. I also remember a phase where my friends and I wrote horrendous fan fictions in composition notebooks and shared them with each other. We spoke some broken Japanese to each other, but not much. At least half, if not all, of us were crazy about Vic Mignogna and wanted to either be voice actors or mangaka at some point though.

    Had enough yet? We haven't even gotten to my high school years, aka: the height of my weaboo phase...
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)05:35 No.5461607

    I ended up transferring to a different high school than my 8th grade friends, which meant meeting new people all over again. I met a girl in my art class on the first day who also liked animu. She introduced me to the school's group of weirdo/stoner/goth kids, who would later become the OTAKU PACK.
    We all drew shitty fanart or wrote shitty fanfictions. A few of us were obsessed with yaoi, which I didn't get into much. I distinctly remember having a few Naruto-themed parties, thinking instant ramen was great, and singing the english versions (or in some cases, made-up versions) of anime songs.

    I discovered cosplaying through Gaia. I caused the majority of the rest of the group to get into the hobby too, but no one else ever got as bad as I did.
    We all wore our Naruto headbands frequently enough that the school banned them in fear of it being gang-related. I took it much farther though. I was making my mom teach me to sew cosplays and I started going to more cons. When I wasn't wearing whole costumes like Sasuke or Shuichi Shindou to school, I was regularly wearing anime t-shirts, cosplay accessories, and cat ears/tails. I even wore my entire Kikiyo cosplay to school once or twice. One of the first things I ever made on my own was actually a plush of Inuyasha, which looked like a felt voodoo doll of a gingerbread man with cat ears.

    The only thing I really had going in my favor was that I had good hygiene and I wasn't super hyperactive like a lot of weebs are.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)05:40 No.5461615

    I didn't give a fuck that everyone outside of my little group thought I was a freak. If anyone said something rude, I'd spit something equally rude back at them. My new pack of friends, and the acceptance and admiration I had gained from them, had given me a ridiculously high self esteem. If I got anything out of any of this, it's that I didn't let myself get bullied anymore. I'd still like to travel back in time and give myself a nice bitch slap though...

    By sophomore year I had pretty much stopped wearing cosplays to school. Now I just dressed in horribly coordinated outfits that mostly consisted of "cute" clothes I bought from Goodwill. I wore a lot of pleated skirts, jumpers, and legwarmers with tall socks and sneakers. I still drew shitty art, and all of my spare time was spent on Gaia or checking out every single manga and anime DVD in my city's public library. I still have some of the VHS tapes I made of Adult Swim anime and the early Naruto episodes on CN. I was becoming increasingly more interested in cosplaying and was going to more cons. My skills were improving, but I was still god-awful.

    By Junior year I had mostly grown out of my weaboo-ness. No cosplays or anime-related stuff at school anymore and not as much of a WTF wardrobe. My sewing had greatly improved and the only time I wore costumes was at cons.

    Now, I'm 20 and not so much of a weeb anymore. I'm just an elitist cosplayer.
    Pretty much all digital evidence of my bad fashion choices and first few terrible cosplays have been deleted and I literally burned all of my shitty drawings from 7th-10th grade.

    There. That's it. My tale of being a weaboo. Sorry if you got all excited and thought I was actually a fucking nutcase... nope. Pretty normal for a weeb.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)05:48 No.5461633
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    Oh god,anon. We should be best fuckin' friends in my eyes. You have no idea. My world used to revolve around YGO (including when I found other fans for the anime only. The TCG was never really my thing.) but Shouta is a new thing for me. I have trouble except that I fucking love the little fuckers. Now,I'm all about NGE,Mirai Nikki,MSMM, and K-pop,tch. Also,Kingdom Hearts makes me jizz everywhere. I just keep that tucked waaaaaaaaaaaaay down.
    >> Jim !3GguJeKwzU 02/06/12(Mon)06:25 No.5461672
    What's with all the Naruto hate ITT, I started watching it when I was 17.
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/06/12(Mon)06:56 No.5461693
    (Part 1/2 of my original post)
    I remember watching a few of those series:

    >Crayon Shin-chan
    Loved him, I remember my dad being freaked out by him tho. All time favourtie mooner

    one of my favourites, watched every season, had the diary and pencil case, my sister also had a talking plushie of Doremi.

    I had ALL the merch of that series, I was obsessed with how cute they were.
    Wasn't the one with squinty eyes chinese? (the one with the red apron and always carrying a broom)

    >Futari wa Pretty Cure
    I loved that and the second series (ignoring the fact that the new characters were just copies of Nagisa and Honoka) , after that it went all to shit. All the new series are the same as the previous ones, it's pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)07:14 No.5461708
    This is important. Did you go to Ace Digimon or Charmander31's chatrooms?

    I remember those fighting styles being used at those chats.
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/06/12(Mon)07:38 No.5461718
    part 2/3 (Because I don't want to delete other titles and I am blind and deaf)

    Here's a list of anime series I used to watch: (and of course I know most of the theme songs by heart)

    >Cyborg Kuro chan

    >Mahōjin Guru Guru

    >Ohayō! Supanku

    >Meitantei Konan

    >Corrector Yui

    >Dash Kappei

    >Arupusu no Shōjo Haiji (Heidi)

    >Let's & Go

    >Lady Georgie

    >Sanchome no Tama: Uchi no Tama Shirimasenka

    >Mitsubachi Maya no Boken

    >Le rose di Versailles

    >Yu-gi-oh! (only the first series)

    >Love me Knight

    >Hakushon Daimaou

    >Yume no Crayon ōkoku

    >Captain Tsubasa

    >Cat's eye

    -to be continued
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/06/12(Mon)07:42 No.5461722
    part 3/3 FINALLY.

    >Tentou Mushi no Uta

    >Meitantei Konan

    >Corrector Yui

    >Kodomo no omocha



    >Captain Tsubasa

    >Cat's eye

    >Tentou Mushi no Uta

    >Tokimeki tonight

    >Time Bokan Series: Yattaman

    >Akage no Anne

    >Time Bokan Series: Time Patrol Tai Otasukeman

    >Poron (Pollon)

    >Dr Slump


    >Shin Maple Town Monogatari: Palm Town Hen

    I may have forgotten a few, and of course there are ones that I've mentioned in my previous posts)
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)08:12 No.5461765
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    you should make a thread about it on /a/, they like all animes there

    we're just prejudiced old harpies who can't appreciate such a great series as Naruto
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)08:15 No.5461771
    Nah, I, for one, always wanted to be a cosmonaut when I grew up.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)08:20 No.5461779
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    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/06/12(Mon)12:40 No.5462198
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    I really am blind, I've just noticed that some of these titles repeat in the 3d part.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)15:16 No.5462716

    I started reading this in the morning, I finished now
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)16:30 No.5463012
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    would you do that
    >> Anonymous !n5GvLONELY 02/06/12(Mon)17:38 No.5463314
    >Wasn't the one with squinty eyes chinese? (the one with the red apron and always carrying a broom)
    I think that might depend on the dub. From what I've read, he's Japanese in the original, though he spoke with a kansai accent, which they replaced with a Southern accent in the English localization (and they gave him the name 'Howdy' for reasons beyond my understanding). The German version shared some names with the English one, but this hamster in particular was called 'Juppidu', which sounded Japanese to me, so I thought he was based on a sumo wrestler or something.

    IIRC, my personal favorites were Panda and the one that was always asleep, can't remember the name...

    Come to think of it, I think I saw Hakushon Daimaō too, (localized with a lot of derp as "Bob, der Flaschengeist"), dunno what it was about anymore but I sure remember that stupid face of his.
    I also remember the Maya and Anne series (they were surprisingly popular here), but they aired waaay before I even realized that those were Japanese cartoons. Same goes for Arabian Nights Sinbad no Bōken / Sindbad the Sailor.

    All of them are serious nostalgia stuff, but if I were to choose just one that brings back my favorite childhood memories, for me, it would be either Conan or one of the earlier Digimon seasons.
    >> Jim !3GguJeKwzU 02/06/12(Mon)18:07 No.5463408
    you think I'm retarded? /a/ has shit taste in anime

    (stupid email field)
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:12 No.5463424
    >not liking Big Three
    >shit taste
    just...just go back to /v9k/ and don't come back pls

    one would think that the humiliation was good enough already
    >> Jim !3GguJeKwzU 02/06/12(Mon)18:15 No.5463434
    Sure, humiliation, as if I care when jealous fatties on the Internet photoshop my pictures (and very badly to boot) because their never confident to post pictures themselves and cannot stand someone who's not NEET.

    I am Alpha as fuck I don't run away.
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:18 No.5463450
    I'm so glad you aren't related in any way to /a/
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:21 No.5463457
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    >>Did you carry that cliche binder full of anime print outs?

    Hey man! Are you a wizard?

    Yes I did. Stopped doing that when I got myself a computer tough, now I just packrat all nice pics I find electronically. And I'm not being as obnoxious about ANIMEEEE! anymore. Started drawing because I liked Dragon Ball, now I try to tone down the japanese influence in my art andfind inspiration here in the west as well. I guess I outgrew having to brag about my art as well, going to a few cons and seing artist that where shittier than me try to sell their crap made me realise how dumb I must look to my more skilled peers.

    I also outgrew pestering strangers about pokemon lore... THANK GOD!
    >> Anonymous 02/06/12(Mon)18:58 No.5463582
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    but do you know how to draw horses?
    >> Jim !3GguJeKwzU 02/07/12(Tue)04:11 No.5465412
    lol yeah, sure is reassuring that there isn't a single person on /a/ who's not a fat anime-hating NEET web
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)04:39 No.5465483
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    >I am Alpha as fuck I don't run away.
    made my morning
    >> Jim !3GguJeKwzU 02/07/12(Tue)04:47 No.5465502
    0/10, no effort input
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)06:33 No.5465644
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    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)06:52 No.5465656
    I recently found some old notebooks back from highschool days where I used to doodle weeaboo crap.

    Oh and I remember being into nurutu. That's about it.

    I still did hide my powerlevel.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)07:17 No.5465677
    >people 'remembering' being into nurutu as if it wasn't popular among kids less than four-three years ago
    >the average viewer of the show being 12-13
    >> Jim !3GguJeKwzU 02/07/12(Tue)08:14 No.5465722
    I, for one, started watching at 16-17. So your point is moot.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)08:44 No.5465741
    I met a girl at summer camp and she had tape recordings of ranma 1/2 opening and ending themes. We became fast friends and it turned out we lived close to each other. We would rent blue seed and burn up w from blockbuster. I remember trying really hard to figure out wtf was going on in the Eva previews. We rented adv releases, the white tapes!, so they did previews of their other releases at the beginning of each tape. Ugh, I also painted the Warui kanji on a napkin and sewed it onto a hoodie I had, this was years later when I began watching kenshin. And I tried to start an shine club at school and got kicked out because someone told our teacher sponsor that anime was porn. We were watching trigun that first meeting I think, but don't think the lack of tits on the screen mattered to her. Lots of other stuff too, all my binders had Lain and Eva drawings and I used bssm and Kite shitajiki at school. Ugh, I was not on anyone's list for a girlfriend that is for damn sure.
    >> Response: Obligatory Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)09:24 No.5465788
    >I met a girl at summer camp
    did you fuck?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)10:04 No.5465853
    >F3 'Slayers'
    >No results
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)10:12 No.5465875
    My first vhs was slayers hahaha.
    Yes, we were sexy weeb lesbian 8th graders. You could say it was obligatory.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)10:15 No.5465882
    Slayers is too mainstream, everyone watched that.

    >tfw when no Ouran High School Host Club itt
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)10:29 No.5465910

    My life. I didn't have a binder, my entire bedroom wall was covered in shitty anime print-outs. Gateway anime was Gundam Wing, then I started watching shit on CN like Inuyasha and Yugioh. Had a group of outcasts at school that used to hang around outside home room every morning trading around various genres and ratings of manga, became a yaoislashsugooooi fan and met my best friend through Fake. Spent a loooot of time on the computer, literally from like 12 - 16, RPing various shit with complete strangers.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)11:02 No.5465988
    >RPing various shit with complete strangers.
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/07/12(Tue)11:36 No.5466063
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    >mfw you're still answering me
    I know that I should probably move to /a/ but they only talk about moeshit or the the most recent/popular series.

    my favourites were "squinty" and the one with the pink scarf. The pearing was so damn adorable

    Maya was incredibly popular here too (and I remember watching it many months ago just for nostalgia)
    There was also another Anime with a bee, but it was pretty intense and a lot of scenes had to be cut off because it had loads violence and death scenes.

    I also remember watching Lupin III at times,
    but I preferred Conan.

    I liked Digimon, but for some reason I was a huge pokèmon fangirl, I have photos of 4-5 year old me with pokèmon shirts. I had the videotapes, backpack, stickers, plush toys, figurines, hat and tons of other merchandise

    My favourite series were probably Yattaman, Doraemon (also my first manga, so much love), Tokimeki Tonight, Cyborg Kuro chan, Pollon (the first anime with drug/pedo/Zoophilia/homosexual references), Heidi, Mahōjin Guru Guru, Corrector Yui (who reminded me of a virtual version of Card Captor Sakura), Lady Georgie, Pretty Cure,Ohayō! Supanku (Hello! Spank) , Hamtaro, Shin Chan, and Attacker You!
    (1/4 of the lists)

    Does Ultimate Muscle qualify as an anime series? It was pretty funny

    Never liked Naruto, Bleach, or Inuyasha.
    >zomg s0 anti-m41nstreeM!1!

    The true gateway to weaboo land was Azumanga Daioh.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)11:56 No.5466088
    >Mfw no apocalypse zero, jungle de ikkou, elf princess raine

    Seriously though, dubbed Golden Boy, where is the love people! Love that shit dubbed.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)12:00 No.5466098
    Ugh, remember waiting for Saturday Anime on sci-fi channel like it was fucking Christmas each week? Even thigh they looped Bamp hunter D, galaxy express 999, ajd this one movie about... Mars? I just remember that dude waking up with no pants and the chick trying to make out with him and he just keeps asking where his pants are. Hahahaha
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)12:02 No.5466099
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)12:19 No.5466141

    as in pretending to be a pokemon

    when a random guy is walking towards you

    yep seems totally legit, (keepwalkingkeepwalkingkeepwalking)


    I never seen a single thread about it on /a/

    and I've been there for a month almost

    maybe popular for furries

    >>apocalypse zero
    wooow, a anime about Vietnam War??

    >Bamp hunter D
    you mean Bounty Hunter D, right
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)12:20 No.5466142
    *Vampire HUnter

    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)12:24 No.5466150
         File1328635498.png-(40 KB, 320x271, 1316275544439.png)
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    >mfw I did exactly shit like that
    >up until I was 15
    and now I wonder why people think I'm insane
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/07/12(Tue)12:32 No.5466164
    well, since many people in this thread mentioned Inuyasha I thought it was pretty popular.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)12:37 No.5466170
    It is/was
    That anon is just an eejit
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)12:40 No.5466172
    >an eejit
    whuts that
    >> Nyaff !SBBUSHtGIU 02/07/12(Tue)12:44 No.5466178
    Yaldi! Another glesga anon.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)12:54 No.5466197
    >Irish slang for "idiot"
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)12:57 No.5466198
    You sound more and more like me anon, same one you're responding to. I still read the manga every now and then, but I've toned it down since I was younger, my world was too - Yugioh, Yugioh everywhere. Never tried kingdom hearts though, I only know what I've seen around the net, but I'm >>5458185 this anon, så I've got a love for young Link instead.
    >> Helen Keller !/XX1POMF/. 02/07/12(Tue)13:04 No.5466211
    is/was Ranma as famous as Inuyasha?
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)13:10 No.5466224
    I wrote fanfiction (the weirdest being a Sailor Moon and Inuyasha crossover self insert fic), printed out the lyrics to anime OPs and EDs, and had this Pokemon Blue/Red strategy guide that I carried around until it practically fell apart. Yaoifag, Gaiafag, the works. Sailor Moon bedsheets like a boss.

    I can't find any of my old-ass art, but it was either hideous or traced and thus a bit more acceptable looking. I got SO MAD when a classmate took one of my "How To Draw Manga" books and drew semen splatters all over the faces of the girls on the cover.

    I was totally fluent in Japanese, but neko was pronounced "neeko" and manga was "mainga" because fuck phonetic languages, I'm pronouncing it the way it sounds most kawaii.

    Toonami and the WB was the source for most of my anime-watching. Aside from all this I was a pretty quiet kid.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)13:15 No.5466229
    FUCK I just remember that a friend and I would stay on the phone for 2-3 hours at a time talking out some weird multiverse fanfiction wherein the cast of Sailor Moon, CCS, DBZ, YuGiOh, Inuyasha and whatever else was on TV would get into weird 'lol so randum XD' situations. Oh man, good times.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)13:16 No.5466232
    Fucking loved Ranma!

    I have no idea though lol
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)13:46 No.5466301
    >I wrote fanfiction
    do share
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)13:51 No.5466313

    Come at me bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)13:54 No.5466318
    How many of us had Gaia Online accounts, just curious.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)13:55 No.5466323

    I'm gonna enjoy this
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)14:04 No.5466352
    When I was 11, a friend and I made terrible self-insert Mary Sues we'd use EVERYWHERE in EVERY FANDOM but Gundam Wing, Dragon Ball Z, and Weiss Kreuz were probably what we raped the most. These were seriously the most unrealistic OCs ever, they were like... My Immortal-levels of ridiculous, only we weren't trolling and were totally serious.

    Mine was called "Ilasu" and hers was "Zee". Ilasu was married to Duo Maxwell and Zee couldn't seem to decide between Heero or Quatre. We wrote horrible fanfiction where our Mary Sues got their own gundams, "Chun-Lon" (what the fuck) and "Electrodeath". AND EVEN THE GUNDAMS WERE MARY SUES. Electrodeath was "dating" Deathscythe, because in these fics, they all had "human" forms.

    What. The. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)14:04 No.5466357
    Gaia account owner here. I only stopped when the cash shop bullshit got to be too much.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)14:45 No.5466469
    >blushing so hard he could have easily been mistaken for a tomato
    I lol'ed.

    My weeb phase was moderate. I was sort of a Japanophile, and I never really used Japanese phrases.
    Although, one time I told a girl in my class I could sing in Japanese and I ended up doing it for assembly.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)15:11 No.5466542
    I used to love Naruto and would wake up early on Saturdays to watch Tokyo Mew Mew.In middle school, all of my friends were crazy and wild and I was the most craziest one of them all. We used to always talk about our favorite shows and quote lines from episodes.
    Then I had a delusion where I imagined myself as a blue haired neko. I wanted to die my hair blue and I told my family that I thought I was a cat.
    Fortunately, they completely shot me down and said I was crazy.
    Then in high school, I realized I needed to grow the fuck and calmed down.
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)17:52 No.5467024
    No it wasn't huge in the us (never televised as a series like Inu Yasha was, but it was like 10 years senior). It was a big success for Rumiko Takahashi and the founder of the 'harem' anime genre. It was licensed in the US after a while so they released manganese and some of the series and oavs. I am the same anon taking about Saturday Anime on Sci Fi channel, doesn't look like I have any old schoolers in this thread as I had hoped though, where did the Crying freeman guy go?!. Rumiko takahashi is just great though, maison ikkoku was and still is in my top five for manga. I never got into inu yasha when she started writing it though and since it was televised it became a huge hit back then, early 2000. But the best thing about Rumiko Takahashi was she introduced me to Megumi Hayashibara as a voice actor! She is amazing. She is female ranma, ai in detective conan, lime in saber marionette j, Lina in slayers, someone in el hazard, rei in Eva, all purpose cat girl nuku nuku, momiji in blue seed, faye in bebop, I can't remember more off the top of my head, but she is amazing and I watched everything she voice acted in pretty much. And obviously she has a huge years active range.

    Hope that helps. Ranma was released in late 80s if that helps you out.
    >> Nyaff !SBBUSHtGIU 02/07/12(Tue)18:08 No.5467100

    It's scots slang as well
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)18:51 No.5467369
    doesn't say so on Urban Dictionary...
    >> Anonymous 02/07/12(Tue)20:36 No.5467977
    >>Also, did anyone elses parents just get you random anime merchandise just because it was anime?
    YES. My extended family decided "oh herp, she's into Japanese things so we will buy her "Japanese" things. (I wasn't even a massive weeaboo.)
    My favorite bad gift I've ever gotten was this above-the-knee length neon orange and neon pink "kimono" with flowers embroideried on the back from my aunt. My cousins and I began referring to it as "the hunting kimono" due to the REALLY bright orange color. It's eyeball bleed bright but it's so nice and comfy to lounge around in when it's hot outside.

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